A Planet Is SwornChapter 12 free porn video

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Special screenings were arranged for the images from Woden and Zytol to allow the members of each tribe to see their enemy for the first time, to see the plight of the Wodenites and to share with them the scale of the challenge they all faced.

Ben recorded a voice-over that didn't pull any punches. When the images from the Woden capital showed the downtrodden people, his narrative drew attention to the devastation, the squalor and the absence of hope.

"This once vibrant city, with its cafes and bars, museums, comfortable homes, has been torn apart and its people brought down to a level that we couldn't contemplate. There is no spark in their eyes, no flicker of resistance, no will to carry on. For them, life is not only hard and cruel, it is without hope."

The image of a Zytol warrior was frozen on the screens for thirty seconds and Ben described what they were seeing.

"This is the enemy. They have killed without remorse, they have raped an entire civilisation, crushed it under their heel and now they are lording it over the Wodenites, They grin with evil delight at the devastation they have wrought, the suffering, the pain, the starvation, the very destruction of a once proud race. They despise the weakness of the Wodenites and they have used force to enslave a planet."

At the word 'enslave', the images began again and now the quarry was shown with the Wodenites chained and labouring amongst the rocks.

"These people are your ancestors and now they have been reduced to servitude by the cruel invaders. Not content with destroying Woden, with ripping its technology and riches from every home, the Zytol have found another prize — they have found the notion of being masters over another civilisation. They have found an outlet for their evil, their greed and violence, an outlet tailor-made to fit their abhorrent nature — they have found conquest!"

The screens flickered and images of the hundreds of Zytol ships appeared. Superimposed on the ships were images of the thousands of Zytol troops on the surface of Woden.

"There are many of them, these cruel tyrants, these murderers, these remorseless killers of men, women and children. We are heavily outnumbered — the odds are stacked against us."

Until this point, Ben's voice had been sombre and full of the pain and obvious suffering that all of those watching now shared acutely. The screens flashed to show the Rebecca with a Zytol ship in pursuit and Ben's narration switched its tone to something much more uplifting, stirring — a call to arms if ever there was one.

"But we will beat the odds, we will right this injustice, this abomination, this travesty - we will overcome and show that good outweighs evil! The Zytol are not as strong as they first appear. No, in fact they are weak! Weak in terms of the speed of their ships, weak in the power of their weapons and weak in the sense that they don't have the heart and resolve that we the people of New Woden possess! They sneer at the Wodenites because they see them as weak, but it is that same compassion and love of liberty that the Wodenites have, that they have passed on to us, that will fuel our determination to prevail!"

The Zytol ship was shown as it exploded in a massive fireball, victim of its own weapons and then images of the destruction of the logistics base on the planet followed.

"We have already engaged with our enemy and we have shown him that we are stronger. Even now the Zytol are wondering what has hit them and their arrogance and confidence have been shaken.

"The time is fast approaching when we will make them pay in full measure for the atrocities that they are responsible for.

"The time is fast approaching when we will strike them — swiftly, with irresistible force, with cunning and with courage and with right on our side.

"The time is fast approaching when we will free our Wodenite cousins from their bondage and lay the Zytol low on their bellies like the worms they are!

"The time to stand up and be counted is already here and the citizens of New Woden have answered freedom's call!"

The narrative ended and the images changed to show the crackling lightning as it almost seemed to consume the planet of Woden. The final image showed the blue aura appearing around the planet, giving it a more wholesome look. At each of the sites where the giant screens were set up, there was an eerie silence as the image slowly faded away and the people of the tribes were left with a seething anger in their hearts at what had been done to the Wodenites.

At last, just when it seemed that the screens were going to remain dark, the image of the Zytol soldier re-appeared. A spontaneous outpouring of righteous anger erupted and everywhere people pressed forward to get at the screens. In the command and control centre, the twins and Simeone watched the reaction and were satisfied that Ben's narrative had done its job. The people of New Woden were ready!

Over the course of the next week Ben could see the determination in every single person he looked at. They were working harder, working longer, desperate to finish what needed to be done before they took on the Zytol. The trainees trained harder, they got faster, stronger and the look in their eyes said that they couldn't wait to get the chance to strike at the Zytol.

One trainee couldn't be any more motivated than he was already, given the mission he had chosen for himself, but he enjoyed the increased intensity of the other members of his group around him. He had been growing a little complacent he realised, through the lack of any serious competition, but now there was an added edge to the hand-to-hand combat training and he lapped it up and threw himself into it.

In the hours before dawn, while his group slept the sleep of the truly exhausted, he slipped from the barracks. His skill at infiltration and covert movement were already good enough to easily evade the guards on duty and he shimmied over the camp perimeter fence and into the surrounding bushes.

