Campaign Of Poltergeist's MaraudersChapter 9 free porn video

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Woken up to an emergency in the night

As we were waiting for repairs to be finished, we were training and relaxing and dealing with the million and one things needed to keep a mercenary company going.

Darius woke me up just after 1am to report a medical emergency. The Med-techs reported that Hammer had slipped into a coma and his vital signs were slowly dropping. Our med-bays were good for the area where we are but they are not the same as a full hospital on a planet in the Inner Sphere or major periphery factions.

We couldn’t afford another loss so soon after losing Sulphur and Nekomata and I had to make the choice. We could either just look after him while his life slipped away or we could fight for him and do whatever we could. And that is what I told the med-techs.

I yelled at everyone that they were to do whatever they could and there was no limit to what they could use, and they jumped into action. Hell I even yelled at Hammer in his bed through the glass.

We spent hours waiting and praying for Hammer and finally after too many hours had passed, the news came out that his vital signs had stabilised and were getting stronger. He would be fine though he would have to spend a bit longer in the Med-bay before getting back into a cockpit.

A well deserved celebration happened when the news spread through the ship and the Med-techs were the heroes of the day. But I had to get Darius to place a large order to resupply our Med-bay as the Med-techs went through a lot of supplies and they would be low on needed supplies for a week or so. But it was well worth it.

The company’s morale is boosted from the good news about Hammer and we will have to take advantage while it lasts.

Mission 29
Planet: Panzyr
Mission: Insurrection Interception

Poltergeist – Atlas
Medusa – Dragon
Vonkobra – Vindicator
Hacker – Blackjack

Well this mission is to take out a Taurian Concordat mechwarrior who is causing trouble on planet and their guards. The last known location was in a desert so we would have to worry about our heat when fighting.

We dropped into the desert and started off towards the last known location. We were in a loose combat line and scanning for targets.

Hacker got two light mechs on his scanner and jumped up on a hill to get into a better position. Vonkobra jumped up to join him and both pilots braced their mechs in readiness for combat. Medusa moved forward and braced the Dragon while I moved more towards the west as I moved up.

A Locust moved into position and fired into Medusa’s Dragon for slight damage. Vonkobra jumped closer and into position to fire into the Locust and ripped straight through it’s left torso and turning that and the arm into scrap. Hacker moved up and spotted a Javelin 10F to the east in a valley. He fired on it and did some damage. Medusa sent a flight of missiles into the Javelin for light damage and some good damage into the Locust. I aimed at the Locust and with a full salvo from the Atlas I totally obliterated it, killing the poor pilot.

The Javelin got a part of Hacker’s Blackjack but not that bad. Hacker fired back and ripped it’s right arm off and sending it flying. That’s always funny to see. Vonkobra aimed at the Javelin carefully and sent most of his shots into and through it’s centre torso and destroying the fusion engine. Another combat kill.

We all started moving towards the target and detected it finally. It is a medium battlemech and should not be much trouble. Hacker got a sensor lock on the target and detected a Kintaro. A 55T medium mech armed with LRM5, 3xSRM6, 2xM-Lasers. A nasty short ranged brawler. The Kintaro moved closer and we happy to see that. Since we didn’t have direct line of sight at the moment, we would have to send in our damage on indirect arcs. Which is what Vonkobra did and something hit the head because we saw it stumble a bit. Medusa added more damage with indirect missiles and I moved my Atlas more towards the west flank and sent a indirect LRM20 present into them as well.

The Kintaro pilot moved closer to the ridge to try and hide in it’s sensor shadow. Hacker did a good job of getting a good sensor lock again and we knew exactly where it was. Vonkobra was able to find a position to get a direct target lock and sent some good damage into it. Medusa and I, who were down in the valley to the west of the ridge were able to move further to the west flank and get target locks. We also added decent damage to the target who was now starting to feel the weight of fire.

