Do It!Chapter 5 free porn video

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I felt the cool metal of Ted's car flattening my breasts as I sprawled awkwardly against it. My dressed pulled down in front, yet hiked up in back, only garters and stockings covering me. I could feel the once again stiffening length of his prick sandwiched between my ass cheeks as lights from an approaching car rounded the corner heading our way. Looking up, I saw the driver pull into a stall only a short distance away, emerging moments later totally unaware of our presence.

It was then that I felt the first hard smack of Master's hand come down on my ass. "Remain silent, and they'll get harder and more frequent," he informed me. I moaned loudly, pleasurably even, though I doubt the driver of the car had as yet heard us. Stepping from the driver's side door, walking around, only then did I realize it was a somewhat older mature looking woman.

"Shit!" I thought silently to myself upon seeing her.

"Whack!" Came another slightly harder slap to my ass, and then another before I could respond.

"Fuck me! Please fuck me! Fuck me in front of this woman!" I cried out uncaring if she was shocked by our obvious display, though simultaneously worried she would call someone, reporting us as we stood there. She indeed stopped, obviously shocked and surprised at what she now realized was taking place, and even reached inside her purse for a moment, either for a phone, or perhaps a gun had she been worried we might accost her for some reason. "Please! Please watch him shove his thick hard cock inside my pussy!" I said looking at her directly. "Please!"

Though she removed her hand from inside her purse, showing she held nothing in it as she did, she remained standing where she was for a moment, indecisively looking about as though wondering if she should return to her car, or just walk past us where we stood and go about her business.

I knew then if I didn't do something soon, regardless how bold, or even how stupid it might be, she'd soon do one or the other. If she did that, god only knew how much longer we'd be here until someone else came along, or until someone did indeed call the authorities on us for being indecently exposed, not to mention fucking there in the parking garage.

I spun on my heels, surprising Ted in doing that, immediately dropping down to my knees, my hand coming out to surround his thick stiff cock, letting the woman clearly see it as I did so.

"Please ... come be our lookout for us," I urged her, inviting her in a way to become a part of our clandestine, erotic coupling. I heard Ted chuckle upon hearing that. But more importantly, she took a step, cautiously, hesitantly, moving towards us. I smiled, waving at her, still holding Master's cock, now sucking it, letting her see it as I did. In seconds I felt the nearness of her as she stood close to us. "Just keep an eye out a little, while you watch ... or, I will if you'd like to feel how hard this cock is," I asked hoping to tease her a little. "My boyfriend would get off on it if you were to do that," I quickly added.

"Just ... just touch it? Nothing else?"

"Only what you want to do," I assured her once again standing up, letting her see my bare breasts, bare pussy, and disheveled clothes as I basically handed off Ted's cock to her. Relieved, she actually took it, stepping in further as she did, her own hand now coming around to clasp his stiff prick as I stood there next to her. Wearing a simple skirt and blouse I commented on her full breasts hoping to entice her into doing more, especially by the look on Master's face as he eyed me, telling me without speaking that was exactly what he was expecting me to do.

"You appear to have very lovely breasts yourself," I said as I caught her looking at mine, simultaneously stroking Master's quickly firming prick, growing harder by the second. "Go ahead, you can touch them if you'd like ... I'd really enjoy that."

She quickly did so, obviously becoming aroused now herself, caught up in this totally unexpected somewhat bizarre situation there in the parking garage. Feeling her hand, her fingers reaching out to skim, tweaking my hard taut nipple sent a river of shivers traveling up my spine. And though clothed, I reached out as well without asking, hoping she would permit the somewhat unexpected intrusion as I cupped one of her breasts as she stood fondling mine.

"Hmm, lovely," I purred continuing to do so, pleased when I saw her eyes briefly close, a soft murmur of contentment escaping her lips. "Your nipples are even harder, longer than mine are," I said thumbing them easily now through the material of her thin blouse and bra. "I'd love to kiss and suck them," I added though not at all expecting her to accommodate my request.

