Heather_(2) free porn video

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Chapter One:
In her fifteenth year life changed drastically for Heather. She had grown up with her mother, Angie, who worked every shift she could get as a waitress, leaving Heather to care for herself in a violently bad neighborhood. Every night Heather would lock the door against the sirens and screams, terrified someone would come to get her. This fear wasn’t entirely unfounded, as several young girls had been raped, beaten, even killed throughout the years, but no one ever came after her.
Angie wasn’t so lucky. Twice she had been attacked, but managed to get away with only minor bruises and cuts, and she couldn’t step outside their apartment without lewd catcalls being shouted at her. Then again Angie was such a bombshell that it might have happened to her in the nicest of places too. At twenty eight, she still looked twenty, with long shapely legs and, a trim waist and full perky breasts. Her hair was a silvery blonde, her eyes deep blue, and her lips as plump and ripe as a peach. Every night she left work, dropping a kiss on the top of Heather’s head, looking more like a super model in a costume than a minimum wage waitress and single mom.
Heather loved her fiercely, but at times she envied her mothers looks with such force it was almost hate. By the time Heather turned fourteen, most girls her age had a full b-cup, while she struggled to fill an A. In truth she had no reason to wear a bra, but was very self conscious of her nipples poking through her t-shirts, so she wore one at all times. While she did inherit her mother’s light blond hair and full lips, her eyes were a dark brown, and though she ached for the long slender dancer’s legs her mother possessed, Heather was a mere five feet tall. She often felt like a small unremarkable toad standing in her mother’s statuesque shadow.
Living in such a bad neighborhood, and plagued with social anxiety so bad it was difficult for her to even meet a stranger’s eyes, life was a miserable existence for Heather. That is, until she turned fifteen.
Her mother came home early one night, her blue eyes alight with excitement, and confessed to her that she’d been dating a man for some time now. Heather was slightly shocked to discover that she’d been keeping a secret from her, but forgave it quickly as Angie’s story unraveled.
“He is so handsome Heather, your going to love him honey, he’s going to make everything ok for us He came into the diner tonight, told my boss I was quitting and proposed to me ” Angie held out her left hand to show off a gold band encasing a huge diamond, and Heather’s eyes grew larger in her face.
“Wow mom,” she breathed, “It’s so beautiful. But why are you quitting your job? I don’t understand.”
“Oh Heather ” her mom practically shouted, tears of happiness springing to her beautiful eyes, “He’s RICH I mean really really rich Like I was before daddy disowned me, and he’s going to take care of all of us We’re moving in with him tomorrow, he’s so excited to meet you, he says you can finally get a puppy if you want, your getting your own room, nice clothes, going to a good school, everything’s going to be ok now ” Angie was so wrapped up in her dream come true that she didn’t notice the hesitation in Heather’s voice, when she asked,
“Tomorrow? We’re moving in tomorrow?”
“Yes Why stay in this hell-hole any longer? He has a big beautiful house, and a maid to clean everything, we are going to be so happy honey ...Oh and he has a son, Aaron...” Her joy seemed to waver here as she tried to describe him, “He’s a bit troubled I guess. But I’m sure he’s a good boy deep down, I mean he’s nothing compared to the kids here. Anyway we’re waking up early tomorrow to go meet them.”
“But I have school-“
”No way, your not spending one more day there. You can start up in your new school after we’re moved in. Well I better get to sleep, love you hon.” And with that, she was gone. Heather sat there, stunned with the load of information suddenly dropped into her lap. She might have felt resentful of the sudden changes about to occur, if her life weren’t already so miserable. Nothing could be worse than this right? Right. She lay down that night and tried to imagine what this mysterious man and his son would be like as she drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Angie woke her up, eyes still sparkling like sapphires.
“Get up Heather we don’t want to be late ” she cried as she dashed to their tiny bathroom to apply makeup, “Go put on your pretty dress, the powder blue one k? Oh and maybe some of that coral lipstick I bought you. We want to look our best.”
“All right.” Heather replied around a yawn, and began to drag a brush through her waist-length hair. As she dressed, feeling incredibly nervous to meet the men who would soon become her family, her mother called the school to inform them she’d no longer be attending, and then the apartment manager to let them know she was moving out. Heather heard her scoff when the manager warned her of a penalty fee for breaking their lease agreement, and she replied,
“Yes we’ll pay whatever. I’m leaving all my furniture too, you can let other people take what they want, and bill me for the cleanup.” The manager asked her something, and Angie giggled like a schoolgirl, replying “Oh you have no idea ”
Heather surveyed herself in the mirror, wondering what impression she would make on them. Her hair was shining, cascading down her shoulders, skin a pale alabaster. She’d applied the lipstick her mom suggested, which almost exactly matched the natural blush in her cheeks. Heather wasn’t completely blind, she knew she was pretty enough in the face, but as soon as she surveyed the flat state of her chest she felt her confidence deflate. Oh well, she thought, these men would be her brother and father, they wouldn’t care about her lack of breasts anyway. At the last minute she added a touch of mascara to her lashes, just as her mom was calling her to hurry.
Angie looked fantastic in a black dress that was casual but showed just enough cleavage and leg to be sexy. Her hair and makeup were perfect as usual, and she gave her reflection a satisfied glance before pulling Heather out the door.

