- 2 years ago
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Danica awakened the next morning from another vivid dream, once again in a damp nightdress. She remembered that for a long time at the beginning of the dream, she had simply teleported around talking with people whom she knew in various places, using a teleportation device. This had gone on for what felt like hours, with no apparent rhyme or reason. The dream had ended with her returning to share another evening of intense, passionate lovemaking with Andrea.
Danica dressed and considering going to take a bath in the washing basin. She also thought about doing something more enjoyable with Tari. As Danica left her room, Rekhmire approached her. He told her that her tub was complete, and had arrived.
From that point forward, Danica's spirits improved considerably.
Danica decided to go exploring a bit since she would be able to bathe when she returned. Heading to the market, Danica purchased some of the local herbs, still curious as to whether they could be useful in magic or in potions. Considering many of them were sold as healing plants, Danica thought it likely.
The bustle and shouting of the market quickly grated on Danica's nerves this day, so she moved out into the wider city shortly thereafter. Outside the market, everything was temples and houses. It was an odd change from the cities Danica was used to, and if it hadn't been for the wealth of art displayed on the homes and temples, she would have felt bored silly.
As the heat of the day reached its peak, Danica returned to her room and soaked in her tub for an hour or so. Relaxed after her bath, Danica picked up her exploration where she'd left off when the sun reached its height of burning heat. She was near the south edge of the city, and noticed the number of temples increasing.
The people here were obviously quite connected to their gods, as there were temples everywhere. It appeared that here was where most of them were, outside the city proper. Some of the temples were even larger than the palace, and often there were multiple temples devoted to the same god. The inscriptions upon the temples noted that the duplicate temples were constructed by various rulers as offerings to those gods.
The artwork and statuary of these temples was magnificent, and Danica recognized a few of the gods she knew from the descriptions of their dominion in the artwork. Danica laughed when she realized that Hetmuket was obviously the god Heraklan from her own land. The priests were fine warriors just like those in her land, and just as overly fond of fine spirits and free love.
Some things in life are universal.
One small temple Danica discovered was dedicated to a god named Sekmamun. The god commanded dominion over knowledge, violent weather and — most interesting to Danica — magic.
Danica wandered around the grounds a bit, seeing both runes in the language of magic and true runes mixed in with the pictorial language of the land. Danica smiled as she recognized all the true runes, pleased with the knowledge the strange table had imparted upon her even if she didn't understand it.
It didn't take Danica long to realize that while the people here were connected with the gods, they were expected to take direction from a priesthood that restricted access to the actual temples. Danica wanted to enter and find out what she might learn in the temple, but she was afraid of committing some grievous offense.
Seeing what looked like a commoner enter a small, columned doorway into the temple, Danica decided it might be safe to follow him in and see what she could see. The man was easily within Danica's view in the small room of the temple, where he made an offering of gemstones and herbs upon the altar at the other end of the room.
The man nodded to Danica as he left, but otherwise did not speak. Looking at the altar, Danica thought, despite the fact the features looked more like the local people than her own, that the god looked familiar. She stared and thought for a moment, but just could not place the name of the god she was thinking of. He was depicted as both a man with a crescent moon set in his forehead and a man with a heron head and a crescent moon emblem on a chain at his breast.
Danica was so busy studying the altar and other art in the room that she didn't even hear the priest enter the nave from a nearby door.
When Danica caught him out of the corner of her eye, she turned to face him with a nod and a smile. "I hope I'm not committing a trespass?" She said as she examined the priest.
The man had the typical middling dark skin tone of the people here with his head shaved bald, and wore a light robe dyed blue. He was lean, and Danica found him quite attractive.
"You glow with magical creations like the sun himself. You are a student of magic?" The Priest asked her.
Danica nodded. "Yes, I am a student of the Art."
"You may enter and refresh yourself if you wish. Comforts are provided within for those who study the mystic arts."