Once again she looked up and about somewhat nervously. "Hurry then, before someone comes ... if they do, I'm out of here!" She informed us. It was a simple matter, popping open two buttons. "It fastens in front..." she breathed moaning the words as I quickly caught the catch, freeing her exquisite mature looking breasts. Well supported as they'd been, I still loved the almost extra softness of them as they spilled out and away from her chest, hefting them each in my hands, now standing behind her in order to do so, pressing my own still bare breasts against her back as she continued stroking Ted's cock even more forcefully now.

"Let me ... titty fuck you," Ted actually spoke, his voice raspy, filled with lust and desire.

"Hurry then ... before anyone comes," she agreed anxiously speaking, though her own voice betrayed the wanton desire and excitement she'd suddenly found herself wrapped up in. She bent down just enough in order to accommodate the positioning, me still standing behind, helping to support her, though holding onto, and kneading her breasts as I did so. I watched as Ted placed his enormously stiff cock between her soft globes, and then helped to create a nice soft fuck-tunnel of titty flesh for him to enjoy. Pressing her own breasts together around his shaft, she held them together as he began fucking her there. I now pinching, pulling and slightly twisting her amazingly thick hard nipples, causing her to moan loudly, unconcernedly as I did that.

"After I cover them in cream ... you'll want to be licking them off yes?" Ted asked me.

"Oh yes, yes! I want to suck these beautifully hard nipples, lick off all your thick creamy spunk from them," I agreed pulling on them even harder now, hearing her wince pleasurably.

"Get ready then," he informed us both. "Because here ... it ... comes!"

Only seconds after that, the first few massive spurts from Ted's prick slammed against the bottom of her chin. Stepping back, forcing her to release him, he now took over with his own hand, aiming his still spurting prick against the fullness of her breasts, in particular her nipples as I continued to pull on them myself ... stretching them out, delighting in seeing Ted's cream now bathing them as I did that. He stood milking out the last few drops, rubbing the head of his bulbous cock directly against them before finally stepping back and out of the way.

"All yours sweetie," he told me. "Now, lick them up all nice and clean again for her."

Our still unknown, matronly looking woman once again appeared nervous, slightly apprehensive, as though expecting once Ted had climaxed we would both hurriedly scurry away the moment he had.

"It's ok ... it's not necessary," she said straightening up, standing again, though I leaned over capturing one of her messy, slick sticky nipples in my mouth, already sucking and cleaning it off. When I felt her hand come around to the back of my head, I knew then she'd surrendered to the cleaning of her tits.

I took my time, savoring the musky essence still clinging to her soft breasts, chasing streamers of semen as they now began running down and over each one, catching it before they got away. What I didn't manage to lick off, I rubbed into her skin, massaging her as though with lotion until content I had managed to get it all, or at least most of it anyway.

"Would you like to come?" Ted asked. "I am sure you'd enjoy the feel of Maringa's tongue inside your pussy," he suggested.

She did think about it, though only for a split second, before reaching down, suddenly pulling her loose hanging bra back up and over her breasts. "Another time, I might have," she told us both. "Frankly ... I'm surprised I even did this," she added blushing profusely now. "You caught me at a very vulnerable moment ... I'm supposed to be on my way to see my lover," she added. "But now it seems, I need to make a pit stop first and clean up a bit more," she grinned. And then with that, she smiled, waved, and hurriedly walked away.

I turned curiously back towards Ted, uncaring that I was standing there half naked still as another car came up the ramp, driving by us, the participants both looking ... or rather staring at the two of us as the car slowed, though continuing on.

"Now we can go," Ted said opening the passenger side door for me. He glanced down at his watch. "Oh yes ... just in time too. They should be waiting for us."

"Who?" I wondered to myself. But I knew there was no point in asking ... I would find out soon enough as it was.

It was only a short drive back to the hotel, once again parking in the hotel garage, though Ted had been given a private security code allowing us to pull into parking area that only those having security codes for could use. From there, another code in the elevators would take us directly up to the floor where his suite was.

"Take off your clothes," he told me as we pulled into a parking stall. "I want you completely naked."

