GardnerChapter 8 free porn video

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Charlene led JJ into the room and JJ almost fell in the floor, tripping over his feet. There were three women, out of a total of over sixty, gave him an erection at the luncheon, and the third was talking on a phone. She was beautiful to look at however she was talking very unladylike to someone, her language, leaving no doubt in the persons mind how she felt, as she specified what she wanted.

Charlene nudged JJ's elbow, and turning toward her, accepted the glass of wine she offered. Charlene whispered, "She is talking to her husband, he wants to do things his way, and she is not giving in to him." Charlene took his arm and led him to a sofa, sitting close to him after he sat. She was sipping her wine and rubbing his leg, slowly letting her hand move closer to his erection. Leaning against him, her breast pressed against his elbow, was enough for him to want to take her in his arms, throw her on the sofa, and take her physically. She was teasing and he knew it; he looked at the silent woman watching Charlene's moves and saw her face fill with desire and he knew she wanted to trade places with woman caressing his thigh, it was obvious in her expression.

JJ was trying to listen to the conversation, and Charlene got his attention when she said, "That's not important to you, pay attention to me. She'll tell you what she wants you to know." Charlene tipped her glass to her lips as she looked over the rim, her eyes glaring at him. Emitting a sharp, "OH!" Charlene jumped up from the sofa and walked to the desk, returning with sheets of paper. "These are the people you have to contact, they will let you work for them," she said as she sat closer than before.

JJ looked at the names and there were sixteen, and he noticed five were not local; they were obviously people living near Casio's because he didn't recognize the town. Of course, he was unfamiliar with all the surrounding towns, spending just two months in the house his father bought. He continued studying the list and knew he would need Wigwam's expertise; he had no idea where half the houses were and knew practically none of the names.

Placing the two lists together, twenty-five for a start he thought, that was too much work for him, he was going to need Wigwam, and he would need him full time.

JJ studied the woman talking on the phone, tall and slim, long legs and small ass, small breasts and narrow shoulders, she was edible material, that is unless she devoured you first. That is what she was trying to do to the person on the phone. The skirt was tight fitting, defining her trim figure, set off by the diaphanous black blouse; the black bra easily and well defined under the sheer material, was an erotic sight. It was that blouse and bra combination, giving JJ an erection earlier in the day at Casio's, and it was working again. She was the one woman who really stood out to him.

JJ didn't know what to think of Charlene. Stopping the truck and killing the motor, he sat in his drive for ten minutes trying to figure what her message had been. He waited for almost half an hour and never introduced to the third woman, the one whose eyes never left him, or the woman on the phone. She was still talking when Charlene escorted him to the door. He came away with the list without ever having the opportunity to speak to the two women. He felt like he was on display as he was led to the door, and abruptly dismissed.

"Damn, damn, damn!" JJ said aloud slapping the steering wheel once again, "She did it again. JJ you're stupid, you let her do it to you AGAIN!" He slammed the door hard as he walked from the truck, knowing she had used him and he let her. He looked up to see Tina standing on the porch watching him and his demeanor changed quickly, she was looking at him and her expression showed concern. He knew she had been watching and he was suddenly disappointed in himself by his outrage, it was something she didn't need to observe.

Tina's expression changed as soon as he stepped up to her and gave her a hug, followed by a soft kiss on her lips. "Are you okay?" she asked as she placed her arm around his waist, pulling him close and pressing against him.

"Yes, I got upset at myself and you know how infuriating that can be, but I'm better with you beside me," he said as he lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the neck.

She knew he could feel her body tremble at the softness of the light kiss; however, she knew he couldn't feel the warm glow that passed through her body, that was her reward, all hers. Arm in arm, they walked to the door, pausing when they heard the car turn into their drive. Tina looked up at him and smiled when she saw the white convertible. "I like that car," she said as she pulled him to the steps to meet the visitors.

Eileen led the way, dragging Alice by the hand as they entered the house with Tina and JJ were following closely. Eileen walked into the kitchen and hugged Helen as she spoke, "Mom, this is Alice, one of my best friends. We are going to a movie tonight and came by to ask Tina to go with us."

