GreeniesChapter 8B free porn video

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The nearest MPG recruiting office was forty blocks away, in the south portion of Helvetia Heights. They rode the public transit train there, utilizing one of the transport tokens that came with their monthly welfare allotment. They stepped off at the nearest station nervously, knowing that they were now deep in enemy gang territory, an act that could easily lead to their deaths if they were discovered.

Sure enough, they made it no more than two blocks from the station before a group of Thrusters stepped out of the lobby of a public housing building and blocked their path. There were six of them, all young, dangerous looking, hardened veterans. They surrounded them menacingly, eyeing the Capitalist tattoos on their quarry's arms, their hands playing in their waistbands where their guns would be holstered.

"A little out of your turf?" one of them, the apparent leader of the group, inquired plainly, his face expressionless.

Neither Jeff nor Matt said anything, both knowing that they were caught, neither wanting to give their foes the satisfaction of hearing them whine.

The leader continued to stare at them, his hand continuing to fondle the concealed handgun. "You got a lot of balls just walking around over here like this," he told them. "A lot of fucking balls. Where you heading?"

They remained silent, both glaring defiantly at the faces around them.

"Let's take 'em around the back and pop 'em," one of the younger members suggested.

"Yeah," another put in, "then we'll drag their fucking bodies back to the border tonight and dump 'em."

"We might just do that," the leader said thoughtfully. He took a step closer to Jeff, fingering the tattoo on his arm. He then looked over at Matt's. "You're retired?" he asked.

"Yeah," Jeff grunted, since some reply seemed necessary.

"Over eighteen then?"

He nodded.

"Where you heading?" the leader repeated. "You didn't come all the way into our turf like this with only the two of you looking for a fight. And you ain't here sellin' dust either. So what the fuck you doing out here? Didn't you know that we was gonna find you?"

"We knew," Jeff told him. "We ain't here to make trouble. We're heading for 104th and Stevens."

The leader nodded. "The MPG recruiting center," he said. "You going to sign up?"

"Yeah," Jeff confirmed.

The leader looked over at Matt. "You too?"

"Yeah," Matt grunted as well.

He nodded again, his face remaining without expression or nuance. He turned to his people. "Let 'em through," he said. "They're going to sign up."

There was no argument, no hesitation. They simply stood aside.

"Get your asses on down there," the leader told them. "You have safe passage through our turf for that. We catch you anywhere except between here and there though, you're dead meat. Got it?"

"Got it," Jeff told them.

Their bodies flooded with nervous adrenaline, they started walking once again. They didn't look back. They were harassed no further on their trip.

The recruitment center had been hastily set up the night before in the lobby of a commercial building that catered to the welfare class retail industry. It was home to the welfare food mart, the welfare clothing store, welfare intoxicant shops, and many other stores that accepted government subsidy dollars. Like any such building there were thousands of square meters of vacant space. It was in the remains of a former rent-to-own establishment that had been closed the year before for lack of sufficient profit margin that the MPG had brought in desks, computer terminals, and recruitment specialists. A squad of infantry had also been brought in as a security measure.

Jeff and Matt did not get near the recruitment center or even the building itself for quite some time however. A line of people stretched from the main lobby doors for three blocks in both directions. There were males and females alike, most between the ages of eighteen and thirty years old, all of them wearing welfare clothing, most sporting gang tattoos on their arms. They stood patiently in groups of two and three and four, many smoking cigarettes, a few even sipping from Fruity bottles. Amazingly enough many of the former gang members were from rival gangs, some of the rivalries as bitter and long-lasting as that between the Capitalists and the Thrusters. They stood shoulder to shoulder in many places with no apparent conflict or strife. Some even seemed to be conversing.

"Goddamn that's a lot of fuckin' people," Jeff said as they approached the tail end of it. "How long is this shit gonna take?"

"Quite a while it looks like," Matt said. "Come on, let's get in line."

They got in line. It was a slow moving one and it took them nearly three hours before the building was even in sight. At last they made it to the front and were brought before a desk where a weary looking sergeant in standard indoor garb asked for their identification. They provided it for him and he ran their names through his computer.

