DreamweaverChapter 21: Diving In free porn video

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"What was that?" Lizzy asked after I hung up with Rebecca.

"I'm not sure yet," Allison said. "I got here the same time you did, remember? I thought the walls were going to explode. From the sound of it and what we saw here, my guess is it was a case that Rebecca asked him to look at. I'd say he found something." She stopped and kissed my cheek, "How am I doing so far?"

"Pretty well," I answered. "We talked earlier about a case she wanted me to take a look at. Partly because there is a sizable reward for catching the guy, but mostly because they really didn't have any serious leads. Four young girls, really young, have been raped out by Palm Springs and I guess they couldn't even put together a decent composite sketch. Probably because of their age, guy likes them young, they were all about ten. I was just going over the stuff, then looking at all the pictures and I started getting images. Flashes from the different people in the pictures, parents dreaming of what they'd do if they got their hands on him, the girls' nightmares, that sort of thing, and then they changed. It took a second but I realized I was seeing images of him stalking them, and I saw how he got their names and information so he could lure them away when he was ready for them. Then it changed again and he was raping one of them, then another ... I got to watch through his eyes."

"Oh jeez," Lizzy said. "No wonder you were so angry."

"Yeah, it was a good thing it was only a memory or it might have gotten ugly. I was so mad I started to lose him, so I screamed for you. After you got here I had to sit through two more before it changed again and I saw him picking out the next one." I paused, running my fingers through my hair and stretching the muscles in my neck and shoulders. I hadn't even realized they were tense until now. Then I remembered where I was and just made the tension go away. "You know those stick figures of their families people put on the back of their cars?"

"Yeah, some of them even put the pets up there. Always seemed kind of lame but then I don't have kids so who am I to judge."

"Well, these people put the names up with them. Anyway, he was eying this new girl and I caught the license number of her mom's van. That was the number I gave to Rebecca. Hopefully it will be enough for her to catch him. I'd hate to think I went through that for nothing."

"Don't worry," Allison said. "She'll get him. All she has to do is watch the girl, seems like it should be pretty easy. She just has to wait for him to make his move and then ... Wham! Meet your new cell mate, Bubba, and I hope he's got a big one, so the fucker can learn what he was putting those poor girls through."

Lizzy was just staring back and forth between us. "You took his anger," she said plainly, still looking intently at Allison. "I can see it in you, fading but still there. How did you do that?"

"I have no idea. I think maybe it started as self defense. Jimmy's projective and over the years I guess I found a way to deal with it. Unless he's really concentrating; then I don't have a chance. Like when he makes love to me, total overload, I lost count of the number of times I've passed out."

Her eyes got wide, "Really? He's made you pass out?" She looked at me again and this time there was a definite hunger in the look.

"Yeah, Shannon and Angela too, I've warned him to be careful if he picks up any more lovers, you know, go easy. Have you ever done it?"

"Passed out? No, but I'm willing to try." Lizzy said with a smile.

Something in the way she said it caught my attention, I glanced at Allison and apparently she'd heard it too. "But you have done it to someone else, haven't you?" Allison pressed her suspicion.

Lizzy's face fell, "Yes, I was careless. My gift..."

"Yeah, but not the way you think." Allison said. "It's probably part of your gift, but I suspect that it's more an outgrowth of it than part of it. You're both."

"What do you mean, she's both?" I asked.

"Plus and minus, she projects like you, but she also absorbs like me. She may not be a true empath, but she's the closest thing either of us is ever likely to see. I'm betting that it's been developing slowly as you learned to use your gift. From what Rebecca told us of how your gift works, you see them, you do your thing, the bad slowly leaves and something else fills the void. Maybe it's just a case of practice making perfect but I'm guessing it's gotten a lot easier to do since you started, and the more you do it, the easier it gets. You did it just now with Jimmy and probably don't even realize it."

"No I didn't."

"Yeah," Allison insisted, "You did. Trust me, I know my limits and I could never have handled what he was putting out there. You took quite a lot of it yourself."

Lizzy clearly wasn't buying it.

"I think she may be right," I said. "I could feel a difference where your hand touched my chest."

