Reginald's FamilyChapter 13 free porn video

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Next, there was a phone call for Reg. Frances handed the phone over to him. “Your farmer friend,” she said.

Reg took it and said, “Hi, this is Reg Robertson.”

“Nice to speak to you, Mr Robertson. I had a call from the Finds guy. It appears we are tens of thousands richer.”

“So I hear, sir. No exact number as yet, but a satisfactory sum, if I may say so.”

“Indeed so. He claims there is more due on your second discovery – the two pots.”

“Bronze pots with silver coins inside, and these slightly corroded, so not as valuable as the other collection. “But, the pots have some value as well, I am told.”

“So he said. We’ll wait and see, but you have done rather well, for a beginner at metal detecting, Mr Robertson.”

“Reg, please. I told you before to call me Reg.”

“Very well, Reg. I thought that for this call, I should be a bit more formal.”

“You are forgiven. You weren’t just calling to confirm what I have been told?”

“No. I wanted to offer you the run of the farm, exclusive to you, for metal detecting. You deserve that, but we must be clear that there must be no animals in the field, or crops growing. This means mostly available to you in the winter, but there should be plenty of dry days.”

“With my university course, I am tied up most weekdays, so it would be more likely weekends, provided my wives allow me to come detecting.”

“I understand your restrictions, or rather, distractions. My wife would like you to bring a wife, or perhaps two, along with you, and they can sit and chat with her while you do your searching outside. My lady is fascinated by your family life.”

“That sounds admirable, sir. Your wife is a delightful lady.”

“I will tell her you said that!”

They concluded the call and Reg reported the gist of it to his girls.

Frances was interested in going. “I’d like to meet this woman and her husband. After all, they are getting half of what you found, so I want to be sure the cash is going to worthy recipients.”

Reg told her, “He has invited me to prospect all over his farm, outside of the time his fields are being cropped or have animals grazing. He is a nice guy, in my opinion; well educated too. I haven’t spoken much with his wife, but she seemed nice, as well.”

Frances told him, “Even so, I want to make my own judgement of them. You are still not 100 per cent savvy about people. You may be great with us girls, but outsiders ... maybe not.”

Fiona intruded angrily, “Hey, I was an outsider, Frances!”

“Sorry, Fiona. I didn’t mean you, for you were an exception. You came to us, and made your own pitch. We got to assess you on our own territory, and you passed muster, didn’t you?”

“I suppose you are right, Frances. Yes, it was that way. I apologise for my outburst. I am the new one here, and you very kindly let me have my share of Reg. It is appreciated, Frances dear, I assure you. I hope to hear from my father about my finances in the next few days, and then we can become more settled.”

By the end of classes the next day, there was still no word from Freda’s father, so she rang her mother at home,

“Mum, has Dad got anywhere with Reg’s compensation claim for his father’s death by road accident? Do you know about it?”

“He did mention it before he went off to work today, dear. He said he was going to court ‘to get the legal aspects out of the way’. What that meant, I have no idea. I’ll get him to ring you once he is home.”

“Thanks, Mum. It would be nice to have my Reg with some financial resources of his own.” She didn’t mention the coin hoards, as that still had to be processed before there was anything definite.

Three-quarters of an hour later, her father rang back.

“Hi, Freda. Good news, but I had best speak to Reg directly, as his lawyer.”

“Right, I’ll get him, Dad.”

Shortly thereafter, Reg was on the line.

“You have news for me, sir?”

“Yes, Reg. The court formally confirmed your entitlement to compensation, so the insurers have to pay you, at a minimum, in accordance with the rate of entitlement laid down by law, minus costs as laid down by the court. We should have an exact figure within a day or two, once I have jogged the company’s elbow about the many years of non-payment, and what that says about their customer service.

These firms prefer to delay making their payouts as much as possible, to save them lost interest, but I asked the court to insist that the insurers pay your costs in the matter, and I shall also remind them of interest due on the payment for every day they fail to pay out to you. Check your bank account every day, please, and report to me when the cash appears there.”

“But I don’t have a bank account, sir.”

“Yes, you do. I told Freda to open one for you, if you did not already have one. That is the account number I used for the compensation claim to be paid into.”

“Oh. I see. I must thank Freda, then.”