The thought of walking through the garage, into the elevator totally naked was both arousing, and nerve-wracking at the same time. Though perhaps realizing even if I did, there was little chance of anyone seeing me, other than someone he wanted to. Which once again reminded me ... someone was waiting for us up in the room.

I removed all my clothing, neatly folding it and putting it inside the small suitcase Ted had pulled out of the trunk, setting it on top of the car for me. It felt odd, strange, to stand there undressing myself fully in the garage. The coolness of the cement walls immediately felt, hardening my nipples even more than they already were. In moments, all I had on were my heels, which he'd told me to wear. And then he produced something else I hadn't seen up until that very moment.

"And this," he said reaching into yet another bag, withdrawing what was obviously some sort of a collar with a long finely fashioned chain attached to it.

I'd seen similar attached to the Attendings, as well as many of the Novices back on the estate, though perhaps not nearly as elaborate, or as expensive looking as this one was. I couldn't imagine the diamonds studded to it were real, but then as though reading my thoughts again, he told me they were indeed real diamonds and not just some phony look-a-likes.

"Nothing but the best for my ... Pet," he told me as he reached up now fastening the collar around my neck. I felt a shiver as he did so, one of both fear as well as nervous excitement coursing through me. He had never called me his "Pet" before, doing so almost affectionately. I then felt him secure the collar about my neck. Once closed, I felt the slight tug on it as he held up the chain holding it in his hand, yet not uncomfortably so. "Something else," he now added, once again reaching into his mysterious little bag. This time he removed what was an even finer, more delicate looking chain, though each end had what appeared to be some sort of clamp attached to it. I now noticed there was another set of much longer looking chains attached to that, also with each end having some sort of a clamp. I looked at him expectantly. "Allow me."

There was a slight pinch, not really painful, more surprising than anything, which took a moment of adjustment in getting used to as he applied one end to my left nipple, and then connected the other end of the chain to my right. Looking down, I saw the gold chain bridging each one of my breasts, my nipples firmly clamped, swelling and deepening in color moments after he'd attached it. Now there were two loose ends dangling down over my tummy towards my crotch, and I immediately knew where those two were meant to be applied. Without his even having to ask, I spread my legs dutifully, seeing his half smile as he actually knelt there before me. Once again, a simple pinch, a bit more painful at first, though it too quickly became quite comfortable, if not downright stimulating. After he'd applied the clamp to one side of my labia, I steeled myself for the other side, though it didn't shock me nearly as much when he applied that one as it had the first side. Once again looking down, I now saw the connection from my breasts to my pussy by the twin gold chains now connecting each. Still holding onto the chain attached to my collar, Ted quickly placed the now packed suitcase back inside the trunk of the car again.

"Ready? Oh ... one more thing. Until I say otherwise ... no talking." I immediately nodded my head in understanding. As I did, Ted stepped forward heading towards the elevators only a short distance away. I had no choice but to follow, or be choked if I failed to move with him as quickly as he started heading off. Almost immediately I felt the tingling tug of the chain suddenly pulling on my pussy lips as I did so however. And the faster I walked, the more it pulled, as did the one's now clamped to my nipples. Movement of one, affected the movement of the other as I followed, working against one another, as they were, both stimulating, and yet pleasurably annoying at the same time.

"I want you wet by the time we get to the room," he informed me, entering the code on the elevator door, which immediately opened. I almost answered him directly, remembering his cautionary words, and simply smiled instead, nodding my head. "You'd better be," he said taking the smile off my face, his tone a bit more stern than I'd heard him use before. "We have a very important client you're about to meet ... and this could easily make or break the deal we're negotiating if you're not," he said simply, though still very seriously. I remained silent of course, remembering his words, nodding my head solemnly this time by way of reassurance that I would be. Mainly ... because I already was. This time, he really did smile seeing my contrite expression, even going so far as to pat, rub the top of my head, and then my ass as though petting a dog. Which I guess in a sense ... for the moment at least, I more or less was.

Seconds later the elevator doors opened. We walked out into the foyer just outside the entrance into Ted's suite. A simple push on the keypad he held in his hands triggered a soft buzz, unlocking the doors. He opened them, ushering me inside ahead of him this time.

