A Routine EnslavementChapter 16 Steelforth Is Challenged
- 5 years ago
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Damn! After Stephanie's rejection in that hotel bar, I hurt in parts of me I didn't even know I had. Sure she had said she would have trouble relating to any man after her experiences being raped. But the part I really heard was when she said she couldn't relate to me because I was a slaver. That hurt! I had been feeling both lust and something more than that for this woman ever since that day I performed a "Creditor's Examination" upon her naked person in my office during her enslavement trial. I had wanted to fuck her then, and could have, but something had stayed my penis. I knew, somewhere at the back of my mind, that I wanted much more from her than just a quick fuck, though I had not exactly defined what it was I wanted. Now she was free to reject my advances — in considerable measure because I had worked to achieve her freedom!
Her rejection had somehow sexually aroused me and I was tenting my pants. I had this major case of blue balls and wanted a quick simple uncomplicated release with just about any attractive woman. And although I was not normally a vindictive man, I felt that the quick release I wanted would be even sweeter if I could humiliate someone in the process. After all I had just been humiliated, or so I felt, and it seemed right somehow to be able to turn the tables.
On my way home I passed by a major 24-hour shopping mall and remembered I needed a few drugstore items. I got my hard-on down and made my way inside. There were a surprising number of customers in Pickup-Mart for this time of evening. As I searched for the right aisle I passed the jewelry counter and there was an attractive young red headed woman there looking over some rather expensive looking watches the clerk had placed on the counter top for her inspection. I noticed her because she was fashionably dressed in an exquisite silk blouse with fine accessories and because she was quite slender and her skirt came only to mid thigh, showing off a splendid pair of lightly muscled legs.
She asked the clerk to pull another watch from a case some distance away. As the clerk turned away to retrieve the requested item I saw the young woman slip one of the watches into the waistband of her skirt. I marveled that it did not just fall through to the floor until I realized she must have dropped it inside her panties. Just then she called out to the clerk that she had changed her mind and had no more time for shopping and started to walk away.
She was walking toward the store entrance where I had come in only a minute before. I knew the chief of security at this mall and he had once done a favor for me. I used my mobile device to give him a heads up about this shoplifter. He thanked me abruptly and hung up. Soon there were two security guards — one male and one female — approaching the young shoplifter. The male officer blocked her way to the exit while the female security officer grabbed her firmly by one arm. I couldn't help but notice the female officer had an appealing figure — slender and long limbed like our shoplifter, but more muscular.
"What is the meaning of this?" the shoplifter cried out with feigned outrage. "I have done nothing wrong. Surely there must be some mistake! Take your hands off me you bitch!"
"You have a stolen watch on your person young lady and as your wristband shows that you are not a citizen, you must come with us to the mall security office!" the male officer informed her.
"I won't go! You two rent-a-cops can't make me do anything!" she screamed as she began to struggle with first the female officer and then the male officer.
"We are legally permitted to arrest you under these circumstances ma'am" the female officer interjected. "And as a non-citizen, if you resist us we can legally strip you right here to prove you have stolen merchandise on your person."
This seemed to give the young shoplifter pause for a moment. She looked scared as she realized this could indeed happen. Then she screamed out a whole string of curses and while the male officer was pulling her hands behind her to handcuff her she was kicking out at the female officer. Apparently she thought if she got other shoppers to notice her someone would come to her rescue. It was not to be. Other shoppers noticed all right but most looked on with either grim satisfaction or glee. Shoplifters were not popular and most people felt they got what they deserved.
Soon she was cuffed but she refused to walk with the officers. A second pair of handcuffs was put on her ankles to prevent her kicking. The male officer picked up her high-heeled shoes that had come off and stuffed them in his back pockets. The two of them then picked her up and carried her still cursing toward the elevator to the security office downstairs. Just before she was picked up the female officer looked in my direction and called out to me.
"Chief asked if you would accompany us sir. He would like to thank you personally for turning her in!"
At that bit of news I saw the young shoplifter look in my direction. She had paid no attention to me before, but now there were daggers in her eyes as she tried to stare me down.