“She is a good girl, is Freda. You are lucky to have her as a wife, Reg.”

“I know, sir. She is wonderful girl, and very loving; a great helpmate as well. Thanks for all your invaluable assistance.”

“Think nothing of it, my boy. The insurers will be paying my fees; I won’t be out of pocket.”

Reginald was tired at university next day. For some reason, Frances had allowed Freda to join her and Prudence for lovemaking last night, and their enthusiasm had worn him out.

His attention was not as it should be, so he was disturbed by a tap on his shoulder in the lecture hall as he dozed, only half taking in the words as the lecturer droned on.

“Robertson?” It was another student from the back of the class.


“There is a guy at the door asking for you. You’d better go and see what he wants.”

“Right. Thanks, John.”

The other student was impressed that Reg recognised him. That wouldn’t have happened a few months ago when they first started. Reg at that time ignored practically everyone, and knew no-one’s name.

Reg made his way quietly up to the back, where he recognised the man as Frank Dawson, whom he had met with the Special Branch policeman. Dawson gestured to Reg to come with him. Reg followed him down the corridor and Dawson showed him into an office, then locked the door behind him. Sitting at the desk inside was the same policeman as before, who pointed Reg to a chair in front of the desk.

Reg sat mutely and waited.

The policeman frowned, and spoke.

“Mr Robertson, it appears you ignored my instructions.”

“I did? In what way, sir?”

“You spoke about what we discussed last time.”

“No, sir. That is most definitely not correct. I told no-one what was said in our meeting.”

“Then tell me why a policeman of your acquaintance has been making enquiries of my department about James Fitzgerald?”

“Well of course Sergeant Phillips is making these enquiries. He told me he was going to widen the scope of his search for the missing Ferguson and Aitchison family members. I had no idea what sources he was going to consult.”

“You claim you didn’t tell him anything? I find that hard to believe.”

“You mean you don’t think our British policemen know how to do their jobs? I find THAT hard to believe, sir.”

“He came to your home, to speak to you.”

“He did, to ask if I, or any of my household, had heard anything about Jim Fitzgerald’s whereabouts. I had no idea of the missing student’s movements, and I told him so. He had heard, somehow, that I was at a meeting with Frank Dawson and an unnamed other person, but I told him I couldn’t comment on that; in fact I had been asked specifically to not comment, and I would adhere to that instruction.

The sergeant insisted that any real policeman would not take that attitude towards a member of the public, and perhaps he drew his own conclusion from that fact. As I said, I told him nothing about the content of our talk. Sergeant Phillips is a fine policeman, with a good brain and the talent to use it.”

The man frowned again.

“You know anything about a private enquiry agency that is looking for James Fitzgerald?”

“What ARE you talking about, sir? I am in no position to hire a private enquiry agency, nor would I want to. What is this agency up to, anyway?”

“That is none of your business, Mr Robertson. Leave it be.”

“You have left me puzzled, sir. You quiz me about things I know nothing about, and you accuse me of doing things that I did not do. Is there some point to all this?”

“There is, but it has nothing to do with you, Mr Robertson.”

“In that case, I might as well go back to my class. I am missing part of a lecture.”

“Before you go, Mr Robertson, should you HAPPEN to come across any information relating to James Fitzgerald, you will report it to Mr Dawson here, and he will pass it to me. Is that clear?”

“It is clear all right, but is it an instruction or a request? If it is an instruction, I would like to know by whose authority such an instruction is being made.”

The other man was quiet for a few seconds, then said, “It is a request, but the request is related to national security, so we would appreciate THE REQUEST being treated seriously. Understood?”

“Ah, yes. Jim Fitzgerald. Explosives knowledge. National security. It all hangs together now. You are from an unnamed department of the state. Okay, I agree.”

“Thank you, Mr Robertson. In return, I can tell you that Mrs Dora Prentiss is not to be trusted.”

It was Reg’s turn to go wide-eyed.


“Really. I can say no more.”

“Thank you. Can I assume that Fiona Prentiss and her father do not fit into that category?”

“You can. Keep Fiona Prentiss well away from her stepmother.”

“I intended doing that anyway. Fiona hates her.”

“Our discussion is ended. Good day, Mr Robertson.”