"You boys have been in a little trouble in your lives now, haven't you?" he asked lightly, with the air of one who had already asked that more than a thousand times that day.

"Just the normal shit for the hood," Jeff responded. "Is that gonna keep us from signing up?"

The sergeant smiled a little bit. "If we eliminated everyone around here because they had a criminal record we wouldn't have anyone at all." He scrolled up and down through the screen for a moment. "Let's see what we got here... possession of dust, assault and battery, carrying a concealed weapon, possession of stolen property, possession of illegal chemicals. That's all the usual stuff all right. No murder convictions, no sexual crimes, no assaults against peace officers. Those are the big eliminating factors. Have either one of you ever worked before?"

"Naw," Jeff said. "Ain't too many jobs around here."

Matt shook his head in the negative as well.

"No job training skills or anything like that?"

Again they both answered in the negative.

"Ok then," the sergeant said. "If you two will head on upstairs for me you'll find corporal Jennings who will set you up on a computer to take the ASVAB test."

"The az-vab?" Jeff asked. "What the fuck's that?"

"Armed services vocational assessment battery," the sergeant explained. "It's an exam that tells us what your strengths and weaknesses are so we can determine what assignment would best suit you."

"Shee-it," Jeff said toughly, "just give me a fuckin' gun and point me to the fuckin' Earthlings."

"Well, we like you spirit," the sergeant responded. "But we still have to give you the test. So if you'll just head upstairs for me."

They headed upstairs. Once there they found another two-hour wait until a computer terminal was free.

The test itself took only an hour. The first section consisted of a series of multiple choice questions in such subjects as math, English, reading comprehension, spatial relations, and general knowledge. They both answered everything to the best of their abilities and then were automatically moved onto the second section, which was a standard psychological examination. The questions here were widely varied and many of them bordered on the bizarre but — in accordance with the instructions at the beginning — both did their best to answer truthfully instead of in a smart-ass manner, which was what their gang instincts cried out for.

Both finished at roughly the same time. The computer screens they were using thanked them for their participation in the process and gave them appointments with recruiters. Matt's was in six days at the very recruiting center that they were now sitting in. It included a free two-way pass for the public transportation system. Jeff's appointment however, was a little different. It was in two days at the MPG deployment center itself.

"Why do you think we have different appointment places?" Jeff asked as they headed back through Thruster territory to the train station. "And why would they send you back here why they send me all the way over to the other side of the city? That don't make no fuckin sense."

"Maybe it has something to do with that test we took," Matt suggested with a shrug. "They said it was for placement."

"Shit," he said, "if they try and make me clean out biosuits or something like that I'm fuckin walkin. That's not what I signed up for."

"Maybe they want to put you in tanks or something," Jeff suggested.

"I'd go for that," he replied, lighting a cigarette. "I ain't gonna clean out no fuckin biosuits though. They better not even ask me that shit."

Meanwhile, at the MPG deployment center, Lisa Wong was on duty behind her computer terminal in the administration part of the building. Her leg was healing up nicely from the shrapnel injury she'd received in the firefight at the main gate to EMB but she still had a bulky bandage wrapped around it, a bandage she wore with a certain amount of pride. She had been wounded in battle! In an actual, knockdown, drag-out battle with WestHem marines! After that the accounting and inventory tasks she was performing — even though the demand for them had quadrupled in the last week — were now unimaginably dull. She stared at her screen listlessly, looking at rows and columns that listed where combat equipment was stored and at what rate it was being used, vowing that she would not fight the war by doing this.

She looked at her watch, seeing that it was 1510, twenty minutes before her scheduled appointment with Captain Jennifer Stanley, the commanding officer of the accounting and receiving department. The appointment had been made the previous day, shortly after the vote count had been announced, in response to an email that had been distributed to all MPG members from General Jackson himself. The memo had stated that all MPG members requesting either removal from the MPG on grounds of non-support of the revolt or reassignment within it to move into or out of combat branches should contact their respective commanding officer. Lisa, obviously, was going with the latter option. Since Governor Whiting had banished the sexual barrier for combat branches, she sure as hell wanted in on it.

