SamChapter 5A free porn video

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Sunday morning came and almost went while we slept. It was very late when I pried my eyes open to see Neeka's face lying on the same pillow, her nose almost touching mine. I watched her as she slept and was again overcome with feelings of love for her. Our bodies were still intertwined, so I could not move without waking her, not that I wished to do so. I was content to lie there and watch her sleep, feeling her soft breath on me and enjoying the sight of her lovely face.

As I watched her, I thought about how close we had become and how our special psychic bond made our relationship unique. I remembered our long series of shared orgasms and how we had achieved them through nothing more than holding each other and thinking about how turned on we were. I remembered how she had helped me come to an understanding of my innermost self and accept myself warts and all, as she had accepted me. I remembered how she had jumped and cheered for me when I given my perfect performance. I remembered how she had put her life in my hands and trusted me to save her. I was lying there, glowing with love for her when she opened her eyes and looked into mine.

"Oh wow!" she said. "That definitely beats an alarm clock every day of the week." Then she kissed me and I felt the same love returned to me. I don't know how long we lay there, holding each other and broadcasting love to each other in every way possible. It came to an end when we heard a loud growl coming from under the covers.

"Your stomach or mine?" she asked. "Or a lion that got loose under the covers?"

"I can't tell. But I think we better feed it soon, before it gets mean."

Normally, two girls in one bathroom at the same time is a recipe for conflict, but we had no trouble coordinating our movements. We showered together and had a delightful time soaping and washing each other. I couldn't think of a spot before she had a washcloth on it and I did the same for her. I couldn't read her thoughts as she did mine, but I could feel what she felt and I knew exactly where to rub and how hard. It felt like we were one person with four arms and legs.

I shaved for both of us and I honestly lost track of whose leg was whose. I almost removed her pubic hair before I remembered that hers was red and mine was blonde and she kept a strip of hers and I shaved mine completely. I asked why she didn't let it grow, since it was such a beautiful red bush. She told me that I could do anything I wanted with it if I wanted to take care of it for her. I told her I wanted it to be a heart and that I would take care of the maintenance. She thought that both were wonderful ideas.

Since she had not brought any clean clothes to wear and none of mine would fit her; we decided to wear nightgowns to breakfast. I put on my sheer baby doll with the open front and the micro-thong. She wore a set in sheer white lace with a tie-top and a pair of boy-shorts that were almost too tight on her. We thought we were a couple of knock-outs.

On our way downstairs we peeked in on the boys, hoping to find out who slept with whom, but their rooms were empty. We looked into Bambi's room, but it was vacant too. Apparently we were the slugabeds this morning.

An advantage to being the last ones downstairs was that we were able to make a grand entrance. As we walked into the breakfast room, we strutted and posed like models. The reaction was all we could have wanted.

As soon as we walked in, the room became quiet as all eyes turned to admire us. My theory about clothes being sexier than nudity got further confirmation from the admiring stares we got from people who had already seen everything we had. Bud and Jim offered wolf-whistles to show their appreciation and Neeka blushed so red that her freckles disappeared.

We were the only ones who had 'dressed' for breakfast. Lori and Sara were wearing the boys' football jerseys. They fit like tents. Both girls had to keep tugging the sleeves up to keep them out of their food. The boys had on t-shirts and shorts. Bambi and Fiona both wore knee-length bathrobes, so we couldn't tell what, if anything, they had on.

Lori said to her sister, "Sara, can you imagine wearing something like that to breakfast at home?

"Dad would just die!" Sara answered. "Mom would positively freak! Oh I wish we could. Those are soooooo pretty."

With the fashion show over, Neeka went over and kissed her mother good morning. This seemed like a good idea, so I kissed her too. I may have lingered a little long while doing it, but she didn't seem to mind.

I kissed Bambi good morning, and Neeka had to follow suit. All this kissing seemed to start a fad, as Bud and Jim insisted on being kissed by both of us and then we both kissed Lori and Sara so they wouldn't feel left out. While I was kissing Sara, I felt her hand slide up my side and under my top where it came to rest on my breast. Wondering if this was going somewhere, I kept kissing her and was rewarded with some tongue and a friendly squeeze. As the kiss broke, I slid my cheek against hers and my mouth up to her ear where I did my best imitation of a cat purring before I licked her earlobe. She giggled and looked at me like she wanted to get me alone. I hoped it wasn't just to talk.

