ShilohChapter 39: Important Events free porn video

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Kyle smiles when the new Shiloh settlers arrive, Nathan sent his best assistant to manage the base, along with one hundred and fifty people (many specialists like blacksmiths, carpenters, leather workers, etc.) to work the compound and surrounding farmland, as well as another four and a half companies. This gives Kyle twelve companies to work with. The extra troops are available because they now know they don’t need large patrols covering the eastern or southern borders and a lot of volunteers for the force arrived from the people of the new farmlands. The many indentured workers frees a lot of the regular workers as well.

While the new workers get settled in and organize the interior of the compound to how they want it Kyle puts Larry to work supervising the construction of the exterior defenses while the other militia leaders talk about realigning the army now they have more troops.

Kyle has long talks with his five local generals. Their casualties have been replaced by trained volunteers from the camp workers and the new people, so all of the companies are now back up to full strength. The first result of the talks is for the companies to retain their current identifying letters while H Company is brought to full strength with the new companies being given the next letters in the alphabet. Two of the new companies are sent out on patrols to the east to check the land between what’s now being called One Dog Creek and the Gray River. Another company is sent to check out the valleys between the fort and the old Shiloh border. People are already calling this fort Shiloh East. A fourth company is checking the valleys east of the fort.

After much discussion the regiments are changed to five companies in each regiment with two generals to command them. The lead general is a two star and the second in command is a one star. Companies A to E now comprise the First Regiment of five hundred and twenty-seven officers and men, while the Second Regiment is the same size and has companies F to J. For now the Third Regiment is two companies, K and L, with a one star general in command; they’ll stay at Shiloh East and conduct the patrols of this area while the others are to continue with the campaign against the Black Army.

Kyle smiles when he sees the new compound manager making some changes to the protective ditch. This ditch has a long slope into it the same as was made at Shiloh, but he’s having about two thirds of it dug out and roofed over so it becomes a series of low stock shelters with slopes between them. The sides of the shelters are made from fired adobe bricks and the wood roofs are covered with fired tiles before being finished with earth and sod. When asked he says, “Lord Kyle, all our defensive ditches are being made this way now, as they give shelter to the animals in winter or big storms. The ditches protect them from the direct storm winds while the shelters keep them out of the rain and snow; they also provide some warmth. If need be, we have easy access to spread hay and grain in them as well.” Kyle nods his agreement to this improvement. He also notes they now have fences up to mark the fields on both sides of the ditches, as well as control stock movement on the roads and the slopes. He has the drain to the lowlands enlarged.

About six weeks after the new people arrive the compound defenses are finished and a company is provided to escort the prisoners to Shiloh for distribution over the whole area. Scouts are back and the Third now has a set of regular patrols to cover the whole eastern border to One Dog Creek. The only Black Army activity found is a half built fort on the other side of the creek, just short of the mountain forest. All the local farming communities are happy to be included in the lands controlled by Shiloh and are now protected against the Black Army. With all here now secure and set up Kyle decides to take the First and Second Regiments to deal with the half built fort. This is going to be a huge raid, so supplies are taken on pack horses and not in the wagons.

Eleven hundred riders on twelve hundred horses is a large column, but it’s also a lot faster and maneuverable than having the wagons with them. Kyle has one thousand and fifty-four officers and men with Larry and Nadia acting as advisers to the Regimental commanders, KK as his assistant, and forty-two camp workers with one hundred pack horses carrying extra arms as well as food and cooking equipment. It’s a large group and they spread out as they move. One company is scouting in front and another is watching their rear, with the main column in five abreast. It’s an impressive sight when they move across the plains.

Ten days after leaving Shiloh East they reach the valley before the one where the new enemy fort is being built. Kyle and his leaders are in the scrub just below the east side of the ridge between the two valleys while they view the work in the middle of the open area below. For several minutes they examine the work in progress and the camp there.

Finally Kyle says, “This looks like they’re making a duplicate of the base at Collective, but without the town beside it. I don’t understand why it’s not a more secure facility!” No one else has any ideas on why.

KK asks, “Isn’t the usual process to put your strongest bases near your places of main concern and then have lesser ones further out?”

Kyle turns to her, “Yes, it is! You always put your best forts at the most important points, unless it’s at a critical crossroads or similar.” His voice trails off toward the end of his words. A moment later he turns to a soldier and asks, “Digger, you’ve been watching them for the last couple of days and were part of the scout group who found them, what’s their routine?”

The soldier called Digger replies, “Yes, Lord Kyle. The cooks start getting the food ready of a morning, but they wait for dawn and check the area before they call the troops to eat in two relays. Then the others get to eat. They work until almost dark before the troops eat in relays and then feed the workers as the twilight falls. While the troops eat the workers must wait in their camp area. They seem more alert at the early meal than the one at day’s end.”

Kyle watches for a moment more and says, “Generals, you’ve got ten minutes to come up with a plan for dealing with them.” The four generals move away a little and have short discussion.

They return to where Kyle is and General Phillips says, “We think it best we hit them while the first relay is having their evening meal and the workers are in their camp. It’s only just on lunch, we can be ready to go today. Unless you’ve an objection to it, we think a straight forward cavalry charge through the enemy military camp area. Four waves of two companies as the camp is only that wide, with another company going to each side to use bows and arrows on any the cavalry miss.”

