Reginald's FamilyChapter 5 free porn video

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Fiona promised him, “Oh, yes, Reg my darling. You can depend on me. I want my baby to be a Robertson.”

“On that point, Fiona, I should tell you, if the girls haven’t mentioned it, that up to now they have had birth control implants so that they could finish their degree courses before starting a baby. Now, with the impending arrival of a cook and housekeeper, and willing babysitters, they are going to take them out and start trying to get pregnant. You may still be the first to start the next generation, if you are lucky.”

“No, they didn’t say. Probably too much information, they thought. So I may be the guinea-pig as far as having your children goes?”

“That is a distinct possibility, Fiona. In some ways, it is an honour; in other ways, I apologise for making you go through this trial of pregnancy.”

“Reg, you are not a typical man, but I am a typical woman. I will enjoy being pregnant, if I am, so don’t fret about putting me through it. Why do you think your wives are wanting to get pregnant? To go through morning sickness, and become vastly overweight with a big belly? No, it is a lot more. To them, it is indeed an honour, so leave it at that, you lovely man.”

Reg drew himself up, and offered a hand to Fiona. “Shall we go downstairs and join the party?”

“Certainly, sir. I shall be delighted to accompany you to the ball!”

Reg sniggered at this pantomime allusion, setting Fiona off in turn. They walked down the stairs, Reg holding out his had as if stepping on to the ballroom, and Fiona laid her hand on his, pulling out her party dress to the side as if it were a ballgown she was lifting to avoid tripping on the stairs.

Someone heard the giggles, and looked out of the dining room. It was Prudence, and she gaped at the pair prancing down the stairs.

“Reg, what are you and Fiona doing?”

Her voice brought others out of the sitting room, and they watched as Reg and Fiona completed their parade down the stairs.

Frances frowned at the picture, and shook her head. “Reg, have you been drinking alcohol?”

He replied light-heartedly, “Not yet, my love. Fiona and I were simply play-acting on the stairs.”

“Well, if she can act as daft as you, then she’ll fit into this family quite well.”

Fiona stared at Frances. “Does that mean you will approve me, Frances?”

“I am afraid so, Fiona. If you are daft enough to want to spend your life with us, we are daft enough to let you.”

Fiona let go of Reg’s hand, and rushed down the last few steps to reach Frances and throw her arms round the chief wife. “You are truly speaking for all, Frances?”

“Yes, Fiona. Your tryst with Reg was the final test, and it seems you passed it.”

“Thank you, Frances.” Tears came to her eyes, and she turned back towards Reg. “Thank you, Reg; thank you all. This is going to be the best New Year, ever.”

Reg told her, “Welcome, Fiona. Join us in celebrating the arrival of the New Year.”

Frances put her hand to her mouth. “I forgot to tell you, Reg. You are going to be our First Footer.”

Reg’s eyebrows went up in surprise. “I don’t know the routine, Frances.”

“It is easy, Reg. We put you outside the front door before midnight, and once midnight has chimed, you knock on the door and we let you in. You hand over your gifts and say something like, “May this New Year be a blessing on your house.”

“Gifts? What gifts, Frances?”

“A pound coin, for the blessing of wealth; a piece of coal, to keep your hearth warm; a piece of Black Bun and a piece of shortbread, to represent the blessing of food; and a small bottle of liquor, usually whisky, to represent celebrations. They are all in a small bag, sitting by the door, for you to take with you. It may seem contrived, Reg, but most traditions are formalised like that.”

“Okay, I am up for that. It is a Scottish tradition, isn’t it, though?”

“Originally, but the Scots took it all over the world, so it is now celebrated everywhere, same as Diwali, the Hindu festival of light, has become international in its own way. Firework displays are a modern addition, to make a public celebration of the New Year event.”

Reg accepted his appointment as First Foot for the family, and eventually readied himself for going out, for it was already dark and getting quite cold. He shrugged into the warm coat that Frances had bought him last month, and stood near the door, watching the time for going out. He didn’t want to be outside for too long, yet did not want to be late, and just rush out and rush in. There needed to be some decorum about this ritual.

As he stood there, Fiona appeared, also with her coat on. “Ready, Reg?” she asked.

He looked askance at this, and enquired, “What’s the idea, Fiona? It is me who is the First Foot.”