The Kintaro pilot realised they were out of their depth and started to retreat back north. Hacker jumped close and got a good lock and got an ammo explosion in the left torso that blew it and the arm into scrap. They felt that one. Vonkobra added to the damage but it was Medusa who incapacitated the enemy pilot when his damage hit the cockpit and killed them.

No more targets on scanners and we had another success on the books.

We called in the salvage teams and they were able to salvage the complete Kintaro and Yang should be able to get it fixed and ready for the next mission.

Refits, upgrades and an offer.

Once we got back on the Argo, Yang got his hands on the Kintaro and decided that with some minor modifications, it would be a fantastic addition to our line up. Drop out the LRM5 and a SRM6 launcher and add in a LRM10 launcher and we have a better balance of long and short range fire. It is also better with the heat balance.

Our next mission will be back on Weldry so off we go.

During our trip to Weldry, Dr. Murad reported that she could boost the output of the Argo’s secondary fusion reactors and thus reducing the travel time between planets and jump points by about 20%. So a 5 days trip would be 4 days afterwards.

It should take her roughly 15 days so that will be fine because we will be 23 days to Weldry.

A few days into our trip, Medusa came to my office and showed me an offer he received from a famous mercenary company, the Grey Death Legion and it’s commander, Grayson Carlyle. It seems that Grayson heard of Medusa and had sent an offer of employment to him. They were also offering a 10,000 Cbill poaching bonus to our company to sweeten the deal.

I had heard of the Grey Death and they were a good company and had grown from small beginnings to be a company to be reckoned with. But aside from that I didn’t know too much else so I advised Medusa not to make any quick decisions and to come back tomorrow with their decision.

Medusa was waiting for me in the morning and told me that they sent a message to Grayson thanking them for their offer but they would be staying with us. I was relived but didn’t let it show as I thanked Medusa for telling me what they decided.

Dr. Murad finished her upgrades and we call feel the additional boost the engines were able to put out with the increased power. This will make travel a bit faster and save money. Always a good thing.

Mission 30
Planet: Weldry
Mission: Thorn in the Side

Poltergeist – Atlas
Medusa – Dragon
Vonkobra – Kintaro
Sonic – Vindicator

This mission was an assassination mission against a Directorate pilot in a nice cold polar sector of the planet. We were dropped into the hills and started off towards the suspected locations of the enemy.

We spotted a couple mechs on the scanners, a medium and a light mech. Sonic moved up and spotted a Javelin. It was in ramshackle condition with barely any armour on it. The damage dealt was a lot more serious than it would normally be due to how much armour was missing. Vonkobra added to the damage and then an unknown mech sent in a flight of missiles to damage Sonic’s Vindicator. A Hunchback moved into sight and sent some laser damage into Sonic. Luckily the AC20 missed. Medusa split fire between the two and damaged both the Hunchback and Javelin. The Hunchback was just as ramshackle so we are looking at an easy mission so far. I got my Atlas into position and sent a salvo into it destroying the left torso and setting off the AC ammo. This destroyed the left arm as well and with that, the AC20 was useless and it was down to a medium laser and small laser to fight with.

The Javelin pilot decided Sonic deserved some damage and she lost some armour. Sonic got a Commando on her scanner and it too was in poor condition. Fielding mechs with only about 25% max armour is not the best way to win a battle. She fired on the Javelin and destroyed the right arm. An unknown mech sent a flight of missiles into Vonkobra for minor damage. We detected reinforcements coming in. Another two mechs to add to the enemy’s list. Vonkobra fired first at the Hunchback dealing moderate damage and then sent the rest of the salvo into the Javelin. But he was lucky that some stray shots missed and went into the Hunchback and incapacitated the pilot taking the Hunchback out of the battle. A flight of missiles came in on Medusa from over the hill to the east. Medusa moved up and spotted a Cicada CDA-2A. He then split his fire between the Cicada, which suffered minor damage, and the Javelin which lost it’s right torso, left torso and left arm. I got into range of the Commando and did serious damage to it but it was still standing.

