DreamWeaverChapter 15 free porn video

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I woke when the bed shifted. It was early. The sky was still gray with predawn gloom. We’d left the lights on in the rest of the suite, so there was plenty of light to see her pad to the bathroom - still naked. I watched her butt sway deliciously and promised myself that I was going to spend a lot of time in close contact with that ass.

She hadn’t closed the door, so I could see her perched on the toilet, her head drooping as she drifted between consciousness and sleep. She peed, wiped, flushed and was washing her hands before I decided I should follow her example. I scooped her up in my arms, kissing her deeply as we passed. She smiled at me lazily and hugged me before going back to bed. I did my business and when I turned, she was watching from the bed curiously. I washed my hands and returned to bed. She was watching my member move back and forth as I walked, and I smirked.

“See anything you like?” I asked softly, sliding back into bed.

She nodded and kissed me again.

“Sleep now, sex later,” she promised and rolled over, so she could spoon with me, her back pressed against my chest.

I was starting to settle down when she wriggled and reached down to take my cock and reposition it, so it was between her legs, trapped against her pussy by her thighs. I made a soft sound that wasn’t quite a purr, but conveyed my approval, just the same before I drifted off to sleep again. I woke to the sound of the phone ringing. I reached over to grab the bedside phone and answered it.

“Hello?” I said thickly.

“Hello, Mr. Dunn?” said the party planner’s voice. “I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time. I was hoping that I could stop by your suite before you check out.”

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 9:30.

“No, we were just waking up,” I lied. “If you’ll give us about a half-hour to shower and dress, you can stop by around 10, if that’s okay.”

“Certainly,” he said and promised to see us in a half-hour.

When I hung up, Mel was stretching and looking delicious, but I’d already promised, so I sighed and went to start the shower. She joined me a moment later and we rushed through our shower together. She had fresh clothes, but I was left to struggle back into my suit and try to look respectable. I chose not to wear the tie and leave the collar open since it was Saturday and I’d had enough of formal-wear for one day. I was just about to put the jacket on when there was a knock at the suite door.

When I answered the door, he was standing there with someone from room service. He led the man in with a cart and explained.

“I thought I’d take the liberty of bringing a light breakfast as a peace offering,” he said apologetically.

I chuckled and nodded to the dining table where he set service for three and then retreated, leaving coffee, tea, two carafes of juices and an array of pastries for us to serve ourselves. I poured coffee for myself and a second for him. Melody appeared from the bedroom, looking delicious in her own right. She was dressed casually in jeans and a UCLA sweat-shirt. She kissed me and stole my coffee, mixing it to her taste. I poured myself a fresh cup and added sugar.

“Still like it black and sweet?” she smirked. “Are you sure I don’t have to have a talk with Theresa?” she asked playfully, taking a couple of turnovers for her breakfast.

I gave her a dirty look but spoiled it with a smirk of my own. Instead of rising to the bait, I turned to talk to our guest.

“So, I got most of the explanation for yesterday when I got up here last night,” I assured him. “You did an excellent job of keeping me busy.”

“Me? You kept me running all night!” he groaned. “As a party planner, I know all the spots where a party can go from perfect to disaster. I figured I’d throw you a couple of curves early and it’d keep you reeling until the party started. Have you ever planned a large event like this?”

I shook my head and returned to the table with a cup and a plate to join them.

“No,” I admitted. “I’m an engineer, though, so there’s a lot of problem solving in my job.”

“Well, you were good enough to keep me scrambling to stay ahead of you,” he complimented me. “I do feel like I owe you an apology though. You looked like you were pretty fed up by the time I took you aside to look at the gift-bags. You actually looked like you were going to ‘Hulk-out’ right there in the ballroom if you didn’t get a few minutes of peace. I figured that a chat about the gifts would get you away from the crowds for a bit.”

I chuckled in spite of myself.

“I was getting a lot of questions that I didn’t want to answer,” I admitted. “I was trying to get to the bar when you caught me.”

“You nearly gave poor Larry a stroke when you called for your limo. He’s the front desk clerk you spoke to last night. He wasn’t in on the whole thing, so he raised hell when you told him about the party. I had to talk my boss down off the ledge when he heard.”

“Sorry about that,” I said sheepishly. “I didn’t intend to get you into any trouble.”

“It’s totally understandable and, was settled as soon as I explained the details,” he assured us both. “Larry had himself a little fit when he heard the news though, so his concern wasn’t part of the plan.”

“He fit in perfectly then. He was ... eager for me to give him a chance to make it right. I was starting to wonder if he’d be fired if I left the hotel last night.”

“No, but our whole staff is committed to the comfort and satisfaction of our guests, so his distress was genuine,” he told us.

We kept up a pleasant chat about last night’s event with him supplying details that I hadn’t known and mostly informing Mel that it had gone off perfectly, despite his best efforts.

“I have to say, I’ve never purposely sabotaged a party, but it was certainly a learning experience. You made it much harder than I would have thought.”

I was in much better spirits this morning, so that made me laugh a little.

“I hope I wasn’t too hard on you last night,” I told him, meaning it.

He scoffed and shook his head.

“You’re a pussycat compared to a headstrong bride with her last-minute changes,” he said lightly. “I wanted to meet with you before you left though, so that I could assure you that’s not normally how a party planned by the Ritz-Carlton goes. We’re far more professional than you saw last night.”

With that, he left us with handshakes and hopes that we’d consider having our next party here. We finished our coffee and looked around the suite. I collected my phone, she finished packing and then we were ready to check out. Mel signed all the paperwork and they had a car brought around to take us back to my place. We decided that I needed to change and then we’d take my car over to her place to see Eliza and George. I hung up the suit and she asked if I was ready to see the bedroom.

I thought about it and now seemed like a perfect time. I dressed quickly and then let her lead me to the bedroom door. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but this wasn’t it. After five days of work, I thought they might have changed the room in some dramatic way, but they hadn’t added windows or put in a skylight or anything like that. The room was repainted in a very light silver-gray and was minimally furnished. Everything had just been shapes when I brought it upstairs that Saturday and now I understood why.