A quick glance at his watch showed him that he was cutting it fine. One of the members of his group had been more restless than the others and that had meant waiting longer than he'd wanted to before slipping out. Now he broke into a ground-eating lope, as he headed for where he knew the hover-vehicles were parked.

It only took minutes before he was racing along the familiar path towards the caves and he risked running the vehicle at its maximum speed despite the darkness.

When he neared the caves, he slowed to a more cautious speed and then parked the vehicle in the cover of thick bushes. He was well versed in the routes the surveillance drones followed, as they maintained their watch over the dry-dock, and he used that knowledge to stay out of their way.

With the increased intensity in work rates, it wasn't surprising that some of the Stellarites were working through the night and he used that to his advantage too, merging in as if he belonged. It was a relatively simple matter to slip onboard the almost finished third ship and he headed straight for the engine bay.

The huge engines gleamed and thrummed with muted energy, as he paused to quickly look for any dangers. Once he was sure he was alone, he crossed to the first engine in the array and calmly disabled the emergency alarm from its mechanism. Once that was done, it was easy to run the engine up until it was dangerously over its maximum output and then to jam it full-on. The indicator was already climbing towards the red danger zone, as he turned and hurried away.

It was a measure of his nerve that he forced himself to walk calmly out of the dry-dock, all the while waiting for the ship to explode behind him. He avoided the drones once more and made his way through the trees and bushes in the dark until he found the hover-vehicle. His watch told him that there was just enough darkness left to make the return trip and slip back into the barracks before the trainees would be called to rise and shine.

A thunderous explosion signalled the success of his nocturnal mission and he actually felt the hover-vehicle buffeted by the shock wave, as the third ship met an untimely end.

Ben and Thomas looked out over the devastation of the dry-dock. Large chunks of the concrete were gone, flattened by parts of the exploding ship as it was ripped asunder.

"Any idea yet of how it happened?" asked Ben.

"Not yet. I've got people gathering up as much of the wreckage as possible so that I can look through it. Elise has used her scanners and she tells me that there are no signs of explosives or any accelerant, so I think we can rule out sabotage. Everyone is so focused on beating the Zytol that that would be a slim possibility anyway," said Thomas.

Ben didn't share with Thomas Sarah's suspicions that someone had tried to assassinate him. If she was right, then there might be someone out there willing to sabotage the ship and he was relieved therefore to hear that Elise and Thomas had already ruled that out.

"A tragic accident then?" Ben asked.

The 'tragic' recognised that seven Stellarites had been in the dry-dock when the ship had exploded and all of them were dead.

"It looks that way. I've got teams clearing this mess up as you can see. There are others working on the materials required to start again. We've already got the spare set of engines ready so that should help save some time and I know that the teams are going to work flat-out to build you another ship," said a determined Thomas.

"Don't we need to know what caused the explosion? What if there's a design fault? Wouldn't that mean the Rebecca and the other new ship are at risk?" asked Ben.

Thomas looked insulted.

"There's no fault in the design! I don't know what caused this, but I can assure you it wasn't a design fault," he snapped.

"Whatever it is, we're going to be well behind schedule now. There's no way we're going to be able to get to Woden before Captain Marlon now, I just hope he can keep himself out of trouble until we do get there," said Ben.

"My shields should keep him safe," mused Thomas, as he wandered off to oversee the various teams that were at work.

Ben decided that it was time to check out the second ship that had been completed. This one was down to be named Hannah and he knew he had to secretly perform the dedication ceremony before the ship's new pilot took up post.

"Elise? I'm going up to the Hannah. Could you tune-in and watch what happens during the dedication ceremony please?"

"Affirmative, Commander," Elise replied.

Before Ben could take his customary step forward, Elise transported him onto the bridge of the Hannah and he was pleased to see that it was deserted.

"I took the liberty of ordering all hands off of the bridge, Commander. You'll need privacy to do this or word of it will be all round the ship," said Elise inside his head.

Ben silently thanked her and then crossed to the pilot's chair. He sat down and gathered his thoughts for a few moments before letting his head fall back against the headrest.

"AI, I'm ready for the dedication ceremony," he said.

The ship's artificial intelligence replied in a voice that was as close to Elizabeth's as to be off-putting.

"Identity confirmed as Ben, Commander-in-Chief of all New Woden forces. Prepare for symbiotic protocol and dedication."

Once again, Ben felt a momentary sting on the back of his neck, as the small chip was implanted and then he heard the 'voice' of the ship's AI inside his head.

