SamChapter 15C free porn video

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It took a few minutes for him to see what I was doing, but when he did, he jerked his head around so quick that I was sure the teacher would notice. I kept my eyes directly forward until he had himself under control and I was sure Miss Albert's attention was elsewhere, then I slid back again, pushing more of my skirt out from under me and turning a conservative skirt into a micro-mini.

At last my bare cheeks were resting on the wooden seat, and the front hem of my skirt was just above my slit. It felt deliciously bad to be sitting in class with my skirt bunched up and my ass and pussy bare. I was so excited that I was having a hard time keeping my breathing under control. I kept wanting to pant like a dog in the summer sun.

When I was sure Miss Albert had her back to us and Ron's attention was on me, I spread my knees apart as far as I dared to give him a good look at my pussy. The cool air rising across my damp labia felt wonderful. I could feel that they were plastered open and that Ron had a good view of my pink hole. It wasn't until a few second later that I remembered the recent alterations down there. Not only could he see my opening, but also my very naked and completely exposed clit as well. As soon as I thought of this, I felt it stiffening in the brisk air-conditioned air of the classroom.

It was intensely exciting to be showing a boy my big stiff clit right there in class like that. I had intended to give him a flash, but having my legs apart felt so good that I rolled my hips back and gave them a little jerk to make my clit wave at him before I closed my legs and ended the show.

The effect on Ron was very entertaining. His cock had got so big that it was almost out of the leg of his shorts. It was so hard that I had no trouble at all seeing its outline even under the denim. It was a very nice outline and I wished I could see it without his shorts in the way. I wanted to know if the veins on it were as distended as Bud's got when I teased him into an erection. I wondered if he were leaking a little, too. I leaned forward as far as I dared to try to see, but it was too dark under his desk.

Ron seemed surprised to see me trying to peek at his cock. I guess he thought looking was something only boys did. He was wrong about that. I decided then that I had go get a look at his equipment, even if it was just a quick look.

Our little game had used up most of the period and when the bell rang to signal the end of school, Ron was still rock-hard. He stayed in his seat, slowly stacking his books and neatly arranging his pencils in his backpack while everyone behind him filed past and out the door. When only he and I and Miss Albert were left in the room, I got up and walked around in front of him so he could stand without Miss Albert seeing his erection tenting the front of his pants.

"Ron, would you mind letting me copy the English class homework assignment from you? I didn't get it all written down." Which was a complete fabrication, because we didn't have the same English teacher, much less the same class. Fortunately, Ron wasn't a complete idiot. He caught on immediately.

"Sure, Sam. I have it in the notebook in my locker. Let's walk down the hall and I'll get it for you." He gave me a quick wink as he said that.

I walked very close to him as we left the classroom to cover his condition. Maybe too close. When we were almost out the door, I could swear I heard Miss Albert mutter to herself "I wish they'd get a room" or something like that.

Instead of the lockers, I led Ron down the stairs to the basement and into the unused boys' restroom. I thought he might me more comfortable there than the girl's, but he didn't look all that comfortable either way, so it may not have mattered. I took the backpack out of his hands and set it on the counter next to the sink with mine.

"OK. You've seen mine. Let me see yours," I told him. When he didn't move quick enough I said, "Come on, whip it out. Let me see that lovely cock." I wasn't too sure about calling it 'lovely' but I couldn't think of a better adjective at the time.

Ron unzipped his fly and pried his stiff rod out of his briefs and eased it past the teeth of his zipper until it was dangling out of his shorts like a fat sausage, bobbing and swaying between his legs. I was there in a flash and had it in my hand before he could get away.

"Careful!" he said. "I've been ready to shoot for a half-hour now. It won't take much to make me pop my rocks."

I thought that was good of him to let me know that, but I could tell from the way it throbbed in my hand with the beat of his racing heart that he wasn't going to last long.

"That's a beautiful cock you have there," I said, stroking it as gently as I could. It seemed to only make matters worse, though. He stiffened and pushed his hips forward, fucking his hard cock through my fingers.

I decided not to make poor Ron wait any longer. I stepped close to him and pressed my body against his side with my arm around his waist while holding his cock in my other hand. Since I could not afford to get cum-spattered today, I aimed it away from both of us while I stroked it slowly and firmly from the head down the richly-veined shaft to his hard balls.

