Blackfeather19 Warehouse
- 4 years ago
- 37
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The next morning, after another romp with Maria riding him, Jack rolled out of the bed. “I need to be going.” He looked around the sleazy room and decided against using the shower; he would go home and clean up.
Maria pouted at him. “I was hoping for more.”
He smiled. “Maria, I believe that making you one of my concubines was a terrible mistake.”
“One night with you and I’m in worse shape than when we started! If I spent a weekend with you, I’d probably have to be hospitalized!” Maria laughed at that. He continued, “God help me if you teach any of your tricks to my other women! The funeral director will want to know why the corpse has a big smile on his face!”
She laughed. “I wonder if that is what killed Hugh Hefner.”
“What a way to go!” Jack dressed and then leaned over the bed and kissed Maria.
“When will I see you again?” she asked.
Jack shrugged. “My schedule is fluid at the moment. Probably not for another week or two, then maybe I could take a few days and spend time with both you and Valentina.”
“Thank you, Lord.”
Jack gave her another quick kiss and then left. Driving home, he debated stopping at a diner for breakfast, but decided he needed to wash up first. He found the house unoccupied, so Lisa had either spent another night at the office or had left for work very early. Jack was betting on another overnight. He showered, shaved, and redressed, before heading back out.
At the office he found Lisa at her workstation. She was in the same clothes as the previous day and looked like she had slept in them. She was drinking coffee and staring at the screen through bloodshot eyes. “Lisa, you were supposed to go home,” he said.
Lisa looked up at him. “I needed to do some edits, and they took longer than I expected. I got some sleep on the couch.”
Jack looked at the couch in the corner of the studio. “That is not the same thing.”
“I’m fine, Jack, really.”
“Jack, I’m fine.”
Jack considered commanding the beautiful artist to go home and get some sleep but decided that she needed to learn the lesson on her own. Will or Don would say something, he was sure.
Lunch was some more pizza and wings in the conference room, but by then it had become obvious that the project would be ready for Thursday morning. While there was still work being done, it was now at the level of moving slides around and checking punctuation. Around two, though, there was a cry from the art studio, and Tina ran into Jack’s office. “Jack, come quick! Lisa’s collapsed!”
Jack popped up from his desk and ran out into the hallway. Pushing his way through the crowd, he found Lisa’s assistant struggling to keep Lisa from falling out of her chair to the floor. Jack got his arms around her and they carried her to a couch in the corner. “Go get some water,” he asked.
“What happened?” asked Don, coming into the studio with Will on his heels.
“Not sure, yet,” Jack answered. “I’d bet she’s worked herself out. She’s been working late, sleeping here, and surviving on coffee for the last few days.”
“That’s true,” agreed Tina.
Bill Wanamaker, Lisa’s assistant, added, “We told her to go home and she kept saying she would, but Lisa can be pretty pig-headed at times.”
Lisa woke up at that and looked around. “What happened?” She looked confused. “Why am I on the couch?”
A cup of water was thrust into her hands, but Lisa asked for coffee instead. Jack told her, “No coffee. Drink the water. You’re going home.”
“I can’t. We have to finish...”
A collective sigh of relief went through the small crowd at the realization the collapse was simply overwork. Jack gave her a disapproving look and said, “No, you’re going home. I warned you about getting some sleep and a decent meal, and some other people did too, but you decided you were smarter than the rest of us. You are going home!”
“Jack, I’ll be fine.” Lisa climbed to her feet but was wobbly.
“Like hell!” Jack scooped the young woman up in his arms. “You can’t even drive in the condition you’re in.” He turned to Don and Will. “Listen, we’re selling ads, not curing cancer or defending the free world. Everybody gets out of here by five today. If anything needs to go later than that, our assistants and staff can fix it.”
Both Don and Will nodded in agreement. “I want all of the principals for tomorrow’s dog-and-pony show to get out of here and go home. Have a drink, meet the families you’ve forgotten, and get some sleep! If your staff can’t handle what’s left, we’ve hired the wrong people, and I don’t think that’s the case,” said Don. He looked at Jack. “What about Lisa?”
“I’m fine!” she protested.
They ignored her protests. “I’ll take her home and lock her in her bedroom. She can call me in the morning, and I’ll pick her up. Without her car, she won’t be going anyplace anyway.”
“Good. Bye, bye, Lisa. Get some sleep!” answered Will.
