Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 20: Exposure free porn video

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The next morning we got an early start. Everyone was very concerned about me, and they fixed a large breakfast, but they also didn't want to focus too much attention on what was already obvious. I knew what last night represented as well as anyone, and I think they all knew I'd internalize it, which would only increase the pressures on me and likewise increase my own tensions.

Melissa asked if she could come along and watch what we did, and I didn't feel we could deny her after what we'd gone through the previous night, so we invited her along. We decided to take two cars. I'd take Cate and Kitty with me, while Gail would take Melissa with her.

We arrived at the Alice Lovett Center for Reproductive Medicine just shortly after they opened. There were already people waiting inside. When I entered there was a different girl behind the counter. I wrote down all of my information and told her why I was here. She looked over my notes while I waited for my specimen cup.

"Uh, excuse me a moment," she said, which instantly set me on edge. She picked up the phone.

"Dr. Lovett, he's here," she said simply, looking at me the whole time.

"Is there a problem?" Gail asked walking up to the counter.

"It seems the good doctor wants to speak to us," I told her.

Dr. Lovett came out about three minutes later. She ushered us over to the side so we could talk somewhat privately. The other girls came along as well. She glanced at them before turning to me.

"Yet another new girl?" she asked, arching her eyebrow curiously.

"Actually it's at least six since we were here last week, and that's not counting all those who would like to be included," Cate corrected her.

She looked at me and shook her head.

"Actually I had Linda call me because I didn't want you to have the same trouble you had the last time. Somehow I figured you'd likely have just as unusual a request as you did before. I figured I should take care of you personally."

"Actually, if he needs someone to take care of him, I'd be glad to volunteer, though I was told I wasn't allowed to assist with the 'procedure'," Kitty teased.

"You know, I do have an additional unusual request," I told her. "Let me give you a little background on why we have so many people interested in my genetic material, as it were. These girls and I share a number of unique genetic anomalies which work together in some unusual ways. They each depend on me to find and activate these traits, thus they are anxious to make sure nothing happens to me. While there are many of them, there's only one of me." At this point I stopped to see just how well she was taking this. She nodded, seeming to consider it seriously.

"Now, at some point, it's likely news of our little group might leak out to the general public. As you might imagine, there may be many who wouldn't be very appreciative of us. What's more, there are a good number of people—and corporations—who would be very interested in gaining access to my DNA. I can imagine that, in such a situation, they'd apply pressure on certain government officials to act, and they'd likely find a sympathetic judge who'd give them a court order to do whatever they wanted. Especially if they wrapped it up in a Domestic Security wrapper. What I'd really like to ask you, knowing what I'm asking you is completely out of bounds and could put you in a world of trouble, is if you could, say, accidentally mislabel my samples. Thus, if they were to come here looking for my samples for their own research purposes, they'd only find an unidentified sample from a normal guy."

She cocked her head and regarded me for a moment, which caused her hair, which was in a bunch of loose curls, to jiggle enticingly. Down boy, I told myself, you've got enough. You don't need to be looking for any more. Although I had to admit, for as much as I loved Kitty, Chalise and Cate, I had really developed an appreciation for more mature ladies.

"You know, you just get to be more and more fun each time we talk. You just can't invent stuff this entertaining. While what you are asking is completely unethical, illegal and immoral, I doubt we could be held responsible for an honest administrative mistake. I'd have to think up a good story for who should handle the samples. Not that I'd ever do such a thing you understand. You realize DNA is pretty easy to lift nowadays. They can probably grab it from a comb, dead skin from a bedspread, or they could simply compel a blood sample."

"Yeah, I'm aware of that," I conceded, holding my hands palms up. "I'm not looking to avoid all potential troubles, I'm just trying to reduce the few risks which are within my control. Anyway, I'm sorry I asked you to potentially compromise your ethics. We won't speak of this again. Now can I have my cup please?" I asked her with a smile.

She laughed, pulled one from her lab coat and handed it to me. "Do you want to modify your authorization list?"

"Nah, the same people are in charge. They can look after the rest. Thanks for everything you're doing for us, Doctor Lovett. I really appreciate it."

"Thanks, Alex. I think by now you can call me Alice. I think I'm going to grow quite fond of you. If you need a list of sympathetic clinics in other locations, just ask and I'll get it for you, although you'll probably need to make your own arrangements with each of them yourself. I'll look forward to treating your various 'girlfriends' in the future, hopefully with you in attendance to check over my work."