JJ was surprised when Eileen called his mother mom, although she accepted it as though she was her mom. The big surprise came when she asked Helen, "Where's dad, I have to introduce Alice to him?"

Two hours later JJ was wiping the dishes as Helen washed, "Well, it looks like you and I are alone for the evening," she said, a smile coming on her face as she passed the last plate to JJ. "What enticed Eileen to ask Tina to go to the movie with her and Alice?"

"I don't know, however I do know Tina likes Eileen," JJ said as he placed the dried plates in the cupboard and tossed the cloth at his mom. "What time will dad return from bowling?" he asked as he walked behind her and cupped a breast in each hand.

Sliding her hand between their bodies and grasping the erection pressing against her ass, she spoke softly, "He should be home a little after midnight. Why, did you have something in mind?" she said laughing as she turned her face to his, her lips meeting his as she leaned into his body. She moaned and pressed her lips harder against his as she felt his fingers working the buttons on her blouse.

Driving to Alice's, JJ wondered why Tina's breasts and nipples were sore but he didn't question her further. "You know I will tell, if you ask, but I hope you won't ask," she had answered when he sucked on a nipple before he climbed from the bed. All she told him when he asked why she flinched, "They are sore this morning." He didn't know what time she came in because he had just pulled her close and continued sleeping when she came to bed.

Alice came running from the house before JJ stopped in her drive. He looked at her and she smiled, and they were underway, he had a busy day planned. They were silent for a long while as he drove to Wigwam's and Alice finally spoke. "Mom and dad are at it again this morning. I am glad you came when you did. I hate it when they argue, they are both so headstrong and neither wants to give anything to the other."

"Anything to please you M'lady," JJ said as he pulled her close and placed an arm around her shoulder.

"I feel like a different person when I am with you," she said as she snuggled closer. "I like your family too; they are a lot of fun. Ellie said she has never laughed so much just being around your mother and father, she said your father is a trip."

"Don't your mom and dad laugh and joke?" JJ asked as his hand unbuttoned the top two buttons on her blouse, and sliding his hand inside to cup a breast.

"No, and don't you unbutton any more buttons. I am not wearing a bra and I don't want to show the world what I love showing you." Alice looked at him and smiled, unbuttoning the remaining three buttons to the blouse and pulling it open. "Do you like what you see?"

"You are a tease, just like Eileen. That's why she thinks my dad is so much fun, she teases the hell out of him. He loves it though," JJ said as he moved his hand from one breast to another, pulling her nipple as he switched.

"I know, she told us, Jessica, and I, the night we talked all night." Alice looked at him again and said, "She said we should get him to take us for a hamburger and coke one evening and really give him a show. Do you think he would like that?" She laughed as she rebuttoned her blouse, moments before he slowed to turn into Wigwam's long drive.

"If he doesn't I will take you," JJ said as he made the turn. "Do you like for people to watch you also?"

"Mmmmmmm, yes, it is exciting watching the men and boys try to see your breasts or pussy. Ellie makes it too obvious at times but she likes it too. Do you like sneaking peaks at girls and women? I have many crazy thoughts go through my head sometimes. Maybe I'll tell you about some of them someday," Alice smiled as she moved close to the door of the truck and lifted her skirt, showing him she wasn't wearing panties again. Alice was smiling at him when she pulled her skirt over her knees and chuckled.

JJ stopped the truck as three children ran to meet them. Opening the door, Alice pulled them inside and closed her door, allowing JJ to drive to the house, a distance of two hundred feet. Wigwam and Willa were standing on the porch laughing as they stopped and helped the children from the truck.

"Don't leave those kids here," Wigwam shouted to JJ. "We have enough of our own and they look like they eat a lot." He started laughing and his oldest daughter ran to him, swatted him on the leg, before he picked her up, hugging her as he walked through the door held open by Willa. Alice picked up the two year old and followed him, leaving the three year old raising her arms for JJ to carry.

As JJ lifted the small child, her arms went around his neck and she kissed him on the lips lightly, and then smiled at him. Passing by Willa, who was holding the door open for them to enter, the child released one arm and quickly hooked it around her mother's neck, stopping JJ and pulling his body into Willa's as her body moved to meet his. Willa and JJ were face-to-face, and the young girl whispered to JJ, although it was loud enough for all to hear. "Mama told daddy you were handsome and Alice was lucky."

