SamChapter 8B free porn video

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The bell rang to indicate the start of school and everyone crowded through the door to get to their homerooms so the roll could be called. Bud bent over and kissed Jolene on the cheek before retrieving his books and heading to class. She watched until he disappeared into the crush and then she turned to me.

"He has a very large penis, doesn't he?" She asked, shyly. As she spoke, Janice stepped closer to hear what she had to say.

"Yes, he does," I answered. "You won't see many cocks that size. It's huge."

"I enjoyed touching it. Do you think he will let me touch it again?"

"I'm sure he will," I said. I though that was a very safe prediction.

"What time Saturday should we come over?" She looked at Janice to see if she had anything to add. Janice looked at me to see how I would handle this.

I had been thinking about having the party start after supper, but Jolene's eagerness made me revise the time. "How about the middle of the afternoon? Say, three o'clock?" I asked.

"3 o'clock," she said, firmly. She turned to look in the direction that Bud had gone and Janice and I shared a look that said innocence was a wonderful thing.

"I'll ride my bike over and be there at three," Jolene said. "That way I can go home whenever and my mom won't have to come get me."

Jolene stepped in close to me and put her arms around my shoulders and gave me a big hug. She put her lips against my ear and whispered, "Thank you, Sam. Thank you. Thank you. But now I am as horny as a toad and if I had any panties on they would be soaked. I can't wait until lunch." Then she nibbled my earlobe.

Once I diplomatically pried myself free of Jolene, we all ran for our desks before the last bell rang, marked us tardy.

My classes seemed more interesting and pleasant than usual. I was able to concentrate much better in class. It was all because I was not building up to the need to masturbate every other class period. I participated more in the classes and even asked a few questions that the teachers promised to research the answers to. When I noticed my Algebra teacher conferring with her department head and pointing toward me, I thought I might have gone too far with my participation. While they were talking, I checked the index of my Algebra textbook and found that the proof I had just proposed for the current problem was something we wouldn't be covering for another three chapters. Oops! I hoped that the teacher thought I had been reading ahead. If she realized that I had deduced the proof on the spot, I might be in for some unwelcome scrutiny by the powers-that-be in the school hierarchy.

Not that the break wasn't welcome, but my lack of sexual tension bothered me. I had gone most of the morning and I was still cool as a cuke. The last time I climaxed was early that morning when Bud filled up my womb for me. It suddenly hit me that that might be what had immunized me against needing sexual release - I was still carrying a full load of Bud's cum inside me. I supposed that it must be soaking into the walls of my uterus and leaking male hormones into my bloodstream. In the same way that the pill or the patch protected me from pregnancy, the male hormones in cum might be protecting me from my own overactive female hormones. I knew that the female hormones in the pill prevented pregnancy by tricking my body into thinking it was already pregnant and rejecting any attempts to get pregnant again. I wondered if a similar process might be tricking my body into thinking it had just had sex, thereby preventing me from getting horny again. It was yet another field in which I did not have enough knowledge to make an educated guess, but it was a fascinating idea and one with which I could have a lot of fun experimenting.

After Algebra class I visited the girl's restroom. When I checked the pad I had worn against the possibility of cum-leakage, I found it was clean and dry. I decided that if nothing had dribbled out in four hours, I was probably safe so I threw the pad away. The darn thing was even more uncomfortable than usual, probably because I had got out of the habit of wearing panties. Now, it felt like the trapped heat was stifling my pussy. Since I didn't need the panties to hold the pad, I took them off and put them in the outside pocket of my bag. Once free of its cotton confinement, my pussy was much more comfortable.

Since I wasn't turned-on, and therefore more in control of myself, I felt safer looking sexier. I took off my bra, whose support I really didn't need. I only wore it to keep my nipples from showing through my clothes. Now, I wanted them to show. I wanted to invite stares and maybe even some comments, particularly from boys.

As long as I was going to show-off, I decided to go as far as I dared. I unbuttoned my shorts and pulled the slider of the zipper down a couple of inches before folding the lever down to lock it in place. Since I had the shorts riding higher than before, having them open wasn't revealing much, but I knew that the idea that they might just fall off any second would be irresistible to someone looking at me. The possibility certainly excited me, but I was relying on my 'inoculation' to get me through the next period at least.

