You Only Live TwiceChapter 6 free porn video

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"Lizzie, will you PLEASE sit up straight and take a look around! This is the fourth time that I've passed this house!"

She shook her head, the movement causing my dick to jiggle in her mouth.

"Lizzie... "

She removed her mouth and gave the base a squeeze. "I'm sure that you can follow directions, Josh."

"I'm following your directions perfectly."

"Then what's the problem?" She tongued the head, causing it to jerk involuntarily.

"The problem is that your directions are wrong."

She gave me a 'humph' and playfully bit my earlobe. "Just because you said that, I'm not putting out tonight."

I turned and gave her a kiss. "I think that you've already put out enough for one night."

She giggled and resumed with her blowjob. I sighed. Here we are lost in suburbia and she's gone cock-crazy. It was strange how the houses that I have seen in this neighborhood only constituted as middle higher class. I would've imagined Lizzie's parents to live in some huge mansion located in an upscale area. As the car closed in on an intersection I squinted to see the words on the sign.

"Paliase is coming up. Left or right?"

All I could hear was the sound of her mouth going up and down.

"Lizzie! Left or Right?!"

She stopped just long enough to answer me. "Right."

I came to a dead-end. On my right was a house that was slightly larger than the rest. It fits Lizzie's description of her parents' house. "What's the number again?"

"Aiegh tu ero hore," she mumbled around my shaft.

I rolled my eyes in frustration at her reluctance to stop. "820... 9?"


"8204?" She nodded. "Serve you right if I castrate myself one day," I remarked as I pulled up onto the driveway.

She looked up at me. "Don't joke about such things," she said with mock horror. She wiggled my cock. "Want to come one last time before we go in and start your two-day period of celibacy?"

I took her head in my hands. "I think I'm all out of body fluids for one day."

She laughed. We both rearranged our clothes, returning to a state of decency. I opened my door, exited the car, and walked over to the other side. I opened Lizzie's door with a flourish.

"We have arrived, milady," I announced in a drone tone.

Lizzie lifted a perfectly sculptured leg and placed it out. She rested a hand on the hem of her dress and tugged slowly up, revealing mouth-watering thighs. Giggling, she offered her hand up to me. I took it firmly and kissed it, and she pulled herself up. She pressed herself against me as I slipped my other arm around her. The cold night air blew her hair every which way. I took off my jacket, placed it around her shoulders, and then studied her face with the illumination provided by a full moon in the night sky.

"You are so beautiful."

She blushed and rested her head against my shoulder. We walked up to the door and she unlocked it with a key in her purse. The double door opened to reveal a darkened living room. Lizzie entered, but I hesitated, suddenly feeling very ill at ease. Noting my reluctance, she smiled at me.


"No. Yes." I shook my head, trying to steady my nerves. "I don't know."

She took my hand and gently led me in. Kissing me, her lips were soft and moist. "Don't worry," she whispered. "I'll protect you."

Although still uneasy, I smiled anyways, putting on a face to reassure her. She led me up the grandiose staircase into the dark hallway.

I woke up with a start, my deep sleep disturbed by a horrible nightmare. It seemed so real; the flash of the nuzzle, the loud noise, the sharp, biting pain. I could feel my body covered with sweat. Sitting up, I ran a hand through my hair. It was drenched in sweat as well.

"Josh? Are you all right?"

I startled at my name, but quickly recognized the voice as Lizzie's. "Yeah. I'm ok." I leaned down to kiss her. "Sorry to have woke you up."

"No problem," she said as she cuddled against me. "Why are you up so ear... " I felt her hands on me. "My god! You're sweating like hell!" The lamp on her side of the bed was immediately turned on. "And you're flushed!" She placed a hand on my forehead. "Are you sick?"

"No, I'm not sick. Seriously, Lizzie, don't worry about me. Just a nightmare I had."

"Nightmare? But you never have nightmares."

I shrugged, then smiled at her. "Chalk it up to nervousness, I guess."

"Nervousness." I could read skepticism all over her face.

"Sure. Here I am dressed only in boxers, with a beautiful girl." I lay back down. "And in bed in her parents' house to boot. I think that would make any man nervous."

She slapped me playfully on the shoulder. "Blatant flattery ain't gonna get you any nookie. We've already established that." She moved in closer. "But don't worry. I'll make it up to you when we get back."

"Can't wait."

We stayed in each other's arms for a while.

"Seriously, Josh. What was the nightmare about?"