JJ was shocked, first at the statement, and secondly, the youngster had spoken pretty clear and very much aware of the conversation between the two adults. JJ's eyes went to Willa's and he saw a shocked look on her face as she glared at her daughter.

"Kiss him," the small child said pulling Willa and JJ's heads together.

Willa kissed JJ lightly on the cheek and she girl shouted, "Not a nighttime kiss, a daytime kiss!"

JJ turned his head and was shocked when Willa's lips met his. The lips meeting wasn't the shock, her tongue slipped between his lips quickly and there was contact made with their tongues. JJ felt an erection as his prick pressed hard against his trousers. The simple meeting of their tongues had sent a sexual charge quickly through his body. Willa was a sexy woman and it took very little for JJ to become erect, her tongue was the igniter.

Glancing in the direction of Wigwam and Alice, JJ leaned and kissed Willa after the young girl said, "OK, now you kiss her, a daytime kiss."

JJ wasn't expecting Willa to be as aggressive and when their lips met the second time, the two tongues plunged deep into the mouth's of one another. Willa's hand behind his head excited him as well as prolonging the kiss. He never expected the kiss to last as long however he enjoyed every moment their lips pressed against one another's. Their lips parted and JJ placed the young girl on the floor and sat at the table beside Alice. He was trying to hide his erection from Alice and Wigwam however, Alice just glanced his way and grinned, placing a hand on his leg just below the head of his erect prick.

Wigwam said across the table from Alice and JJ, and looked at the papers JJ passed to him. He studied the papers closely, turning the pages as he read the names, nodding occasionally. After looking at each name on the list, Wigwam began going over the names, one at a time, and Alice began making notes on a separate sheet of paper.

As Wigwam would look at a name, he would describe the location and then the type of work needed, and Alice would make a note. After all the names were reviewed by Wigwam and Alice, Wigwam spoke, "It will take at least a four-man team to do the work if all these people accept your services. I think I know where four are, the best workers I can think of. When do you plan own beginning work?"

JJ looked up at Wigwam and said, "I need to see the lawyer this afternoon. In the best case, I would like to start Monday, and the worst-case, late next week. Do you think we could be ready to start by then? Wigwam, I need you to go over this list, in detail, and tell me what I should charge each one. Then I need to work up a plan to determine how often we will work each customer and finally determine how much money we will bring in each month. I need this information for the lawyer and bank. I need a loan to purchase the equipment, how much do you think we need?

It took almost three hours before they completed the list. In fact, they were pleasantly surprised when Willa placed sandwiches and drinks on the table before them. While eating the sandwiches Willa prepared they were discussing equipment they would need to complete the job. Willa reminded Wigwam of a trailer one of Wigwam's friends was trying to sell the week before.

Wigwam smiled and said, "I saw Howie yesterday and he was still trying to sell, he needs money quick. He found an old car he wants to buy. When I finish lunch, I will go over and try to buy it. He is willing to sell it cheap and we will need it."

Alice up and said, "I want to go with you, I haven't seen his wife in months."

In the background, JJ heard little voices repeating, "I want to go," followed by another, "I want to go too," and another, "I want to go." JJ began laughing and Alice joined, drawing an apathetic look from Wigwam.

JJ sat at the table and worked with the totals Wigwam and Alice proposed. Wigwam had given them a total for each location and Alice added her input and in each case, much more than Wigwam proposed. JJ could not believe some of the totals Alice proposed, however he wrote them beside the names. Totaling the list, he was surprised at the amount. He assumed he would be able to sell more than half of the names on the list his services and that would be a good beginning.

He was almost finished totaling the figures when Willa walked behind and stood close to him, pressing a breast against his shoulder. When she leaned against him, he became erect. He was in a fix. She was the wife of a good friend; however, the breast pressing against him made him think about her in a very different way. Reaching across his shoulder, he let his fingers make contact with her soft mound. When she did not move away, he took further liberties, tracing his fingers across her breast mound, paying particular attention to the nipple. Her nipple was erect when he looked up, his eyes staring into hers.

