Undercover Tour
- 3 years ago
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When the alarm went off in the morning, Diane was in Eric’s arms. He took some time to turn the alarm off. She got out of bed easily since she was almost at the edge. She grabbed the robe from the clothes tree and wrapped it around her.
She put a lipstick in the medicine cabinet after using it. She would buy another, and lipstick was all the makeup that she used for the hospital. When she went to the dresser for underwear, the panties and bra she had left in the closet four days before were on top of their respective piles. She lifted the panties and sniffed them. They smelled faintly of soap, rather than the smell she had left on them. She moved each to the bottom of its pile and took the ones from the top.
She dressed in her hospital whites and went to the kitchen. Eric was eating pancakes, and she joined him. When she had had enough, she drained her second cup of coffee.
“Eric, go warm up the car, will you?” she said.
“It’s not that cold out.”
“Go warm up the car!” She put some steel in her voice. “And open the garage door first. We don’t want carbon monoxide to accumulate.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He left the room.
“Mrs. Grant,” she said, “It was entirely unnecessary to wash my underclothes. I can do my own laundry.”
“Yes, Doctor, but I do the laundry in this house.”
“Did you wash them by themselves?”
“Should I have?” Mrs. Grant asked. “I did a load of colored clothes. Normally, we do laundry once a week. Would that be all right with you?” And if she said that it would be, then she was agreeing to Mrs. Grant’s doing her laundry for her. On the other hand, she was right. It wasn’t much of an addition to the family’s load. A good portion of the laundry she did was sheets, and Mrs. Grant did three sets of sheets and linen napkins, too. Apparently these were done for every meal; at least, she had never seen any that weren’t fresh, and she had used one for this breakfast.
“That would be fine.”
“And, doctor, there is a hamper in your dressing room. It would be easier for me if you used that. Then, too, the dress is the sort that is dry cleaned. I didn’t know whether you wanted the dress to go to the cleaners.”
“I think I can get another evening or two out of it,” she said.
“If you put anything you want dry-cleaned in the closet closest to the bathroom, I will know. The missus used to do that. The mister does it, too, though sometimes with his I use my own judgment.” It seemed to Diane that Mrs. Grant used her own judgment on lots of things. Well, it was a compliment that Diane had seemed to pass her judgment. She was tempted to ask which of her predecessors had, but Mrs. Grant obviously also kept her own counsel.
“Thanks. Thanks for everything. It was delicious.” And with that, she fled. Eric was in the car and started to drive away as soon as her seat belt was buckled.
“I once rescued a cat,” she began as soon as the car was on the street. “Something had broken her leg, she was being eaten alive by fleas, and she looked starved. I couldn’t fix her leg; I don’t know to this day how vets do it through all that fur. I kept her in my room. I got her a litter box and bought her a bag of Kitty litter. I put a flea collar on her. I fed her something like four times a day and gave her milk in a saucer. She had the longest black hair, and I brushed her and brushed her. Her leg sort of healed at an angle. This was summer, and one day I left the window open a bit -- much less than the height of the cat. She squeezed through the opening, jumped to the ground -- from the second story, on a bad leg -- and ran away. I never saw her again.”
Eric could see a metaphor without being hit over the head with a sledgehammer. Or, maybe, she had just hit him over the head with a sledgehammer. Well, she had taken control last night, and she clearly thought of it as something she had done to him. He had, on the other hand, enjoyed it immensely and not just because of the sex. Well, he had his own metaphor.
“I would never compare you to a cat. I, on the other hand, run a company that owns its own building. People say that there is no reason for a software company to be in the real-estate business, but there are advantages. Your programmers are too hot or too cold, and you don’t have a landlord telling you that conditions are reasonable.