They arrived at a fancy looking building, and were greeted by a doorman when they entered. Heather felt as out of place in this restaurant, with waiters in tuxedos, and a huge fountain, than she had in the ghetto. She clutched her mother’s hand tightly as a man led them to a table, but Angie jerked her hand free to wrap her arms around her new fiancé.
“George, I missed you.” she purred in a sultry voice, kissing him deeply before introducing him to Heather.
“This is my daughter Heather, she couldn’t wait to meet you.” George was incredibly handsome, as handsome as Angie was beautiful. His skin was a deep bronze color, his eyes green, his lips were full and curved into a kind smile. He took Heather’s hand into his own and kissed it gently.
“Your just as beautiful as your mother dear,” he said, “I’m so pleased to meet you Heather. I’ve always wanted a daughter.” Heather shyly looked away, but couldn’t help but smile in return.
“I’m pleased to meet you too.” she replied in a tiny voice, and then took her seat at the table.
It wasn’t until she sat down that she saw the other man at the table. He strongly resembled his father, with brown hair falling into his green eyes, and his deeply tanned skin, but that was where the similarities ended. While his father was impeccably dressed, he wore baggy jeans and a wife beater. A cigarette poked out from behind his left ear and he slouched in his seat glaring at Heather. She immediately avoided eye contact.
“Ah yes, Heather this is my son Aaron. As you can see he’s in a bit of a rebellious stage.” George waved his hand as if to clear the air of Aaron’s bad manners.
“Aaron this is Heather, your new stepsister. Why don’t you be polite for once and say hello?” As though her eyes were magnets, she was drawn back to his steely gaze. Aaron stared into her eyes, then to her lips, then paused at her chest before flicking back up to her face.
“Yeah, I’d fuck her.” he said casually, and a deep blush spread instantly through Heather’s body, making her feel rosy all over. There was a moment of silent shock before George’s face twisted in anger and embarrassment.
“Heather, my dear, I’m so terribly sorry. Will you ladies please excuse me while I have a talk with my son?” And with that he was pulling Aaron out of the restaurant.
“Oh honey don’t mind him, really. He’s just going through a rough patch.” Angie reassured her, patting her hand. Heather sat there, still incredibly stunned, and mortified that the feverish blush had somehow made it’s way between her legs. She was silent, marveling that a boy as devilishly handsome as Aaron had just informed her that he’s fuck her. It made her insides feel as if they’d turned to liquid, and just like that Heather had a huge crush on her bad-boy soon to be step brother.
When they returned, George’s face was once again a mask of happiness, Aaron looked a little pissed, but kept his mouth shut. The waiter arrived, George ordered omelettes for himself and Angie, then the man turned to Heather. Suddenly the spot-light was on her, and she stammered,
”Oh, sorry, um....I...” trying to find something-anything on the menu she could order. It seemed to go on forever before George smoothly broke in between her stutters,
“I think the lady would appreciate an omelette as well please. And an orange juice.” Heather nodded gratefully and heaved a sigh of relief as pressure was eased off of her.
“And for you sir?” the waiter asked, turning to Aaron.
“Gimme a beer.” he replied, smirking. The waiter seemed a bit ruffled, asking to see an I.D., but George cut in once again,
“So sorry, but that’s not necessary. We won’t be drinking this morning. You can just bring him the same. Thanks.” Nodding politely, the waiter disappeared to retrieve their breakfast.
The food was delicious, and Heather was happy to have something to focus on as her mother and George ruled the conversation, discussing wedding plans mostly. Aaron was also silent, though occasionally she would risk a glance his way, and he always seemed to be staring right at her. Each time she blushed deeply and looked away, unsure of how to respond to such a direct gaze.
