ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 27
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Fiona promised him, “Oh, yes, Reg my darling. You can depend on me. I want my baby to be a Robertson.”
“On that point, Fiona, I should tell you, if the girls haven’t mentioned it, that up to now they have had birth control implants so that they could finish their degree courses before starting a baby. Now, with the impending arrival of a cook and housekeeper, and willing babysitters, they are going to take them out and start trying to get pregnant. You may still be the first to start the next generation, if you are lucky.”
“No, they didn’t say. Probably too much information, they thought. So I may be the guinea-pig as far as having your children goes?”
“That is a distinct possibility, Fiona. In some ways, it is an honour; in other ways, I apologise for making you go through this trial of pregnancy.”
“Reg, you are not a typical man, but I am a typical woman. I will enjoy being pregnant, if I am, so don’t fret about putting me through it. Why do you think your wives are wanting to get pregnant? To go through morning sickness, and become vastly overweight with a big belly? No, it is a lot more. To them, it is indeed an honour, so leave it at that, you lovely man.”
Reg drew himself up, and offered a hand to Fiona. “Shall we go downstairs and join the party?”
“Certainly, sir. I shall be delighted to accompany you to the ball!”
Reg sniggered at this pantomime allusion, setting Fiona off in turn. They walked down the stairs, Reg holding out his had as if stepping on to the ballroom, and Fiona laid her hand on his, pulling out her party dress to the side as if it were a ballgown she was lifting to avoid tripping on the stairs.
Someone heard the giggles, and looked out of the dining room. It was Prudence, and she gaped at the pair prancing down the stairs.
“Reg, what are you and Fiona doing?”
Her voice brought others out of the sitting room, and they watched as Reg and Fiona completed their parade down the stairs.
Frances frowned at the picture, and shook her head. “Reg, have you been drinking alcohol?”
He replied light-heartedly, “Not yet, my love. Fiona and I were simply play-acting on the stairs.”
“Well, if she can act as daft as you, then she’ll fit into this family quite well.”
Fiona stared at Frances. “Does that mean you will approve me, Frances?”
“I am afraid so, Fiona. If you are daft enough to want to spend your life with us, we are daft enough to let you.”
Fiona let go of Reg’s hand, and rushed down the last few steps to reach Frances and throw her arms round the chief wife. “You are truly speaking for all, Frances?”
“Yes, Fiona. Your tryst with Reg was the final test, and it seems you passed it.”
“Thank you, Frances.” Tears came to her eyes, and she turned back towards Reg. “Thank you, Reg; thank you all. This is going to be the best New Year, ever.”
Reg told her, “Welcome, Fiona. Join us in celebrating the arrival of the New Year.”
Frances put her hand to her mouth. “I forgot to tell you, Reg. You are going to be our First Footer.”
Reg’s eyebrows went up in surprise. “I don’t know the routine, Frances.”
“It is easy, Reg. We put you outside the front door before midnight, and once midnight has chimed, you knock on the door and we let you in. You hand over your gifts and say something like, “May this New Year be a blessing on your house.”
“Gifts? What gifts, Frances?”
“A pound coin, for the blessing of wealth; a piece of coal, to keep your hearth warm; a piece of Black Bun and a piece of shortbread, to represent the blessing of food; and a small bottle of liquor, usually whisky, to represent celebrations. They are all in a small bag, sitting by the door, for you to take with you. It may seem contrived, Reg, but most traditions are formalised like that.”
“Okay, I am up for that. It is a Scottish tradition, isn’t it, though?”
“Originally, but the Scots took it all over the world, so it is now celebrated everywhere, same as Diwali, the Hindu festival of light, has become international in its own way. Firework displays are a modern addition, to make a public celebration of the New Year event.”
Reg accepted his appointment as First Foot for the family, and eventually readied himself for going out, for it was already dark and getting quite cold. He shrugged into the warm coat that Frances had bought him last month, and stood near the door, watching the time for going out. He didn’t want to be outside for too long, yet did not want to be late, and just rush out and rush in. There needed to be some decorum about this ritual.
As he stood there, Fiona appeared, also with her coat on. “Ready, Reg?” she asked.
He looked askance at this, and enquired, “What’s the idea, Fiona? It is me who is the First Foot.”
“Yes, Reg, but you don’t have to be alone. I am just going out to keep you company.”
He raised his eyebrows at this confident statement, but said nothing. Fiona come closer, and whispered, “Secondly, I want to arrive just after you, as a sign of my arrival into your family. I think it is a good sign to show. Please take my hand in welcome, as I arrive, to show that you accept me.”