“Anyway,” he went on, “our janitors are unionized. One day, I found that they were on strike. The union and the employers’ association were at loggerheads. I went down to the local and pointed out that we weren’t part of the employers’ association. They hadn’t made an offer to us. So they gave me a copy of their final offer to the employers’ association. I gave it to legal with directions, and the next day we were offering them a contract which was their demands except that it ran until a week after they settled with the employers’ association. They wasted another day, but we had the contract. Everybody else suffered through the strike for another week and a half, but our toilets were clean for that entire period. Besides, there are programmers who won’t cross a picket line. Now, there are programmers who don’t notice that there is one, too, but you need to accommodate all kinds.”
“Does your story have a moral?” she asked.
“The only zero-sum situations are those carefully designed to be zero-sum. There is a reason they call it game theory.”
“Gee thanks.”
Diane hadn’t found his explanation one bit helpful. She had heard the words ‘game theory’ before, however. She left her coat in her room in the hospital and easily got to the floor before six. She learned some things and eased some pain in the next twelve hours. When she was off duty, she called up her brother, Ross.
“Bothering you?” she asked. It was eight o’clock in Chicago, and he might be doing something important, though she hadn’t heard about any girl. After all, she remembered, he hadn’t heard about Eric, either.
“Darling sister, your voice is a pleasure greater even than Calc homework.” She’d been damned with faint praise, even though Ross didn’t mind Calculus as much as she had.
“You said something to me about game theory once.”
“Von Neumann’s last contribution,” he said.
“Zero sum games?”
“Standard games. We play poker, and what I win, you lose, and vice versa. Football, what yards the Packers win the Bears lose.”
“The only zero-sum situations are those carefully designed to be zero-sum,” she said. This was the best she could remember from what Eric had said.
“What it says. I’m not sure that it’s true, though. The only time when you have two sides where what you win is what I lose is when somebody creates a game for that. Commerce is based on Smith trading something to Jones that Jones wants more for something which Smith wants more. That goes along with the statement. I’m not sure that law suits do.”
“Thanks. How you doing otherwise?”
Ross was doing fine academically and horribly socially, but it took him some time to say that. After the conversation, she went down to the cafeteria. Eric was still waiting for her. She didn’t apologize, and he bought her supper and sat with her.
“I’m still in the dog house?” he asked.
“Why Eric, not at all.” She hadn’t come down late for supper to punish him, although the thought that he would be looking for her had been a minor bonus. She did give him points for not calling her. She had to answer the phone when she was on call, and she hadn’t wanted to interrupt Ross.
Eric looked like he didn’t believe her. Well, she wanted to be more in control, and that would be certain to offend him.
“You really can control the entire house from that headboard?” she asked.
“Only the room.”
“I thought you said the temperature was controlled from there.”
“The air temperature and the radiant heat,” he said. “We have thermostats in most of the upstairs rooms. The independence of the temperatures is limited, and we turn off the thermostats in some of the unused rooms. The choice of temperature is independent of the place for sensing the temperature. Madeleine controls the temperature in Sparky’s room. Sparky’s headboard controls the lights, but everything else is turned off.”
“Turned off?”
“The house was planned for raising three kids. If you’re going to control things like an overhead light from your headboard, the wires have to be in before the walls are installed. It seemed more sensible to put in all the controls they would want as teenagers to the headboards all at once. Then we turned most of them off. Sparky has a nightlight, though, controlled from her headboard. Also intercoms to Madeleine and to me. She doesn’t use them, much, but she can.”
“This house sounds more intriguing all the time,” she said.
“Well, I can give you a guided tour. Tomorrow?”
“You’re pushing. In three days.”
“If you really want to see what Sparky has done with her room,” he said, “she should be awake. Why don’t you visit for dinner?”
Well, yes. If she wanted time for her tour and also to get to sleep at a decent hour, she should do that. Besides, that was one place she could be certain of acceptance in her hospital whites. On the other hand, she felt that she was being manipulated again.
“You keep boxing me in.”
“Not really. Reality is boxing you in. It’s just that I sometimes see it before you do when it is a reality which is more familiar to me. I’d be glad to move my household around to accommodate you, but the youngest member of the household has constraints of her own.” She didn’t really believe that he’d push Valerie aside to please her. It was a perfectly safe offer, as she would feel her entire identity as a pediatrician compromised if she asked.