I managed to do my business quickly and efficiently. Cate and Melissa found another Watcher outside, so we invited her with us when we returned to the downtown area. We decided to vary the location, but only slightly. We figured we'd focus on more than just tourists by situating ourselves at Aloe Plaza, a little park with some nice water fountains and sculptures just outside Union Station, so there should be plenty of people passing nearby while we waited. While we drove there I contacted Clara, figuring it would take her a little while to get organized and meet us there.

We parked at Union Station and got situated at the public park by the fountains. Melissa volunteered to get us some coffee from a shop inside Union Station—they all seemed to think it might be too difficult for me to try to handle anyone inside the crowded terminal—so we set up shop sitting around the fountain, giving Gail a nice overview of the surrounding area. While we waited for both Clara and the coffee to arrive, Cate and I talked to the new Watcher, Kelly. Kitty watched without saying anything. As Cate went over specifics, I glanced around to see if anyone was paying any attention to me. I spotted a couple of people watching me standing outside of Union Station, so I pointed them out to Kitty to try to round up. Just as she set off, a plain white van pulled up in front of Union Station. I wouldn't have paid it any attention, but the door slid open and Clara burst from the open door to come running full tilt towards me.

"Master, Master, please Master!" she cried loudly enough for everyone around to hear. There were a lot of people still coming to and from the terminal, so she attracted a lot of attention. Cate and Kelly both looked up, and I saw Kitty stop as we all watched Clara running towards me. I sent a quick 'Shhh' to her, but it was only partially successful. She ran up and threw herself at my feet again, silent now, eyes averted, awaiting my reaction.

'Red Alert! Red Alert!' I distinctly heard Gail's warning in my head. Sitting up I scanned all around me. Seeing my motion Clara raised herself slightly.

"I brought people," she stated proudly. "Now everyone can see just how mighty you are, and you can strike fear in all your enemies."

"Oh Shit," I groaned to myself. Looking back at the van, I saw two cameramen and a female reporter with a mic in her hand.

"Cate, interference," I hissed as I jumped to my feet. In order to set up a watch over the area, we'd decided to situate me right in the center of the fountain, meaning I'd have to walk half the length of the fountain to get away. Figuring it would be close, I broke into a run trying to get away.

"Master! Master, what's wrong?" I heard Clara calling from behind me.

'You idiot, ' I mentally hissed at her. 'You don't ask Jesus to appear on a Roman Early Morning News program the day before he's to appear in Jerusalem!' I hated to both flat out reject her and call her names, but I couldn't help it. I was seriously pissed. I knew her unstable personality was going to get us into trouble, and now she'd proven me right in the worst manner possible.

Shit, I hadn't expected for Clara to arrive so soon. She must have been waiting nearby for me to contact her. Now all my plans to find new followers here were trashed. I certainly couldn't reach out to anyone when there was a news crew looking to chase me down.

'I'm not a friggin' Avenging Angel, Clara. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm just a kid, ' I insisted, while running full tilt, something I could only do telepathically. 'I'm not here to strike down nonbelievers, I'm not here to become famous, and I don't operate on YOUR schedule, ' I continued angrily as I tried to figure out how to respond.

"Excuse me, Sir, Sir!" A feminine voice called out from the direction of the street. I glanced over and saw the reporter closing in on me. She was a very attractive, well dressed blonde, but I had no intention of spending any time getting to know her any better. I just hoped I could get away before they got a clear picture of my face, so I tried to cover my face with my arm. But then I figured I'd look even guiltier doing that. Seeing her catching up with me, I took a short cut through the fountain, hardly the kind of thing to make me look good on television, and splashed my way to the other side, attracting yet more attention and soaking myself in the process.

Running away, I couldn't see any more behind me, but I could see what was happening through Gail's eyes. Actually it was strange, because instead of the bouncing view you get when running with a video camera, I got the sharp focus on select regions of Gail's vision, so I could easily discern what was happening.

As the news crew ran after me, Cate ran and stopped directly in their path. Kelly, following her lead, threw her purse at the lead videographer. I could see from the images she broadcast to me that Gail was covering a lot of ground as she came up on them from the side, while the two women Kitty had been on the way to speak with followed the news crew. I had no idea what these last two planned, but I hoped it worked.

The newswoman collided head on with Cate, who yelled at her and called her a stupid, clumsy bitch, which I'm sure made for captivating television but didn't make the news crew look very professional. The lead cameraman almost lost his camera due to Kelly's purse, and had to stop to steady it. The other one didn't want to outdistance the star of the show, so he pulled up short as well, filming the newswoman sprawled on the ground. By then Gail had reached them.