Sonic took advantage of the amount of damage dealt to the Commando and Javelin and killed both mechs by splitting fire between them. A Firestarter came into view and fired on Vonkobra but missed with everything. Vonkobra fired back at the Firestarter and did moderate damage to the ramshackle mech. The two unknown mechs fired on Vonkobra and Medusa but they only took minor damage from the missiles. Medusa sent a salvo into the Firestarter and ripped it’s left leg off allowing me to aim carefully and kill the mech with a good salvo.

The Cicada pilot was not happy and sprinted around the hill to the east and got into the rear of our lance and couldn’t fire on anyone. Sonic turned towards the Cicada and ripped it’s right arm off in an explosion of flame and shrapnel. The unknown sent another flight of missiles into Vonkobra’s mech. Again. Vonkobra turned to bring the Cicada under fire and disabled it’s right leg sending it to the ground in a cloud of dust. Medusa was able to move up into the pass to the north and spotted a Vindicator and Centurion. They were the sources of the missiles. Angling his Dragon he sent damage into the Cicada and Vindicator. I added more damage into the Vindicator who then sent a salvo into Medusa’s Dragon.

Sonic got an angle on the Vindicator and fired at it and the Cicada. She missed the Cicada but got a good critical hit on the PPC of the Vindicator. The Centurion was in a perfect position to fire into the rear of Medusa’s Dragon and the pilot did critical damage. Yang will not be happy to repair it. Vonkobra split fire between the Cicada, minor damage, and then killing the Vindicator with some lucky hits. The Cicada damaged Sonic and then Medusa turned around and sent moderate damage into the Centurion. I walked my Atlas into range of the Centurion and at optimal range for my weapons I sent an alpha-strike into the Centurion and ripped it’s right torso and arm off completely.

The Centurion fired back into my Atlas for minor damage. Sonic fired at the Cicada and destroyed it. Vonkobra damaged the Centurion and then Medusa followed up with a salvo that ripped the left leg, arm and torso off the Centurion. The damage done was so much that it incapacitated the pilot taking the mech out of the battle.

We consolidated our combat line and started moving towards the last detected location of the main target. With all the guards and reinforcements down, we will have an easier time taking the target out. We spotted the target on our scanners and started moving forward carefully and bracing for when combat starts. The target was a piloting a heavy battlemech.

Medusa got a target lock on a Thunderbolt TDR-5SS and sent in some missiles for minor paint damage. We all got into position to fire on the Thunderbolt and sent in salvos of whatever we could and the Thunderbolt pilot had to deal with what we sent in.

Our medium mechs got into position and sent even more damage into the Thunderbolt and after Sonic, Vonkobra and then Medusa finished the Thunderbolt pilot sent some damage back at Medusa. Then it was my time to deal some damage to the target.

Sonic was lucky with her shots and got a damaging blow to it’s head and rattling the pilot. Vonkobra then followed up and also rattled the pilot with some more damage to the head of the Thunderbolt. The pilot is not happy with that damage from the incoming fire. Medusa added more damage to the target and they returned the favour with moderate damage back to their Dragon. I moved closer and sent a salvo into the target.

The Thunderbolt is a heavy mech and capable of absorbing a lot of damage but when it is outnumbered 4 to 1, even the largest mechs will fall.

Sonic sent more damage into it and then Vonkobra followed up with a salvo of damage that ripped it’s left leg off and left the left arm as hanging scrap. The Thunderbolt pilot tried to hit Sonic but missed with everything and then Medusa gave the coup de gras and killed the target.

With no more targets on the scanners and the target destroyed we called in the dropship and salvage teams. We found a piece of the Hunchback we could send to Yang for storage and the teams were able to salvage the complete Centurion. Cleaning of the cockpit and damage it suffered will be easy and we have another mech for our company.

Repairs will be minor with the Dragon taking 2 days and the Vindicator only in for 1 day and then they will be ready for the next mission.