As she was hoisted up her skirt rode up somewhat and I had the opportunity to see even more of her nylon clad legs. I followed these three to the elevators. As we all got in the elevator the officers continued to carry the struggling shoplifter in a horizontal position with her knees higher than her torso. Her skirt had ridden up yet higher and I was in a fairly good position for a look up her skirt. I could see where her nylons ended and that her panties were pulled tight into her crotch. The shape of her cleft of Venus was just discernible in the way the panties clung to her. The two guards could see where I was looking but made no attempt to adjust the handcuffed shoplifter's skirt for greater modesty.
We entered the suite of security offices in the basement level. Chief Warren Redford greeted me warmly and shook my hand as we entered.
"Bill, we have recently acquired a new toy that I think a man in your line of work might appreciate!" he said with a twinkle of the eye.
"Her bracelet says non-citizen" he continued looking at the guards "but you better scan it to make sure we know who she is" the Chief instructed the security guards.
As soon as they swiped her bracelet a computer screen lit up showing her name as Ms. Rebecca Stinson, non-citizen resident, occupation as receptionist at some law firm I had never heard of, her address, contact information, retina scan, credit history, prior brushes with the law and much else.
"Get a live retina scan on her now", the Chief directed, "to make sure it matches what is on file for this Rebecca Stinson. We need biometric confirmation that the information on our computer screen represents her real name, identity and other particulars. Some shoplifters use false ID after all."
This was done and the retina scans matched.
"Take the young lady into our new scanner room" he added, looking at the two guards.
The Chief and I followed the two guards as they continued to carry the struggling shoplifter into a room containing what I immediately recognized as a full body scanner. Evidently she recognized the nature of the machine as well since I noted her intensifying her struggles and attempting to kick out at the guards.
"You can't do this! I am a free legal resident! I have rights! Get me out of this infernal machine and take the cuffs off me!" she cried.
"Actually we can do this because you are not a citizen and because you have given us 'probable cause' for such a scan of your body" the Chief answered her. "In fact Mr. Steelforth here is the one who gave us the probable cause by his willingness to testify against you in court should that become necessary."
Soon they had her positioned vertically in the machine with her hands cuffed to an attachment point above her head and her ankles secured to the floor and separated by about two feet. Other rods were adjusted to insure that she would maintain the desired position and could not move about very much.
"Bill, I think you are going to be impressed with what this machine can do!" the Chief said proudly. The older machines produced black and white images only, the images were somewhat grainy and did not always show as much detail as one would wish.
The machine began to whir as it took multiple scanning passes. The male security officer had been dismissed and The Chief and I and the female officer stood in front of a large computer monitor where a full body image began to materialize. It showed a full color image of our young shoplifter fully dressed including the colors and textures of her clothing, the sheen of her silk blouse, the texture of her nylon clad legs and so forth.
"So far only a normal photographic image that is useful to document her identity among other things. All the images will be permanently saved on our hard drive for later recall. A sophisticated computer program controls the display of images so that each image will show us what we want to see and nothing we don't want to see. Next you will see a layered stripping process. Watch!"
Suddenly the outer layer of clothing was gone. What we saw now was the girl wearing a bra, panties and her nylon hose. I was impressed at how well the machine was able to render the skin tones and textures. She had very smooth and nicely tanned skin, a small birthmark just below her clearly delineated collarbone and one could see from tan lines that she often wore a Brazilian style high cut bikini to the beach.
"If you wonder how our machine can strip away outer garments while not stripping away underwear, I can tell you how it is done. The machine takes multiple scanning passes, each pass penetrating a fraction of a millimeter deeper than the previous pass. Depth of penetration is controlled by changing the frequency or wavelength of the x-rays and by subtracting out reflections that come back to the camera from too shallow or too deep a level."
I nodded my head, pretending I could follow all this tech speak.
Our young shoplifter was looking in our direction with an anxious expression on her face. The monitor was angled so that she could not see the actual images we three were seeing but she could see the amused expression on my face and listen to us talking about her body.