She turned her unbelieving gaze on me, "Really?"

"Really, tell me, why did you put my hand on your chest," I grinned, "I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining or anything. I really liked it..."

Suddenly Allison was laughing, "I don't believe it! You actually made her blush. I didn't think anything could do that."

I rolled my eyes and shifted her onto a stool in the corner with a very tall conical paper hat on her head and kept going, "As I was saying, looking back at it now, it almost seemed like you were completing a circuit of some kind. Did you even realize what you were doing or was it automatic?"

"Totally automatic, I didn't even realize where your hand was until it was over."

"Well, like I said, no complaints here but I think Allison is onto something." I paused before going on, "But that is something we can play with some other time. All that matters right now is that you were there when I needed you and I appreciate that. That and Shannon is going to be here real soon and looking to celebrate. Her dad saw his doctor today for the results from his latest tests and they told him he is cancer free."

"That's wonderful!" Lizzy said, then she got a really worried look on her face, "I don't know if I can take the three of you like that though."

"Excuse me!" Allison called from across the room, "When you get a second, my ass is glued to this stool and the hat won't come off either."

I didn't realize I had gone quite so far, "If I let you go, do you think you can behave yourself?"

"Probably not," she said with a smile, "but I'm willing to try?"

"Okay," I said in my best 'be a good daddy's girl' voice, "Since you were honest I'll let you go, but you better be good or daddy may have to..."

Lizzy interrupted, "Uh, I wouldn't go there right now if I were you." I turned and saw her staring intently at Allison. "She just might take you up on it."

I looked at Allison again and she was beet red. It was starting to look like maybe she was serious about doing a little experimentation. I didn't see her ever going down Amber's road but ... I was definitely going to need to see Lady Jasmine for some training, and soon. I disappeared the hat and released her from the seat but before she could thank me Shannon arrived.

"WhoooHoo!" Came the ear-piercing cry from the doorway, we all turned and there she was, framed in the doorway.

"WhoooHoo!" Allison answered as she dashed across the room to hug her lover. I wasn't far behind, wrapping my arms around them both and hugging hard as they bounced up and down. It didn't take long before tears were flowing.

I glanced back and saw we weren't the only ones crying. Lizzy stood silent, eyes mostly averted, just glancing toward us every few seconds. I gave each of the girls a squeeze to get their attention and pointed with my head when she wasn't looking. The next time she looked away we mobbed her, surrounding her with bodies and arms, taking turns hugging her and sharing our joy. Apparently I had been right; it had been her usual sense of exclusion that was the problem. I still wasn't sure if Allison was right or not, but she certainly seemed to take in our exuberant feelings as she quickly was bouncing right along with us. Finally something seemed to snap and she threw her arms around Shannon's neck and drove her tongue into the younger girl's mouth. Shannon didn't even hesitate, just wrapped her arms around her new dance partner and sounded the bell for round one. I was starting to worry about them setting off the sprinkler system as hands began to roam freely over backs and bottoms. Suddenly Shannon grabbed the bottom of Lizzy's shirt and pulled upward. My first thought was to send them to the cabana but then I remembered what Lizzy had said about the leather furniture. I glanced at Allison, who was looking on in awe at the display. She was oblivious to me as she watched the scene continue to heat up, so I took her hand and nodded towards the door.

"Wow!" She said as we stepped out into the glade. I checked my ring and confirmed we were in her glade instead of mine.

"You can say that again. I'm not sure what I was expecting when we included her, but that wasn't it."

"It's not a problem though, right?"

"Allison, please, don't be ridiculous."

"So, what did you have in mind, a little private celebration maybe?"

I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her, "No plan, but I could be talked into it without too much effort on your part if that's what you want?"

"Jimmy, I always want, but this is good too. So that's what you pulled Rebecca aside at the restaurant for?"

"Yeah, that's why she had Bob call after school. Now, since we have all this free time on our hands how about getting a little work done. When you spoke to Samantha before did she give you any information on the people she knows about?"

"No," She said, shaking her head. "Nothing I think you could use anyway. She had names on a couple other girls, mostly just first names. As for the bad guys, everybody seems to be Lord or Lady this or that, Master or Mistress depending on the situation."