“Yes, Reg, but you don’t have to be alone. I am just going out to keep you company.”

He raised his eyebrows at this confident statement, but said nothing. Fiona come closer, and whispered, “Secondly, I want to arrive just after you, as a sign of my arrival into your family. I think it is a good sign to show. Please take my hand in welcome, as I arrive, to show that you accept me.”

“Now that makes sense,” Reg agreed. “Let’s do it, and get outside now.”

He opened the front door and stepped out, holding the door open for Fiona. She joined him outside, and closed the door behind her. She checked her phone for the time. It was four minutes to twelve. Reg suddenly remembered he didn’t have a mobile phone yet, and asked Fiona, “Would you keep an eye on the time, Fiona, so we know when to knock?”

She showed him the time on her phone, and said, “We’ll have to stay close to be able to see the time, Reg, but I entered midnight on the alarm setting anyway.” She came right up to him and put an arm round his waist. “We even have time for a quick kiss and cuddle, my husband.”

“We have, but I am not your husband until we do a new Commitment to publicly show that change of status.” He stopped her replying, by kissing her enthusiastically on the mouth. She responded in kind, until her phone alarm went off.

She giggled at this, and parted from him.

“Now, HUSBAND, do your first footing!”

Reg forced her to wait a moment or two, to be sure that the celebration had begun inside, then rapped with the door knocker. Someone must have been waiting for that, as the door swung open immediately.

Frances was standing there, and the other girls were in a line behind her.

Reg went into his spiel, and handed over his gifts, one after the other, saying his piece about each. Frances calmly and sedately accepted them, then opened her arms, saying “Welcome to our home.”

She gave him a good kissing, then released him to do the same with each of his wives. Behind him, Fiona entered, Reg ostentatiously took her hand, and Frances proceeded to welcome her and gave her a sisterly kiss. Each of the other girls did the same, making Fiona feel very welcome.

When that was complete, Frances was about to ask Reg to make a toast when Fiona interrupted, “Girls, can I be viewed as a wife for the time being? I know I can’t be an official wife until I take part in a Commitment Ceremony, but it will make me happy, even if only seen as a wife inside this house.”

Frances swung her head around to get a quick consensus, and got it.

“Very well, Fiona. For now, we will treat you as another wife, and barring accidents, we will make if official before long. I should point out that as well as the benefits of bedding Reg and gaining his love, that means sharing the household responsibilities as well: work duties.

Now, can we get on with THIS ceremony without any other interruptions?”

Everyone shut up, and Frances gestured with her hands filled with gifts for Reg to continue into the dining room where all the drinks and glasses were laid out. Once she had, as chief wife, relieved herself of the burden she carried, she handed him his filled whisky glass, and made sure the others each had a drink in their hand, she indicated for Reg to speak.

He intoned in a more formal and serious voice, “This new year marks many changes in our lives. A year ago, I was a man on my own, and, I admit, happy to be so. Today, I am a much-married man, living with my wives in our own home, and the future looks optimistic for us all. I am happier than I ever was before.

I thank God for all that has happened, and I thank all my wives for their love and attention. I never knew that life could be so wonderful: I love you all dearly. I speak to Frances as our Chief Wife, but I speak to all of you through her. Frances, you have turned my life upside down, and I thank you for that turbulence. I needed it. I also thank you for the calmness you have subsequently brought to my life through your welcoming love in bringing all of us together, including our new recruit, Fiona. You are the foundation stone of the edifice that is our group marriage.

I would also like to recognise your parents, all of whom have seen something in me that I didn’t realise was there: A love for people other than myself and my wives. Almost all the family members I have met have welcomed me – as part of you – into their homes and into their lives.

I say again: I could not be happier, and I thank you all for it.

I give you a toast: to our family!”

The girls all responded: “To our family”, and Reg noticed with pleasure that Fiona was as voluble as the others in following the toast.

Frances made the reply.

“Reg, thank you for that toast, and the heartfelt sentiments that went with it. As your wives of a few short months, we have begun to appreciate what time will do to our family. I for one will be interested to see what sort of father you will make. If it is anything like you are as a husband, I shall not be disappointed.

Ladies, I give you our First Foot: Reg.”