“Now that makes sense,” Reg agreed. “Let’s do it, and get outside now.”
He opened the front door and stepped out, holding the door open for Fiona. She joined him outside, and closed the door behind her. She checked her phone for the time. It was four minutes to twelve. Reg suddenly remembered he didn’t have a mobile phone yet, and asked Fiona, “Would you keep an eye on the time, Fiona, so we know when to knock?”
She showed him the time on her phone, and said, “We’ll have to stay close to be able to see the time, Reg, but I entered midnight on the alarm setting anyway.” She came right up to him and put an arm round his waist. “We even have time for a quick kiss and cuddle, my husband.”
“We have, but I am not your husband until we do a new Commitment to publicly show that change of status.” He stopped her replying, by kissing her enthusiastically on the mouth. She responded in kind, until her phone alarm went off.
She giggled at this, and parted from him.
“Now, HUSBAND, do your first footing!”
Reg forced her to wait a moment or two, to be sure that the celebration had begun inside, then rapped with the door knocker. Someone must have been waiting for that, as the door swung open immediately.
Frances was standing there, and the other girls were in a line behind her.
Reg went into his spiel, and handed over his gifts, one after the other, saying his piece about each. Frances calmly and sedately accepted them, then opened her arms, saying “Welcome to our home.”
She gave him a good kissing, then released him to do the same with each of his wives. Behind him, Fiona entered, Reg ostentatiously took her hand, and Frances proceeded to welcome her and gave her a sisterly kiss. Each of the other girls did the same, making Fiona feel very welcome.
When that was complete, Frances was about to ask Reg to make a toast when Fiona interrupted, “Girls, can I be viewed as a wife for the time being? I know I can’t be an official wife until I take part in a Commitment Ceremony, but it will make me happy, even if only seen as a wife inside this house.”
Frances swung her head around to get a quick consensus, and got it.
“Very well, Fiona. For now, we will treat you as another wife, and barring accidents, we will make if official before long. I should point out that as well as the benefits of bedding Reg and gaining his love, that means sharing the household responsibilities as well: work duties.
Now, can we get on with THIS ceremony without any other interruptions?”
Everyone shut up, and Frances gestured with her hands filled with gifts for Reg to continue into the dining room where all the drinks and glasses were laid out. Once she had, as chief wife, relieved herself of the burden she carried, she handed him his filled whisky glass, and made sure the others each had a drink in their hand, she indicated for Reg to speak.
He intoned in a more formal and serious voice, “This new year marks many changes in our lives. A year ago, I was a man on my own, and, I admit, happy to be so. Today, I am a much-married man, living with my wives in our own home, and the future looks optimistic for us all. I am happier than I ever was before.
I thank God for all that has happened, and I thank all my wives for their love and attention. I never knew that life could be so wonderful: I love you all dearly. I speak to Frances as our Chief Wife, but I speak to all of you through her. Frances, you have turned my life upside down, and I thank you for that turbulence. I needed it. I also thank you for the calmness you have subsequently brought to my life through your welcoming love in bringing all of us together, including our new recruit, Fiona. You are the foundation stone of the edifice that is our group marriage.
I would also like to recognise your parents, all of whom have seen something in me that I didn’t realise was there: A love for people other than myself and my wives. Almost all the family members I have met have welcomed me – as part of you – into their homes and into their lives.
I say again: I could not be happier, and I thank you all for it.
I give you a toast: to our family!”
The girls all responded: “To our family”, and Reg noticed with pleasure that Fiona was as voluble as the others in following the toast.
Frances made the reply.
“Reg, thank you for that toast, and the heartfelt sentiments that went with it. As your wives of a few short months, we have begun to appreciate what time will do to our family. I for one will be interested to see what sort of father you will make. If it is anything like you are as a husband, I shall not be disappointed.
Ladies, I give you our First Foot: Reg.”
There was a chorus of “Reg!”, and they all downed the rest of their drink.
This allowed the party to start, and after a few minutes of celebration, they started playing whatever party games they could recall; some were from childhood, and had remained in the memory as fun times worthy of repetition.
It was just as well that they had no appointments next day, for it was past 2 o’clock before tiredness won and they elected to go to bed, and let Reg know how much he was loved.