We took places at the table and Bambi served us bacon, eggs, and toast. I must have been running behind on my calories because I finished mine in record time and polished off two pieces of fruit out of the bowl in the middle of the table before It occurred to me to wonder if it was just for decoration or not. Bambi saw me stuffing my face and brought me a second helping of eggs and a big glass of milk. Only when I had put it all away, did I realize how hungry I had been. The kind of physical effort that I was used to in gym class or cheerleading was nothing compared to the energy I could burn doing mental control stuff. I was going to have to watch my diet as carefully as any diabetic to avoid running my blood sugar dangerously low. I wondered if any of the comic book superheroes had to carry around a handbag full of candy bars. I pictured myself flying through the air with my cape snapping in the wind, dropping candy wrappers behind me. I could be Super Litterbug.

Neeka snorted and milk dribbled out the corner of her mouth. She looked at me accusingly. I shrugged and tried to look apologetic. We were either going to have to work out a way to control our telepathy or I would have to learn to restrain my sense of humor.

"Neeka? Are you OK?", Mrs. Morgan asked. She wasn't yet used to the idea that conversations could be going on without her being aware. I sent her the same image with a short explanation. She laughed too, which confused everyone else at the table. I sighed. There were a lot of very good reasons for not telling everyone all the things I could do, but I could see that it was going to be was very awkward and annoying to have to keep thinking of cover stories and explanations all the time.

All during the meal, I noticed that Lori and Sara stared at our lingerie as much as the boys did. When we decided to show off, we had not thought that we might be stirring up envy in our friends and I was regretting doing it. I took Bambi aside and asked her if she might have some clothes that the Henderson's could wear.

"I think I might be able to find something that would fit them," she said with a conspiratorial smirk. I was just going to wash the clothes they had on yesterday, but I like your idea better."

When she brought in refills on juice and coffee, she offered to find Lori and Sara something more feminine than the jerseys they had on. She graciously extended her invitation to the Morgan's as well. Her suggestion was greeted with a good deal of excitement all around.

After breakfast, we all went back upstairs to brush our teeth before everyone went down to plunder Mrs. Reynolds' wardrobe. Lori and Sara came with me, since my bathroom was well-stocked with every type of toiletry imaginable. Mrs. Morgan went to get dressed and head back to her house.

Mrs. Reynolds had been using the room she gave me as a girl would a hope chest. Every cabinet and every drawer I opened revealed some new item that she had put there, hoping and dreaming that some day she would have a daughter to use it. There were at least 30 toothbrushes, 10 tubes of toothpaste, and several sets of soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, deodorant and perfume in what I assumed were expensive fragrances.

Even though it was a large bathroom, there was only so much space, so Neeka and Lori went first and Sara and I followed after. The first shift had gone downstairs by the time Sara and I finished up and I was deciding what to put on when I noticed that she was trying to work herself up to say something to me.

"Sara? What is it?" I took her hand and we sat down on the bed.

"Sam, we didn't get a chance to talk last night and I... I just wanted to say that I think you are really great and I think you are really pretty." It wasn't too hard to figure out what feature of mine she found especially attractive. Her eyes kept flicking down to look at my breasts, which were only slightly obscured by my sheer nightgown.

"Thank you!" I said. I couldn't leave it at that, though. Not a chance. I took both her hands in mine. "What would you say was my best feature?" Sometimes the direct route is the best. It was clear from her advance at breakfast that she wanted to get her hands on a certain part of my anatomy in the worst way.

"Your, ah, your breasts are beautiful." She said, staring openly. I pulled her hand to my throat and put the ribbon holding my nightgown closed into her hand. She eagerly unwrapped her present. She gazed at my chest. Her hands moved ceaselessly in her lap.

"It's OK," I said, "You can touch them. I want you to."

She reached out; then she hesitated, unsure of what to do. She and her sister had much smaller breasts than mine. I was sure she had never handled anything like my pair of double-H's.

"Please, stop teasing me." I told her. I took her by the wrists and put her palms over my nipples. "Ummmmmmm," I purred. The heat of her hands felt wonderful.

Encouraged, she stroked me with her fingertips, touching me lightly all over my breasts. She put her hands under my breasts and felt where they curved down into my last rib.

"It's amazing," she said, "they don't droop or sag at all. I thought breasts this big would hang down if you didn't wear a bra." She tried to heft them to get an idea of the weight and I leaned over to put more of them in her hands. She tentatively squeezed me to test their firmness.

"Don't worry," I reassured her, "you won't hurt me."

She smiled at that. "I guess not," she said. "I guess if you weren't hurt last night, there's nothing I could do to hurt you."

"You missed the reenactment. I did it all over again, and much better, too; when Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Morgan came back."

"What? Why?"

"Mrs. Reynolds found the ropes and clamps and stuff. The jig was up at that point. I showed them how I got free so they would know it didn't hurt me."

"You show-off!"

