An Accident Makes A Virgin Muslim Girl My Sex Slave
- 4 years ago
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I decided to take the opportunity to go shopping for the kitchen. I went to the local Walmart Super-Center and started wandering the produce section, picking up what I thought I’d need in the next few days. I was picking a bundle of celery when Bill Kennedy walked up to me. Bill lives on the same street and I figured that he’d spotted me and decided to talk about things with me and Beth.
“Rand,” he said. “I see you’re getting some work done to the house. I have to say, I’m a little hurt that you didn’t come to me when you were looking for a contractor. What gives? I thought we were friends.”
I put the celery in my cart and eyed him curiously.
“Hi, Bill,” I said carefully.
I wasn’t sure what Beth had said to him, but he was acting like the divorce hadn’t really happened.
“Fancy meeting you here. I am getting some work done to the house and frankly, I probably would have given you a call about it except for a couple of things. For starters, a friend of mine is paying for the renovations and she hired the contractor. Aside from that, we haven’t spoken since my birthday in May. After six months, I didn’t figure we really WERE friends, Bill.”
He paled at that last part.
“Well, it’s really not like that,” he explained. “No one’s really been sure how to react to the whole thing with you and Beth.”
“Bill, you invited her to the neighborhood barbecue that you host at the end of every summer,” I told him. “The pictures were on Facebook. I had it out with her the other night. She didn’t tell you the whole truth about what happened in our divorce and as a result, the neighborhood has firmly sided with her. Some of you have been spying on me and reporting back to her, inviting her to all the parties and quietly excluding me. I’m not being a dick about it, but why WOULD I call you for a job after six months of you not even being able to be civil enough to say hello to me?”
He looked confused about the whole thing.
“What do you mean, she didn’t tell us the whole truth?” he demanded.
“Bill, I had no idea she’d taken a lover. I was still in love with my wife. You know how I found out she was having an affair? When I tested positive for an STD and knew I had been completely faithful to my wife for ten damn years. That’s when it all came out. She lied, she cheated, she humiliated me by introducing me to her lover at her company Christmas party. She started fights with me every day, so I wouldn’t see the evidence of what she was doing with him and then the one time she has sex with me since last Christmas, on my birthday, she gives me the fucking Clap. To top it all off, she says she just doesn’t love me anymore and I’m more like a friend to her. To make herself feel better about it all, she didn’t fight me in the divorce. All she asked me for was enough money to start over in Atlanta, $100,000, and her SUV paid for. I gave her a half-million and what did she tell all our friends? Not that she and I had agreed on that amount, just that I’d gotten almost everything. You all decided that I was an asshole to treat her that way and cut me off. Now you’re standing here, bitching to me that I didn’t call you when I had a job to do?”
“I didn’t know all that,” he said, looking upset.
“Well, Beth told me that she was going to be calling all our friends to let them know the whole story. Maybe you’re on her list or maybe she was lying to me, once again, when she told me that she’d call. I don’t really know or care anymore,” I told him.
“I’ll see what I can find out,” he said, sounding chagrined. “So, what are you getting done at the house? I’m not trying to horn in, but I’ve seen the trucks every morning, and I’m curious.”
“Me too,” I said lightly. “I have a friend helping me redecorate the house. She suggested that the Master Bedroom and bathroom needed a renovation, not just a coat of paint and rearranging the furniture. She made me promise not to peek before it’s done, but she guaranteed that it’s spectacular.”
He nodded and made some more polite, but painfully awkward conversation. I let him go when he started to mention that he had to run, and I continued shopping. When I got home, I put everything away and decided to turn in early. I wasn’t sure what tomorrow would be like, but probably busy.
The next morning, I got up, checked the mail and started breakfast. It was about nine when the work crew arrived. Since Mel wasn’t with them, I glanced down the street, wondering where she was, but figuring that she was held up and was on her way.
By eleven, I was starting to worry. I went to my study and called her phone, but it went to voicemail. I left her a message and told her that I loved her. When I still hadn’t heard from her after lunch, I started to get a sinking feeling. I called her house and talked to Eliza. She confirmed that she’d left early that morning but hadn’t said where she was going. I was practically frantic, and I called her cellphone again, getting the voicemail a second time.
