SWMS 8 High School TroublesChapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 23
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The next morning, I awoke sandwiched between two very lovely ladies. Alicia had gotten up during the night to get a tampon in. I had been awoken by the alarm, and I reached over Stacy to turn it off. I gently woke the others with soft kisses.
“Mmm, I could get used to that,” Alicia said as both girls got up and stretched.
“Thinking about moving into his room?” Stacy said.
“Seriously considering it, though these cramps had me up most of the night,” Alicia said.
So that was it. Alicia apparently got really horny right before she would have her period, and I needed to keep this in mind. The three of us got up, got showered and got dressed and headed off to school. I should probably go into how class was boring here, but I won’t drag out the chapter this time. No, instead I’ll only make a single point of this day, and then we’ll skip ahead.
At lunch, I successfully skipped out of school to an area known as ‘the spot’ which was a little area behind the main school grounds, just west of the area where I had sex with Liza. Why did I head out there? Because I was hanging out with my sister and her friends, and Stacy Z needed a smoke, so we all went out. It was just me, the three Stacys and Alicia. Sabrina had made herself a ghost that day, and I would find out why, shortly. While we were out at ‘the spot’, Stacy Z thanked me for not shattering her little girl’s dreams at a father figure and then decided to give us all some news.
“So, guys, I’ve gotta tell you something that you won’t like.” She sighed.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Well, Mom got word this morning. We’ll be moving soon. They want her out in the California offices.” Stacy Z sighed.
“That sucks,” Alicia said as she pulled a joint out of her purse and lit it up.
She took a drag and I was introduced to the smell of Marijuana. I gave her a look.
“What? It helps the cramps and the muscle pain.” She said.
I rolled my eyes.
“You know what else I heard helps with cramps?” Stacy Z asked before motioning towards my crotch.
Alicia passed her the joint after taking a couple hits. I watched as each girl took hits off the joint until it was finished. I didn’t take a hit. Maybe if I had I would have been a bit calmer about the whole situation. I mean I had just watched them all get high, and it was bugging me. Not to mention hearing Stacy Z’s news.
Instead of heading back inside, Stacy B decided we should go to her house. We headed back towards the parking lot when we heard a moaning voice. The girls started giggling as I made my way closer to the moaning. Right next to an entrance I saw it, and the girls joined me after calming down.
“That fucking cunt,” Alicia said as we looked on to see Sabrina getting fucked by some guy.
We were close enough to clearly make out who they were, and that the guy was wearing a condom.
“Oh god, cum inside me please, Chris!” She said.
The guy who was fucking her was the new quarterback of the football team. His name was Chris. He was easily 6’5” tall, very muscular and had dark skin. His pants were around his ankles as he fucked her hard and fast.
“Oh god! Here it comes!” He cried out, just before we all heard another voice.
We hadn’t been spotted, but they had. The principal marched over to them quickly as the two of them scrambled to pull up their pants. When Mr. Filagree got to them, he began berating them for having sex on school grounds and hauled them inside.
“Well, so much for ruined.” Stacy B said after the door closed behind them.
“I’m gonna head in and to class after a trip to get cleaned up.” Stacy Z said before spraying herself down with some weird body spray.
She handed it to Stacy B who did the same, who then handed it to Alicia.
“I’m gonna take Joshy to meet my aunt.” Stacy R said.
“Actually, I’m gonna head in myself,” I said.
“You sure?” Stacy R asked me.
My brain started screaming at me to go with her. Apparently, Alicia was on the same wavelength.
“Go, I’ll call up daddy and get you excused,” Alicia said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah, like Daddy would say: You’re only young once,” Alicia said.
I gave the girls hugs before being lead off by Stacy. We walked a couple miles before stopping in front of a house. She led me inside and called out for her aunt as we stood in the entrance, taking off our shoes.
Her aunt, who emerged from the kitchen, wearing nothing but an apron, had long brown hair which was tied into a ponytail that reached all the way down to her back. The apron was white and was tightly tied around her waist.