"Hold it right there!" she called out to them in her authoritative cop voice, despite being dressed in her civilian attire.

The reporter looked at her as she attempted standing without losing her grip on her microphone. She glanced at my retreating form, and then turned to Gail. She quickly tried to compose herself, giving up on catching me.

"Hmm, a Smith & Wesson concealed pistol, official bearing, you must be a cop," she announced, proving she wasn't as incompetent as she'd initially appeared. Even though I hadn't recognized her, it appeared she'd been dealing with the city's police on a fairly regular basis, and knew when to recognize them. "What does the city have to do with this?" she asked, shoving the microphone at Gail, trying to continue her 'investigative reporter' coverage. This put Gail off a bit, but only a bit.

"I'm off duty, but I'm not going to let you badger an innocent civilian—" Just then they were interrupted by a scream, and they turned to see the cameraman wheeling, covered in dripping coffees thrown by an angry Melissa. The two women from the terminal surrounded the three members of the news crew, as they didn't look any more pleased than Melissa had been. Gail couldn't let this get out of hand.

"Everyone STOP!" she shouted. The various women halted, not sure of her status in this fiasco, but taking her take-charge attitude into account. Kitty looked around, panicky.

"Get the hell out of here," Gail demanded, and both Cate and Kitty took off, running back towards Union Station in different directions. The two cameramen looked around in confusion, one still cursing as he tried to wipe his camera dry. The other cameraman was caught unprepared and with nothing to film but fleeing backs.

"What's going on here?" insisted the reporter, as she closed in on Gail. "What's this all about? Why are you protecting that man and these women?"

"Listen, I'm not involved," Gail insisted, not very convincingly, as her eyes starting darting around, looking for some gracious way out of this predicament. She'd allowed everyone else to escape, but now she was stuck on camera as a representative of the city's finest. "I just—"

"Right, and you just happen to be here, ready to step in at the first sign of trouble, but you don't attempt to stop anyone else but me," the newswoman countered. Gail looked hesitantly at her.

"Look, everyone is already dispersed. I don't know what this was about, but it's over now. If you can identify who attacked you, you can press charges, but you'll have to counter your own attack on the other woman you ran over. Now, since this is over, I'm leaving," Gail said, starting to back up.

"Wait, don't you think we deserve an explanation?" the reporter pressed, doggedly advancing on her.

I sent a quick 'Shut the fuck up and get the hell out of there!' to Clara, along with a follow up 'And don't talk to the press.' But by then I was gone from sight. I'd continued running down the street, blocked by traffic and a line of trees until I rounded the corner where no one could track me. Luckily Kitty and Cate had enough presence of mind to not head for the car, but ran into the terminal building, slowed down, and calmly walked through it at a leisurely pace. I wasn't sure about the others, but since Gail had dismissed them they each started to back away as well. I also had no idea of what Clara was doing, since Gail wasn't facing her, but I could hear the sound of her crying receding, so apparently she was heading away as well.

"You can't impede the free press from filming in a public park and then just disappear," the reporter protested, waving for her two cameramen to capture Gail's shaky stand. Gail finally succumbed to panic, realizing she couldn't gain anything from remaining to argue with the reporter on air, so she beat a hasty retreat.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" called the reporter, taking off after her leaving her camera crew behind. Realizing she was being chased, Gail weaved through traffic, trying to get away. Soon Aloe Plaza was left with dozens of very confused people, probably all hungry to describe their confusion in full details in follow-up interviews, since the news crew now had nothing else to report on.

I continued heading north, away from the area. I talked with Gail, who told me she was still circling around and was heading for our cars. She told me to head to a diner she knew which wasn't far away, and to wait for her there, making sure I kept a low profile as the reporters might drive around the area looking for me.

'I contacted Shani, ' Gail informed me. 'I had her call Cate. Hopefully the girls are together by now. I don't want to directly contact anyone because if this gets back to me, I don't want anyone to link me back to you. In fact, I can't even call Melissa for fear it will tie her to this.'

'That's OK, ' I told her. 'I'll have Brooke call her and tell her to wait for the girls at her car. They can meet us at your house. I guess we've lost touch with the new Watchers there, but that's a minor concern at this point. Do you think they'll run with this?' I asked.

'I doubt it. They didn't really get any good incriminating footage and it makes them look fairly incompetent, but it depends on what Clara told them beforehand. If they smell a story, they could be all over it. But I think they'd need something specific to interest the public, something more compelling than people interfering with an obnoxious press corp. But I think it best if you got out of Dodge, ' she warned me.