Kyle sits and thinks for a moment while looking over the site. The walls of the fort are in place, but no gates or fighting platforms. Guards stand in the gateways. The workers’ camp is inside the fort to make it easier for the Black troops to stop them leaving. The pits and trenches on the east and southern sides are dug out and the area to the north is being worked on, while the main troop camp is on the west side, the side the Shiloh force is on. It’s clear they see the west as being the safest side. They mustn’t know about the loss of the fort just taken. He thinks on this and the earlier talk as he considers how the plan is likely to play out. He also considers where the main enemy control center may be. Turning to the generals Kyle says, “Detail some people to take out the guards in the gateways. Feed your men and get organized to do battle. We’ll watch from up here.” The generals all nod acknowledgement and slowly move away to talk to their troops. They move slow so as not to be seen and alert the enemy they’re there by moving the bushes too much.

A little later a couple of camp workers bring cold meat and water to where Kyle and the others are sitting and watching. As they eat Kyle says, “We know the generals now know how to do their jobs well. This battle will show the troops they do, too. The men who heard us talk here will tell the others this is all the generals’ plan, so they’ll have more confidence in their work in future. That’s why I don’t want us involved in this one.” The others nod their understanding of his reasoning, as they were confused about why he was keeping them out of the battle.

Many hours later, when the first set of Black Army troops collect their meals and sit down to eat, Kyle sees movement to the south. The Shiloh Army is moving into sight as it rounds the end of the ridge he’s sitting on. He smiles when he sees the formation, he had wondered if they’d charge in line abreast or not, and they’ve chosen to charge in lined columns. Each platoon is in two lines of thirteen with the officer in the front left corner, the lines are about four feet apart and there’s a horse length between troops in each line. The Company Commander is riding in the middle of the line his unit forms, but behind them so he can see what’s going on. The Regiment’s Second in Command is in line with and between the two Company Commanders of his line, with the others behind them in the same layout. This will allow the troops to ride through the camp and lance the enemy, there’s just enough space for each trooper to pull aside after using his lance, so the others can pass him and he can recover his lance and join the end of the line. On each side of this large block formation is a company riding in five abreast column. These men will cover the flanks.

The Shiloh troops ride on, working up to a gallop. Listening hard Kyle still can’t hear the sounds of the horse’s hooves while they race along, they’re just a bit too far away - at the moment. But it’s easy to tell when the force is noticed by the enemy, when people jump up while yelling and dropping their food for weapons. Those not eating head for their horses hobbled in the grass area just north of their camp.

The Shiloh men are almost up to the camp when Kyle gets a big surprise, the front line don’t use their lances, but fire their short bows while still short of the camp and ride through it firing at the enemy troops near them; most of these men are standing their ground with swords in hand, so the use of the bows allows the Shiloh men to deal with them from outside of sword reach. Once through the camp and coming up on the men running for their horses he hears whistles blow and the men switch to lances to take these troops from behind. As the first line passes through the camp most of the remaining enemy troops in the camp put their swords away and reach for their bows, looking up just in time for the next line to take them out with lances. This is not one of their previously planned maneuvers, but it will be in future, Kyle likes it and the effective way it deals with the troops on the ground.

Movement in the corner of his eye causes Kyle to look to his left. He can see armed horsemen moving out of the tree-line of the forest about a mile and a half from the camp and they’re forming up for a charge. He puts his whistle to his lips and blows ’Left flank’ and ’Danger.’ He watches as all the generals look up at the forest. More whistles blow.

The Second Regiment changes course, as does the company on the left flank. Riding hard at the new enemy the troopers of the second respond to the whistles and realign on the move. They soon form two long lines for a standard cavalry charge. The company covering the left flank splits into two and half of the company joins each line. In the time it takes the regiment to reform several hundred enemy cavalry ride out of the forest. Kyle wonders how no one had found or seen them hiding there. Then he has an epiphany and thinks this is a relief force that’s just arrived at a bad time for his men.

Most of the enemy in the camp are dead, as are the guards at the nearest gateway and the troops of the First are finishing off those left alive while a platoon from the company on the right flank are galloping through the fort to ride down the enemy running away from the other gateway. The enemy don’t get far before being lanced from behind.

Whistles are blowing commands among both of Kyle’s forces while their leaders react to the changing situation. One company of the First rides hard toward the new enemy, but aim a bit off to the side, another turns to recheck the camp while two companies leave the camp area to form up in line for a cavalry charge as a third line.

The enemy form into the usual Chaos cavalry charge line and are soon spread out quite a bit while the Shiloh people constantly look up to keep their lines even. The company riding to the side suddenly stops and the troops raise their longbows. All smile when they see bowmen ready to fire at this range, the enemy because they thinks it’s a waste and the Shiloh people because they know they’re coming into range.

The bowmen allow for the enemy movement as best as they can and get away three flights before they stop to not risk hitting the Shiloh troops. The arrows fall among the enemy and cause pandemonium.

The three hundred arrows falling into the charging force in what’s effectively blind fire don’t score many hits on the men, only about sixty are hit and most of those are wounds only, not kills. However, about half of the fired arrows do strike horses and they rear up in shock and pain. Many of their riders are killed when thrown from the saddle, some are only injured and some retain their seat while they fight for control. But the real damage is in how this disruption breaks up the charge and slows down the horsemen behind the horses and men hit.