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3 years ago
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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 9

It was eight days later that I found myself standing nervously before Trefual. "Ok kid, are you ready?" "Yeah, but I'm nervous. Actually, I'm scared spit less." "You'll do fine. Here in a minute you'll have a little drinky poo and be on your way. Just imagine what it's gonna be like playing with those tits! You're one lucky fella." "A drinky poo?" I asked cautiously. "What drinky poo?" Trefual look chagrined. "Uh, yeah, I meant to mention that to you." He grabbed a vial...

1 year ago
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what teachers get upto

Parents evening at my local Primary school is boring but educational and lets me find out how my sibling is doing. This particular evening my wife couldnt make it as she was working late so it was just me, I dropped my sibling off at a friends and I walked to school.There was a few parents still around but i was the last one , No messing about with times. I know what time i have to be there and just wait for the last parent to leave.Waited 20 minutes and had to go to the mens room. I was gone...

3 years ago
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Making Scents of Crossdressing

Making Scents of Crossdressing By Ricky I am a hi-tech person. I work and play with some of the latest computers and electronic equipment, have stereo speakers in every room of the house, and can bore you for hours with torrents of jargon on just about any subject you care to name. When I don my feminine attire I have a fondness for synthetics, those modern wonders of the laboratories of some multinational chemical giant. Who else but those hi-tech wizards could turn a barrel...

3 years ago
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A lil adventure

I feel the bark biting into my hands, as I lean into the tree. With each stoke delivered, he leaves fiery streaks across my thighs and ass. In this stance, I know he sees my skin quivering, hears the deep breaths I take as they pass my lips, and senses the true meaning of my pleading. I look behind me every now and again, but will knowing what to expect help ease the pain of every slap? It never does, but it gives me the chance to catch a glimpse of his desires, burning brightly in his eyes. I...

1 year ago
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More Girlie Points

Chapter I Tom pulled on the panties noticing that his penis was already erect. Damn he was horny! It had been almost two weeks since Jen had let him have an orgasm and he really wanted one tonight. His tease of a wife had been making his life hell since that last Sunday night when, to earn his orgasm, he'd agreed to wear panties to work the next day. That had earned him the five girlie points he needed. Girlie points were what he earned when he did things like wear a bra...

4 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 8

Before sun-up, Ray was already mobile. Needing to make sure he catches The Rat at home, he makes an early start. "I always get the fucking dirty job" he mutters to himself as he shuffled through the piles of bird shit and rotting maggot infested rat corpses. Working his way through the corridors of an old long abandoned building, he cannot help but imagine how grand and pompous the rooms would have looked in its heyday. The many rooms, with their high ceilings and huge picture windows...

2 years ago
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Busted Cheating

I just found out that my daughter told my husband of 19 years that I have had numerous affairs with co-workers while we lived in West Virginia and that I had not stopped cheating on him after we moved here to Florida. I feel so betrayed by my daughter that she would tell him about more than 10 affairs that she knew of while we lived in West Virginia. She even told him that she knew that I never stopped screwing around on him when we moved here to get away from what I had done in West Virginia....

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Charlotte Anal

Good news, she’s back! Charlotte, our 18 year old cutie, is back for her first anal. Not her first anal scene, her first anal ever, losing her ass cherry just for you! She was pretty nervous, and excited, for this so she did some ass training before the shoot, what a trooper! She gets started with some toys, no surprises for her there as she used to work in a sex shop, really, we’re not kidding! She’s cute as ever, so we knew this was going to be funtime for our resident stud...

1 year ago
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At the Movies

Another lazy Saturday night and Speedo and I were sitting in the diner killing time over a plate of fries waiting for the late movie. Speedo's real name is Spivak but because he was on the swim team and wore those tight little speedo thingies; everyone called him 'Speedo.' One of our mutual friends declared he had cute buns, but I tried not to look, if you know what I mean. The fries were still hot on the plate when Speedo's family rolled in with his sister who is two years younger and his...