Mission 31
Planet: Weldry
Mission: Stubborn Surrender

Poltergeist – Dragon
Medusa – Atlas
Vonkobra – Kintaro
Sonic – Centurion

We got a contract to deal with a lance of old Taurian Concordat mechwarriors who were trying to relive old glory from an old war. They were reported to be harassing regional transportation in their old mechs. The mechs are reported to be shabby and missing some a=of their armour but they are still going to be a challenge. We must not forget that they survived to become old mechwarriors.

We dropped into the mountains in the Tundra zone of the planet. It’s cold so our mechs will run cooler. As we moved forward we detected two targets. A medium and a heavy mech coming over a hill in front of us. We couldn’t tell what they were through the heavy forest though.

As I moved forward I detected a third unknown and I sensor locked the heavy mech and got a lock on an Orion ON1-K. 75 ton heavy mech armed with AC10, LRM15, SRM4, 2 x M-Lasers. It’s shabby and has about 75% of normal armour levels so we have an advantage.

Vonkobra sent a salvo into the Orion, followed by Sonic and then Medusa leaving it with serious damage. An enemy Griffin came out of the forest and damaged Sonic’s Centurion. Vonkobra fired into the Orion and sent it crashing to the ground as the pilot lost their footing from the damage they suffered. The unknown enemy sent minor damage into Medusa’s Atlas and barely scratched the paint work.

Sonic took full advantage of the prone Orion and sent her shots into the centre torso and destroying the engine and killing the mech. The unknown mech turned out to be a Crab CRB-20 armed with 2 x L-Lasers, M-Laser, S-Laser. The pilot sent their damage into the Atlas and moderate damage. I got a lock on the Griffin and fired a salvo into it for nice damage. Medusa split fire between the Crab and Griffin and damaged both. A new enemy mech came over the hill and the Shadow Hawk sent minor damage into Medusa.

Sonic locked on the Griffin and damaged it. The Crab pilot is focused on Medusa’s Atlas and added more damage to it. Vonkobra walked into the lake in front of him and fired into the Crab and chipped away at it’s armour as well as sending more damage into the Griffin. The Kintaro tends to run hot so the lake will help dissipate the heat. The Griffin returned damage back at Vonkobra. I aimed at the Griffin and ripped it’s right arm off. Medusa fired into the Crab and then sent LRM20 missiles into the Griffin.

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"Life can't get much better than this," Jack thought aloud as he laid around his family pool. Jack was the heir to his family's vast fortune and constantly thought that this made him better than everyone else. This was especially true with regards to his younger sister. Jack was 19 years old and loved to threaten his younger sister, Jackie, about how if something ever happened to their parents she would find herself penniless and destitute. The thought of his 18 year old sister...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 62 Moody Morgan

At 9.30am Jane and Andrew arrived. They were impressed with the unit and it’s views. Then went down in the lift at 9.45 to the 5th floor to attend the meeting. Mr Morgan was not happy, too many people for his place. Helena introduced herself but let Jane and Andrew pass without introduction. Harry was not happy ‘He is a dictator and a bossy one at that, only 6 people were to attend now he has 30 attending, he is a nasty one, I have truth him.’ Helena replied ‘I got that feeling yesterday, go...

3 years ago
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Dead and Horny Book 1 and 2Chapter 11 Hunger

Dana flicked her wrist, causing the sword to unfold itself just in time to parry the first attack. Tasia had leapt across the balcony, easily clearing two deck chairs in the process, and the swords scattered sparks as one blade slid off the other. “Where did you get that?” Tasia demanded. The knight was pressing hard, and if not for her recent feeding, Dana would have been easily toppled. The two of them clashed, and Dana twisted her blade, keeping them locked up. “I’m just full of...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Paige Owens Takes Manuel8217s Load Down Her Throat In POV

Paige Owens gets fucked hard by Manuel Ferrara! Paige is looking super sexy as she shows off her body by a fancy new car. She’s wearing a pink top with matching pink panties, fishnets and high heels as we get an amazing view of all Paige’s amazing assets. Paige pulls off her clothes and rubs her pretty pussy in the back seat before making her way inside to find Manuel waiting for her. She stands in front of him and shows off all of her horny holes then makes her way between his legs to suck on...