“You mean I shouldn’t feel like that?” she asked. He winced, as well he should.
“I mean that I’m sorry you feel like that, and I’m willing to do what I can to reduce that feeling.”
“Dinner and a tour of your house, Mr. Barnes,” she said. “I’d be pleased.”
When she got up to her room and was preparing for bed, however, she checked her Pill dispenser. She was nearly certain to begin her period on the day for which she had just made a date. She called Eric back.
Look,” she asked, “does that invitation for tomorrow night still stand?”
“Because I have things to do the next several nights off-call after that.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Eric said, “but I’ll pick you up at six at the hospital.”
“Plan on six-fifteen.” She could go up to her room, refresh her makeup, and get her coat.
“Certainly.” He had found the response to always get in the last word.
That night, there was only one call but it got her out of bed and on the floor for more than an hour. It was another appendicitis case, and this appendix seemed to have burst. She got a call into his ped’s office before going off, but they wouldn’t get it until morning. When she was back on the floor that morning, she had the surgeon paged.
“Dr. Bryson.”
“Doctor, you have Craig Romero scheduled for surgery at 11:00 for an appendectomy.”
“And I have several surgeries scheduled earlier.” Surgeons didn’t treat patients. They lined up bodies, cut them open, and cut out -- or occasionally put in -- what needed to be done. They didn’t favor medical residents who wanted to discuss a patient who wasn’t next in line.
I’m Diane Thibault, the medical resident on that case. I think Craig’s appendix burst.”
“You think so? Why do you think so?”
“I was called in at three a. m. to deal with acute pain and a spike in temperature. I had to give him codeine.”
“Tell that to the anesthesiologist.”
“I will. It’s on the chart and a big red sticker is on the chart cover, but I’ll tell the anesthesiologist by voice as well.”
“It’s better to get the information too often than not get it.”
Then she called the anesthesiologist and gave him the information, starting with the codeine. Nothing in the rest of the day was that exciting, but she was tired before she got to lunch at 2:30. Craig was back that afternoon, looking worse but probably healthier. His Ped, Dr. Trinh, came around, and he discussed his aggressive course of antibiotics with her. By 6:00, she was dragging. Still she got up to her room and put her face on and then her coat. She was going down the elevator when her cell rang.
“Thibault.” It should have been Eric, who knew her last name if he seldom used it. If it were the hospital, her last name hinted that she wasn’t a doctor for the next twelve hours.
“I’m in the usual place,” Eric said.
“I’ll come out the emergency entrance.” When she did, he spotted her and opened the door.
“Hard day?” Eric asked. She had just put on her makeup, but makeup could hide only so much.
“Not a great day. Horrible night. Another appendicitis like Valerie’s. Only, this time, we didn’t catch it in time. The appendix burst before the operation. We’re working on it, but it’s a much worse case. Somebody else’s case now, thank God.”
“You know, you take responsibility for everything. Do what you can, and then do what you can in the next case.”
“Says the man,” she pointed out, “who takes responsibility for another car hitting his because he couldn’t stop on a slippery street.”
“That’s different. That was the wife I’d sworn before God to protect. If something had happened to Sparky, God forbid, it would have been my responsibility. If it had been negligence on your part, then it would have been your responsibility. Otherwise, not. If I run into a kid in my car, I’m at fault. If somebody else does and I don’t contribute to the accident, then it’s not my fault. Unless it’s my kid. Then whatever happens to her is my fault.” Well, she’d been told. She thought how lucky she was that she was a fling. Controlling as he was now, at least he wasn’t as controlling with her as he would be with a wife.
Valerie greeted her as enthusiastically as ever when she got there. She looked at Valerie’s incision, and it was totally free of inflammation and already disappearing into her skin. Dinner was steak au poivre with roast potatoes and string beans. Dessert was hot cherry pie. Diane couldn’t figure out how Mrs. Grant had dealt with all that in one oven.