Teresa ran ahead of Jack, opening doors as he carried the protesting artist to the parking lot. Jack ignored the protests, especially since by the time he climbed behind the driver’s wheel, she had fallen asleep again. He drove home and got Lisa inside. Lisa slept right through Jack undressing her and tucking her in.
Jack had a quiet bachelor night. Teresa called and checked on Lisa, but that was between her classes. Otherwise, he simply watched some television and went through his mail. Lisa appeared about eleven, wearing a terry cloth robe and rubbing her eyes. “Jack ... Lord ... what happened?”
Jack looked at her, rolling his eyes. “You collapsed at the office. Do you remember that?”
She gave him a confused look. “I collapsed?”
Jack pointed at the couch and she sat down. “You worked yourself unconscious. Everybody has been working too hard. Lisa, what we do isn’t all that important. We sell advertising. This is not defending mom, apple pie, and the girl next door.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“I brought you home. You were sleeping the entire way.”
She pulled the robe around herself. “You undressed me?”
“You had coffee spilled on your pants.”
“Did we...”
“I prefer the women in my life to be awake.”
She blushed. “Oh.”
“Hungry? I’m no great cook, but I can probably heat up some soup.”
“Please?” The headstrong and vibrant artist seemed rather vulnerable.
Jack smiled and warmed up some soup from the weekend, along with some bread. He found Lisa dozing on the couch again, but she woke when he came back in. “Lord, I should be doing that.”
“You should have been going home at a reasonable hour and getting some decent food and sleep,” he chided.
“That’s okay. I’ll simply have Sharley, Dakota, and Teresa punish you.”
Lisa grinned at that. “That’s not much of a threat, Lord. I like their punishments.”
“You misunderstand. The punishment won’t be what they do to you. The punishment will be that I won’t let them do that to you!”
“That’s mean!”
Lisa ate her dinner, and then Jack sent her back to bed. By the time he had cleaned up dinner she was asleep again. He undressed and crawled into bed next to her.
Jack woke the next morning with Lisa’s naked body half-draped over his. She was snuggled up against him and a hand was playing with his morning erection. “Sorry about yesterday, Lord. Allow me to make it up to you.” She kissed her way down his torso and began a gentle but determined blowjob. As soon as Jack came in her mouth, she licked him back to full strength and then crawled on top, impaling herself on his cock. “I like apologizing this way,” she said.
Jack bucked his cock up into her. “I’ve had worse apologies, that’s for sure.”
Lisa rode Jack until they both came, then she lay down on him and kissed him. “I’m very sorry. You were right. It won’t happen again.”
“Good. You don’t want me to have to punish you.”
“We’ll see. Depending on the punishment, I might just enjoy it!” Lisa crawled out of bed and headed into the bathroom, followed by Jack. They needed to clean up and get to the office. It was the big day.
The actual presentation was almost anticlimactic. The Cortez Motors contingent arrived just before ten and were greeted by their opposite numbers in the big conference room. Don and Jack alternated, highlighting all the aspects of their original marketing plan, with much more professionally prepared storyboards and demo ads. For almost two hours they went through ways in which the entire Cortez Motors organization would be impacted positively by the ‘Cortez Motors, Of Course!’ campaign. The final slide, like before, was ‘Booker & Blakely, Of Course!’
At the end, Danny Cortez looked around at his management team, and after getting silent nods from all of them, he smiled and stood up. Holding his hand out to Don Blakely. “I like it, all of it. When can we start?”
Don reached out and shook the hand. “Today, but not until after a little celebration.” He motioned Tina out of the room. Before she returned, yells and screams broke out in the building, and Tina returned with a couple of fellows bringing a bucket full of ice and champagne. Don and Cortez opened the first two bottles and posed for pictures, and then everybody had some champagne. Afterward, Will and Don took Danny Cortez and Henry Green out for lunch, and the rest of the Cortez Motors staff took off, after swapping business cards with the agency staff they would be working with directly.
Tina came to Jack’s office after the presentation. “Congratulations, Lord. Can I help you celebrate?”
“Remove your blouse and bra, and kneel before me,” he ordered.
“Thank you, Lord!”
Jack undid his pants and pushed them and his shorts down. Moments after Tina had taken her top off, she was sucking his cock. She quickly drained him, and then waited for her next orders.
“That was very good, Tina. Is your pussy as talented as your mouth?”
“I’ve never had anybody complain, Lord.”
He chuckled. “No, probably not. Listen, next Tuesday night, I want you to plan on being out all night. You are not to tell anybody else. Make reservations somewhere downtown for dinner, and for a hotel room for the night. Find a nice slutty dress, something that shows you off and lets people know you don’t have anything on underneath it. Make sure you are completely prepared. Do you understand that?”