At 1518 she could wait no longer. She got up from her desk and made her way to the elevator, where a trip up three floors brought her to the main administration nerve center for the base. The doors opened on a spacious lobby furnished with plain but functional desks, couches, and chairs. Other MPG members awaiting their own appointments with their own commanding officers occupied most of the chairs. A civilian secretary sat behind a desk, answering computer calls and putting in an endless stream of appointments for others.

"Name?" the secretary, a young Asian descendent with a particularly thick Martian accent asked.

"Corporal Wong," Lisa told her. "I have a 1530 with Captain Stanley."

"Hold on a sec," she said. She completed the call that she was currently handling and then put someone else on hold. She then checked through another screen on her computer and tapped it with her finger. "Should be about another five minutes or so. Go ahead and grab a seat."

She thanked the harried looking secretary and then plopped herself down on one of the couches. The woman sitting next to her was someone she knew. She worked in the outfitting department a floor below hers and had been part of the makeshift platoon that had pinned in the marines. They chatted while they waited, talking of Lisa's wound and their hopes for reassignment.

"I want tanks," the woman told her, almost hungrily. "I want to be in the machine that blows those Earthling fucks back to their landing area."

"I just want someone to give me a gun to fight with," Lisa responded vaguely, not mentioning her real hope for fear that she would laugh it off.

Right on schedule Lisa was invited into the captain's office for the meeting. She walked through the doors a little nervously, into a small room with a standard plastic desk and a few potted plants. Pictures of a smiling girl of about twelve were displayed on the top of the computer terminal. Stanley was sitting in her chair, looking a little frazzled herself. She was a handsome woman of about forty years old, a ten-year member of the MPG and a low-level accountant for MarsTrans in her civilian life.

"Let me guess," she told Lisa as she took a seat before the desk. "You're here to request reassignment to a combat branch."

Lisa smiled. She had always liked her CO who, in the tradition set by General Jackson, was an approachable, personable leader to her troops. "You must be psychic, Captain," she told her.

"I must be," she said with a sigh. "You're the fifteenth member of accounting that's met with me today. From what I hear I have similar appointments taking up most of my time tomorrow as well. Not only am I not getting any work done, I'm losing all of my best people. I don't suppose that you'd reconsider and man that desk for me instead of an M-24?"

"Not a chance, Captain, sorry," Lisa told her.

"Can't say that I blame you," she said with a shrug. "I put in my own request for reassignment yesterday with Colonel Culligan. Unfortunately my request was denied. Seems they need me a little too much over here in accounting."

"Well... someone has to do it, don't they?"

"Just not you," she said with a hint of sarcasm. "I know the feeling, believe me. So, where can we put you? Do you want tanks? Infantry? Flight training maybe? I haven't checked your qualifications yet."

"Well... actually," she said slowly, hesitantly, "I was thinking of... maybe... uh..." she trailed off, unable to get the words out of her mouth.

"What?" Stanley asked patiently. "Spit it out, girl."

"Special forces," Lisa finally blurted, feeling herself blush.

Stanley raised her eyebrows a tad. "Special forces?" she said. "Wong, I know you're hot to get into combat and all but the qualifications for special forces are pretty stringent. Those positions are only open to existing MPG members that have combat unit experience. At this particular moment in time that only includes the men. Maybe in a year or so, after you..."

"Begging your pardon, Captain," Lisa interrupted, "but that isn't exactly what the requirements say. I read them very carefully."

Another raising of the eyebrows. "Oh?"

"Yes," Lisa confirmed. "They read previous combat unit experience or an equivalent experience. I think I might qualify under the equivalent experience umbrella."

"Equivalent experience? Are you talking about police work?"

"Exactly," she said with a smile. "I have basic police academy training, three levels of advanced weapons and tactics training, and almost eight years of street patrol time. I'm qualified as expert in the M-24 and the 4mm pistol as well as the MP-7 and MP-9 assault rifles. That is all in addition to my MPG basic infantry tactics training."