I had just finished my wardrobe adjustments when the bell rang announcing the start of the next class period. I snatched up my bag and dashed out of the restroom without checking my appearance in the mirror. If I had, I might have noticed the small flaw in my attire.

Even though the bell had rung, I made it to the room ahead of my teacher, who was just returning from the Teacher's Lounge at the far end of the hall. I was in my front-row seat when class began, so technically I wasn't late.

Mr. Locke walked straight to his podium and opened the Social Studies textbook that we had been using for a syllabus all year in his class. He looked around the room to make sure he had everyone's attention before he began his usual short review of what we had covered so far this week and asked for us to hand in any outstanding homework. When his eyes came to me, he stopped and stared for a couple of seconds. When he had looked over the whole room, I saw him look back at me again and I sat up as straight as I could to give him a good look.

I expected some looks, but not from a 30-something year-old Social Studies teacher who had been here during the dare-to-bare year of teenage fashion. Surely he had seen nipples poking against cotton-knit fabric before?

He tore his eyes away and began his review. He looked uncomfortable. He pulled his sport coat closed and fastened the bottom button. As he did so, he leaned forward slightly. It was an odd thing for a man who mostly hung his coat over the chair behind his desk and even odder given that the air-conditioning in our school wasn't the greatest in the world and the temperature inside was never close to being chilly.

The simple answer had to be that he was hiding a growing erection. "Surely not," I thought. He had seen me in the same seat all week with my bust-line on display. Why now should I... "Oops!" I thought. I was about to ask what was different, when I remembered that I had made a change. My nipples and areolas were much larger today and I had just taken off my bra to show them off. I realized that I should have taken the time to check my appearance in the mirror.

My enhanced HH-cup breasts were so large and rode so high on my chest that my nipples were beyond my normal view. Even after I had enlarged my areolas and nipples, I still needed a mirror to see the tips of my breasts. I had just about come to terms with having much of my body hidden from view, and I had forgotten the old adage "out of sight, out of mind". I even remembered that I had predicted what might happen if I let my condition show through my clothes. Mr. Locke had taken one look at me and seen what he took for a sex-kitten in full arousal. The sight had triggered a biological reaction beyond his control.

Thinking about my teacher trying to stand in front of me and hide his hard-on made me hot, too. Hormone inoculation or no, I felt my sensitive flesh crinkle up and get stiff under my top. Of course, this just made the situation worse. Now, my nipples were trying to poke through the fabric, and the stretchy cloth just molded to them and showed them off better.

I wanted to hide my reaction, but I couldn't think of anything to do that wouldn't look like I was flirting. I decided that the best thing would just be to ignore matters and act innocent.

After a whole class during which he did not look at me again, Mr. Locke sat down at his desk to read our homework assignment from his lesson plan folder. He had just finished when the bell rang and everyone headed for the door.

I lagged behind by the simple subterfuge of pretending that my pen had run dry and I had to get another one from my bag. After that, the room was empty except for Mr. Locke and me. I went over and stood in front of his desk.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Locke." I said, holding my notebook and pen. "My pen ran out. Would you give me those page numbers again?"

Mr. Locke nodded obligingly and opened the folder on his desk and started to read the assignments. I put my spiral notebook on his desk and bent over to write down the numbers as he read them. As soon as my pen touched the pad, he stopped reading. I looked at his face without moving my head or straightening up. He was staring directly at my breasts as they hung down almost to the top of the desk... The scoop neck of my top showed a good bit of my cleavage, especially from this angle. It must have been very distracting for him. I almost interrupted his reverie, but I didn't want to embarrass him any more than I already had.

Instead, I bent over just far enough to let my nipples brush against the top of the desk. Almost instantly, they began to stiffen and the areolas to crinkle with the stimulus. Mr. Locke swallowed hugely, but remained transfixed by my display.

I drew slow circles on the desk with my twin pointers. Mr. Locke's eyes followed every movement. Not wanting to interrupt his fun, I read the rest of the page numbers off his list upside down and wrote them down in my notebook. Even when I had the assignment copied, Mr. Locke did not take his eyes off my breasts. I had never seen someone so mesmerized.