"Yeah, that too. Kiss me?" She slid into my arms eagerly. She wasn't a great kisser, but she had a lot of enthusiasm. She kept stroking my boobs while she kissed me. We fell over onto the big bed and rolled around, pressing and rubbing against each other. It did not take long to get both of us worked up so we were panting. She wound up on top of me.

The only article of clothing between us was my panties. I pushed my hips off the bed so she could pull them down.

"You shave!" she exclaimed. "I didn't notice."

"Yeah. A lot of my clothes are either so thin or cut so low that it looks better this way. Also, it's very sensual. It makes me much more aware of my pussy. Like right now, it wants to be petted. Will you pet my pussy, Sara?"

She stroked my outer lips with the same gentle touch that she had used on my breasts. She had my juices boiling in almost no time at all. My legs seemed to fly open on their own. She slid a finger into me and made me moan. She felt around to see if she could get a second finger in. She decided she could, and when she did, she touched the sensitive spot where my hymen had been and it made me shudder. My legs tried to close by reflex before I could stop them.

"You're tight," she said. I heard a note of surprise in her voice that I did not expect.

"Why does that surprise you?" I asked.

"Well, you being so... you know... sexy! I thought you'd be more... experienced."

"You mean you thought I'd be getting so much cock that my pussy would be loose? No. Not yet, anyway." I didn't want to admit how close I was to still being a virgin. Since I hadn't actually made it with a boy yet, I could still technically be called a virgin, anyway.

"You sound like that wouldn't bother you."

"What? Being loose or having enough sex to make me that way? I guess neither would upset me too much," I giggled. "I love sex. I love what you're doing to me. Don't stop. Can you reach any deeper?"

"I can try. You're so wet! But don't tell me you're not getting laid every time you snap your fingers. The boys were already drooling over you before. Now that you've had this 'growth-spurt' or whatever, they'll be lining up for your attention. "

She crawled up to straddle my stomach so she could play with my boobs and still keep her fingers in my pussy. I lay back and let her do what ever she wanted to me. It was all good.

"I love your tits!" she exclaimed. "They're wonderful!"

I couldn't tell if it was envy or lust making her say that. I really didn't care, as long as she didn't stop touching me. I reached behind her and ran a finger between her labia. They folded open for me and a few drops of her juice ran out onto my fingers. I put one finger into her pussy and then two. I still had room to move around, but I stopped at two.

"You're pretty loose," I said, teasingly. "Have you been getting too much cock for your own good?"

She laughed and pushed herself down onto my hand. I pushed back and a third finger went in. I pushed harder and they sank deep into her. She moaned in response.

"I've been fucking Bud," she said with her teeth clenched, "That will open you up good."

"I wondered who would end up with who. I thought you two had traded guys right before you snuck out last night."

"Oh, it's better than that. Lori and I went back and forth. Bud is just too big to take without being stretched, so we both had Jim fuck us first. After that, we both fucked Bud. It was a lot of fun doing it together."

"How was it with Bud?"

"Heavenly! It's like being touched everywhere inside all at once. And when he came in me, I just thought I would burst! Then we went back to Jim and so on."

"This is pretty close to heaven right now," I said in a shaky voice. Thinking about the Hendersons fucking Jim and Bud all night had me close to the edge and it would not take much to make me cum."

"Me too! Faster, please. Oh. Oh. Oooooooo! Just like that."

"Rub my clit. Yesssss!"

We both came on each other's fingers. I could feel Sara's pussy squeezing my hand when she came.

Afterwards, we cuddled on the bed. Sara lay with her cheek on my right breast, breathing on my nipple. In my aroused condition, it didn't take long for it to swell up. Finally, I could not take it any more and I rose up on my elbow so that my nipple pressed against her lips. She opened her eyes and looked at me as she opened her mouth and took my nipple inside. I felt her hot, wet tongue lick it and then she sucked on it. I purred for her then and she kept on sucking and licking.

I relaxed into the wonderful feeling. It was just so pleasant and so peaceful. I felt my breast get warm and swell as my milk began to flow. It felt so natural that I didn't think until later that I had not had to will it to happen. When Sara got her first taste, her reaction was to curl up in my arms and suckle like a baby. I held her and stroked her cheek as she drank my milk. I never wanted the moment to end.

Eventually, Sara had her fill. She quit nursing and let my nipple slip from her mouth. She looked up at me, licked her lips, and smiled sweetly.

"Wow," she said, and then, "Wow" again. "That was... incredible! I feel so warm and safe and peaceful! I didn't want to stop, but I'm full. You may have to burp me."

I picked her up and put her head over my shoulder. She was as limp as over-cooked spaghetti. I patted her back and she gave a tiny burp as the milk settled in her stomach. I felt her smile on my shoulder. I rocked her gently for a bit, mainly to keep us from falling asleep. She hugged me with one arm and played with my swollen nipple with her other hand.