There was a chorus of “Reg!”, and they all downed the rest of their drink.

This allowed the party to start, and after a few minutes of celebration, they started playing whatever party games they could recall; some were from childhood, and had remained in the memory as fun times worthy of repetition.

It was just as well that they had no appointments next day, for it was past 2 o’clock before tiredness won and they elected to go to bed, and let Reg know how much he was loved.

It was mid-morning before anyone woke. Reg woke first, and discovered he was between Frances and Freda. By now he knew how each of his wives felt and smelled when close to him. He climbed carefully over Freda and padded to the bathroom to relieve his bladder. He noticed in passing that the rest of the family bed was filled by Prudence, Erika and Fiona. He was interested that Fiona had joined their marital bed. He guessed she had been invited. He had probably made love to her as well as his wives; he could not remember all the details. The night was a blur of encouraging girls.

As he peed, he reflected on yesterday. At some point, the girls would have to inform their parents of the new addition to the Robertson clan, but not just now. It could wait.

His mind focussed on two matters that should be sorted. One was his mother, about the circumstances of his father’s death. The other was that unexpected metal detector that was parked somewhere; he had forgotten where he put it. He reckoned he should at least take a stab at using it, or his wives would tease him about being suckered into accepting an unwanted gift.

As to Fiona becoming part of their marriage, he would leave the decisions on that to his wives. He thought they were okay with the proposal. They would decide what would happen, when and where. He judged that it was safer to leave them to it. A good husband learned to defer to his wife at times, and with so many wives, this meant most times for him.

His mother, though; when should he demand the truth? He had best ask Frances.

He showered after closing the bathroom door to keep the water sound down. He was almost finished when the door opened. Prudence stepped in and blinked at the light. She closed the door behind her, and stood for a moment in her naked glory, letting her eyes adjust.

Reg spoke to her as he turned off the shower.

“Morning, Prudence, my beauty. How are you?”

“Muzzy head; too much alcohol last night, I think. This won’t spark off a migraine, will it, Reg?”

“Might do, my love. Alcohol causes dehydration, which can be the trigger. Get yourself some water or fruit juice right away and drink at least a litre. That may bring your fluid levels back into balance. Can I say you look beautiful this morning?”

Prudence became consciously aware that she was naked, and that her husband was admiring her body. She snorted at him. “Reg, you have a distorted view of beautiful! I am still on the skinny side.”

“I agree. You should should put on some weight; only then should you get pregnant, dear.”

She took a sharp look at Reg, to see if he was joking. He wasn’t.

“You want me to be pregnant, Reg?”

“As soon as your body is ready for it, my lovely wife.”

“Well, the situation is different from when the idea was first mooted, so I am willing to oblige. I will do what I can to put on some weight first, as you suggest, darling.”

“What’s going on?” The question came from Fiona, who had just poked her head through the bathroom doorway.

Prudence told her, “We are just arranging for when I should get pregnant, Fiona. Reg wants me to put on some body weight first. He thinks I am too skinny.”

Fiona looked Prudence over, noting her tall slim frame. “He may be right, Prudence. Having a baby takes a fair bit out of your body, so you don’t want to be underweight before you start.”

Prudence glanced at the equally naked Fiona, and said, “So how would you know about that, Fiona, not having had a baby yourself?”

Fiona gave an embarrassed cough, and admitted, “I did some online research before I came here yesterday, just in case I ended up pregnant. I wanted to check that my body was ready for that event.”

Prudence smiled cheekily. “So you had done advance planning before coming here, just in case you happened to get fucked by Reg?”

“If you put it that way, then yes. I have a year or two on you, so I recognised that I was not getting any younger, and if you found me acceptable, I was happy not to waste time in really joining your family. Do you object to the idea, Prudence?”

“Not at all, Fiona. I rather like it, for if you have the first child, we can all get practice at looking after a baby before we have our own.”

Reg announced, “If we are all going to stand around naked, talking, I’d prefer to be hugging you both at the same time, and enjoy the feel of your lovely bodies against me.”