Stanley nodded thoughtfully. "That is pretty impressive," she admitted. "But as to whether or not that counts as equivalent training or not would not be up to me. I'd have to kick your request over to Colonel Bright's office for consideration."

"Could you do that for me?"

"I'll need a resume of some sort first," she told her.

Lisa smiled. "I just happen to have one already composed on my PC," she said. "I can download it onto your computer right now."

"Very good then," she said, turning her screen towards Lisa to allow her to access the download port. "Put it in. And for what its worth, I'll even send off a letter of recommendation."

"Thanks, Captain," she said gratefully. That was going to be her next request.

"Are you sure you know what you're getting yourself into if they accept you though? You would be one of very few women in special forces. God only knows what the men would think about that. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"I've worked Helvetia Heights, Collerton, and downtown in a police cart," Lisa said. "After that I can handle anything that they can throw at me."

Brett Ingram sat quietly at a chair, staring out the window at Mars floating below. He was in a bachelor officer's room on the outside wall of the base; a room intended for one occupant that he was sharing with three others. The surroundings were comfortable but the door was locked and armed MPG troops patrolled outside. Spacer Sugiyoto, one of the other Martians that had been stationed aboard the Mermaid was one of his roommates, as were two other native Martians he'd never met until two days ago when they'd been separated out from the rest of the WestHem naval personnel that were being held prisoner in the enlisted dormitory. The fact that they were all Martians did not escape them, nor did they think it a coincidence.

After all, they knew what was going on on the planet below. Even when they'd been crowded in with the other prisoners in the dorm, they had known about the revolution and the vote and the declaration of independence. Their captors had allowed them access to video terminals in their captivity, terminals that showed both MarsGroup broadcasts as well as WestHem big three broadcasts. In the room they were in now the main terminal mounted on the wall was available for their viewing pleasure twenty-four hours a day, on any network that they wished to view. The only capability that had been removed from it was transmission of information or email to the Internet.

The four of them had been watching MarsGroup almost continually since being placed in the room together. In between newscasts that showed MPG soldiers patrolling city streets and huge lines before recruitment centers and industries, they had speculated on just what the reason for their segregation might be. All four had come to the conclusion that the Martian authorities — namely General Jackson, Laura Whiting, and the small group of planetary legislature members that were loyal to them — simply didn't know what to do with them.

"They know we're greenies but they don't know if they can trust us because we're WestHem naval personnel," Sugiyoto had surmised on more than one occasion.

"They were nice enough to separate us from the Earthlings but not quite nice enough to just let us go," was Ingram's opinion on the matter.

"Or let us vote in the independence vote," added one of the others at this point in the conversation. "The most important fucking vote this planet has ever engaged in and we weren't allowed to take part in it."

These same points, as well as a few others, were what were being rehashed for the thirtieth or fortieth time when the door to the outside hallway suddenly slid open on its track. A pair of MPG infantry soldiers stood there, their uniform full battle gear, their M-24s cradled down low in a manner that was almost, but not quite, non-threatening.

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THE PROFESSOR’S DAUGHTER–Part III My old professors daughter Stephanie is a 17-year-old knockout who will turn 18 in one more day. She has cutest face you have ever seen and a slim Korean-Caucasian-mix body with a tight, petite Asian frame. She’s slim, quite tall and athletic (toned by ballet and gymnastics) with a nicely rounded firm ass with small but very firm tits. In my opinion Stephanie’s body is flawless. While her breasts are on the smallish side larger ones might look unnatural on...

1 year ago
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Married Texas School Teacher

I don't often meet people that I have at least not seen in a photo. This time I made an exception. From our conversation the night before I sensed she was nervous and I like women that have that little bit of "what am I doing" feeling in their stomach. I agreed to come have a late breakfast at the hotel restaurant where she was staying. My morning started started out as normal. I straighten the RV as my coffee was making and then sat down at the computer to chat with some friends on the...