"Let me make you cum," I said, "Just relax and let me get you off."

He was more than ready. His cock was very hard and it kept trying to point upwards. I had to push it down so it was aimed away from us.

It only took a few strokes and Ron started to tense up all over. One more and I felt his cock throb and he moaned loudly as he fired a blast of cum into the air to land on the dirty tile floor over six feet away. The next glob of cum landed a bit closer and after only three big spurts he ran dry.

I tried to coax some more out of him, and he did his best to cum some more for me, but he had shot his wad and I realized that for the first time I knew what that phrase meant.

There was a small drop oozing out the hole in the end of Ron's cock and I couldn't resist having a taste, just for purpose of comparison, strictly in the interest of science. I squatted down and licked it off. It was kind of salty-sweet and had a metallic aftertaste, which was pretty much the same flavor as all the other cum I had tasted.

Ron saw me rolling his cum across my tongue and he squeezed his cock hard for me, trying to wring some more out of it. I let him rest the head on my out-stretched tongue while he worked one more drop down the shaft. I swallowed it and kissed his cock.

"Not bad, Ron. That's a pretty tasty cock you have there. If I wasn't on my way to an doctor's appointment, I might have gotten more... personal with it." I winked at him to let him know just what he'd missed and I grabbed my bag and left him to work his cock back into his pants and find his way out of the basement on his own. That was one boy who wasn't going home with blue-balls, or the start of a lifelong resentment toward girls.

Neeka was waiting in the already mostly deserted parking lot with Mom when I came out of the building. They were chatting away while I crossed the lot. Mom was laughing at something Neeka had said when I walked up.

"Hi, Mom. What's so funny?" I asked.

"Monique was just telling me about the pact you two made to share everything and how she's been covering for you today since you had an appointment this afternoon. It seems she got a bit more than she bargained for."

"Is that what's been going on?" I asked Neeka. "You seemed to have been very 'active' today."

"'Active' is hardly the word for it," she giggled. "Those two rats have been taking advantage of the situation. You'd think they had never had sex before the way they've been going at it. I think they got the idea from watching tag-team wrestling on TV. After every darn period, one of them would drag me off and fuck me. They switched off so they only had to cum every couple of hours, but I've been screwed every hour all day long. My poor pussy is a wreck! The only break I got was when I managed to suck Jim off instead of fucking him."

"Where are those two horn-dogs now?"

"Bud and Jolene are off somewhere together. No surprise there. I saw Jim and Steve drive off in Steve's car. I have no idea what that's about."

"I do, I'm afraid. They are plotting something. Those two thieves are thicker than I knew. Tell you about it later. So, your chastity-plug came in handy?" I asked, getting back to the subject.

"I'll say! Even though I tried to dump every load as quick as I could, I still wound up with about a quart of cum in me. If not for that plug, I'd have had it running down my legs all day. I was going straight home and douche, but I wanted to check with you first to see if you wanted to get together after your trip to the doctor's. And if you wanted me to go along."

"Thanks, but you go get cleaned up and take a break. You've earned some down-time. Besides, Mom will be there to hold my hand."

"That's right, honey. I'll be there all the time. You have nothing to worry about."

"Then let's get on with it. The sooner we get there, the sooner this will be over with."

I was wrong about that. Very, very wrong. I had forgotten how long you had to wait in a doctor's office before you were seen, even if you got there on time. After we had waited for forty long minutes I was about to jump out of my skin.

"This is ridiculous! How long is this going to take?"

"Please try to calm down, honey. This isn't like going to the shrink, where you get fifty minutes and then you're out. Different people have different medical problems. Some take longer than others to diagnose or to treat. You can't expect things to run by the clock. You wouldn't want to be treated like you were on an assembly-line, would you?"

"No, I guess not. But I wish they would hurry up and call my name. I just want to get this over."

"I understand. Try to take your mind off it. Read a magazine."

I chuckled and said, "I did. It had an article that said the President might be Impeached."

"That must be a really old issue. Was it about Clinton?"

"No, Nixon." I'd been paying attention in History class, too. I almost said 'Andrew Johnson', but I didn't think Mom was up on post-Civil War politics.

We both laughed at my joke anyway, and it seemed to relieve some of the stress that I had been building up.