There was a soft glow coming from the main sitting room just ahead. The lights on low, the flicker of what I knew to be a gas fireplace glowing off to one side. And then suddenly the appearance of a very well dressed, good-looking man sitting at one end of the couch. He had a full head of nearly white-silvery hair, rugged features dressed in an elegant looking white dinner jacket, black hand-tied bow tie. Next to him, kneeling on the floor was a woman, likewise naked, a ruby studded collar around her neck, though she was also hooded, blindfolded.

"Kneel," Ted told me as we reached the middle of the room. I did so immediately assuming a similar pose to the one the blindfolded woman was in. I took those brief moments to look at her, though as yet I still couldn't see her face. Her breasts were slightly smaller than my own, though her nipples were far larger, areolas dark covering the front most portion of each breast. They too were clamped, small chains similar to my own connecting each though she wore nothing from them connected to her pussy the way mine was. She held perfectly still, unmoving as I quickly did the same. "Stay!" Ted said suddenly dropping and releasing the chain he'd been holding, walking over as the other man stood, accepting his hand in greeting.

"How's she doing? Pleased with her?" Ted asked looking towards the woman. "I remember she was bit more high strung and stubborn than most of the others were," he then added obviously reminiscing.

"Worth every penny though," the older man answered. "Still has a bit of a stubborn streak in her though, which is the reason for the blindfolding. She knows what happens if she misbehaves with the hood on," he then added. She seemed perfect docile to me, though his statement seemed extremely worrisome under the circumstances as I continued kneeling there, silently, trying to hold perfectly still.

"New one?" He said looking towards me, smiling wickedly an obvious gleam in his eye. "She up for adoption too?" He then asked obviously interested.

"No ... this one's mine," Ted answered which amazingly enough, felt good hearing him say that, though in an odd sort of way when he did.

"Figured as much, mind if I let her have a sniff?" he asked Ted.

"Not at all, would be fun seeing them play," Ted responded. "Be interesting to see how she's developed since you adopted her," he then added. "What did you name her anyway?" He asked though he then looked at me, his finger pointing, which I immediately took as a signal to get down onto all fours, which I quickly did.

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Malathi What An Experience

The first time she rang the bell and I opened the door, did not notice much except that a middle aged woman in a fully covered salwar-kameez was at the door, with a small tiffin box. She inquired if my wife was there, I said please come in. I was in a hurry to an appointment hence did not pay much attention. My name is Madan. My work timing is between 12.30 in afternoon till night 10pm; hence I am there during morning hours. My wife Sunita runs a business and she leaves very early at 7AM. To...

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In Reflection of Earlier Times

Chapter 1   I saw the flicker of the television in my peripheral vision while looking at her trying to figure out the best strategy to get into her knickers. Sitting next to her on the sofa she, totally engrossed in the lame television show was a little annoying to say the least. My arm draped around her shoulders trying to caress the top of her breast I thought this a better idea the other way under her skirt almost resulted in a broken wrist. The tussle for the prize resulted in a quite...

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Your Sisters Tough Times

Sarah is Sam's older 21 year old sister. She is 5"4 with long brown hair, skinny with a big ass and 32C cup tits. She lives in her own flat with her boyfriend, while Sam live at home with your parents. Most of your friends always make comments to you about her looks to wind you up. However, he tries to ingore them and get on with things. Speaking of friends; Joe is one of his best friends, he isnt the best looking but not a 'shocker', must be 6"1 or 6"2, he is quite awkward around new, or...

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Chapter 18 Cumming Attraction

Thursday EveningMarta sat in the middle of a packed theatre, knowing that she couldn’t hold out much longer, that she was going to cum, and cum hard. She also knew she would probably be loud, and messy, and humiliate herself in public. Worse, she couldn’t close her legs, and the people in front of her, when they turned around, would be able to look right up her skirt at her naked cunt as she was cumming.And worse still, she found herself wanting it to happen. It was making her so...

