Reginald's FamilyChapter 12 free porn video

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“Yes, sir,” exclaimed Reg, while Dawson mumbled quietly, “Yes.” When Reg got back to the lunch table, he only had time to quickly gobble up the food Frances had kept aside for him. This avoided him answering questions until they were heading off to their afternoon lectures or study rooms.

“Reg? What did the university want with you?” demanded Prudence.

“Just answers to several questions; nothing that need concern you, girls.” This left raised eyebrows, as the girls looked at each other in surprise. Reg normally was happy to tell them about such events. Time was pressing, so they separated without pushing him further. In his next class, the lecturer was pressing all the students arrayed in layers in front of him

“So. Invention and logistics. Can anyone offer a link between the two concepts? They are both straightforward,” the lecturer posed to his class. There was a deafening silence. Not a hand went up, not even Reg’s. The lecturer smiled.

“Nice to see you all baffled for once. Here’s a clue: Getting things together.” He could almost see the lightbulb spark into life above Reg and a couple of other students. He smiled and waited for the question to come. Reg got in first.

“Sir? I was wondering if logistics is about managing a supply of things, and invention is managing a supply of ideas?”

“You are on the right lines, Mr Robertson. I like your phraseology. There is a common assumption that invention is always a ‘Eureka’ moment, when one man gets an idea that turns into an invention. Let me tell you that for 99 per cent of the time, this is not the case. Most of the time, there is a gathering of other ideas and technologies that means that a new idea becomes feasible and practical. Popular imagination assumes that James Watt invented the steam engine. He didn’t. That concept was invented by Heron of Alexandria in the first century A.D., in the form of the aeolipile, a metal ball on hollow pivots, with two opposing angled vents to release steam and make the ball spin. A fire was made underneath a closed cauldron which fed the steam to the ball. The ball rotated as the steam vented from the two tubes, but it was little more than a toy, a demonstration device. Next, our old friend Da Vinci left us a sketch of a steam-powered cannon, which may or may not have been effective in propelling a missile, but in my opinion would not have been practical in use. The steam pressure would not have been high enough to give enough impetus to a ball of stone or metal so as to be effective for warfare. In 1606 a Spaniard, Jeronimo de Ayanz y Beaumont was granted a patent for a steam-powered pump. Apparently it worked well enough to be used for draining flooded mines, but it was still very basic in its design. Samuel Morland came up with an idea for a slightly better steam pump, and it was taken further by Thomas Savery in 1698.” He paused and added, “There is much more, such as Frenchman Denis Papin’s steps towards a pressure cooker, but I trust you will explore such sidelines yourself. I want to see you exploring the world around you. You may come up with a better design for a contraption, even if it is not a Eureka-style invention. There are two types of people: those who accept the status quo, and those who aim to improve the status quo. The latter are the doers and thinkers who advance our knowledge, or on occasion, subvert it. You students are supposed to be of the second persuasion, hopefully of the advancement inclination. Show this to me in your work. To get back to the topic, the biggest improvement of the period arrived with Newcomen’s atmospheric engine of 1712, which powered pumps to lift water from mines. It did its job well, but remained very inefficient and burned prodigious quantities of coal. As it was water-cooled, the heat lost at every cooling was a waste, and the seals were not very good. John Smeaton made many improvements, particularly in better seals, and tripled the efficiency of the engine. This was where James Watt at last comes in. Born of a working-class family in Greenock on the river Clyde, he studied and eventually became an instrument maker at Glasgow University. There, he discovered that the university owned a model of a Newcomen engine. It was currently in London for repair at the time, and that was not going well. Watt persuaded the university to have it returned for him to work on, and he applied himself to it. After repairing the engine, he estimated that 80 per cent of the heat was lost through cooling the cylinder at each stroke. His solution was to condense the steam in a separate cylinder. This solution, of a separate condenser, made a vast difference to the engine’s efficiency, and by 1765 he had produced a working model of his new design. So all was well? Invented? Was it heck! You have to get your invention into production, to get anywhere. He tried to raise venture capital, and worked on more improvements. He had a working model of his new engine ready by 1774, but for his cylinders to work well, they needed to have a completely circular bore. The technology for this kind of accuracy did not exist then, but by sheer good luck for Watt, John Wilkinson shortly afterwards invented a new boring machine that could achieve this accuracy, and the problem was solved. Now, instead of this new engine being marketed generally, owners of Newcomen engines realised they could apply many of Watt’s designs to their own engines at a lower cost than replacing the original engine, so Watt and his new partner, Matthew Boulton, licensed such improvements, using these parts, to these parsimonious owners. Watt & Boulton’s own steam engines were large and stationery, and therefore expensive. Watt tried to use his monopoly to keep it that way, by improving the design to make it more cost-effective, such as developing the double-acting cylinder. This helped maintain his technological lead in this area of steam engine building. He believed high-pressure steam was too dangerous, and a number of boiler explosions supported that fear. Of course in later years boiler explosions still happened, but at a lower frequency. It took Richard Trevithick to develop the high-pressure steam engine in 1800, and as you all should be aware, Trevithick introduced the first successful steam railway locomotive to the world. Now, from all that, you can see that Watt did not invent the steam engine. He invented a number of major improvements, from the separate condenser onwards, that made steam engines economically viable. There was no single inventor. Instead we had a whole stream of people and ideas involved in the introduction of the steam engine, and it is much the same with other inventions. They all happened in a time and place that made them possible. This is important not just for the history and philosophy of science, but for history as a whole. Refrigeration changed how people lived, but it also took a series of events and inventions to get us to the idea of readily available frozen foods in the home. I would like you all to look into how the modern frozen foods concept came about, and do me a short essay of a thousand words explaining it.” When Reg and his wives gathered to drive home, he reflected on what he had been told in his interview, and wondered how much he could reveal. He had decided by the time they entered the house. Once they all had their coats off and were settling down in soft chairs, he asked for their attention.