The Special Branch man got up, walked to the door, and got Dawson to unlock it for him to leave.

Reg was left to sit, thinking.

How did the man know about the Prentiss family? In fact, how come he knew that Fiona was now resident with him and his ladies? How did he know that Sergeant Phillips had visited him? Even an outside observation of the building would not give all that information. The only logical solution is that he had read Sergeant Phillips’ file on the disappearances. There was no sign that the sergeant knew his reports were being scrutinised by people outside his local police hierarchy.

What to do?

Reg got up, thanked Frank Dawson for calling and getting him to the meeting, and went back to his class. He crept in to a vacant seat near the end of the top row, hoping to be unnoticed. No such luck.

“Ah, you have returned, Mr Robertson? Kind of you to think of hearing at least some of my words of wisdom. If we can return to the subject, to which I hope the remainder of the class has been listening, I trust you now understand that world history in ancient times was much more inter-connected than we used to imagine. Trade was the key.

How else would certain paint samples from the Forbidden Palace in Beijing prove to have ingredients only available in western Europe at the time? Trade routes ran all over the world, no matter whether there was any diplomatic contact between the civilisations or not. The civilisations tended to ignore trade when it came to recording life. Officials see life in their own terms, and people engaging in trade were only of interest for taxation purposes. Objects are often the only indication of such links.

Can anyone point to an example, where an object seems out of place for its period, apart from the more obvious such as Cleopatra’s Needle on the London Embankment?”

There was a period of silence, as everyone feared to stick their neck out, so finally Reg put his hand up.

“Well, now! Mr Robertson is going to contribute to our class. Let’s see what he produces. Well, Mr Robertson?”

“Sir, I recently uncovered a metal concretion in a local farmer’s field, and the Finds Liaison Officer tells me that the round things I found are two ancient Greek Hydriae – water jugs, you might say. What would an ancient Greek bronze vessel be doing in an English field in Roman times? I say Roman, as they had Roman coins inside them.”

“Now that IS unusual, Mr Robertson. Have you any ideas, yourself, of their travels?”

“The only way I could imagine these being there is if the guy who hid them with coins inside was a collector of sorts, and the Greek Hydriae were his prized possessions. I am assuming he was a Roman, or at least Romano-British.”

“A dangerous word – assumption. When there is more than one possible explanation, it is wise not to assume anything. You don’t know when the items were placed in the ground, do you?”

“No, sir, but when the coins are in a state to be identified, the most recent one in date will suggest that the find was placed there after that date.”

“Yes, Mr Robertson, but not how long after that date. It may have been buried, later dug up and centuries later stolen and reburied. Is that not so?”

“That is so, sir, but the latter option is highly unlikely, whereas the former has a high probability of being correct. The Finds official is of the opinion that the find has been there since it was buried, probably not long before, or just after, the end of the Roman occupation of Britain. He bases that conclusion on the condition of the finds. It may be an assumption, but an expert assumption with a degree of veracity about it.”

“A useful riposte, Mr Robertson. It is wise to assess the probabilities when looking at dating. We tend to make all kinds of unwarranted assumptions about historical matters. For example, when did we start calling the Renaissance by that name? Anyone?”

One of the girls ventured, “The century afterwards?”

The lecturer nodded, “That would be what one would expect, but it was first of all known as the ‘Revival of Letters’ period, and only in 1840 was the term Renaissance coined by a French historian, Michelet. That also explains why it is a French word that we utilise.

The phrase, ‘Revival of Letters’ is also of passing interest. It comes about through renewed interest in Greek literature and other Greek subjects, stimulated when a number of well-educated Greeks arrived in Italy as fugitives, after the fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453. Combine that interest with the slightly earlier invention of printing with moveable type in Germany in 1439, which also soon spread to Italy, and you have the seeds of an academic revolution. Once again, the stimulus was not local, but the arrival of fugitives from the later Imperial capital over 2,000 kilometres away which helped to kick-start what we know as the Renaissance.

It appears to have soon been a Europe-wide phenomenon, probably because Latin was the academic language of all Europe. There was no stumbling block of national languages to get in the way of any intellectual advance. You might also observe that it was immigrants fleeing disaster who were the stimulus to cultural and scientific advancement.