"The reading material in doctor's waiting rooms is notorious for being out of date," Mom said. "I remember seeing a copy of Popular Science that predicted that before the turn of the century, cars would fly, and there would be a computer terminal in every house."

"Flying cars? What a terrible idea. And what's a computer terminal? Is that like a PDA?"

"No, it's just the printer and the keyboard. The computer was somewhere else and it was as big as a house."

"That makes no sense."

"A lot of the things people used to believe we would have by now made no sense. Progress is what you can make tomorrow with that you have today. People who try to predict the future always assume that nothing will change except the few things they want."

"Like the flying cars? Was there really a time when that sounded like a good idea to anyone?"

"I don't know. I'm not that old. But since you can hardly drive two blocks without seeing an accident, it would seem insane to think that these same idiots who can't manage to avoid each other on the ground would be any safer in the air."

A nurse stuck her head out of a doorway and called, "Samantha Kramer." I was so startled; I almost jumped out of my chair. Talking with Mom had distracted me for a few minutes, but all my nervousness came back in an instant as I scrambled to my feet.

"This way, please."

The nurse seemed professional and friendly, not at all like Helga, the She-Wolf of the SS, whom I suppose I expected. She introduced herself to me as Cathy and she led me to the scale and wrote down my weight and height. Somewhere I had managed to gain a couple of pounds. I was still 5'1", but the scale said 107. I wondered if I needed to lose that, or if it was new muscle-mass.

We trooped through a maze of little rooms where I had my temperature and blood-pressure checked, then some blood drawn by a nice girl in a blue-checked smock. After being given a questionnaire to fill out, we were led to a small examining room to wait for the doctor, who would be along "in just a moment" according to the nurse.

The moment turned into several. Long after we had finished the questionnaire, which was all 'no, I've never had bubonic plague' and 'yes, I have all my own original parts', we had time to talk some more.

"Are you still nervous, honey?"

"Yes. Some. This is a nice place, though. Everyone is friendly and they all seem to know their jobs. The girl who drew blood hardly hurt at all when she stuck me."

"Yes, that's been my experience, too. Dr. Bonner always has good staff. His nurse, Cathy, has been with him as long as I've coming here. That's one way you know a doctor is good, he hires good people and he keeps them."

"That makes sense. The doctor Yvette took me to always seemed to have a new nurse each time I went. They always seemed like former prison guards to me."

"Oh, no! That's very bad, Sam. Next, you'll tell me his name was Mengele."

"No, it was Acula. Who's Mengele?"

"Never mind. You'll learn about him soon enough. But let's talk about something else. What did you learn in school today?"

"I learned that I'm not as good an actress as I thought I was."

"Uh, oh. That sounds ominous."

"It was embarrassing. I got found out while I was working out in the weight room with Steve and the guys."

"I was going to ask how that little experiment was going. What happened?"

"I almost ripped the power-lift machine out and tore the wall down."

"My goodness! What did the boys say about that?"

"Steve made them promise to keep shut about it and I don't think there's going to be any trouble there. Steve was really sweet about the whole thing. But I found out something important — I know how I can control the power now. It's all adrenalin. Well, mostly adrenalin. The ripping cars open part is the adrenalin, the Dragon face, the other skin stuff and the physical changes are mostly trance things. The rest is just me. I'm beginning to understand where this is coming from. It's not just one thing, like I thought. It's lots of things that all come together."

"So, how do you control it?"

"Basically, I just have to keep my cool. As long I don't get hyped-up with adrenalin, the rest of it is something I have to start voluntarily. But it was the Power that scared me. The feeling that I was out of control, you know? Now I know how to keep it leashed."

"And how to unleash it?"

"Yep. If I get mad, or if I get pumped-up deliberately, I can do things — awesome things — without hardly any effort at all. It's just this incredible primal strength that takes over and I lose the ability to judge how much force I'm using. It just jumps right off the scale when it's unleashed — as you say."

"Dragon Power."

"Exactly. Very deep, very primal, very untamed. 'Dragon Power', I like that."

There was a scratching noise at the door, presumably someone pulling my chart from the holder, and the exam room door swung open.

Dr. Frank Bonner wasn't at all what I expected. I guess I really didn't know what to expect — either a kindly, grey-haired man with sparkling eyes and a ready smile, or a gruff, brusque man with a perpetually sour expression who nevertheless inspired confidence in you.