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Sharing Black part 1

LAJORIA Day 1 10:50p.m. (school) Tuesday Rrrriiiinnnnnggggg!!!! The school bell rung for first lunch and I grabbed my books and left my Calculus class and headed downstairs to my locker and for my lunch. “LaJoria!” a familiar voice yelled up from behind. I turned around to find Tyrell Isaiah Jordan b.k.a. Black a.k.a. Rell, the school’s finest line backer. I turned around. “Sup Black?” “I haven’t talked to you in a long time.” “Yeah I know, and we’ve been going to this school together for I...

First Time
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the worker

These stories, the porn ones, are all a bit far fetched. Even the ones that purport to be ‘confessions.’ So once again suspend reality and hopefully enjoy.Lunch time at my desk, trousers round my ankles and she was kneeling between my legs, her mouth around my stiff dick her head bobbing up and down. It was exquisite. She was very experienced and had total mastery of me. I was paralysed with pleasure, this wasn’t the first time she had indulged me thus.I hadn’t taken her on but I am still her...

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Becky and Her Friends Dad

Becky had walked the few blocks to the Megan's home after her club meeting at school. She'd made plans to hang out for a while with her friend Megan. She still had on her school uniform, a plaid skirt and white blouse, but in her bag she carried a pair of jeans and T-shirt to change into. When she rang the doorbell Megan's dad answered it, informing her that Megan's had popped out with her mother and that she should be back soon. Becky accepted his invitation to wait rather than walking...

4 years ago
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The Hardheads Frank and Mary

My head hurt, my stomach was roiling and my wife was screaming at me: ‘You bastard! You rotten cock sucking bastard! How could you do this to me? One day, I’m gone one fucking day and leave you here alone and you do this to me.’ I had no idea what she was ranting about, all I knew is that I had to get to the toilet. I barely made it. After praying at the Porcelain Throne I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash, took three aspirin and then stumbled back into the bedroom to see what the hell had...

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Mavis and the Camera

In the hands of some people a camera can be just as dangerous as a gun. Case in point: My wife Mavis took our new digital camera to a bridal shower last week to record the festivities for a photo album that she intended to give the new bride. It must have been one hell of a good party because Mavis got so wasted that she had to come home in a taxi. They woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to pay the cabby and as I carried Mavis into the house I noticed that she did not have the new...

2 years ago
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Teasing used as Punishment Ariels revenge

It’s been three weeks since I punished Ariel for not giving me sex when I asked for it. Since that day in the laundry room she has definitely learned her lesson. We had sex no matter where we were, in the bed, car, park or even a quickie in the bathroom at a restaurant. I always got what I wanted from her but nothing could prepare me for what she had planned for me when I got home from work one night.  It was a Friday, I came home around 9:15pm. I walked into the apartment and saw Ariel sitting...

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Sakura the succubus Queen

Sakura was many things: An 18 year old girl. A kunoichi of Jonin rank. The heed medic at Konoha Hospital. A rear ffuta and most recently the first person in here family to awaken there Succubus blood since before the sage of six paths. Belfour she had Sakura had bin quit plain to look at. Small A cup boobs. No figure or ass to speak of and here dick had only bin 5 inches at best. Now She had E cup tits. Here ass h ad swelled to be big and bouncy and here hips had widened wile here waste had...

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Jess Ch 03

Chapter 3 – The Salad Days I kicked off my shorts so I would not trip myself, fall and break something. I could just imagine Jon finding me sprawled on the floor unconscious with a broken nose and trying to explain that I was in the middle of an incredible sexual moment that started at the fresh market, whereby my pussy was on fire, so I dropped my shorts to get my fingers on myself, only to trip over said shorts and find myself in this position. After 20 years of marriage to me, Jon would...

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Tinas Wedding

“Tina and Barry are getting married and I’m a bridesmaid, well, matron of honor. You're invited and their kids are bridesmaid and pageboy.” This was the most buoyant I had heard my wife Liz in ages. Normally, I was treated to the day's digest of what the kids had done in nursery, how bad the shops were and trivia of the day that doesn't affect me.There was much excitement in the weeks preceding the wedding. Barry stayed with his parents for six weeks before the big day to heighten the pleasure....

