Horny coach trip
- 4 years ago
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Charlene led JJ into the room and JJ almost fell in the floor, tripping over his feet. There were three women, out of a total of over sixty, gave him an erection at the luncheon, and the third was talking on a phone. She was beautiful to look at however she was talking very unladylike to someone, her language, leaving no doubt in the persons mind how she felt, as she specified what she wanted.
Charlene nudged JJ's elbow, and turning toward her, accepted the glass of wine she offered. Charlene whispered, "She is talking to her husband, he wants to do things his way, and she is not giving in to him." Charlene took his arm and led him to a sofa, sitting close to him after he sat. She was sipping her wine and rubbing his leg, slowly letting her hand move closer to his erection. Leaning against him, her breast pressed against his elbow, was enough for him to want to take her in his arms, throw her on the sofa, and take her physically. She was teasing and he knew it; he looked at the silent woman watching Charlene's moves and saw her face fill with desire and he knew she wanted to trade places with woman caressing his thigh, it was obvious in her expression.
JJ was trying to listen to the conversation, and Charlene got his attention when she said, "That's not important to you, pay attention to me. She'll tell you what she wants you to know." Charlene tipped her glass to her lips as she looked over the rim, her eyes glaring at him. Emitting a sharp, "OH!" Charlene jumped up from the sofa and walked to the desk, returning with sheets of paper. "These are the people you have to contact, they will let you work for them," she said as she sat closer than before.
JJ looked at the names and there were sixteen, and he noticed five were not local; they were obviously people living near Casio's because he didn't recognize the town. Of course, he was unfamiliar with all the surrounding towns, spending just two months in the house his father bought. He continued studying the list and knew he would need Wigwam's expertise; he had no idea where half the houses were and knew practically none of the names.
Placing the two lists together, twenty-five for a start he thought, that was too much work for him, he was going to need Wigwam, and he would need him full time.
JJ studied the woman talking on the phone, tall and slim, long legs and small ass, small breasts and narrow shoulders, she was edible material, that is unless she devoured you first. That is what she was trying to do to the person on the phone. The skirt was tight fitting, defining her trim figure, set off by the diaphanous black blouse; the black bra easily and well defined under the sheer material, was an erotic sight. It was that blouse and bra combination, giving JJ an erection earlier in the day at Casio's, and it was working again. She was the one woman who really stood out to him.
JJ didn't know what to think of Charlene. Stopping the truck and killing the motor, he sat in his drive for ten minutes trying to figure what her message had been. He waited for almost half an hour and never introduced to the third woman, the one whose eyes never left him, or the woman on the phone. She was still talking when Charlene escorted him to the door. He came away with the list without ever having the opportunity to speak to the two women. He felt like he was on display as he was led to the door, and abruptly dismissed.
"Damn, damn, damn!" JJ said aloud slapping the steering wheel once again, "She did it again. JJ you're stupid, you let her do it to you AGAIN!" He slammed the door hard as he walked from the truck, knowing she had used him and he let her. He looked up to see Tina standing on the porch watching him and his demeanor changed quickly, she was looking at him and her expression showed concern. He knew she had been watching and he was suddenly disappointed in himself by his outrage, it was something she didn't need to observe.
Tina's expression changed as soon as he stepped up to her and gave her a hug, followed by a soft kiss on her lips. "Are you okay?" she asked as she placed her arm around his waist, pulling him close and pressing against him.
"Yes, I got upset at myself and you know how infuriating that can be, but I'm better with you beside me," he said as he lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the neck.
She knew he could feel her body tremble at the softness of the light kiss; however, she knew he couldn't feel the warm glow that passed through her body, that was her reward, all hers. Arm in arm, they walked to the door, pausing when they heard the car turn into their drive. Tina looked up at him and smiled when she saw the white convertible. "I like that car," she said as she pulled him to the steps to meet the visitors.
Eileen led the way, dragging Alice by the hand as they entered the house with Tina and JJ were following closely. Eileen walked into the kitchen and hugged Helen as she spoke, "Mom, this is Alice, one of my best friends. We are going to a movie tonight and came by to ask Tina to go with us."
JJ was surprised when Eileen called his mother mom, although she accepted it as though she was her mom. The big surprise came when she asked Helen, "Where's dad, I have to introduce Alice to him?"