We were also able to observe the details of her navel and a small heart shaped tattoo just below the navel and just above the panty line. Dimly visible through the semi-translucent material of the panties was a dark area on her mons suggestive of pubic hair. Just to one side of that, above her right leg, we saw a slight bulge in the elastic waistband and some object about the size of a watch was dimly visible through the material. The panties were still pulled tight into her crotch so that they perfectly outlined the sweet cleft between her young legs. The gusset of the panties was a reinforced panel so more could not be seen as yet. The image was clearly incriminating so the Chief pressed a button to make sure we had saved the image to the hard drive and printed out a copy as well to attach to her file.
Next we saw the naked image of this shoplifter. The image was everything a voyeur would wish for. Even the female officer seemed quite interested. I could see a certain sexual tension in her the way she was holding her muscles. Perhaps she was lesbian or at least bi-sexual I thought. In addition I was startled to see a couple of stolen items that had been concealed by her underwear now clearly visible. The watch above her right leg could be seen in sufficient detail to read the brand of it and the time of day it displayed. It was strange to see it since it did not appear to be supported by anything now that the elastic waistband was no longer shown. In similar fashion we could see that there was a silk handkerchief of some sort that appeared to be clinging to her left breast.
The breasts were full and firm and about C-cup size I should think. The skin of the breasts was much whiter than other skin — suggesting she seldom made a practice of exposing the breasts when tanning at a public beach or swimming pool. My eyes naturally traveled down to her mons where I saw a very thick mass of curly red pubic hair that she had neatly trimmed into a heart shape. The color matched the color of hair on her head exactly. My eyes dropped still lower and I was treated to one of the most beautiful vulvas I had ever been privileged to see. The detail was incredible. The female security officer did not look bored.
"There used to be this silly legal requirement" the Chief continued, "that the machine must scramble the so-called 'private areas'. While I can understand the rationale for that it simply isn't workable in the security business. After all these bitches often use their so-called private parts to conceal stolen merchandise. We have to be able to see everything!"
"You fucking perverts!" the young woman screamed. "Turn your fucking machine off!"
"If you have objections to body scanning, you should have thought of that before you committed the crime and gave us cause to scan you!" the female officer answered her.
Just then I saw the Chief activate something called the "Zoom Feature". The machine began to display an increasingly detailed close-up image of her vulva. It lingered on her left outer labia for a while and we could see individual pubic hairs filling the whole screen.
"Do you see that!" the Chief suddenly exclaimed. "Count down three pubic hairs from the top of the screen and tell me what you see!"
"It looks like a small scar or birthmark of some sort" I replied.
"Exactly. And that could be very useful for identification by other security officers in other shopping malls if the young lady ever tries to change her name to escape her past."
"You are going to put images of my private parts in some national database where anyone can look at them?" the young woman cried out hysterically.
"No ma'am. That would never happen unless you are convicted, or if you confessed and then stole again. Even then the images would only be accessible to licensed security officers or police who have you in their custody as a result of some future incident. If you confess to us later tonight and don't steal again nobody but this department will have access to the images or even knowledge that you were arrested."
"But what if I don't confess?" she asked.
"Then you would go to trial and, if convicted, the images will go into a law enforcement
database where any security officer or police could access them," the Chief replied.
She looked shaken at this revelation.
The Chief moved the Zoom viewer to the center top of the vulva and we were able to just see the tip of the clitoris peeping out from under the clitoral hood. We noted that she had a gold clitoral ring installed through the upper part of the clitoral hood. There was an inscription on the ring and, although he zoomed in close, we couldn't quite make it out. He was able to read the RFID number off the ring, however. A quick computer lookup revealed that a ring bearing this RFID number had been reported stolen from one of Pickup-Mart's other stores two weeks earlier. Then he dropped the zoom area a bit lower and we saw a few drops of what was clearly urine.
"Those drops would be indicative of her fear at being arrested and could possibly help us to document her guilty state of mind", the Chief commented. He then pushed a button to make sure we had a permanent image on the hard drive and a hard copy to attach to her file. We could not see the vaginal opening since the lips of the vulva were pressed close together. Nothing had been done as yet to open up this area.
"Now we go deeper still," he continued. "We will now look inside her body cavities to see what else we might find.