The Shiloh men raise their lances and the lines meet. The Shiloh troops in the front line are quick to grab their second lance, but some aren’t quick enough and get cut at by passing swordsmen. The enemy troops that get through the first Shiloh line don’t have time to regroup before the second Shiloh line is upon them. For just a brief moment a lot of the Shiloh troops are fighting with their swords while they pass through the back of the enemy formation. What’s left of the enemy is slow to turn to follow after the troops of the Second when the line of First Regiment troops reaches them. The enemy didn’t expect those busy with the camp to be finished there yet and to join in here, they suffer badly from not keeping an eye on the whole battlefield as almost all are lanced in the side or back by the arriving First Regiment troops. The First grab their second lance and continue across the battle field to finish the enemy still on horseback or standing on the ground.

A few minutes of bloody fighting and it’s over. Men ride back across the ground using their short bows to confirm the enemy are dead. Some stop to check on fallen mates, while those wounded and still on their horses head toward Kyle’s position because the camp workers and medical staff are just behind the ridge. Kyle turns and sees the medical staff moving down the ridge as fast as they can manage in this brush. When they reach the open grass below they move to a gallop with their pack horses trailing them. They stop a little short of the battlefield and are soon set up to help the injured men and horses.

The civilians that Kyle thinks of as forced labor walk out of the fort to see what’s happening and soon have stunned expressions when they see the extent of the enemy dead lying across the plain.

The Shiloh camp workers are moving down the hill to help with the injured and to organize meals. One of them stops by the command group because she’s leading War Bonnet and the other horses the leaders ride. KK gives War Bonnet a suitable greeting before mounting up to ride down to take over command of their camp. The others mount up to follow her.

Kyle is not that happy, because he sees way too many of his people lying on the ground, but he’s made happier every time he sees another of his people help one stand and get on a horse to be taken to medical help. He diverts to where the civilian workers are standing near the gateway. When he pulls up one of the workers asks, “Who are you?”

“Forces of the Shiloh Militia,” is Kyle’s response.

“You know the other members of the Black Forest Clan will not like you killing their people and will seek to hunt you down and kill you!”

This is the first time Kyle has heard this name, so he now suspects it’s this Clan that’s the core of Carl’s army. He asks, “Who is this Clan and what do you know about them?”

“They live deep in the forests and mountains for a few miles here, but mostly to the west. Most of the time they live by robbing people on the plains. I was taken from my farm, several miles east, a couple of weeks back. It’s been many years since they were this active or went so far east. The Clan is very large and there’s thousands of them.”

“Thank you for the information. We’re from Shiloh, a large ranch and farm many miles to the west, over near Riverview. These people entered our lands and have killed our people and stolen our property, so we’ve declared war on them and are hunting them down. Some of those we caught said they called themselves the Black Army and are taking over this whole area. We’re out to stop them, dead. So far we’ve taken about two thousand farm boys they’ve forced to work for them as prisoners and killed around six thousand of their hardened fighters like these, plus this lot today.”

“Damn! If you’ve killed that many of the Clan core members then you’ve probably killed most of them. The best estimates anyone has made on them is around the range of six to twelve thousand men. You don’t have to worry about the women, because most of those are kidnap victims, it’s their men that are the trouble. But their major centers are in hidden valleys in the mountains and are hard to find. I know, as I was part of a force from the Jones Citadel that came up here to deal with them a few years back. I liked one of the local women and stayed.”

Kyle slowly nods as this explains why he knows so much. “Did you know Gerald Jones died and his nephew Sid is his heir. He’s a lot like his uncle, but he’s busy fighting slavers looking to take over the world.”

“I’d not heard Gerald was dead. After the campaign against the Clan I’d had enough of fighting and that’s why I chose to stay near here with a good woman. Thanks for letting me know about Gerald, I liked him.”

“Something else you may wish to consider. Since this campaign has started the lands under the protection of Shiloh have grown a lot when many smaller communities have asked to join us. We’ve been taking over the forts the Black Army had built and we captured. The first two we turned over to the communities they were built beside. But the last one wasn’t near a community so we’ve turned it into a compound for us to operate from. At the moment our official border here is the deep stream just west of here that runs down toward the town of One Dog, we call it One Dog Creek. The other borders are the Gray River, the Red River, and the mountains ridges. All inside that area have asked for and been given protection, they also pay levies to pay for the upkeep of the protection. We’ve no intention of coming this side of the creek, except to deal with these killers, unless asked to extend control this way. If you need help, send word via Riverview, Collective, Sable, or Shiloh East - which is a large fort just below the mountains a few miles west of here. Our troops patrol up to the creek, so you may also see them around there.” His listeners nod while he talks. “On another issue, we wish to destroy this fort and its defenses. We’d like your help in doing so. When it’s all done we’ll let you have your pick of the captured horses and weapons to get you home, as well as give you some food to eat along the way. But you may leave now without any of that.”

They move off to talk among themselves. Kyle moves off to see how things are going and to talk to Dana about what he’s just learned regarding their enemy. It does explain their extreme attitude.

Dana has his reports in and is waiting for Kyle. He says, “Our loses are thirty-eight dead and seventy-nine wounded. Most from sword cuts after they used their lances, nearly all are from the Second Regiment. Also, we’ve over ninety horses needing treatment with six being killed as their wounds are so bad they won’t recover. The new force from the forest had one thousand, one hundred and eighteen in it and the force in the camp had seven hundred and fifty-five. All dead. The pits and trenches don’t have any spikes, so we’re throwing the dead enemy and horses in them. The camp workers are setting up camp and looking to feed us and the civilians. They’ve already taken charge of the food the enemy had and are preparing some horse stew for today’s meal.”