"Okay, I think it's time we sat down with her and started getting familiar with who she knows. Jasmine knows some of them too, including another doctor."

"Really, when did all this come up?"

"The first time I saw her, it's another one of those weird things I can't begin to explain, I was sent to her, and she was told to expect me; not me specifically, but someone who had a mutual interest. That if she helped me, I would fulfill a desire that had burned in her for some time. Want to guess what that was?"

"You're kidding."

"Nope, seems she got blackmailed into helping train a few of the local girls, including, get this, Amanda and Samantha, plus teaching some of their people so now they can do it without her. She wishes now she had taken her chances with the courts. She told me about another doctor, a woman this time, who sounds like a real hard core bitch. One of the girls Jasmine offered me is seriously into bondage and discipline; she has scars all over her ass..."

"What do you mean offered you?"

"Just what I said, offered, as in pick one on the house and ... Anyway, her name is Tanya, this woman is one of her best customers. I'm thinking maybe there is actually a line she can't cross with the girls she has available and Tanya is her outlet."

"That should be obvious; she can't risk physical evidence on one of the regular girls. Nothing you could show the cops that would make them take you seriously. Can't take the risk, mental cruelty and intimidation is one thing, provable physical torture is another. I expect if she was the reason for an investigation it would not go well for her."

"Yeah," I said sarcastically, "It'd be a damn shame if she had to spend a weekend in the chair." The chair was one of the group's disciplinary tools. "Anyway, unless there is another doctor then I'm thinking between her and Hendricks they're going to know pretty much everyone, or at least all the girls. One or the other would be responsible for their checkups and birth control pills. I want to go see Jasmine and see if I can get enough to bridge her, the same for Hendricks. But I also want to get all the information I can on the girls that she and Samantha know. I'm not going to take it for granted that I'll be able to find everyone just through the two doctors. I'll start with the girls they know and work outward. If nothing else it will give me a chance to evaluate each of them individually, maybe eventually get Bob involved to see what kind of help they are going to need once it's over."

"Well, I can't go with you to see Jasmine so why don't you send me to Samantha and I'll work with her while you talk to Jasmine? I'll get Sam's stuff organized for you so you can get started; I'll have her give me visuals on them. That should make it easier for you to bridge them."

"That's actually a good idea. It would certainly save time. You'll behave yourself with Sam right?"

She grinned, "No promises; don't get me wrong, I'll try, but I think if she has me all to herself she may want... , Jimmy, the only person who ever loved her was Amanda, and I think it was far more than a sisterly kind of thing if you know what I mean. I can't guarantee I'll say no. You're the one she wants, but if I'm the one that's there..."

"I understand what you're saying but what do you mean I'm the one she wants?"

"Oh please, what are you, blind? Jimmy, that girl would do anything for you. And I mean anything. Haven't you noticed the way she looks at you?"

"No, not really, and I'm sure it's just that she is grateful that I'm helping, or trying to help."

"I'm sure it is too, but Jimmy, that girl would trade places with Amber in a hot second, and she doesn't need any training. She worships you, and if you actually pull this off and rescue her and Rachel ... She better never find out who you really are or she'll be knocking on your door."

"Get out," I said.

"No, I'm serious, ask Shannon, better yet; if Lizzy can ever stand to be in the same room with her, ask her. I'll tell you right now though; there is nothing that anyone has ever forced that girl to do that she wouldn't do voluntarily for you."

"Whatever, it isn't going to matter though, because she's never going to know. So go see her, don't worry about what may or may not happen - you know it's not an issue for me, then we can finally get started on fixing this problem." I kissed her and sent her on her way, then focused on Jasmine. Walking to the stream, I whispered her name and watched as her face formed in the clear water. I bowed formally and asked, "Do you have time for me?"

She gave a polite bow in return, "Of course."

Same as Dreamweaver
Chapter 21: Diving In Videos

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The loud, chest thumping beat of the blaring disco music was irritating. That and the glare from the intense lights illuminating the stage areas deadened my senses after awhile. The only saving grace with this place was the group of beautiful, scantily clad young Thai ladies dancing on the stages and the ice cold beer that the bar served. The ‘Long Gun’ must have been the third or fourth bar that we had visited this evening as we slowly worked our way down the row of bars and night clubs that...