I should have left then, but my devilish streak resurfaced. Instead of straightening up, I bent over and started to slide down onto my knees in front of the desk. I let the edge run against my stomach until it was just below my rib cage and my breasts were practically lying on the desk in front of Mr. Locke. I pushed hard against the edge to force my breasts as far out onto the desk as I could. I didn't need to see it to know that he had an erection. Having him stare at me like that got me hot and this time I let my nipples get as stiff and as hard as they wanted. My areola went past the crinkle stage and puffed up as though they were trying to push through my top.

Seeing my breasts stretched out on the desk really emphasized their large size. Even I was impressed to see them like that, isolated from the rest of me. I had an impulse to pull off my top and to lay them naked before him. The idea brought back the memory of my breasts at the start of the treatment, stretched across the weight bench support, exhibited for viewing by anyone who came into the room. The memory made my nipples feel tingly and warm.

Mr. Locke was clearly appreciating the display, but it was time for lunch and I had an appointment at lunch that I did not want to miss. I tried to think of some gentle way to break his reverie.

"Is it hard?" I asked, in a soft tone of voice.

"Hmmm? What?" he said, still oblivious. "OH! I'm sorry. Please forgive me, Miss Kramer. I don't know what happened to me." He pushed back from the desk as though he was about to stand up, but he remembered his predicament just in time and stopped.

"This week's quiz," I said. "Is it hard?"

He blushed and smiled, looking me right in the eyes. "No more so than the others," he said.

"Mr. Locke?" I said.

"Yes, Miss Kramer?"

"It's OK. Really. If I didn't want them admired, I wouldn't be showing them off. You can look all you want."

"Thank you, Miss Kramer. They are... lovely."

I stood up and folded my arms under my breasts. I shoved the notebook up under them to make them jiggle for him.

"Thank you, Mr. Locke. It's nice to be appreciated." I put the notebook in my bag and ran off to meet my friends. Mr. Locke stayed behind, waiting until he was again fit to be seen by the students.

Successfully turning my Social Studies teacher into a drooling zombie gave me a lift. I had discovered that having a great body was a wonderful thing, but having people admire it was even better. I decided to make at least one day out of the week 'show off' day. I would wear normal, conservative school clothes four days a week, but on one day, I would wear one of Mr. Morton's outfits. Something sexy and risqué; and maybe a little revealing. It sounded like a good way to break up the routine. I also started thinking of other, more daring, ways that I could show off, something like my performance in Bambi's car for the construction crew.

Janice and Jolene were waiting for me when I got to the dining hall. I wasn't at all surprised to see Sara Henderson with them. They had even been through the serving line already and had got a tray for me. When I sat down in the place they had saved for me, Sara unscrewed her thermos and poured some of her mother's chicken soup into the red cup.

As she sipped at the hot liquid, Janice asked, "Did you rinse that out?"

Sara smiled and swallowed, "Of course not. I didn't need to after Jolene licked it clean."

Jolene blushed and the rest of us giggled as we remembered Jolene asking Bud for more cum. It was one of the sweetest and funniest moments I had ever seen.

"Don't pick on Jolene, now," I admonished Sara. "She probably thought he could turn it on and off like a tap."

"More like a fire hose," Sara said. "That gorgeous boy usually comes by the bucketful. You must have sapped him before he got here."

"I did. I admit it. And it was wonderful." I wanted to tell them that I was still carrying his sperm inside me, but I decided to keep that to myself.

Sara noticed that the rest of us were bolting our food. She asked, "Is this some kind of race? You'd think you three hadn't eaten for a week."

Janice looked at me to see if I objected to having Sara know about our plans. I nodded. Around a mouthful of rubbery chicken she said, "We're going to go have a little fun on our lunch hour. Sam showed us something that really makes your day."

Jolene piped up, "But you have to go someplace where your screams can't be heard." She giggled as she ate a spoonful of lukewarm canned corn.

"Aha!" Sara said, grasping the situation immediately. "This wouldn't be the BumbleBee, would it?"