Two hours later JJ was wiping the dishes as Helen washed, "Well, it looks like you and I are alone for the evening," she said, a smile coming on her face as she passed the last plate to JJ. "What enticed Eileen to ask Tina to go to the movie with her and Alice?"
"I don't know, however I do know Tina likes Eileen," JJ said as he placed the dried plates in the cupboard and tossed the cloth at his mom. "What time will dad return from bowling?" he asked as he walked behind her and cupped a breast in each hand.
Sliding her hand between their bodies and grasping the erection pressing against her ass, she spoke softly, "He should be home a little after midnight. Why, did you have something in mind?" she said laughing as she turned her face to his, her lips meeting his as she leaned into his body. She moaned and pressed her lips harder against his as she felt his fingers working the buttons on her blouse.
Driving to Alice's, JJ wondered why Tina's breasts and nipples were sore but he didn't question her further. "You know I will tell, if you ask, but I hope you won't ask," she had answered when he sucked on a nipple before he climbed from the bed. All she told him when he asked why she flinched, "They are sore this morning." He didn't know what time she came in because he had just pulled her close and continued sleeping when she came to bed.
Alice came running from the house before JJ stopped in her drive. He looked at her and she smiled, and they were underway, he had a busy day planned. They were silent for a long while as he drove to Wigwam's and Alice finally spoke. "Mom and dad are at it again this morning. I am glad you came when you did. I hate it when they argue, they are both so headstrong and neither wants to give anything to the other."
"Anything to please you M'lady," JJ said as he pulled her close and placed an arm around her shoulder.
"I feel like a different person when I am with you," she said as she snuggled closer. "I like your family too; they are a lot of fun. Ellie said she has never laughed so much just being around your mother and father, she said your father is a trip."
"Don't your mom and dad laugh and joke?" JJ asked as his hand unbuttoned the top two buttons on her blouse, and sliding his hand inside to cup a breast.
"No, and don't you unbutton any more buttons. I am not wearing a bra and I don't want to show the world what I love showing you." Alice looked at him and smiled, unbuttoning the remaining three buttons to the blouse and pulling it open. "Do you like what you see?"
"You are a tease, just like Eileen. That's why she thinks my dad is so much fun, she teases the hell out of him. He loves it though," JJ said as he moved his hand from one breast to another, pulling her nipple as he switched.
"I know, she told us, Jessica, and I, the night we talked all night." Alice looked at him again and said, "She said we should get him to take us for a hamburger and coke one evening and really give him a show. Do you think he would like that?" She laughed as she rebuttoned her blouse, moments before he slowed to turn into Wigwam's long drive.
"If he doesn't I will take you," JJ said as he made the turn. "Do you like for people to watch you also?"
"Mmmmmmm, yes, it is exciting watching the men and boys try to see your breasts or pussy. Ellie makes it too obvious at times but she likes it too. Do you like sneaking peaks at girls and women? I have many crazy thoughts go through my head sometimes. Maybe I'll tell you about some of them someday," Alice smiled as she moved close to the door of the truck and lifted her skirt, showing him she wasn't wearing panties again. Alice was smiling at him when she pulled her skirt over her knees and chuckled.
JJ stopped the truck as three children ran to meet them. Opening the door, Alice pulled them inside and closed her door, allowing JJ to drive to the house, a distance of two hundred feet. Wigwam and Willa were standing on the porch laughing as they stopped and helped the children from the truck.
"Don't leave those kids here," Wigwam shouted to JJ. "We have enough of our own and they look like they eat a lot." He started laughing and his oldest daughter ran to him, swatted him on the leg, before he picked her up, hugging her as he walked through the door held open by Willa. Alice picked up the two year old and followed him, leaving the three year old raising her arms for JJ to carry.
As JJ lifted the small child, her arms went around his neck and she kissed him on the lips lightly, and then smiled at him. Passing by Willa, who was holding the door open for them to enter, the child released one arm and quickly hooked it around her mother's neck, stopping JJ and pulling his body into Willa's as her body moved to meet his. Willa and JJ were face-to-face, and the young girl whispered to JJ, although it was loud enough for all to hear. "Mama told daddy you were handsome and Alice was lucky."