"Sam?" she said, still snuggled into my shoulder, "Can we do this again, sometime? Sometime soon? I mean can I... will you..."

"Nurse you?" I finished for her.

"Yes. Please?"

"Of course. Anytime. You can be my baby anytime."

"Thank you... mommie. You know, you taste really good. You're better than ice cream."

"Ooooo. Thank you. What flavor would you say I am?"

"Somewhere between french vanilla and butter pecan — without the nuts, of course. I didn't know you could do that without being... you know... pregnant."

"Sure. You just have to have enough stimulation and it just happens. I've certainly had enough stimulation — so for me it's easy."

"You're amazing, you know that?" She picked up her head and looked into my eyes. I could smell milk on her breath. She hugged me tight. "I just want to stay right here all day."

"You don't want to go see what Mrs. Reynolds has found for you to wear?"

"Oh! I forgot all about that! They're probably wondering what happened to us."

"Don't worry." I told her. "No one will come looking. But I want to see you in something sexy. Not that what you have on right now isn't sexy." I stroked her thigh from her knee upward. She opened her legs and I stroked her pussy for her, too. She kissed me and I could taste my milk. I thought she might me right about the flavor.

"Next time," I told her, "I want to taste you." I spread my fingers, pulling her pussy open so there would be no question where I wanted to put my tongue.

"Oh please! I'd like that." She tilted her hips, trying to push her clit against my palm, but I moved my hand with her and pulled her lips open wider. Her clit rose up between my fingers, looking for something to rub it.

"You're making me wet again," she said.

"Yes, I am. And I want you to stay wet. I want you to stay sopping wet for me. I want you to think about what I did to Neeka last night right after you got here, because I am going to do the same thing to you later. Don't let Mrs. Reynolds put you in anything that covers your pussy. I will be inspecting you, so you be ready."

"Oh my! Oh, I can't stand it! Please, don't leave me like this! Let me cum!"

"No cumming until I say so. I want your clit as hard as a diamond when I'm ready to suck it. Now go brush your teeth and run along down to Mrs. Reynolds room. It's the third door on the left as you leave the stairs."

"Yes, ma'am." She hopped off the bed and went back into the bathroom. I watched her butt-cheeks clench as she tried to stimulate her clit without touching herself. I smiled and wondered how many times and how many ways she would find to make herself cum in the next few hours.

When Sara left my room, she was carrying the football jersey instead of wearing it. Her nipples were standing up stiffly on her breasts. She clearly intended to make sure that everyone saw how turned on she was and how proud she was of the fact.

I went to my closet and picked out the tie-front blouse and the shorts with the zipper permanently open down to my now-hairless slit. I knew I could not compete with Bambi for elegant and sexy, so I decided to go for the farm-girl look. I wished I had a stalk of hay to stick in my hair.

I started to go down to join the crowd, but I thought I would check Bud and Jim's rooms on the way to see if they were upstairs or down. I didn't imagine that they would have much interest in the 'dress-up' session going on, except perhaps to judge the winner. I peeked into Jim's room because it was closest. Jim was lying on the bed, asleep. Apparently he had not got much rest the night before and had gone back to bed after breakfast. I pulled his covers over him and tiptoed back out of the room.

When I looked in on Bud, he was asleep as well. I stood watching him for a while, listening to him snore softly. He looked so cute when he was asleep. I started to pull his covers up as well, when I noticed that his cock was hanging out of his shorts and he had a very nice erection. Feeling quite naughty, I knelt down next to the bed and took a close look at his big cock while he slept. It looked like it was as hard as it could get. It had a broad purplish-red head that flared out from a thick blue-veined shaft. The shaft was thicker toward the end than at the root, which I thought might be unusual, but since I hadn't had a chance to examine very many cocks close-up, I had no way to be sure.

The urge to climb into bed with Bud and let him put that huge thing into me was turning into an irresistible compulsion. My pussy was talking to me again, begging me to fill it with something warm and hard. We were in complete agreement on that idea, so it was very difficult to resist, but I managed. I told myself there would be time enough later on.

I leaned over so close to it, I could smell it's slightly musty odor. I expected it to be offensive, but it wasn't an unpleasant smell at all. It smelled very animal, sort of like Brute. Before I knew it, I was so close to his cock that my lips were almost touching it. "Well," I thought to myself, "as long as I'm this close, I might as well say 'hello'." I kissed Bud's cock very lightly, just under the head. To my surprise, it twitched and almost slapped my face.