1 year ago
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Sexy Neighbor Rojina

Hi my name is Anil; I am from Nepal and a big fan of ISS. I get very excited to read all those experiences of the authors and sometimes it’s very hard to believe the incidents they describe. I was forced to believe all those stories after I faced similar kind of situation with Rojina (my sexy married neighbor; name changed). Rojina was 21, when she got married to Saroj 2 years ago. She was a sexy looking girl with perfect petite figure. I was 23 when I saw her in their marriage. No such...

1 year ago
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Camping with the family

It was any other July in California, hot and dry. Our family was thinking about what to do this year for our family vacation. Every year the whole family gets together and we spend a week doing something fun. Last year we all went to Disney world. My wife and I have for beautiful children. It was the second Friday night of the month and we were barbequing in the back yard of my house. The kids were all there and having a good time. We have a pool and my daughter Patricia was running around with...

2 years ago
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My Wife got blacked 3 My Toy Boy sex

Well after all this time I cand finally give the update on my young Toy boy, he was actually 18, and called Ibrahim, not Josh, simply because he did not like his real name! So I will call him Ibrahim ok! I finally received another note through my post box asking me to meet him at a certain local bar, which I knew about and had visited in the past, a lot of coloureds hang about the Rest!! about 10 minute taxi ride from my home. The meeting was to be three days after I found the note, this...

2 years ago
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Jilnar Jardalys a Dirty Slut

Hi, guys!It's your favorite Arabian slut here to tell you another of my cherished sexcapades.Unless you've been living in a cave, you must know what a dirty cum-slut I am by now. Whenever I go on vacation, my main requirement is that it be somewhere where there will plenty of guys and gals to suck and fuck. I call them my "sexcations". One of my favorite sexcations was my trip to the red light district of Amsterdam. So why not get out your beautiful, big, hard cocks & start stroking while I...

1 year ago
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I guess you're looking for interactive sex stories? Well, tell me. What’s the worst part about a book? Well, besides the obvious reading part. It’s all laid out there for you. It’s the same issue with most porn sites, videos, and all that shit. No user input. You don’t have any control. You just have to grip your dick and hang on for the ride. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Remember those oldschool "choose your own adventure" books? The ones where you made a character and got to decide...

Sex Stories Sites
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Sarahs Story

Sarah's Story (c) By Rob Henson Chapter 1 - Sarah is born There were three points in Simon Lindley's early life, whereby if certain events had taken a different course, things would not have turned out as they did. This was the first of these. "Goodnight darling, we'll be off soon." It was his Mother, Clair. Simon was six years old and just beginning to realise how complicated life could be. He was a quite, thoughtful child who would suck in the knowledge of the world around...

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FoxTales 4 Home with the Fox

FoxTales 4: Home with the Fox By Bill Hart I certainly couldn't believe our extreme good fortune on that day when we finally moved into the new apartment. My best friend John - we'd known each other even longer than forever - and I had been looking for some place just like this one for several months. We'd almost given up hope, but at the end of last month, we'd finally found this place. It was literally a dream come true. Quite surprisingly, we'd been allowed to move in that...

4 years ago
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It Cost a Coffee

It had been a long, difficult day for the smartly dressed woman who stepped into her favourite coffee shop on the way home. As always, she used caffeine to unwind and she waited patiently in the queue at the counter waiting for her turn to be served. At last, although no more than a few minutes, the Barrista looked at her. “Good evening,” he smiled, recognising her instantly, “Black eye?” “Yes please,” she replied, “I need it tonight!” and handed over her cup for him to fill. “Bad day?” the...