"Commander, we are now able to communicate without speaking aloud. I can also communicate with Elise, which you might find useful. When the pilot arrives he or she will go through a form of this ceremony, but without the implant. I will still be able to use the neural net in the seat to communicate with the pilot, but you and I are now linked symbiotically and I will be dedicated to you."

The AI spoke aloud now once more.

"As a Commander in the forces of New Woden, do you swear to use this ship to defend your planet and people from harm?" asked the AI.

"I do," replied Ben.

"Do you swear to hold to the oath taken by all the people of New Woden to seek to liberate the planet of Woden from the Zytol?"

"I do," repeated Ben.

"Do you swear to Command the crew of this ship fairly and within the bounds of what is accepted behaviour on New Woden without fear or favour, prejudice and never to put their lives unnecessarily at risk?"

"I do."

"I confirm that your voice-print and DNA have been stored in my databanks and that this ship is now dedicated to your command until such times as you see fit to override that," announced the AI.

"Thanks you. Now, is there any way you can change what your voice sounds like — I can't keep hearing Elizabeth inside my head," Ben told the AI.

"This voice is the one Mistress Elizabeth gave me, Commander. I can try to change it if you wish," the AI replied.

"Elise, can you help — oh, what should we call her? I know, Lizzie! — can you help Lizzie understand how she can change her voice?"

"Of course, Commander. I wanted to spend a little time to get to know her anyway. Leave it to me," replied Elise.

"Thank you, Commander," said the newly named Lizzie.

"What for?" asked Ben.

"For giving me a name of course," Lizzie replied, as if it had been patently obvious.

"So are you self-aware too?" Ben asked her.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Commander. My sensors are telling me that something strange happened when my chip was implanted under your skin and the symbiotic relationship was established, but so far my processors haven't been able to identify what it was," Lizzie replied.

"I'll tell you all about it, Lizzie," said Elise.

"I'm going to leave you two girls to chat, meantime I want a full diagnostic run on the Hannah's engines. Thomas seems to think that was the cause of the third ship exploding. I want to know if you find even the smallest of things," said Ben.

Both AIs informed him that they would see to it and then fell silent; no doubt Elise was telling her new friend all about the stem cells that were linked-in to her higher order functions and what she could do with them.

The squad leaders noticed that their star trainee wasn't at the top of his game today. He appeared a little slow, tired maybe, but he was still better than all of those around him despite that. The news of the destruction of the third ship had already spread throughout the camp, but none of them had an inkling that there was a connection between that and how tired their trainee was.

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Planetary Agents 35 Tentacles of doom

CHAPTER 5 LAST EPISODE: The galaxy?s greatest scientist (and high-school teacher) is the next target of a nasty tentacle monster. Our girl spies are there to save him. So far, there?s been no monster, but other oddities have been occurring. Now, Caitlin gets to find out what it truly means to be a girl? Crystal helped me into the shower while Amber ran out for some quick ?feminine protection.? Since Crystal was feeling everything I felt, you?d think it would be a case of...

3 years ago
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Planetary Alignment Harem

As you slept a once in a millennium event occurred. The planets reached perfect alignment and as astronomers around the world observed it something totally unexpected happened. At the exact moment the planets reached their alignment in the instant it happened, the sun turned blue and yellow light poured out of it encompassing the entirety of the solar system. In an event that would be called the Light Spread by the scientific community for the rest of recorded human history. As quick as it...

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I Saw Her In Him The Beginning

I was flying up the highway in the old truck. Hoping to make it in time for Monday Night Football. My mind was wandering, when I was brought back to reality seeing a person on the highway. I let off of the throttle a little so as not to blow him off the road. He stuck out his right arm turning to see me head on. Not an axe killer by any means. Short and thin build college student type. He could use a couple of good meals, and a shower, but not an axe murder. I pulled up and let him in. “Where...

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A Teachers Pet

In 2004, when I was 16 I started writing erotic stories. This is the very first one I wrote, about a teacher I had the hots for. Enjoy....I am a 6th form student doing A level chemistry. Twice a week I am taught by Mrs Pen. From the first moment I saw her I was obsessed with her. She is 5'7" with a good figure and nice round breasts and a nice firm ass. I would often rush home to wank over the idea of slamming my cock into her pussy. On day, late in my second year, my dream came true.I came in...

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The Bold Sisters 8211 Part I

Hello friends,Mera naam sameer hai aur mai jo kahani aaj aap logo ko sunane ja raha hu wo puri tarah sach nahi hai par satya ghatnao par aadharit hai.. Mai MP ka rahne wala hu.mere ghar me 6 members hai.mom,dad, mai aur teen bahne.is kahani ka plot meri bahno ke sex relations par hai.mai 20 saal ka hu aur 2nd yr engineering ka student hu.Meri sabse badi bahan kavya 26 saal ki hai aur bank me job karti hai.dusri bahan sandhya 24 saal ki hai aur wo bhi usi bank me job par hai jis me kavya didi...