I took a look at Bud to make sure he was still asleep. His snoring was constant and I could see his eyes moving under his lids, meaning he was dreaming. I thought I would see if I could give him something to dream about. I softly kissed his cock again, and brushed my lips up and down the shaft. This caused another twitch and his cock got even harder, lifting itself away from his body. It looked like it was just sitting up and begging to be sucked. I looked at the opening in the tip; it had tiny little lips that seemed to be saying, "Suck me." I couldn't stand it any longer. I carefully put my mouth over the head. Spit welled up in my mouth at the taste of a cock. The flavor was heavenly. I sucked as carefully as I could, so Bud would not wake up.

Same as Sam
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“I showed up late one night with a neon light for a visa. But knowing I’m so eager to fight can’t make letting me in any easier. I know I been wearing crazy clothes, and I look pretty crappy sometimes. But my body feels so good, and I still sing a razor line. Every time.” -The Who, “You Better, You Bet“ Contessa Helena de San Finzione stood in the Equals household’s living room, rapt in nostalgia. She admired old photos of the three of them at various stages of her life up until about seven...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Amara Romani 23627

‘Twas the night before XXXmas, with nothing to do, Amara Romani was down, feeling blue. Her out-of-town man wasn’t feeding her needs, not there to creampie her and give her his seed. But along came Johnny, his old right best pal, to offer a gift to his best buddy’s gal. Amara and Johnny fucked once way back when, and he knew of a chance it could happen again. When he gave her the shirt he had worn when he banged her, she sniffed it and smelled the faint scent his wanger. The fragrance of...

4 years ago
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Snippets Leslie or Sex in a van on a hot summer day

(or Sex in a van on a hot summer day) These are true stories from my life. They depict various experiences with partners I have had. These stories include sexual acts, and if you may not, should not, or don't want to read this, then do not read it. This is a hobby, as well as a way to reminisce, perhaps in one or two case, even to brag. My writing skills are not on a par with much of the other authors. I know this. Write to let me know you liked, or did not like a story, maybe even why. I...

3 years ago
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The Punishment From Her Slave Peers

I owned a very memorable anal slave for a few months before I sold her to a former client of mine who lives up north in order to remove her from my collection for her own safety after a troubling event this past weekend. She was a 23 year old fair-skinned black-haired petite B-cup Caucasian that I had purchased solely to be the anal slave of my cohort, as I was told by her former lesbian master that she preferred anal to vaginal. She told me that the girl was often found sticking her fingers up...

1 year ago
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my first tranny pt 1

you always remember your first time. I remember my first blow job from an ex. (believe me, thats another story.) the first time I touched a pair of tits. the first time I ever ate pussy. the first time I fucked a woman in the ass. & I'll always remember the first time I was with a tranny.her name was brooke. I always wanted to be with a tranny because I was always curious. I mean, shes a chick right. but then she has a dick. you all know some trannies are drop dead beautiful. this one was....

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 5 Elvish Heat

Acolyte Sophia – Blath Forest, The Kingdom of Secare Angela kissed me. My heart stopped. Her lips were hot and soft. Her large, naked breasts pressed against my traveling robes. My nipples hardened and a flush of heat washed through me. I closed my eyes and let the strong woman hold me, her tongue claiming my mouth. My head spun. The fear and excitement of the fight against the monster morphed into pure lust. I moaned into her kiss. I had forgotten about everything. The tentacle,...

2 years ago
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Scat Sisters

years. Born only a year apart, the two girls quickly became best friends, and, later on, grew very attracted to each other. And after discovering the rich variety that the internet had to offer, the two found that they could bring their love for each other to a sexual level and forged a passionate incest relationship. Though they enjoyed both gay and hetero pornography as well, the siblings desire was so strong that the two could not even think of fucking another person. And because they...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 21

One month later ... A cocktail party at developer, Hughie Jennings home, Barry Borelli, a City Councilmen and Attorney was about to explain his marriage to Mark. “Try this scotch, Newlin. It’s one of the best available; single malt, eighteen years old and I guarantee it will go down as smooth as silk.” Mark glanced at Borelli’s wife Scotia, who had a glass of white wine, and then accepted the crystal glass and took a sip. “Mmmm, you weren’t kidding. It does feel like...

3 years ago
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Never Enough

My phone buzzed as I was fixing lunch. When my hands were free, I checked to see what the message had been. It was from a young guy by the name of Jeremy, around 23 or 24 years old. He'd started coming over to my glory hole earlier in the spring, and had been doing so fairly regularly ever since. He was what I suppose you could call a 'skater.' He had a girlfriend (so he claimed, and he was good looking enough that I had no reason to doubt his assertion), but, he'd mentioned before, with a...