Quickie Sex
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ReginaldChapter 9

The Gurkhas were tasked with attacking the last mountain before Port Stanley. The defending troops got wind of this impending attack and who would be attacking, and swiftly abandoned the mountain. The Gurkha reputation as supposed bloodthirsty killers was enough to make the Argentinians run for their lives. The Gurkha soldiers were very disappointed that they didn’t get to fight that battle, and the Argentines surrendered shortly afterwards, being completely surrounded in Stanley. They knew...

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Punishment    I was kneeling in a dungeon (I could tell it was such because of the hooks hanging from the walls with several interesting toys hanging from  them).  You entered the room quickly with Your hands clasped behind Your back and paced around me in a circle. I could tell You were very upset and perhaps even angry.  You stopped directly in front of me and let Your hand rest briefly on the top of my bowed head before speaking.   "You disobeyed Me slave"  You said.  "Yes Master" was my...

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Jennifers Terrible FallChapter 3

The winter was going well until the middle of March when Mark again started suggesting they bring someone new into their relationship. Jennifer tried to maintain an open mind and they went out to a bar together to find an acceptable third person. They both noticed a pretty red-head and agreed to strike up a conversation with her. Jennifer expected the girl to reject the idea of a threesome but surprisingly she found Jennifer attractive and agreed to go back to Mark's apartment with them....

1 year ago
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The very 1st time I sniffed my own pussy scented p

Hi! Today, I am a confirmed Pantyslut and have been selling my dirty, creamy, cum stained panties to sexy men, a few women, and quite a few couples all over the world for over 2 years now. I am in my early 40’s now and have had so many crazy, sexy, nasty, and erotic adventures. This is a story about the 1st time that I experienced the scent of a wet pussy on a pair of panties. For me, it all started with a Penthouse magazine. Years ago, my dad had a subscription, and I found where he kept them...

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Introduction: A Christmas skiing holiday that changed everything Chantelle I suppose it started with how she was interacting with the guy who was with her. She was French, I could hear since I was standing right behind her in the ski-lift queue. She looked somewhere around my own age of twenty-two, and a similar average height too, while the guy looked in his late thirties and was only a little taller. She held a LOT of eye contact with him, really listening and responding to him, and he was...

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Game of LifeChapter 6 The Last Waltz

Then came the day Hilary called me at work and told me that Vivian had tried to kill herself. Well, she'd emptied the medicine cabinet of just about every pill in there; not that I think there was enough of anything to be fatal. But in combination, who knows? Anyway Vivian's stomach had been pumped — an experience she later informed me, that she'd prefer not to be repeated — before I arrived at the hospital. "I'm sorry Jim, it was a really stupid and thoughtless thing to do. Haven't I...

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Jamies Abduction Chapter 1

Jamie was walking home from work, it was quite late. She had got stuck behind at work dealing with a demanding client way past her usual working hours and was really happy to be finally heading home. She sighed loudly as she turned a corner, she heard something and turned around then she felt a large hand cover her mouth and she immediately started to try to kick and scream as she was overpowered. The guy, who was probably over 6th fall and very muscular had no problem overpowering her small...

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Hairy big titted milf JoAnnes pub adventure

This was written for me by someone on here hop you enjoy it xx I cant believe she's just been sitting there for the past hour opening and closing her legs at us the dirty fucking bitch" said one of the guys!"It's a fucking jungle down there I can tell you" quipped another!It was just another late night out in town and the local pub was the destination!A trio of guys had gone into a well known watering-hole that had a bit of a reputation for being a great place for those just looking for a...

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Grow a Pair

Mild warning: there's some retroactive incest. I don't want to spoil too much, but nobody has sex *while* they're related to the partner. If you still think this will bother you, don't read. This story is kinda/sorta an experiment in using the present tense. I usually almost exclusively write in the past tense. Please leave comments as to how well you think I pulled off present tense in the reviews. :) **Grow a Pair** "Lorena, I need to talk to you, please. Can you get...