“Girls, how good is this building for standing up to explosions of any sort?” Frances turned her head to stare at him.

“Reg, what are you getting at? Explosions? Why? We don’t have a gas supply in this building. Do you know something we don’t?”

“It was what I got to thinking, after I learned that Jim Fitzgerald, our regular bully, has a strong interest in explosives. It worried me a little.”

“As such an idea should!” Frances was irate. “But why would he go to the trouble and expense of making some sort of bomb? What would he get out of it, and why should it concern us?” Freda interposed, “That is a good point. Why indeed would he want to put himself in a position where he would be the prime suspect in any explosion at this house? He wouldn’t, and I doubt he has the cash to hire some hit-man. He must have some other reason for his interest in explosives.” Prudence mused, “I get the idea. He may be involved in the making and selling of explosives. I’ll ring my dad and see what he thinks. I am surprised that the security services haven’t shown any interest in him.” She looked over at Reg as she spoke, and saw him blush. “Reg, my love? That interview at the university? I suspect it was a lot more than answering a couple of questions. Your concern over explosives happened after that university interview, so that must have been the stimulus for your concerns. Can you tell us something about that?” Reg looked sheepish, and said, “Sorry, Prudence. I can’t tell you anything. I promised.” Her face took on a triumphal scowl. “You have been got at by the security services! That’s why you are reticent, my poor husband. It all makes sense now.” Reg said, hesitantly, “Prudence, I don’t think we should get your father involved. It would not be safe.” Prudence glared at Reg for a moment, then thought better of it. “What are you thinking, Reg, that makes you say that?”

“If Jim Fitzgerald is getting involved with explosives, one way or another, his associates are most probably either criminals or extremists, both of whom would not look kindly on any meddling from outside their ranks. MI6, etc., have their own means of collecting information, so are probably best left to it.”

“That is all very well, Reg, but this man and his relatives have been a thorn in our flesh for a considerable time. We have some justification for any ‘meddling’ as you call it. My dad can be asked to be circumspect in what he might do. His people are like a secret army of their own. Take Mr Fixit, for example. We don’t even know his name, but he gets things done, sharpish. That is the standard that my Dad’s organisation works to.” Reg hesitated.

“Well, if you are sure it won’t backfire on us, Prudence, have a quiet word with him. We are not asking him to actively search for Fitzgerald or the Aitchison lot, just unobtrusively ask around about them, however his team might do that. They may be able to access databases somewhere.”

“I have great confidence in my Dad, Reg. He would do nothing that might harm us in any way, I assure you.”