It had been wrapped with thin layers of foam to protect it. There was a large bundle of the stuff in the corner where the girls had left it piled neatly. The bed was an interesting piece. It was a four-poster but had a very modern look to it. In fact, the posts looked almost like a steel frame, more than a traditional bed. The rest of the bedroom set had a similarly austere, modern look, but each piece looked elegant in its own way. Everything matched that silver hue of the walls, making that the theme of the room. Even the pillows and bedding were gray and silver.

“It’s perfect!” I told her, squeezing her hand.

“Really? You like it? You’re not just saying that?” She gushed, bouncing on her toes.

I nodded. “You set out to re-imagine this room in a way to banish Beth’s presence from here. She’d hate this room,” I grinned and started to laugh.

She joined me and threw her arms around me.

“I’m so glad you love it!” she enthused. “We’re not done yet though. You haven’t seen the bathroom.”

She dragged me to the bathroom door and turned on the light. If the bedroom was different, the bath was unrecognizable. The tub had been replaced with a very roomy shower stall, walled in with glass and a shower-head at each end of the stall. All the fixtures had been replaced and even the walls had been done over with a new tile. Where the bedroom’s palette was silver, everything here was golden.

The room was tiled in a color that looked very close to a yellow sandstone, the fixtures were all golden, including the brand-new toilet. Even the lights had a more yellow tone than the rest of the house. There were separate lights around the mirror that I suspect were closer to a pure white light, so she could apply make-up without the normal lighting biasing the look. If there was ever a bathroom that belonged in a luxury hotel, we were standing in it.

“Wow!” was the best my vocabulary could supply. “You got this all done in a week? This looks amazing!”

She grinned, basking in the thrill of having gotten it right. She showed me around the room, pointing out a switch for the infra-red heat lamp in the ceiling and the separate light switch for the mirror lights, which she confirmed were there so that her make-up would look correct.

“I love it!” I told her honestly, looking around.

It was amazing. The room had radiated warmth from the moment she’d turned on the light. I noticed that the door was painted to match the room on either side and the knob had matched, golden on this side and silver on the other. I had no illusion that there was a fleck of real gold in the room ... At least I hoped she hadn’t gone to that much expense. She caught me looking more closely at the shower and grinned at me.

“Yeah, I had them build it for two. I’m sure there’s room for three in there if you really do like it black and sweet,” she teased.

I gave her a speculative smile and chuckled. “Are you trying to tell me that you want Terri or are you worried that I’ve been closer to her than just friends?”

“Terri’s beautiful,” she said lightly as she shrugged. “She’s single, you’re single, I didn’t exactly leave under the best of circumstances, and I did put her in the perfect position to pick up the pieces and help you put them back together,” she admitted.

“That’s all true,” I told her, wrapping my arms around her. “None of it led to her and me being more than friends though. If I’d taken her to bed, it would have been after I’d seen this room on my own. There was just no room in my heart for anyone else while I was certain you were coming back.”

She nodded. “That’s been kind of worrying me a lot,” she confessed. “I did sort of set it up for her to run the table.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know that Terri even thinks of me that way,” I said, kissing her forehead. “I certainly wasn’t in the mindset to notice anyone but you.”

“So, you didn’t end up seducing Mary while I was away?” she asked, reminding me of that practical joke.

“No, I had her and Bella help out with the bedroom. At that point, it was pretty obvious that I was love-sick. Now then, I should probably call Sergio’s though, if we want to be sure to get the banquet room.”

I kissed her again and then took one last look at the bathroom, stunned at how good it looked. We went downstairs, and I made the reservations. We’d have the room from 6 until 9. After that, they needed to get the room ready for a post-game party for the local high school basketball crowd.

Then I made the calls to the rest of the group. I asked Belinda to bring Mary since she’d been around for a lot of the fallout after Mel had disappeared. I asked Jason if he was bringing a date, teasing him a little. He got flustered. He’d eventually admit it, but when he was ready. The rest of the calls were routine, and I texted the reservation time to Theresa, so she’d be there on time.

Melody brought her suitcase upstairs while I was talking to Claire and started unpacking some of it, clearly intending to mark her territory right away. She grinned at me when I got off the phone as she took her makeup into the bathroom to claim her portion of the sink. I suspected that it would be much larger and more prominent than the corner I would be relegated to, but that was okay. I was used to sharing a bathroom with a woman. I was looking forward to it again, truthfully.

I leaned against the door frame and watched her claim parts of the closet and bureau for herself, humming softly in between chatting with me.

“So, we need to go see Eliza and George, huh?” she said awkwardly. “They’re gonna kill me.”

“Well, we could put it off and invite them to Sergio’s,” I offered. “They might turn on each other over who has the right to get to you first. The bad news is that they might decide that taking turns sounds like a good idea.”

“Thanks! A lot of help you are!” she said, exasperated. “Seriously! Eliza’s gonna skin me alive.”

“Let’s go talk to them, then,” I suggested. “I’m with you, so it’s not like you have to face them alone. I think seeing the two of us together will cool whatever anger she might have developed this past month.”

She nodded and looked at the suitcase as if wondering if she could use it as an excuse to put it off, but then sighed.

“Alright. Let’s do this.”

“Remember, I love you, no matter what,” I reminded her.

She immediately dug in her suitcase again, digging out a small picture frame and showed it to me. It was the note I’d written her before we’d gone into the room to talk to Stan. She’d kept it and had it framed. She set it on one of the nightstands, claiming her side of the bed just that easily.

“Alright,” she said, taking a deep breath. “Let’s go before I lose my nerve,” she urged me.

She fidgeted on the drive over, her anxiety showing through.

“It’s okay. Eliza’s going to be glad you’re back and safe. She might be unhappy about the details, but she’ll listen.”