“Oh, I didn’t expect you two so soon.” She said softly as my cock twitched.
“Yeah,” Stacy said as she began removing her clothing.
I just stood there a bit surprised as my girlfriend got completely undressed. Her aunt removed the apron, revealing her c-cup tits, and hairless pussy. The two shared a passionate kiss before Stacy turned back to me. My cock must have been trying to rip through the leg of my pants because Stacy reached down and stroked it.
“Get undressed.” She cooed. “We’re very open here.”
I nodded like an idiot before taking off my shirt, then my pants, and shorts. I opted to leave my socks on. With a nod of approval from Stacy’s Aunt Nancy, Stacy then led me, and her aunt to the living room. She sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to her.
“Well, he certainly is hung,” Nancy said as I sat down. “And he’s got a nice ass too.”
“Yeah, he does,” Stacy said softly.
“But Joshua probably has some questions. Let me clear things up for him.” Nancy said. “Last night after Stacy came home, she decided that she wanted to enjoy me. My husband and I are in an open relationship, not too different from you and your sister, so we got to explore each other. It wasn’t that big of a leap from us all walking around naked. I mean we’re nudists, and it’s only natural for us to start enjoying each other.”
“So did you and your uncle?” I asked looking at Stacy.
She shook her head.
“Listen. Unlike that cunt Sabrina, I’m happy to be loyal to you.” Stacy said softly. “Even if you’re enjoying other women. I’ll put it this way. Unless you’re there, and you okay it, I’m not going to have another guy. But the other women thing, that’s something I’ve been enjoying for a while.” She added.
“Speaking of,” Nancy said before turning around and sitting on my lap. “Your boyfriend seems to need some release.” She said as my cock became sandwiched between her ass cheeks. “I’d be happy to get him off.” She softly said.
“No,” Stacy said, pushing her aunt off me.
This didn’t surprise me as much as what she said next.
“Not like that. Joshua lay down on the floor. I’m still buzzed and need to feel you inside me.” She cooed.
Nancy pulled me up. Sabrina got up, and the two of them guided me to lay on my back. Stacy positioned my cock as she climbed over me and then impaled herself on my rod. She made a motion to Nancy who, within moments, hovered over my face for a moment before lowering her pussy to my mouth. I felt Stacy begin riding me as I started to eat Nancy.
“Oh, he’s actually halfway decent at this.” Nancy cooed as she adjusted herself a little.
Stacy’s pussy was hotter than ever as she rode me and gradually got to the point where it was obvious she wanted me to cum. I held back as long as I could before spasming inside her. Once I finished cumming, I felt her pull herself off me, then heard her walk away then come back. I felt her lick my cock clean before feeling her rolling a condom onto my still hard cock. The condom was tight but I didn’t say anything about it. Nancy got up and I watched in amazement as she lowered herself onto my protected cock.
“Now young man, that you have a condom on, feel free to cum as much as you want.” Nancy cooed.
I picked myself up a little as Stacy walked off to clean herself up.
“Aren’t you on birth control?” I asked. “I mean given the type of relationship you’re in, I’d assume that was commonplace.”
“Normally, it would be, but I have a bad reaction to it. So I forego it.” She said as she sat on my cock. “So, in order for me to not get pregnant, I either go without a nice cock like yours in my pussy, or I have the guy use a condom.” She said.
“You know, you’re the first woman I’ve had sex with outside of my relationship since it started,” I said as I leaned into a sitting position.
“Oh? And if I joined your little relationship? How would that work out for me? “She asked with a giggle.
“I can’t answer that,” I said. “Why did you and your husband get into an open relationship?” I asked.
“He can’t have kids. He’s been snipped. He decided to get a vasectomy after our son was born since he thought it was his fault. I want more, but I haven’t found the right donor yet.” She said.
“So is this an audition?” I asked.
“Well if it is, let me ask you, Mr. Gentleman. Aside from winning my niece’s heart, and being obscenely mature about a relationship in general, how would you feel about being an anonymous donor? That means the baby would never know you’re the real father.” Nancy said.