While nodding Kyle responds, “I’m not happy with our losses, but we have to accept them, because people do die in war. Tell all the troops I’m proud of how they responded to the appearance of the new force. They fought well. I’m fairly certain that force wasn’t hiding in the forest, but just happened to arrive at a bad time for us. One of the civilians knows a lot about them and says these hardcore fighters are part of the Black Forest Clan, their core lands are in the mountains around here and to the west. They’re a large clan of organized brigands. We need to find and eliminate them in their hidden valleys. We need to do two things right now. First, set a very good and strong guard to watch the tree-line, I suspect there are entrances to hidden valleys without roads to them on the other side of those trees. Two, we need to send a company to Shiloh East to warn them about the Black Forest Clan and tell them I suspect the enemy has large forces near them as their main headquarters is likely in a hidden valley behind the forest there. They need to keep a strong force on hand and to keep a good watch.”

“Shit! I’ll get F Company moving right now, they had our right flank and did next to nothing. I’ll order them to stay at Shiloh East until we get there.” Kyle nods and moves off to talk to the other leaders, letting them know of this new danger. None like what they’re hearing, but all like the fact they must be making major inroads into the Black forces.

A little later Kyle is quietly eating his dinner of horse stew while he thinks about the Black Forest Clan. Due to the name he thinks they may be descended from Huns who lived in the Black Forest of Germany. He figures they’ve killed between nine and ten thousand of the Clan’s men. If the initial estimate the other man heard is correct there can’t be more than a few thousand left. Also, it would appear the Shiloh troops have taken over control of most of the lands the Clan controls. Thus it’s likely the only ones left are in a few hidden valleys. All it’ll take is finding them and eliminating them to finish Carl’s army. He thinks he’ll also find the portal Carl has while doing that.

The next morning the civilian workers are very happy and very busy filling in the holes they’d been digging before the Shiloh force arrived. The combined force works so hard the trenches and pits are filled up in just three days. The next day is spent pulling out all the logs making the fort walls and filling those holes with dirt. The area now looks like a big field ready to graze stock on, but with a few dirt patches and bumps.

While Kyle is thinking about what to do with the logs a few of the workers approach him and a spokeswoman asks, “Lord Kyle, may we take some extra horses to drag many of these logs home to use on our farms? These are good woods and are very useful to us.”

Kyle smiles as he replies, “Certainly. If you want them, take them. I just don’t want them left lying around for them to put up again.” They walk away, smiling. Kyle walks over to tell Dana and the others so they know what’s going to happen with the logs and horses.

Organizing for the people to take the logs means they stay at the site for another few days, but Kyle and Dana think it’s worth the delay. Ten days after the battle the Shiloh force is ready to move out. The civilians left two days ago and now the Shiloh people are leaving. They stayed a couple of extra days to ensure the civilians got a good distance away without being immediately chased by the Black Forest Clan. Kyle is sorry he can’t escort them all the way to their homes, but they should be safe, for now. He has other concerns to deal with for his own people’s safety.

Kyle’s force reaches Shiloh East and settles in for a nice break. The people received the warning and have since seen some movements just within the tree-line, they’ve also limited access to the fort to Shiloh people they know. The compound leaders discuss the situation with the militia leaders and they decide the militia will rest up here for a couple of weeks to provide security while the first twenty yards of the trees of the forest to the north of the compound are cut down.

One of the compound’s leaders asks, “Lord Kyle, why do you want the trees cut down, but the stumps left in place?”

“Removing the trees denies them their use as cover to watch us and leaving the bottom foot or so of stump means they have to take care walking their horses through the area before they can mount a charge. It should give you more time to see them before they can get a clear run at you. The same as putting obstacles in their path. If they choose to come out the sides of the forest onto the roads, then they’re starting further away from you and giving you more time to get ready, as well,” is Kyle’s response. Looking at another leader he adds, “Use the logs and cut lumber to strengthen the gateways and walls. Put another layer of logs along the inside of the walls, but lay them down on top of each other the way we do with the bricks. You’ll lose some inside space and have to add some uprights to hold them in place, but they’ll spread the force of any attack across a larger area to make breaking the wall down ten times harder. You need only do this for the bottom half to two thirds of the wall. Reduce the size of the gates to one wagon wide and make the rest of the space solid like the rest of the wall.”

The next day the work starts. One company provides cover while a work crew starts beside the road to the east to cut down a section the depth they want, working west. A similar group also starts work at the western road end. The logs are dragged away from where they’re cut down to a point near to the compound and are trimmed there with suitable firewood being taken inside to be used and the waste dumped in one area for later burning. The cut logs are then sorted and used to build the changed gate areas first. Once they’re built the logs are taken inside and moved into the buildings where the work making the walls stronger can’t be seen from outside the compound.

It takes a month for the trees to be cut down and dragged away. Lots of individuals are seen deeper in the forest watching them, but no one approaches the work crews. When all the logging is done and the gates rebuilt Kyle leaves the First Regiment at the compound and leads the Second Regiment back to Shiloh for some rest. The trebuchets are left in the compound as extra defenses, because they can shoot over the walls. More packs of small rocks are made for them as well.

After a long ride home the weary force rides into Shiloh on a cold and windy morning with a light rain falling. While they cross the bridge Kyle looks down into the trench. He sees the berry bushes are growing well, the water in the bottom is flowing, and the animal shelters put in since he was last here have stock taking shelter in them. He smiles at the useful addition to his design. The residents are glad to see Kyle and the troops safely back, as scouts had warned them half the force are still in the field at Shiloh East.

