SamChapter 15C free porn video

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It took a few minutes for him to see what I was doing, but when he did, he jerked his head around so quick that I was sure the teacher would notice. I kept my eyes directly forward until he had himself under control and I was sure Miss Albert's attention was elsewhere, then I slid back again, pushing more of my skirt out from under me and turning a conservative skirt into a micro-mini.

At last my bare cheeks were resting on the wooden seat, and the front hem of my skirt was just above my slit. It felt deliciously bad to be sitting in class with my skirt bunched up and my ass and pussy bare. I was so excited that I was having a hard time keeping my breathing under control. I kept wanting to pant like a dog in the summer sun.

When I was sure Miss Albert had her back to us and Ron's attention was on me, I spread my knees apart as far as I dared to give him a good look at my pussy. The cool air rising across my damp labia felt wonderful. I could feel that they were plastered open and that Ron had a good view of my pink hole. It wasn't until a few second later that I remembered the recent alterations down there. Not only could he see my opening, but also my very naked and completely exposed clit as well. As soon as I thought of this, I felt it stiffening in the brisk air-conditioned air of the classroom.

It was intensely exciting to be showing a boy my big stiff clit right there in class like that. I had intended to give him a flash, but having my legs apart felt so good that I rolled my hips back and gave them a little jerk to make my clit wave at him before I closed my legs and ended the show.

The effect on Ron was very entertaining. His cock had got so big that it was almost out of the leg of his shorts. It was so hard that I had no trouble at all seeing its outline even under the denim. It was a very nice outline and I wished I could see it without his shorts in the way. I wanted to know if the veins on it were as distended as Bud's got when I teased him into an erection. I wondered if he were leaking a little, too. I leaned forward as far as I dared to try to see, but it was too dark under his desk.

Ron seemed surprised to see me trying to peek at his cock. I guess he thought looking was something only boys did. He was wrong about that. I decided then that I had go get a look at his equipment, even if it was just a quick look.

Our little game had used up most of the period and when the bell rang to signal the end of school, Ron was still rock-hard. He stayed in his seat, slowly stacking his books and neatly arranging his pencils in his backpack while everyone behind him filed past and out the door. When only he and I and Miss Albert were left in the room, I got up and walked around in front of him so he could stand without Miss Albert seeing his erection tenting the front of his pants.

"Ron, would you mind letting me copy the English class homework assignment from you? I didn't get it all written down." Which was a complete fabrication, because we didn't have the same English teacher, much less the same class. Fortunately, Ron wasn't a complete idiot. He caught on immediately.

"Sure, Sam. I have it in the notebook in my locker. Let's walk down the hall and I'll get it for you." He gave me a quick wink as he said that.

I walked very close to him as we left the classroom to cover his condition. Maybe too close. When we were almost out the door, I could swear I heard Miss Albert mutter to herself "I wish they'd get a room" or something like that.

Instead of the lockers, I led Ron down the stairs to the basement and into the unused boys' restroom. I thought he might me more comfortable there than the girl's, but he didn't look all that comfortable either way, so it may not have mattered. I took the backpack out of his hands and set it on the counter next to the sink with mine.

"OK. You've seen mine. Let me see yours," I told him. When he didn't move quick enough I said, "Come on, whip it out. Let me see that lovely cock." I wasn't too sure about calling it 'lovely' but I couldn't think of a better adjective at the time.

Ron unzipped his fly and pried his stiff rod out of his briefs and eased it past the teeth of his zipper until it was dangling out of his shorts like a fat sausage, bobbing and swaying between his legs. I was there in a flash and had it in my hand before he could get away.

"Careful!" he said. "I've been ready to shoot for a half-hour now. It won't take much to make me pop my rocks."

I thought that was good of him to let me know that, but I could tell from the way it throbbed in my hand with the beat of his racing heart that he wasn't going to last long.

"That's a beautiful cock you have there," I said, stroking it as gently as I could. It seemed to only make matters worse, though. He stiffened and pushed his hips forward, fucking his hard cock through my fingers.

I decided not to make poor Ron wait any longer. I stepped close to him and pressed my body against his side with my arm around his waist while holding his cock in my other hand. Since I could not afford to get cum-spattered today, I aimed it away from both of us while I stroked it slowly and firmly from the head down the richly-veined shaft to his hard balls.