The tour of the house began right after dessert. The living room was first, though she had already seen it. Off the living room were two entrance rooms, one from the street and one from the garage. The dining room was next, and behind that was the kitchen. The kitchen held two ovens and a grill, which explained how Mrs. Grant had prepared the meal and the dessert. Off the kitchen and in back -- in a sense -- of the garage was a laundry room and through that a furnace room. In the other direction off the kitchen was a “mud room” which was the route to the back yard. As Eric had said, this was large and equipped with a swing set that deserved to be in a public park.
The street side of the house was dominated by a library. This was less than half full, and those books were more often paperbacks than hard covers. Going back from the library were a computer room and a gym. The computer room had six kiosks and a print station. Three of the kiosks held computer equipment. It became clear where Mrs. Grant had written her letter about breakfasts. The gym was smaller and held several exercise machines. Apparently, only Eric used it.
Upstairs, they started with Valerie’s room, which overlooked the back yard. There were built-in bookshelves, only the bottom shelf holding any books. She had her own bathroom with a tub and a separate shower stall. There was a toilet but no bidet. There was space for one, though. Both the closets were large, and one had only some toys on the floor.
Valerie sat on her (twin-sized) bed and enthusiastically demonstrated the devices on her headboard, including pushing the intercom buttons. “Daddy, are you there? Madeleine, are you there? They aren’t there.” Since they were both in her room at the time, their absence from the other end of the intercom was understandable. Valerie had her room plastered with the sort of large pictures that other six-year-old girls would choose.
The two rooms at the end of the hall were like Valerie’s except that they were empty. The only other room on the “back” side of the hall was a storage room, huge for that purpose and without windows, with cleaning tools and supplies, cupboards with shelves for sheets and towels, and two large bins for dirty clothes. There was a closet with shelves floor-to ceiling. The shelves stored supplies that might stock the bathrooms from toilet paper to bar soap. There were enough boxes of Band Aids that Diane figured they could care for a regiment that had marched naked through a thicket of thorns. She glanced at Valerie. Mrs. Grant saw her and smiled. There appeared to be two unopened first-aid boxes. There was an unopened box of Tampax. Whether it belonged to Mrs. Grant, had belonged to Mrs. Barnes and hadn’t been removed, or was a ridiculously-early preparation for Valerie, Diane couldn’t figure.
There were also cupboards for used clothes. Mrs. Grant explained that both “the mister’s” church and hers had rummage sales, and the household supplied them. Diane was a little confused but she figured that the storage room had Valerie’s bathroom and the bathroom of one of the empty rooms behind it. Across from it was the door to Mrs. Grant’s bedroom. That room was named but not opened.
Mrs. Grant did open the door to her “sitting room.” She didn’t invite Diane in, and even Valerie didn’t try to enter. There was a door into the bedroom on the hall side of one wall, and a door into the bathroom on the window side. Both were closed.
The street side of the other end held first the stairway which they had come up, then three “guest rooms.” These were generous in size and held queen-sized beds covered with bed spreads. They were made with sheets and a blanket. Mrs. Grant smiled at her when she checked the first room. The last of these was a corner room with many windows, clean windows, Diane noticed. She looked at Mrs. Grant, who smiled. Eric took a long time demonstrating all the gadgets connected to the headboard of that bed. Then he took out his cell and checked the time.
“Now,” he said, “I think I know a girl who has reached her bed time.”
“Oh, Daddy!” Valerie said. “A little longer.”
“I want to show Doctor the mirrors in mommy’s room.”
“All you’re showing her,” Eric said, “is a bad little girl’s misbehavior.” Actually, Valerie wasn’t behaving all that badly for a kid at bedtime. “I’ll tell you what. Show her that you can act your age by going off with Madeleine right now without a fuss, and she can read you your story when you’re in bed. I’m not going to bring her back to your room if you’re not in bed in fifteen minutes.”
“Sorry to use you for a bribe without prior consultation,” he said to Diane while Valerie and Mrs. Grant went back down the hall.
“Quite all right,” she said. “Really, as tantrums go, that wasn’t much.”