"Yeah, I guessed that much. We'll meet at your place and decide what's next."

When we finally regrouped, everyone had to detail what they knew of events and what had happened to them. Luckily Cate already had Kelly's phone number, though no one knew anything about the two girls who had helped us. Kitty and Cate had gone looking for the coffee shop which Melissa had visited, figuring it to be a decent meeting point, and that's where Melissa had found them. So they didn't arrive too late.

Everyone finally agreed that I'd been correct in my evaluation of Clara, that she was in fact dangerous to us.

"I guess she thought everyone in America wants to be on television," Kitty said.

"Hell, if I wanted media attention, I could have gotten it myself. What I'm looking for is the freedom to move around. Being hounded by the press isn't going to help with that," I complained.

"Man, what's wrong with that woman?" Cate asked, lacking her usual regard for others. "Here I was, starting to feel sorry for her, and then she goes and exposes us, thinking she's doing us all this great favor."

"Guess she thought the second coming needed a little media help to get started," Gail unhelpfully offered.

"We will not do that again," I insisted. "That woman is officially off limits."

"You don't have to tell us twice," Cate answered.

"And I'm sorry for pushing you to give her a second chance," Gail said, looking like she blamed herself for what happened.

"No, you said what you felt. It was me who decided to give her a second chance. I hadn't spoken to her long enough to realize how deep seated her pathology was. I was hoping we could bring her around, but just as I'd feared, she was acting on her preconceived notions of how I should act, rather than trying to understand what I was trying to tell her. We just don't need anyone that reckless. I need support and good advice, not someone who decides how I should be leading my own movement."

"Well, Gail's not the only one who's sorry," Melissa added, looking down at her feet. "I'm sorry for getting you into trouble as well. I really shouldn't have damaged their equipment," she said, glancing up as the words began to pour out as she attempted to explain herself. "It was stupid, but it was all I could think of at the moment. I realize it could involve criminal charges, but I was just so angry at them for being so aggressive I couldn't help myself."

"I wouldn't worry about it," Gail reassured her. "That gear is built to withstand wind, sun and the occasional rain. Hopefully it just annoyed the cameraman," Gail responded. "Still, you don't want to destroy several thousand dollars' worth of equipment, you simply want to get away from a situation like that. That would be considered willful property damage, as well as personal assault, and it would have had multiple witnesses and possibly additional camera footage."

"Yeah, I'll remember that for next time," Melissa responded, looking a little dour. "Sometimes you just react in situations like that."

"Hey, I'm not pointing blame. What you did was natural. I'm just letting you know the possible repercussions," Gail said as she gave Melissa a hug. That eased Melissa's mind quite a bit. I would have done it myself, but both Cate and Kitty were busy hugging me at the moment. Seems everyone was much more concerned about me than about anything else.

Kitty turned on Gail's TV, scanning the news channels for any mention of us.

"It wouldn't be on now, since it's not breaking news," Gail suggested. "If anything it would be a little piece on either the six o'clock or the late news."

"Just sit down and take it easy," Cate told me, pushing me into a chair. "You tend to burn up even more energy when you're stressed. Just sit and relax and I'll fix you something to eat. The last thing we need is you having another reaction because of this."

"Don't worry, I'm fine," I assured her, although I wasn't sure anyone believed me.

"We're all sorry we pressured you to try again," Cate called out from Gail's small kitchen as she fixed me a snack. "You told us she was unstable, but we just couldn't imagine how unstable she was."

"There was no avoiding it. I didn't think to ask what stupid things she may have pulled since we'd last spoken. She planned this all ahead of time."

"Actually, Cate, I was the one who pushed him into it," Gail confessed to my sister. "I gave him a hard time about how I could see her falling apart over his response to her. If anyone is responsible for this fiasco, it'd be me."

"No, that isn't true," I told them both. "I got it from a few people, but principally it was Nikki who told me how she'd have felt if she'd been in Clara's place. She struggled without me for months, which was hard enough. But to be rejected by such a significant figure in your life would have been too much for her. However the fault is mine. I didn't anticipate how she'd react. As I said, I should have asked her what she'd been doing and if she had any more surprises for me. When I spoke to her the last time, I didn't want to have a long conversation since she was so busy pleading for forgiveness."

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Chapter 20: Exposure Videos

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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 23 A Quiet Sunday Spent Relaxing

When I finally awoke I was groggy, it was dark outside and the lights were on. It took me a while to focus and I realized I must have been drugged again, since my head felt like a cotton ball. Although I seemed to have slept well, no doubt aided by the drugs, I remembered odd little dream fragments. One featured a little black girl poking her tongue at me, taunting me with "You'll never amount to anything. You'll never be any good". I had to shake my head a little to get my brain to begin...