"Thank you. It would be rude not to accept your invitation, and I must admit I'm curious."
The man smiled. "As are we all, else we would never come to the study. Follow me."
Danica followed the man through the cloth-draped doorway into the inner part of the temple. She immediately felt the presence of a cooling comfort spell, and the thought occurred to her that perhaps it was one of these people who had created it in the first place. They certainly had motivation in this hot land to create such magic.
Down a short hall, Danica saw the other comforts provided. There were tables and chairs for study, papyrus scrolls rested in numerous scroll niches along the walls, fresh fruit and water rested everywhere for the taking, and four tubs filled with slightly steaming water sat in one corner of the room. An older man and a younger woman occupied two of the tubs, both of whom ceased their conversation for a moment to nod respectfully to Danica when she entered.
Danica nodded back, curious as to the amount of deference she saw in the bathing pair's eyes.
Danica's curiosity must have shown in her eyes, because the priest said, "They show respect for one strong in the Art, for surely someone with such magic on their person is strong in the Art."
"It's a little disconcerting. Up until a few years ago, I was a poor student. I know many who are much more powerful than I in my homeland."
The priest smiled and raised his eyebrows. "You must have advanced much in recent days then, for it is obvious you are a great worker of Art now. Those who you call your superiors must rival the gods themselves."
That thought too was disconcerting — the comparison of Zoraster to a god caused a shiver run down Danica's spine.
"You may take your rest, or study as you wish. The temple is always open to you at any time of the day or night. The door beyond the guardian statues of Sekmamun is the inner sanctum of the temple and is reserved for the priesthood. The door there is the inner library, and is warded against intrusion. Sekmamun himself judges who may enter there and who may not. The wards will repel those whom he does not wish to enter."
"Only one way to find out, huh?"
With a chuckle, the priest responded, "Yes, you must approach and discover for yourself. If you feel the wards acting against you — and you will know — do not attempt to continue. While this has never happened, I am quite sure the results would be unpleasant."
Danica turned and walked toward the door, stopping and proceeding at a sedate pace when she was within a few feet. When she didn't feel anything warning her away, she continued on and soon stood in front of the door.
She turned back to the priest, who had a look of wonder on his face. He remarked, "I have never seen a foreigner reach that door, let alone one who is not in the service of Sekmamun."
"First time for everything," Danica said with a smile and a wink, and then proceeded inside.
In only a few moments, the spells and research recorded on the scrolls within the inner library piqued Danica's interest. There were numerous powerful spells related to mummies and other undead, many powerful warding and preservative spells, and magics related to scribing and divining.
Most interesting to Danica were several healing spells, which according to their description were on a par with the weaker priestly healing prayers. Healing magic was the dominion of priests, and the healing spells wizards had devised over the years were weak and few. The spells here would prove extremely valuable to any wizard who had access.
Danica was still scanning various scrolls with fascination when the priest walked into the library. "Do you see anything which interests you?"
"I'm having trouble finding anything that doesn't interest me," Danica said with a laugh. "How has all this remained hidden? Many of these spells are obviously many years old. I would have assumed at least a few of them would have leaked out by now."
"It is impossible. Anyone looking upon a copy of these scrolls would see nothing if they were not chosen by Sekmamun to do so. Only those for whom Sekmamun has a purpose can see or utilize the magic herein."
Danica smiled mischievously at that. Here was magic she could keep to herself, which Zoraster could not steal from her and turn to his own wicked ends. If they had all been simple cantrips to scratch itches, knowing that Zoraster couldn't steal the magic was reason enough to learn every ounce of the magic she could. "Why would I be chosen?" She asked
The priest shrugged his shoulders. "Even those devoted to the gods cannot claim to know their designs. I have seen great priests of Sekmamun who were unable to enter this library, and I have seen those with little to no evident power granted access."
"I'll certainly be here often while I'm here in the city. I haven't even asked you your name," Danica remarked when she realized the lapse.