"Let me make you cum," I said, "Just relax and let me get you off."

He was more than ready. His cock was very hard and it kept trying to point upwards. I had to push it down so it was aimed away from us.

It only took a few strokes and Ron started to tense up all over. One more and I felt his cock throb and he moaned loudly as he fired a blast of cum into the air to land on the dirty tile floor over six feet away. The next glob of cum landed a bit closer and after only three big spurts he ran dry.

I tried to coax some more out of him, and he did his best to cum some more for me, but he had shot his wad and I realized that for the first time I knew what that phrase meant.

There was a small drop oozing out the hole in the end of Ron's cock and I couldn't resist having a taste, just for purpose of comparison, strictly in the interest of science. I squatted down and licked it off. It was kind of salty-sweet and had a metallic aftertaste, which was pretty much the same flavor as all the other cum I had tasted.

Ron saw me rolling his cum across my tongue and he squeezed his cock hard for me, trying to wring some more out of it. I let him rest the head on my out-stretched tongue while he worked one more drop down the shaft. I swallowed it and kissed his cock.

"Not bad, Ron. That's a pretty tasty cock you have there. If I wasn't on my way to an doctor's appointment, I might have gotten more... personal with it." I winked at him to let him know just what he'd missed and I grabbed my bag and left him to work his cock back into his pants and find his way out of the basement on his own. That was one boy who wasn't going home with blue-balls, or the start of a lifelong resentment toward girls.

Neeka was waiting in the already mostly deserted parking lot with Mom when I came out of the building. They were chatting away while I crossed the lot. Mom was laughing at something Neeka had said when I walked up.

"Hi, Mom. What's so funny?" I asked.

"Monique was just telling me about the pact you two made to share everything and how she's been covering for you today since you had an appointment this afternoon. It seems she got a bit more than she bargained for."

"Is that what's been going on?" I asked Neeka. "You seemed to have been very 'active' today."

"'Active' is hardly the word for it," she giggled. "Those two rats have been taking advantage of the situation. You'd think they had never had sex before the way they've been going at it. I think they got the idea from watching tag-team wrestling on TV. After every darn period, one of them would drag me off and fuck me. They switched off so they only had to cum every couple of hours, but I've been screwed every hour all day long. My poor pussy is a wreck! The only break I got was when I managed to suck Jim off instead of fucking him."

"Where are those two horn-dogs now?"

"Bud and Jolene are off somewhere together. No surprise there. I saw Jim and Steve drive off in Steve's car. I have no idea what that's about."

"I do, I'm afraid. They are plotting something. Those two thieves are thicker than I knew. Tell you about it later. So, your chastity-plug came in handy?" I asked, getting back to the subject.

"I'll say! Even though I tried to dump every load as quick as I could, I still wound up with about a quart of cum in me. If not for that plug, I'd have had it running down my legs all day. I was going straight home and douche, but I wanted to check with you first to see if you wanted to get together after your trip to the doctor's. And if you wanted me to go along."

"Thanks, but you go get cleaned up and take a break. You've earned some down-time. Besides, Mom will be there to hold my hand."

"That's right, honey. I'll be there all the time. You have nothing to worry about."

"Then let's get on with it. The sooner we get there, the sooner this will be over with."

I was wrong about that. Very, very wrong. I had forgotten how long you had to wait in a doctor's office before you were seen, even if you got there on time. After we had waited for forty long minutes I was about to jump out of my skin.

"This is ridiculous! How long is this going to take?"

"Please try to calm down, honey. This isn't like going to the shrink, where you get fifty minutes and then you're out. Different people have different medical problems. Some take longer than others to diagnose or to treat. You can't expect things to run by the clock. You wouldn't want to be treated like you were on an assembly-line, would you?"

"No, I guess not. But I wish they would hurry up and call my name. I just want to get this over."

"I understand. Try to take your mind off it. Read a magazine."

I chuckled and said, "I did. It had an article that said the President might be Impeached."

"That must be a really old issue. Was it about Clinton?"

"No, Nixon." I'd been paying attention in History class, too. I almost said 'Andrew Johnson', but I didn't think Mom was up on post-Civil War politics.

We both laughed at my joke anyway, and it seemed to relieve some of the stress that I had been building up.