"You know about it?" Jolene asked.

"Sure," Sara said. Before she could explain further, I jerked my head at her and she became vague. "I'm happy to say I have been BumbleBee'd. It was fantastic! I've never cum so hard in my life."

"Would you like to join us for a nooner?" I asked Sara. "Four of us would make things more... balanced. And I'm sure Janice and Jolene would love to have you." I giggled at my play on words, but all I got in response was a groan from Sara.

"Where do you go?" Sara asked.

"To the restroom downstairs next to the storage room." Janice said.

"Eeew!" Sara exclaimed. "Isn't that nasty down there?"

"Do you know someplace better?" I asked. "A king-size bed with lots of pillows would be nice."

"As a matter of fact, I do," Sara said. "There is a storage closet for wrestling mats over in the gym. No pillows, but it's got a big stack of mats in it."

"That sounds great," Jolene said.

"Can we get in?" Janice asked.

"Sure," Sara said. "They keep the door locked on the gym side, but there is another door that we can get in. No one will be in the building during lunch, so we can make all the noise we want."

"Sounds great!" I said. Janice and Jolene nodded their assent to the change as they gulped the last of their lunch.

We left the dining hall by the side door so no one would see us going down the hall toward the gym. Sara led the way down a breezeway between two buildings and around the corner of the old classroom building into the covered walkway. As the school had grown, they had built new buildings right next to old ones and in places where open space was originally supposed to be. That and the overgrown hedges along the walks made it possible to avoid being seen as we made our way into the gym.

We quickly arrived in the main entrance, where, empty or not, we tiptoed past the doors to the big main room. Sara waved us down the stairs into the basement and we followed, single-file.

It was in the basement hallway that we balked. Sara turned left into the boys' locker room and the rest of us didn't.

"What's wrong?" She said, sticker her head around the concrete wall.

"Doh! This is the Boys' Locker Room, Sara!" Janice said.

"Yeah, and it's the only way in." Sara said. "Look, there's no one here. They're all in the dining hall and the next class isn't for 45 minutes. So c'mon."

Reluctantly, Janice and Jolene let themselves be dragged in. I expected a bigger argument from Jolene, but she was fearless as long as she was in a group.

We walked through the rows of lockers with their smell of rank sweat; past the restroom, with its unfamiliar fixtures; and past the shower room, which was identical to the one in the girl's locker room on the other side of the wall. I noticed that there was some damage to the tiles on the far wall. I wondered if there had been attempts to dig a peephole so the boys could watch us in the showers. I made a mental note to remember to check the grout lines on the other side for gaps.

Past the showers there was a metal door with no lock or handle. Sara pushed it open it and we hustled through into a short hallway with a set of stairs leading up to the main gym floor. The door swung shut behind us.

At the top of the stairs was another metal door. This one was locked, but Sara jimmied it easily with her library card. Inside, the room was full of a stack of wrestling mats with parts of the circle painted on them. Unlike the tumbling mats that were in constant use, these were only taken out for official matches.

The room was almost exactly the size of the stack of mats, so we had to climb up onto the pile to get into the room. There was no light fixture, but a pale white light came in through a small frosted tilt-out window near the ceiling on the outside wall. The window was open a few inches, so there was fresh air in the room. The gym-side wall had a wide double-door, with a security bar and a big lock, but the door we had come through had only a plain doorknob lock. I couldn't imagine why someone had thought it necessary to provide a rear entrance with a staircase to this storage room, but I had seen enough half-done changes and make-do add-on construction around the school that it was not that unusual.

As the last one to climb in, I reached back and pulled the door shut behind me, closing us in.

"This is neat!" Jolene said, rolling on the stack of mats.

"Told ya!" Sara said, pulling off her top and reaching around to unhook her bra.

"How did you find this place?" I asked. I kicked off my shoes and stripped out of my clothes faster than anyone else. Mostly because I was wearing the least. Kneeling, I helped Jolene out of her bra and then helped her massage the impressions that the underwired cups made in her skin.

"Lori dared me to go into the boy's locker room. When I saw that it wasn't much different from the girls' side I got curious and started looking around. I always thought this would be a great place to sneak off to make out, but this is the first time I've used it."