History, you have to appreciate, is not as simple as reading textbooks, ladies and gentlemen. Textbooks, even history textbooks, go out of date remarkably fast. Our view of history keeps changing as we learn more background to what happened in the past, and more importantly, why.

Another important facet of history is, which side is telling the story? If it us about the British in India, is it a Brit or an Indian who is relating the story? You will get differing viewpoints about the same basic facts. Think of it as the Red Indian wars in the United States. Seldom is the tale told by the Red Indians. That is why you must read widely about any subject, as all subjects are affected by this same problem of viewpoint.”

Reg and his fellow students took in this wise advice, and decided to view the works of former great historians with a degree of scepticism. Reg was conscious of how the view of Stonehenge had changed radically in the last two decades, through new archaeological investigations in the vicinity of Stonehenge. He went home thoughtfully.

Once the rest of the family were home, welcomed by the twins with a glass of sherry each, they all sat down to relax. Prudence said, “One of my friends said you left her class in the middle of a lecture, Reg, then came back later. What was up?”

“Oh, nothing much. I was asked about something which was none of my doing, and I made that clear. It was over quickly.”

Frances demanded, “The university can’t do that to you, or any other student, Reg. Pulling you out of a lecture for no good reason is not on. You missed part of a lecture through that. You should complain to the proctors!”

Reg admitted, “Frances, while it was the student services manager who brought me out of the lecture, it was at the behest of the guy from Intelligence who had asked me questions before. You don’t turn down these people when ‘invited’ to an interview.”

“Why does he impose on you like that, Reg? The Intelligence guy, I mean. What is he up to? What is he trying to achieve?”

“I reckon they aren’t getting very far with their normal enquiries, so they are scraping the barrel by asking me. I know nothing that can help them directly, and they ought to understand that, but they keep hoping the facts have changed.”

“Did he have the grace to apologise, Reg?”

“No, he didn’t; but he said a peculiar thing: ‘Don’t trust Dora Prentiss: Fiona’s step-mother.’”

“What did he mean by that?” asked Frances.

“I have no idea. He told me he could say no more; just ‘don’t trust her’.”

Frances turned to Fiona.

“Fiona, dear, do you have any inkling to shed light on that provocative statement?”

Fiona frowned, replying, “I have never liked her, but I have heard nothing that would imply she was untrustworthy. Of course, I would never trust her with anything at all; I can tell you that!”

Reg was pensive, then said speculatively, “Fiona, try to discover as much as you can about her, without making any direct contact. Maybe there is some stuff online about her: a profile or similar. Just be careful how you go about it. Perhaps ask some friend to do the online searching. On your own, you could ask your father for some more information about her. Suggest that if you knew more about her and her interests, you might not see her in such a bad light.”

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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 12 The Dragon Is Tamed

Kenneth did indeed wake Alison in the middle of the night. He held nothing back and pounded her pussy bringing her to three crashing orgasms before he blasted a massive load of cum deep into her juicy and very welcoming cunt. And then they slept on the wet sheets before he took her again in the shower, but this time only after she'd given him a blowjob. Then she put on a lacy nightie while Kenneth dressed. It was sheer, knee length and clung to her like a second skin leaving any person...

3 years ago
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Teenu Aur Meri Chahat

Hi doston, myself Saurabh Chauhan I am from Haryana. Yeh Indian sex stories par meri pahli kahani hai. Meri age 27 saal hai aur mera penis 7 inch lamba aur 4.5 inch mota hai. Ye kahani hai meri aur meri cousin teenu ki, jo ki meri door ke bua ki ladki hai. Teenu ka figure 38-32-40 hai aur wo 22 years ki hai. Dekhne me wo kisi porn actress se kam nhi hai, uski deewangi mohalle me itni hai ki koi bhi ladka na bacha hoga jisne ki uske naam ki mutth na mari ho. Ab aate hain story par ye ghtna...

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My Fantasy To Reality To Fuck My Colleague And Girlfriend Together

Hello friends, I am Avinash, a very normal looking 32 year old guy. My height is 5’ 6”, and I am an athletic body type person. I am a wheatish complexion guy. My sexual urges are too high and until now I have been unable to experience anal sex. However, I have encountered lots of sexual experience in my life since the day I had my first sexual experience with a maid at my grandmother’s place at the age of 18. But, I am not going to tell that experience now. This story is about the fantasy of my...