"The reading material in doctor's waiting rooms is notorious for being out of date," Mom said. "I remember seeing a copy of Popular Science that predicted that before the turn of the century, cars would fly, and there would be a computer terminal in every house."

"Flying cars? What a terrible idea. And what's a computer terminal? Is that like a PDA?"

"No, it's just the printer and the keyboard. The computer was somewhere else and it was as big as a house."

"That makes no sense."

"A lot of the things people used to believe we would have by now made no sense. Progress is what you can make tomorrow with that you have today. People who try to predict the future always assume that nothing will change except the few things they want."

"Like the flying cars? Was there really a time when that sounded like a good idea to anyone?"

"I don't know. I'm not that old. But since you can hardly drive two blocks without seeing an accident, it would seem insane to think that these same idiots who can't manage to avoid each other on the ground would be any safer in the air."

A nurse stuck her head out of a doorway and called, "Samantha Kramer." I was so startled; I almost jumped out of my chair. Talking with Mom had distracted me for a few minutes, but all my nervousness came back in an instant as I scrambled to my feet.

"This way, please."

The nurse seemed professional and friendly, not at all like Helga, the She-Wolf of the SS, whom I suppose I expected. She introduced herself to me as Cathy and she led me to the scale and wrote down my weight and height. Somewhere I had managed to gain a couple of pounds. I was still 5'1", but the scale said 107. I wondered if I needed to lose that, or if it was new muscle-mass.

We trooped through a maze of little rooms where I had my temperature and blood-pressure checked, then some blood drawn by a nice girl in a blue-checked smock. After being given a questionnaire to fill out, we were led to a small examining room to wait for the doctor, who would be along "in just a moment" according to the nurse.

The moment turned into several. Long after we had finished the questionnaire, which was all 'no, I've never had bubonic plague' and 'yes, I have all my own original parts', we had time to talk some more.

"Are you still nervous, honey?"

"Yes. Some. This is a nice place, though. Everyone is friendly and they all seem to know their jobs. The girl who drew blood hardly hurt at all when she stuck me."

"Yes, that's been my experience, too. Dr. Bonner always has good staff. His nurse, Cathy, has been with him as long as I've coming here. That's one way you know a doctor is good, he hires good people and he keeps them."

"That makes sense. The doctor Yvette took me to always seemed to have a new nurse each time I went. They always seemed like former prison guards to me."

"Oh, no! That's very bad, Sam. Next, you'll tell me his name was Mengele."

"No, it was Acula. Who's Mengele?"

"Never mind. You'll learn about him soon enough. But let's talk about something else. What did you learn in school today?"

"I learned that I'm not as good an actress as I thought I was."

"Uh, oh. That sounds ominous."

"It was embarrassing. I got found out while I was working out in the weight room with Steve and the guys."

"I was going to ask how that little experiment was going. What happened?"

"I almost ripped the power-lift machine out and tore the wall down."

"My goodness! What did the boys say about that?"

"Steve made them promise to keep shut about it and I don't think there's going to be any trouble there. Steve was really sweet about the whole thing. But I found out something important — I know how I can control the power now. It's all adrenalin. Well, mostly adrenalin. The ripping cars open part is the adrenalin, the Dragon face, the other skin stuff and the physical changes are mostly trance things. The rest is just me. I'm beginning to understand where this is coming from. It's not just one thing, like I thought. It's lots of things that all come together."

"So, how do you control it?"

"Basically, I just have to keep my cool. As long I don't get hyped-up with adrenalin, the rest of it is something I have to start voluntarily. But it was the Power that scared me. The feeling that I was out of control, you know? Now I know how to keep it leashed."

"And how to unleash it?"

"Yep. If I get mad, or if I get pumped-up deliberately, I can do things — awesome things — without hardly any effort at all. It's just this incredible primal strength that takes over and I lose the ability to judge how much force I'm using. It just jumps right off the scale when it's unleashed — as you say."

"Dragon Power."

"Exactly. Very deep, very primal, very untamed. 'Dragon Power', I like that."

There was a scratching noise at the door, presumably someone pulling my chart from the holder, and the exam room door swung open.

Dr. Frank Bonner wasn't at all what I expected. I guess I really didn't know what to expect — either a kindly, grey-haired man with sparkling eyes and a ready smile, or a gruff, brusque man with a perpetually sour expression who nevertheless inspired confidence in you.