“Melody! It’s Rand! I’m really worried about you, Babe. I called Eliza and she said you left this morning early. Please! Call me when you get this! I just want to make sure you’re okay. I love you. Bye.”
I hung up and couldn’t shake the horrible feeling that something was terribly wrong. I paced around the house all day, listening to the workmen upstairs. They finished for the day and told me before they left that they’d be finished tomorrow for sure. I thanked them and let them out before I returned to my pacing. The minutes ticked away. She wasn’t answering her phone, Eliza hadn’t seen her. I called her lawyer and he told me he hadn’t heard from her all day. I watched the clock and didn’t know what to do, but group was at 7 and if she was going to be anywhere, it would be there. I couldn’t face dinner without seeing her and figuring out what had happened.
I got to Claire’s house and parked, feeling sick and nervous and flustered. I didn’t see her car, and I wasn’t the first to arrive. I rang the bell on the very nice Victorian home and Claire let me in. She didn’t say anything, which should have clued me in, but I was locked into my own thoughts. Claire led me into the sitting room where we’d be talking, and I smiled nervously, saying hello to everyone. That’s when I noticed. They were all watching me and not speaking.
“What’s going on?” I asked, picking up on the tone of the room.
“Why don’t you take a seat, Rand?” Claire suggested, guiding me into a chair and taking one herself. Everyone was here except for Mel.
“Theresa?” she prompted. “This is your show.”
She nodded and stood facing me.
“Melody came to see me today,” she said, and I started to feel cold. “She talked to me for a long time and then she gave me this for you.”
She pulled out an envelope and handed it to me. I tore it open and inside was the key I’d given her and a letter, I opened the letter and started to read.
My dearest RandI’m sorry for making you read this instead of coming to see you myself. You deserve so much better than life has given you. I’m not sure I can live up to that. That’s why I have to go away. You deserve so much more than a girl who’s still a scared child half the time and a grieving widow the rest. To my surprise, I really am grieving. I wasn’t in love with Stan, but he was nice to me most of the time. I’ll contact my lawyer with details of where to find me if necessary. He’ll also know that he’s to follow your orders and help you any way he can, but he’s not to tell you where I am. I’m no good to anyone right now, least of all you.
I know you’ll be upset about this and I wish I hadn’t hurt you. I know how much you’ve been hurt in the past. Don’t wait for me. I don’t know when or even IF I’ll be back. I have to work on me before I can stand beside you. I hope that someday we’ll meet again and that what we felt in that first kiss is still there. If you’ve moved on, then I’ll know that you’re happy and I’ll be relieved that I didn’t hurt you too badly.
All my love,
I stared at the page, not understanding. I read the words a second time, but they said the same thing. She was gone. GONE! How could she be gone?!!? We were going to be together! We were MEANT to be together! How could things have gone so wrong? What was in her head to leave without even saying goodbye?
“Rand?” a voice said, trying to interrupt my thoughts. “Are you okay?”
I looked up at Theresa and held out the letter.
“Why?!!?” I croaked. “I ... I don’t understand.”
“Neither do I,” she said sympathetically. “She said she’s a mess but couldn’t figure out what was going on in her head. She just kept claiming that she was a mess and you deserved better. She said she needed to be better. In the end, she just made me drive her to the airport and then take her car home.”
I don’t remember much of the rest of the night. I cried some, but mostly, I was numb. I drove home, and the message light was blinking on the house phone. It was her.
“Hi, Rand,” she started. “I’m sorry to do this to you. I really am. I listened to your messages a little while ago and wanted to wait until I knew you’d be at group before I called. Theresa’s going to help you get everything finished on Saturday. I hope she explained. I just ... You deserve better than what I can offer right now. I’m sorry. I ... I’ll understand if you meet someone. I want you to be happy. I love you, Rand. Goodbye.”
I wept and wanted to hit something. I took several deep breaths and decided that I needed to find her. Even if we never spoke again, I needed to know that she was okay. I went to my bed that night with plans in my head. The next morning, after I let the workmen in, I called Angela. I told her what happened and asked her for the number of the best investigator she knew.