"Or offered yours. I am Harkhuf."
"Danica. There are so many healing spells. I didn't think it was possible, with all the research done over the centuries that led nowhere."
"My people learn much about the body when we prepare our dead for their journey into the hereafter. As we mummify our departed, we see the difference between the aged and diseased, and those who are young and healthy — taken before their prime. What we have learned allowed us to form the magic to heal, as well as heal with skill of hand and herb."
"The divining magic is fascinating as well. I see you're making use of one of them now, and it explains how you knew about my magic items so easily." Danica traced a finger below her eye, mimicking the liner around Harkhuf's eye.
He smiled. "Yes, it is a useful spell that allows you to see magic without clouding your normal vision. It is not so powerful or detailed as using the inner eye, but useful nonetheless."
Danica caught Harkhuf glancing toward her crotch for just a fraction of a second as he explained the spell. Danica's first thought was identical to her body's automatic reaction — arousal. A moment later, she realized what he was looking at in context of their conversation. "You're wondering about this," she said while laying a hand over her mound and laughing.
Harkhuf smiled nervously. "I found it rather odd, yes. It is not a location where I would normally expect to see such a powerful radiation of magical power, at least not magic born of the Art."
Danica absolutely caught the reference to the other magic that might be in the location they were speaking of, the tone of his voice leaving little doubt, though he moderated the sound in mid sentence. "I have a ring that has many defensive powers there. You think of it as an odd place, and so would most others. That means it might get overlooked and be very handy in dangerous circumstances."
The look on Harkhuf's face indicated that he was trying to work out the physics of a ring between Danica's legs, and was having little success in doing so.
"It is pierced through my hood," Danica revealed with a laugh.
He laughed with just a hint of nervousness. "I was wondering, as it did not make sense."
"I hope this conversation isn't straining any vows."
Harkhuf laughed heartily at that. "No, certainly not that. My people do not attach such excessive worry to our natural desires as do yours."
Danica glanced at the paintings of the gods that lined the room's walls, many of which were nude, the males depicting very substantial erections. "Obviously not."
"It is natural to desire, and to act upon those desires," Harkhuf said with just the faintest hints of suggestion. A twitch in his kilt offered a far stronger suggestion.
Danica felt her body shiver. "There's a lot about your people I would like to learn," Danica remarked with quite a bit more suggestion in her voice than she had actually intended. Her body was hard at work sending the exotic substances that made her desire coursing through her blood. She thought she was probably far enough away from Harkhuf that the results of the Awakening wouldn't affect him, but as aroused as she felt, she knew the small room would overcome that soon. From the look in his eyes and the change in his stance, it appeared that he was under her spell anyway.
"I would be willing to offer my assistance in your studies while you are here, as well as learn what I may as well."
Danica's desires overcame her and she moved in close, seeing Harkhuf shiver and stiffen slightly as she approached.
"You have been Awakened," he said softly.
Danica nodded. "Without my knowledge, yes. Is that a problem?"
"Far from it, I would think."
Danica leaned in and kissed him then, finding her kiss returned just as hungrily. "I want you," she whispered breathlessly in his ear.
"As do I desire you."
With those words, Danica felt the momentary disorientation of teleportation jolt her body, and they were somewhere else. Danica had no idea where they were, but there was a bed here and that's all she cared to know at this moment.
Danica tugged at Harkhuf's kilt, freeing it from his body in one swift movement. She moaned contentedly when she saw his erection fully revealed. It was long, not overly thick, uncut, and pointed straight out from his body at an almost perfect ninety degree angle.
Harkhuf wasted no time in removing Danica's linen gown either, pulling it open with skilled hands and almost instantly reaching up to grasp her breasts with gentle pressure, his thumbs rubbing lightly over her stiff nipples. After a few moments of hefting her heavy breasts, Harkhuf lay Danica down on the bed. Danica parted her legs, and he used one of them to guide her over onto her side. He then pulled her close to the edge of the bed and lifted the leg he was using to guide her up high. As soon as he put her in this position, Harkhuf pressed the tip of his stiff member against her nether lips.