When we were all naked, there was a moment when we just all looked at each other, unsure of how to get started. When Janice covered her breasts with her arm, I knew I had to take charge.

Same as Sam
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INVADEDT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please contact him...

3 years ago
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Taking Risks Chaper 2

My phone rang at about 11 oclock at night. I regained sight and looked over at it, it was Ricky. Hello? I asked groggily. Hey, I need you over here…NOW. He said. What? Its elev- Excuse me…slave…did i tell you to question me? Get your little ass over here! He commanded. I paused, there was noise in the background…someone was talking to him. Y-yes sir. I said. I was so tired…but it was Ricky… Ugh, fine, Ill go. I got out if bed, ran a brush through my hair and walked all the way across campus to...

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Volleyball encounter results in new porn career an

The next week at work was a bit awkward, especially the first contact with Elle since the volleyball game and nudist encounter. I’d almost forgotten about it due to the foursome action later that day, Diedre & Tonya provided me (and Troy) with needed sexual release and added a two more notches to my belt. I remember thinking to myself what a year it’s been sexually after breaking up with my GF of six months and meeting Jennifer and discovering the joys of clothing optional beaches. My...

4 years ago
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Chudai Chawl Ke Chutiyaape 8211 Part 1

‘Chudai Chawl’ mein apka swagat hai. Waise toh humare chawl ka naam woh nahi hai. Par kya farak padta hai. Aap agar humaare chawl mein ek din bhi rahe na, toh itni chudai dekh loge ke, koi aur naam yaad hi nahi rahega. ‘Chawl’ ka matlab toh jaante hi hoge naa? Aasan shabdon mein, chote saste ghar. Aur jaankari ke liye Google kar lena, lekin baadme. Mera naam hai Deepak Mishra. Yaad rakhna yeh naam jab aap meri kahaniyan dusro ko bataoge. Main chahta hoon ki aap log humare chawl ke baare mein...

1 year ago
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Death An Autobiography

Do you have a hobby or occupation that the world just doesn’t understand? I do. My name is Thanatos, and I am the God of Death. My primary occupation is that of Collector of Souls. Most specifically, the Souls of Human beings. I despise the Humans. They’re a blight upon the Universe. They deserve to be eradicated. I’ve always loathed the entire Species. I don’t know why. They’ve always seemed like an inferior breed to me and I cannot fathom why my leader Zeus, King of the Olympian Gods shows...

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New Roommate 2

"Good morning guys." I say in an overly cheery voice. Paul looks at me. "what do you want Roxie?" Kevin asks behind his morning paper. "Nothing can't I wish my fellow roommates a good morning?" i say as innocently as i can. "No you can't, what do you want." Nate says, with his mouth full of toast. "Don't speak with your mouth full Nate, and I was wondering if i could invite some people over for my traditional games night." I say. I looked at them with pleading for a yes....

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Graduation Party

The following story was originally written in German and translated into English as a punishment ordered by my Master, who also gave kind permission to publish it. I am as much of a slut as the heroine of the story. If anyone thinks I should be punished or humiliated like she is, please send a mail to my Master suggesting which form of punishment or humiliation I should endure. You can mail him at [email protected]. Reports of the punishment or humiliation will be sent to the person...

2 years ago
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My Dream Fantasy Of Fucking Rashmi

Hello readers, I am Akash Singh from Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Coming with my new story about how I got a chance to satisfy my sexual desire with my hot tuition teacher Rashmi (name changed). This is an old story of mine. I didn’t post it because of some privacy concern. About me, I am an average looking guy 24, 5’6’’ tall, fair, handsome and look a bit similar to Virat Kohli. Rashmi, she is very fair, in her early 30s, unmarried, having a figure 34-30-34. She has got nice milky breasts and sexy big...

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Losing Virginity Together With My Virgin Girlfriend

Hi, I am Rick. (name changed for obvious reasons) This story is my first encounter with the sexual intercourse. The girl in the picture was my north Indian girlfriend with short height, whitish complexion, with 32-30-32 figure stats. Her name was Riya (name changed) we were in the same college but a different branch. I met her through my roommate. She was tiny but hot as hell in the bed. In the past, I had done everything with my ex-GFs, but no sex. Riya was a virgin too. Things got into dating...