“I’d be fine with it, as long as I knew the baby was going to be raised in a good environment. You seem to really care about Stacy and her choices. Aside from the nudism, I’d say your house is pretty much normal. Nudism isn’t exactly my taste, but then again, you and your niece are the first nudists I’ve known.” I said.
“Okay. Are you into any sports?” Nancy asked.
“Not really. I’m a good swimmer, but I don’t think I’d join the team. Not that I’m not a team player, but I tend to rub people the wrong way.” I said.
“You speak without thinking then?” She asked.
“Yeah. I guess so.” I said.
“How were your grades last year?” She asked.
“Pretty good. Not the absolute best, but I’ll admit, I like taking my classes.” I said.
“Any drugs? I know Stacy smokes weed. How about you?” She asked.
“No drugs and I’ve never drunk either,” I said.
“Well, so far so good.” She said. “I’d like to see how you do this year before I let you go raw inside me.” She added.
She started riding me slowly at first, as I started to enjoy her tits. I started by massaging them, but then I became engrossed by her nipples. Her areolas were large, and when I got her nipples hard she let out some soft whimpers. She stopped riding me and I repositioned her to a laying down position on her back. I began slowly thrusting into her pussy slowly before I started nibbling at her neck. Doing this set Nancy off. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me into a passionate kiss as I felt a hot liquid began squirting onto my balls.
After breaking the kiss she looked into my eyes.
“I don’t know how you just got me off that fast young man, but you are seriously tempting me.” She cooed.
In the morning when we all got up and ate, we started helping the girls pack up. Stacy Z was picked up first. We all walked her out to her mom’s minivan where her little girl insisted on hugs from all of us. She was adorable. Stacy Z introduced us all, and when she got to the other Stacys, she referred to them by last name letter instead of by actual name. So Stacy R was Auntie R and Stacy B was Auntie B. When it came to me, I was shocked as Stacy Z introduced me as ‘Uncle Josh’ only for her...
EVENT CHAPTER - Valentine’s Day We had come quite a far way in a short amount of time, my lovers and I. Without giving too much away, without spoiling what you have missed in the interim, Stacy Z did indeed move away, and Stacy B hooked up with her brother, not that there was much for me to hear about. Stacy R broke it off with me, but that’s a chapter for another time, and Alicia has decided not to talk to me at this juncture in the story. Our chapter starts with me back at school, on an...
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My name is Jason Hightower. I'm 47 years old, married to my high school sweetheart Dana, and to everyone else it seems like I live the perfect life. However there is one small problem. I'm unbelievably bored with my marriage. I'm not sure who's fault it is. My wife is beautiful and she is my best friend, but lately I've felt a disconnect between the two of us. We're still intimate, but it isn't the same. I think we've just grown apart. My wife is unable to have children and even though I told...
MatureParents always try to protect their children and keep them from making the same mistakes they did when they were growing up. That’s why I find myself in a quandary now, even as I'm looking forward to a major advancement in my career. My name is Justin, and my wife, Julie, and I are forty years old and living in California. I’m an aerospace engineering director and I was just offered a vice-president’s position with a competing company’s division in Mobile, Alabama.I am happy to have the...
First TimeMost of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head. My name is Walter, and I’m a pretty average 62 year old married, white man at 6’ tall, 185 pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny kid who had a hard time defending himself. My wife Sheila is a 60 year old white...
Most of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head.My name is Walter, and I’m a pretty average sixty-two-year-old married, white man atsix feet’ tall, weighing one hundred and eighty-five pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny kid who had a hard time defending...
CuckoldHigh School Sweetheart Chapter 1 It was 1971 and Halloween had come around once again and I was dreading it. It fell on a Sunday this year so I knew some time during the day my mom was going to tell me I would need to escort my brothers and sisters on their rounds tonight since my dad was working. I was in my freshman year of high school and felt that I had become too old to dress up and beg candy. I sort of regretted the candy part but I would probably extort some candy from my...