Not wanting to alarm her, I lied. "I dreamed that your dad came after me with a shotgun after discovering me and you like this."

She laughed. "You'll love daddy, Josh. He's very much like you."

A door clicked out in the hall. Footsteps could be heard, as could a loud yawn.

"That should be dad. He goes for an early morning jog every day."

"That sure sounds like something I use to do." I sighed in feigned distress. "Of course, that was before I met you. Nowadays, I would stay in bed for the better part of the mornings recuperating from doing god-only-knows-what the previous night."

"You don't like 'doing' me?" she asked, giggling.

I kissed her on the forehead. "Of course I do, Lizzie. More than anything in the world." We cuddled for a while. "So what's your plan for surprising your dad?"

"Nothing too fancy. Just cooking breakfast for him." She got out of bed. "Which I should get started on."

I took notice of what she wore. Or rather, I took notice of her delectable butt as bent over to look for her slippers. "Don't forget to put on a robe. It feels chilly."

She walked over and kissed me. "You even talk like daddy, Josh. Come down later for breakfast, ok?"

I smiled and promised her that I would. She opened her bedroom door and walked out, blowing me a kiss. I kept my smile up until I heard her going down the stairs. I closed my eyes, letting my mind going back to the nightmare. It's not that I don't have them, but this one was just so vivid. The ringing was still vibrating in my ear. I could even now feel the dull aching beside my right nipple.

No use worrying over some dream, I told myself. I got up and took out some sweats out of my overnight bag. After washing up in the bathroom (Lizzie's bedroom had its own!), I went downstairs.

"Hey you," Lizzie greeted from the kitchen.

"Hey yourself."

She held up a mug. "Black ok? It's probably not as good as JoJo's though."

I took the mug from her and set it down on the counter. "I'm sure that it's perfect," I assured her as I wrapped my arms around her. She kissed me.

Suddenly I heard a door closing behind me. "I don't know who you are, buddy, but you had better get your hands off my precious daughter so she can give her dear old dad a hug!"

Lizzie turned around with a squeal. "Daddy!" She ran toward a middle-aged man dressed in sweats like mine. The man opened his arms and Lizzie jumped into them.

"I knew immediately when I saw that blue Mercedes out in front that my little girl was back!"

I watched their joyful reunion with a little pain and jealousy. It's been almost two years since I had last seen my dad alive. Before the car accident...

"I think you need to introduce us, Beth."

I was jerked out of my thoughts as Lizzie pulled her dad towards me. "Daddy, this is Joshua Shepard." She turned toward me. "Josh, this is my dad, Richard Kristensen."

I extended a hand. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, sir."

He shook my hand. It was a strong handshake, open and full of warmth. "Wish I could say the same, son, but my daughter here never calls, never writes." He ruffled her hair. "I swear it's like you send them off to college and they forget that you even exist." I immediately found myself liking the man.

Lizzie blushed. "Sorry, daddy."

He let out a deep-bellied laugh. "It's great to meet you too, son. But drop the 'sir' nonsense. You can call me Richard." He glanced slyly at Lizzie, and then at me. "Or, if you prefer, you can call me 'dad'."

"DAD!" Lizzie cried indignantly.

I smiled. "Nothing would give me greater pleasure, sir."

"Ho! He's a witty one, Elizabeth!" He laughed again, but shook a finger at me. "Remember what I said about the 'sir'."

"Sorry si... " He scowled. "I mean... umm... Richard."

"Well," Lizzie puffed. "I'll let you men talk." She walked past me, giving me a quick kiss.

"So. Fill me in on how you two met." Richard sat down and indicated to a chair next to his.

I sat down. "Well, si... Richard, Lizzie and I... "

"Whoa there! Back up one second." He shook his head. "Who's 'Lizzie'?! Her name is Elizabeth, or Beth."

"I'm sorry, Richard, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to insist on my way on this issue. Your daughter will always be Lizzie to me."

He squinted his eyes at me. I was scared shitless under his eyes, but he pushed it aside with a laugh that echoed throughout the kitchen. I turned around to glance confusingly at Lizzie. She gave me a thumb up sign.

"I like a man who has his own ideas. Ok, son. She's Lizzie to you."

I smiled weakly and continued with my account of our first meeting. Lizzie came over to us with a plate of pancakes, sausage, and bacon. She set the plate down, then sat down on my lap. Richard was an attentive listener, and nodded at a few points.

"That's great," he commented at the end. "So why are you two really up here for? I don't think that you're here to just visit this old man. God only knows how many times I've already tried to get you to visit, Beth. The truth." He added when Lizzie opened her mouth.