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Ma gayyali athagaru

Hai telugu lovers, this is Suresh from Guntur. Nenu 27 years age. Ma amma naku marriage cheyyalani decision theesukunnadi. Naku telusu na sulli kaya chala chinnadi. Adi baga lechinappudu 4 inches mathrame untundi. More over, naku chinnappatinunchi roju 20 times masturbation chesukune alavatundi. Roju Jamuna, Vanisri, Sarada, Manjula, Jayaprada, Laxmi, Roja Ramani, ramyakrishna, Jyotilaxmi, jayamalini, Rambha, Meena, Nagma, Hemamalini, Madhuri Dixit etc. Nu thalchukuntu jadinchukunta. Anthe...

1 year ago
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A Babysitter to Remember

I have remembered the summer of my fouteenth year with great fondness on two levels. First my stepsister moved in and second it was the summer I had my first experience with a real woman. The woman in questions name was Dana and she was a cheerleader at the local high school in her senior year ... I know what you're thinking, a cheerleader, fourteen years old boy YA RIGHT ... well ... It really happened! It just so happens I am what you would call "extremely" well endowed. To the...

1 year ago
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Now imagine that we are in a nice bedroom. I'm slowly getting closer to you, gently lift your pretty head and begin to pelt your pretty face with a very gentle kisses. Begin first by smooth your forehead, then my lips are transferred successively to your beautiful eyes half-closed. My lips are joined closely to each ochentsata you like the tip of my tongue caressing them very gently. Then take away your nose into his mouth and began to suck gently and then my lips, take your soft pink ustnichki...

3 years ago
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My First Adult Book Store Fun

This is a true story from 8 years ago...It had been a couple of days since Paul took my virginity and left me a heaving mess on my living room floor. I had not stopped thinking about taking his cock since he walked out of my door. Unfortunately, he was on vacation and I knew I was not going to see him for at least a couple of weeks. There were some of my other contacts that I could try and get in touch with but that would be just to satisfy my taste for cock and cum. I loved being fucked by...

3 years ago
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Speed Date Ch 01

I can still feel his hands… I can still feel all of their hands… My dreams still take me back to a time when I was loved… when I felt that I deserved to be loved… I stare off into space more often that I should with this thought. It consumes me, this desire to be loved. When I look around all I see are couples and weather they are happy or not, they are still together. I can’t help but believe that this, any of this would be better than the emptiness that consumes my life. so now as I sit...

2 years ago
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Seenuku Banisanu

Hello ISS readers, this is santaram from Vijayawada. I am aged 20 years. my dick size is 5 inches. I do masturbate every day thinking all old and new heroines. I like women of 40 plus age,. I also like handsome males of age 10 years to 60 years. I like males who have more than 10 inches dicks. I like to suck dicks for 24 hours. I narrate the recent experience in telugu for effective expressions. as I am not perfect in english. Naku 8 years age lo ma amma nagamani ma panimanishi koduku...

4 years ago
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Dickgirl Paradise Version 2

Just a few weeks ago Alex Anderson believed that he'd be returning to his high school in L.A. for his senior year. That was before his mom told him that they were moving. At least he had gotten to celebrate his 18th birthday over the summer with his friends. He'd now been in the town of Erekson for three days. He hadn't ventured farther than from his bed to the living room couch. But today was the first day of school. He woke up and sighed. He'd have to leave the house today. His mom, Linda,...

4 years ago
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Doggy Style

My name is Melissa. I am now 22 but I have to share with some one what I done when I was much younger. I was at school and was preparing to leave from an after school activity when it hit me, I was uncontrollably horny all of the sudden. Not sure why but I hurried up and packed up got in my miata and went home. When I arrived my mother was pulling out of the drive and saying by, she had a date with another strange guy.When I went in side I quickly locked the dead bolt and ran up stairs to...

4 years ago
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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 15

Part 15Oh god, this could not be happening!“Mmmm...aren't you a cute little girl?” She got a tight grip in my light pink hair, and pulled my head back. “I see why my useless thing of man wants to fuck you! Harrold, you need to pleasure this girl. Or can you not even do that right?” She looked at Luis, just laying there in the middle of it all, with his big black cock out, but she didn't care. “Does it feel good while my husband is fucking your tight little pussy?”Harrold got turned on, and...