“She sounds pretty adamant that she doesn’t want to be found, Rand,” she pointed out. “Are you sure you want to do that?”
“What do you suggest then?” I asked. “I just found this girl and she gives me a Dear John letter telling me that I deserve better? If better exists, I don’t want it! I want her!”
“Okay, I get it,” she said and sighed. “I’ll give you the number, but I strongly recommend you wait and see how it plays out.”
I wrote down the name and number and we talked some more about it. She said she’d get in touch with Melody’s lawyer and see if she could at least get details that would indicate that she was safe.
I promised not to call before Monday. That would give me some time to calm down, give her some time to rethink her decision and come home to me. It was the hardest promise that I’ve ever kept in my life. The day dragged by. When the workmen left, they told me that it was perfect, just like they’d promised and offered me a tour. I told them that I’d promised not to peek at the room until Melody was with me to see my reaction. Once they left, I called Belinda to ask if she and Mary could help Theresa tomorrow with the furniture that was arriving in the morning.
“I didn’t think you’d need help,” she commented lightly.
“I promised Melody that I wouldn’t look at that room until she revealed it to me,” I said softly.
“Come on, Rand! You can’t be serious. You don’t even know IF she’s coming back. You can’t put your life on hold for a maybe.”
“Then what should I do?” I asked sharply. “Come back to yoga class and see who’s willing to take a tumble? Go back to work for the two months I still have a job? Pretend this wasn’t one kick to the balls too many for me to pick myself up again? If I walk into that room, I’m admitting that she’s never coming back to show it to me herself! Maybe that’s sad and pathetic, but when I look in that room without her, I’m throwing away the hope that she’ll be back. I’m not ready to do that, okay? I have to cling to that because ... I don’t wanna go back to what I was before. When I lose that hope, what else do I have?”
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It’s quiet on Shannon Road during midday. Everyone who works is away and everyone else prepares for a hot afternoon. At number 1101, Adam and Stephanie settle into their new home. At 1105, Tiffany recovers from a mind-blowing orgasm and at 1097 Darcy eagerly awaits the pool guy. Darcy enters the backyard wearing the tiniest bikini imaginable. The top barely covers her large breasts and the bottom is stretched tight over her ass and mound. The sun is high and it’s hot. She needs to cool off a...
Lillian and I managed to make it four months while spending almost every weekend together. It was still no more than one of us hugging the other. Okay maybe a father, daughter kiss once in a while, but I swear it was nothing more. Just before Halloween found us in Sanford following a cheating husband’s Friday night out. It was our poor excuse for a date. The man, we were following, was half my age. He was also in a hell of a lot better shape, but we still had a job to do. He and his date...
I finally worked out how to get my machine pistol through security. I stripped it down into all of its components and packed it in a bag with several video games. The resulting X-ray should confuse things enough that the Uzi knockoff should get past the computer search. It was checked through as part of my baggage, and no one complained. We got to the airport in Providence with no significant problems, but we did have a problem finding a place to park. That seems to be a problem at all...
Pan stared at his new leg in the full-length mirror of the hospital rehabilitation training room. Except for a scar that ran the circumference of his leg, and was still a little red as it finished healing, the leg was almost a perfect match for his real one. He twisted back and forth, viewing it from different angles and felt like a little kid on his birthday. The interface was still a little buggy though, as evidenced by the slight tremor in the artificial calf muscle and the delay between...
Becoming Tammy, Part 4 By Incognito ******************** Author's note: If you have any comments, please post them! I love constructive critique, both of the overall storyline, of scenes and of details. Is there any part of the story you find jarring, breaking suspension of disbelief? Any details and parts that seem unrealistic (the subject matter taken into consideration)? Any behavior that seem to break character? For this part, I would especially like some feedback on the...
Muy buenas a los amigos que están leyendo estas historias, le daremos seguimiento al relato que espero les agrade.Como dije anteriormente ese día quede con Doña Carmiña para hacer su marca corporativa, ya eran como las 7 de la noche y bueno me dirigí rápidamente al Hotel para darme una ducha, al llegar no estaba ni Carla ni su rica tía Doña Tere por lo que subí a mi habitación para preparar el material de trabajo. Mientras me estaba dirigiendo al baño sonó mi celular , era Doña Carmiña me dijo...