In reality, he was a short, wiry, balding fellow with a white fringe of hair that draped over his ears into a pony-tail that hung down his back. I'd never seen a doctor wear a pony tail, especially one who had so little hair to put into it. As he peered through his bifocals at my new chart I saw that his face was creased from years of exposure to the sun. His eyebrows were white as well, and were so scraggly that they looked like a couple of hairy caterpillars crawling across his face. He wore the traditional white lab-coat, but he wore it over a tie-dyed t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He had on a pair of scruffy canvas deck-shoes and no socks. He was about as unimpressive a sight as I had ever expected to see behind a stethoscope and I liked him the instant I saw him.

He looked up from the chart and then looked back and forth from me to Mom and back.

"Hi, Sam," he said cheerfully as he sat down on a rolling stool. "I'm Doctor Bonner. I hope we haven't kept you waiting too long. And please excuse my staring, but Mrs. Reynolds told me that she was your guardian, and that you two were not related. Seeing the both of you together made me question that. You two are as alike as any mother and daughter I've seen."

Mom and I looked at each other. This wasn't the first time someone had mistaken us for being related, but it was the first time that someone in his position had made that mistake. I tried to correct him without insulting his professional judgment.

"I'm very flattered that you think so, Doctor Bonner, but really, the similarity in appearance between Mrs. Reynolds and me is purely coincidental."

Dr. Bonner didn't look convinced, but I thought he might let it pass. He didn't.

"Completely coincidental? Are you sure there hasn't been any non-genetic contribution?"

"Non-genetic? I'm not sure... oh!" I looked a question at Mom. She shrugged.

"I'm sorry," she said to me. "I should have told you that I discussed my plan to give you the serum with Frank. I did tell you that he had been my doctor for a long time. He knows about my treatment, and that I was planning to use it on someone else."

"And after seeing you, Miss Kramer, I deduced that I was looking at the other beneficiary of that remarkable elixir. Truly remarkable stuff. I with there had been some way to preserve the formula. Ah, well. May I examine the results?"

I nodded. This wasn't the exam I expected, but it was a reasonable request, since Dr. Bonner was obviously the best person to confirm that everything was all right.

"Then please disrobe completely and sit up on the end of the examining table here. You may have a drape if you'd like."

I stood up and started unbuttoning my blouse.

Same as Sam
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MommysGirl Riley Reid Mona Wales My Daughters Secret Diary

Mona Wales is doing laundry for the family, including her step-daughter, Riley Reid. However, the mundane chore takes an interesting turn when she discovers Riley’s diary in the laundry basket. Confused but intrigued, Mona can’t resist opening it up and taking a peek. She feels so distant from Riley and she just wants to get closer to her, so maybe this will give her the insight she needs to better their relationship. She quickly realizes that this diary is much more scandalous than...

2 years ago
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The CircleChapter 4 Group Encounter A Barrier Broken

Matt borrowed his dad's Suburban because it had two separate back seats: he could put a girl in the front seat with him, and two couples in the back in separate seats with a lot of space in each seat to make out, even reclining. The men picked up Monica first. Bob helped her with her beach bag, and then when she came to the car he gave her a passionate kiss. Monica smiled at him and turned. Jim was there with another kiss even a little hotter; he wasn't trying to out-do Bob, but he was a...

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Daily routines

It was just another morning like all previous. I woke up around noon, sun was shining and I was wearing black lace lingerie with my stockings on. - What the hell happened last night? Hum, I must came back really lonely, if all the toys were misplaced around the room. I took a t-shirt from chair and went to the kitchen to make some coffee... Then i realized that I might still have some crystals in my room that has survived last night's party. I went there and saw 3 prerolled joints and half of a...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris InterludeChapter 6 The Father

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading! Saturday, September 21st, 2013 – Randolf Cummins – Paris, Texas I sat at my desk in city hall, nursing my scotch, worried sick about my baby girl. Darleen hadn't come back from her dance class. Her car was still parked behind the school, and it was like she had just vanished. Which wasn't like her. She was a good kid. Straight A's, never in trouble, always home before her curfew, and helping out around the house. Which was a blessing since her mom had...