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Seit etwas mehr als einem Jahr war Tommy Auszubildender. Er hatte damals sehr viel Glück gehabt den Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen, nicht nur weil er so seinen Traumberuf erlernen konnte, sondern auch weil die Firma als Aushängeschild der Region galt und auf jede offene Stelle unzählige Bewerber kamen. Selbst wenn er seinen Arbeitgeber in Zukunft wechseln wollte, hätte er die bestmögliche Ausgangssituation, da der Betrieb für seinen hohen Ausbildungsstandard bekannt war. Zu diesem Zweck...

4 years ago
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Pyx 4 VacationChapter 9 Maiku

The next three days were spent traveling through the Hawaiian Islands. We toured on separate days a coconut plantation, a pineapple farm, and the remains of a leper colony. We always got back in time for Pyx's precious Team Trivia. It turns out, the three of us make for a pretty good team. Pyx knew all the history and science stuff. Vonda was a font of knowledge about pop culture, music, and movies. And I filled in the gaps. I sometimes amazed myself on the things I knew. The various people...

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AmberChapter 10

The first thing Leon does after stepping back into his house is grab the phone. He can’t get Sandra Castillo out of his mind or her mother. Both are very beautiful and the thought of having both at once makes his cock stand up. The conversation goes well. Donna is very excited, so they set something up for the upcoming weekend, which is only a couple days away. Leon has nothing to do and an empty house to do it in. He runs upstairs, throwing his clothes off in the process and hops into the...

2 years ago
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Sex with teacher

Hi friends, I am naren from Chennai back again with my new experience. I m 20 years old with a 5.9 height and an athletic body. This I faced a very big problem while fucking. She is an unsatisfied woman who met me through internet & to my surprise she is my teacher now. I’ve joined tuition & she is my tuition teacher. But, I don’t know that it would happen. I received a mail & in that she has sent me that she has been waiting for years to have a rash fuck. She wanted her pussy to tear like...

3 years ago
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Brother Johns BenedictionChapter 4 Horny Housemaid

It was early evening, just after dark, when the young friar heard someone enter the church. He waited in his office because he didn't want to take any more chances but he heard footsteps coming closer. The office light was off and the door open only a few inches but he saw it slowly swing wide and Vicki entered. "Oh, Gee, Father. I wasn't sure if you were here. I hadda come see yuh coz... like? You know? You tole me if I got those feelings again? Like?" and she walked hesitantly closer...

1 year ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 39 Stalker Strikes Again Pam Has The Experience

Mark I stood in my study with Lucas, Elsa, Cindy, Sheila, and Don. Elsa spoke. “I think it videoed Don and me making love. James and Sheila were on the patio too. We could also see inside into the living room; there were two couples in there too. Everyone else was either in a bedroom or the TV room.” Cindy asked, “Newspapers? Paparazzi?” Lucas shook his head. “I doubt it. The penalties for collecting news and gossip this way on individuals, even celebrities, is fraught with legal problems...

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Cousin Hot for HorsesChapter 3

"Look at his cock," Mona said as she caressed the powerful horse's side. Barbi's eyes widened as she spotted Beauty's giant prick. She gasped as her breath caught in her throat. She gulped back her pounding heart and realized that her virgin pussy was pulsing for the horse's prick. "Now you know why you get hot all the time while you're riding. It's because your body knows more than your mind." She stroked Beauty. "Your body has been telling you that you want his cock." Numb,...

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Total Woman Requests 03

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

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Entree Wife arranges Thai for dinner

We had got to know Ben and Penny quite well over the last 12 months. We had met them through mutual friends and had hit it off right away. Ben was about our age, late twenties and Penny, who was Thai and had met Ben while he was working over there was a few years younger and about 22-23 but looked even younger than that. They had married and Penny had moved home with him and started a new life away from her family. Penny was exceptionally pretty and built very slightly with smooth coffee...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Sophie Anderson Destroy My Makeup

Busty British bombshell Sophie Anderson poses at the seaside wearing a see-through vinyl jacket and white boots. Director Angel Long follows Sophie, who kneels in a nearby park to stuff plastic balls into her asshole! Back at the studio, Sophie plays with more anal toys, leading to an interracial threesome with dark, heavily hung Antonio Black and white stud Luke Hardy. Sophie gives serial blowjobs and aggressively rims their bungholes. The men fuck her big ass, and they ream her in a double...