When all are in the compound and formed up Kyle addresses the troops, thanking them for their hard work before giving them all four weeks leave. He also informs them they have to reform and relieve the First Regiment at Shiloh East after their leave.

After taking a day off to relax Kyle is soon back at work in the Shiloh compound while he checks where the potters and blacksmiths are up to. They’ve five kilns built, one made with fired clay bricks, one made from ceramic coated bricks made in the first kiln, and three made with ceramic only bricks. They form a half circle near the back wall of the smithy, where two people are employed to keep the fires hot by feeding them from inside the circle while those using the kilns work on the outside of the circle. They’ve already got a good supply of kaolin clay ceramic pottery for household use, thus allowing them to reuse the metal in some of the pewter household goods.

The main task Kyle has to teach the potters is how to make the very fine ceramic cutlery. He uses the fine wood shapes the carver has for knives, forks, and spoons of various sizes to make molds to place the high quality ceramic mix in and fires them at the highest temperature the top kilns can reach. After the implements are fired he places them in other molds made of hand grips and pours a mixture of the local rubber into the molds to provide the implements with a large handle to grip.

Same as Shiloh
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Our drive home was a nervous, silent affair, but when we arrived, Shani and Anh immediately grabbed Cate and dragged her upstairs to get dressed. She had no idea what was going on. I walked upstairs and let Allison and Natalie dress me in all my finest, though they once again warned me not to sit down. Soon I had Cate in Allison's little red BMW as we drove off into the distance. She still had no clue what was going on, but by then she had a pretty good idea. After all, my sister is...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 274 Two Important Meetings With OSU and Mom

Thursday, July 28 to Saturday, August 13, 2005 (Continued) I had some important meetings at OSU on August 10 and 11. I'd lost three weeks of studying time during our trip to Europe, but by mid-August I'd done about five weeks' worth over summer. I'd completed quite a few courses, as my studying speed had increased to about two weeks per course per screen. The increase was partly from studying for more hours because I needed less sleep, partly because I didn't lose as many nights to...

3 years ago
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Unseen Events

Written By Poppet:For LushStories ONLY!Unseen Events I’m standing here in a dark room, or I think its dark, I can’t tell because I’m wearing a blind fold. It smells like we’re in a basement of sorts, I’m not sure. I’m fully naked except the heels I wore when I showed up. My arms are chained above me and my legs are spread far apart. I know I have nothing to worry about because I came with my Master. He said he had a surprise for me. Of course me being who I am and wanting to do everything to...

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RWBY unfortunate events

Remnant is an unfair place, filled with monsters of darkness and evil that hidden within. Luckily a group of huntresses like Team RWBY are here to protect the people while also trying to live their lives. Unfortunately, there are times where they had to face moments that will force to expose their body either for the good or enduring demeaning obstacle. Can they return back to their normal life after these unfortunate events?

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Unexpected Turn of Events

I sat in my favourite bar sipping at my glass of Chardonnay; I had been coming to ‘The R Lounge’ for a couple of years. I watched the guy talking to his friends across the room. They were all dressed with a bit if style but he had caught my attention. He was wearing trousers with a casual blue and black stripped shirt. He was probably five feet nine inches tall. He had an average build; not to slim but trim enough to know that he tried to stay fit. I guessed he was around forty years old. But...

3 years ago
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Married Life by Lucy part 2 based on real events

This is a story based on true events. Part 2. After a very exciting sunday the rest of the week was quite. Friday evening John & I were finishing diner when there was a knock at the door, I answered it ,Andy was standing there, is John in he asked, I open door wider to let him in, he greeted me with a kiss & he grabbed my arse with his hand. He whispered in my ear, take your knickers off I want to see your hairy pussy before I leave. I walked away from him into the dinning room &...

3 years ago
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Unseen Events

Written By Poppet:For LushStories ONLY!Unseen Events I'm standing here in a dark room, or I think its dark, I can't tell because I'm wearing a blind fold. It smells like we're in a basement of sorts, I’m not sure. I’m fully naked except the heels I wore when I showed up. My arms are chained above me and my legs are spread far apart. I know I have nothing to worry about because I came with my Master. He said he had a surprise for me. Of course me being who I am and wanting to do everything to...

3 years ago
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Night Time Romance A Series of Unfortunate Events

The night in question was spontaneous; I was at an old friend’s house who I hadn’t seen for about a year, with my best friend, Loz. We sat around, drinking and having a laugh whilst Loz played the guitar and sang with her cooling voice. We ended up there purely by coincidence but I loved it. I soaked up the contented atmosphere in which I felt comfortable, even though I’d only met half the people about an hour before. I was chatting away when I heard somebody come through the door, and I looked...

Oral Sex
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A Wild Turn of Events

What a wild turn of events.I'll back track to when it all started. Months ago, I made friend's with a young lady on this site. At first, I was amazed at her writing and told her so. I went from story to story and was involved in her stories. The detail were vivid and made me feel like I was involved in a voyueristic episode of total erotica.We chatted for quite a while and became friends. During our conversations, we would have episodes of sorrow and moments of cheer. The chats eventually...