JJ was shocked, first at the statement, and secondly, the youngster had spoken pretty clear and very much aware of the conversation between the two adults. JJ's eyes went to Willa's and he saw a shocked look on her face as she glared at her daughter.
"Kiss him," the small child said pulling Willa and JJ's heads together.
Willa kissed JJ lightly on the cheek and she girl shouted, "Not a nighttime kiss, a daytime kiss!"
JJ turned his head and was shocked when Willa's lips met his. The lips meeting wasn't the shock, her tongue slipped between his lips quickly and there was contact made with their tongues. JJ felt an erection as his prick pressed hard against his trousers. The simple meeting of their tongues had sent a sexual charge quickly through his body. Willa was a sexy woman and it took very little for JJ to become erect, her tongue was the igniter.
Glancing in the direction of Wigwam and Alice, JJ leaned and kissed Willa after the young girl said, "OK, now you kiss her, a daytime kiss."
JJ wasn't expecting Willa to be as aggressive and when their lips met the second time, the two tongues plunged deep into the mouth's of one another. Willa's hand behind his head excited him as well as prolonging the kiss. He never expected the kiss to last as long however he enjoyed every moment their lips pressed against one another's. Their lips parted and JJ placed the young girl on the floor and sat at the table beside Alice. He was trying to hide his erection from Alice and Wigwam however, Alice just glanced his way and grinned, placing a hand on his leg just below the head of his erect prick.
Wigwam said across the table from Alice and JJ, and looked at the papers JJ passed to him. He studied the papers closely, turning the pages as he read the names, nodding occasionally. After looking at each name on the list, Wigwam began going over the names, one at a time, and Alice began making notes on a separate sheet of paper.
As Wigwam would look at a name, he would describe the location and then the type of work needed, and Alice would make a note. After all the names were reviewed by Wigwam and Alice, Wigwam spoke, "It will take at least a four-man team to do the work if all these people accept your services. I think I know where four are, the best workers I can think of. When do you plan own beginning work?"
JJ looked up at Wigwam and said, "I need to see the lawyer this afternoon. In the best case, I would like to start Monday, and the worst-case, late next week. Do you think we could be ready to start by then? Wigwam, I need you to go over this list, in detail, and tell me what I should charge each one. Then I need to work up a plan to determine how often we will work each customer and finally determine how much money we will bring in each month. I need this information for the lawyer and bank. I need a loan to purchase the equipment, how much do you think we need?
It took almost three hours before they completed the list. In fact, they were pleasantly surprised when Willa placed sandwiches and drinks on the table before them. While eating the sandwiches Willa prepared they were discussing equipment they would need to complete the job. Willa reminded Wigwam of a trailer one of Wigwam's friends was trying to sell the week before.
Wigwam smiled and said, "I saw Howie yesterday and he was still trying to sell, he needs money quick. He found an old car he wants to buy. When I finish lunch, I will go over and try to buy it. He is willing to sell it cheap and we will need it."
Alice up and said, "I want to go with you, I haven't seen his wife in months."
In the background, JJ heard little voices repeating, "I want to go," followed by another, "I want to go too," and another, "I want to go." JJ began laughing and Alice joined, drawing an apathetic look from Wigwam.
JJ sat at the table and worked with the totals Wigwam and Alice proposed. Wigwam had given them a total for each location and Alice added her input and in each case, much more than Wigwam proposed. JJ could not believe some of the totals Alice proposed, however he wrote them beside the names. Totaling the list, he was surprised at the amount. He assumed he would be able to sell more than half of the names on the list his services and that would be a good beginning.
He was almost finished totaling the figures when Willa walked behind and stood close to him, pressing a breast against his shoulder. When she leaned against him, he became erect. He was in a fix. She was the wife of a good friend; however, the breast pressing against him made him think about her in a very different way. Reaching across his shoulder, he let his fingers make contact with her soft mound. When she did not move away, he took further liberties, tracing his fingers across her breast mound, paying particular attention to the nipple. Her nipple was erect when he looked up, his eyes staring into hers.