Danica sighed contentedly as she watched his shaft disappear inside her in one smooth thrust. The position in which he took her and the unique straight angle of his erection served to hit her deep in places she quickly found were very sensitive.
As he stroked her, Danica discovered that he was able to change the angle of his penetration simply by moving her up thrust leg left or right. He did so often, and soon Danica's body was on fire from the continuous change in powerful stimulation.
Danica moaned encouragement to him as her pleasure mounted. He continued to penetrate her with full, measured thrusts, and he appeared in complete control from what Danica could see. Danica was nearly to her peak, and he looked ready to send her to several more.
Sensing Danica was near climax, Harkhuf tightly grasped her leg hard to increase the speed and power of his thrusts. The effect on Danica was immediate and intense. She cried out with each hard penetration and gasped with each withdrawal. A subtle pull on her leg to the left put his shaft, slick with her juices, into direct contact with Danica's clit on each thrust. It took only a pair of strokes after that for Danica's body to erupt.
A long, loud scream burst from Danica as her body contracted in orgasm. Harkhuf continued to pound her hard for a few thrusts, and then slowly eased off until he was barely stroking while Danica's orgasm played out. He let her leg fall into a relaxed position as she recovered, leaving his cock buried about halfway inside her.
Once Danica partially recovered her wits, she looked up at Harkhuf and let out a slightly animalistic moan, licking her lips. She then pulled both of her knees up close to her chest and grasped behind them. Harkhuf smiled and pushed inside her once more.
Danica's eyes rolled up in her head as his buried shaft set off an aftershock of ecstasy. He left his throbbing erection buried deep inside her for a few moments, and then returned to his previous steady, measured pace.
"Oh yes — give it to me," Danica loudly moaned. Once again, the straight angle of his cock hit her deep in places that were new and exciting. Danica quickly built toward climax again, the pressure within her even stronger this time. Danica could also see in Harkhuf's eyes that he was beginning to lose control.
At first, Harkhuf altered the angle of his thrusts every few strokes, but now he was simply slamming home and gasping each time his tip reached her depths. Danica drew near an explosion, her head thrashing back and forth as she screamed, "Yes!" Her breasts bounced hard under his assault.
Everything except the sound of Danica's rapidly beating heart went silent for just a moment, a reddish light quickly growing in intensity behind her closed eyelids. Then the world snapped back into focus as she screamed and arched her back. Her hot fluids gushed from her, squirting out around Harkhuf's cock, and Danica continued to thrash and scream as her orgasm took complete control of her body.
Moments later, Danica felt him pull free of her. Looking down, she saw him stroking his cock over her belly. Danica loudly gasped, "Inside me!"
Harkhuf half smiled and slipped deep inside her sheath once more with a loud gasp. He grabbed her thighs and rapidly pounded his cock home, setting off another strong wave of orgasm in Danica. She squirted once again around him, and then felt his cum flooding her depths.
They remained joined and quaking from their climaxes for several moments before Harkhuf had to pull free from her, his knees unable to support him. Danica let her legs drop over the edge of the bed as he turned to lie down heavily upon it as well.
Danica looked down as she basked in the dreamy afterglow, seeing Harkhuf's slowly softening cock still pointing straight up at the sky, although starting to lean slightly now as he lost his steel. "I've never seen one so straight like that before. You felt wonderful."
"As did you," Harkhuf gasped. "You'll likely find that all who have the means amongst my people will be the same. It emulates the gods, and is much desired."
"How is it done?"