4 years ago
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Ashleys discovery 1

-------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Ashley, and this is the story of my discovery and exploration. I grew up in a 4 bedroom two story house with an in ground pool. Between watching what I eat and sports I keep a pretty tight body. I always loved gymnastics, but I had to drop out when my chest started to develop. Don't let the movies full you, when you start hitting the upper limits of a c chest, gymnastics really start to become uncomfortable. I did still...

2 years ago
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25 January 2008Chapter 4

During stoppages in play, it wasn’t uncommon for Karen, Wendy, Tina and Abby to switch seats so they could take turns sitting beside Dan. He felt somewhat self-conscious holding hands with so many women. The Adults sitting nearby were definitely curious about this man’s relationship with the women. What made it more intriguing was the women also openly holding hands. “Jim, the second period is now ten minutes old and continuing to be a close checking battle between Kingston and...

1 year ago
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The Devils PactChapter 28 Alice

Giggling, we burst into the Wedding Lace, a bridal shop near my house. It was Tuesday afternoon, and I was here to for my wedding dress's second fitting. The seamstress was finished with the alterations and we had to make sure that her adjustments correct. Her name was Bonnie, and she was a purple-haired beauty covered in piercings. Even her cunt was pierced and I remembered how I played with the silver ring in her labia as I ate her pussy out during the first fitting. And her tongue...

1 year ago
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Jack and JillChapter 4

The mall was right where we left it but it was a different place than the one we'd been in an hour before. Jill looked like what she was - an attractive teenager at the brink of womanhood. Definitely ready to discover that aspect of her life, but not pushing it on me. Not trying to sell it. We held hands. Each of us was comfortable putting an arm around the other, touching, whatever felt natural. We might be standing in front of a photograph and I'd put my arm around her shoulders,...

3 years ago
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Meri Randi Maa Lund ki pyasi

Dosto ye meri pahli story hai. Ye sach hai ki meri maa ek randi hai me randi ki Aulad hu. Jo maa apne bete ke dosto se chud sakati hai 42 ki age me Wo randi ne jawani me kya gul khilaye honge, jab bhi aap yah story pado to meri maa ko Rand ya randi kahana.Ab me story par Aata hu.mera naam vickey hai, meri maa ka naam sonali hai. Meri maa(Randi maa) dikhne me beautiful hai , jab bhi wo chalti hai to unki gaand matkati hai, papa govt. Job me hai aur tour par rahate hai.maa jab bhi ghar me hoti...

1 year ago
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Controlled andHumiliated

Controled and HumiliatedI’m a pain pig and I like nothing better than a tall, thin, shaved head, skinhead ordom type of guy to get my blood boiling, they havean attitude that makes me want to surrender to themand let them do whatever they want to me or can makeme do almost anything. Me, I am slim, shavedbody but certainly not skinhead type of guy. I’m more of a business type, but don't be fooled, I am a bottom whowill submit to almost all forms of B&D, S&M and humiliationto please my...

3 years ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 04 Weekend At Jeannes

Bayonetta was dressed in one of her elaborate black leather bodysuits, as usual, which made James question what kind of “business” she could possibly be doing after she left. She certainly didn’t have time to go home and change since she had to be at the airport in less than an hour. James was dressed in the same casual wear that he had worn into the countryside the previous week and, of course, his purple leather “SLUT” collar which Bayonetta was using to tug him up the steps. As they...

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Falling Ch 08

Chapter 8, In which I share too much information It had been another long trip, but I’d finished up in time to catch the early afternoon flight. I was fired up and eager to be home and share the good news: I’d landed another big contract, and was on the inside track to land salesperson of the year and a stupendous bonus. Thanks to some coaching from Stacey, I’d learned that a little more T&A went a long way. A modest outlay for edgy outfits, stockings instead of pantyhose, and so forth, had...