In reality, he was a short, wiry, balding fellow with a white fringe of hair that draped over his ears into a pony-tail that hung down his back. I'd never seen a doctor wear a pony tail, especially one who had so little hair to put into it. As he peered through his bifocals at my new chart I saw that his face was creased from years of exposure to the sun. His eyebrows were white as well, and were so scraggly that they looked like a couple of hairy caterpillars crawling across his face. He wore the traditional white lab-coat, but he wore it over a tie-dyed t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He had on a pair of scruffy canvas deck-shoes and no socks. He was about as unimpressive a sight as I had ever expected to see behind a stethoscope and I liked him the instant I saw him.

He looked up from the chart and then looked back and forth from me to Mom and back.

"Hi, Sam," he said cheerfully as he sat down on a rolling stool. "I'm Doctor Bonner. I hope we haven't kept you waiting too long. And please excuse my staring, but Mrs. Reynolds told me that she was your guardian, and that you two were not related. Seeing the both of you together made me question that. You two are as alike as any mother and daughter I've seen."

Mom and I looked at each other. This wasn't the first time someone had mistaken us for being related, but it was the first time that someone in his position had made that mistake. I tried to correct him without insulting his professional judgment.

"I'm very flattered that you think so, Doctor Bonner, but really, the similarity in appearance between Mrs. Reynolds and me is purely coincidental."

Dr. Bonner didn't look convinced, but I thought he might let it pass. He didn't.

"Completely coincidental? Are you sure there hasn't been any non-genetic contribution?"

"Non-genetic? I'm not sure... oh!" I looked a question at Mom. She shrugged.

"I'm sorry," she said to me. "I should have told you that I discussed my plan to give you the serum with Frank. I did tell you that he had been my doctor for a long time. He knows about my treatment, and that I was planning to use it on someone else."

"And after seeing you, Miss Kramer, I deduced that I was looking at the other beneficiary of that remarkable elixir. Truly remarkable stuff. I with there had been some way to preserve the formula. Ah, well. May I examine the results?"

I nodded. This wasn't the exam I expected, but it was a reasonable request, since Dr. Bonner was obviously the best person to confirm that everything was all right.

"Then please disrobe completely and sit up on the end of the examining table here. You may have a drape if you'd like."

I stood up and started unbuttoning my blouse.

Same as Sam
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The first try VI

"-This is a dildo, I was so horny from the idea of meeting you again I needed to release some of the pressure."-Now that you are here, we can start the fun part.-he got up and walked up to me, when we went past me he rubbed my groin gently and when he noticed the anticipation boner he smiled cutely and whispered:-Already warmed up, heh?- He licked his lips sexily and locked the door. When the click sounded I turned around and saw his silhouette in black with the light that came through the...

1 year ago
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Lady Luck 2

I'd been sidelined and timed out before Chloe came into my life. Just about ready to head for the backwoods and become a certified hermit. Until I suddenly found out that instead of being all alone in the world I had myself a best friend, a business partner and the girl of my dreams, all wrapped up in one beautiful little package. And the way I figured it, if I was lucky enough to have somebody like Chloe literally fall into my lap out of nowhere, then maybe I lucky enough to turn my business...

2 years ago
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Alien Bear BaitingChapter 3

It was a long night for Judy. Ned fucked Ellie again once they had retired to the bedroom that Judy had basically never allowed Ellie to occupy -- and Ned apparently had the AI pipe the sounds of their pleasure into her little force-field cell for her to listen to. Ellie, encouraged, was LOUD and happy and obviously VERY responsive; it didn't take a genius to realize that putting Humpty Dumpty back together again wasn't going to happen. Judy had good reason to be happy that they had sex,...

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Princess of Persia 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, apne kahani mein padha ke Roman sipahiyo ne mere sheher par hamla kiya. Mere gharwalo ko maar diya tha. Mujhe Astapor ke governor ki biwi, Lucretia ne apni baandhi bana liya tha. Ab aage. Jab sab mehman chale gaye to main maalkin ke sath unke kamre mein aa gayi. Unke kapde utaare aur fir unko raat ke dheele dhaale kapde pehna diye. Fir unhone mujhe jo pehnayi thi dress woh bhi wapas le li. To main wapas apne kamre ki taraf aane lagi to maalkin ne mujhe rok liya. Aur mujhe wahi unke...