It was mid-morning before anyone woke. Reg woke first, and discovered he was between Frances and Freda. By now he knew how each of his wives felt and smelled when close to him. He climbed carefully over Freda and padded to the bathroom to relieve his bladder. He noticed in passing that the rest of the family bed was filled by Prudence, Erika and Fiona. He was interested that Fiona had joined their marital bed. He guessed she had been invited. He had probably made love to her as well as his wives; he could not remember all the details. The night was a blur of encouraging girls.
As he peed, he reflected on yesterday. At some point, the girls would have to inform their parents of the new addition to the Robertson clan, but not just now. It could wait.
His mind focussed on two matters that should be sorted. One was his mother, about the circumstances of his father’s death. The other was that unexpected metal detector that was parked somewhere; he had forgotten where he put it. He reckoned he should at least take a stab at using it, or his wives would tease him about being suckered into accepting an unwanted gift.
As to Fiona becoming part of their marriage, he would leave the decisions on that to his wives. He thought they were okay with the proposal. They would decide what would happen, when and where. He judged that it was safer to leave them to it. A good husband learned to defer to his wife at times, and with so many wives, this meant most times for him.
His mother, though; when should he demand the truth? He had best ask Frances.
He showered after closing the bathroom door to keep the water sound down. He was almost finished when the door opened. Prudence stepped in and blinked at the light. She closed the door behind her, and stood for a moment in her naked glory, letting her eyes adjust.
Reg spoke to her as he turned off the shower.
“Morning, Prudence, my beauty. How are you?”
“Muzzy head; too much alcohol last night, I think. This won’t spark off a migraine, will it, Reg?”
“Might do, my love. Alcohol causes dehydration, which can be the trigger. Get yourself some water or fruit juice right away and drink at least a litre. That may bring your fluid levels back into balance. Can I say you look beautiful this morning?”
Prudence became consciously aware that she was naked, and that her husband was admiring her body. She snorted at him. “Reg, you have a distorted view of beautiful! I am still on the skinny side.”
“I agree. You should should put on some weight; only then should you get pregnant, dear.”
She took a sharp look at Reg, to see if he was joking. He wasn’t.
“You want me to be pregnant, Reg?”
“As soon as your body is ready for it, my lovely wife.”
“Well, the situation is different from when the idea was first mooted, so I am willing to oblige. I will do what I can to put on some weight first, as you suggest, darling.”
“What’s going on?” The question came from Fiona, who had just poked her head through the bathroom doorway.
Prudence told her, “We are just arranging for when I should get pregnant, Fiona. Reg wants me to put on some body weight first. He thinks I am too skinny.”
Fiona looked Prudence over, noting her tall slim frame. “He may be right, Prudence. Having a baby takes a fair bit out of your body, so you don’t want to be underweight before you start.”
Prudence glanced at the equally naked Fiona, and said, “So how would you know about that, Fiona, not having had a baby yourself?”
Fiona gave an embarrassed cough, and admitted, “I did some online research before I came here yesterday, just in case I ended up pregnant. I wanted to check that my body was ready for that event.”
Prudence smiled cheekily. “So you had done advance planning before coming here, just in case you happened to get fucked by Reg?”
“If you put it that way, then yes. I have a year or two on you, so I recognised that I was not getting any younger, and if you found me acceptable, I was happy not to waste time in really joining your family. Do you object to the idea, Prudence?”
“Not at all, Fiona. I rather like it, for if you have the first child, we can all get practice at looking after a baby before we have our own.”
Reg announced, “If we are all going to stand around naked, talking, I’d prefer to be hugging you both at the same time, and enjoy the feel of your lovely bodies against me.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
“When we were set Robert Heinlein’s ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ to crit, I was left unsure where to start. That book was notorious when it first came out, I read, so how do we view it without prior bias?” Reg gave a little laugh. “I suspect that was a trap, Frances. We were expected to find reviews from the period, and simply slap together a melange of them, under the guise of our own intellectual examination. We would be slapped down for that. Like so many other examples, the reviewer...
She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
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Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kim had been walking home from work thinking about how much she wanted her boyfriend to bury his cock between her legs when she was jumped from behind. A cloth covered her mouth before darkness. She was puzzled when she woke up groggily. All she could remember was walking past an alley by her house and then nothing. She opened her eyes or tried too....
Last week was my birthday and my GF Rinki wanted to please me by giving me an incredible gift. Something like what I had given her a few months back. She wanted to make all the arrangements so we can have the b'day party but also get some time alone with each other so she can show me a great time. Due to a family function, I had to be in Delhi on my birthday. The function which didn't even concern me so I was a bit disappointed at that. But Rinki decided that we can enjoy before I leave for...