Her name is Leah Feller I wrote a story about her when she was living in Kirk, Colorado on a ranch with her boyfriend. My crew installed a roof on her house and she showed us a great time while we were there. After posting the last story I've been contacted by some guys in the area that also knew her and had some great experiences with her, their encounters need to be shared. The first is from a young man that helped Leah move in when she returned from Arizona in 2010 with her new boyfriend. He...
?Ronnie Repents ? Ex-Wives 5? by Richard Stryker © Copyright R. Stryker 2005. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. Published by Reproduced with permission of the author and publisher. CHAPTER 1 She opened an eye, but her whole world was still one of darkness.She felt something around her face, like a mask. It made her grow cold withfear as...
By the time he reached the landing, they were already in Ted's bedroom. He slowly walked towards the door, then stopped as he heard Jan give out a sigh. “Yes, “ he heard her say “yes, yes!” Her moans and sighs were turning him on so much, he decided to stay outside a little longer and listen to the highly erotic sound of his wife's moans of pleasure as she had her cunt licked by another man. He held his breath, squeezed his rigid cock through his trousers, and listened. He'd often fantasised...
My makeup was perfect. Well, I say perfect, others would disagree. My red lips glistened with 4 coats of shiny lipgloss. Outlined in black liner, overdrawn to make the lips look large, and inviting. Heavy red blusher outlined my high cheekbones. My eyes were coated in a mix of eyeshadow and vaseline, giving the pink and white segments a shiny wet look, below the two inch long, heavily mascara'd eyelashes. The back combed platinum blonde wig, piled high above large diameter, dangly hoop...
When I had been in the Navy for a year I received a letter from someone named Virginia. I found out that she worked in an office of a friend. The friend had suggested she do her patriotic duty and write to a serviceman while we were waging that stupid ground war in Vietnam. I wasn't in 'Nam. Never went there. But I was a serviceman, so she was writing. I was more than happy to receive her letter. I didn't get many. Just my weekly letter from my mother. Not quite the same, you know? So when I...
Truemmm hes a younger guy and we were both very nervous...he made me a drink and we sat in his lounge chatting, me on the sofa, he was opposite in his armchair, we had a little kiss when i got there but things had got pretty intense with us so i guess we were both really not sure how things were gonna go, i had my legs crossed and my dress had ridden up, i knew he could see my stockings..that turned me on because i knew he kept looking when he thought i he went upstairs and when he...
I get up on the pool table, lean back on my elbows and, like Kaitlyn did, put my feet on the rim and spread wide open. The first touch of Greg's tongue is like an electric shock. Zam, right through me. I think I even jerked when he pressed his tongue into me. Then he begins licking me up and down sending waves of sensuous pleasure through me. "Oh, oh, that's really good. Oh, yeah." "Oh, just wait, girl, suck on her, Greg, get her clit going." Greg moves up to my clit and begins to...
The next day Josh stopped by the convenience store for cigarettes on the way home again. Eventually I’ll have to start buying my own. He had stripped to white boxer briefs with a picture of the Green Lantern on them. “Borrowed them from Danny,” he explained. Danny and Lucy walked in behind him, grabbed beers and joined us on the patio. As she had the previous two visits, Lucy slipped her top off. She stretched, then stretched some more, then pirouetted. She ran a finger down Paul’s chest to...
My name is Will and I'm an average guy, not much to me. Slightly built at the age of 16 with black hair and a 7" dick. One day after returning from school with my sister Jess, we discovered a note saying that mom was staying with her sick sister to help out with her son and daughter. She'd left some money for pizza on the fridge in case we were hungry. Now at this point I should probably tell you something about my sister. She's 16 like me with blonde hair and fairly muscled from her...
As Betty handed the cellphone back to Eddie , she licked his man dessert off her bffs face , before she & June got ready to perform in their daily webcam show. Chapter 1 Sonia was the mother of Eddie's crush Holly , he had gone over yesterday to hypnotize the long-legged 20 year old ginger-haired neighbour , but instead her stacked 50 year old mom answered saying Holly had gone away for two weeks At first Eddie thought just my luck , but then he realized that with Holly away he could...