Now I was seeing images that looked more like traditional medical x-ray images. First he looked inside her ears and nose and found nothing, then inside her throat and stomach and her rectum and still found nothing. Then he moved the focal point of the depth scanner to her vagina and we saw a clear image of a bottle of perfume hidden in there. He adjusted the resolution so that we could even read the label on the bottle through her flesh and verify that it was a very expensive brand of perfume. He was able to read the RFID number off the bottle through her flesh as well and determine that it had not been paid for. I was impressed.
"OK. I think we have seen quite enough in this virtual stripping to justify a literal stripping," the Chief finally exclaimed. "Release her from the machine now and attach her to the exam table."
I must confess I was really hard after watching this exciting stripping process. I did my best not to let the Chief or the two officers see me tenting my pants.
They had a portable table setup and proceeded to strap the young shoplifter to that.
The female security officer produced a digital camera and proceeded to take pictures of the young woman in this disheveled state, including close-ups of her face. They dumped the contents of her purse on a side counter and checked to see if she had any other stolen items. Then the table, which was on wheels, was rolled into the Chief's office with our shoplifter on it.
"You may as well come in here too" the Chief called to me. "You should see how we deal with shoplifters here. Of course had she been a citizen we would follow an entirely different protocol."
I must admit I was intrigued. If the shoplifter had been some old hag I would probably have been content to let the law take care of itself. But this was not the case. All four of us followed the gurney. I felt my hard-on gently tenting my slacks again and willed it down. In the Chief's office they began stripping her of her clothing.
"Do these fucking men have to be here!" our pretty shoplifter hissed.
The Chief motioned to the male guard and he, somewhat disappointed left the room.
"What about him?" she asked, indicating me.
"This is Bill Steelforth. If it wasn't for him you wouldn't be here now. He observed your theft and will be the star witness against you if this case goes to court. In his line of work he is already licensed to perform, witness or participate in female examinations. We want him to witness your complete exam so that he can testify that we didn't plant any additional evidence on you."
They carefully checked that she had not hidden any other stolen items on her person. First to go was her beautiful silk blouse. An RFID scan revealed that it was stolen. As the female security officer removed her C-cup bra the silk handkerchief we had seen in the body scanner fell out. But my interest was much more directed to her newly exposed breasts. They were beautifully shaped and resilient to the officer's touch and her nipples were erect. It could have been fear or possibly the chilly air in the room, but I really suspected we had someone who was turned on by the eroticism of being forcibly examined in this way by two men and a woman, though I am sure she would never admit it.
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The rise of the hand-held medical database and computerized diagnostics in the early years of the twenty-first century combined with advances in testing and scanning meant the achievement of affordable medical care for almost everyone. They took advantage of new technology to set up a parallel medical system, a government regulated and sponsored corporation that was based on completely voluntary participation at very reasonable prices as well as a very low cost to the government. Those who...
Back when Paul1952 published "Sultan's Choice", I asked if I could set a story in the Tabloid Tales universe. He was kind enough to say yes. He was also kind enough to read this story before I posted it and correct some mistakes that I had made in my use of British terms. Thank you, Paul, for your time, your kindness, and your stories. Ellie Tabloid Tales: Memphis Interlude By Ellie Dauber Copyright 1999 The Wheatsheaf Pub -- Wapping London -- October '99 It was...
I have always been a sexual person. I have always been turned on by sex. When I was 16, I got my first “serious” girlfriend, meaning the first girl I ever tongue kissed, made out with and felt up. My dad sensed that I was a in the beginning stages of a hormone drenched relationship with a girl who was a bit more experienced than I and a year older. He had the “Sex Talk” with me where he discussed STD’s, pregnancy, and condoms. But he also instilled a bit of wisdom in me about sex. He told me...
BisexualWe sat on the sofa as we talked about the day. Liz told us about the troublesome customers she had at the store. Linds told us about events around the house. Then I told them about the training and the events after. I described Crystal and our sexual activities in the motel. By the time I finished both Liz and Linds were obviously excited. They had their hands on me as I kissed each of them in turn. Liz rubbed my nipples through my shirt as Linds opened my pants and fished out my...