2 years ago
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Finding My Love

Finally, they noticed me and started throwing clothes onto themselves but by that time I was already out of the house. I ran to the nearest coffee shop and sat there dazed, don't know for how long. I didn't even want to go back home, my own place felt desecrated and defiled. My phone was blowing up with texts from both Finn and Linda but I was past caring what happened with them now. Finally I paid for my coffee and left. The first thing I did after going home was dump the sheets in...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex With Neha In Jaipur Hotel

Hello frnd. I am Aakash. I am in Delhi for quite some time. I am 27. 6ft. Avg built with boy next door features. Let’s start with the story. Last month, my company sent me to jaipur on a job assignment for one month. I came to jaipur without any expectations as I knew that these small towns can never give the excitement and fun of Metro cities. My stay was arranged in posh hotel near railway station (can’t tell the name). Initial 3-4 days were very boring but it all changed on first Friday....

1 year ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 31 The Deadline

Tom was lying on the sofa in the nude watching the TV with one eye open and the other one closed. With him on the sofa was Jamie. She was also in the nude and was enjoying a lovely snuggle session with her older sister’s very handsome boyfriend. Dotted about the the living room were other naked bodies in various stages of repose. Both Tom’s family and Belinda’s family had just had another great session of Good ol’ Family Sex. They were now all just basking in the after glow of the event in...

4 years ago
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Zombie Cataclysm The Last 24 Hours of Her Life Pt 1

Fresh off a plane from DC, Ember Burton was tired. The dark, narrow country roads would’ve felt like they were winding on forever to someone that wasn’t familiar with the area. But to her, she had driven the route a thousand times. The return home was a stark transition in scenery for Ember from that which she had been living. A twelve-week internship in DC had provided her with an environmental stimulus like nothing she had lived before. Initially the noise, lights, and busy vibe took her...

1 year ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 25

Raul manned the grill, and as was the tradition, everyone lounged around him in the back yard, watching him work, and making un-helpful suggestions. Bobby had managed to pull himself together enough that no one questioned his mood or behavior. He did see Sammy looking at him thoughtfully a few times. Shortly after all the food had been consumed, they heard Collette's Beemer horn out front. Bobby and Sammy expressed their sincere regret at not being able to stay and help clean up, and took...

2 years ago
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It Was This or Go to PrisonChapter 3

As if on cue there was a knock on the door. I froze for a second and then tried again to pull away. Larry maintained his iron grip on my hair and called out, "Come on in, Tank." I was still struggling when Tank came in. Tank is Tom Porter. Tom lives across the street. The reason for his nickname is obvious. Tank is at least six foot six and probably weighs close to three hundred and fifty pounds. He may have been muscular at one time. But if he was it was a long time ago. He was a...

2 years ago
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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday Chapter 2

I got home from Black Friday shopping the next afternoon and found a long florist’s box with a big red bow on the dining room table. I was just about to open it until Brandon ambled down the staircase. “That just came for you,” he said. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” I told him that I didn’t, and then he asked, “So what was that weirdness between you and Kellie’s dad about yesterday?” I couldn’t tell him that we had met and that he was an embarrassing one-night stand. I just told him...

2 years ago
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Jasons QuestChapter 25 Jason Julie

It was midmorning when Jase and Julie debarked the river steamer well below Waco, just in case Jesse and Marie had taken up land that far south. Their intent was to follow the Brazos up river until they found some trace of the other couple. However, their first priority was to buy a third horse, one for Julie to ride, and then purchase provisions to stow on Jase's pack horse, Brax. Baylor, Jase's buckskin, weathered the boat trip better than Brax but Brax soon found his land feet again....

2 years ago
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Bloody ShirtChapter 4

Erin said, "Please don't go. I have a bad feeling about this." I was spooned against her. "I have to." I rode straight on Mt. Torrey Road all the way to Afton Mountain. Then I rode down the mountain on Waynesboro Road until I came on the roadhouse. I watched the roadhouse for an hour through Rachael's father's field glasses. When I was satisfied I understood what went on, I rode to the inn. I put my horse in the stable. A young fellow said, "For two bits in advance, I'll make sure...