4 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 15 Eagle

I woke up in Palo Alto feeling ... refreshed. More like my old self. First time since ... well, it had been a while. Feeling morning-naughty, I sat under the shower spray and treated myself to a quickie. Dressed for success, I was checking myself out in front of the hotel mirror. Picked up my cell, “Hello.” “What are you doing in California?” I smiled, sat back in the club chair, Clint Callahan. “And this is your business ... why?” “I made it my business.” “Oooh, tough guy. I’m still...

2 years ago
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First Time Anal

Well it was my first time with something up my butt. i was bored in the shower with a hair comb. It was smooth and was about 7 inches long. I inserted in my butt nice and slow feeling every inch in there. It felt so good ! I moaned as i Kept sticking it in. I got all 7 inches in my asshole. I started fucking my ass slow first. Then i moved to a faster stroke. It felt amazing i wanted a real cock in there. My cock was throbbing hard and i kept fucking my ass. I felt my ass gaping as i kept...

1 year ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 55

"What are you doing, Amy?' I asked calmly. "Out of my way, Dad. I'm going to kill the little lying, stupid, fucking bitch whore!" She said just as calmly, her voice as cold as ice. "You're doing nothing of the kind, Amy. Go sit down," I replied, in that quiet, special voice I had never used on her. Maybe that was why she missed it. I saw Cindi's eyes open wide in shock; she didn't miss it. The last time either of them had heard it was in the DC police station. She started moving...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 34 Routine

Sunday, June 30th, 1996, Sanford Maine I awoke slowly as I enjoyed the feeling of warmth that I was receiving from the body cuddled up against me. Awareness and memory were trickling into my head as I stretched and yawned. It was one of those rare times, that as I awoke, the reality of recent memory seeped in, one image at a time. I became happier and happier as the reality of what had happened the night before solidified itself with my growing recollection. I realized that it was just me...

1 year ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 33

As I left the back door of the house and entered our storage cave I saw Biltee and Crallet dragging their travois in through the entrance. They were taking turns pulling the travois with the three deer George had predicted. Biltee seemed surprised there were no women waiting to dress the kills. "Sorry about the lack of help Biltee, but I'm sure all the women are exploring the cave I found this morning. You'll have to dress and skin the deer yourselves. At least the women will probably...

3 years ago
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My dream comes true

Hallo dosto I am back again after a long foreign journey aaj main aap logo ko is journey ka apna ek purana anubhav share karunga. Main foren main ghumte hue holland ke amstardom city pahuncha.wahan mein sex shop dekh kar dang rah gaya.kya mast mast artificial land and chut ke model bik rahe the.fir mein live show dekhane gaya wo dekh kar to mein dang rah gaya tha.jagah jagah road par ek se ek sundar ladkiya I mean prostitutes khari thin gori gori hamare yahan ki filmy sundariyan to unke aage...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 111

Allie and Shelly took a long look at the twisted naked bodies on their bed. They had introduced an enthusiastic Erin to what sex with a porn star could be like. Erin liked sex. She liked every sort of sex she had ever tried – solo, with men, with two men, with more men. She had let a girl lick her pussy for her once but she hadn't returned the favor. She returned the favor several times with Leslie, Allie and Shelly. In fact, she was insistent that she finish out the night by making sure...

4 years ago
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My Second BiEncounter With An Older Guy

After my first bi experience i didn`t really know how i felt about what actually happened, but knowing that if i met up with dave again i could at least get another human being to touch my cock made it very tempting to meet up with him, especially as girls that i knew were not giving out.I was o.k Sunday/Monday going about my business but by Tuesday i was thinking about daves big cock and how he could help me out, and then by Friday i was thinking all sorts, how it would feel to be touched...

2 years ago
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Kathy and Larry Kinslow were sitting around the pool with their son, Ray and his friend, John. It was a hot, sultry Saturday afternoon and Kathy's ineffectual bikini left little to the imagination. Its brevity displayed her lovely body beautifully. She had large, round, perfectly shaped breasts while the rest of her body was enough to make a man drool. She was a perfect charmer for her thirty eight years, from her billowing mane of auburn hair down to her dainty little toes decorated with soft...

2 years ago
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Petgirl Taming

Looking back it all seemed so obvious but I just couldn’t believe my own family would betray me so severely. I looked at my bindings and tried to think where it all went wrong. I had just turned 18. For most people that is a cause for celebration as they become an adult. As a young woman in a poor family in New America, it was a potential life sentence of servitude. While legally an adult for sexual purposes at 18 your parents legal rights supersede your own until you’re 21. Many girls would...