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Tracis ClubhouseChapter 6

Sgt. King flipped through the file one last time. "I'm torn between one of two things," he finally told the young man and the man's lawyer. "I can continue to ask questions, and get no asnwers, or I can let someone else ask questions." "Won't make no difference," the man said. "Ah, but it will," King said. "If I ask the questions, you'll be able to repeat your answers in court. If Ms. Phillips asks, I doubt either of you will answer any questions ever again. That was her...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Alana C G138

It’s Fuck ’em Fill ’em Feed ’em FRIDAY!! Today you get to see sexy milf Alana C get GangBanged and Creampied by the Cocksmen! You’ve waited long enough, so let’s hop right into the action! She’s on the bench, those natural knockers hanging out, nothing under that sexy blue skirt. She’s got a great big smile on her face, because she knows what’s coming next. The cocks, the cream, it’s gonna be a blast. She get’s undressed...

3 years ago
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The Dance of Passion

There was a very good reason that I was in Spain. I was intrigued by the history and culture of it, in particular I was intrigued by the music and dance, the flamenco, and that is why I had avoided the more popular tourist regions of Cadiz and Malaga in favour of Cordoba. I had driven from village to village seeking the grassroots flamenco, sure I could have sat in a concert hall and watched the professional flamenco artistes strutting their stuff, but that was not what I came to find. I...

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Blowjob In The Woods

There's a small state park in upstate New York I've been going to for years. It's kind of off the beaten path and not very well known or visited. I rarely see anyone else there no matter what time of the year I'm there.Some years ago, when I was in my mid to late twenties, I took Randy up there. Randy was very sexy and highly sexually charged. Our relationship lasted only about six months, but she left an indelible mark on my sexual history. She was a sexual powerhouse...probably still...

Oral Sex
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Oh no Please

Introduction: A guy gets emotionally destroyed by Football jocks. Oh No Please…. Ryan is a 59 Skinny Emo Boy. You know? The dark long hair, the eyeliner, dark music, and blackened fingernails. Typically hes a gorgeous kid, but no one seems to really give a fuck about him. The 16 year old was constantly being bullied by popular football jocks at his High school. He is usually referred to as, Fag, Emo, Gay. But you know just forget about the losers right? Well on to the story Ryan how many...

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Playing Dare with Sis Part 41

It was an unbelievable sight to behold, the perfect babe that was my teen sister was getting double teamed by the Dudleys, perhaps the most monstrous father/son duo that the western world had to offer. Mr. Dudley had his large hands around her feminine hips and was pounding away at her pussy from behind. Despite the predicament she was in, Kayleigh couldn’t help but moan softly with each blow. Of course she would have been allowed to moan louder if it wasn’t for my friend Vlad’s cock stuffed...

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Mila Mynx worship edging punishment

Mila knocked on the door. Inside the businessman was pacing up and down, unable to relax, nervous. He had just poured himself a glass of wine to sooth his nerves, but she was now already at the door. He checked in the mirror that his hair and tie was straight, a method he used daily to prepare for meetings, to give him that extra confidence. A successful businessman by day, but today was not business, he was meeting a Mila, someone he had only known for seven days, online. The business man...

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Dream Girl

Dream Girl By Roxy Nylons Kelly Vincent had a dream. Kelly's dream was to leave behind the humdrum world of her everyday, 9-to-5 existence and become a world-renowned Broadway actress. Ronald Horner, Kelly's longtime secret admirer, also had a dream. Ron's dream was also for Kelly to become a world- renowned stage performer, only not as an actress. Ever since the beautiful Kelly gently and innocently rejected Ron, several years ago, he has longed for revenge. Then, with no...