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Thankfulness and Submission

[For gt15go...for his many thoughtful comments, etc.]Duane smiled inwardly as Thomas, the older man from the church was now naked, bent over the edge of his bed, as he waited for Duane to impale his ass hole on his far bigger, and black cock!"Fuck me," Thomas said, looking over his shoulder as Duane walked up behind him, his much bigger, and black cock, swaying slightly from side-to-side. "PLEASE?!"At that Duane smiled even more broadly. Thomas was not the first older white guy in the area...

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Leaning into Kal, I said, “I think you can do this better than Claire could, but you know I can’t tell Claire that and you can’t either, ever! You promise me? Pinkie Swear?” She put out her Pinkie, attaching hers to mine. I heard her say, “Pinkie Swear, Charles.” I looked over and saw a delicious smile on Claire’s face as K started to try the cut time tempo. She was hesitating. “Look at me, Princess? This song is called, ‘Hold On’ so you can hold on to me and I know you can do this. Try it...

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My First Best Foreplay Sex In My Life

I’m a cool guy of 5’9″ height and make girls drool over me with my talks and looks. My attitude and mentality differ from others. Lastly, I own a cock of 5″ which can satisfy any girl. So any girl can ping me at I’m available in Hyderabad any time, so girls are advised to ping me, and I assure your privacy being a Chartered accountant aspirant ( CA aspirant :P ). The story I’m gonna describe now has happened to me 3years back when I was in the initial stages of my horny life :P. Coming to...

2 years ago
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My Bhabhi Introduces To The World Of Sex

Hello ISS readers, I have been a huge fan of this page reading all the stories from 4 years today I wanted to pen my own experience which happened with my bhabhi who introduced me to the world of sex Let’s come to introductions I am Sid from Hyderabad doing my b-tech 4th year in one of the reputed colleges in Hyderabad. I am 6 foot tall fair in colour as looks doesn’t really matter for me and guys this is a bit lengthy story so please bare with me because true stories take a lots of time and I...

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Courtneys Story

A dark night had cast itself around me as I walked through the people milling about. I was no longer in a hurry. I knew where the man would be that I had come here to kill. Anger and hate boiled up inside of me at the thought of seeing his picture, his 'file', and his family. He taken my parents from me, but he had everything of his own. Why had this happened to me? What had made him do this? These questioned bounced around in my head as I aimlessly walked around this small town in Kansas....

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Mona8217s Lesbian Maid

Coming home was a bit of a surprise for Mona. She expected that her mother would be at the airport, but there was a driver waiting for her instead.When she entered the house, it was deserted. There was a note on the table from Namitha her mom, telling her she was sorry, but she had got a call from a friend who needed help. She would be back that evening. Everything at home had changed, the furniture, the decoration, everything. Thankfully her old room had been left untouched. Cleaned and...

1 year ago
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Bus travel

I am a medical student and 23 years old.I study in pune city but was back home for vacation in mumbai.I had a girlfriend but i didnt lose my virginity to her.She always stopped me at the point of no return.But this time my luck was about to change.My friends made a plan to stay in goa for new year for fun,they were from pune so they left from there,whereas i had leave from mumbai alone.I could only book a ticket on 31st night,i thought nothing worse could happen to me as i slept in my sleepers...

Cheating Wifes
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Girlfriend With Testing Device 10 The Breast of all Worlds

Author's Note: Okay, let's get back into this for reals this time. If you want to see more, I have everything up to chapter 17 (!) posted at and chapter 18 on Warning: The following chapter is rated a sexy R and contains boobs, tits, forbidden fruit, lusty stares, venus envy, handsome ladies, sexy dudes, cheerleaders, stripping, job swaps, crossdressing, makeup, motivational speeches, body swaps, more boobs, jealous friends, amateur pole...

3 years ago
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Secret Admirers Ch 01

‘I’ll talk to you later, Ashwin’s home.’ Ayesha put the phone down and looked at her husband with a smile in her heavily fringed grey eyes. ‘How was your day honey?’ She asked and hugged him. The smell of jasmine overwhelmed his senses. Her curvy body fit so naturally against his frame with a slight difference. Six years into the marriage she still had a supple figure, he on the other hand had developed a slight paunch and was losing hair. She still attracted looks from men and he on the...