2 years ago
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Playing on the play ground

She went by the nickname Z. She was a co-worker at an old job I had. Some of the guys would give her shit, calling her the chunky princess and such. Like they were to talk. I'd seen some of their wives. Trust me, some of these dudes were married to women who'd make a dildo go limp. Yeah, Z may have had some meat on her bones, but deep down she was a sweet heart who was also kind of a tomboy. Z was a little chunky, but she had a pretty face and long brunette hair. Her breast were perfect for a...

1 year ago
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My Friday fun

I spontaneously took a bus Friday for a single reason: My friend Lexi was attending an orgy and I wanted to check it out. It was just a college themed party, so at first I blew it off. I’d already been to my fair share of house parties and I didn’t think this so called orgy party would be fruitful, or even fun. But Lexi assured me that k**s at her school “committed” to these sorts of things, so I admit, my curiosity was piqued.Casual (but responsible!) sex with strangers has never been taboo...

1 year ago
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Sexual Poetry

Look, smile, lick, kiss Tongue, lips, biting, touching Touching, rubbing, fondling, craving Unbutton, Unbutton, Unbutton, caress Unbutton, drop, lick, lick, suck, touch Breast, nipple, cock, pussy Touch, nibble, moan, breathe, heat Unclasp, pull off, drop, grab, rub, rub Flick, circle, arch, moan, heat, fondle Unbutton, unzip, drop, grab, squeeze Cock, shaft, moist, pussy Kiss, tongue, suck, breasts, moan, throb Unbutton, unzip, drop, rub, rub, heat Moist, hot, breast, breast, suck, press...

Erotic Poetry
2 years ago
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How I Fucked Your Mother

Introduction: A young man seizes the opportunity to spend time with the MILF next Part 1 My Parents split up when I was 4. My Dad and I floated around a while before we settled down in a nice neighborhood. I was 5 by that time and really glad that there was a boy next door my own age. His name was Ian and his Mom was really nice. Mrs. J made cookies and lemonade for us and would even help us build forts in the backyard. When I was 11, I remember seeing her on her back porch from my...

3 years ago
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CD Friend

• Studying with best friend and the friend sees some of my pretty things in a drawer or dresses hanging in closet. This leads to us dressing together or me dressing for him and being his girlfriend.• Sam thought you looked cute before he saw your pretty things. He noticed you had pantyhose on beneath your pants, after seeing your dresses in the closet his cock was stiff and he wondered if you would dress for him. He wanted to see your clitty in panties and covered with panty hose. He really...

1 year ago
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Ferraris and ExsChapter 8

San Francisco 1971 Well, time went on and the middle of August came and so did Laurie, home from her internship. I moved into a loft living situation down in the Mission District. Beanie hooked me up with the deal, as she knew a guy who was going to India and was looking for a sub lease on his space. Considering the view it had, it was great. But as the place had a lot of glass in the one part of the studio, it could get damn cold in there during the winter months. But it had a dark room in...

2 years ago
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David and BathshebaChapter 13

The company dance was held at a large local hotel. There were tables of eight and a buffet supper and two bottles of wine per table. Tom and Briony put their heads together to decide who they would like on their table. Susie and Rory were naturals. Tom suggested Margaret Tennant and her partner and, because she did not belong to a section, Trish and her partner. Briony was happy to agree. With it being an official function there was a top table for members of the board. Betty Nugent had...

1 year ago
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Princess Diaries 07 Bell Licensed

I got an idea of how connected Bete’s organization was on Sunday morning when Curly took me to the DMV. The place was locked down, of course, but a short wide woman with a Filipino accent met us at the locked glass door. Curly pulled a fat envelope from his breast pocket. She opened the door, grabbed the packet, and motioned us in. Despite the obvious bribe, the woman ran me through the driver’s test and the eye chart before she took my photo with the official DMV camera. Apparently, even with...

4 years ago
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Amy and Her Daddy Part 6 Final Instalment

Introduction: Last bit of this story – Im bored with it now. John and Amys life settled down into a ritual of frenzied fucking. John would normally do Amy in the evening when he got home from work, she would then walk around the house with no panties on, semen dribbling down her leg. Occasionally if a friend came over she would put some pants on, but sometimes she would leave them off. At the weekend, they fucked almost all day, their fucking outside of home reached new heights. John found...