1 year ago
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Using Lace pt 4

The drizzling rain dotted along the cracked sidewalk. The trees swayed as the wind kicked up their thirsty leaves. It was dark now. Past midnight by Lacey’s guess. The temperature had dropped a lot since they had entered the club hours earlier. Her and Antonio were leaving now making their way through the crowded parking lot. The only lighting was a street light that flickered, littered with swarming bugs. Under it Antonio’s BMW was parked in the VIP section. “Do you own this place? I heard...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 184

Adriana had just walked into their bedroom where Van was propped against a big pillow on the bed, reading a book. "That took a while," he said, putting the book on the bedside table. "I was beginning to think you had decided we weren't going to make love tonight." Adriana slipped her robe off, laid it on a chair by the bed, and sat beside her husband. He reached to cup a breast as their lips met for a leisurely kiss. She eventually pulled back and gently took his hand from her boob,...

2 years ago
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The Tiny Trailer

Jerry Joe (JJ) and Brenda Lou were siblings, or at least that is what their mother said. Other relatives, knowing the mother’s promiscuous tendencies would only go as far as half-siblings. The two, with Brenda being ten months older, had taken JJ’s old wreck of a car to the big city, population twenty thousand, to seek their fortune. That had immediately proved elusive with the only employment being half-time jobs at fast food emporiums. At least taking home cooked but unsold food at closing...

3 years ago
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How my wife became an exhibitionist

How My Wife Became an Exhibitionist This is the story of how my wife became an exhibitionist. My wife was always very conservative when we were around home or people we knew. Though the first 10 years of our marriage, she got more and more daring in the way she dressed when we were away on vacation until this one trip that sent her over the edge of extreme exhibitionism. We had booked a little get away down the shore. In order to save some money, we booked a water front hotel for a Sunday...

2 years ago
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A Promise for Keeping

Attention kind reader: The following is a very sad tale of love and loss. While I chose to post this story in the ‘Romance’ section, be warned, there is very little sexual content to be found within the pages that follow. If it is blistering sex you seek tonight, please feel free to choose one of my other offerings. However, if it is a poignant love story that strikes your fancy, then by all means, please enjoy ‘A Promise for Keeping’ With unending appreciation, M.A.Thompson ...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Keisha Grey 06272017

Today, there’s a celebration. JonJon, one of the black bulls who love working white girls, just earned his real estate license! And what a better way to celebrate than hiring a “private dancer”! The fellahs bust open the bank by hiring one of this generation’s greatest porn stars — Keisha Gray. Keisha is beautiful and busty and always horny for big, black cock. Today the bulls are going to run a train on Keisha…right after they watch her work the stripper...

3 years ago
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Falling On My Ass Again

I was trying to get down a steep hillside instead of walking several miles around the ridge to get to the same destination, when I slipped and fell. Hard. I started sliding down the embankment and by the time I ended up at the bottom, my dress was up around my armpits and my ass felt like someone had spanked me with a porcupine. I hopped up quickly, no terrible harm done, no protruding bones, and started on my way again. "You there! Are you okay? That was a nasty fall!" I noticed the big human...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Strapon Power

Es war gestern,ich saß da trank einige Bier und spielte mir mit meinen Fingern an meinen Arschloch rum.Ich wusste genau das es schon viel zu lange her war das ich einen prächtigen Gummischwanz in meinen Arschloch gespürt hatte.Ich hatte mich schon seit Jahren immer wieder von Frauen in den Arsch ficken lassen.Ich denke nicht das ich ich schwul bin, aber so richtig geil werde ich nur wenn ich einen kräftigen Gummischwanz in meiner Analfotze spüren darf.....einmal hatte ich es sogar geschafft mit...

1 year ago
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My First Time with a Shemale

When I was living in Indianapolis and horny one night, I went to a local adult bookstore at just after 3 AM in the morning. Already hard and as I parked, I noticed what appeared to be a woman in a van next to me. She was definitely looking at me…I figured that she was one of the models who fingered themselves while men jacked off. Nevertheless, she started her van and so I started my car and began following her down the road.At one point, she pulled into the parking lot of an abandoned gas...