“Well, as I told you earlier, she isn’t to enter your room. She never was permitted my room or the bedroom. Now, want to see the other side?”
The room on the backyard side at the end of the hall was a long, thin bathroom. One side held a long shelf facing alternating mirrors and windows and holding three sinks. The other side held, in order from the door, a shower stall, a tub, a toilet stall, and a urinal. As this was beside a window into the back yard, she wondered whether any man would use it. The sill was about four feet high, but still.
The next room was Eric’s dressing room. It held as many closets as his wife’s. Many of those were empty. It held many fewer mirrors. Three, on closet doors, could be turned into a three-way mirror. Eric demonstrated this.
“Same thing on your side,” he said. “And wasn’t it fun persuading the builders to hang doors opening on different sides. Everybody, from the architect, to the builder, to the foreman, wanted to correct that ‘mistake.’”
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LesbianThis one comes by popular request and is dedicated to all you naughty people who fe-mailed me and complained that whilst you enjoyed my stories you felt that I could perhaps be a little more filthy instead of being suggestive! Well, I've always said that I'll give you what you want, well, you got it and I hope you like it! Disclaimer; (seriously!) The following story does not reflect the writers personal tastes and depicts entirely fictitious characters and fantasy scenes of an...
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Hi Readres I M Raj Again(all names changed due to privacy reasons) am working in a Software Division of a reputed Company in Ahemdabad. I would like to share my experiences about one Office Tour underwent by me and my colleagues. Two years back, six people were nominated by our office for training in Bangalore. Myself, Manohar, Gopal, and three sexy ladies Ramya, Madhuri and Trisha. The training was for around two weeks. After our first week of training, we decided to enjoy ourselves in the...
Hii i am again with my real sex story. This is money. 28 yr old smart boy but i charge for night.any unsatisfy lady from jaipur contect me.ye kahani 5 mahine purani hai. Main ek businessman hun aur mahine me 10 din tour pe rahta hun.mera ek dost hai jiski kismat ladkiyon kemamle me sunahre aksharon se likhi hai. Mera udaipur ka tour bana. Meine mere dost se kaha ki chal 4-5 din udaipur ghoom ke ate hain. To usne kaha ki nahin yar mujhe office me bahut kam hai. Agar 2-3 din bad chale to main...
Mera naam kusum hai aur mai iss ki regular reader hu. Mai college mai 1st year arts mai padti hu.Meri figure34-28-34 hai. Hamare ghar mai mere mummy papa aur bhayia hai. Meri 1 saheli hai Hema. Hum dono ki umar kareeb 17-18 ki hogi.hum dono khoob masti karti hai kabi wo meri chuchi khich deti kabi mai uske gaal par chikoti kat jati. College mai hum dono ke hi B/F hai mera b/f ka naam rajesh aur Hema ke b/f ka naam sandeep hai.mai sandeep ko aur hema rajesh ko jijju hi bolti hai wo bi muje sali...
Hi. I am Raja, from a rich family. I am having lots of properties like tea estate, cotton mills, etc. I am studying second year Bsc computer. I always like to wear jewels like bracelets, golden watches, chains, golden and diamond rings etc… I always like to play with girls. Till now I have tasted 30 gals. While with college gals, I want to have decent sex and with maids I wish to have dominating and humiliating sex. I like to humiliate them and watch their reactions. I want them to feel my...
The next morning I was awoken to the heavenly sensation of someone sucking my dick. An experience I would have almost every morning on the island. I didn't open my eyes, but I spread my legs a little. That tipped them off that I was awake. "Good morning, Sir" said the voice of a TK, to my right. I opened my eyes. "You're Tia, right?" The day before, I noticed a slight difference between the two girls' voices. It is hard to describe. Tia's voice had a slight rasp to it that her...