She nodded but didn’t look particularly convinced. I pulled up to the gate and punched in the code Eliza had given me for the system.

“You have a code for the gate, now?” she gaped at me.

“Yeah,” I told her with a rueful shrug. “I sort of sat out here for an hour one night because Eliza had to step out for something unexpectedly and George was out in the back corner of the lot. After that, she set up a code for me. She figured I was here often enough that it made sense. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Rand, Stan left everything to us jointly. The house is half yours. You have the right to sell your place and move in here.”

“I wouldn’t do that unless we talked about it first. Since we didn’t, I wouldn’t,” I said lightly and pulled up to the garage.

I drove into the upper garage and parked in the center row between the parked cars.

“I wouldn’t have minded,” she said as we got out. “I kind of figured that you’d be using the gym, either way.”

I shrugged. “I probably will, now that you’re back,” I admitted. “Until you were back, and we talked about what happened, I wasn’t going to intrude here.”

“God! I really am a fuck-up!” she sighed. “I didn’t want you to stay away, Rand. I should have been clearer on what I intended when I left. I’m sorry. This is your place now. Live in the house, swim in the pool, play the games, drive the cars, drink the booze. It’s all yours as much as mine.”

We crossed to the elevator and took it to the third floor. There were two apartments up here. The garage was massive. One apartment stood unused and the other one was Eliza and George’s. I knocked on their door and heard Eliza call out that she was coming.

“I saw you pull in,” she said as she opened the door. “Funny for you to stop by on a ... Saturday,” she said faintly, seeing Melody with me.

She looked at us both, settling her eyes on me.

“You found her!”

She swept Mel up in a hug, tearing up a little.

“Oh! Thank God you found her!”

She turned her attention to Mel and if we hadn’t been so frantic this past month, it would have been funny.

“Are you okay?” she started off and before Mel had time to answer, she took off on a run of questions.

“Where did you go? What have you been doing? Why didn’t you call me? Do you know how much we worried about you? Why would you do that?! Don’t you ever worry me like that again! I should paddle your backside from now ‘til Christmas! Oh! I’m just glad you’re safe, girl!”

She pulled us into the apartment and George looked up from his comfortable chair, turning off the game when he saw Mel. He came to hug her too, showing how deeply he’d worried about her. George wasn’t a very demonstrative guy most of the time. Then Mel was parked onto the couch and we spent the next hour explaining to them what had happened and how she’d found me and not the other way around. When it was over, Eliza wasn’t particularly thrilled that she’d run, but she was more understanding. I knew I needed to try to soften her displeasure.

“Eliza,” I said, drawing her attention. “Mel feels pretty awful about how things played out. She got advice from a friend who meant well, but ultimately has a different outlook on life than Melody does now, so she couldn’t have known how many loose ends she was leaving behind. Hell, she probably didn’t think to point out to Mel that she should have taken a little time to figure out how to tell everyone she needed some time to process everything. But it happened, and it sucked for a while, but we have her back and that’s what matters. I don’t want her to feel worse than she does already. I think we both understand that you’re upset with her and I think we can both appreciate why you’re upset but give her time to explain, and allow her the chance to talk it out. We have to see some of our friends for dinner to try to explain it to them. It’ll take some time, but she had good reasons to be upset that week. Let’s give her a break, huh?”

Eliza nodded and hugged Mel again, telling her how glad she was that she was safe. After that, things were pleasant, if a little awkward. Hopefully, they’d reconnect over time. For now, they were okay though. We left there in plenty of time to get to the restaurant to meet the rest of the group for our reservation. We were the first to arrive and I ordered two of their pizza-cakes, figuring that food and plenty of it would blunt the worst of the bloodlust when they laid eyes on Mel. Well, most of them would be okay, but Bella was sometimes ... a little enthusiastic about protecting people she was close to. I’d become one of those people over the past couple of months. That made me smile. I hoped Mary would help me keep her in check.

Mel was a nervous wreck, leading up to dinner. I held her hand and was grateful when Theresa was the first to arrive. She noticed our hands and smiled, coming to hug Mel and then me before taking a seat on Mel’s other side. The others arrived shortly after that and their reactions were everything we’d come to expect. Claire looked thoughtful, Stephanie was surprised and concerned, Jason looked surprised, but accepted that she was back without question and Belinda. Bella handled it in her typical style.

“Where the fuck have you been?!!?” Bella demanded to know loudly.

To her credit, she didn’t lunge over the table. Mel was shrinking in on herself when I stepped in.

“Melody has a lot of explaining to do,” I admitted calmly. “That’s why I arranged for dinner tonight. I ordered the cakes for us so they would be ready a little quicker. Please, let’s all just sit and talk it out.”

I greeted Mary warmly, like she was one of us. She’d been around a lot more this past month, so she knew all of us. Everyone took their seats and a waitress came around for our drink orders. She came back with a tray of drinks a few minutes later and promised she’d check for refills often. That left us alone for a while, so we got into it.

“Why don’t I start?” I suggested, and everyone nodded in agreement.

“About a week ago, I was contacted by Mr. Lawton, Melody’s lawyer. He informed me that she wanted me to host the staff Christmas party for the savings and loan, since she was still out of town.” They knew all that, but it set the background. “I’d made it clear that I wasn’t going, but he pushed, and I finally gave in and said I’d do it. There was an appointment with a tailor for a fitting and I was outfitted with a new wardrobe. Last night was the event. It was...” I paused to take a breath and shake my head, “the most horrible day of my life, I think. Besides the party falling apart every fifteen minutes, the guests took the opportunity to demand answers about Mel, Beth and Stan, since they all knew that I had history with that whole debacle.”

I paused and took a drink before I continued.