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Sara Part I

There is something so inherently slutty about checking into a cheap, dirty motel for the sole purpose of sex but that’s where I find myself. Laying atop one 18 year old boy with his cock deeply rooted in my slit with another one behind me pumping up into my ass and yet a 3rd encased in the hand of it’s owner as he furiously strokes and then explodes all over my face and I race to get it all into my mouth.“Oh fuck Mrs. Jensen….ass is so fucking tight!” he yelped as he pounds into my...

3 years ago
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A Friendly BrotherInLaw

We all know that we should do good deeds, but not because we expect to receive a reward in return. However, if we do unexpectedly get back more than thanks, that’s a great bonus. And if our bonus reward far outweighs the small favor we did, must we repay it?My name is Thorne and I’m a regional manager for a national finance company. That’s probably all you need to know, and I could leave the rest up to your imagination, but that’s not my style. I’m a stickler for details, so here they are. I’m...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 25

I was still thinking about that meeting with the Karthanian as I sat at the table in our Den and had dinner the next day. Har-Hi took a plate and sat next to me. He forked himself several slices of roast beef on an open bun he gave me a side look and said. “If I see you stare at your food that way I would almost suspect you are contemplating doing something about that Karthanian situation.” I pushed a pea around with my fork and said. “Of course not, there is nothing we can do anyway. We...

1 year ago
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The Trip Part 4

Introduction: Sabrina expects to fuck Sheryl, but ends up having a completely different night… Sheryl and I arrive back at the house around 5. Danny and Luke are still working on the machines when we arrive. Sheryl takes my bags and heads inside to get dinner cooking. I decide to go see how the boys are doing. I walk around the side of the house and as I turn the corner, I almost run into Luke. My heart starts pounding out of fear. He grins and says, Hello. I manage to stutter out a reply and...

1 year ago
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KittyChapter 21 Trouble in paradise

I was taking an inventory of the few remaining items from the Perryman estate when Berry tracked me down. He apologized for the sudden way he'd told me that there was no job for me, explaining that he'd only recently decided to stay in town. I took that to mean 'recently' was after Phyllis left for college, and when Claire became available. "That was callous of me. I know you'd been planning to take over as soon as the reenactments season came to an end. I should have come to you the...

1 year ago
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Redicovery and LossChapter 2

On the Monday at the office I contacted my local head of sales and asked him if he could find a vacancy for a friend of mine. I told him of her experience prior to her marriage and how efficient she had been and how good at handling sales staff. I made it clear he was under no pressure to give her a job only an interview if the opportunity arose. He told me that he had noting immediate, but had a woman in that kind of position who would be going off on pregnancy leave in three months time. He...

3 years ago
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Jilnar Jardaly XRated Interview

"Today we're talking to one of the world's favorite, beautiful, talented and, dare I say, sexually open newsreaders in the world, the one and only Jilnar Jardaly. Welcome! [Interviewer]"Thanks, sweetie.""Let's start by asking if you weren't a famous television personality and much-loved evening news anchor, what do you think you would be doing?" [Interviewer]"Oh, that's an easy one! Definitely either a hooker or porn star or both! I can't think of any other occupation that would give me the...

2 years ago
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Second Chance Ch 02

Here is the second installment of Second Chance. BTW my grammar is so even though I appreciate people telling me where I missed up, I am still working on actually writing correctly. So bare with me. Again thanks to MaaddMaaxx for editing, I know that you have a crazy schedule and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. – CinderLaw * Jared woke with a start after having another dream about Trista. She had been standing in front of him holding their baby, blood streaming down...

2 years ago
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Getting Her Ready

Up until now, we had only fantasized together about her being with him, but now, she had finally agreed to the reality of it happening. At least this once. I mentioned to her one evening over drinks that I had even talked with him about it possibly happening. "You talked to Sean already? What did he say?" she asked me. "Well, he said that I made him the happiest and most excited man on earth, that's what he said. I never told you, but he's dropped hints of his desire to be with you to me quite...

Wife Lovers
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The Bank Ladies Just Red

A few minutes had passed before Red finally pulled her head away from the crook of my neck.  It wasn't until she did that I realized that she was still nude.  As I glanced at her perky young breasts, the smartass returned with, "You dirty old man!  Can't keep your eyes to yourself for one second, can you?""Not when someone as alluring as you is sitting naked in my lap.""Don't try and sweet-talk me into more sex, you old perv," she stated before moving in and kissing me tenderly as lovers do....

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Valentines Gift

For Valentines day my lover asked me what I wanted and I had told her just to surprise me with anything as I don't really consider Valentines day a day for guys to get gifts. I figured I would get a blowjob like years past and I was happy with that. The gift I received was more than I could image though. It didn't include another woman or a 3-some that most guys dream about. Rather I found myself tied to the bed that night with a blindfold over my eyes. I felt my fiance reaching into my pants...