"There is some magic involved, but much of it has to do with the pleasure servants. The angle of a man's member is shaped in his youth, when he pleasures himself frequently. Those with the means provide pleasure servants who service the frequent needs of a young man, carefully guiding his young flesh to emulate the gods. He is held straight in a tight grip while being stimulated with the mouth, most often for as much as an hour, then given release inside the pleasure servant's depths. Again, the servant carefully controls the angle at which he enters her, and after a year or so, the phallus takes on its godly aspect. I have not been given my release inside a woman's warm depths since that time, until you blessed me with that gift a few moments ago."
"The pleasure servants come from the temple of Quadesis?"
Harkhuf nodded. "Yes, that is how I knew of the Awakening. All of the pleasure servants have been Awakened."
"I wonder if I can awaken you to hardness again," Danica remarked with a crooked smile.
"I have little doubt that you will be able to do that shortly."
They coupled once again not long after, and then returned to the baths in the temple to wash before Danica departed with copies of two healing spells from the inner library.
"I believe your sister has returned to her shop Devan. She suddenly reappeared to my questing magic a few moments ago, and appears to be there."
"Thank you Zoraster, I appreciate your help," Devan said before teleporting to the familiar environs of her sister's dusty shop.
Danica walked out of the sealed vault just as Devan teleported in. "What brings you here Devan?"
"My sister missing for years who hasn't even gone to say goodbye to our mother yet," Devan replied.
"We said our goodbyes years ago, Devan. We knew this was coming. I only just found out. I'll go pay my respects and see Dad and our little brother soon."
"Where in the world have you been? Your shop has been sitting here gathering dust for years."
Danica smiled. "I found a man — a teacher and mentor who is actually showing me how to use my powers. I'm not just a dabbler anymore, I can work real magic now. He is also the most wonderful man I've ever met. We're engaged to be married."
Devan smiled slightly at that, with just faintest hints of both amusement and bitterness in the grin. "That's nice, but does he keep you locked in a cage when he's not instructing you or bedding you? You could have sent word to someone — let us know."
Danica flushed with anger. "My life is my own to lead. I don't have to ask Father's permission to go on a date anymore. I'm a big girl now, Devan."
"We were worried, Danica. You just vanished without a word."
"How long was it before you even knew I was gone? A year? Perhaps two? It's not like you come to visit that often."
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This is the fourth chapter in Amber's story, it is mainly fantasy on my behalf and I am enjoying every minute of it. I intend to turn my Amber into the filthiest whore I can, for us all to enjoy. Maybe then I can write some of her true stories milder but still exciting. Amber wore the outfit of a common street whore stockings short black high split skirt sheer blouse with a quarter cup bra, nipples hard and painted with bright red lipstick, her lips were painted with the same lipstick...
Hi readers this is another for you. Please remember that cocks and cunts are made for each other and when you are lucky you get the right thing for you. This time I will tell you about my fucking experience with my cousin dimple. Dimple was 18 at that time and I was 22.i felt attracted towards her when I used to meet her and she also used to behave very boldly with me when we used to meet. My mama used to live in a metro. We used to visit him in our vacations. That year when we went there and I...
I come home early from work, I'm not expecting my wife to be home, so I just kick off my shoes and head up upstairs. Halfway up the stairs I stop... I think I hear something... I did, could it be true? It sounds a lot like my wife moaning, and, in the 'throes of passion' moaning. I stand stock still and listen intently. Yes definitely, I can hear her moan, and sigh, the gentle release of breath, the noises of pleasure as she starts to give herself over to the feeling of sex. I wonder what she's...
Things Get Wetter On a late summer weekend all were gathered at Brad and Cara’s country house, sitting around the pool nude as usual, drinking beer and softer beverages. Emily leaned over to Frank and said, “This scene reminds me that we haven’t had watersports games with the youngsters. Follow my lead...” She stood up and announced loudly, “I’ve really got to pee. Who wants it?” Frank quickly replied, “I do!”, and laid down on his back on the grass. Emily squatted over his crotch and let...