3 years ago
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Third Party part two

“I can’t believe it, it wasn’t a dream” Janice exclaimed in a voice that John could not read as relief or despair. He prayed that it was relief; his wife had awoken to find herself in a naked embrace with a huge black man; and her husband was at the end of the bed masturbating. When all the sexual activity had taken place she had been under the influence of alcohol; and possibly distressed by a relative’s funeral. “Will she now return to her usual sex hating self; and hate me for my...

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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 15

BRUSSELS, MID SEPTEMBER LUKE'S VOICE It was a curious day. I'd been expecting to spend the time being foolish, walking through the excitement of the capital of Europe, sharing silly jokes and anticipating dinner, and then dealing with a more basic appetite. Instead I felt almost surplus to requirements. Uli was younger than Magda but she seemed older and more experienced: she took the smaller girl under her wing and spent a lot of the afternoon talking quietly to her and listening to her...

1 year ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 14 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

3 years ago
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First Time in the Philippines

First Time in the PhilippinesBy Wonder_Dad Story #8We hopped in the back of a local jeepney, the Philippine version of a taxi, my friend Dave and I, tossing our duffel bags in and making sure our side arms were well hidden under our uniforms, as we headed for Angeles. We were accompanied by two young Pilipino girls and one sergeant from our would-be unit at Clark AFB. The sergeant had jumped shotgun leaving Dave and I sitting alongside these two brown-skinned chicks.The road was mainly dirt,...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 7

The battalion did another 3 month deployment to Northern Ireland in September 1986, this time I did the full tour, but as we were based in Belfast we had a better time of it. Our main task was supporting the police; this was an easier job than rural patrolling in 'Bandit Country' but still wasn't without its dangers. The main difference was that we were able to fraternize with the locals, who were predominantly Unionists, without the constant fear of gun or bomb attack. There were always...

4 years ago
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Hottest Day Of My Life

Yesterday morning I had to do some much needed shopping so I visited the closest mall and when I walked out, the rain was pouring down. I always park away from other vehicles so my car doesn't get beat up with dings and dents. It was raining so hard I just stood under the canopy to wait for the rain to let up a bit. Several other people were waiting as well and this young guy pushed his cart near mine and asked, "Remember me?" He looked familiar and then refreshed my memory by telling me...

2 years ago
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Sister Smokes chapter 1

My sister Ashley just finished her freshman year of college, she just turned 20, has auburn hair just off the shoulder, about 5'4," 105, nice athletic body since she played softball and field hockey. A female jock some called her. She was always when she was younger. She excelled in soccer, basketball, field hockey, but in high school she concentrated on two to get colleges noticing. She received many scholarship offers but decided on the Arizona State University. Sports did her body well....

1 year ago
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HolloweEnChapter 5

The lab is eerily silent save for the humming of hard drives and lights. Other than the machines and equipment there isn’t any other sign of human life. The door to the chamber remains wide open but that doesn’t matter as the pumpkin patch has grown outside the chamber, spreading out across the lab. And up over many of the walls. The wish of Jackie is to spread it as much as she can but even she has limitations. Sustenance is need for growth. But she has taken steps to get what she...

3 years ago
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Summers in Dallas Part 2

Summers in Dallas Part 2 - On the Town Gran awakened me with a, "Good morning, Princess!" as I luxuriated in the silky softness of my new nightgown. Gran made blueberry pancakes, and I sat at the table watching morning cartoons as usual, except that this time, I was wearing beautiful lingerie. As much as I loved my new clothes, I was terrified of going out in public as a girl. I told Gran that maybe we shouldn't go shopping today. Gran let me decide what I wanted to do. ...

1 year ago
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First Contact Interview

"Detroit Metro, this is Detroit 2015, do you read?" "Unknown aircraft calling Detroit Metro, say again?" "Detroit Metro, this is Detroit 2015, do you copy?" "Detroit 2015, Detroit Metro copies. You are on an assigned aircraft control frequency. Stop screwing around." "Detroit Metro, Detroit 2015, Detroit 2015 requires straight in approach to Belle Isle, over." "Detroit 2015, Detroit Metro. You are on an assigned aircraft control frequency. This frequency is only to be used by...

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