2 years ago
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Promotion And The Sequence Of Events

I came home, feeling delightful for which I have been promoted to Project Manager. As I was glad inside, I wanted to save few moments that night for myself to enjoy. With just an experience of 8 years I have been promoted to PM level. That’s great, I thought, let me celebrate. Being an Indian and now 29 years old women, I have never lost my two key features, my extremely soft skin with yellowish colour and dimples on both cheeks. To add to that, I have curly jet black hairs with supportive big...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 120 Potpourri of Events

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 20 Potpourri of Events Having settled things with Ron Beth was ready to move on with her life, especially her relationship with Aaron. She wanted to freeze her every moment of time, but life seemed to be speeding by with so many things. --------- Thanksgiving Although it was almost a month between Halloween and Thanksgiving, to Beth it seemed like it had just been hours. Before she knew it, Thanksgiving had arrived. Normally...

4 years ago
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Charity Events

Charity Events Chapter 1: Sugarplums Charity wiped her brow and then closed her word processing program. She alwaysseemed to get steamed up when she wrote her erotica. Before turning off thecomputer, she checked her email again to see if any readers had responded.Her inbox was empty and she sighed with disappointment. She had posted a newstory last week and had gotten feedback from only five people, despite allof the vast thousands of people who had visited, and presumably read, her story....

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Turn Of Events

Turn Of EventsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Who the fuck knew, how to get the lost file back on the computer. Austin was not computer expert, nor did he study computers as his major in college. Frustrated and distressed that his English Literature assignment and the report which he finished after almost working 4—5 hours till well past midnight was missing now and he had to do it all over because it was already late and due ASAP. Austin decided to take a shower and get fresh before sitting back with his...

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Band Geek Diary Alternate Events

[Author’s note: This story, set in the Band Parents Universe, is an alternate set of events in “Band Geek Diary” and could replace the chapters for those dates.] February 22 It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday morning to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the Kowalskis. She blushed and tried to make it sound like it was just two couples being good friends, but I knew...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Strange Events

The second week was turning out to be an even stranger week than the first. While not anything, in particular, just lots of things in general. It seemed that they have gremlins in the systems. First, they had lost all the cameras on level nine’s right-side cargo deck. On the Monday, just after 02:00 hours, Lee got a call to go check out why. Lee had been running some routine checks on level two’s air-conditioning control panel while the occupants slept. The occupants had been complaining...

2 years ago
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Connecting RodChapter 10 Unexpected Events

September 5, 1970 My head was still swimming from all the events that had happened since Shelly had her accident and we got engaged. I was still having trouble coming to grips with it. The previous four months saw us open a new shop not far from the service station. Duke was running it, and almost right away I could tell he was going to be a success. Shannon was right there beside him, helping him in every way she could; answering the phone, ordering parts, mailing out invoices, taking the...

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The Important Sale

My name is Melissa. I am of medium height and slender, but my breasts are enormous, D-cup. This has made me too popular among my schoolmates and at my job, and I know that my close girlfriends envy me, up to the point of increasing their bust sizes as soon as they have saved or they have gotten a rich husband to pay for them. I have discreetly exploited my attractiveness in the sales and marketing world. One day, I applied at a new technology company, and I was hired for my good record in...

4 years ago
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Secretary Shwetha 8211 An Important Incident

Hi..Dear all I am (Kiran) back with an IMPORTANT INCIDENT in my sex adventure with Shwetha (Shwetha was Ex – Private Secretary). It is very special because, she introduced someone more in our group! I’m sure you will enjoy this. Only request is to reply please. . . To get better a connection to the story, please read the beginning of this story in: Hope you remember that my Ex Private Secretary Shwetha left me and the...

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Lifes Important MomentsChapter 4 The End Game

Six months into the new job I had the routine down. I was traveling six days a month. It worked out to three, two day trips. Barb and I were doing well and I was happy. It was after one of my trips that I discovered a pair of Barb's sexiest panties in her lingerie bag. I couldn't tell if they had any semen stains on them so I couldn't be sure if Barb had cheated on me or not. I decided not to accuse her without more evidence than a pair of panties in the laundry, but I also decided to be...

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How important is cock size

I know that cock size does matter. But guys, really, there's no need to lie. There are some guys on here with HUGE cocks. Fat, long, thick ... you name it. Good for them. But the rest of us have what nature gave us. So, gents, let's use it as well as we can, and make sure we're good lovers with everything else - the mouth, the fingers, and - most importantly - the mind. I once gave a woman a series of multiple orgasms just because of the teasing mental foreplay we'd indulged in. Yes, your cock...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 13 Monumental Events

Saturday evening, the group assembled at the Winter’s house. Ty graciously acted as host and barbecue czar for the evening, accompanied by the other men. Alice escorted Pam around and again introduced her to everyone. She didn’t need to try too hard regarding any explanation of her new role; Dori had nicely paved the way through her Saturday morning visits with the others to make sure everyone knew that the Prentices had a new member in the family, and that Pam would be a full...

2 years ago
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Office Slave Chapter 7 Important Meetings

"Hey Dad." he said. "Tobias! I just heard that Rachel is sick. What's happening about the presentation?" Toby’s Dad’s voice was concerned. "Don't worry Dad I've got it" Toby reassured him. "I think you should let them know she's ill and try and rearrange." His Dad clearly wasn’t convinced, concern at losing the deal etched in his voice. "Dad don't worry. I'm on my way there. I'll be fine. Just trust me. I’ve got this." Toby repeated. "Well if your sure son. Good luck"...

2 years ago
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Brians Power Part OneFour Edited IMPORTANT INTRO

  At a young age, I was found in the woods.  I was taken in by the Innkeepers, a nice old lady named Fiona, and her husband, Thet.  They named me Brian, after they're son who died when he was a child.  They raised me until I was eight, until Fiona was struck down by a heart attack.  After that, Thet was never the same.  He still cared about me dearly however, because I was their son.  Because of his old age, he wasn't able to run the Inn alone anymore.  I helped him run it until something...