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My Other Daughter Part 2

When we were invited to swim at a friends house over labor day weekend the girls asked if Ally could go. I never had a problem with Ally going anywhere with us. After all she was "my other daughter."When we picked her up she had on a see through sun dress that left nothing unimagined in my mind. I could see her tiny string bikini and her tiny nipples were erect and poking at the front of the dress. "Hi daddy" she said as she climbed in the car. I was already thing of the last time I fucked this...

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Brother Johns BenedictionChapter 4 Horny Housemaid

It was early evening, just after dark, when the young friar heard someone enter the church. He waited in his office because he didn't want to take any more chances but he heard footsteps coming closer. The office light was off and the door open only a few inches but he saw it slowly swing wide and Vicki entered. "Oh, Gee, Father. I wasn't sure if you were here. I hadda come see yuh coz... like? You know? You tole me if I got those feelings again? Like?" and she walked hesitantly closer...

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What i do for my shemale mistress

See, I desperately like being fucked. I love being naked in front of other shemales. I guess I pretend that I'm their woman, and after she's had a hard day out working to buy nice things for me, then the least I can do is lie back and spread my legs for her. I want to look all nice for her, so I'll shave myself so that I'm completely smooth, legs, armpits, balls and butt crack. Then I'll want to warm her up. So I get down on my knees in front of her. I pull down her trousers, and let her...

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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 8

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 8, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Begins While Darrell was watching television, Karen was Laying in the bed. It took a while but she finally started coming out of her daze. She had time to think about...

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Family Fuck 2

for readers who aren't familiar with this story series, I reccomend you reading Family Fuck 1. It'll make much more sense that way. My brothers and I both stared at our parents in shock, our mouths open at the scene of our naked parents, announcing they wanted to fuck us all together. "Now, Lauren, you get off your sex bed and get on the carpet with your ass in the air," dad instructed. "John, get your cock into her little mouth. Daddy'll kiss you while mommy sucks my cock, alright? Jacob, you...

3 years ago
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Bhopal Mein Virgin Ladki Ko Choda Uske Ghar Mein

Hi friends my name is sam i m from bhopal m.p. yeh jo story mein aaplogon ko batane ja raha hoon ek real incident hai jo abhi 6,7 months pehle hua meri ek customer ke saath. to aab mei aaplogon ko boor na karte hue story start karta hoon. Meri mobile shop hai august 2011 mein meri shop pe ek ladki aayi usko data cable leni thi usnk chehra dupatese bandha hua tha but figure to aisa tha koi bhi usko dekhe to pagal ho jae kya bade bade boobs the kurta bhi bilkul fitting ka tha jisme uski puri...

1 year ago
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Oh to be young again

A man walks into a d**g store with his 8-year-old son. They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, "What are these, Dad?" The man matter-of-factly replies, "Those are called condoms, son. Men use them to have safe sex." "Oh I see," replied the boys pensively. "Yes, I've heard of that in health class at school." He looks over the display and picks up a package of three and asks, "Why are there three in this package." The dad replies, "Those are for high-school boys. One for...

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College Friend Ke Saath Gang Bang

Hi friends, I am an IT engineer working in Bangalore from west Bengal. This story is about a reunion which took a very different turn in Goa. We are a group of friends (some girls and some boys) from college time with only one couple, rest of us are just friends. As all of us are from Bengal we glued up pretty tightly. Although this was not our first reunion but this was surely the biggest reunion because most of our group was present after almost 3 years time interval together out of college...

2 years ago
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Sexual Politics

This is a Romance between a heterosexual couple, it contains some sex and some rude language. If your preferences lie elsewhere, I suggest a back-click. Copyright: neonlyte-06/2006 * Jack had whisked her away from England almost before she’d had time to blink, and certainly before she had time to reconsider the decision she’d taken and the career she’d chosen to abandon. He hired a small business jet for the short flight, for expediency rather than to impress. ‘Why Dinard?’ she asked as the...

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Spizoo Vanessa Sky Payback Fuck With Yoga Instructor

Vanessa Sky is planning to get back on her cheating husband. The best way she can think of is to hook up with her friend’s hot yoga instructor. Vanessa tries to play along with Danny Mountain as he teaches her yoga. However, it doesn’t take long before the gorgeous brunette succumbs to her lustful desires. She lets Danny enjoy her pussy before giving his cock a blowjob. The tattooed hottie lets out moans of delight as Danny fucks her doggystyle. Vanessa shivers in delight while...