I had lost my virginity two years ago, and was not entirely impressed. I hardly felt the first guy and the second one lasted all of five minutes. Now I was eighteen and blossoming, and I was ready. I didn’t just want to sleep with someone again; I wanted to try something new. I have always been adventurous. My name is Dianna and I am about 5'5' light skin and light brown hair. My eyes are hazel. I have a perfect hour glass figure, 34 B cup and a round ass that amounts to a decent handful. I...
AnalIntroduction: This story was written for my wife to enhance our sex life. This story fulfills her fantasys. I walked into the store a saw Richard looking really down and asked him what was wrong. Richard told me that he just found out his wife was cheating on him and didnt know what to do. I told him how sorry I was and invited him over for some drinks and a movie so my wife Carla and I could take his mind of everything. I told him the kids were at their aunts so he would not have to worry...
Saturday, July 10, 1971 It was decided that Princess Grace and Caroline would spend the night in Anna and Luisa’s room. Fortunately, the princess’s assistant, Brigit, had been able to comb through the rubble of the Imperial Suite and bring both royals what they would need for the night. Meanwhile, the hotel management had quickly boarded up the two shattered windows, and then sealed the room. Decisions on where to locate everything else were put off until tomorrow. It was early morning now,...
After Tonya calmed down, Nancy pulled her boot back on, then put her arm around the still-shaking ex-skater, guiding her out into the hall. They walked, Tonya's legs wobbly from her ordeal, to a room with a bed in it. Nancy motioned to it. "Sit." Tonya sat; the bed was nice and soft, and she waited quietly for Nancy to explain what would happen next... "I told you I'd stop the pain if you gave me pleasure, Tonya; now, you get to do it. Undress me, so that you can worship my...
Daryl Babson probably wasn't the worst neighbor in the world, but he was certainly the worst neighbor John had ever had. When Daryl wasn't throwing old washing machines into his back yard, he was playing loud acid rock through tinny speakers and getting stoned on his back porch. John had talked to Daryl once or twice. Daryl was a little below medium height, thin with stringy blonde hair. He told John that he worked on the janitorial staff at Miskatonic University. "Some of the shit...
Mom and I spend every Thursday night together as you may know reading my other post regarding our times together. Yesterday was special she took off work and we spent the whole day and night together as mom and daughter. We went for a ride in the mountains had lunch at an small town inn. There were 6 others there and they all were looking at us as we sat next to each other in a booth exchanging quick kisses and our hands on each others legs. Just mom and daughter in love. She was wearing a...
Hi to all Indian sex stories readers my name is Guddu apne meri pahli kahani first time with sister padhi apko kesi lagi iska reply apne diya kafi accha laga. Ab main apko apni next story batlata hoon. Jaisa ki aap log jante hain ki main kafi samradh pariwar se belong karta hoon. Is liye business ke liye kafi baar India ke bahar bhi jana padhta hain. Mujhe apni sister seema bohot acchi lagti hain. Main seema ko kai baar chod chukka hoon. Ab seema ek expiriance ladki ban chuki hain mera matlab...
Copyright 2015 This book is entirely fiction. Any names, dates, or places are completely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any way or form without the written consent of the author. 1. An unplanned alien meeting. It all started when I was seventeen. I...
The story goes like this: It so happened that there was a sale going on in a Saree showroom in a prominent showroom in the posh shopping market of our area and I had purchased a few sarees for myself. The last day of the sale was on a Sunday when the whole market was closed but for the purpose of ending sale, the showrooms kept open. Since I had to change a saree bought earlier and also I wanted to purchase some more, I was getting ready to go there. I had asked my husband to drop me there...
It took only a second for me to recognize her at the other end of the bar, because she looked the same, even though I hadn’t seen her for 20 years. I felt a stirring at my crotch, and it made me laugh to myself. Catherine was turning me on as if I were still a pimply teenager. I had aged a lot more than she had, and I wondered if she recognized me. She was with a large, well-built young man. As I looked at her, I daydreamed. I had never hooked up with her, although I had wanted to. And...