“In any case, I’d played host, gave out checks, passed out gifts, greeted everyone personally, mingled with the guests, talked to the spouses and resolved any problems that arose. I was an emotional wreck, I’d skipped dinner to keep the party running, was up well past the point I normally go to bed and I had a pounding headache. When the party was done, I just wanted to go home and get drunk enough to black the worst of the night out of my head. The hotel informed me though, that the car service was only supposed to deliver me to the hotel. Since I had a suite reserved, there wasn’t a car waiting for me. The hotel staff talked me into using the suite instead of taking a cab at that point, so I went upstairs and promptly broke down. After 10 hours of handling the party and listening to people ask grating questions about Beth and Mel and Stan, I ... I was burned out. I couldn’t handle it anymore and went to pieces. That was the moment she said my name and touched my head. She’d been hoping that our reunion would be filled with laughter and joy. She never dreamed that she’d come into the room and find me sobbing.”

Melody was staring at her lap, her head hung in shame at what I’d been through yesterday. I reached out and took her hand, holding it in both of mind and kissing her fingers.

“I’m telling you all what happened last night because it’s relevant to the reason Mel left in the first place and because there was only one thing that would have saved me from the bad thoughts that were going through my head. I’m very grateful she was on hand to rescue me.”

Claire took over when I fell silent.

“So, what was the reason you left, dear?” she asked.

Mel’s fingers clenched on mine for support and I squeezed back.

“I ... I’m a fuck-up,” she said. “Every decision I’ve ever made has been terrible. Rand’s bad day yesterday could have been avoided if I’d just brought him up to the suite right away and gone to the party with him instead of wanting to surprise him afterwards. But I made the worst decision possible, like always, and look how it ended up.

“When I left ... Rand was perfect. He’s got the body of a Greek God, he’s smart, funny, he’s got the most amazing eyes, he’s kind and romantic and gentle and understanding and considerate. He’s level-headed and responsible and dependable and ... He’s perfect! The more time I spent with him, the more I knew that I wasn’t good enough. I screw up all the time! My sister is with the first boyfriend I ever had, Stan cheated on me constantly and then I met Rand and I was scared. I was so fucking scared because he’s ... everything I’ve ever dreamed of. I was afraid that he was another bad decision or that if he wasn’t, I’d screw it all up and he’d hate me. So, I panicked and called my best friend from high school. She told me that it was a case of us getting too close, too fast and that we needed to cool off. She invited me out there to visit and get my head on straight.”

She took a moment to gather herself and went on from there, her voice thick with emotion. I knew she was upset, so I held onto her hand tightly, ready to hold on tight if she looked like she was going to bolt.

“So, cue Melody doing something stupid ... AGAIN!” she spat, angry at herself. “I do a shitty job of explaining things to Theresa, I do a terrible job writing out to Rand what was going on, I fail at correcting the mistake when I called his voicemail that night and I missed every opportunity to make things right by refusing to take any personal messages from my lawyer. I came back with no idea that Rand had taken this so badly and no idea how badly I’d fucked-up this time.”

She finally wound down and I put my arm around her comfortingly and looked around. Claire was looking thoughtful at this explanation and I thought she might be wishing she had her laptop to take notes. Jason was sympathetic, but I don’t think he really had much hostility toward her, to begin with. She’d never been anything but nice to him, so he had no reason to rock the boat. Stephanie looked skeptical, but generally accepting of what she’d said. It was Belinda and Theresa who surprised me.

“Yeah,” Belinda said. “I get what you’re saying. When shit went down with Jimmie, there was part of me that believed it was true, that I wasn’t good enough.”

Theresa wasn’t buying it though.

“Seriously? That’s why you took off? You were young and stupid? Shit! Everyone here has been young and stupid. We all trusted someone that fucked us over. You’ll have to do better than that! I’ve been hanging out with Rand on Saturdays because it’s the only time of the week that he’s not at work, the gym, group or in bed. You know what those four places have in common? He spends the entire time thinking of you. If he could have put an end to this, he’d have done it in heartbeat. You and I are friends, Mel, but you fucked him up, big time, when you left. You need to do a hell of a lot better than ‘cold feet’.”

“Terri,” I said sharply to get her attention.

She was rapidly crossing over into ranting and that was going to spiral out of control in a hurry.

“I’ve talked to Mel a little about this. Let me try to explain.”

She fell silent, but she was obviously sullen about it, and indignant at the explanation. She nodded, and I took a deep breath.

“Mel’s experience with love and dating comes from four places,” I started. “The first boy she ever fell for was snatched away from her by her sister. You all know what that’s like. Then along comes Stan. He’s older, well-dressed, rich, charming and paying attention to her. Her sister starts making noises about taking him away from her too, so she rushes into bed with him. She gets pregnant, she gets married, loses the baby and is stuck with a philandering husband in another city, isolated, hundreds of miles from her friends.”

“Her best friend, in particular, is someone she always trusted and cared about. She told me that they fooled around a little, so that girl was the one person she trusted. Then she gets involved with me, and a week later, she’s prepared to throw caution to the wind. We’ve both said we loved each other by that point and she’s half out of her mind with lust, love and panic. The one person who she’s given herself to and not been hurt by, told her to get out of town and cool off to see if it’s real. Her husband is on his death-bed and she’s confused by his last gesture to both of us, angry for what he did and for him leaving her alone, grieving because he was still her husband, no matter what he did.”

“To top it off, she’s deeply in love with me and feeling guilty as sin for how she’d talked about wanting us to be together as soon as Stan breathed his last. She needed time, space and perspective. The only thing she did wrong was mishandle how she told us she was leaving. Now that I’ve talked to her, I understand a little better. She’s truly convinced herself that she’s stupid because of the decisions she’s made that have gone poorly for her.”

Terri looked a little chastised by that. She nodded.

“Okay. That’s a little better than just scared,” she admitted. “I’m sorry. It’s just been so frustrating this past month, not knowing where you were and seeing him get more depressed all the time. You know he goes to the gym when he’s hurting, right? So that Greek-God body? That’s pain and it’s not the kind that you can slap an ice-pack on. I’ll shut up about it now. I just wanted you to know that we all wanted to help. If you’d called any of us, we’d have done everything possible to make things right.”