3 years ago
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The MVP vs Big DChapter 9

Sometime around three in the morning I woke up with Sandra still snuggled against me. It was pleasant, but my arm had fallen asleep and I really had to pee. I extricated myself as gingerly as I could, but in spite of my best efforts Sandra stirred awake as well. "Shh," I said. "Go back to sleep." Sandra mumbled something incoherent and I headed to the bathroom. When I came back, Sandra had - in spite of my best efforts - come awake and was sitting up, looking around the living room...

1 year ago
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Netherworld School Book 1 Prologue

Introduction: A nerd traveling to England is mistaken for a dead spy and is subsequently enrolled in a school that trains Spies so that American secrets can be extracted. New York one week before the start of classes, an American operative gets shot in the head in his NY Penthouse. A feminine shadow leaves the room and a few minutes later the room explodes, incinerating the body. *** Chris is a gifted student; he has a photographic memory and an IQ that makes NASA scientists look...

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Better Days

Better Days By Lyta Somabre This is my first try at this, so please add a review with any comments or constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading. ******** Neil despised autumn. The falling of the leaves only served as an omen of the cold weather to come. If there is one thing a bike courier doesn't need its frostbite on his hands and face. As if this job didn't take enough out of you all ready. It was only 10:00am and he was dead tired. Neil Horowitz...

2 years ago
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Marys DiscoveryChapter 6

The intelligence types back at the base were very excited to have our captive and wanted to know if we could do it again. Alonzo's answer was one word: "Certainly." Then he went on to explain that this capture had been an accident of being in the right place at the right time. He figured that we could capture just about anybody; we just had to know where to find them. That didn't slow down the intelligence types one iota. They claimed that they could give us a specific place to look for...

3 years ago
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True and EternalChapter 6

The wind blows, scattering the fallen leaves of fall. A solitary set of boots make their way to the until then forbidden area. Ah Hello, I know I haven't been by since, well since then. I'm sorry. I just couldn't. I know I should have. I disappointed you. I failed. I- The figure turns and starts to leave, then stops and steels himself. Slowly he returns. Damn, I told myself that I could do this. I just. I just miss you so much Andy. I know what the doctors say. But I can't help but...

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Sally my niece The mountains are hot

“Hey Boss, glad you could join us sleepy head.” Don was standing at the stove, along with Brenda making us breakfast. “Uncle Mark!” I heard a squeal from behind me, and arms were around my neck from behind. “Hey Alexandria. How ya doin kiddo?” I was trying to hide my confusion, but decided I’d just ask. “You did tell my I could borrow the place this week right Don?” “Oh yea buddy, we just thought we’d drive up, and see how the place looked, and make sure you had everything you need....

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The Gym 1 Buttman

The Gym #1: Buttman By DrLoVe John Grisham was an avid gym-goer but he also liked to eat. He despised himself whenever the circumstances delayed or averted his regular workouts and weighed himself on the scales several times before going to bed on those days to see how much weight he'd gained. In so many words, John Grisham was an exercise-holic. A male version of the bulimic. However, plenty of physical exercise did prevent his gaining so much as an ounce and his natural...

2 years ago
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Introduction: The misfortunes and misadventures of Ensign Wesley Crusher WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDNT BE READING THIS!!!!!   WESLEY CRUSHERS PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS   DEEP SPACE 7 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. Hed gotten...

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Juvenile Affection 8211 Is This Love

Hi readers. This is Krishna from near the Manchester of South India. I’m an aspiring entrepreneur. These memories were from my life narrated as precisely as I remember. It’s quite emotional and affectionate and no sex involved. Coming to the story. It was when I was a teenager. Due to certain issues, my family has to shift places often and I wasn’t schooled consistently for more than 3 years at a place. Well, I didn’t know I’m gonna have some serious life lessons in this period of time. We...

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The Capital Wasteland

War, war never changes... During the year 2077 there was a nuclear fallout. Most of the United States was reduced to a giant wasteland filled with survivors, ruins, and mutants. Fortunately for some, they had signed onto the Vault-tec program. a program that promised that in case of nuclear war, that people and their families would be safely tucked away in giant underground bunkers, called vaults. All the vaults were designed in specific ways, one might have a faulty water chip, one might be...