“Completely prepared, Lord? Do you mean...”
“We will be spending the entire night together, Tina. You will become my full concubine. I will use you completely. Completely. Do you understand?”
Tina nervously nodded. She knew Jack meant he would be using her ass, which meant she would need to clean there first. She had never done that, but the thought of the taboo excited her, and her bare nipples stiffened.
“You may get dressed and go back to work.”
Will and Don returned mid-afternoon and headed directly to Jack’s office. “That went so smoothly it was almost scary!” commented Will.
Jack nodded. “Everybody went over and above.”
“We told them we would start today, but that’s pretty much bullshit,” commented Don. “I think everybody needs a weekend to decompress. Lisa’s not the only one with a fried brain. She okay?”
“She’s good. She just needed a decent night’s sleep and some food. I threatened her six ways from Sunday never to do that again,” laughed Jack.
“Next week we can start converting the storyboards into scripts and actors, get production cranking. Same with the first round of print and social media ads,” said Will.
Jack smiled at that; in addition to the overrides the agency received for placing advertising, they also charged production fees for creating the ads in the first place.
“We definitely need to take it to the next level,” commented Don.
Hearing that remark made Jack start thinking. His eyes unfocused and he looked off into the distance. Will and Don both noticed, and Will said, “Jack what’s up?”
When Jack didn’t answer, Don reached over and gave him a nudge. “You there, Jack?”
Jack looked at the other two and smiled. Looking at Will, he said, “Remember a few days ago when we were talking about Metrobank?”
“I’m stealing one of his lines,” Jack said, nodding towards Don. “Metrobank, Next Level Banking!” The two partners looked at Jack curiously. Will motioned for Jack to continue. Jack popped up and went to the white board in his office and began laying out a marketing campaign. “Everything is Next Level. That’s the tag line, Next Level. We can use it all over the place. ‘Metrobank, next level banking.’ ‘You deserve next level banking; you deserve Metrobank.’ ‘Take your banking to the next level; take your banking to Metrobank!’”
Jack was writing ideas on the white board as fast as he could. “Everything they do, we tie Next Level in with it. They come up with an upgrade on their online stuff, we call it Next Level. We plaster their branches with Next Level signs. They come up with a new product or account, we call it Next Level.”
Jack moved to erase the board and start writing more ideas down, but Don stopped him. “Hold it, Jack. Let me get a snap of this. We can use it for our notes. You and Will can work on this next week.” He pulled his phone and took a couple of shots, as Jack and Will laughed. “Okay, back to mad scientist mode.”
“I’m going to need a few more white boards in here,” said Jack to considerable laughter.
Over the next half hour, Jack and Will built an outline of a marketing campaign for Metrobank, with Don kibitzing, taking shots, and making notes. Jack also mentioned that he was taking off Friday, since he had to go out of town. He headed out after a long and productive day.
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They saw Ben again on the following Friday. The project that he was working on in Manchester had overrun by three days and so Anthea was very excited to see him. Jack watched them warmly kissing and embracing after the door had closed behind him. He also saw Ben give her bump a long and gentle rub as he enquired about his daughter. Anthea looked at Jack as she explained that she had a forthcoming scan next week.They went into the lounge and it was there that Jack gave Ben a small gift-wrapped...
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This is the story of my sexlife with my Godmother/cousin. I say godmother/cousin because she is actually both as choosing a relative to be a God parent is common place in the Caribbean. Yes I am from the Caribbean and my name is Kenny, 32 yrs old, I’m 6’2” tall, a well built 250 lbs, educated and better looking than I am not. My god mother’s name is jenny (not real name) and she is 20 yrs older than me and was always a hot natural Caribbean woman about 5’5” light skinned ample 36c boobs, very...
They drove home a short while later. Anthea listened in silence to Jack’s account of his conversation with her mum as she drove. She was quite shocked as well as stunned by the way things were unravelling in her parents' lives. “Maybe we should never have told them about Ben and the baby,” she mused at the end.Jack shrugged his shoulders. “It’s a bit late for that now, isn’t it?” he responded. “Anyway, from what your mum was saying, we may have done them a favour.”“A favour?”He nodded. “It’s...