Mel nodded, her head hung low, tears now flowing freely as she was getting a first-class lesson in facing angry friends.

“I’m sorry!” she whispered solemnly between sobs. “I know I fucked up. I don’t know why I keep fucking everything up! I swear, I’m not doing it on purpose.”

“Hey,” I said, giving her a squeeze. “No one here thinks you did this on purpose,” I assured her. “You’re among friends. Some of those friends are a little frustrated that you didn’t turn to them, but they still love you. Look around. No one has hate in their eyes.”

Same as DreamWeaver
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*Note: This is a follow up to a previous story ( online turns real part 2 ) I wake up to my arms and legs tied to the bed and you sitting in your chair in the living room. You hear me rustling against my bonds. ‘Good morning my pet, did you sleep well?’ I lightly shake my head. ‘Yes, Sir, I did.’ You come up to the side of the bed next to me, stroke my hair out of my face and kiss me lightly on the forehead. ‘You look so beautiful tied up, you know that?’ I blush and instantly get wet at your...

2 years ago
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Father Time

Adam’s head was about to explode. His temples pounded with a pain he had never experienced. The throbbing seemed to start at the base of his neck and rode completely up the entire backside of his skull. The pain was so intense that he knew at any moment he was become violently ill. This was a double sided blade of pain as the slightest movement increased the pain level to even newer heights. “We have him” a female voice stated flatly. “Excellent” came the reply, another females voice this...

2 years ago
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Taking Amie

I'd been his a while. I wasn't always sure what I was of his, but I knew I was his. There were times I felt like a student, a trainee, a slave, a slut, a plaything, but always his. What he was to me was a mentor, a guide, a man, a force of nature, a friend, a master and, added to all that, a secret. I hadn't found it in myself to expose to any of my friends, even my best ones, what kinds of things I was exploring. That meant that I couldn't tell them about him either. I hadn't even told...

3 years ago
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Geek Loving

Two months. It had been two whole months since I fucked someone, and I was horny as fuck. I could remember the last lay I had. She was a friend of mine who was feeling very lonely, as was I. I mention that she is Cuban because of how beautiful she is, beauty only found in Cuba… Thank God her parents had moved here! Anyway, this short girl with perky tits was beautiful. On top of that, she was very horny. We would have intimate talks about what sex positions were the best and what...

3 years ago
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Olivias Encore

I woke up and looked at the clock, 3:30 AM, my usual time to get up to answer nature’s call. Getting older sucks. I eased out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I didn’t want to disturb the little angel next to me. I got a drink of water and eased back into bed trying not to disturb Olivia. Regardless of my efforts, Olivia stirred. She opened one eye, asked me what time it was. I told her it was 3:45 and to go back to sleep. She snuggled up to me, put her head on my chest and we drifted...

1 year ago
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The trainer 1

"I've just about had with you, Cassie," Jason said evenly, "now get the fuck in the kitchen and make me some supper, and mean right now!!!" Cassie looked over at her husband of eight years, and with a shrug of her shoulders she replied, "If you want something to eat, go make it yourself, are your legs broken or something!?!" That was the last straw as far as Jason was concerned, now his wife was openly defying him on just about every issue that came up, not even counting the humiliation she had...

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A great evening with friends

30 years ago I was lucky enough to marry the sexiest lady I have ever known. I was 9 years older and had been around the block a time or two but she was what many men would just pant for. Liv was 5’5” tall, nice firm 36C’s, hard erect ½” nipples that seemed to always be begging to be sucked, long brown hair, nice legs and a firm stomach. She was erotic just to look at and a lot of guys would turn around when we passed. We had been married for about 6 months and she was always ready and willing...

4 years ago
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Sians CousinsChapter 10

I slept like a log, and woke up early on Saturday morning, to find Sheila sucking on Gustav under Vee's guidance. Once they realised I was awake, she backed off, and asked me to fuck her again. I put her on her back with her legs high in the air, and gave her a quick orgasm and my morning load, and then left Vee between her legs trying to get it back out of her. There was no romance or delicacy involved, it was just an early morning shag, which we both enjoyed for its own sake. Sian and I...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 77 No

November, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Monday evening, Joyce called me to let me know that Don Joseph’s will had been read, and, as I had hoped and expected, he had left her, and her alone, the shares in NIKA. He’d also set up a trust for his legitimate businesses which would go to Joyce on her grandmother’s death, but which provided each of them a healthy income until that happened. Joyce seemed pleased, and she said that Connie was quite happy because she and Anthony now had complete control...

3 years ago
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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 11 A Pity I Have to Eat You ndash Almost

Finally Eigis paused, pulling back, smacking his lips and licking blood from his face with his tongue. Hiryu no longer felt the demon’s full weight against him or heard chewing. Reaching up, Hiryu scrabbled blindly for a moment, then finally grabbed the knife with his left hand, plunging it into the demon’s lower left side. The shock of the stab went through them both. Eigis yowled. His right hand scrapped four long, bloody furrows from above Hiryu’s ear and forehead down to his jaw,...

1 year ago
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Ebima Remembers

Christopher was blessedly unconscious during the vile act, and Ebima prayed to whatever deity may listen that he remain that way. For one glorious moment, Ebima Auvengarde was in love. He had the affections of a human boy, and was absolutely content. Ebima lowered his head, feeling himself begin to fail at schooling an indifferent mask. It was becoming more and more difficult listening to the sound of wet skin slapping, his father's grunts and growls, and the soft squeak of his mattress...

2 years ago
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bi threesome

Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun. I spoke to them online before I arrived here and they seemed really keen and also rather experienced.Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife...

1 year ago
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Sex Date With a Stranger I met online Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Miranda was a cam girl working for one of the best webcam sites. She was pretty and hot both. I had met her through online sex portal. She had just lost her job and thus, was using the site to make some bucks until she found a new job. We used to meet each other on the portal often. Although, one night we decided to meet in person. Sex Date With a Stranger can be interesting and fun both. We met at her place for dinner and drinks. The amusing part was that we clicked instantly.I was expecting...