When lunch was finally over, Heather rose, relieved to get home, when she tuned back into Angie’s voice.
“We’ll follow your car. I can’t wait for Heather to see our new home ”
“Wait, what?” Heather asked in a tiny voice,”We’re not going to our place first?”
“Of course not honey,” Angie replied,”we don’t need anything. George has promised to buy us all new things.”
“But...But mom..my stuff..” she floundered, thinking of the many keepsakes she kept in her room,
“Now Heather don’t worry. We didn’t own anything of value-“
”None sense,” George interjected, “if she has some things she’d like to collect that’s just fine..Aaron can take her.” Angie’s eyes flitted to Aaron, then back to George, looking unsure.
“Is he a safe driver?” she asked hesitantly, “I don’t know...Maybe I should just take her.”
“He’s very safe.” George assured her, then leaned over to whisper something in Angie’s ear that made her gasp softly.
“Oh..Ok. But take my car It’s not a nice neighborhood, you don’t want to bring the corvette.” Aaron rolled his eyes,
“Yeah whatever. Let’s go.” He snatched the keys from Angie’s hand and headed out the door, leaving a befuddled Heather to scurry after him.
In the car, alone with the boy she’d just developed a crush on, Heather’s heart pounded. Aaron was so intimidating, and it added a strange thrill to the ride. Eventually Aaron broke the silence and asked,
“How old are you?”
“Fifteen.” she replied, her voice just an octave above a whisper.
“Damn. I got some real live jail-bait in the car.” Heather had heard that word before, but never as a reference to her, and she blushed violently. She wanted to ask how old he was but couldn’t work up the nerve to speak. She guessed he was about twenty or so.
“You got a boyfriend?”
“No.” she whispered
“Ever had one?”
“Yeah I figured as much. Probably never even seen a cock huh?” he asked as they pulled into her apartments. Heather’s blush deepened and she hopped out of the car, too terrified to answer him. She approached her door, and he followed, handing her the keys to unlock it. As usual she looked carefully around before opening the door, making brief eye contact with a man sitting a few feet away holding a green bottle.
“What you lookin’ at bitch?” the man barked at her, and she quickly looked away, sliding the key into the door to escape. She was shocked to hear Aaron’s voice respond;
“She’s looking wherever the fuck she wants.” To her horror, the man stood and approached Aaron, glaring at him.
“You got a problem boy?” he asked, spitting the word ‘boy’ into his face, and Aaron smirked. Heather’s heart raced and she clutched the doorknob, ready to dash in to safety. Aaron leaned forward, causing the man to take a step back.
“How about you get the fuck out of here before I beat your ass?” he suggested in a mild tone that was much more threatening then any yell. The man stood there for a moment, spat and said,
“Shit. You ain’t worth the trouble.” as he turned around to leave. Aaron chuckled, and turned to Heather, who was still frozen
“We gonna stand out here all day?”
“Oh S-sorry.” she stammered, and turned the knob. Heather opened the door
She went straight to her room to gather her things, and was thrilled-and terrified- when he followed her.
“What a shit hole.” Aaron remarked, throwing himself down on her bed,“So how’d a fine piece like your mom end up here?” he asked from the bed, watching her scurry about her room.
“Mom used to have lots of money,” she replied in her tiny voice as she rummaged through her belongings, “But she got pregnant really young. Her dad kicked her out and her boyfriend left so it was just us.”
“Yeah makes sense. Your mom loves the cock. I’ve heard her fucking my dad, she’s a freak.” Heather had no idea how to reply to that, so she didn’t. As she crammed her most treasured possessions into a bag, she became aware that Aaron was lounging on her bed, watching her. Not only was a boy in her room, but he was on her bed