Bobby was distracted most of the school day Monday. All he could think about was meeting Kim after school and developing the nude pictures of her he’d taken the day before. What made his daydreams even more distracting was that he was sure more than the pictures would develop as they worked in the darkroom. Assistant Principal Doreen Ingalls was distracted, too. Although she was happy with her developing relationship with Lois Tillman, she kept thinking about Lois’s detailed description of...
My fantasies are becoming more intense. I am so ashamed of what I yearn to become. I have been dressing for a couple of months now and was pretty good at looking like a whore but still not good on make up. I decided to get a sleazy motel room in A bad area of Columbus oh and lock myself in the room and work on it before putting on my group goggles and watching hypno porn and fucking myself with the dildo I brought. This was a bigger black dildo as I find black men so sexy. It is not their looks...
It was well liked. Peter and Jennifer came back out together, her looking in love with him now... SID I don’t want to talk small talk Now that I am alone with you I don’t want to talk small talk We have got bigger things to do Let’s not talk of the weather Or the fashions for the fall Why don’t you stop all this small talk? I have got something better for your lips to do And that takes no talk at all BABE I have got to buy me a dressy dress, the one that I have is such a mess! SID Small...
I had let my wife back in and new her friend a little she asked if Sarah could stay the night I agreed and went to get them a drink. I was a little longer than some times as I remembered to go out and put car away. On my return to the living room I am met by the two woman making out naked on the couch. Sarah and Sue had there tongues working on the others clit, clearly they were so horny they could not stop. I sat down and enjoyed the show and when they came up for air Sue said to me Sarah has...
BisexualI’m sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender as I wait for you to show up, my heart racing with excitement thinking about the events to come. As I ask for another drink, I feel your strong arms wrap around my waist and your lips on my neck. I let out a soft moan before turning to face you. I look into your gorgeous hazel eyes, and say “Excuse me, do I know you?” You look at me with question in your eyes and I smile mischievously at you. You realize what I’m up to and say to me, “I’m...
Straight SexSteve left work early. Ever since Debby and Bobby moved in with his ex-wife and her new husband he’d been missing his son and daughter terribly. And on days like today, he missed them so much he could barely concentrate on work. Having them only two weekends a month wasn’t enough, and it was another week and half before they’d be back. Being as nice a day as it was, he figured he could spend the afternoon puttering around his large yard to keep active and let his mind clear out a little....
It was late at night as he drove down the street and saw her walking alone. She was about twenty years old and her mini skirt barely covered her big round ass. Her tits were tight against her too small t-shirt. His cock got hard just watching so he pulled his care over to her and said "Do you need a ride pretty girl?" She smiled and said "That would be nice." She opened the door and got in and he could see she was very pretty. She did not sit close to the door but in the middle of the seat near...
Adventures of a bored Dublin wife. Part 3,SarahI had been enjoing my new found sexual freedom with other men for a while.I had two regualar fuck buddies giving me more sex than I ever had in my life.Sex with my hubby Jack was even better than it had been in years.Probably due to my increased enthusiasm I suppose.Course usually I was imagining that it was someone elses cock inside me.Most times now if I was horny in bed I would tell Jack to rub his cock on my arse.I would lie face down while he...
Annie and I squeezed into bed beside the soundly sleeping Julie and held each other as we drifted off, it was her who woke us in the morning getting dressed, "I think I've got flu'" she said miserably, her voice just a croak, "I need to go home and get to bed" "Stay here, we'll look after you, doctor Dave and nurse Annie at your service" "Aw bless you both you're lovely, but I'd better go or my mum will get worried, thanks for a smashing time, I'll see you when I'm...