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Eating Pussy Is Important

I think it an exercise in futility for me to think I can tell you or teach you (well, with words only) how to eat pussy. I can share with you my experience and what I have found works for me, and you are free to adopt any of my techniques or experiment and see what works. But I cannot write the definitive "''how to eat pussy like a champ by following these simple steps." The only general guideline I offer is that there is no right or wrong way to eat pussy. It is my experience that each woman...

2 years ago
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Sex had been an important part of our relationship

When my girlfriend told me that her doctor advised her to refrain from intercourse, I'll admit I was devastated. Sex had been an important part of our relationship. I wondered if I could be faithful under the circumstances. She must have sensed my uneasiness as the very next day she asked me to get something off the top shelf of the walk in closet. We had company in the next room and I didn't suspect a thing. Once inside she closed the door and quickly slid my pants down to my knees. I was...

4 years ago
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Date Night 3A An Important Intermission

DATE NIGHT 3A An Important Intermission As a result of getting to know Hannah Sometimes and going on a few 'dates' with her, I have developed a taste for going out 'en femme'. This presents me with a problem. Although I have been a cross-dresser for many years, in the main my time as 'Caroline' has been spent either at specialist dressing services or at home indoors. Up to now I believe I have succeeded in keeping my 'other side' a secret from my neighbours. However, this has meant...

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Lifes Important MomentsChapter 2 Too Much of a Good Thing

In part one of this story I recounted one of my Life's Little Moments when, in trying to intensify our passion one night, I introduced the fantasy of my wife Barb having sex with another man to our love making. At the conclusion of part one Barb makes the fantasy become a reality by allowing a man to pick her up in a hotel bar and take her to his room where they had sex. As Barb relates her story to me she also mentions that another man has asked her to meet him at the same hotel on the...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 13 A Very Important Date

June – Year 1 The next Friday I called Lynn and asked her if I could take her to dinner and then to the bar afterwards. She gladly said yes. I told her that I would go commando if she did. She giggled and agreed. After work on Friday I went home and showered and shaved and pulled on a nice shirt and Lynn’s favorite holey blue jeans. I got to her house at 6:30 and knocked on the door. Dara answered and gave me a huge hug and a kiss. We hugged again until I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Am I...

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A confluence of events

1st person storytelling courtesy of Maria from OmahaHi, I am Maria. I am in my late 30's, I have a wonderful husband, three early-teen youngsters and I am in my second trimester as a result of a fantasy affair with my Dominican neighbor. As a young person, I was raised on middle America Christian mores. Life is precious and a baby is most precious. Thus upon learning of my careless mistake, I have no choice but to love and care for the baby inside me. The care of the baby outweighs any impact...

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EchoesChapter 19 Events

The wedding was, by necessity, a very public affair. Only Grandma Kendall could have managed to throw such a grand and elegant affair together in so short a time. We weren't sure how many more days or weeks we had left before the event, but we wanted our marriage to be an established fact in people's minds before it happened. Reverend Carmichael, our local minister, and minister to most of Cold Lake presided. He was one of the doubting Thomas' amongst our supporters, having seen the same...

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Unexpected events

She was locked in her room doing god knows what and I was chilling in my room in nothing but a pair of sweatpants watching a UFC card on some random streaming site like I always do. (Fuck paying for PPV) When all of a sudden, my sister walked in, wearing a pair of short sweat shorts and a t-shirt. "Hii, what are you doing," she said, glancing over at my computer screen. "Eh, just watching the fights as usual. What about you, What you up to?" I replied with my eyes still fixated on the...

3 years ago
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A Series of Risky Events

I'm a little in disbelief today. I read the Snapchat message a dozen times, each time thinking it can't be right. How? How could it be real, I was having the time of my life. As a recently divorced man, I was just starting to live after years in a dead bedroom. The ride, as short as it was, was a beautiful and amazing roller coaster. The exhilaration and youth I felt while pleasuring these women will be something I always remember fondly. Last September I decided to get a vasectomy. I already...

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Series of Events

The first day after I got stuck, I could have just walked out. Not a problem at all, I had my backpack, gear, good outdoor clothes and heavy hiking boots. The second day, I knew I couldn’t. I had never even gave a moment’s thought to danger. I was just going fishing. The big Fall Salmon would be in the river down below, I knew. They always were there in late October. It was my secret place, just a few people even knew of it or how to get there, the canyon walls were steep, forbidding. I...

2 years ago
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An Interesting Turn of Events

"You ready to go?" I asked Audrey? "Ready" she replied as she climbed on her 4-wheeler. Audrey and I were out on a piece of property owned by a friend of mine and were 4-wheeling. We often did things like this. Audrey had been my friend since I was nine, about ten years. She was a bit of a tomboy and liked to do outdoor stuff like camping or hiking or, like now, 4-wheeling. She wasn't gay, that much I knew after a decade of knowing her and being her friend, but she certainly...

4 years ago
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An unexpected turn of events

The only slight glimmer of hope was that – if she was ringing the door-bell – she wasn’t phoning the Police! … On the other hand it could just be the postman … It wasn’t – it WAS Ellie …. standing there in all her beauty … looking deliciously angry!! “WHAT have you just done with my sister”!! she shouted at the top of her voice. Worried that the other neighbours might hear I hissed “Come in here if you have something to say” stepping to the side so she could come in (not that I thought she...