3 years ago
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Finally meeting

Daniel and I have had late night steamy phone calls. Hearing each other moan out, but have never actually met. I’ve dreamed and day dreamed of what it would be like, some fairy tale like, some incredibly passionate and hot. But nothing can describe the feelings I had when I first met him. When he finally arrived from Seattle, I saw him and instantly knew all of my feelings for him were true. I looked him in the eye, and he pulled me into his sweet embrace, taking his time, feeling the warmth of...

First Time
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Sexy Drive 8211 Part II

Thank you for your responses for lots of your mails. I really love to read your mail saying how u guys want to fuck me and lick me its real turning on. Just a message for those guys and girls who think all stories on this site are true. My dear all, you don’t need to experience for write something hot and happening. My experience is with one man only but I love to imagine all kind of sex. Passionate love making, wild sex, kinky things during sex and lots of kisses. I love sex and love...

2 years ago
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Episode 28 Twins at Play

Since Sweet and Tangy-Ami, the beautiful, dark-haired, dark-nippled identical twins married Jason and Derek they rarely slept together as a foursome, but this morning the sunlight pouring through the studio roof-light illuminated a tangle of limbs, stunning breasts and eager mouths.Sweet-Ami woke up to find her s1ster's always-moist cunt just inches from her mouth and couldn't resist sinking her tongue into her juicy folds. Tangy-Ami awoke, her pussy streaming into her twin's mouth: "good...

2 years ago
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I wouldnt have believed it

I was lucky my cock was much bigger than all my friends, it was 7” long and nice and thick and as I was on my way home from school I would never have believed what happened! I took a shortcut through the neighbour’s farm and as I passed the stables I heard some strange sounds so I decided to sneak a look. Quietly I crept behind the large doors and I peeked through the gap and I could hardly believe my eyes…. Beth, who was Farmer Joes wife, was laid down on some hay bales totally naked and...

2 years ago
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Trying to put things right with Sue Part 2

Marg and I had travelled east to investigate if Lyn, Marg’s sister, had been manipulating Sue to cheat on me. What we found out horrified me. Every person that was involved who was willing to talk to us told a similar story. Lyn had been setting up liaisons for Sue with a huge number of men.This information did not take the responsibility away from Sue. It was Sue who was meeting those men. It was Sue who was having sex with them and sleeping with them. What it did show though, was that while...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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BusherChapter 20 Emily

Mother called me on Monday night while Patsy and I were watching "The Closer" on cable, and I was a little irritated, because I had been absorbed in the show. I signaled Patsy to turn on the DVR so that I could at least catch up, later, with Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson's doings. "I hear you're in the market for a house," my mother said. "Really? Where did you hear that?" "Are you? Is it true?" "Yes. It's true. How did you hear about it already?" I was doubly irritated now....

1 year ago
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A Great Day Out

I haven't seen Emily in ages. She has been away on an Easter break, and I have been dying to see her. Well, she is my best friend after all.Now, you may think, that what with me being a boy and her being a girl, I must have an attraction towards her, right? Wrong. We are just too close. She has always helped me with my family troubles, I have always helped her with her depression, you get the idea. She's never had a boyfriend, and I've never had a girlfriend.Anyway, it's Easter Monday, and I...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Dogging Diaries II

It was around this time that the simpler, shallower emotions of being Kristy began to give way to erotic stirrings that were of greater consequence. As I read these entries, some of which are published here, it becomes clear to me that I was evolving, both as a woman and as a sexual being. To say things were getting serious doesn't do it justice. Diary Entry: April 2006 I'm going to try and get some of these emotions down on paper, since they've been building up inside of me for...

3 years ago
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Scissor Sisters Chapter One

Scissor Sisters - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter. Mummy: My mother. Grandma: My granny. Aunty Pauline My mothers twin sister. Charlotte: My younger sister. (By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters. (By 3 years.); Emily and Judith: My twin cousins. (2 days younger than me.) Scissor Sisters - Chapter One I was only five when the police knocked on our door to inform my mother that my father had been...