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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 24 A Small Celebration or a Bad Start to the Biggest Day of My Life

I woke the next morning to the jostling of the bed. I hadn't awakened like I normally did, the alarm apparently hadn't gone off, and all of my bedmates were already busy doing a variety of things. I rubbed my eyes, still feeling very tired, and started to get out of bed. "Oh, no you don't," Allison told me, pushing me back down. "You're supposed to rest up. Just lie there for a bit. Cate will be by to get you later." So I lay back and grumbled at my girls in my mind, telling them I...

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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 9 A Day Full of New Faces and Surprises

Cate woke with a start after we both fell into a satisfied and exhausted sleep. "Alex, we'd better get back. Mom and Dad will worry. I'll need my school clothes in the morning, and the owners of—" "Shh," I tried to calm her. "Trust me, I've taken care of everything. Just relax and everything will be fine." She sighed heavily in mild frustration, then curled up against me and sighed again a little softer this time. "I'll try, I mean, I do trust you, but sometimes old habits die...

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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 13 Little Lost Sheep

We set off for home with me slowly negotiating through traffic while Cate called our parents and Chalise called Kitty to relate everything that had happened. While they were busy I gave my girls our schedule, so they'd know when to expect us. We had only gone a little ways, just passing the Scott Air Force Base exit, when we suddenly saw a car in the far lane of the divided highway honking its horn and flashing its lights. "Quick, Alex, pull over," Cate insisted. I put my blinker on and...

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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 27 The Big Day

The day dawned bright on the sun dappled street on which Frank and Linda Jennings lived with their two youngest children. Their house was noticeable on the street mainly because of the large number of cars parked both on and off the driveway. It was a good thing the family was thought of so fondly, otherwise they'd have had problems with the neighbors as a result. It seems their son had more than a few women who trailed after him. The neighbors were never sure of their relationships with...

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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 8 An Important Family Event

Our drive home was a nervous, silent affair, but when we arrived, Shani and Anh immediately grabbed Cate and dragged her upstairs to get dressed. She had no idea what was going on. I walked upstairs and let Allison and Natalie dress me in all my finest, though they once again warned me not to sit down. Soon I had Cate in Allison's little red BMW as we drove off into the distance. She still had no clue what was going on, but by then she had a pretty good idea. After all, my sister is...

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This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. OVER-EXPOSURE By Lana B. Ken read the book as he rested comfortably in bed with his head propped up against the padded headboard. He'd already read this particular book several times but he returned to it every now and then to browse some of his favorite passages. It was, after all, no ordinary book. Ken had written it himself. He closed it and gazed at the title: "Confidential Scandal." And right below the...

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Indecent Exposure

I first noticed how much Casey, the girl next door had changed. Her freshman year at Harvard had ended and she was home for the summer. One morning as I walked to my car, I heard, “Good morning, Officer Hunter.”I looked over, saw her standing there holding the morning paper in her hand. She was wearing a pair of very short shorts and a bikini top that revealed just enough to stir one’s fertile imagination. “Good morning, Casey,” I replied as I opened the car door.This was the routine for a...

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Indecent Exposure

It is not our intention to depict anything from Islamic culture as depravedor disgusting. This is a story from reality that took place within a highlyexclusive resort in Saudi Arabia , between adults consenting to very specialrules. Dyane ignored them. So enjoy her ordeal Indecent exposure  Part 1 - Arrested Saudi Arabia . I really couldn't believe to be here.This golden light sprawled all around?that blue sea lingering the sky?Wow!AS master came home last week and told me to pack for a...

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Open House Exposure

Fresh out of the shower, and three hours before we expected anyone to check out our Open House, I was sprawled naked on my towel on a sofa, trying to tempt my busy wife. She left laundry half folded when I switched on a sex tape of some of our public exploits. I love watching her strip in public and this was a mix of her stripping in tales I tell like I BURIED MY NAKED WIFE IN THE DESERT, DAWN JOGGERS, Wet Wrestling and so many others. She couldn't ignore my dick climbing to full attention as...

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Innocent Keerthana Gets Sex Lessons

Raj was looking for a new place to stay. It became hard for him to search for a place as he is a bachelor. His office colleagues suggested a place where a family of the mother (Anjali) and daughter (Keerthana) stays. Keerthana is a 19 years old traditional, orthodox, Brahmin girl, whose father was very strict. He restricted her talking to boys and made her study in an all-girls’ school and even made her quit studies after the 10th. So she had no knowledge of how to behave with boys and was not...