2 years ago
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Kiss Me Goodbye

This is a repost and rewrite of a story that I pulled a year ago for publication. Though the story itself is fiction, the two girls are very real from my past… Kirk We choose it, win or lose it, Love is never quite the same… It was mid December 1973 and Lisa was just finishing her chorus class. She transferred into Washington High around Thanksgiving holiday after she and her Mother moved from Ohio. She and her new friend Denise were hurrying back to their lockers as chorus was the last...

2 years ago
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A Girls Disciplinary Finishing School

It had been a month since Makaela’s mother had found out that she had failed a class and to make it worse found weed in her room. She had been spanked, then spanked every Saturday for the last month. To set her daughter straight she sent Makaela to a Finishing School for girls. A special school for especially bad girls, that lasted for a month unless renewed. Each student was given a special teacher, who, at the slightest infraction, the girl would be punished with a hard spanking. Makaela...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 4 Comfort Zone

About five o’clock Cricket came bounding across the patio and launched herself into Dave’s arms. She smothered him with kisses, and glowed with love as he kissed her back. As they parted, Dave said, “Cricket, please meet my new good friend, Scarlett.” Cricket smiled at the movie star. “Hi. I thought you looked familiar. Welcome to the Circle.” The movie star didn’t at all intimidate her. Scarlett could have been one of the neighbors from just outside the gate. “Cricket is a cute name.” “I...

1 year ago
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Garbowskys Wedding and After Party

We took a bunch of photos then were on our way to the hall. By now it was about 6pm-ish and the guests were to join us at about 7-ish. I could feel someone looking at me so I turned around and saw Ashley staring at me. She quickly averted her gaze when I turned around. But even I must admit she looked beautiful in a long, tight-fitted purple dress. Reeve was matching, wearing a black tux, purple top and dark purple tie. Although I do miss our time together, I’ll never want to go back. What...

2 years ago
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Summer Fun 2

David and I had plenty of fun that summer. We had extra time on our hands to play all our favorite games. Our parents typically dropped us off at our grandparents house before heading to work, just about every weekday. Of course grandma Margaret and grandpa Ralphie didn't mind having us over. David and I had our very own room there which even had a full size bed, for whenever we'd stay the night. I remember one day in particular... Mom was running late for work as she rushed over to grandmas...

1 year ago
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6 Chasing CanariesChapter 7

And then it was over, as fast as it had begun, with Lori collapsed on top of Rhonda, their chests heaving and their breath coming in gasps. Rhonda's hands began running softly up and down Lori's back, where the perspiration was beginning to darken the colors of the head cheerleader's uniform bunched up around her waist, under her lover's caressing fingers. "Wow," Chet breathed. The sound seemed to remind the girls they had an audience. Far from embarrassed, Lori grinned up at Chet....

3 years ago
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My Niece I Part 5

I woke up for the first time since my wife died with someone else in my bed, and it was OK. Maybe Ash was helping me move on. Ash was curled up and still sound asleep, so I got up and made some breakfast for us both. I felt good, and was happy for the first time in a while. I brought back the food to find Ash awake and on the phone. She motioned for me to stay quiet. It was Nick. I had not heard the first part of the conversation, but it was probably ‘Where were you last night. I...

1 year ago
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What Would You Have Said If You Were Me

First night at a swingers club leads to a surprise meeting This is the completely true story of our first ever visit to a swingers club and how it led to my wife’s first interracial experience. I’ve stayed true to the events and emotions, so that the reader can immerse themselves and feel what it REALLY feels like to experience the wild world of swinging. All the characters are real, so join me into the dark erotic world of swinging. Let me introduce myself, my name’s Rick. It was a...

1 year ago
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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 2

“Oh, fuck, oh, my head!” I rubbed my temples as I got up from the floor, realizing abruptly that I wasn’t alone. I looked down at my companions, two women, one of them my own mother. We were all nude, and their naked bodies were truly delectable to view. I was shocked at just how beautiful the second and third women that I had ever fucked were, in fact. I had experienced my first threesome ever last night, and it was a very drunken one where I blacked out in the middle of sexual congress...

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