Just thinking of the possibilities sent a wave of tingles through here body, resting between her legs, where, to her embarrassment she grew increasingly wet. Her mind kept wandering back to what he’d said at breakfast. Could he really want her? Flat chest and all? She fumbled with her bag, trying not to imagine what he might look like under his clothes, and pulled open a dresser drawer. She was about to grab some underwear, when a strange feeling came over her. She turned around, and gasped sharply to see that Aaron had crept up behind her while her back was turned, and now stood only a few inches away. Once again her eyes were dragged against her will up, to meet his gaze, and he towered over her.
“You scared?” he asked quietly, using that same mild and yet threatening tone, and she swallowed hard, nodding her head. Her heart was roaring in her ears, and she had no idea what to do, she’d never had a man this close to her. Without breaking eye contact, Aaron leaned forward, and for a moment she panicked, thinking he was going to kiss her. Instead she felt his hand slide up her skirt, to cup the burning mound between her legs.
His touch was electrifying, and her knees nearly buckled when he squeezed her there.
“Yeah, but you like it don’t you?” he breathed into her face, and when he worked a finger beneath her panties and slid it up into her, she let out a low moan, leaning against the dresser for support. He pressed his finger deeper, twisting it, emitting another breathless moan from her, and began to plunge it in and out of her wet slit.
“You like it don’t you?” he repeated, “Say it. Say you like it. You’re so wet I know you do. Tell me.”
Heather was overcome with a swirling turmoil of emotions, a deep shame at how good this felt, fear of this rough man who handled her so boldly, she wanted to tell him yes, yes she liked it. She wanted to beg him to stop. She wanted to pull him close. She wanted to push him away, but she was too timid for any of those things, instead she writhed against his fingers like a helpless worm on a hook, waves of pleasure rolling through her.
“Say it Heather.” he urged, forcing a second finger into her, “Say it for me I wanna hear it. Say you like it. Tell me.”
“I...I...” she panted, “You what? Say it to me. Now ” He jammed his fingers up, hard to punctuate this, and she cried out in ecstasy, on the verge of something she’d never felt before, a pleasurable tingling building, building, so intense that she thought she was going to explode.
“I...I can’t ”she cried out, hating herself for not being able to say it, working her hips against him in a frenzy as her body drew closer and closer to the explosion she knew was coming. He paused,
“Shit.” he said, withdrawing his hand and stepping back to her huge disappointment. He regarded her coldly.
“Maybe you are too young.” and with that he turned around and left. Heather sank to her knees, humiliated, trembling with need, hating herself for being a coward. She buried her face into her hands and cried, the need between her legs eventually fading to a dull ache. Finally she pulled herself together, grateful that Aaron had given her the time to do so. She packed the rest of her bag, and stepped out of her room. He was lounging on the couch watching t.v., and she stood there silently, facing the floor, letting her hair cascade down to cover her eyes.
“You ready?” he asked casually, as if nothing had just happened. Avoiding his gaze, she nodded, and they left. They drove in silence, she chose to stay in the back seat this time for fear of eye contact. When they arrived at her new home, a huge sprawling house in a beautiful neighborhood, George and Angie rushed out to greet them, looking nervous.
“Was everything ok?” Angie asked worriedly, “You were gone so long.”
“Yeah it’s all good.” Aaron replied casually, tossing her the keys, “We stopped on the way and got some ice cream.” George’s eyes widened in surprise and he turned to Heather for confirmation. She nodded, and he slapped his hand on Aaron’s back approvingly.
“Thanks son.”
“No problem,” he replied, “I think I got to know my new sister pretty well.” As Angie and George beamed at each other he winked at Heather, who blushed yet again.