4 years ago
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The story is about revenge,she is taking revenge on meWell My Name is Dinesh settled in Mumbai, I am 27 years old , unmarried and happy go lucky person, loves cougar,I stay with my parents .. I have done my Engineering ..I live in middle class society of 12 buildings and very old society, everyone is close to each other,My neighbour shifted in our society when i was 22 years, His name is deepak and is running his own business, His wife name is Ketki may be around 35 years , a housewife , not...

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Birthday Treat 2

This is a continuation of my story “Birthday Treat” posted on 19 January. Readers may find it helpful to remind themselves of the events which, for the first time in my life, drew me into a world which previously had only ever existed for me in my darkest fantasies. By the time I had composed myself after being mauled under my husband’s nose in the restaurant I was ready to go home despite the attempts to persuade Ken and I to stay the night there. And so it was that, after managing to drag...

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ExxxtraSmall Gracie May Green Tiny Petite Gets Some Liquid Skeet

Gracie May Green has been told countless times by her stepdad not to touch his stuff, but she is a carefree petitte who just likes to have fun! After a day of fucking around with nearly everything in the house, Gracie got told off by her stepdad. He could tell she had been touching all his shit, so he had to make himself clear once again. Of course Gracie did not listen and started prancing around the house until she came across stepdads shiny wedding ring. She decided to play catch with it and...

2 years ago
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Different Worlds Ch 05

Here is another installment and the biggest so far, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thanks again to my editor/beta reader North200 ~ It was the night of the Gala and Sally had invited Ruth and Ivy over to her place to get ready. The game-keepers cottage was a perk of Sally’s job and it was lovely. Small but perfect in every way from to the climbing yellow rose scrambling up the front of the house, to holly hocks that had self-seeded in the tiny back garden....

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Well need to keep Training You

I sat, naked and slightly cold, in the dark closet where Madame would place me as punishment for disappointing her. I sat uncomfortably reflecting on my past mistakes, what I'd done to deserve this, and hoping Madame would return home so I'd have a chance to redeem myself in her eyes. Without anything to track the passage of time, I was unsure of exactly how long I remained there.Suddenly, a sound broke the oppressive silence. It was Madame coming home and opening the door. I listened eagerly...

1 year ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 12 Catalyst

Lena arched her back, Sleethe slipping his hand beneath her to cradle her petite body as she took fistfuls of the furry pelts that lined their bed in her hands, her knuckles white. He dragged his long tongue from her belly to her chest, passing between her breasts and lapping at her sweat-drenched skin, his alien member lodged deep inside her. He was getting close, she could feel it, his massive organ swelling inside her to stretch her insides even further with its wicked, flared glans. It...

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Cybering is fun

Cybering is funFugue Hikao says:You wanna have some fun ? ~Or do i have to do it all by myself ? ~Jessie bby says:i'll join(;Fugue Hikao says:Hehehe, good -walks up to you, slides hands down your back to your ass-Jessie bby says:oh!...mai ass loves to be fondeled with (;Fugue Hikao says:Good....cause i love your ass -Squeezes your ass a little-Jessie bby says:*moans loudly* GAWD...that's mai pleasurespot hunnyFugue Hikao says:Ohh really now.. ? -Squeezes a little harder-Jessie bby says:*Moans...

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Destiny in Sweetwater Ch 02

The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission. Enjoy and keep voting! Chapter 2 Emy opened the oven door and pulled out the roasting dish and placed on the wooden chopping block. The radio she bought...

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Den of IniquityChapter 4

While Claudio was speaking to the waiter, Chantelle and I finished our ports and a busboy cleared our table. The dull orange glow of the sun was no match for the lights of the city, and would soon give way to the night. I was wondering if I was becoming a nuisance. I looked at Chantelle, who was organising her handbag. "Chantelle, are you sure it's okay if I tag along again tonight? I don't want to overstay my welcome... or cramp your style." "Nonsense Roger, of course it's okay. You...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 521

The madam opened the brothel door in Winnipeg and saw a rather dignified, well-dressed, good-looking man in his late fifties. “May I help you sir?” she asked. The man replied, “I want to see Valerie.” “Sir, Valerie is one of our most expensive ladies. Perhaps you would prefer someone else,” said the madam. He replied, “No, I must see Valerie.” Just then, Valerie appeared and announced to the man she charged $5000 a visit. Without hesitation, the man pulled out five thousand dollars...