CuckoldHelen returned a few minutes later with their glasses refilled. “I think Anthea and her dad are having a good chat too.”Jack smiled wondering what exactly they were talking about.“So you met Ben at a party,” Helen started. “You were all watching porn movies and he needed a bed for the night and came back to your place to stay.”Jack nodded.“So what happened?”Jack shrugged. “Nothing happened that night,” he told her. “He went home next morning but he left his phone number with Anthea. He made it...
CuckoldJack was already home following his visit to his parents when Anthea got in. He was holding a half-empty glass of Merlot in his hand. “That bad was it?” she asked.He nodded. They hugged and kissed. “I’m so sorry,” she commiserated. “I should have come with you or even gone on my own to tell them.”He shook his head. “No, she would only have upset you and we couldn’t have that in your condition,” he responded. “Dave and Helen took it well then.”She nodded. “They were quite shocked at first but...
CuckoldAnthea had arrived at her parents’ home that lunchtime with trepidation and she left a couple of hours later still filled with trepidation. But everything had changed. The issues surrounding her pregnancy were settled now. They had accepted it and they were supportive; she knew that they would be there for them all. Her problem now though was how to deal with their situation. Ten months ago she would have been totally perplexed by their revelations but now she understood. She had cuckolded her...
Cuckold“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
CuckoldLike the others, Shandel had been brought back to his red-draped room after his match. He sat with legs crossed on the soft rug in the center of the floor, staring intently at the plastic dinnerplate that rested on the rug in front of him. As always, faint moans of pleasure drifted across the space from a handful of the nearby rooms. Other captives indulging in the artificial stimulations of the NEST. The night elf's erect cock jutted up from his crotch, aching for release, but...
Introduction: A nerd traveling to England is mistaken for a dead spy and is subsequently enrolled in a school that trains Spies so that American secrets can be extracted. New York one week before the start of classes, an American operative gets shot in the head in his NY Penthouse. A feminine shadow leaves the room and a few minutes later the room explodes, incinerating the body. *** Chris is a gifted student; he has a photographic memory and an IQ that makes NASA scientists look...
Her momentum carried her in a graceful arc through the air and over the second bulwark. Wind rushed over her nude body, fluttering her headdress as she flipped herself, getting her feet under her. She landed in a graceful crouch atop the ridge that ran around the perimeter of the Melee Pit, grinning triumphantly. She bounced up, her breasts jiggling and a few dropplets flying free from her artificially arroused nethers. Four colored flags were gripped tighly in her right hand, which had been...
The cuffs on her ankles came to life also, supporting some of her weight so it wasn't all on her wrists. Stretched vertically in the air, Kyla couldn't do anything but hang there as a group of three ethereals entered her cell. One of them was Lonji, who flashed her an apoligetic look. The other two studied her critically, walking in a circle so they could examine her from every angle. Kyla did a double-take, noting that one of them appeared to be female. The other ethereal gestured,...
Her burgundy hair was cut short so it wouldn't get in the way, and her lean body was armored in lightweight grey and dark grey plate with a curved short-sword on each hip. Several months in the field away from the ready supply of hot water and soap had marred her otherwise attractive features. Her hair was knotted and greasy, and her pale skin was covered with splotches, pimples, and sweat rashes. She probably smelled horrendous but she'd stopped noticing that after the second...
{I love every one that reads this story:} ;}. =]. =/ My name is Jake, I was 14 when I had sex with my 16 year old brother Matt who is 5'5,has brown hair and eyes,well toned body, and good at sports. Me on the other hand I'm 5'1,long jet black hair,sliver eyes(every boy in school loved my eyes),perfect pale skin and kinda goth. One day I was in my room on my bed reading a book without my shirt and pants because it was summer and hot as hell. When I was...
We both get dressed, not really slutty but nice. We are both in really good moods too, so should be a great night. We decide to take cab back and forth so we don’t have to worry about how much we drink. After I call for the cab, lil one looks at me and smiles. Wow mom you look great, I don’t normally see you dressed like that. Its not that I am dressed slutty, well not really any way. However I do not normally wear skirts this short or tops this low cut. Being I am big breasted the low...
And yet, she would be disappointed if he weren’t there when she went in. When he looks at her, she feels a tingling deep in her belly like the nervousness of a roller coaster ride, and her knees tremble with a need she can’t name. Tonight is the western-themed party at her husband’s office, and though she hates western wear, hates offices parties and at times hates her husband, she is here in the leather store to buy an outfit. She had originally gone to a western store and flipped through...