Solace Harmon was the engineering officer of the Lightning Bolt. Constance Cormorant was the ship's steward—a glorified cook! They were taking me on a guided tour of the Lightning Bolt, a "class 400" small star ship. Naked, of course. We left the crew quarters and took an elevator to the lower deck. "This is the cargo deck," Constance explained. "As you can see, it is full of supplies right now—and your fighter." Marsh Hare, my fighter, took up the forward third of the cargo deck....
Edie Gerst and her editor published the story about my baby, Summer, George, Crystal, and me on Thursday. They carefully picked the day of the week, because that's the day most of the tabloids get to the newsstands, so it would be a week before they would be able to catch up with the scoop we'd given the Dayton Daily News. By the time they would be able to write about the story, it would be old news, and depending on what else happened during the week, including what flying saucers landed...
We spent the morning going over the ‘Sister Angela’ scenario with Lori; she wrote down all of the lines that we could recall, our descriptions of what happened overnight, even my rather sacrilegious thoughts on nun-fucking. While Megan and I would be out of town on the tour, Tracy and Lori would flesh out the story, even starting to write it. Around lunchtime some of the others returned home; Mary Beth was pleased to see us. She showed us the final schedule for the first country tour, we...
After Halloween, Brad and I continued to talk, texting each other several times a day. Our chats were flirty and sexual, but not romantic. I was in no hurry to enter another relationship after the way things ended with Steve. And while Brad was a big part of why things ended so badly, I couldn't deny that I was attracted to him. There was a special chemistry between us that made him impossible to forget. I still felt like an outcast at school, having been labeled a "whore" by a lot of girls...
HardcoreMy wife and I are on a campervan holiday touring New Zealand. We arrived at a carpark where the view was spectacular looking over Kaikoura out to sea. My wife has gone for a walk along a scenic pathway for a few hours. I am a bit tired from driving so take a rest on a deck chair and read a book. A 30 something tall Scandinavian blonde comes over."Help please" she asksI look up. The woman is in tight jeans and jumper with high heels. "How can I help?" I can't help but admire how easy on the eyes...
For the sake of the tourism By RotnebSynopsis: Susan would like to help her father and the town with a special tourist attraction that will get more tourists to town. Although she is warned she would not understand the full implications to play witch. Susan and four other young naked girls end up as witches at the stake in the beautiful midsummer night. The story is only fantasy.A tourist attractionThe city was a trading centre for the large local country. But the city was also the city you...
From the outside, the building looks innocent enough. The wealthy merchant Armando wonders if he has found the right place to fulfill the dark desires he is ready to pay well for. He had half expected to hear screams of agony emanating from within, or at least for the place to look more sinister. But appearances can be deceiving. Armando speaks the password he was assigned into the crack in the door. The small wooden door opens, leading to two large stone doors, which also open after the...
Abid and Me, Zihan and Mala, Ashok and Sona, Kaushal and Rubina, Peter and Sofy were boyfriends and girlfriends group. Jack and Saif were all rounder.I named Zia aged 18+ with my some college friends went for the wild tour. Abid had a luxury mini bus which was rarely used on vacation in his family. Zihan who was the son of VIP family and Abid were agree to drive it. We were total 12 guys, 7 boys and 5 girls. We took some beers and vodka bottles with us and lot of cigarettes. Abid had VIP pass...
Velvet:My daughter definitely did not need to use d**gs. She still seemed so young to me, but I remembered back to when I was 17 and my sexual addiction had pushed me over the edge. I had been d**g free for nearly a year and I was slowly trying to give up smoking. I was limiting my cigarettes to after sex treats only and it seemed to be working. I was going to talk to my mom to make sure that she kept an eye on her granddaughter also, but until then, we had another 3rd Generation sex scene to...
Hello our friends.We came back from trip to tour of husband's aunt (Bhua). We all got real close to her.She saw the holy places she wanted to visit. Also she and my hubby shared her with other people.Aunt loved sex as much as we do. It was great to have with us. The trip was very good.We came back home our maid and her son welcome us. Aunt still did not know our relationship with maid and her son. Al thou she is very open with us but we have to make it memorable time for her.We knows from our...