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Jennifer White 1900 176000

If there are any parents out there right now, let me hit you with a piece of useful information. While there are no porn classes in high school, there is an equivalent. It's a mixture of two after-school activities that give bitches the tools they need to become pro cock smiths.The Fast Track to Fap StardomThese activities are cheerleading and theater. Cheerleading gives ladies a taste of being stared at and objectified by horny men. High school theater gives bitches the overconfidence to think...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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sazsub24 and butchbahn part 1

As Siobhan sat astride her motorbike at five minutes past five after her shift had finished at Al4grafix waiting for another glimpse of the sexy little secretary, little did she know that a week later she would be in control of the little tease. Siobhan was a big girl, not overweight but six foot tall with big breasts and long legs weighing 170 lbs she certainly filled her leathers. Lots of her male colleagues on the print factory floor would have loved a piece of her if it wasn’t for the fact...

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my girls asshole

i am with my girlfriend six months and she is bi. she has a great body and firm breasts!! one thing that i did not like was her asshole.. it was hairy and i said to her that i did not like it and she said it was to awkward to shae that area and she asked me would i do it!!!! i asked her would she get her female friend to do it and let me watch!!!she was hesitant at first but then she quite liked the idea!! a weekend came and her bisexual girlfriend came over ... i popped the bottles of wine...

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Unfaithful 2

Kerri followed closely behind Valerie as she gave a tour of her new home. The tour ended upstairs in Val’s bedroom, where she asked Kerri to help start unpacking. ‘So what brings you to town?’ Kerri asked as she pulled folded sweaters out of a box. ‘The love of my life,’ Val smiled widely. So, she’s not single. Thank goodness. I didn’t want to compete with her. Kerri thought as she sized Valerie up. Valerie stood a bout 5 feet, 5 inches, same height as Kerri. Not an ounce of fat on her...

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My first fantasy meeting pt3

Mark said, "If those hands come off the bench I will smack your ass for the next hour." I cringed at the thought. My ass was so soar at this point. I could feel the burn even as he caressed my ass between the swats. I totally lost any embarrassment I had about Mark sitting behind me with my ass in his face. The worst part was having to hold my hands on the bench. Mark began to pull on the plug in my little hole. It had been in so long it felt natural being there, until he started twisting and...

4 years ago
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Balling The BabysitterChapter 4 Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

Another week had gone by and Kathy was jumpy with excitement about going over to Buck and Val's again. She was getting ready to go when her mother said "The Traceys sure are going out a lot." "OH?" responded Kathy, not knowing where her mother was going with this. "Yeah, they've hired you every weekend for the last month, haven't they?" "I guess so." "It just seems odd that they'd go out so much." said her mother. Fear gripped Kathy's stomach. She was plenty old enough to...

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enabeling my own sexual exploitation

* 2 weeks ago, i was violated in a back alley by a guy while i was heading back home after highschool. even if it was scary and even if i cried after, for the days that followed, i couldn't help being aroused while i was thinking about it, about how he took my virginity, how i was moaning and shaking while he pounded me. i was so ashamed to feel those tingles in my pussy. i also think that i had an orgasm near the end, feeling his cum in me... "what ?!, he didn't wear protection ??" that...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Jennifer White Fucking Her Nun Buns

Jennifer White was on her way to become a nun. Just as she was about to catch the bus to the convent, her boyfriend tried to stop her one last time. Johnny tried his best to convince her she would be leaving a life of fun and joy behind, but Jennifer was truly devoted to the church and made her final choice, BUT she was willing to have one last taste of fun before she was committed forever. They could have sex, but to preserve her purity it would have to be anal sex. Johnny certainly didn’t...

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Sophie and Her Mother Part 6

Miles loved visiting Mrs. Dupree. Conversation always flowed freely and she was never afraid to say exactly what was on her mind. They had only met twice and each time resulted in the most severe of thrashings. On each occasion Mrs. Dupree had made sure that Miles left without any hint of anger or animosity. She had very clear rules; one was that discipline should always be dispensed properly and another was that the transgression, once punished, should be forgiven. Today Miles was visiting to...

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Swap Party CampaignChapter 10

After Harry Perkins left, her pussy still tingling from his penetration, Ruth Connors waited half an hour for her husband to come, and finally, realizing that he would find his way home in his own good time, she decided to at least take a shower and get ready for bed. That way she would be good and ready for any activities he wanted to perform later. Ruth stood under the shower for a long time, her sensually awakened body tingling from the needle sharp spray of hot water. Blotting her white...

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