2 years ago
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Rough Sex

I was asked by a woman to write a rough sex short story for her to go with some pictures she had. I never saw the pictures but here is the story.As you walk into the room, which is dark, I grab you and haul you over to a large wooden X on which I strap your wrists and ankles. I put a ball gag on you and using your hair I pull your head back. "So you like it rough do you, well bitch I am going to show you rough" and with that I slap your face and grab one of your tits and squeeze it so hard I...

4 years ago
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Parking Lot Ch 01

It’s Friday night and I just finished work. It’s 3 am as I slowly make my way home. As I pass an empty parking lot, I see some commotion in the parking lot. A group of men move about excitedly, and appear to be fighting. I quickly pull into the parking lot, my presence scares off the three men, as I quickly call 911. I stop instantly as my headlights locate what was the cause of these three black men’s brawl. You lay on the ground, clothes torn, and definitely terrified. I rush out of my car...

3 years ago
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Unfair Game

Unfair Game The shoulder fired missile rocketed upward toward the lumbering twin-engined airplane. Bright yellow flame and a blue-black streak of smoke showed the weapon flying straight and true. In less than five seconds the missile ripped into one of the airplane?s rear stabilizers blowing apart most of that wing?s surface. The explosive force of the strike was dissipated outward leaving the old passenger aircraft with only minor superficial damage. In actuality the loss of one half of the...

1 year ago
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The Final Encounter

Authors Note: I placed this in Non Erotic because the story does NOT revolve around sex. However, there are R Rated elements, so beware. ************************ “So, what do you want to do?” asked Jessica as she swatted a bug away from her face. “I don’t know, what do you want to do?” Anna replied. “Jeez, Anna- make up your mind! Well, we’re almost to the lake now – so, I guess we’ll just change and go for a swim. How does that sound?” “Sure. That’s just peachy.” Anna replied, joining...

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Size Does MatterCS27part1of1

I thought we’d just jack each other off like we use to but when Quandrell unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his Levis and unzipped his fly and then eased his pants down, his massive cock sprang up and stood quivering between us and something came over me. His cock had grown a good three inches or more during the course of our senior year. It was at least eight uncut inches plus of thick shaft with a reddish/purple head with rigid cords running its length. I stepped toward him, stopping with his...

2 years ago
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Isabella her first work week

'Why don't you start with getting the two of us coffee.' Seth softly suggested. The woman nodded and as she made her way to the kitchen, he took his time to admire the young woman's ass. She was again, dressed very professional, with a white blouse and a black skirt that reached her knees. Her hair was back in a knot and she was wearing black heels. Her father was clearly beaming with pride. If he only knew what Seth had in store for her, he would not be so happy. Still, chances were he...

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NuruMassage Jane Wilde Lilly Ford Secret SisterInLaw

Jane Wilde walks into the massage parlor and is greeted by Lilly Ford, the masseuse. Jane informs her that she wants a massage but isn’t sure what they offer. Jane just went through a big life experience that caused a lot of stress, so she just wants to relax. Lilly tries not to pry, and suggests their NURU massage since it involves a body-sliding technique that is definitely not included in your standard massage packages. Jane agrees to try it. Lilly leads Jane to the private room and...

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Didi chudai sote hue

Hmare ghar me panch member he. Sab bahar rahete he. Me padhai ke karan gaon me raheta ho. Hamare gaon se 2km door par meri cousin sis ke sasural he. Unka umra 38 hai. Dekhne me utni sundar nehi he. Unka rang vi samla he. O aur unki pati raat ko hamare ghar sone ate the kiun ki mujhe thoda daar lagta tha. Aur hamara ghar bahot bada tha. Me sis ko apa aur unke pati ko nana bulata tha. O hamesa eise ate the par ek din ki baat he ki, nana, apa aur me soe the ki meri nind rat ko 1 baje khul gayi. Us...

3 years ago
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The Long Walk Home

I heard his voice in my ear, from the other side of the phone. I’d called after working my shift, a full 8 hour day, to see if he needed me to pick up anything before I headed home. I was walking, because the car has been in the shop for almost a month. I knew it would take me a while to get home, and it was late. I was hoping it would be something simple that he’d need, or nothing at all. My feet were killing me, and at this hour the lines would be horrible.