"Well, Richard. The thing is that... ummm... " I was tongue-tied. How did one tell a father that one's moving in with his daughter?

"Daddy, we came to tell you that we've decided to move in together."

Time stopped for me, as did my heart.

"Move in together?" he echoed with a frown. "But you two've only known each other for... what is it... four months?" He shook his head. "Seems like you two are moving a little too fast."

Lizzie opened her mouth to retort, but I interrupted. "Sir, I realize your concern, and agree with you completely." I tightened my arms around Lizzie. "But the truth is that I love your daughter. Completely and absolutely. I plan to marry her someday."

I had the pleasure watching the surprise creep on his face.

She looked up at me. "Josh?"

I kissed her on the forehead. "I mean it, Lizzie. I love you."

Her lips quivered. "I love you, too," she returned softly, laying her head on my chest.

"Well, I must say that you're a man after my own heart." He looked me straight in the eyes. I held his gaze with my own, every bit as unwavering. He nodded with approval.

"I've always prided myself to be a good judgment of character. And I see before me a man good and decent and sincere in his words. If my daughter chooses so then I have no problem with it. But I'm warning you." He picked up a solid silver spoon and slowly bent it... with two fingers. Then he bent it back into shape. "If you ever hurt my daughter in any way, I'll personally hunt you down to the ends of the earth. Neither time, distance, nor God himself will be able to save you from me. Do I make myself clear, son?"

I nodded. "Crystal, sir. And believe me when I say that the warning is unnecessary."

The stern expression on his face cracked as he smiled broadly. "Good. Now. Have you planned on how to break this to Beth's mother?"

Lizzie turned to him. "I was hoping that you could talk to her first, daddy. You know, wear her down a little."

He gave her a tense smile. "Ummm... Ok, baby. I'll talk to the old she-beast for ya. But I don't know if it'll do any good."

I grimaced at this. Here was a man who had just threatened me with severe bodily harm and he's scared of this woman. I was beginning to seriously reconsider putting this off until the Christmas party. At least then there'll be a house full of witnesses.

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Liverpool Cabbie

Im a married cabbie from Liverpool. About 6 months ago i picked up 2 girls near the town centre late, they were quite drunk singing and both very sexy. They had been on a works night out and said they worked at a dental practice that was local.They were very loud laughing but making small talk when one of them said "Do you think my mates fit shes single?" I laughed and said of course but didnt know which girl said it. They both had dark hair and one leaned forward saying can we go a garage she...

1 year ago
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Susan Finds Bliss in Liverpool

My name is Susan Smart, I am a petite blond, looking fit to fuck at forty-three years of age, so they tell me. I divorced in my thirties and lived happily with my daughter Debbie until she married her long-term boyfriend Mike last year.I have enjoyed relationships with both sexes, including my boss, daughter, and her mother-in-law. I am addicted to corporal punishment since my school experiences and it plays a massive part in my life.I have an active sex life which usually includes my caning...

4 years ago
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A Little Adventure in Liverpool

Me and my twin sister had nothing when we were kids, our clothes were all from jumble sales and baths were only taken when our parents thought the social services were coming to take us away, well they wanted what little bit of money we bought in didn't they? We shared a bed upstairs in the attic and in winter we had to sleep in our clothes under a couple of old flea infested army greatcoats. Christmas for us meant watching other kids out playing with their presents, we never got any of our...

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oliver teases his sister 4

I plopped on the couch, trying to figure out what just happened. Why had she gotten so mad She pretty much willingly stripped for me. But when I kissed her, she got pissed at me I shook my head. Pulling my legs onto the sofa, I finished the movie and tried to forget about Miracle and her mixed signals. Hours later, I heard footsteps. By now, it was pretty late; around one in the morning. Miracle walked in the room, and sat down by me. I glanced at her. She was staring at the television....

3 years ago
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Oliver and Emilie Wright

"For godssakes stop the silly crying, Oliver, and be a man. So Billy screwed me. So what? It isn't like it means a damn thing," said Emilie. "It made me feel good and didn't hurt you or us one little bit." "I'm not crying. I've just got something in my eye. But, as for the rest of it, it means plenty to me, and in case you actually give a damn it did hurt me. And also in case you actually give a damn there is the indisputable fact that this marriage is over," I said. "Oh, pooh,"...

3 years ago
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Sliver in My Heart

Sliver in my Heart By Kyrie Hobson This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2010 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including...