Growing up, I was an ugly duckling, the kid taking piano lessons, the kid with braces and white socks with rings around the ankles. My parents would not allow me to play sports because of my braces and a knee injury that I had sustained playing football in seventh grade. By 1969, I had outgrown white socks, the braces came off, I switched to playing the trumpet, and grew more than six inches over the summer; but my real transformation was yet to come. Through hard work and perseverance, I...
And then I met her along an dark empty road in the rain, wet cold little Amy, cute young little Amy, hot sexy Amy, future mother of one or more of my kids. Her knowing there was no way she could be pregnant yet, and later a few minutes of us talking, she decided I was to be the lucky guy, to father her children and her five girlfriends children too. Well as you all know when a headstrong female wants something she usually gets it and before long we were in this house, I’m remodeling while...
2. Good Morning 3. Clotheslined It was a couple days after mine and Kara’s last ‘episode’ parents were gone for four more days on the cruise. We hadn’t done anything since last time. Well, sure, we’d had sex, but we hadn’t done, you know…anything. We had gotten bored, sex only takes up so much time, and even with our common interests, we were running out of fun and new non-sexual things to do. She suggested a picnic somewhere out in the woods around my house, but we woke up kind of lazy...
I was at the age of 15 when i began to masterbate constantly, 3 or 4 times a day becuase of my intorduction to the female body. I had sceen my step dad watching a movie one night while i was comming upstairs. A woman was getting undressed in a room, fully exposing her titties and giving me a rock solid hard on, that took me 3 jerk sessions to get rid of before i could go to sleep. My mom was 39, a beautiful woman, perfect sized chest, wonderfull body and a very very nice ass. I had not...
I look at you up and down once. You're wearing a sleeveless white shirt that is tied at the bottom. It seems to definitely hug your body and shows off your amazingly gorgeous breasts as it hugs you. You're also wearing a pair of shorts that seem to fit snug against your every sexy curve. They definitely hug your sexy ass. You sit on my chair as you're talking to the tow truck guy. You ask for my address and I give it to you. My gaze drifts from your beautiful face to your sweet tanned sexy...
CHAPTER ONE ‘It’s a tradition,’ Esther reminded herself as she pulled the box from the top shelf. For twenty-five years, since her son Tommy was just two, she had decorated their house from top to bottom with ghosts, vampires and ghouls of all shapes and sizes. She, herself, would dress as a gypsy and read the cards for children of all ages in the neighborhood. She spent days before the annual event preparing homemade cookies, rice crispies snacks, caramel apples, the works. But this year,...
When he announced that we were going to have a romantic getaway outside the city, I was excited. Work was really beginning to tax me, and a trip away would do great things for my stress. I tried to press him for more details, mostly for packing purposes, but he remained silent. My mind raced with the possibilities — beach or mountain, relaxing or strenuous, sexy or adventurous? I packed to try to cover all my bases. The next morning dawned bright and clear. After a quick breakfast, we loaded...
You stretch languidly, the rays of the sun soaking into your body. The sky is an electric blue, white fluffy clouds drifting lazily by. A soft breeze blows periodically, crinkling your skin into goose bumps with the sudden coolness. After the week I’ve had, you think, this is just the ticket. Stretching again on the towel, you settle your hands to either side of your head as you lay on your stomach, your bikini top unfastened beneath you. Gotta remember to hook back up before I get up, you...
We all have secrets…Elise Fairborough had many! Living at number twelve, Meriwether Way for the last six years she had discovered the very best way to press her husband’s shirts, the perfect stain remover for her white sheepskin rug even the best way to brew coffee in the morning to give it the strongest taste. Yet if one thing Elise had learned above all that she had perfected in the last six years, it was how to keep a secret behind closed doors. ‘Yeah of course just set up the meeting, I...
With her foot up on the chair for leverage, Marilyn reached up and down her left leg, smoothing her black silky nylon. She pulled her skirt up slightly to readjust her garter and then straightened up. She was ready for her next patient. The leggy raven-haired beauty took pride in her professional appearance. Her hair was braided and rolled into a tight, matronly bun. Her suit, while very tight on her willowy body, did not reveal any of the lushness underneath. Although Marilyn was tall and...
Thanks to Lily, my friend and editor for more hard work to make my story better. Chapter 3 The progress he’d made with Killerbitch only made Ben realise how little he’d achieved with Cathy. Why had he made her the topic for Killerbitch’s story? It’d happened in a moment before he’d thought about it. In his desperation he’d picked the first subject that came into his head. Meanwhile Cathy continued her abuse, he cooked her meals, and cleaned whilst she ate and inevitably slept. He did notice...