It was late afternoon as Beth stepped from her office into the cool evening air. Autumn was closing in, evidenced by the goose bumps rising on her bare arms and the involuntary shiver riding up her back."Night Beth," her colleague, Barry called, also on his way out. "Brrrrr, you'll need to wrap up warm tonight!"That's what he thought. Jonny, Beth's newly found beau, had preoccupied her thoughts all day. The vision of his taught naked body, powerful arms and that unbelievable penis was all the...
From Nowhere (c) 2007-2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it unmodified on any noncommercial site or list. ----- This business started on a Saturday in July, when Michelle telephoned me at home. I was pretty well pleased to hear from her; we had gone out together three times, but this was the first time she had called me rather...
It was late Sunday afternoon and we had been waiting for this moment. My wife yelled, “Lew, my water broke.” I grabbed the bag and went out and started the car, like a fool leaving her to lock up the house. Going to the hospital it seemed we were hitting every red light. I got frustrated and when the cross traffic thinned out scooted through the lights. Any other time I’d have gotten a ticket. As usual, when you needed one…no cop. When we got there and got her checked in, after about half an...
Gay MaleIt was quarter to 12. The door bell rang and she got up and went to the door. It was her friend Carmen. Carmen was there to pick her up. They were going to a movie after lunch. She said, "We can't go yet. I have to feed my brother." Carmen looked at her. "You've got to be kidding me," she said. "No," Stephanie said grinning. "It's not quite what you think." Stephanie looked at Carmen standing there. They had been friends for years. Carmen was black, tall, long black hair and a...
For those who don’t know me, my name is Jay (changed) currently 30 years old now well settled in my own business from Mumbai. This is my 1st story (part 5) and many more are going to come. More about myself. I was 150kgs till the last year. Then suddenly somebody from my business friends motivated me to get fit and be healthy as he had faced the consequences of being overweight. And so I started my journey. A year back in Sept 2017 I joined the gym and started freestyle workouts for losing...
The Discipline Correspondence School. Chapter 2. At 2.50pm Ray (Tammy’s master) arrived and took a seat close by the War memorial in St James Park and waited. With only one minute to go he spotted Tammy walking quickly towards the memorial, where she then stood with her back to him. Quietly he stood. Formed his right hand into an imitation gun and silently approached. Sticking the finger into her back he said “Don’t Move!” She froze, and did not try to run. She had no idea what her master...
Fetish"Count backwards slowly," the man said from behind his green surgical mask. The cool air smelled funny. "... 100... 99... 98..." "... 98... 97... 90 ... Mmmm..." I awoke sometime later, wrapped up in warm sheets and feeling fuzzy all over. It seemed so quiet in that room, a yellow room, sunshine yellow and pleasant and I didn't want to move. I couldn't move and I had to find my way through a soft fog to remember where I was and what I was doing. I wondered where my Master was,...
It was a long winter for Dennis and Kim Cashman. Stuck in their Midwestern, upper middle class home while snow fell all around them, they could only dream of vacations and relaxation. Work d**g on, sometimes complicated by treacherous drives over icy roads.Their daughter Erin, now nineteen and a college freshman, was in the Spring break mood. This was not unlike her normal weekend mood—hungry for alcohol and guys.So it was with great anticipation that the Cashmans decided to return to the...
Hi mera naam Bhabani hai, I’m from Bangalore lekin mera ghar Orissa ke berhampur hai, iss ko mein saal pehle suru kiya tha aj 1st stori likh raha hun kyun ki mere pas koi jariya nhi tha likh ne ke liye aj jariya mila hai to stori likha hun or mera age avi hai 24 and mein aapna 1st sex kese kiya tha is par likh raha hun jada boring na kar ke stori par ata hun Un dino ki bat hai jab me 18 saal ka tha and mera 10 exam khatam hua tha. Aap ne ghar ke 2 gahr chod ke ek aunty rahti thi mein unka...
Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened. I dropped Amy at her hotel doorstep and left. (From here on the narrative is from Amy’s perspective) Amy was still searching for the room keys. Amy: Where did I leave my key? I’m...