4 years ago
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Pandemoniums WakeChapter 7

Ferro absently scratched the day old skin melt on the left side of his ribs as he bent over the drawing board. The digital board was huge, at least as large as the span of both his arms and half as high. He had a writing pad for notes running in one corner and an on-time series of engineering schematics running down the entire right side of the board. When he made a change on the design in the middle, the schematics on the side automatically recalculated whatever items he designated from...

2 years ago
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Lactation Some guys merely tolerate kids. They factor into the master plan of wife, family, and career. But some of us really enjoy children. I happen to love children, especially babies....always have...and could hardly wait to have my own to love, to nurture, to raise. Perhaps my feelings were more maternal than I expected. I never would've believed it could happen and especially to me. My life is now completely changed. Let me start at the beginning. My name...

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My Bus Journey

As I stepped onto the bus, it was jam-packed full, with many people standing in the aisles. This journey was going to be a long one. I looked around the bus at the passengers, and then I saw her. I'd seen her previously, but only in passing. Her mousey brown hair was down to her shoulders, a thin button-down summer dress with nice small breasts, great legs, and an ass to die for. I decided I was going to try and enjoy this journey. I moved my way through the passengers until I was standing...

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Kamuk Nepali Ladkiyan

Hello friends! Mera naam Aaditya hai. Main abhi IIT Delhi se engineering kar raha hu aur sath hi UPSC ki bhi taiyari kar raha hun. Main hamesha ISS se kahani padhta tha. Isiliye apni kahani bhi share kar raha hu taki aaplog maze le sako. Ye kahani pichle mahine ki hai jab main apni girlfriend ke sath Nepal ghumne gaya tha. Girlfriend ki chudai ki kahani kabhi aur bataunga. Kyuki jyada interesting bat ye hui ki us trip pe mujhe do Nepali ladkiyo ko chodne ka mauka mila. Meri girlfriend, Prachi...

4 years ago
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Wedded into Cuckoldry

A girl and her master, plan for her husband's cuckolding."Please Nick, don't put your cock there. I'm not ready for that."Nick: "Come on Anna, open your legs, let me do you the right way. We've waited too long and I know you're ready for it.""No! I told you I'm not doing that. I can't. In four weeks I'm going to be married and on my wedding night I want my husband to be the one who takes my cherry. I've waited this long. I want to be a virgin for him. He deserves that."Nick: "Let me bust your...

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A New Chapter in Her LifeChapter 2

During the long ride to Cindy’s apartment they chatted about old times, news of family and friends, and recent happenings in both their lives. After a while Jenna fell silent and sat staring out of the window at the passing cars and scenery. Cindy could tell that something was bothering Jenna. She didn’t seem to be herself. “It may not be any of my business,” Cindy said, “but is something wrong?” “Of course not. Why would you think that?” replied Jenna a little too rapidly as she snapped...

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Sex With My Neighbor Aunty

Hi to each persons in ISS…!!! I am kevin ( ofcourse name is changed) frm coimbatore…!!! I am very fond of sex…!!! I love aunties more than girls….!!! Any girls, ladies, married housewife or divorced aunty who need secret relationship can mail me at …!! Okie I don’t wanna make anyone bore here…!!! Here comes the story…!!! I was studying my ug in some private college…!! It happened an year ago…!! Like other I used to watch sex videos and masturbate ..!! I like to watch aunties wen I used to go...

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It started in the elevator when I was fifteen. All I knew was the name on her mailbox: I. Jacobs. Her apartment was right across from mine in this tight little corner hallway, and every day that summer when I’d leave to go to work, my door would slam behind me, and seconds later as I walked down the hall to the elevator bay, hers would slam too, my heart would palpitate, my back would sweat, and butterflies would furiously try to break out of the confines of my abdomen. The floors were...

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170 Erin and the shipwreck

He had spent the whole cruise chatting up a tall willowy blond, he had he thought just cracked the case and was escorting the said lady when they hit the mine, an ex ww2 thing that had floated about the vast ocean all this bloody time and chosen there little cruise ship at a moment when he, Erin Mount-bank was about to get his leg over, the fruition of a week of hard chatting! 25 minutes later he was clinging to a spar and apparently alone in a very wide-open sea, littered with a few wooden...

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Ashleys Creation Part 1

Ashley's Creation Part One Man that first time we met was so odd, Ashley had happened to drop her work materials and I was there to help her pick them back up, from there we chatted for a minute or so then she asked if I would like to have a drink that evening. Of course I accepted without hesitation as she was quite a good looking woman, I would have been crazy to have said no to her. She handed me her business card, I scanned it and saw she was a make-up artist/stylist and a...