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Artifacts of Exposure

This is a story of pretty girls and their newest possessions. Possessions that will come to be revealed as catalysts for their ultimate and humiliating exposure. An enigmatic profiteer roams the world even now, selling his cursed wares to unsuspecting young women. The tales are many but they all end the same. Ultimate embarrassment in its most naked and pure form! A few of these tales follow. They will grow as word of mouth spreads, as new stories emerge with recognition of our mysterious...

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Adventures in Accidental Exposure

Carol enjoyed accidentally exposing herself when she was younger, but it is a pleasure we both shared! It started when we had been invited to a barbecue to welcome new neighbours, the sort of occasion people turn up to in causal clothes. As she often does, Carol wore some sexy underwear under her demure summer dress. It made her feel good to look for all intents and purposes, like a a modest woman but if people knew what she had on underneath they would know she was far from chaste. It was on...

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Almost Arrested Public Exposure

I enjoy reading about your exploits here in on xhamster. I love true sexual adventures shared in such an open way. I wish there were more folks willing to share as freely. I was recently reminded of the times I thought we were going to jail when caught by a police officer. Yes when your "thing" is public exposure and humiliation such as being nude or at least topless in public places sometimes you must deal with the law.Now I do understand the US Supreme Court has ruled that exposing a woman's...

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ExposureI know her fears, the irrational terrors that lie deep within her third heart. Today I will exploit them to the full to test her will, to see if the steel is hardened enough so she can survive her ultimate test. She only knows that she is to meet me and to expect a night to pass before she returns to the real world. Today is a game day.I have told her to meet me on the bridge over the motorway at 8:30 in the evening. I will collect her at 9:00. She does not know that I will be...

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Southern Exposure

SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Copyright Kristy Leigh 2003. All rights reserved. 1. Jess Taylor ambled swiftly up the driveway, fishing his keys out of his pocket as he approached the front door. He was a boy on a tight schedule; his Aunt would arrive home at five, dinner would be on the table no later than six. That left him less than three hours of free play; three hours of simple, childish joy through in the late September sunshine, three hours on the swings and slides and...

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Necessary Exposure

© Copyright 2003 Hayley stood before the mirror, working her brush through yet more tangles in her hair. As the brush pulled free, several drops of water fell from the ends of her hair, dripping onto her shoulder and down her breast. She looked at herself in the mirror. Age 40. Assessment. She wasn't 30 anymore, or even 35. Her breasts sagged a bit, but then, 38C was a mature size. Her skin wasn't quite... well, it was just looking aged. Not old, just older. Not clouded with spots,...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 7 Exposure

Trish "One last hand?" I ask. "I thought we had to go to six?" wondered Pam. "I thought I would give you a break," answered Mark. "What do you say? "I sure could use the sleep," smiled Abbey. "Why not?" I agreed. What could he possibly have us do now? One last screw with all the ladies. That would be fun. "I am in," agreed a tired Pam. "I'll make it unanimous," added Maggie. "OK," Mark said dealing the card. "In this last hand, public exposure is at...

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Sex With Keerthana

My name is Philips and I am working in one of the MNCs in Chennai . This narration is an incident which happened between me and an office colleague who I became friend with and finally made amazing love ..I joined this new office 6 months ago and as many know first few days or weeks most IT companies keep employees in bench till project is allocated . One day i saw an amazing lady / girl who had sindhoor in her forehead – she was just married .She had everything in right amounts and right...

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Thangai Nanbanudan Oothathaal Avalai Oothen

Hello friends, sontha thangai en nanbanudan oothathaai paarthu avalai kama veri pidithu eppadi oothen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En tamil kama kathaiyai padithu anaivarum rasiyungal, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Vishnu vayathu 25 aagugirathu, en veetil thatha paati muthal amma appa matrum thangai naan ivalavu perum ondraaga irunthom. Naan pothuvaaga veetirku kudithu vittu selum pozhuthu pin puram oru kathavu irukum athu vazhiyaaga thaan veetin...

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En Thangai Meena Soothil Oothen

Hello friends, en thaniyai udan konda kaama uravai patri indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar tharin vayathu 22, enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar meena vayathu 21 iruvarukum kita thata ore vayathu thaan. Naan kama kathaigal padikum varai oru naalum en thangaiyai kama paarvaiyil paarthathu kidaiyaathu. Oru naal en thangai en mobile phone vaangi ethaiyo padithu kondu irunthaal, naan veliyil sendru varugiren endru solli vittu veetai vitu kilambinen. Appozhuthu en nanban...