2 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 7 Worth A Thousand Words

When Mia arrived home from school she frantically searched the house for her grandma, but couldn't find her anywhere. "Gram?" Mia called. Mia went from room to room searching to no avail and became increasingly concerned because it wasn't like her grandma to go anywhere without leaving a note. Finally Mia noticed the door leading to the attic was slightly ajar, so she pushed the door open and began to ascend the dark stairs. Mia hated the attic and tried to avoid it at all costs. When...

3 years ago
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How Things Changed At Office 8211 Part I

Let me introduce myself before I can proceed. My name is Sowmya. I used to stay in a hostel in Hyderabad. Being a conservative native background coming to Hyderabad was a great chances of fun for me. Was in steady relationship with one of my seniors in the college. I am 5 6, 34 30 34 wheatish complexion. Now getting into the main story,, it was a normal Monday morning after a bashful n blasting weekend. As usual with no much energy or interest had to wake up and get ready for office where fate...

2 years ago
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Daddys lil bitch

As a young boy growing up I always had a fetish for dressing up like a girl. When I was 20yo I had my first experience with an older man, Tony a man in his 70s. I met him through a phone chat line and we seemed to hit it off right away. He told me that he would buy me some clothes and lingerie to wear for him when we met. So after a couple weeks of phone chat I mustarded up enough courage to meet him face to face.When I arrived at Tony’s house he greeted me with a warm hug and kiss. Tony was a...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 51

Compliments of Reltney McFee‎ So, once upon a time, a construction crew was working outside a convent. This was long ago, in a more delicate time, and, well, the workmen were a plain spoken lot. After a time, the Mother Superior invited the construction foreman to meet with her, so they could discuss some things. She related how the tender sensibilities of the sisters were tested by the Anglo-Saxon terms employed by the workers, and could the foreman please encourage his employees to tone...

2 years ago
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Home For The Holidays

I was excited to be going home after spending four months away at college, and I was looking forward to spending the holidays with my family and friends. When my parents heard that my roommate, Sarah, was going to be spending the Holidays alone in our dorm back in Boston, they insisted that she come back to Minnesota with me. We couldn’t get Sarah a ticket for the final leg of the trip to Duluth so we landed in Minneapolis and rented a car to drive the last 175 miles up to my hometown in the...

College Sex
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Chapter 7

Getting home after the restaurant affair was interesting. We had to escape out the back, not paying our bill, and making the manager very unhappy. I wouldn't be surprised if our faces made it to the Wall of Shame. At the very least, we wouldn't be showing our faces back there again. My DNA was all over their restroom though so if they chose to press charges we might have been in trouble. Of course, after that encounter, our legal troubles were the least of our worries. Instead, I was focused on...

Group Sex
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Hentai Secrets

Reagan had taken the kids to school, but Katie had wanted a few more minutes with me so I had decided to be her chauffeur. I hadn't had a chance to make coffee yet, and at this hour the caffeine withdrawal was beginning to hit. I headed to one of the coffee shops I knew about on campus, and luckily found a parking spot as another car was just leaving. The shop was always busy as college kids and locals alike were eager to get their morning fix. I waited in line for a few minutes, and a...

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A MayDecember Romance Part 2

The morning and early afternoon passed without incident. As the hot Spanish sun began its first, late afternoon move towards early sunset, Doris spotted Tristan through the vented shutters of her suite, wandering back from the beach.He had his swimsuit on again but looked so beautiful still.  So sexy and windswept. Doris might have swooned were it not for the fact that the same woman that had joined Tristan in the water the day before was walking next to him again. She was roughly her age;...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 102 Duty and Suffering

We ate a late dinner, slightly subdued compared to our usual boisterousness, given those that were missing from the table – Aedan, Zevran, and Wynne. Kallian still looked a bit thunderstruck at the chatting and teasing, but she sat on a corner between Wulf and Solona, with Leli across from her, and she didn't look like she was panicking too badly. Nathaniel sat across from me and just watched silently. Anders was feeling better, so when we were done, we brought up plates for Zev and Wynne,...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 31 Weston

It was a beautiful morning to set sail. With the speed of our ship, we should be in Weston late in the day on the second day. Trixi and Foxi had both been to Weston, so they were happy to be out tour guides in the city. Albi would be our guide in the mountains. I think the smoothness of the travel had them all amazed that they were on a ship at sea. We had picked up ten other passengers, a family of four, two single men and two couples. They too found our ship odd. Albi bunked in with...

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CrossDresser Fuels Feminine Passion In Sai Now Sindhu

Hi, My name is Sindhu (using a female name). Here, I am going to write about how I am smitten by my girlfriend’s brother and turned from a straight guy to a dick-loving cross-dresser. My girlfriend and I started living together after both of us got a job in the same city. Both our families knew about this, and they were cool with us. We were happy together; we were enjoying our life to the fullest until her elder brother came to stay with us and took me to a fantasy world which showed me how...