My name is Arthur Brown. A tall, good-looking young Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. And I have an important message to share with you. In celebration of the race created to kick the collective ass of the universe, I give you the African-American National Anthem. We’re living in the best of times right now. The rest of America suffers but we secretly rejoice. We’re finally standing on our own two feet. And we’re prepared to battle any challenge the universe throws our way....
Nicolette Fuck Wheelbarrow’s breasts ached as she moved. That was alright, though. She liked that. Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose,...
Masochistic Me By Cal Y. Pygia Late in purchasing a home computer, I was late in surfing the 'net. However, when I first took to cyberspace, spending hours perusing porn, like any other red-blooded, all-American boy, I soon discovered spanking, both as it is represented in drawings and photographs, still and (in the form of video clips) moving. I also discovered Literotica, to which, by today's count, I have submitted (lovely word, that!) over 682 works,...
Hi, everyone! Abhishek here! I am a resident of north Bangalore in a posh society. I am 5’11” tall, athletic build and quite fair and I can speak quite well. I am a regular reader of ISS and I can’t tell you how amazing this particular experience has been. I finally decided to share my experience. This is the sex story of how my neighbor’s daughter caught my interest and how I ended up fucking her and then her mom separately. Neha is a sensual babe while her mother is a wild chick. This...
It was during San Francisco's Summer of Love that he first showed up in our Backyard. (Don't you just hate it when you have an unannounced visitor?) Well, anyway, there we were having breakfast one Saturday morning—we looked out—and there he was! Since we had some eggs left over, my wife being the waste not - want not kind of girl decided we should see if he was hungry. "You know... He's kinda cute for such a little guy," she said. Those whiskers really make him look sort of...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Chapter Two A Mom’s Sexuality Is Awaken Josh looked down at his mother’s head as she was busy sucking his cock again today. Her face was still covered from the last blow job she gave him earlier. Three times every day now she had been sucking him off. She never once complain no matter how long he’d take or how many times he wanted it. She would suck him off six times a day if he asked. On the morning of his 19th birthday she sucked him without stopping until he...
6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...
After lock up we would talk for hours, telling each other everything. The screws never bothered Steve. There were agreements like that inside. Steve kept a lid on certain things for the screws, and they left her to do as she liked with her cellmates. Not that they didn't like to cop an eyeful through the peephole now and then. With Steve's guidance I quickly settled into the prison routine, and even got a job in the kitchens, thanks to her influence. She said that there was even a chance I...
“Paul?” Collin asked. My mind had wondered. “Sorry,” I mumbled. “What was that?” “I asked if you agreed with the analysis on the hardening rates,” Collin replied. We were going over the latest data from the test casting of the lunar building materials we had developed for use in-place on the lunar surface. The last mission -- before the on-orbit emergency had put a stop to using chemical landing rockets -- had provided more data on the setting process as well as the self-adhesion rates to...
It was challenging for Angel to wake up early after spending so many years being nocturnal. She was a bit out of sorts as she got in the shower. It was work for her to keep her eyes open as the water fell on her and she managed to finish showering. She toweled off and began to blow dry her hair and then she thumbed through her clothes attempting to pick out an outfit. Jordan had given her a little bit of closet space. "Dress casually today," Jordan said and she could see he was wearing his...
Detectives Lloyd and Berger had grilled Charlie the desk clerk of the Hanover Motel at length about whether or not he remembered any strangers being in town at the time of Angel's abduction. Charlie hated cops and he had kept no record of Jerry Jones aka Rico's stay because it was all paid for by cash. The police had given Charlie nothing but grief, so as Rico predicted Charlie didn't offer them any information. They weren't offering him any money the way Ethan Parks men had done, so...
Well, she had mouse trapped me. I had no choice to accept, but I swore to myself, if there was some kind of game being played, I’d drop them off on the first world I could and to hell with them. My voice was granite as I replied “I grant you the right of protection. But I want you to tell me now, and I mean RIGHT NOW, what’s going on. Why don’t you want to speak to your family?” “Have you heard of House Iraske?” I hadn’t heard much about them, but what I had heard wasn’t good, and I said...