VII Girl next door The events of the day had stunned me. I had had no idea things might go this far. Not only had I just rendered worthless the marriage vows on which I had based my life for twenty years, not only had the sex been utterly out of this world, but to cap it all this sexy, vivacious young woman, her whole life before her, had just pledged herself unconditionally and with every appearance of desperate sincerity to a fat, bald, middle-aged married insurance manager. I thought long...
It's your first year as a grad student at the University. Since you're new you've been stuck with the more undesirable lab teaching assignments, namely freshman Biology. One of your sections is the evening lab, which no one wanted but you've found works well with your schedule. And at least spring semester is almost over, with finals happening the following week. As you're about the start tonight's lab, one of your students raises her hand. "John, are you going to let us know what our labs...
"Good bye thank you for riding with us and have a safe trip" she smile and wave at me as I past her. "Thank you very much. Muy hermosa las cosas que haría que si era su hombre(You very beautiful the things I would do to you if I was your man), I said as I walked off. She just smiled and blushed. As I walked the hall try to find the exit, my phone goes crazy with text messages once I turn it back on. 60 messages from friends saying there sorry for my Grandpas passing. I quickly fall...
Our quarter had 4 small apartments, in each apartment lived an official. Now during my stay my dad had to go home due to an emergency, i was supposed to go with him but i didnt wanted to. I convinced him a lot to let me stay back. After a lot of persuasion he finally let me stay there. Since he was a high ranking doctor in the army he had two soldiers appointed for his protection, he asked them to take care of me and stay with me at all times. I knew these soldiers, Harry and Rob. They were in...
Sitting on the back patio, I mulled over work. Since returning from New Orleans, my workload had dropped to almost nothing. I had some old parchments that needed independent validation for a client before he’d buy them. Wasn’t interested. He could wait. Clouds drifted across the sky. When they obscured the sun, humidity intensified, then the sun reappeared and burned with radiant heat. I considered taking the boat out for a spin to cool off, or go for a swim in the ocean. I’d developed an...
A couple of days after HIS son had fucked me, I was sitting on my bed reading and listening to the latest records, I hadn’t been home from school that long but I was in my PJs, no bra but did have knickers on. My bedroom was in the attic when I heard someone coming up the stairs, there was a knock on the door and a female voice said “Donna can I come in”. I let her in and it was Valerie, Jerry’s wife, HIS daughter-in-law, I immediately sensed trouble.She sat next to me on my bed and said “Did...
The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat The Do-gooder MILF -4 BASTARDS Joans head twisted, she could not see when the next blow was coming. He body flinched, quivered AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Another hit with the belt. Every part of her body hurt the way she was tied. Totally exposed to all the men. Pain. Fear, Despair. AHHH. Her head shook. Her head had been slapped. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Another hit with the belt. The hands on her ass. A cock...
Time Stands Still Chapter Six: Memories By 8:30 a.m. "Now, Jack? Do you really think this is the right time?" I was getting dressed. I was using Jack's jockey shorts and T-shirt to wipe the cum and sweat off of my body. I knew that Jack loved to feel the stickiness in his underwear as he drove around in his patrol car all day. I tossed him the underwear while I put on my clothes. I kinda enjoyed smelling our shared sexual scent mixed in with my perfume. "I do,...
Cait and I went out with Lucy and her boyfriend on these double date things several times, I think it became the way he and Lucy hung out together when he was in town and one night after Cait and I got home from one, Cait said to me “You know why I don't like Lucy?” and I said “You really don't like her still?” and she said “Yeah that's just it. It's impossible to not like her. And that's what I don't like about her. You know what I mean?” and I said “Not really” and Cait said “I used to not...
A few weeks after the Frank debacle, things are back to normal. AJ still gives me hell about it from time to time, but more in a joking manner. He isn’t all too pleased that I’m driving to the next state over to go see another client of mine, but its business. He knows what it is like and I assure him I’ll be better this time. I met a frat boy a few weeks ago on another site I visit and told him about my site. He seemed really interested in me, and what I did for work. He asked me if I could...
This is a completely non-sexual tale about right, wrong and responsibility. Each reader will have to come to his or her own conclusions about relative morality. * ‘Ah, Special Agent Jenkins, my favorite FBI agent! You’re welcome to sit out here on the porch or in your government sedan while I waste more of my precious retirement income on my attorney who I would think will be here within the hour.’ ‘Mr. Thompson, you don’t need to call your lawyer. The judge approved your writ. I’ve been...