Hey, guys, I’m from Bangalore my name is Sam (not real), u ppl don’t need to know who I’m; what I do in life. You all want to listen how I actually did it. Was it great was it hard was it awesome??? Yes, guys and gals awesommeeeee… Believe me. This is one of my best experiences im going to share with you all. Anyone in and around Bangalore can mail me at So coming to the story. I was on an official tour to Bombay. I was completely exhausted at the end of the day and needed a couple of drinks...
Hi I am Manisha housewife sharing my sexual experience to all. As alone in home I used to read hot and sexy stories after lunch. After reading such stories I decided to share my story. I am married with Vivek and having two years son. Story I am sharing which happened two months back. I am in thirties and my figure is attractive. I like to seduce other people so in function I wear saree below navel or low cut tops so my cleavages can enjoy by others. My husband is against to show cleavages but...
Dost oh mera naam Bulon hai or mai guwahati ka rehena wala hu, mera age 26yrs hai, looking average, mai ek engg hu or telecom mai job kortha hu, or iss ka laga thar reader hu. Maine bohut sara story pora hai, or moje kuch acha bi laga, isliye 2month ago hui incdent batha ra hu yea sachi stori hai jo meri sath hua tha use mai baie kor raha hu, agar kuch golat ho tho muje maf kor dena. Hua u muje office ka kaam se mizoram jana tha oh bi by road, so maine apna personal ghari (duster) le kor nikal...
Hi friends am back with new incident with my Baby SIS(I call her in love) Anju n me Ravi param(name changed) as I said in my last incident that Anju had went to cousins home for gods Puja(3.06.10 she said me when we come back we three will be tired & sleep as soon as we reach. so you be ready for sex at midnight you’ve to be awake till I’m awaked ok. I said ok Baby SIS Apki chuut ka huukum mere lund par) IT was 10.30pm when they enter home my parents asked me did u had your dinner I said yes n...
IncestDestiny tourBy Ah FookSince he was just a little boy, Simon had had fantasies about slavery and submission to Asian men. He never had any idea where this vision came from, but it kept coming. When he reached 41, he was in the midst of a promising career, but suddenly he follows an impulse to realize his dark fantasy. I have translated the story from Danish in order to reach a broader audience. The plot builds on a mix of memories andfantasies. That morning, just awakened, Simon went straight...
Hey all, I am Raj (33 yrs) from Gurgaon. I work for a MNC and have to tour a lot. One day I was travelling and found that my co passenger is a lady with a figure of 36-28-36; she was fair in colour and very sexy lady. We started chit chat in the flight and came to know that we will be staying in Mumbai in the same hotel for 2 nights. She also told that her husband is in U.S. She was waiting for her hubby to send her the visa; she became very friendly in 2 hours of flight. We took one cab to...
IncestHello my dear friends Garv here, I have read so many stories on human digest & enjoy these stories very much, I m 30 yrs old from Bathinda (Punjab), I m enjoying my life very much, I also want to share my story which occurred 10 yrs ago when I was studying in college & my college tour gone to shimla, in the Chandigarh in winters, we were 7 boys with 6 girls & sir 7 madam. We were all enjoying very much in Chandigarh & shimla. We then return boys separately while girls return with sir & madam....
Hai ISS readers This is romeo again with different experience.By the way i take this opportunity to thank the ppl who had responded after going through my story screwed my horny maid.Infact i had got lots of replies especially with ladies( married and unsatisfied) which led to any amazing sex experiences which I will share later Just for the new browers I will introduce my self ,I am an Engineer beloning to southern part of India i.e Chennai (Tamil Nadu).I am always a admirer of women.I always...
On tour, all sorts of wild things happen. Our weekend started with me losing my knickers over lunch at a bistro in a sports bet. My team lost, and I had to pay a forfeit to Caroline.For a laugh, it was suggested I hand over my knickers, expecting me to object. I didn't say a word, or slink off to the ladies to remove them, I just reached under the table pulled them down my legs and put them neatly on the table. I looked Caroline in the eye and gave a saucy wink.She blushed, stared at my black...