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Thangai Pundaiyil Thenai Suvaithen

En peyar Vimal, en vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Enaku veetil pen paarthu kondu irukiraargal, enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar ananthi vayathu 22 aagugirathu. En thangai parka azhagaga sexiyaaga irupaal, aval mulai perithaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Engal veetil adikadi mutton kari eduthu seivaargal. Naangal kari athigamaaga sapiduvathaal sunniyil vinthu irunthu konde irukum. Naan adikadi kai pazhakam seithu konde irupen, en thangai athu pondu thaan oru naal padukayil paduthu kondu irukum pozhuthu...

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En Thangai Priyavai Soothil Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en thangai kama padam paarthu irukum pozhuthu avalai kaiyum kalavumaga pidithu aval soothil en sunniyai vitu ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Rohan, vayathu 22 aagugirathu enaku oru thangai irunthaal aval peyar priya vayathu 20 aagi irunthathu. Ithu oru gudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren. Priya meethu enaku eppozhuthu kama aasai vara aarambithathu endral aval mulai perithaga pazhuthu irukum. Idupu sirithaaga irukum, en...

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Sontha Thangai Matrum Ammavai Sex Seithen 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, indru kathaiyl en sontha thangai udan nadantha sex anubavathai ungal idam pagirugirom. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe solikolgiren. Enathu peyar Bala, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal avaluku ipozhuthu vayathu 19 aagugirathu. College 1st year padithukondu irukiraal, aval udan ena nadanthathu enbathai ungalidam solugiren. Naan samebamaaga thaan velaikaari thevidiyavai oru murai oothu irukiren, aval udan ookum pozhuthu enaku pengal meethu athiga aasai...

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Kaama Veri Thangai Rekha

En peyar saravanan naan coimbatoreil vasikiren vayathu 23 aagugirathu, enaku oru thangai irukiraal avalin peyar rekha vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Ivalai entha nerathil petraargal endru enaku theriya villai, ivaluku kaama ennam manathil athigamaaga suranthathu. En thangai enidam kaamathai ethir paarthaal intha kathaiyai yaar idam soluvathu endru theriya villai. Athanaal thaan intha inaiya thalathil pathivu seigiren aanal peyar anaithum maatra patu irukirathu. Naan eppozhuthum kalluriku sendru...

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Nanbanin Thangai Super

Vanakam nanbargale, en nanbanin thangaiyai eppadi usar seithu matter seithen enbathai indru pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, enaku oru nanban irukiraan iruvarum ondraaga diploma kalluriyil ondraaga padithu vanthu irunthom. Oru naal avan veetirku selalam endru veetirku sendru iruntha pozhuthu avan thangaiyai santhithen. Aval vayathu 19 aagi irunthathu, intha vayathile kamam meethu aasaiyaaga irunthaal. Naangal ondraaga sirithu vilaiyaada aarambithom. Appozhuthu thaan niraiya murai...

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En Thangai Oru Oozhu

Naan ippozhuthu coimbatoreil vasithu varugiren, ennaku oru azhagana thangai irunthaal aval parka nandraaga irupaal ippozhuthu kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiraal. Naan velaiku sendru vanthu kondu irukiren, enathu thanathai oru arasanga uthyogathil velai paarthu varugiraan amma veetu manaivi. En thangai avalin 18 vayathu varai ozhungaga than irunthaal aanal ippozhuthu aval oru oozhaga maari vital. Oru naal naan tharchayalaaga thangaiyai oru paiyanodu bikeil selvathai paarthen appozhuthu...

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Pathan say gand marwai

Hi I am Kahif. Aap sab ka buhut buhut shukria aap nay meri story Foji say gand marwai pasan ki aaj jo main story sunany ja raha hun bilkul true story hai aur foji say gand marwany kay kuch time baad ki hai. Foji kay moty lund nay meri gand zakhmi kar di thi aek hanta tak main rozana apni gand par cream mallam lagata raha. Hoa yunaek din mai school say ghar aaraha ha jun ka maheena tha garmi buhut sakht thi achanak aek honda accord car mery pas akar ruki main nay car kay andar dekha tao aek koi...