“What do the rest of you girls think?” asked Reg. “Please note that I have not told you anything about my interview at the university. This is all your own conclusions from what I did NOT say.” Erika gave a hearty laugh. “I agree that we have come to a conclusion based on what you did NOT say, Reg dear, but negative information can be just as valid as positive information. I’ll go along with Prudence’s assessment.” The other girls quickly added their assent, and Prudence was authorised to make the approach to her father. Reg realised that to go against this consensus would be counter-productive, so raised no further objection. Frances smiled his way, and commented, “Reg, I get the idea that you had to promise not to tell us what you discussed. Well, you kept your promise, and we are doing what we as a group decided we wanted to happen. You are the innocent bystander, so you have not broken your promise. Okay?”

“Okay, Frances. I am happy to keep it this way.”

“Great! Anything else we can help you with, today?”

“No. Once in a day is quite sufficient, I think.” He suddenly grimaced, “Damn!”

“What’s wrong now?” said Frances in concern.

“I was supposed to have phoned the Finds man about my finds, at lunchtime, and I forgot!”

“Can you phone him now, or is it too late?” Reg glanced at his wristwatch, and shrugged. “Maybe not. I’ll try him, if I can use your phone, Frances?” Sighing, she handed it to him wordlessly. He looked at the palm of his hand, where he had written the number yesterday, and Frances nearly hit him. “Reg! The number is already in the phone memory, under Finds. Just press the notebook key, and you are in the phone’s book list.”

“Oh,” exclaimed Reg. “Sorry, I am still not familiar with these phones.” He pressed the first key, then flicked through the list to Finds, and selected it to ring. He listed to the phone ringing, then it was picked up.

“I am sorry, but the office closed until tomorrow.”

“Damn! Damn! Damn! And all because I forgot to phone you at lunchtime.” The recorded message ceased, the Finds man came on the phone.

“Mr Robertson? I am still here, just getting ready to go home.”

“Oh, thank goodness for that, sir. I was supposed to phone about the valuer’s verdict on my coins, but I got called away at lunchtime, then it went out of my head until now. My profuse apologies.”

“That’s all right, Mr Robertson. Our valuer was delighted with your first coin batch. They must have remained fairly dry while underground, as they are in excellent condition. His valuation has gone up to eighty thousand pounds total.”

“Wow!” exclaimed Reg. “That is wonderful!”

“There’s more, Mr Robertson. I got your other two concretions to clean up; they are apparently bronze pots filled with more coins. It looks like they were all part of the one hoard. The coins are still in need of cleaning, but the pots have cleaned up well. I have a tentative value of more than £400 each, plus the coins, once they have been fully separated and cleaned up. He will come back and value these coins once they are ready, but at first glance they are similar to the other collection.”

“Gosh. How many coins do you estimate, sir?”

“Between the two pots, probably fifty per cent more than the first find, Mr Robertson.”

“I expect the fees of yourself and the valuer will eat into the worth, though.”

“Of course there will be a fee from him for each visit, yet it is but a tiny fraction of the value. You will probably be offered the net valuation after costs are deducted. Then you will have to pay Capital Gains Tax on the payout. You get an allowance of about 11,000 pounds, then you pay tax at, I think, up to forty per cent, for the sort of valuation you are likely to get.” Reg jumped in to ask, “I am only getting half, so would it still be forty per cent?”

“Even at half, you may be into that tax rate. The lower level is twenty per cent, so you may be paying so much at twenty, then the rest at forty per cent. I think that is how they work it. I am not supposed to advise on tax, except to say that you have to declare it to the tax man, who will advise you on what is due.” Reg sighed. “I fully understand that, and I am grateful for your advice as far as you can give it. As students without any earned income, we should be able to use the allowance in full, and get the full amount of the lower rate of capital gains tax, so just a small amount at the larger rate?”

“There is no ‘we’, Mr Robertson. The tax is on you personally, not shared by your family.”

“We couldn’t perhaps arrange for ownership of the coins to be vested in our entire family, and have an allowance for each member of our family?”

“I can see you have read something on capital gains tax, Mr Robertson, but my understanding is that this is a personal and singular tax, to prevent tax avoidance. You might have better luck with a tax lawyer to help you, though I have my doubts about that option.”

“This whole thing is new to me, sir, so I don’t have access to a tax lawyer.”

“Well, find yourself a lawyer of some kind, and he will be able to put you in touch with the expert. You are supposed to be a clever person, being at university, Mr Robertson. Use your head!”

“Ah, yes. I see what you mean. I’ll let you get off home now. Thanks for staying to talk to me.” Reg had not noticed the sarcasm in the other’s words. When he had finished his call, Reg was quick to think of Freda’s father, the lawyer.