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Mask of the Beast

In the far reaches of the fifth dimension the pocket reality defied many things; reason, reality, fantasy… A realm home to beings capable of changing the laws of reality at the snap of a finger, in such a world anyone could have or do whatever they wanted really. But for one pans-dimensional imp it all summed up in one word. "BORING!" Floating aimlessly like a party balloon in his home lair which looked like a lovely condominium overlooking a shattered cosmic event, Mr. Mxyzptlk sighed at the...

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Friends For MoniqueChapter 2

She laughed inside as she heard him say, "Shit I had forgotten they had your purse and your keys, so I'll change all the locks. He lifted her towards the bathroom, where he could cream her sore wrists and ankles and then gently wash their filth off her; he glanced at her she seemed to be smiling at how gently he was. Monique watched him, thinking, You pathetic thing, that's right be gently with me, they weren't, god I hope he doesn't notice I'm getting wet just thinking about the...

2 years ago
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Real weekend 2015

After writing the Fantasy week-end story, actually it become reality.We went to meet with my wife's lover, and to be together for 2 nights and 2 days.I was in charge to look for an apartment for this days, and i never looked for hotel rooms and apartments with an erection, but this time, every picture i saw i was just imagining them on that bed, in that showe, in front of the mirror on so on.Finally i book a small apartment with a big bed, a small couch with bed view.We arrived late, and he was...

3 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 17 Unearthed

Saturday, June 01, 1996, Sanford Maine “Davey, wake up,” I heard a voice say, whispering in my ear. “Mummpfhh, snummpfhh hummmprhhhey’s,” I replied smartly while turning over. “Baby, come on, wake up,” a soft female voice whispered into my ear again. Something was pulling on my shoulder, making me roll over onto my back. I felt a warm wetness on my chest as a soft sucking sensation started on my right nipple. It felt good, and I moaned a little. I hoped that it continued. “Mmmm, Davey. I...

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Chronicles of Succubus High Ch 2

by Quiver Chapter 2: Locker Room Showers "Oh yeah, oh fuck," Clay whimpered to himself as he frantically jerked his cock from his hiding place in the utility closet inside the girls' locker room. He had found himself following Bree after he had run into her on campus during his post-practice cooldown. After that very brief encounter, she had pointedly and explicitly told him how bad it would be if he followed her into the locker room. She had given some very specific details about how...

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Raping the ex

I should clarify some things. She and I had broken up almost a year ago. Turns out she was using me for a house while she was fooling around with someone else. It hurt but I got over it. Thankfuly our son was too young to figure what happened. She still lived nearby, and we talked occasionally. Her block of flats was a short walk away. Only 5 minutes or so. One of her neighbours who recognised me opened the communal door. Probably wouldnt have if they knew my intent, or what was in my...

1 year ago
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Bhaibhi Ke Saath Manayi Unki Suhag Raat

Doston ek bar mai phir hazir hoon ek nayi kahani ke saath ye kahani hai meri bhabhi ki suhaag raat ki jo unhone bhaiya ke saath nahi mere saath manayi thi mere bhaiya much bigde hue the unhe randiyoon aur daaru ka chaska laga hua tha. Ghar wale bahut hi pareshaan the unki in sab batoon ke liye ghar walo ne phir decide kiya ke bhaiya ki shaadi kar di jaye to wo jimedari padne par sudhar jayenge ghar walon ne pressure dala to bhaiya bhi tayaar ho gaye hum logo ne ladkiyan dekhni shuru kar...

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NubileFilms Sarah Cute Sharon White Gift Of Love

Murgur is lucky enough to have not one, but two hot girls eager to please him and each other. Sharan White and Sarah Cute are oh so happy to be part of a thruple. When Murgur gifts each girl a nice set of lingerie, they can’t wait to try it on. Looking fine and fuckable, they return to the living room decked out in bras and thongs. They put on quite a show for Murgur, feeling each other up for his pleasure and theirs before they rejoin him on the couch. Flanking Murgur on either side, the...

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King Of The Jungle Loving

My name is Yasmin Banks. I'm thirty two years old and I'm from South London. I had saved up a few grand to backpack through Southern Malaysia. It was something I had always wanted to do since I left college fifteen years ago. One thing after another had always prevented me from following my dreams. So, here I am, backpacking in Southern Malaysia with a tour guide. The magnificent and breath-taking views of the country made me gasp in astonishment. All beautiful greenery for miles around. And in...


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