TrueIt took a moment for the laughter to die down and then I looked at Barbara. "Yes, you can stay, and we even have a pod you can move into, although you'll probably want to request some remodeling as both of our spares were occupied by sponsors who had no dependent children in the household. I can either show you directly to one of the pods, or we can find the rest of your household first." "Where are the pods?" Barbara asked. "The one that was Tasha's is the closest to the crossing,...
There were several additions to the entourage; Robyn and Sally were coming, along with their two kids; and of course the other two young kids, Bruce and Rachel’s son, Robert, and Andrew and Mandy’s daughter, Debbie would be coming along. Given that all four kids were a bit over a year old, they really couldn’t be left behind, and neither Paul nor Phil wanted to be away from their wives and kids for the three weeks. I could see in the future organizing tours like this one would become more...
My publicist Emily leads me to a table where several stacks of my books are piled like Jenga towers. My stomach stirs at the sight. I love book tours and this is the first stop on a two-week jaunt across the country to promote my second novel. Before the month is out, I’ll have done ten signings, two TV appearances and countless radio interviews.I sit down and fix my hair as the bookshop manager prepares to unlock the front doors. People are already queuing outside, sheltering from the chilly...
CheatingI hand off my clubs to be put on the golf cart and head over to the check-in area which is under an open air canopy. To the left there is a table for the coffee, juice, bagels and donuts. To the right is the table for check-in and across the front of the room were a couple of tables selling raffle tickets, school paraphernalia and other items to raise funds, each staffed by a couple of volunteer moms. This is definitely going to be a novelty having so many women around at the golf course....
--> war schon mal hier ... sorry.„Zeig‘ ihm doch mal Deine Fotze“, forderte ich meine Frau Martina auf. Wir waren mit unserem Kumpel Frank während einer Fahrradtour auf einer sonnigen Wiese zwischen zwei Waldstücken in der Nähe von Soltau gelandet. Wir Männer waren bereits nackt und hatten uns auch schon ein wenig geblasen – waren also geil. Martina, die im Sommer ihre Shirts so weit abschnitt, bis sie nur noch ganz knapp über ihre runden Titten reichten, hat in einem Café an der Ostsee auch...
Carefully I tuck my children into bed, pulling the blankets over their shoulders and kissing their foreheads goodnight. Gosh they look like such angels laying there falling asleep. I stand above them for a moment watching their peaceful faces and begin to envy them. Their lives are so simply at this point, not like mine. Oh did I envy them. Turning off the lamp I slowly close the door behind me, careful not to make a sound. Moving down the hall I come upon my bedroom, where my wonderful...
Latina Fuck Tour! Oh, Latinas! Why are they so sexy? There’s just something about the way they move that gets my cock rock hard and keeps it that way for hours (unless, of course, you get to moving those hips while you’re riding me, then I’m done for…). Consider this a love letter of sorts.I love your thick thighs, your caramel skin. Don’t worry, I love you fairer skin Latinas too (Spanish girls are just as hot as Colombianas as far as I’m concerned). And my girls with the darker complexions,...
Premium Latina Porn SitesHave you ever been on a Face Fuck Tour? I hate to tell you, but I think I already know the answer to that question. As much as we’d all love to go around boning pretty girls in the mouth, day in and day out, most of us will just never get that opportunity. I’ve certainly been luckier than most, but even if I wasn’t a bona fide porn stud, this next site might be the ideal place to get my vicarious face-fucking thrills. I certainly wouldn’t be the only one, as their traffic has nearly tripled...
Premium Blowjob Porn SitesHello ISS readers specially Gujarati readers. As I am from Gujarat, from baroda. So hope you are enjoying this site as well. So let’s start now. I am 24 year old and working for an MNC And I am decent looking for sure. I love to chat with girls and specially 30-35 year olds. As a hot blood age, everyone knows that we are in naughty mood always. So here and there we find something naughty in women. Always try to catch some glimpses. ;-) For any suggestions and chat or talk, please contact So...