3 years ago
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Pushing the limits

You knock on the door and walk in. You come into the living room but I’m not there. You can hear noise in the other room, so you sit on the couch and wait. I’m finishing up in the bedroom, when I hear you come in. I know you will sit in the living room and wait for me. I light my candle. I touch up my make up and take a last look at my outfit.Tonight I’m kitty.So let me tell you what I look like today. I'm wearing a black camisole, the kind that you would wear a sweater over top. But I'm not...

1 year ago
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Shower Boy

First of all you are probably asking what a shower boy is. Well this job was created to help the varsity guys, on football have a nice locker room. So this post would be awarded to the quarterbacks room mate. He usually works before games. This mans name this year was Jon. He was definatelty not the football type. He had a very slim body, almost no muscle and a very weak body structure. This time it was a very important game for the home team and he was a little late getting there. The players...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 13

It wasn’t a huge orgasm for her, but it was sudden, and intense, and something she’d desperately needed. Her hips bucked forward, pushing her hot, wet pussy against my lips and tongue as she came, and she kept her hand tangled in my hair, holding me there… as if I had any intention of trying to leave! She didn’t make much noise when she came, but then she usually doesn’t anyway, and having the others around us probably inhibited her at least a little bit. I rode it, tasting the flood of her...

Wife Lovers
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Into the Fire Ch 09

‘Shane. You have to stop hovering. I’m fine.’ ‘I’m not hovering. I just like hangin’ out with you.’ Three days after the shower incident and things between Shane and I were awkward. When he wasn’t asking me if I was okay every five minutes, he was following me from room to room like I was on a suicide watch. I knew he was concerned, and just wanted to help, but he was irking the hell out of me. ‘Yes, you are. Surely you have better things to do than sitting there, staring at me.’ I tried...

3 years ago
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90210 Donna Likes Mr Walsh

Mr. Walsh hated having to pick the girls up from pep squad. Especially on Saturday afternoons when he pre-ferred to be out golfing with his buddies. But he'd promised his wife he would do it, so here he was back after only nine holes. It was even more annoying because Brenda was old enough to drive but due to some recent heavy partying they had taken her license away - Cindy's decision, not his.Waiting in front of the school was Brenda, his daughter, and her friend Donna. Mr. Walsh noted that...

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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 19 MindControl Delights

Chapter Nineteen: Mind-Control Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Krystal Sampson Did I ruin my friendship with Ji-Yun? I had hidden the fact I was gay from her, and I had a big crush on her, for months. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I'd known her for as long as I could remember. I felt like we been friends all eighteen years of my life. My earliest childhood memory was running around the house with her, the pair of us chasing after Justin because he stole my doll. I...

4 years ago
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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 22

The cheerleader couldn’t believe the sight in front of her. She stood, stunned, as her boyfriend roughly rammed his enormous cock into Brandi’s ass, again and again. His eyes were shut, squeezed so tightly that it almost looked painful. Brandi was face-down on the carpet, making a strange grunt and squeal sound every time Duncan rammed into her. Nicolette slowly backed out of the room, her face red, her fists clenched. Duncan. Cheating on her. Cheating on her. The fact that Nicolette had...

2 years ago
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Sensual SuccubusChapter 3

Chandra was lost in thought as she trudged behind the porters carrying the expedition back toward the dirt runway where they were to be picked up by the old DC-3 that was taking them back to New Delhi. Blanton had decided to return just yesterday, claiming he was ill. She shook her head at the changes that had occurred so recently. She had been teasing him along, thinking that she would eventually let him sleep with her so she could get co-authorship of whatever they discovered on this...

1 year ago
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My sexy Officemate II

On the third day she was wearing this new skirt, which had a lengthy slit right at the front, right up to halfway up her thighs – it helped her to flash a good part of her thighs while she walked. I saw most of the guys in office trying their best avoid been seen while looking at her marvellously shaped thighs. She came in to my room once or twice during the day, and on one occasion managed to rub her hips against my shoulders while walking past me. I felt the knot tightening in my crotch but...

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