“Freda, my love, do you think we can ask your dad if he knows a tax lawyer, for advice. It looks like we are going to be slammed with a capital gains tax fairly soon. The coins I found are worth at least fifty thousand, possibly more, and even with a split with the farmer, we will be paying capital gains tax, it seems.” Freda nodded sagely, and responded, “Did you give any of us your allowance for the last year? Dad will want to know, as I am pretty certain you didn’t have a capital gain last year!” Reg exclaimed, “Last year? What has last year got to do with it?”

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Daddy's IntroThis is just a roleplay between me and another ;) EnjoyINTRO OF DADDYSugar_DaddyHey slut!Having a hot time tonight?Big_titty_fuckerno just home and horny for a big dick daddy to fuck meSugar_DaddyLove your pics of you in the "boing boing" topyour tits are so big the bikini doesn't quite cover them!Very sexy!Big_titty_fuckerhaha thanks. does daddy like how big my tits have gotten for him?Sugar_DaddyOh yeah, I love it!love to put my big cock between themlove to fuck your big...

2 years ago
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Once upon a time in Jakarta

I am a British Guy and have worked in various countries oversea during my life. This is a true story of one of my own encounters while in Jakarta, INDONESIA for a one year project in 2012.It was a single person contract, so as a single guy in Jakarta, I would look out for some weekend entertainment. After searching various personal ads, I came across a 23 year old curvy, part time shop girl from one of the Mall's, she was a little limited in English but we managed to get by albeit slowly.Her...

1 year ago
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A Long Day

You come home from a long day. You feel worn out and you want to just hide away and disappear from the rest of the world. You are about to undress and take a long hot bath when you hear a knock on your door. You answer it, it is me and of course you let me in. It has been a long time and we are so happy to see each other and we embrace and kiss. That kiss gives you a small burst of energy but I can still see that you have had a long day. You tell me you were just about to take a long hot bath...

3 years ago
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Es ist soweit Sabrina, meine 27 jährige Freundin und ich, 22 Jahre, sind an dem Swingerhotel angekommen. Sie Parkte ihr Auto, wir stiegen aus und nahm unsere kleine Tasche. An der Rezeption wies nichts drauf hin dass es ein etwas anderes Hotel ist, bis die Empfangsdame an den Tresen kommt. Es war eine ende 20 jährige Frau, die ihre C-Körbchen in ein Negligee versteckte. Wir bekamen unser Zimmer zugeteilt und ein Plan welche Angeboten diese Wochenende zur Verfügung stand. Ich stellte fest dass...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 4

In part 1 to 3 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Now Further. CHAPTER-1 PART-4...

1 year ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend PART SEVEN

DeAnn's Submissive WeekendPart Seven============================================================================During the short ride down the two floors to the dungeon Junior told me,"I've never taken a woman as old as you to our play room before. I hope wewon't be disappointed?"As the elevator door opened I had my first look at their playroom and Ilooked over at Junior and told him, "I've never disappointed anyone in my lifeSir, and I don't intend to disappoint today."Junior smiled, then he...

4 years ago
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Daddys Caddy

From the moment my Daddy first took my young, naked body in his strong, masculine arms, I knew that he was not like other men. At least not like any of the men that I had gotten naked with! Daddy knew something was different about me when he began catching me, his 12 year old son, playing dress up with my Mommy's make up and wigs, outfits, jewelery, hose and heels! It was shortly after my 14th birthday when we became lovers. Every morning, I would wake up at 430 am so that I could jump in the...

4 years ago
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Take My Ass Please

Saturday afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend, her sister was in the chair by the window, we were relaxing with an old movie on the TV. Now, my girlfriend Karen was from Kenya, and we had just gotten the money together to send for her sister a month ago. Karen was beautiful, with a stocky athletic build and skin like dark mahogany. Val, two years younger, was a plumper, softer version of her sister. It was warm and Karen wasn’t wearing a bra, her 36D breasts loose under...

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Eli Kady

Eli had Kady pressed up against the wall of her bedroom. At first he kissed her lips gently and methodically, as if mapping them. He nibbled her bottom lip, encouraging her to give into him. As she let his tongue meet hers, she could feel the icy heat in her veins spread as her body responded to the slow torture. She pressed against him, becoming needy for something to work her closer to the pleasure she knew she’d find with him. He had one hand pressed firmly against her hip and the other...