4 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 19

Time passes differently for the young and old. The preparations for the journey progressed but Nilsen was positive that nothing was getting done. His poise and maturity could fool most people but at the heart of it all Nil was still an eighteen-season young man and once something was decided he wanted it done now! Makro wasn't much better but at least she had this wonderful new toy to play with at night which had a tendency to keep her somewhat subdued during the day. In some respects it did...

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The Reunion

I'd never seen the point in reunions - all too American for me. Until recently...A reunion was planned to mark an anniversary since we left Sixth Form. Normally I'd not bother, but the party was planned for a pub which was run by one of the girls from Sixth Form, and the prospect of a free bar was too much to resist! I'd also always had a little thing for the organiser (I'll call her Jo) and was curious to see what had happened to her.When I walked in I was immediately glad I'd come. Jo was...

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Calista Four Kaidran Quadrant

Calista Four, Kaidran Quadrant By: Malissa Madison 4/7/2013 Churl remained as close as possible to Calista, his body language emitting both extreme joy as well as Sorrow. Before him on the bridge of the Equinox stood one who was in name the same as his lost love. And yet she seemed so indifferent to his presence. Could she not see how much he already loved her, and what of their kit at home with his parents on Helconia Prime? Alice Dalton studied the Kaidran, who was studying...

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Motorway orgasms

Ten years ago when Jean and I were returning from the West Country she mentioned she was getting hot from the sun streaming through the windows. We had been on the motorway for a couple of hours, the air con was on and it still felt warm in the car. Jean was wearing a summer dress and to cool down she pulled the hem of the dress up to her waist, opened her legs and directed the passenger air vent down to her knickers.Jean sitting there with her legs apart and dress pulled up was a distraction...

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The PA

Authors Note: Thank you for reading The P.A. , please feel free to contribute! I use pics in my stories quite a bit, they are there just to give an idea of the scene so will not always match up exactly with the story. I hope you enjoy the The P.A. Thanks for reading. Dansak :) Max Jones is a 40 year old Entrepreneur with several small business that provide a generous income. He was divorced a few years ago and now lives alone in a large house in a semi-rural small town. Max normally manages his...

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Friend8217s Sister Deepika Has Better Off Me

I had a childhood friend name Vikrant Senger. He is with me from 5 to 12. We are not that good buddies but we had lots to share in Cigarettes and etc. And we cherish our friendship. She has a younger sister name Deepika Senger. I had never wrong intention about her as she is a year younger to me. After my 12th I moved in different city for my college and stayed in hostel. And returned in holidays and went to my friend house to meet him but he was not there her mom insisted me to come inside and...

2 years ago
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Dreams come true

Laying here in bed, I listen to my wife’s breathing. I know the sounds she makes as she drifts off to sleep. Each breath ends in a different sigh: hmm, hmm, hymm, hympt. The final note signals her departure from a conscious state. I am sure I will join her soon, but for the moment, my thoughts are on other bedroom activities. We have been married almost ten years; we have two boys; 3 and 7 years old. My wife and I each have jobs with different schedules, it's an effort to keep child care...

Straight Sex
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Incredible ChangesChapter 464 Hot for Teacher

They did that better than I could, and Mandy will have an actual house that her dad earned with his own hands and brain in a few months. I better get my butt to work before I’m late. Mandy squealed, giggled, and skipped happily to school as her mom told her all about what had happened this morning. When I got all the kids to walk to school, Mandy had plenty of girl talk with her mom about what happened last night. Her mom also told her about some fabrics causing Mandy to get soaked quickly...

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Sucking cocks in DC

I stayed at a hotel in DC. I put an ad up on CL to give blowjobs (put a picture of me in a teddy up). I had several responses but I chose two. The first that showed up was a 6'3" tall black man!!!! OMG! I let him in wearing the teddy. He looked me over, pulled me in tight and gave me an incredibly sloppy kiss! As he released me, he pushed me to my knees, I thought I was going to take his cock into my mouth right in front of the door! Instead, he walked over to the chair. He told me to...

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