3 years ago
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Liver And Cheese

Liver And Cheese Synopsis:Shows that even the animal stars in Hollywood have secrets. [-][+][-] One day there were three male dogs: a Collie from the Lassie series, a Golden Retriever from the Air Bud movies and the Taco Bell Chihuahua trying to win the heart of a lady poodle. She said, "I will go with the one of you that can make the best use of the words 'liver & cheese in a sentence." Lassie went first saying, " Like liver & cheese." Then Bud said ,"I hate liver...

2 years ago
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You Only Live Once

"Mary, I think you ought to sleep with my husband." The sluggish overhead fan had completed quite a few revolutions in the humid tropical air before Mary's synapses could fully cope with that one. She became aware that her jaw was sagging, and that her copy of Time magazine had slipped from her grasp. She had been in the middle of the cover story, "Nixon re-elected!", when Virginia Allen had dropped her bombshell. They were the only two teachers left in the staffroom, as they had a free...

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oliver teases his sister 3

Miracle laughed. “Calm down, Oliver. Nothing’s off yet.” I huffed. “Easy for you to say.” With that, she got back to her task. Miracle slid her shirt off of her head and tossed it on the floor beside her. We never bathed together when we were younger; or anything like that. Occasionally, I got a few peeks. However, I have never seen her topless before. Her breasts weren’t very large. She was a B, or so. But, I liked it that way. Miracle turned around and shook her butt a little...

2 years ago
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Delivering Dominance Book 3 Coordinating Deliveries

The day after bringing Kelly and Lori together, and withholding a precious orgasm from Lori, Teamwork app notifications showed that Kelly and Lori were both following directions. Lori uploaded her first fantasy journal and picture. I’ve always had the fantasy of having sex in the backseat of a moving vehicle. You know, like my husband driving the car while I’m 69 in the backseat with another woman…or, riding some guys cock, sometimes I want it to be reverse cowgirl, so I can see my husband...

2 years ago
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I found my moms OnlyFans account

My mom always told me she was a realtor and owned multiple properties, a few homes and apartments. I never had a reason to question her, but now I did. She said she had a meeting this morning with a few buyers and would be home late. I decided to check her room. I know it was wrong, but I did it anyway. I walked in and it was just a normal room. It was just me and my mom, and we had a good-sized house in a great neighborhood. Her master room was big, there was the full bathroom, walk in...

1 year ago
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Night In Liverpool

My old boyfriend wanted me to fuck others when we were together and then to tell him about it while he fucked me with my cunt full of other mens cum, I always told him that he was outta his goddam mind as I was'nt on the pill and did'nt want to get pregnant. But one weekend whilst visiting Shiela, an old university friend in Liverpool, that all changed. We went out night clubbing and got quite drunk. Two guys came over and started chatting us up, they said thier names were Kieth and Simon....

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E10 Paola Muto 27 from Liverpool

Once again, we fade in on our bedroom set. That rusty bedstead, the filthy stained mattress ... The harsh lighting. Anyone watching will appreciate that this really is the last place a woman would want to be ... Yet they seem to be lining up to appear on the show ... Case in point – We hear the clicking of heels as this week’s guest walks onto the set. We whip the camera around and see something amazing walking toward us ... The first thing we notice is the dead straight, navel length,...

3 years ago
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Olivers Vacation Fantasy

Before you read this, know this didnt actually happen. the first part of the story is true, but after we arrived to our hotel the story then becomes Olivers fantasy. He wrote this for me one night at work and I just had to share. It turned me on so much I knew it would turn others on too! Hope you love it as much as I did.It had been a long time since Briley and I had been able to get a weekend away. We had planned 3 nights away in a town about 7 hours away. Booking a hot tub suite in a hotel …...

2 years ago
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Chicken Lilly Liver

I’ve always enjoyed having a playful wife. Even after 30 years, she makes me laugh and smile whether with me or with our kids. She has a way about her that instantly draws people in. This is not a ‘sex’ story. Just one of our typical Sunday night adventures with a sexy twist. She got the best of me and created a great memory. I hope you enjoy. — ‘OH CRUD!’ I screamed in my own head. My eyes opened and I sat up in bed. Heather, startled and falling off me, panicked. ‘WHAT?’ she gasped …...

3 years ago
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Wedding Night ndash Olive and Liam

Wedding Night – Olive and Liam*Olive’s story…Olive was a sweet little femboy standing in front of the bathroom mirror getting ready. His makeup was completed and his large beautiful dark eyes shone brightly as he examined himself. His true love waited on the other side of the door. The man was taking Olive on a special trip tomorrow to get married. But the wedding night was tonight… in just a few minutes in fact. He was so excited he could hardly breathe. He was wearing the special outfit...