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Taboo confessions 3

Thanks for all that messages me or commentedOk ill admit that I came so hard into my wife after I watched that secret video of my mother in law admitting to being such a super slut. Which to be honest it seems like everyone hates on people that love sex and yet everyone on this website would love to get down and dirty with another person when there horny instead of seeking out a porn website like this. I knew my wife was always down to fuck but everyone has there secrets there box of porn or...

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Meeting Internet Daddy PART 3

During dinner I kept rubbing my foot on Carter's leg and up between his legs. He gave me a few smiles, but no more.Night came and Carter and Jenny went to bed. I went to my room wondering when I would get some private times with Carter. I threw myself on the bed just looking at the ceiling. I got myclothes off and slipped under the bedcover. I picked up the picture of Carter thinking I would need it again, but before I could even get back to bed I heard a knocking on the door. I putthe picutre...

1 year ago
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TotemChapter 8

It was odd, Caroline thought as she pulled into the driveway, that there were no lights on in the house. It was not yet sunset, but with the rain it was almost as dark as night. A little light showed through the curtains in the living room window. It looked like they'd lit a fire, but it was strange for them to sit there in the dark. When she walked in and took off her raincoat the house seemed deserted. Maybe they'd gone over to friends, she thought, and left the fire going. Though that...

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Linda By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Hi...my name is Jennifer Dobson; I am 38 years old, 5' 7" tall and 127 pounds. I have long blond hair and get hit on a lot...by both guys and gals. I was married once to a jerk for 6 years. He lied to me, cheated on me, ignored me and so I divorced him. I got most all of it and he lost all of it including the girlfriend he was cheating on me with! I got the business, a consulting business and began to systematically replace most of the men with...

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crazy Academy of perfect pussies The c Crazy

crazy Academy of perfect pussies "The cCrazy Academy of perfect pussies "The principle that"I present to you, my name is Dani am 35 years old and works as a teacher of mixed martial arts and personal trainer in a gym that I too with a friend. I am divorced for four years and have a daughter, a girl Noe treasure just turned 13 years old, who besides being a beautiful green eyes, hair blacks and a lot 'of the body where you look from his mother, he is kind and friendly as few.It all started one...

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On the Patio

On the patio. By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction if sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! They are working outside on the patio, in the hot sun, and I am on the inside, in the cool air-conditioned room, but I am the one who is sweating. Partly, because of the snow-white latex cat suit, stretched over every inch of my skin, except my eyes, mouth and crotch; partly because of the hot pink latex French maid...

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ChroniclesChapter 11

Another double header, told from Dave's point of view when the text is upright, Debbie's when it's italicised. Saturday morning found London bathed in unexpected sunshine. Niusha was already up and about when I woke, apparently preparing breakfast, given the smell of spices emanating from the kitchen. I wondered whether I should call Debbie ... get some details about what had actually happened the previous night, but then thought better of it. I would call later but ... well, it was still...

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Poker 2

Den ganzen Sonntag dachte ich dar?ber nach, was ich nur machen sollte. Mir fiel nichts ein. Am Abend ging ich zum dritten Mal mit dem Teddy schlafen. Ich hatte mich schon richtig daran gew?hnt. Aber irgendwie schien es mir nicht richtig, nur in der Unterhose zu schlafen. Ich zog einen Pyjama an. Mit klopfenden Herzen ging ich am n?chsten Tag zum Bus. Ich musste dem Fahrer meine Monatskarte zeigen. Mit gro?en Augen sah er mich an. Das gab mir einen guten Vorgeschmack auf das B?ro. Ich ar...

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Parota Kadai Akkavai Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil parota kadai akkavai eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul pogalam, enathu peyar ravi vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku pengal endraal migavum pidikum athilum thirumanam aana pengal endraal rumba pidikum. Naan sila vibachaarigaludan sex seithu irukiren, ilamaiyaana pengalai oopathai vida thirumanam aagi athigam anubam irukum pengalai ookum pozhuthu thaan athil nala company kidaikum. Siru pengal valikirathu...

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3 The Grace Ive Known Ch 1012

CHAPTER TEN WINTER, SOPHOMORE YEAR It was a cold Saturday night in early February and Grace was trying to make good on her new years resolution to improve her social life. She had agreed to go out to one of those stupid parties that Adrian liked to go to. She thought they were so lame, just a bunch of jocks getting drunk and hitting on girls, but Adrian liked them so she went along. Adrian liked to drink. It was idiotic of him. He was supposed to be an athlete, and in her mind that meant...

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