3 years ago
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Mistress Nicki and Jen

Half an hour later, we were sitting together on the sofa with a glass of wine. “That was… amazing. I have never been so turned on in my life. And I would never have even gone in there by myself. Let alone do something like… like that.” I smiled and took a sip. “I feel as high as a kite.” Jen sat back on her chair and took a large mouthful of wine. My smile broadened. “You little slut,” I whispered. There was a pause, then Jen smiled, “Yes, I suppose I am.” “You’re still not wearing any...

2 years ago
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Hunger For LoveChapter 2

Fay sat up and said "Carl you taste even better than I remember, you are still delicious." I had moved from the door to the bed and was sitting there stroking her tits. Fay smiled at me and said "Thanks "BIG-R" for letting me do that. I said "No problem but now it's my turn." I sucked Fay's cunt and then she gave me a blowjob just like she had given Carl. It was early, still daylight outside. Carl wanted to take us to dinner. We dressed together, I chose a flimsy dress for Fay and...

2 years ago
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Trials of Kardan

THE TRIALS OF KARDAN Chapter One: Capture Kardan's capture had not been an easy one. The fabled warrior had been cornered in a rocky canyon in the southern lands, and six men were pitted against him. Kardan had despatched four of them in the space of a few breaths, and would have slain the remainder had the drug-tongued art not found it's mark on his neck. Reeling from the narcotic, he still hurled himself at his opponents, finally succumbing as his blade dug into the belly of...

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Sent To Miss Storeys Office At Lunchtime Miss Downeys Story Chapter Six

Eighteen-year-old sixth former, Nicole Rannigan fidgeted with her hands, then her hair and finally her black school shoes as she waited on the blue padded chairs which lined the wall facing the offices of the Head Mistress, Deputy Head Mistresses and Heads of Year at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School. Nicole was in serious trouble this time and she knew it. During her six and a half years at the school she had been in this position on many occasions but this time it was really serious.She thought...

4 years ago
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Niharika8217s Fantasy Continues 8211 Part 2

After we reached her mother’s house, we introduced our friends to her mother, and had some tea and snacks. Since we had already had beer and snacks (and sex) on the way, we were feeling sleepy, and so decided to go upstairs, make the beds and have a nap. Her mother rarely used to come up , only when it was absolutely necessary. So we were assured at least of some amount of privacy. We went up, and Niharika came up with us, ostensibly to help use make the beds. As we were walking up the steps...

2 years ago
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Waking My Master

Hi Rony again read story and comment on that tell me yours comment this was my real story with my girlfriend now read in my girlfriend own word enjoy it. As the first morning light slowly enters in the bedroom window, he awakens to see it laying a gentle glow onto her soft skin. Rolling over to face her, he places his hand delicately onto her left breast, lightly tracing his fingertips around her areola as he leans in kissing the side of her neck tenderly her body shivers, she moan...

3 years ago
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girls fun for all 7

thats when it hit me ( at the same time the next slap to my face came ) I was to collect there loads for the bitches. oh man they were going to take it out on my asshole. the boys were looking a little stunned when my wife introduced herself to them . she walked over to them and grabbed there balls to get there attention and said " these are ours now , you belong to us " she said . "cool" one of them said and then he promptly sreamed at the top of his lungs as my wife...

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Grims Dungeon Level 1

Welcome Adventurer! What lies before is a classic dungeon crawl using a very simplified rules system. This one will be short as I just want to find out how much effort this sort of thing takes. If it works out well I may do a Level 2. You will need a six sided die (otherwise called a d6) or access to d6 roller such as this one. You may also want a pencil in piece of paper to keep track of what rooms you have completed or to map. Fear not, this is not a complex dungeon. You will notice a list of...

1 year ago
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Danny And The Black Twins

Danny and the Black Twins It was a beautiful day, the kind of spring weather that made Danny Codwallop horny.  He walked quickly through the doors of the Fuggledix Community College, and headed for the central atrium.  The administration office was just on the other side of the indoor courtyard, with its tropical trees reaching halfway to the glass roof four stories above, and this was the last week to register for courses.  He was taking his lunch break to be here and didn’t want to be late...

2 years ago
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Riya Insurance

Hi, my name is Riya. I am still unmarried.My eyes color is blue and hairs have curls.My color is brownish and having medium sized boobs with long puffy nipples. I have a butterfly tattoo on my pubic less cunt and black hole with angle wings tattoo.Currently I work in a big insurance company as a Senior Manager.I deal with HNI clients only.I completed my targets on time, so, I get good incentives also.When I was in graduation, lot of boys tried to impress me for friendship. I knew that time why...

3 years ago
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The Wolf SummersChapter 10b The Cradle of the Pack

The schedule would have been a nightmare without Brittany managing my time. She made sure I was where I needed to be; helped sort out the Smith Holdings documents I needed to read and had the Lees write up synopses of the rest; and generally served as a firewall from the world outside of my home. "Don't you have something better to do with your time?" I asked her once. "I'm contributing to the future of Smith Holdings," she said with a shrug before shooing me out so the maid service...

1 year ago
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Inspirational StimulationWeekend Part 2

I gathered John, Ed, Jim, Ann, Judy, Elsie, and May together and told them, "Today you are going to beg for sex but it will be long in coming to you. You will be strapped to the sex racks and gurneys and made to beg for what you want. I have just recieved some new racks and gurneys so there are enough to go around. Disrobe here in the locker room. Do not touch anyone and do exactly as I say." None of them wanted to get whipped with the razor strop so they did exactly as I had told them. They...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 15

So, that year had passed, her lover was out of town and we returned to a more normal life – although it really wasn’t. We had a small Christmas celebration with no travel, no seeing of relatives or friends. We attended one New Year’s Eve party, but that was it. During all this ‘free’ time, Sandy was closeted with her books and articles, covering and recovering the entire history of Spanish literature and all of its components, any of which could appear on the prelims that loomed over her....