I watched Melina Salonika study her naked reflection, inspecting her so-called imperfections. Tall and statuesque, to my mind she was perfect. With brunette curls tumbling over her shoulders, soft golden brown skin, and a figure to die for, Melina exuded sex. And when she looked at you with those almond coloured eyes, she was irresistible.She raised her hands above her head and twisted her body from side to side. Her beautiful breasts did the same, swaying left and right like an erotic...
First TimeLaughter, embarrassment and confusion in equal measures affected the guests and wedding party. Marta stood, restraining a giggle. "Anyone needing fresh champagne glasses and cake slices let Latisha and Tico know. "I imagine when you decided to attend our wedding you figured a pleasant evening would ensue. It seems my plan to make it memorable has been embellished a bit. If you knew Pussycat and Eddy before, and I haven't known them long but got the gist of their characters, I'd say we...
Old Foster glanced at his watch and eased back in his plush high-backed chair. It was 2:15 in the afternoon and the appointment was for 2:30. Plenty of time yet. Impatiently, he got up from his desk and hobbled to the window and peered out. After a moment's reflection, he moved back to his desk, plopped down hard in the chair, and began leafing through his calendar for the fifth time that afternoon. A moment later, he pushed the calendar aside brusquely and began tapping out an impatient...
2088: It's a Sissy World Charles Pauline - Data Processor Cindy Pauline - Charles' wife Ms. Miriam Jensdotter - Charles' Boss James Marie - Charles' work friend Ms. Marysdau - James' boss Creampuff - A Sissy Store Worker Babykins - A Sissy Store Worker Suzi - The Sissy Store Owner Butterscotch - Creampuff's Roommate Supervisor Gabriellez - Creampuff's Apartment Supervisor Janice and Roger - Passengers on the Looper Ms. Hardcastle - Milking Salon Director Nurse Hamilton - Milking...
The Asylum Part 1 - Coercion "I'm not sure why you're so scared, John. It's just an old building." Samantha continued to gently embarrass me into going to the old asylum on the hill tomorrow night. She was the instigator in our little group of friends, always trying to push the edge, go faster, and do anything that would cause a thrill. She was eighteen, and, in my opinion, far too pretty to be attracted to only girls. It was a real waste. Being my neighbor for the past five...
Hello everyone. I hope all of my readers are doing great. I would take some time to thank everyone for the appreciation and ratings on my previous stories. Also, thanks to everyone who e-mailed me. If you haven’t already, then don’t hesitate to drop in one. E-mail me at You can e-mail me to tell me if you liked the story or not, to simply ask something or talk. Well, before I begin my story. I’d like to give a brief introduction of me and my partner. I am Parth, 18 years, average looking...
Gay MaleFinally it was time for the con. We took an extra day off of school and with the top down were driving down the San Diego Freeway for our weekend of fun. We hit the expected traffic, but none of us cared. This was going to be a great weekend.Surprisingly enough, Mandy said she and Peggy wanted to come as well. They had come to one of the games a few weeks ago, and Peggy thought it was cool also. Thankfully we were having dinner with Rosie at the time and she cut that off. “Sorry k**, but nope....
For the very first time, bright-eyed dirty blonde Quinn Wilde hooks up with a fuck buddy online. The busty lass matches with deviant director Bryan Gozzling on a dating app and struts over to his place for a wild session of filthy sex. Quinn gags and chokes while deep-throating Bryan’s dick. The ruthless dominant harshly plunders her sweet pussy. Bryan yanks her pigtails while fucking her throat, and Quinn submissively mutters, ‘Thank you Daddy,’ when the stud spits into her...
xmoviesforyouNota: decidí cambiar los capítulos para que se más fácil de leer para el lector y para mí de organizar. Todos los personajes son mayor de 18 años. 100% ficticio. " ¡ QUE DIABLOS HAS DICHO! " " eso mismo, que tu eres hijo de el Dios del amor y el sexo Eros " ************************* Definitivamente el no esperaba que su día terminaría de ésa forma, es más parecía de lo más normal y aburrido para el. Tom Losers era un joven de 19 años que cursaban el primer año en la universidad, huérfano desde...
Mind ControlThings with my husband had gone from bad to worse. He had even started having nights away from home. Did he have a fancy woman somewhere? I did wonder. But he did not. Quite by chance, a friend whom I went to school with saw him in a little country pub. His companion was a delightful young man and after a while, they left together.I then knew for certain why we had separate bedrooms. I was twenty-seven, childless, unloved, and paraded at various social functions as if I were a prized peacock. I...