1 year ago
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Broke Fat Black and UglyChapter 4

Night had fallen. After fucking me twice, He kept me on his dick, until we both fell asleep. Sunday began like the day before. I woke to warm cum filling my cunt. I cleaned him up without being told. We both peed before checking on Stace and Donald. She was still sleeping. He loosened her ropes. Donald looked terrible. He was shivering and sweating. I should have put a blanket over him for the night, but I was stuck on Terry’s prick the whole time. “Shit.” Terry swore. “Your man is a...

3 years ago
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THE STORY OF T Chapter 4 I Am Taken To My Cell

Chapter 4 - I Am Taken To My CellMs Grange spoke to Ms Mindy 'Put Mr Crowne in cell number 6 and bring me the key to his collar. Then escort Mrs. Crowne down so she can inspect him before she leaves. Make sure she is completely satisfied'. 'Oh my God' I thought. 'I wish my wife would come back!' I looked at the library door. It was closed.'Oh, and Mindy, please also tell my husband that I will be coming to see him directly after lunch'. 'Yes Ms Grange’ said Mindy.Ms Mindy stooped and unlocked...

3 years ago
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How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy

I love my wife very much. She is 12 years older than me and we had been married then for over 25 years. Like many couples sex when we were first together was spectacular but fell away as years went by. Jan had many boyfriends when young which her family always ribbed her about but in those days you didn’t go ‘all the way’. I was very jealous having had no experience of girls before we met. My insecurity diminished over the years and we were a very solid and devoted couple. So why did I have...

Wife Lovers
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Patti Petite Ron Jeremy and my first wild crazy

I love women! I love asses! I love my ass! So, the following true story is near and dear to my heart, or cock, or maybe they are the same ;) She was my employee, she was older, she overweight, she was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. So when she and I were talking in my office and she suggested that she suck my cock, I gladly accepted of course. She gasped when she saw my big cock and dove for it. That wasn't unusual in those days; I was young, hung, horny and not bad looking. Her...

1 year ago
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New feelings prt 3

Jan had never been more confused, she always cherished how her husband treated her with such respect and now she let a man who treated her like dirt see, touch,penetrate her most intimate parts, she gave herself to a man she abhored,and the worst part she wasnt even sure if she wanted more of his abuse, she was feeling very empty right now Bob wasnt showing her much affection, the k**s were off doing there own thing all she could think about was sex, Billy finally came by the house the next...

4 years ago
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Mumbai Rains And Naughty Girl Under The Umbrella

Hello readers! I am back with another story. Without wasting further time, let me begin the story. So it happened during the monsoons of 2017 in Mumbai. Let’s name the lead of the story as Aaliya (name changed to maintain privacy). Aaliya was a short girl with curly hair and a fair complexion. She had small tits (32B) with large areolas around her nipples. She had a nice round butt and I loved spanking it. We met each other on Tinder for the first time where we spent hours chatting with each...

1 year ago
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Feeling my mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is josh, im a straight A's student. Im a senior at saint nicholas high. Im your average teenager, i come from a loving family, i live with both parents, i have everything i could ever want.... well almost everything. When I was younger i walked in on my mother (jenny) changing in her bedroom. I'll never forget the site, she was standing in front of her bed in her tight white jeans, her blue sweater over her head, her white bra holding her big...

2 years ago
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Mommy Fulfills Son8217s Desires 8211 Part II

I was up early on Sunday, I was anxious to see what the next session with my mother was going to entail. I stopped at the kitchen door to get a feel for the situation before I ventured in.Mom, was standing near the table wearing a saree. I figured she was dressed to take dad to the airport and hoped she would change when she got home, or even take everything off. “Oh, hi, Shailu,” Mom said, I didn’t hear you come in, I’m glad you’re up already, I was just going to come up and wake you. I think...

1 year ago
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My Cousin Puspa Darling

I am Bisu 31 from Angul.I live with my uncles family at their Home. I have 3 cousin sister jini, mama, puspa. This story is about my sister puspa. She looks very beautiful. puspa age 25 after she completed her post graduation she is staying at home. I always wanted to fuck her heard that one of my cousin brother sital had fucked her.I won’t kill your time. Let’s come to the story straight away Puspa having shape 32-26-34 She is slim I heard that she had a lot of bf many have fucked Her.I know...