1 year ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 11 Mind Magi Police

The man with the knives wasn't just fast, he was agile too. He moved with a grace that surpassed anything I had ever seen. I was hard pressed to duck and dodge, but I knew he would eventually get me. I had to choose when he would. I had to make sure it was to my advantage. I used the martial arts training I had gleaned from Mike, Erin's ex-boyfriend, so many months prior, the training from Agents Davis and Marks not many days after that, and anything I had seen in a movie that looked like...

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The Strippers Husband MMF A bisexual short s

Back when I was in the Air force stationed in Hampton, Va, after I'd had my first encounter with Robert and Lisa (See my other story), I went back home wanting to experiment more. Meeting Robert and Lisa was supposed to be a one time thing, as I I needed to try and fill that void locally. I started looking around on Yahoo Messenger for some bi action. After a lot of chatting and a lot of rejection, I got a very interesting reply from a guy, who we'll call Tom for this story, who...

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How I Took The Virginity Of An Old 8211 Age Home Worker

Hi All, This is Vaatsayana again. This is my second story and hope you all enjoyed my first story “Planned Sex with Malayali Nurse in Train”. As mentioned before in my previous story, I am an average Indian guy from Hyderabad with 5’10” height, 65 Kg weight, perfect v shaped body and a 6 Inch tool. I am 35 years old now but I had this experience when I was 20 years old. I was in the second year of the graduation when we found out that our grandmother started suffering from vascular dementia and...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch06

Chapter: June “Ties That Bind” *** In a parallel universe, anything is possible. A world might exist where you’re the president, a prize-winning journalist, a loud-mouthed radio host, or maybe just a homeless bum. An ideal you might even exist, a you that never had any regrets, made all the right choices, and walked through life with a song upon their lips. It’s an appealing fantasy for those who are sure there are worlds other than these, and that a better place can be found in amongst...

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Forced to smell Black BBW Friends Gas

Courtney had been good friends with Ashley for a long time. Courtney was excited to hang out with her and both black girls got into Ashley's car as Ashley began to drive. Ashley was a big and black bbw who always wore tight clothing to show off her big voluptuous body. Courtney was much skinnier, and she was always complaining about how big Ashley was and Ashley didn't like that. One this day that they rode together, Courtney decided to talk about Ashley's weight. "Girl, yo stomach is bigger...

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Neighbor part 2

I didn't know if he would hang with me again. I remember the guilt I felt after my first encounter with my buddy in highschool. But an hour later the bell rang. I opened the door and there Carl was with a hardon pointing in his pants. He said "what am I going to do with this now"? I said "I thought we took care of that" and then we both laughed. He came back in and sat down. He kinda wanted to talk about what had happened. I told him about all my desires growing up and he admitted to...

4 years ago
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Big thick and Hairy

Nicole was the girl that I lost my virginity to and I still fantasize about fucking her to this day. This story is about the last time that I fucked her and I still dream about it. It was nearing two am and I was still awake chatting with Nicole on instant messenger. I had been dropping hints that I wanted to come out and pleasure her when she finally told me to get my ass over to her place. Not wasting any time I was in the car driving the twenty minutes out to her apartment. When I arrived we...

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Das Partywochenende

Also ich bin Mathias bin 25 Jahre alt, sportlich, gut bestückt und immer geil. Meine jüngere Freundin Steffi zeichnet sich besonders durch ihre geilen Titten (80DD) und ihre teilrasierte Fotze aus die sie am liebsten mehrmals täglich gestopft haben will.Sie bläst auch supergerne läßt sich aber lieber in ihr Gesicht spritzen als in ihren Mund. Es war mal wider Freitag abend und ich wollte weggehen, da aber Steffi am nächsten Tag sehr früh raus mußte sagte sie mir das ich ruhig ohne sie gehen...

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Enslaved Chapter 43

After a couple of visits to the Carmargue area, Quentin and Melissa decided they had found what they wanted. It was a rambling 18th century farmhouse which had been considerably extended in the 19th century.“Four reception rooms... eight bedrooms... servants quarters... usual offices... ” said Melissa reading from the particulars an agent had given them.“Even more important,” smiled Quentin, “large wine cellarage space.”“Quite so,” nodded Melissa.“Not too difficult to convert. Though it will...

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