1 year ago
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Stumpy and Olive

As usual, I don't have any idea where this one came from. "Happy birthday, bro." It was a paid subscription to a dating service. A really high priced service, with guarantees of strict confidentiality and carefully screened members. I wasn't smiling. She saw. "Come on now, don't be like that. It's been fourteen months. Have you even gone on a date since then?" "That's your business how, exactly?" She stood up and towered over me. Man I hated that. Being eight inches shorter...

3 years ago
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A Night Blake Lively Will Never Forget

After a long day of filming for her television show ‘Gossip Girl’, Blake Lively arrived home around 8:00 in the evening. It had been an unusually cold day in Los Angeles and she was wearing a long black trench coat, which she quickly dropped to the ground the second she stepped through the door. She quickly turned around when a noise came from outside. Not seeing anything, Blake closed the door behind her and went into the kitchen to make herself dinner. She made and quickly ate a salad while...

3 years ago
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Anon Always Delivers

Posted here for one solid read through. When the story gets updated, it should be reflected here within a few hours, provided I notice. Its a quiet night... Well... let me tell you guys a story while i post some random pics.Its not a recent recent story as i wouldn't have the nerve or will power to share it if it were.And since this is done anonymously, i kinda feel better about. To start, I have just turned 20 about a week ago, and the events of this story happened at the same time...

2 years ago
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Stumpy and Olive

As usual, I don’t have any idea where this one came from. ***** ‘Happy birthday, bro.’ It was a paid subscription to a dating service. A really high priced service, with guarantees of strict confidentiality and carefully screened members. I wasn’t smiling. She saw. ‘Come on now, don’t be like that. It’s been fourteen months. Have you even gone on a date since then?’ ‘That’s your business how, exactly?’ She stood up and towered over me. Man I hated that. Being eight inches shorter than...

1 year ago
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Delightful deliveries

Delightful deliveries By SG [email protected]        Ok, so I just discovered this whole world of bondage that before a month ago I had been completely clueless about. I just got my first set of handcuffs and I haven’t wanted to take them off since they arrived in the mail. The past couple of weeks have been so amazing but I know it could be even better. Some of the stories I’ve read online about other people’s selfbondage experiences sound incredible. From those stories I’ve gotten a lot...

4 years ago
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Missing Mom Hard Labordelivery1

Prior: bigbob1200 Missing Mom series Prior: Missing Mom –Hard Labor Ricky kidnapped Jolene and had her at home with his girlfriend Kendra. They abused her with a brutal breeding session. Ricky and Kendra take the bitch to a Poker Party to get money to pay the bills. Abused at the poker party, the next morning Doc Rosen advises rest even as he abuses her himself. Ricky and Kendra] Pimp her out, flush with money they get a delivery of movie equipment. The delivery men and then relatives join...

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Pizza Delivery0

Delivery.. > It had been a slow night, summertime was slow enough for pizza delivery, but when delivering to a hotel tips where even worse. I moved out of my parents house right after graduation and my teacher's salary didn't cover all the bills so I had a weekend job delivering for Papa John's. I was surprised by the name on the delivery slip as Wendy R. at room 240, The Hilton Garden. Mrs. R had been my guidance counselor, during my freshmen year at State college, rumor had it...

2 years ago
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Gamelive Chapter 2 Part 1

“Hey wake up!” ‘’What?! What?! Who is it!?’’ I yell out. My throat is really dry and taste like cough syrup. ‘’Cough cough’’ I clear my throat. As I adjust my eyes to what’s going on. “Hey i’m your podmate on the ship, and partner for assignments.” You can call me Slipp. As i look at the creature up and down, trying to figure out what I'm talking to and how the hell I ended up here. Last I remember was a skirmish and being shot!! Shit I was shot! I move the blanket...

4 years ago
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Pizza Delivery3

"Pizza Gioconda, my name is Mario, how can I help you today?" I answered when the phone rang. There was no answer, just a strange noise like "claf-claf-claf" I thought this might be another prank call, I had two last week. "Hello? Are you on the line? This is Mario from Pizza Gioconda, may I take your order please?" I repeated. "Oh...yeah...I 'm sorry...there are so many choices... ("claf-claf" in the background), I 'd like to order an extra-large...("claf-claf") with...

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