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(If you didn't like "Realizations," maybe this will be more to your liking.) Dungeons Are Always Dark! by: Ann O'Nonymous Rick woke from an unsatisfying sleep, dripping wet from a cold sweat! Last night, he experienced a very vivid reliving of the last three days, a veritable nightmare. How could he, would he, say and do those things? He looked down at his legs, covered with nylon stockings. There he was, in bed, still wearing a padded bra, panties, garter belt and stockings...

2 years ago
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Two tops one bottom looking for another bo

I was in the mood to play the other night, so I started trawling through Craigslist. Not much was going on, and I ended up wandering into MM4M territory. It had been a while since I did any group stuff, and the thought of jumping back in piqued my interest."Two tops, one bottom, looking for another bottom."I clicked the ad. "I'm a panty bottom shared by a partnered older couple. We're looking for a young guy into older; you and I will be bottom buddies together. Bonus points if you like to...

3 years ago
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Addicted to giving oral

Author's Note: This story "Giving Carl Oral" was posted but removed for editing, I now have corrected the grammar and spelling. I would like to thank Lisa my editor for proofing this story. Lisa's editorial comments helped me to find the weak spots in the story line helping me to make the necessary. I have made some final changes to the story without Lisa's review so if there are still grammar and spelling issue I take the full responsibility. CindyUSA At the age of forty-three, I had my first...

2 years ago
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My Friend MumChapter 7 Back home and the lies are exposed

It was a magical time for me, that week with the four of us; between you and Mum my pussy was kept so active that it began to get tender, but the tenderer it got the more I craved the sex. It was an exhausted girl that flopped down in the airplane seat next to Mum on the way home and I slept the journey through. That morning we had had an emotional tear-filled goodbye to you and Josie. We had exchanged addresses and phone numbers as you always seem to, without much real expectation of a...

1 year ago
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King Comix! Man, I swear every cartoon out there these days has the most fuckable dimepieces in it. It’s no wonder that rule 34 exists. Some of these shows border on being porn right out of the gate. I mean, do you fucks remember Totally Spies? Those babes were always wearing skin-tight suits and getting strung up in bondage dens. And it’s not even just older cartoons. The current shit is hot as fuck. Rick and Morty, The Legend of Korra, and even Pokemon have big tittied babes in them just...

Porn Comics Sites
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NubilesPorn Lily Rader Dirty Girl

Horny teen Lily Rader is going to school when her stepdad Brick Danger spies stains on her shirt. He takes her to the sink to wash up, but when he spies drawn-on tattoos he really flips out. Dragging her to the bathroom, he tells her to get in the tub and wash up. Lily peels off her clothes, which lets Brick see additional drawn on tattoos that make Lily looks like a real slut. Once Lily is all cleaned out, she offers to make it up to Brick by sucking him off again. This dirty girl knows just...

2 years ago
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Lady Pays Me In Kind For Sexy Photoshoot

Hi everyone. This is Aditya. Back after a long hiatus. I was busy shifting from Bangalore to Delhi. Had a great time in Bangalore. Satisfied lot of hot ladies in Bangalore & me too got a lot of appreciation and satisfaction. I have shifted back to Delhi now since last 3-4 months, its time to share some real hot sexperience I had in these last few days.I had picked up my new hobby of photography in last few days of my stay in Bangalore. There I had the pleasure of learning it well & now I have...

4 years ago
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The Export part 3

THE EXPORT by Jacki Pett Part 3 of 3 TUESDAY - DAY 32 John awoke on his own. It was almost eight and no one had come in to wake him. That was a first. He wasn't sure what he should do after he showered. He knew he should fix his hair. Regardless of what they had in store for him he'd need to do that. He wouldn't admit, even to himself, that he was anxious to make himself look as pretty as possible. By nine thirty his hair was done to his satisfaction, he had his...