2 years ago
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The Right Side of Forty A Midlife Reawakening Based on True Events

Chapter 1: Reuniting I faintly remember coming to this house thirty something years ago for play dates when I was allowed and then a few times with my mother to visit during the holidays and different occasions, but I never realized her family called this side entrance the “back” door. Karen did say over the phone to come to the back door near the driveway. And she was right about the front door having too much snow in front of it. She must struggle to handle such a hefty house all alone,...

2 years ago
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Night Time Romance A Series of Unfortunate Events

The night in question was spontaneous, I was at an old friend’s house who I hadn’t seen for about a year, with my best friend, Loz. We sat around, drinking and having a laugh whilst Loz played the guitar and sang with her cooling voice. We ended up there purely by coincidence but I loved it. I soaked up the contented atmosphere in which I felt comfortable, even though I’d only met half the people about an hour before. I was chatting away when I heard somebody come through the door, and I...

3 years ago
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His Evening With Her An Unexpected Turn Of Events

He smiled slightly when he walked through his door. The satisfaction of seeing her there waiting for him, kneeling, nude, legs spread, head down always gave him a rush – no matter how many times he saw her like this. He reached down and cupped her right breast. It was soft but firm. It would be smooth if not for the goosebumps. This puzzled him as it was quite warm in the house. Her nipple was at attention. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. She jolted when he pinched it just a...

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A Strange Cycle of Events

Melissa double checked the room number. It definitely said forty-two, on the fourth floor of one of the most decrepit buildings in East London, Balfron Tower. It wasn’t the prettiest site, but then again, neither were her clients these days.At forty-two, Melissa was getting on a bit; having entered into this shadowy profession in the last three years. At thirty-nine she found herself at a crossroads; one that said carry on with your current sexless and going-nowhere relationship or get out and...

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A Series of Unfortunate Events

Ashley Em is a typical being: friendly, somewhat athletic (but not sporty), has an above average IQ (but is by no means a genius), and believes in some sort of higher power (but is far from religious). Our journey with Ashley begins here:

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The Start Of A Strange Succession Of Events

The very last week of the period was finally over, and winter break was just beginning, and what does a 19 year old girl does on winter break? Almost… nothing… I’m Katherine. I’m a 19 year old college girl living with my twice divorced mother and my 23 year old step-sister Anne. Anne is daughter of my mom’s first husband and I’m product of the second marriage. This... Is gonna be interesting.

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A Series of Unwhoretunate Events

Natalie Murphy was a rather reserved young woman. 21 years old, a shapely feminine jawline, plump lips, and sexy dark eyes, but given that she wore conservative clothing, little to no makeup, her hair in a ponytail, and had spent her high school and college years largely in the library, it meant that her social skills were a little lacking, and her romantic and sexual prospects even more so. They say that girls could have who they want, but she felt like she'd been dealt a bad hand, at least in...

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The cat suit a story by MJ based on true events

I was as they say shaking in my boots when I was summoned to my bosses office. She was a tall stern blonde MILF type who was accustomed to getting just what she wanted. Many times I have seen her employee's running from her office in tears because of a unpredictable termination.I had been doing well or so I thought always on time and always doing my job to the best of my abilities I learned quite young to keep my head down and smile. I paused a moment to catch my breath straighten my skirt and...

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Turn of Events

After months of planning, their plan could finally be put into action.Jim was visiting her city, Las Vegas, on business. Only one snag...hewasn't alone on this business trip. Three coworkers were with him visiting a remote office location. But, they were going out to see thenightlife of Vegas they've heard about. Bar hopping or strip clubs,wherever the cab brought them. Jim decided to stay at the hotelexplaining to them that he wasn't feeling well. What he actually had planned had him feeling...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected turn of events

So we had a date tonight. I first had to finish my fantasy football draft...we won't go there...and that dragged on..the longer it went the more everyone drank...I was stone sober. What seemed like forever was now over. I jumped in my car and headed to "our" spot.. It's a dead end road just off the highway. Nice and quiet. I arrive...but shes not there...I get a message that she will be there in a minute. I light a smoke waiting for her. She arrives...I say hi...a quick kiss and tell her to...

3 years ago
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True events

15 years ago, I'm in my late 40's at the time.She started working at the oversized convenience store where I worked as stock clerk. She is cute, auburn hair in her mid 20's.My current wife is terminally ill, and I know she will be gone soon, so I just converse pleasantly with Auburn.We talk almost every shift when we are scheduled at the same time. I learned that we shared a dislike of the lazy teenage boys who work opposite me. That isn't very difficult of a coincidence, they leave their...

4 years ago
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The Right Side of Forty A Midlife Reawakening Based on True Events

Chapter 1: Reuniting I faintly remember coming to this house thirty something years ago for play dates when I was allowed and then a few times with my mother to visit during the holidays and different occasions, but I never realized her family called this side entrance the “back” door. Karen did say over the phone to come to the back door near the driveway. And she was right about the front door having too much snow in front of it. She must struggle to handle such a hefty house all alone, never...

2 years ago
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Life Altering Events

Hello everyone my name is Pallavi…! I am form Pune and I have written this story to share the life altering incident that happened to me 8 months ago, it’s a bit long I guess but interesting also I guess…. I was working with one of the top automobile company in this country and earned too much, that is when I got married but I always gave the priority to work than my hubby which led to fights between us and the end result of it was divorce. Due to which I was really depressed I mean I had just...

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