Gay Male
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Good Neighbors Chapter 5

Todd walked out to get his mail and happened to meet Zach, who was walking up and down his sidewalk without the aid of a cane or crutches. Todd walked over to him, greeted him and walked along with him as they caught up with each other. Todd knew that Zach was making steady progress, but didn't realize that he was now getting around without assistance."Life is getting better every day, every week," Zach said, sounding encouraged. "I gave up the crutches and cane about two weeks ago and today is...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Bbabi

My parents died in an accident when I was 8, my elder sister 13 and my elder brother 18. Both became everything for me then on. Bhaiyya and didi got married after four years. Till then, didi used to care of me like mother. Now bhabi took her place. Year or two passed on very happily for us. But unfortunately, bhaiyya expired of some unknown decease within two years of marriage. All requested bhabi to re-marry, but she refused. She did not want to be left alone.She asked me to share her room,...

3 years ago
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Piggy and the Repairman Ch 1

Piggy and the Repairman I was a very bad girl today. That is why my Mistress has had me blindfolded and my ankles secured to a spreader bar locked to the rings in her basement floor and my arms stretched above me and secured to another spreader bar. I have been in the basement for what seems hours, naked and cold and undergoing all sorts of punishments. But I know these punishments are well deserved for how badly I acted today. She has left me alone for now and I can hear her moving...

3 years ago
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HorseLoving CousinsChapter 4

"Isn't it wild?" The two girls had stripped completely, opening the stall and stepping into Tundra's private domain. He backed away, his big brown eyes rolling from one naked girl to the other. Marcie felt so foolish. Kathy had conned her into another one of her wild exploits--this one more weird than the one with the dog. "I guess so," Marcie said nervously. "Oh, don't be such a prude! Come on, let's pet him." Kathy was moving alongside the big beast, rubbing her hands along his...

2 years ago
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A Fallen kingdom

Your name is Haley Allyson Brown. And you are the princess of a kingdom extablished in 158 AD in the eastern part of a continent that would come to be known North America. You are an only child as your mother was ingured In childbirth leaving her unable to have more kids. A neighboring kingdom south of yours had been a great ally and trade partner for many years, but recently a new king who was a very evil man had taken the crown and had begun building up their army and expanded north west, but...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Kira Perez Step Daughter8217s Bikini Sex

Step daughter Kira Perez comes into the living room with the skimpiest bikini I’ve ever seen. It highlights her nice ass and perky tits when she walks. Step dad Jonathan doesn’t approve of this but Kira assures that she’s just going to the beach. He still doesn’t like it so he sits her down and talks about other boys getting dirth thoughts because of her. That’s when she notices her step dad was having dirty thoughts because his dick was hard! Kira gets up and says...

3 years ago
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Camilla surprises me

That afternoon I was at my office when I received a phone call from Camilla; one of my wife’s best girlfriends. She told me to hurry up to his home, because she was in the mood for enjoying a nice piece of dick as mine…I knew she was bisexual and sometimes had some encounters with my sweet Ana; but her request really surprised me. She had divorced recently; so I imagined she really was in the search of a hard dick. My wife would come home after seven that evening; so, I had plenty time to pay a...

2 years ago
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Hotel Whore

It was early evening and I was a passenger in our people carrier, along with my mum, aunty, my son Rob, and his girlfriend Kari. The driver being my husband Chas. We were on our way back from a show we had been to. We had been driving for about one and a half hours when Dave said he was parched and could do with a drink. We all agreed. At the next pub we came to we pulled into the car park. It looked quite a rundown place on the outskirts of a small town. Chas parked the car and we went...

3 years ago
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How to become a slut The highschool years part 1

It was a cold day at the preparatory. Most of the girls were away with their families for winter break. However Gina’s family did not have the most loving members and when it was suggested that her perverted uncle take her for the holiday season she emailed back with any academic excuse she could think of. Even though she had become an excellent student, she definitely didn’t plan on spending her nights “studying for next semester”. She giggled to herself realizing how lame that excuse was. She...

1 year ago
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My brown beginning part 5

Pfffftttt oopps mom said that one slipped out she giggled soon all of us were aware of her stinky butt gas.I got down on my knees and sniffed it in as fast as i could.Grandma made a funny face but didnt comment.Well son are you ready for what you think is going to be great? because Mommas got to poop and soon.yes Mom I think so.Ok lets get ready pull those chairs together side by side and you lay down with your head between them.I layed down and opened my mouth wide Mom sat with her ass between...

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