3 years ago
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The Cheater

The Cheater By Margaret Jeanette Harriet Tyler was a leading attorney in the area. She was sitting in her office talking to Paul Grimm, whose services she'd used in the past. She was always pleased with how he conducted himself and how complete his reports were. Paul was a private investigator. Harriet said, "This is very hard for me to ask for because I want you to check up on my husband. I have had several people tell me that they saw him with various young girls. I just want...

2 years ago
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Ravaged Music TeacherChapter 6

Shortly after Buzz had left the salesman's wife, he'd driven toward his own neighborhood, even though it wasn't his official beat. Sometimes he did this to check and see if his wife's car was there. Not that she'd ever screw around on him, of course, but the cynical cop in his blood would never let him rest. She'd been gone a lot at night lately, but she was always visiting friends, gossiping and playing rummy. She played one hell of a lot of rummy these days, Buzz noted. She played so...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 26 Fast Cars Fast Women Part III

August 1982, Talladega, Alabama Stephie knocked on the door of my room at 4:00am. I decided I had enough time to take my run, so I did that, then showered and ate breakfast. I finished just as Red knocked on the door. We said goodbye to Stephie’s mom and dad and went out to the car. We took the T-tops off, put the beer cooler in the back and Stephie got in the back seat and Red in the front and we drove to Emily’s place. She was waiting on her porch and ran out to the car. Red got out, let...

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The unexplainable investigation Part 1

I had been working in the Detective Bureau for about four years. I was assigned to Homocide but I also handled violent crimes. It was a really nice day, I will never forget, it was warm and clear. For late February that was unusual. I was at my desk when the duty officer downstairs called. "Duke this is Jackson at the desk. I got a woman here that wants to report that someone raped her this morning" he said with a question in his voice "she says it was her husband but it wasn't?" "Okay, that...

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MommysBoy Natasha Nice The Birds And The Behinds

Natasha Nice is doing some cleaning in her living room when her stepson, Juan Loco, walks in. He appears a little nervous and asks if he can talk to her about something personal. Natasha assures him that he can talk to her about whatever he likes, and invites him to sit down with her on the couch. Juan reveals that he has a question about sex- but not just ANY kind of sex… he wants to know about ANAL sex… Juan explains that anal sex seems to be the only kind of sex he is interested...

2 years ago
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Early Days Chapter 8

I got to Jenn quickly. She still had the camera pointed at Julie and the crowd of young guys around her. She pointed at the floor as I got to her and I saw that she had grabbed my clothes for me.“Put them on,” Jenn said. “You need to take care of the camera for me. I’m going to have to pee really soon.”While I was getting dressed I asked Jenn how many guys Julie had been fucked by so far.“Well,” she said, “She’s had nineteen guys cum in her ass or her cunt. It’s difficult to tell where they...

4 years ago
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Lindas Lay on the Thames Part 1

IntroductionMy name as you can tell from the title is Linda, slut, sexual deviant and damn proud of it and I’ve not been without sexual companionship since I lost my virginity. I’ve never had a boy (or girl)friend, just bed partners of both sexes, monogamous relationships filled with romance can wait until I’m at least 30. There’s very little I haven’t tried; threesomes, foursomes, orgies and much more – apart from the obvious taboos of course. For instance I once had separate affairs with both...

1 year ago
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I Fucked My Sister With Mom Blessings

Hello this is Sisfucker with red hot incest story. If you like please send feed back at I had just come back from college hostel when my mother Maya Devi told me Sunny Beta you must do one thing. Your Raj jijju has left for Kuwait and your sister is lonely very lonely your sister is young and sexy many men are seeking her body more over she is such a sexy hot bitch. I wish you keep her company so that these horny men cannot get her body. I have convinced Kajal that you are the best man to...

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Diavolo Ch 04

She couldn’t sleep. Abigail tossed and turned, every once in a while she’d glare at the phone Gabriel had given her accusingly. After closing the photo gallery earlier, she’d set it on her nightstand. She hadn’t expected him to call her soon, but it was already past midnight. How far away did he live anyway? Can I call you tonight? His deep gravelly voice haunted her, the memory of his lips and hands sent a cascade of goose bumps over her skin and an uncomfortable clenching throb low in her...

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HardtimesChapter 2

Patrolling the mall early Saturday morning meant staying out of the way of the horde of mall walkers who descended upon the place. Little old ladies who walked at a snail’s pace blocked the paths of soccer moms who power-walked. Occasionally a walker would trip for no apparent reason and he would have to write up a report. About once a year, an elderly walker would clutch his or her chest and he would have to call for an ambulance. Burl hated working Saturday mornings. It wasn’t the mall...

2 years ago
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Caught in the MiddleChapter 3

Janet and Allie didn't work and they stayed over during the week. I never got much rest as one of them always wanted my cock in one of their delightful holes. By Wednesday, I looked haggard but what a way to go! I didn't lack for food as Janet turned out to be an excellent cook as well as being one of the best looking women I had ever seen. Allie only suffered a little in comparison. Both of them had a strong sex drive and only wore clothes for temptation or protect their bodies while...

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Second ChanceChapter 35

"Oh My GOD. OWW, OWW. It HURTS!!!! I should have never done it the second time on a brand new vagina." Apparently Angela was awake and tried to use the bathroom without thinking about the potential soreness from last night's hyperactivity. When I walked in she spun around, pointed to her red and puffy vagina, and shouted, "You did this to me. You MADE me do it for so long, and you didn't stop until I was too dry to continue. WHY did you let me browbeat you into continuing when you KNEW...

4 years ago
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JennyChapter 6

Kate stood outside the door of his flat. She looked at the key in her hand and then, energised with sudden decision, she used it to unlock the door and enter. It was strange; being here uninvited, she wondered how long she was going to have to wait. Always before, there had been a purpose to her visits; even if they were only to make sure that the plants were watered. As she thought about this she stuck a finger in the nearest plant pot. Amazingly, the soil was damp, showing that he'd...