3 years ago
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Model Sex SlaveChapter 12

Diana was helping Jackie with some extra work, Monday morning in the modeling agency. It had been an eventful Weekend for her, meeting up with Daisy and all. She was of course at home with Lee and the master going through, 'basic training'. She wished she was there herself but Daisy was certainly in good hands with Lee. Tonight she could hopefully spend some time with her; that made her feel better. By late afternoon, it became apparent that they would have to work late, maybe until 20:00....

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BohicaChapter 8

I woke up early the next morning, and after taking another shower then putting the bedding in the wash I changed then got dressed, and headed downstairs. I opened the door to the garage at 5:45, and Elijah was already waiting outside. “Good morning Elijah, have you eaten yet?” He shook his head so I had him follow me as I took him upstairs. 15 minutes later we were both eating eggs and sausage with coffee for me and an OJ for him as I asked him who he represented. He looked at me, and...

2 years ago
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I slipped off my robe and crawled into bed. My boyfriend’s scent made me smile; it stirred in me a lust that I had suppressed the entire week. For a moment I starred at his physique resting next to me. My mind wandered, evoking images of us together. My sexual urge was easily pushing aside my ideas of sleep. I touched his shoulders and ran my fingers down the ridges on his arm. My next move was critical, nothing too abrupt, as I wanted to respect his sleep. I was not in the mood for a...

4 years ago
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Massage parlor

I am 20 years young, dynamic, smart, strong guy. I live in the garden city of India. As every body knows about these massage parlors. I am going to narrate a true story which happened to me just a week back in a beautiful massage parlor. As u get classifieds in news papers under medical section u can see this. One day called up to the no referring to the no given in the add and enquired about the address the cost of the massage and etc. went the next day and pressed the door bell and a young...

1 year ago
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Smelling my mother in laws panties

I have always loved sniffing a freshly worn pair of panties for as long as I can remember. I sniff/lick and jerk to my wife's just about every day. And whenever possible, I love to get a few quick sniff's of another woman's. Over the years, I have pleasured myself to no end with my mother in law's dirty panties. There is just something so taboo about that, plus her pussy smells so similar to my wife's, which is an added turn on. So this story goes back many years, and involves getting a smell...

4 years ago
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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 5

It was 4 pm when I woke up. My Sleeping Beauty was looking so cute, that I didn't want to wake him up. Besides, I had some preparations to make, and Peaches was sleeping for good. I gently lifted him off my chest and laid him on a deewan. The Mantra of my life has been one- live your young life at the fullest, and I was going to prepare for that. I took my wallet and car keys to go shopping for tonight, but then stopped on my track. The shadow that appeared in the hospital ward. I...

2 years ago
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Waiting After Work Part 1

My body shivers and I can't tell if my nipples harden from the cool air coming in through the cracked window, or if it's a result of my state of helplessness while awaiting your pleasure. You taught me the proper way to tie my ankles to the lower posts of your bed so that my legs are spread just far enough that I cannot do more than writhe while I wait for you to come home.The familiar burn of the ropes pinching my skin makes me eager to feel what you have in store for me today. I would say see...

1 year ago
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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 7 Obedience Training Lesson One

Kenneth Jones sat at his desk reviewing a series of files when his secretary, Elizabeth Worthington, knocked on and then opened his door before stepping to one side. And that was when he saw Paula Chapman, company president Marc Rowell's secretary, walk in before Elizabeth closed the door on them. To Kenneth it looked as though Paula, attractive and dark haired, had more on her mind than whatever Marc had sent her in for. Unless of course Marc had sent her in for exactly that. And it...

2 years ago
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GardnerChapter 3

JJ was turning from her drive onto the main road, a long fifteen minutes had passed since entering her drive. Eileen spent ten minutes trying to explain, just making matters worse, and after she finally had the opportunity to introduce JJ to each of her friends, gave him a pitiful look. He said to the group, "You girls have a good time, and Eileen, I will call you in the morning." Her expression showed pain as she smiled and mouthed, "Thank you, I love you." His prick was throbbing and...