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Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Three

Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Three: Our slave training begins in earnest. "Not good enough, Emma!" The switch struck my thigh with a sharp crack, causing me to scream for the third time this morning. Tears welled in my eyes as I knelt on the floor in what I thought was a very good Nadu position. I wondered what I had done wrong this time. "Head up!" The switch tapped under my chin and I raised it another inch. "Shoulders back!" Bahira now tapped my shoulders with the switch and...

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Let He Who is Without Sin

This was going to be the most difficult day of my working life, I was about to preach a sermon that would either bring my flock onside or alienate them forever. I, Matthew Ridgway, have been the Minister of a church in a small country town for some three years. The time has been something like the Curate’s egg, good in parts. I have been accepted into this town and have made many friends and enjoyed my work in the community, that has been the good part. The bad part was the loss of my wife of...

2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 18

Seconds later: John opened his eyes to Veronyka, Steve and Malcolm waiting for him. They quickly unhooked his harness and helped him get dressed. He noticed the medical leads dangling uselessly and the small pile of attachments on the floor. He could hear shouting in the distance. They moved out into the hallway, and turned away from the noise. It sounded like more than one angry person was arguing. John tried to keep up, but he was noticeably slower without his running prosthetics on. “In...

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Family SagaChapter 4

Some of the soreness was soaked away in the hot bath, and Donnie felt better, both physically and mentally. He relaxed in his room, getting dressed, finally, and going into the kitchen to forage for some food. Charity heard him rummaging around and went in to help him. Together, they put some sandwiches on the table, along with a quart of milk and some cookies. Don wolfed down his food, talking now to his sister, as he chewed huge mouthfuls. "That's out of sight... you getting the lead in...

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FamilyStrokes Gianna Dior Midnight Stepdaughter Muff

Gianna Dior is in that phase of life where she is feeling a little rebellious. Her mom is concerned, so she takes the angsty teen over to her stepdads house to stay for a while. All the girl needs to do is abide by the rules. No sneaking out, no boys, and no smoking in the house. But as soon as she gets the chance, she sneaks into her stepdads room to rest with him. She grinds up on his dick, and soon his boner is rising fast. Then, she confesses that she wants his cock in her mouth! She slides...

3 years ago
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Nana and Troy

Nana and Troy   Nana lived in a small cottage at the end of the main roadway. She was aged about sixty-five years old and was such a sweet, old lady. One day she was out in the garden when a young lad came along and seeing her there weeding, he asked her if he could help with anything. Nana turned around and greeted him and said that she could sure use some help with loading the leaves onto the wheelbarrow. Troy began to rake the leaves and piling them into the barrow and Nan told him that they...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 23 The Hills

-- SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- It was a short drive into the hills southeast of the campus. Even though I'd been to the house once before, navigating the multiple turns down small streets branching off from Claremont was a challenge. But once I made the final turn and came upon the dead-end street and the isolated mansion at the end, everything from two years ago came flooding back to me. I remembered leaving Dawn's and Ryan's apartment in the morning with her telling me she...

4 years ago
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My First Anal

It was the 70's i was a young curious boy who's parent's never talked to me about. I was 10 and started to suck an older boys BBC in a shed down the alley. The shed was a hangout for older boys in my neigborhood. The older boy told me he and his friends would meet in the shed and jerk off to porn magazines. I sucked his BBC the first time when i seen him playing with it in another room in the shed. His BBC was 12' long when i measured it and i was able to take 8" of it in my mouth and down my...

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Kalluri Maanaviyudan Udaluravu

Vankam enathu peyar Kannan vayathu 22 naan polachiyil poriyiyal kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Enathu vagupil pengalukum irupaargal ithu engaluku kadaisu varudan itharku pinner naangal santhika poovathu illai. Enathu pen thozhigal ennidam nandraga pazhaguvaargal enaku athil oru pennai mattum migavum pidikum. Aval paarpatharku azhagaga irupaal ennidam avalavaaga pesa maatal aval niraiya neram pengaludane irupaal. Veru entha pasangaludanum aval avalavaaga pesa maatal aanal ennai appdi parka maatal...

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