2 years ago
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The Hotel

[If you like this story check out my blog ScottishlegendWordPress.com for more of the same ]I get off the plane in the Netherlands and head through the airport. It’s been a long few days, just three days ago I was standing in the church waiting to get married to the woman that I thought loved me and she didn’t show up.It was horrible to be standing there in front of my entire family, friends and the minister. I kept checking my watch and she was late I figure she was stuck in traffic.I was...

1 year ago
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CondominiumChapter 5

Heather came up to the condo and joined us after Pam called her. She was beautiful, just as Pam had told us. I kept thinking of the word 'elegant' as the best single word to describe her. She had the figure of a model, plus breasts that shimmied with the least little movement she made. The effect was mesmerizing, especially since she wore a scoop neck top that advertised a lot of up-top cleavage; I don't know how anyone could talk to her and look her in the eye. We spent an hour talking,...

4 years ago
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Paid Well to Party part 1

````````````````````````````````````Well Paid to PartyThe tale continues. Barb had just had her 26th birthday. She had been a widow for just short of 2 years. She was a single woman working in a dress store trying to get her life restarted. This all changed as she became associated with a group of men who used their wealth and power to manipulate women for their sexual pleasures.She had taken part in one of their events. She had agreed on a monthly retainer of $5000 plus other perks to...

3 years ago
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Cuckold shortcut

Our Mexican vacation had been my idea. Or at least that's what Ithought. I realize now that my wife Angeles had planted the idea in mymind. I like women who look like her, short, with olive-colored skin,dark hair, and figures with exaggerated busts and bottoms. Not only do Ifind that look exciting but, being short myself, I appreciate havingsomeone I don't have to literally look up to. She kept k**ding me abouthow a trip south of the border would let me ogle as much of that type asI could...

1 year ago
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Julie was asked to call a maintenance man because a fan in her boss's office wasn't working. She tried calling twice, then decided to go to the maintenance office on the way to lunch delivering the problem in person. She had been working at the job for less than two months but quickly found out that her boss wasn't a very nice person when things went wrong. When she told him that there wasn't an answer when she called maintenance, he gave her a look of annoyance and continued reading papers...

2 years ago
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Pinni tho aata

Namaste ,naa peru sanjay nenu inter nundi iss reader ni ok naa introduction meeku boru ga yundachhu anduke start chestunna. Nenu 10 th class complete chesi inter lo adugupettanu inter lo join avvadanikani hyderabad vachhanu . Maa babai valla intlo diganu nenu appudu naa pinni vayasu 29 yrs white ga, manchi body figure tho yuntundi. Nenu maa babai valla intlo yundevadini vallu andaru bayatiki vellinappudu nenu intlo okkadine tv chusukuntu vundevadini nenu maa pinni bra and panty lu vesukune...

2 years ago
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Lovable bhabhi

Dear Friends, This is my First Story. This is A Real And Truly Story with me and my bhabhi. To mai aap logoko ye batana chahatahu ki maine abtak koi bhi story nahi likhi hai. Aour mai isse pahale indiansexstory kai salo se padhata raha hu. Muze story likhane ka koi tarika nahi malum phir bhi koshish kara hu. Maine ab tak jitane bhi story padhe o sab muze sirf kalpana hi lage hai. Lekin mai jo abhi likh raha hu o meri life ki sachi ghtana hai. Abhi to mai puna me kam ke silsile rahata hu. To mai...

3 years ago
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Mumbai Shahar Mein Chudayi 8211 Part 1

Hey friends. Glad to see that you liked my previous story. After that I had sex many times with him and enjoyed it a lot. But this is a different story about 1year later when I experienced a whole different thing and got a new experience. Pehle main apne baare mein bata du. Main abhi 21 years ki hu aur ye tab ki hai jab main 19 years ki thi. Meri body 32-28-34, height 5ft 7in ki hai aur gora rang hai with long black hair and beautiful face. Aur jitney log mujhe jaante hai. everybody says I have...

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