1 year ago
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College Fuck Life

Aww, it's finally time to return to college. Summer's over and as the fun, and the fucks. Now you have to retun the college and continue your studies. Unfortunately for you, your pal down there will be "on holiday" as the girls from college don't even qualify as average looking. Fuck your life. You arrive at Cantersmith (your college) past twelve, just before semester opening ceremony begins. You're kinda surprised for the woman that it's in front of all the student giving the "welcome" speech....

3 years ago
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Peter Is 20 YvetteChapter 5 Sunset

A week later, I patiently explained to her quack that I was not a sex-a-holic and that Yvette and I had worked out our differences. "And what about needs outside the relationship with Yvette?" I reminded myself, again, that this man was Yvette's personal therapist. "I don't have any needs outside of my relationship with Yvette." "What about the incestuous relationship - your cousin? Sister?" "Both, at one point actually." I sneered, "I am a red-neck from Verginny." He didn't...

4 years ago
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Rhapsody SuiteSeven

“TONY! YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE what happened.” She tossed an overnight bag on the floor and turned to give me a big hug. “Um ... uh ... Bree?” I asked, completely lost. “Well, at least you remembered my name. I came down this afternoon to cheer you on. I got so caught up in your match this evening that I never got to the hotel to check in. Can you believe they gave my room away? I am so miffed.” “What are you doing here?” I asked, still clueless. “I just explained. Sonia and I flipped a coin...

3 years ago
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Moving to a New LifeChapter 4

With the incest quandary settled, Vicki decided it was time to call her parents. She looked at the computer and turned on cam program instead. Maybe they were on. Her mother was on and she was naked and taking requests. Most of the women were still bitching about all the directing. Her mother sat there naked playing with herself. If somebody told her to lick her nipples she did, or finger herself she did, she loved taking orders. Vicki asked her to go private so they could talk. Two minutes...

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I Dont Even Know Your Name

Chapter 1: I Don’t Even Know Your Name I’m not thinking about sex when I first walk into the movie theatre. My friends are out of town, on vacation for the long weekend. I had been planning on going to the beach with them, but my boss needed me to come in tomorrow, Saturday. I decided to indulge in a silly film to relieve my stress, but regret that decision each step I take down the street towards the cinema. A thin film of sweat clings against my neck, and my long, thick hair begs to be...

4 years ago
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Priscilla Priscilla Constant He was wearing his sisters clothes when his Mother found him. He was fully decked out in her best ball gown, heels, jewelry, and wearing full makeup. They started at each other for a minute before she found her voice. "I wondered who was getting into our clothes and getting makeup on them! Now I have my answer!" He stood, rooted to the spot afraid to move or say anything because his Mother had a temper that was legendary in the family. She walked...

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Ive dumped my boyfriend Now he wants cock

Me and Marc had been going out for 7 months. He's nothing that special to the eyes but he has a way with words. He could put a simple sentenced together and get any girl, any age, with any genitals?I thought it was only a rumor going around that he was Bi-sexual so i ignored it completely because he was great in bed.Tall strapping lad about 6'3", toned body, tanned skin and semi long hair about ear length. Long enough to twirl in your fingers while he's pushing himself into you.After 7 months,...

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I love cocks

I was 14 years old when I 1st time had sex with 25 years old man. He fucked me very hard and he had a big fat cock, I tought that all men have same cocks...I continue to get fuck by him till I was 15 years old by the way his name was Rajko.Rajko was a pretty, tall (180cm) and had beatuful cock 21cm, he was married and he was my boyfriend but he was very poor as myself. My mother like him very much and she told me that he would be great husband for me.One week after my 15th birtday I meet...

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Three Wishes

[Author's Note: This is a fairly slow build, with a few chapters of backstory, so feel free to skip ahead for sex. Would love your contributions, please add your own chapters & comment what you’d like to see! Aiming for a main story branch based around the "No Inhibitions / Mind Control / Freed Genie" set of wishes, but feel free to add whatever twists you like.] Johnny Dreamer is an easygoing college student with a mindless night shift at the sex shop down the road. Though fairly handsome &...

Mind Control
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A MotherInLaws Valentine

(Mother-in-law fills a need)Julie's water broke at 3:00 a.m., and Luke's day went more or less downhill from there. Despite April's journey down the same canal a year and a half earlier and rigorous attendance at Lamaze classes, Julie's cervix remained stuck at three centimeters for most of the day. At 4:00 p.m., when the baby's heart began showing signs of stress, the exhausted mother-to-be was rushed to the OR for an emergency Caesarian, and Luke was left alone to prepare himself as best he...

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