Saturday afternoon I had a very good fuck session with my beloved hubby.Later that night Victor drove me to the airport; I had to catch a flight to Memphis, on a very boring business trip. I felt really stupid when I took a challenge from my asshole Boss and accepted to make that trip…In the other hand, my good friends Sheila and Peter lived in Memphis; so it would be a nice chance to meet them after so many years.Sheila and Peter Anne sometimes had played around with me when they lived in...
A really nice story from another web page! EnjoyGreg was late for class. He ran through the hallways. They were very particular about being punctual here. His health teacher especially. She was very focused on such things. Greg had been late twice this week. He couldn't help that his car kept breaking down. Ms. Sin was a real hardass and didn't accept excuses. Greg had only started his last year of high school here after his eighteenth birthday a few months ago. He was worried about the...
A masochist flasher gets lucky Part 1 I am a flasher. I love being naked, wanking and spunking in front of women and young girls. I often go to parks and forests, strip naked and walk around wanking until come across women then I stand and come in front of them. I love all their reactions, some are shocked, cry out and run away, others laugh and watch, others get angry and insult me but they also stay to watch. I have often been attacked by women that I flash to, punched, kicked and slapped as...
The untold story 1 Hi i am Ravi when this incident happen it was may this year. I was twenty seven that time. Worked as a purchasing officer, for a site…. We were in industrial site in Sri Lanka, where lot of desi workers engaged. End of the April our coordinating manager’s wife Reema came there to join her husband. She was about 30 (33 was exact i discovered later with her passport) since they have no children they have free behavior and enjoy their life. I was told by someone that Reema is...
Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose, even though the damp spot on her yoga pants was already down to mid thigh. Ever since she had...
Emma was walking across the concourse of the Savoy hotel in Covent Garden. Her hips swayed and her head and hair followed them, but in a different direction. Her red heels clipped loudly on the chequered marble flooring. She walked between two gold-topped ornate pillars as she made her way to the lounge. She was so excited. The smile on her face was so broad it would have put Julia Robert’s smile from the film ‘Pretty Woman’ to shame.As she entered the plush lounge she looked around for her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiEmma grasped the cock that she had been encouraging for the last fifteen minutes and forced it upright. It was time to fuck it. She knew what she liked and the one she found before her, in the plush hotel room, attached to a hunk of a male prostitute, was just right.There would be no ‘too soft’, or ‘too hard’ stories to be told here. In fact, as far as Emma was concerned, too hard could never be considered as an issue, and she never experienced a too soft either, especially after she had...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMy name is Claire I am happily married and have a good sex life. This is a brief account of my sexual history Pink cherryWhen I was 18 just 3 months from my 19th birthday when I met this guy at work Keith. He was very popular and was the first guy to really sweep me of my feet. I was a virgin when we met and it was at a toga party a few days before my 19th birthday that he poped my cherry. We making out upstairs when finally a bedroom became vacant and we got on the bed. I was very wet as he...
At the turn of the century it became a highly contentious question; was sexual orientation something learned or innate. More importantly, could it be changed. The mind is a powerful thing, and while orientation was shown eventually to have biological roots, one could build negative association with sexual contact with one sex, in the same way that accidental sexual fetishes developed in early life from exposure. Likewise in the same way, one could build up theoretically an entire sexual...
BisexualOne day a man was walking around in a mall minding his own business. The man was horny, but he suppressed these emotions to fit in society, but he often wondered, what it be like if it was legal to touch a woman without her consent? What if he could just walk up to anyone he wanted, and feel her breasts, her ass, touch her pussy. What if the law even allowed you to escort her somewhere private and fuck her? These thoughts made him so horny his cock was hard and wanted to come out his pants,...
The cell door slammed shut with an awful clanging finality that forced me to believe this was what my miserable life had been leading too all along. The free rides, the fucked-up love affairs, the years of selfish pleasure and decadence were over; it was payback time. I shuddered deep in my soul as terror of the present and immediate future seized me. But that was not all. For many of those months since my arrest, I had been assailed by dark thoughts and fantasies, repetitive dreams and...