4 years ago
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The Sheriff and His StepdaughterChapter 7

True to my word, I stopped having sex with Rachel. She started dating but didn't have sex with a boy until a few months later. She told us the day after it happened. She did make him use a condom and told us it was O.K. but not great. Since I started seeing Rachel in a different light, she was increasingly exciting me. At first it was nothing she did except that she continued to wear that old shirt of mine as a nightshirt. She looked so good in that shirt and as a result, Diane and I began...

3 years ago
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Fuck WeedChapter 9 Going Lesbian

He was usually pretty punctual, but Chase woke up to an insatiably horny wife who wouldn't let him out of the house until he'd fucked her three times. Once in bed, once in the shower, and once in the kitchen after that. He managed to get out of the house only after suggesting she light up some Sinemilla. Mindy was insatiable, and it made Chase wonder what would happen while he was at work. Chase dragged himself into the office, late. A fact not missed by his boss Kymberly. Kym was not only...

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The Neighbor Kids

I was 15 at the time, so I guess Jenny must have been the same and I think Bob would have been about 14. One day Bob showed up at my house asking if I wanted to play. I started to laugh but thought better of it. We went out in my back yard and sat under a tree. Bob wanted to tell me about some Men at Work record he had and he would occassionally belt out a few lyrics at the top of his lungs. I asked Bob if Jenny had any boyfriends and he said no. "Well, does she like boys?" I asked. ...

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Natashas Turn

NATASHA'S TURN by Kandi Kox I tried to make it last, really I did. But I was just too turned on. I'd been on the verge of coming from the moment she'd fumbled with my zipper. This was the hottest girl I knew, the one I'd been lusting after for as long as I could get hard. And now this goddess was kneeling between my legs, struggling to free the biggest erection I could ever remember producing. When she finally engulfed it with the warm, wet mouth I had so enthusiastically been...

4 years ago
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Nan close friend Amma

Hi to all ISS readers am Rohit a kannada guy from Bangalore, some of you people might know who am I… Any ways let me describe an other encounter with my friend’s mom that toooo in kannada. Adhe halli adhe mane adhe jaga adhe friends adhe auntygalu aadhre auntygalanna bari aunty tharaha noddhe bere eneno kalpane madkollo vayassu avaga thane bandhithu andhre naanu school mugsi college seridhe. Idhe timenalli madhuve aagi ganda sathaginindha thavaru manelidha nanna friend amma mathe nanna friend...

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The Making of a Sissy Boy Slut Part 1

Watching from the back of the large hall, I thought that the headmaster sounded a little slurred and was concerned whether he would still be able to give me a lift back home once the ceremony had finished, particularly as my father was away working and the night buses were infrequent at best. However, my worries were unfounded as, once all the guests had departed, the headmaster came and found me to tell me that it was time to leave. During the journey, which took about 30 minutes, the...

3 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 12

A similar procedure with the other stick produced the unsurprising Hardware Token A. I held on to both of these under the theory that they might prove useful and they were really easy to carry in the meantime. I suppose there was some small chance that their removal would presage the door's either locking for good or locking until they were re-inserted. Either way, if my supposition about the inside of that chamber were correct, any locks would be an afterthought: the door was easily eight...

3 years ago
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 17 Vacation

“So, what are you making now?” asked Frank, looking across the car towards his wife. She was seated in the passenger seat of his Corolla with several pieces of plastic canvas in her lap, and a needle with yarn. “It’s a baby ball for Sara’s little one, Jamie.” “Have I met her?” “No, silly. They live in New Mexico. Sara’s my cousin - you met her at the wedding, she was one of my bridesmaids - and Jamie’s her baby. He’s about six months old now.” Brenda kept her eyes in her lap as she...