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Rael sat at the long, ornate dinner table in the main dining hall with his long legs stretched out before him, leaning back in his chair as he rolled a small apple around in his hand. Selm, his whiskers newly trimmed and looking determined, watched him quietly, waiting for the young Nobleman to speak. The Knight had fully expected to have some distractions when he arrived home. He hadn’t been to IronWing Manor in a long time, and so much was left undone from his father’s death. He’d even found...
NovelsI found the Halls of Hasvik easily enough as they could not be missed. Next to the huge doors ;which were as I could see now, were made of dark wood with large Ultronit bands holding large timbers together; was a smaller metal door and I knocked there. It did not take long and another man opened, he too was dressed like the other one but he was the stark opposite of the Old man I met the day before. He was fat, Midril would have appeared like a weightless Elf compared to this man. His woven...
My name is Jill I was was a new single mother who was experiencing some hard times the father of my baby left when I was about 3 months pregnant and I could not afford my place. I did not know what to do then my wonderful brother Steve said I could stay with him till I figured it out. Steve was 3 years older than me fairly fit about 6 feet tall. He had a three bedroom place so it was not to bad and it seemed like a good fit. Bye was so good and helped me during the pregnancy and even...
Rocky DiGiorgio was getting damn tired of all his father's sluts thinking they could just go around giving him these orders, and expecting him to obey them. The thirteen year old was being punished, one more time, for not doing something he'd been told to do by one of his father's damned concubines. This time, it was that damn Erica Saunders, his father's favorite concubine, whose instructions he'd once again refused to obey. He wished his father would hurry up and get back home again....
As I shared George’s information with everybody, Evie gave me a very pointed look. “How did you know about Taney County Airport? How COULD you know about something so obscure?” She had a point. I’d screwed up by offering knowledge I couldn’t possibly have had. Quick thinking saved the day. “Hazel loved the travel channel. She left it on for hours and hours and hours. They did a number of shows about how Branson, Missouri was growing up and becoming a real city, complete with a brand new...
Have you ever been in a position where your sexual desires totally over-ruled your sensibility? Where you knew it was wrong, but oh boy, it feel so right, so multi-orgasmic right? Well, tonight was one of those times! When Eric asked/pleaded for me to wear a bag, I thought he was just kidding. I was about to tell him, he was out of his fucking, fucked up, drug induced, schizophrenic mind, but that was until I looked into his eyes and saw that this was not the case; and I could read Eric better...
Straight SexShe was extraordinary! She was special. She was the type of woman that attracted everyone’s attention when she walked into a room. I knew a beautiful woman when I saw one. Working in Atlantic City, I was constantly surrounded by women of beauty and elegance. A big perk that accompanied the job. I had seen all kinds of people from the rich and arrogant to the destitute and hopeful. Here in the casinos, they didn’t care about your appearance or attire, that you showed up and spent your money was...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt was too late to stop, or think, or worry about any kind of modesty. The ritual was complete and would no longer be denied. Bella’s back arched. Her shoulders and hips were the only part of her in contact with the table. One hand clutched the card in her hand. The other reached up to hold onto Tonya, who grabbed her arm to help steady her. She felt Will’s cock start to jerk inside her, she lunged forward and hooked her hands around his neck, pulling him into a searing kiss, and then her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHey folks I am new to ISS and have been very impressed with the stories in the site. Keep up the good work. After so much thought I have decided to post my experiences on this web site. To begin with I am posting a chat with one of my chat mates. This is a sensuous chat I had with a Kolkota lady.. Your feedbacks are most welcome to my mail id lustychaponcam (04-12-2009 10:43:18): Hi Synthia (04-12-2009 10:43:27): ?{ lustychaponcam (04-12-2009 10:43:46): what’s that Synthia (04-12-2009...
Ethereal, sexy Kenzie Anne appears in blue lingerie and stockings, and she wants you to see more. Her pouty lips and sensual moves mean a slow striptease. She pulls down her bra without a word, and slips her hands into her panties. As she leans over the piano, she gives you a full view of her ass, as she slips off her thong. Soon, she’s got nothing but her garter and stockings on. She grows more and more aroused, inserting dirty talk as she starts to play with her pussy. Since you can’t be...
xmoviesforyouI have a sexy idea – I think I will surprise my husband, Ben, with some sexy boudoir pictures. I found a female photographer with a really nice studio. We met and she was so disarming. We talked about taking some tasteful, semi-nude photos for Ben’s birthday. I tell her that I’ll even consider doing something racier, but I’d have to be really comfortable with her to do something more explicit. Maybe a few nude photos, but I want to be discreet. She assures me she will be discreet, so I decide...