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Wife Swap II

Danny, short for Daniela, and I had been married about eleven years and, while we are happily married, things in the bedroom have slowed tremendously over the years. So, in search of something to spice things up, I pressed Danny to try something new.Danny was extremely hesitant. I told her that opening ourselves up to new sexual adventures would help add a new dimension to our marriage. I reassured her, it would not change my feelings for her and that I fully trusted her. I had eyes on Betty,...

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The Girl Who Wouldnt Cry

VIGNETTE: THE GIRL WHO WOULDN'T CRY By C So far, it had been a pretty easy week for Sly Foxx. His assignment: bringdown a gang of Full-Bodied Land-Fays who'd infested the woods and fields ofSnootley-under-Throckmorton. These bad girls had devoured produce, drainedthe blood of livestock, and driven the occasional farming family to madnessand death. But their fun was now over: for one by one, Sly had bagged themall. They were big and strong, but they had a weakness: the extreme tendernessof...

2 years ago
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The Damsels Heart

There once was a damsel – in most respects, she was a rather ordinary girl. In fact, she loved and needed, hurt and cried, smiled and laughed just like the rest of us. The damsel had an enormous capacity for love – so much so, in fact, that although she found female anatomy more pleasing, she could fall in love with nearly anyone’s heart and mind if they were kind and well-meaning enough. And the rest would generally follow if it was meant to be. The damsel once fell madly in love with a...

4 years ago
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You and Me the last time

I recently broke up with my boyfriend of a year and I was out and about to bounce back. I haven't had sex in over three months so my cock and ass wanted to play. So I ended up striking out at the bars and was just heading home when I stopped at a gas station to use their restroom. As I was doing my business I read the wall and usually the wall in gas station restroom are the yellow pages of sex. I found a number that had the words " Are you and your cock alone tonight, they don't have to be!" I...

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Rebeccas Aunt

“Aunt Chelsea? I-I’m s-s-sorry, I didn’t know you’d be home,” Rebecca stuttered, still bent over and turning her head toward the door.I was still shocked, I was standing in the middle of the bedroom, with her aunt’s decorative paddle in my hand and our roasted bare bottoms on display for her.“Oh, a little experimentation is fine by me,” Aunt Chelsea explained as she walked in closer toward the naked college girls in front of her.“I’ve got to admit it, I have similar tastes,” she continued as we...

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She Blows The Man DownChapter 2

The next night, when Bill knocked on his little sister's bedroom door and Jody eagerly responded, they both knew that they were ready to explore each other's body even more than they had the previous night. Without a word, Bill removed his robe and grinned when he saw his sister's eyes grow wide at the sight of his hard-on, which was jutting straight out from his bushy crotch. "Wow!" Jody breathed huskily, already nakedly writhing on her bed in a fit of sexual need. "I-I just thought...

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Daddys Little Waitress

Brenda always loved her dad more and she let him know it every chance she got. She was always going on errands with him or helping him with his chores around the house. Her mother was clearly jealous and was constantly nagging her about every little thing. She turned her attention back to her earth science homework. Who cared about the makeup of the rocks in the earth’s crust anyway? Ugh, she only had a few more chapter questions to answer and it could wait for the bus ride tomorrow. Her...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 360

Bill, because of the wedding tomorrow evening, had been compelled to stay the night in a separate suite without his wives or Eileen. Like the other Alphas involved, he was not pleased with this, but not wanting to vex his wives the night before the wedding, had agreed to the forced solitude. Lying in bed, he was trying to read to get his mind off sex. Don't they realize that I've been enhanced? My body makes semen and sperm whether I use them or not. And I'm accustomed to coming multiple...

2 years ago
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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 5

“We’ll have to take them to the Diplomat Club soon!” Claudia smiled. “Good idea!” Dan agreed. “What’s the Diplomat Club?” Julia inquired. “We’re members of an exclusive club where couples can go and fuck in public. Dan and I had out wedding reception there and I was fucked by five different guys!” She boasted. “On your wedding night, you were fucked by five guys?” Julia couldn’t believe it. “And Dan fucked three beautiful women that night too.” “Wow, you two sure have a wild sex life,”...

1 year ago
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I love the fantasy of using and abusing a young teen girl 16+.Dressed in school uniform, id bind her hand behind her back and with a ball gag in her mouth...shes mine to do with what i like.Her odour and her smooth soft skin gets my pulse racing...

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Our Swing Story Pt1 The Sensual Strip

We had started going to an online swingers group local meet and greet. It was held every other week at a local bar. They would let us have a little fun if we heeded their warnings when given.We hadn’t actually had sex with another couple yet and were wanting to get to know some couples who might like to get together.There were quite a few couples who checked most of our boxes, but only a few checked them all. Rick and Lena checked them all. We were about the same age. We both had grown kids, we...

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Manmoirs Improvisation

I met up for lunch with my buddy Rob before I had to work a 3-11pm shift. In reality I was having breakfast. He gave me a heads up there would be two girls coming to join us. They all played in some rec dodge ball league. One of them was really hot but something was up with her. I couldn't quite put my finger on it until she spilled a couple of her sexual escapades. After less than a hour of meeting me, she seemed comfortable enough to share naughty stories. Lucky me.Her name was Jacqui. Dark...

Straight Sex
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Wollt Ihr Das Bett in Flammen SehenChapter 5

Olivia decides not to accompany David into work, reluctantly he leaves her at home. He is pleased to see Dinger's CB600 gleaming in the sunlight as he pulls into the car park. He is grateful his work load is still light, as he is finding the situation at home is distracting. He calls his wife on the house phone several times to reassure himself. He is able to get Martin and Ruth to agree to Olivia starting earlier than the standing agreement, but leaving the date floating. Ten minutes...

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