1 year ago
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XVideos Masturbation

Are you fucking horny as hell to get off to a wide variety of content that is certain to get your ass off in a hurry? Specifically, if you want to jerk off to masturbation content that will have your cock spewing bucket loads of cum before you know it? Then I urge you to get on over to XVideos.com/Masturbation so you can see a whole wealth of masturbatory content that is certain to fucking get you off right where you are sitting!What makes me so fucking sure? Because XVideos.com/Masturbation...

Female Masturbation Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 12

It was a nice little apartment, clean and unpretentious. Rafael had helped her find it, move her things unbeknownst to anyone, then made her a cocktail waitress in one of his night clubs. He came to sleep with her on Tuesday and Friday nights, leaving her the remainder of her time to use in whatever way she liked. Thank God, he wasn't a jealous man. Madeleine had soon fallen into the routine; it was a way of life and she was not unhappy. He was good to her, she thought, as she lay beside...

1 year ago
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Mitch Stephh

I am Mitch & I am 18 now. My , my sister & I live in a 2 bed-room apartment. After my got divorced I was the only man around to help & do all the manly things, &, I mean to say all the manly things. My mom is drop dead gorgeous with melons that defy the laws of gravity. But this story is really about my sister Stephanie. She’s a year younger than me but has the body of a playboy girl. Since she was 15 I started taking interest in her body. I used to watch her change through the key hole. I...

3 years ago
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Farm Life

Farm LifeIt was a typical day … it turned to shit the minute I got up. The wife was in a crappy mood, saying she was leaving, “What’s new you’ve said that every day for the past six months”. Life was not good at home, and every day this winter was wet cold and miserable, and now we were into the spring. cows to milk. The cows were coming on heat, the bull was stroppy, even the bosses daughter was on edge. At the cow shed all was up the creek. The boss and his wife were away on holiday. I...

2 years ago
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Some time ago I looked through the posts of a xhamster user, to whom I came by suggestion of this site in another post. I lost his track later and I did not know how to find him again. He was an US black man who claimed to be heterosexual. However, he also claimed to be attracted to reciprocal oral sex with men. Now, since he considered himself straight, he preferred to practice it in booths, in order to make it as impersonal as possible. Although he did not declare to have racial preferences...

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Courtneys feet pt3

I called my dad to come and pick me up after my fruitful adventure at Courtney’s place. My dad is super chilled about everything, with the whole divorce thing going on with my parents, he was the one I preferred spending time with. He rolled up just a couple minutes later and I hopped in. ‘Girlfriend?’ He smiled. ‘Not so sure yet…’ He didn’t interview me anymore after that, he knew as I was a teenage boy I enjoyed my independent privacy, instead he asked about what new sports I was in to...

1 year ago
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Two Sisters 8211 Part 1

“Aahh, faster, faster.” The ancestral house of Balwant Thakur, the sarpanch of the village was empty. But there were sounds coming from the storeroom. Anupriya’s naked ass was on one of the wheat sacks. Her legs were locked onto the thighs of Dhondu who was showing no mercy as he was pounding her as hard as he can. “Oh god, 4 days is like 4 years, suck my boobs, drink the milk it’s tough to drain it myself,” Anupriya moaned. Dhondu immediately started sucking out the warm sweet breast milk....

3 years ago
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Unexpected payback

Tanja woke up from the muffled moaning at the end of her bed. She lazily stretched her muscles stroked a hand through her long blond hair and examined herself. Hmmmm she moaned she had fallen asleep wearing the clothes she wore last night: Thighigh leather boots, leather skirt, leather bustier and operalength leather gloves. She felt the leather against her skin and it immediately aroused her again. Her nipples went rockhard and her 34DD chest heaved as she started to slowly move down between...

1 year ago
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Coming Home Ch 02

When Ellen and Tom woke Sunday morning, they lingered in bed while the rain was still coming down. Both still sleepy eyed and reflecting on the night before, they were contented to lay in each other’s arms savoring every minute of being together almost afraid if either spoke it would break the spell and they would realize it was nothing more than a dream, a fantasy long lost in time. Tom rubbed Ellen’s back feeling the softness of her skin while the scent of her was as he remembered it like a...

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