ExhibitionismIt’s been a while. This is a bit different from my other stories but I hope you enjoy! I was nervous and excited. I was going on a date! I hadn’t done much of that since my separation from my husband, or ever really. Prior to getting married my involvement with men had been mostly one night stands, (drunk or otherwise) even when I met him, it had been an immediate and powerful sexual connection that had progressed outwardly and, unfortunately, incompletely. I was ready to take it slow, to...
"You're not really from Central Michigan?" "Oddly enough, I am." "Why the third degree?" "The United States is having a difficult time with the idea of transferees. Your switch, is a raving lunatic. His English is atrocious, he hates your mother, cell phones and computers are completely unknown. And his existence is anathema to the Church. Besides all that, he is insisting on the lifestyle he had in Finland." "I don't blame him ... this is heavenly." "Really?" "Certainly,...
Hi, I'm Jim Part Two By Virginia Kane 1. I still can't believe what the "specialist" my transition doctor brought in to perform my latest feminization procedure did! To all intents and purposes, my groin now resembles a woman's mound! Sure, sure, my little cock had shrunk to less than half its original meager length it was before I began my feminization hormone regimen six months earlier, but I still enjoyed having Jim...
I was forming a plan and also wanted a backup. I was going to need more help. I would try not to use any more people than necessary but this was just too much and too big for one country boy to set up. I asked Billy and Millie to do me a favor. They needed to rent the room that Tom was going to use to have sex with the mayor's wife. Sal told me that, in the appointment book, Tom had the following Thursday circled. Tom always used room nine since it was on the end and he wouldn't be spotted...
Today in Private Specials, Sexy British Babes, we introduce you to Baby Kxtten, a beautiful blonde who has come to www.private.com for her first ever anal and it’s definitely one you won’t want to miss! After receiving some new lingerie from her boyfriend Chris Cobalt, Baby is all horny and ready for action as she warms up on her knees with an impressive deepthroat blowjob. Then watch and enjoy this sexy, tattooed teen in action as she goes on to discover the heights of anal pleasure in an...
xmoviesforyouMom had started suffering migraine headaches during the divorce process. The doctors told her it was psychosomatic but it didn't help moms headaches. Sometimes she would be awake all night with a headache. The doctors finally prescribed a sedative that was guaranteed to let her get some rest. The first time mom took a pill for one of her headaches she sleep the entire night. She woke the next morning rested with no memory of suffering from a headache. From then on when she felt a headache...
When hot and slightly snooty Summer Day starts her very own first real estate company, her rich daddy seeds her venture with a freshly acquired parcel of rental units in the Potrero district of San Francisco. The entire block has been evicted and is ready to be gentrified by Summer’s new company, but there is one stubborn tenant that will not vacate. Summer is determined to close this deal and make her daddy proud. She is fed up waiting and drives over there where she confronts Xander...
xmoviesforyou"Before my two closest mortal companions got too old to make the journey," Nick started, "I decided to uproot myself from Gala's kingdom and move northeast." "You should go, Nick," the Queen insists, sensing his restlessness. "Are you certain?" Nick asks. "It has been six months since my mates left us to enter the shadowlands." A year before, Milo's heart gives out, and Cynthia's broken heart soon after ends her life. "I have depended on you enough to help my grieving....
I regularly read the stories in iss which will give me a lot of pleasure so I decided to share my first sex encounter with my neighbor’s wife. I wish you would like my story. Coming to the story; myself Rob (name changed) living in a town with my family in a rented house this encounter happened six months before with a new tenant’s wife. Her name is Rita (name changed); she has a child of age two years by the time they came into rent. She looks good enough height, nice tanned-body, coming to...
Susie Brock knew that part of her would always be sad that she couldn't work it out with Governor Bruce Calahan. She also knew that the Governor was right about them needing some time apart, after being lovers for the whole semester. She had missed him that summer, as she worked in the area, to ensure that she already had a job when the other students came into town. She missed him even more by now, but the past had to be left to history, and the future embraced, so she went ahead and...