Author’s note: I started writing this a long time ago and enjoyed the way it was going (At least in my head). I’ve held off posting this first chapter because I wanted to get more done, but I’m curious to see if people are really interested in this story line before I go too much further. Please feel free to comment. I do read them. I also make an effort not to delete any comments that people make, as long as they’re not offensive. In other words, I’m old enough to take constructive criticism...
Clouds scurried swiftly across the sky and the early morning air was crisp with the first hints of autumnal frost as I started my southerly drive over Rannoch Moor. I'd set off deliberately early, hoping to avoid the worst of the late summer holiday traffic on the A82. Behind me lay Fort William and a fabulous week's holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where I'd visited Kilchurn Castle, explored my paternal ancestry on the Isle of Skye and searched unsuccessfully for the Loch Ness Monster. Ahead...
LesbianThis is a story of true love, of the purest kind. It's first and foremost a love story, but has a transgender backbone that runs the length of the story. It may get wordy at times, but I felt it necessary to flesh out the whole story. There is no violence, no rape, incest, or bondage, so if you are looking for that kind of thing, you might want to look elsewhere. But if you are looking for a story that makes you feel good about the human spirit, then you have come to the right place....
Chapter 1 – High School Nurses Exam or Welcome to Hell, Boys 15 Year old Jordan Haystack shifted anxiously in his seat as he awaited the mandatory nurse’s exam for freshman year of high school. The knot in his stomach grew tighter and tighter, and he felt sicker and sicker. The line of boys in front of him looked just as terrified. The boys filing out of the nurses office ahead of us kept their gaze fastened straight to the floor, their cheeks bright red. It didn’t...
The twins had befriended a local housewife, named Claire Bontsman, who used to be a schoolteacher, but was laid off and decided to open up her own daycare. This woman was only four years older than us, at age 27, she had one kid, who was the same age as my two children. All in all, leaving my children with this woman, was a good opportunity. My children were able to interact with other kids, and I was able to get to know other parents. My father had asked me two years ago if I was going...
HIGH SCHOOLWHITE PAPER Top secret These files have been declassified as of 10 10 2010 HIGH SCHOOLWHITE PAPER 05-22-1978 There is a new...
A few years ago I went to my twenty five year high school reunion. Coincidentally, I’d also begun a fitness regime about a year ahead of the reunion. I didn’t really do it for the reunion, but over that year the reunion date did provide some motivation. After all, the desire to impress a group of people that you shared five years of your life with in the distant past seems a common condition. Since I wasn’t famous or rich, the only avenue left to me to impress was through a regime of workouts....
FetishUnderwear High School Son of a bitch. Fucking Underwear High School. Damn the luck. Brenda and I weren’t even doing anything wrong but somehow we got caught and tossed out of our regular school. Dad had threatened us before with Military School, Shock Camp, and even the Stockade. As you can imagine, he used to be in the military. Well that first Monday morning Mom and Dad delivered us to school at the designated time. They took us in to see the Principle. His secretary...
High School Softmore By Jeffanie As I peered into the window of Karen's bedroom my eyes were glued to her as she undressed in front of me. What an ass and tits she had, she was truely the prized senior in school. As her skirt dropped to the floor her sheer pantyhose covered legs and perfect ass came into view. God what a sight! When her blouse was off I got the whole picture and then I snapped a couple pictures with my camera high in the tree aside of her...
This is written for the third anniversary of the SRU universe. It's a little late, but somethings can't be helped. The first story specifically designated as SRU (although I spelled it all out the first couple of posts) was posted to the TSA-TALK mailing list on October 8, 1996. At first, I wasn't sure if I would have the time to write an anniversary story. There was the crossover series with the Altered Fates universe to consider, although that project now looks dead. And I didn't...
All characters are over the age of eighteen.Finally walking off the plane from my first class seat on a Thursday evening, it feels good to be home. I’m back in town for my ten-year high school reunion. This time I’m going to be the one everyone’s jealous of. I’ve got the perfect job, making more money than I know what to do with. Well… being an accountant for a huge tech firm, I obviously invest my money to earn interest and make more money… but my point being, I’m far better off than all the...