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Sontha Thangai Matrum Ammavai Sex Seithen 8211 Part 2

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en thangai udan sex seitha thodarchiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en thangai kuthiyil kai vaithu thadava aarambithen, oru oru viralaaga pundaikul vida aarambithen, muthalil oru viralai kuthikul vitu porumaiyaaga aata aarambithen. Oru viralai vitu aati vitu pinbu irandam viralai kuthikul vitu aata aarambithen. Iru viralgalum ulle sendrathu pinbu mundravathu viral kuthikul sela konjam kadinamaaga irunthathu aanal...

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Thangai Priyavai Sex Seitha Semayana Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil urangaum thevidiya thangaiyai naan eppadi oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Pragadeesh vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan oru boys collegelil padithu varugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar priya vayathu 20 aagugirathu. En thangaiyai patri sola vendum endraal aval oru super figure, iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu iurkum. Soothum miga sexiyaaga pazhuthu irukum, neengal avalai...

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Story Of Young Pathan And College Boi

Mera naam Amjad Aala hai…aur mein Nawabshah-Pakistan ka rehne wala hoon…parhne ke liye mujhey mere parents ne Karachi ke aik college mein daal dia tha….aur mein idher hostel mein rehta tha….mere gher walley tau bahut door rahtey thay…..mein iss waqt first year inter science mein parhta hoon…..meri age isswaqat 18 saal hai….. Mein 5’8″ lamba….dubla patla larka hoon….meri class walle muhe “chikna” keh ker chairte bhi hain….Ek din mein humare kooch doosto ke saat unke gher birthday party per gaya...

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I have to thank him for the situation I was in.He humiliated, cheated and threw me away like a dirty oil rag. To prove him wrong I decided to do something I would never have done in a million years. I was really a shy, reserved person that believed that a woman’s sexuality is holy, only to be exchanged for security by marriage to a wealthy man. He called me prudish because I would not wear a bikini, calling me a cold fish when I refused to let him stick his finger in my vagina. He said I was...

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My First Exposure

Introduction: Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until now. My First Exposure Meeting My Paperboy Part-1 ———————————————– This story is woven around an old friends fantasy she shared with me over a span of nearly 30 years. ———————————————– Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until Mike took me for a...

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First Sexual Exposure

ALL TRUTH……. NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH First Sexual Exposure By: Londebaaz Chohan This is exact and true count of my first sexual encounter. I don’t say each word I narrate is exact and true but I take an oath that the incidence I am going to narrate and the way it took place is all truth, nothing but the truth. Due to the f****y business commitments, my dad decided to move to this relatively serene and tranquil neighborhood on Staten Island. The Middle School I was supposed to attend was...

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I have to thank him for the situation I was in. He humiliated, cheated and threw me away like a dirty oil rag. To prove him wrong I decided to do something I would never have done in a million years. I was really a shy, reserved person that believed that a woman’s sexuality is holy, only to be exchanged for security by marriage to a wealthy man. He called me prudish because I would not wear a bikini, calling me a cold fish when I refused to let him stick his finger in my vagina. He said I was...

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My first public exposure

My first public exposure . . . I had been going through a period of denial, not self imposed though rather a period that I had no one to spend my personal gurl time with. The friend that I had spending time with for the last year and a half that my wife convinced me to open up to Steve, had determined he no longer wanted to be unfaithful to his wife. Regardless of how much he loved me dressing up for him, how much he enjoyed touching my lingerie and especially how well I had learned what really...

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My first public exposure

My first public exposure . . . I had been going through a period of denial, not self imposed though rather a period that I had no one to spend my personal gurl time with. The friend that I had spending time with for the last year and a half that my wife convinced me to open up to Steve, had determined he no longer wanted to be unfaithful to his wife. Regardless of how much he loved me dressing up for him, how much he enjoyed touching my lingerie and especially how well I had learned what...

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First Sexual Exposure

ALL TRUTH....... NOTHING BUT THE TRUTHFirst Sexual ExposureBy: Londebaaz ChohanThis is exact and true count of my first sexual encounter. I don't say each word I narrate is exact and true but I take an oath that the incidence I am going to narrate and the way it took place is all truth, nothing but the truth.Due to the family business commitments, my dad decided to move to this relatively serene and tranquil neighborhood on Staten Island. The Middle School I...

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how it got started first wife exposure

Indeed recalling hot situations of past adventures is very enchanting – for those who write them down but also for all likeminded having a chance of participating in an imaginary way. The story gets an extra kick when beefed up by accompanying pictures of that very wife.We got into lifestyle after my wife Agnes found out about an affair I had with another woman. We then openly talked about me lacking an arousing sex life. And I confessed my ambition to have her enjoyed by other men. Because we...

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