1 year ago
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StripChat Arab

It’s time to go East, way East, to the mystical lands of the Levant. That’s where Arab girls come from; I’ll have you know. Today, we’re talking about the spiciest of pussies, the ones that occasionally wear hijabs. She can’t take it off, you know. It’s forbidden. But, she’s more than welcome to flash her pussy on stream and shove gigantic dragon dildos up there for your amusement. I haven’t had a lot of Arab pussy in my life, but I’ve tried enough to tell you that these girls go fucking wild...

Live Arab Sex Cams
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The Mission

We started our post grad with introductions and getting to know each other. This is the point where everybody glamorizes their lives and spells out all the reasons why they are doing the course. I had no other choice but to do the course, I hadn’t found a job after my degree and I didn’t want to go back to working in the Service Industry or Factory Floors. I didn’t tell the rest of the class that of course, I gave them a plausible reason for being on the course. We then talked about the varied...

3 years ago
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If you like young pussy and old cock you must rea

We read today two contrasting stories about the same thing, 'Care for the elderly', one in the UK, about untold abuses, and here in Sweden, where it's all rosy and fun, with dances and outings, the stuff that makes their lives worth waking up to each morning.As a young teenage girl, going into nursing was a profession you aspired too, and you threw yourself into your training, but occasionally, your youthful exuberance, would lead you into sexual contact, the unspoken hand job and grope...

4 years ago
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Immediate Need

You and your lover are giggling like teenagers as you try to climb the stairs to your apartment, but you can't keep your hands off each other.As you try to unlock the door, he reaches around and squeezes your erection through your jeans while he grinds his own into the small of your back."Shit, just—let me unlock—"Your hands tremble when he does something magical with his tongue to the side of your neck that you can't really describe. The keys fall out of your hand and over the stairwell."Fuck...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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I Am My Sons CumslutChapter 3

It was a few days later when I came up with my next naughty idea. Tommy was at work, and I had the day off, so I decided to go to Tommy’s room and check what kind of porn he watched. All boys, all men, have porn on their computers, and I wanted to see what he was into so I could give him his favorites. Since Tommy trusted me and was good about giving me his password, I logged onto his laptop and went to check his browser history. I smiled when I saw that he and I visited a lot of the same...

2 years ago
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Enough BickeringChapter 3

The next morning, Gavin woke Natasha and led her into the bathroom so both of them could shower and brush their teeth. "Thank you, Master. I'm glad that we fucked last night. I've been wanting you to screw me for a while now. I love you, Master," she declared. "I love you too, Natasha. You're a damn good slave. Now, together we need to plan for the party tonight. I want to use my mind powers to hypnotize people into fucking each other. Once we cause the orgy, I plan to use it to...

1 year ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 42

After showering and dressing, the four of us headed downstairs for breakfast. We sat in a booth and drank coffee while waiting for our food. “What time do you want to head home?” Rob said. “We can go whenever we’re ready. I need to fill my truck and we should check the ice on the fish,” I said. “Are we going to take the long way back, or head straight home?” Jenny said. “What would you like to do?” Kelly said. Jenny laughed and said, “You know what I want.” “Yeah, me too, but we’ll...

1 year ago
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All hail Celeb Gate! I remember the first time I visited, their design and overall presentation was pure shit, which made me quite sad, since who does not want to see some hot naked pictures of celebrities? Well, today, their design has completely changed, for the better, and while I think that they could have made a darker layout instead of pure white, I can’t complain since their content is fucking hot.When it comes to the content CelebGate has to offer, it really does not...

The Fappening
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 48

The St. Trop Ritz was full of glamorous people who starred as the boys and I swept through the lobby. Eight people, two king-sized adjoining suites. Our luggage was waiting in the rooms for us. We had a staff meeting as soon as everyone recovered from the flight. "You guys work out a schedule among yourselves as to who's sleeping where and when." "Including us?" Left Angel piped up. "Ja, we want a night, too." Right Angel added. "And me!" Zane threw out. "I'll sign the stupid...

3 years ago
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The 25 Year Itch Chapter 9 Hot Wife at Work Part 1

There was plenty for me to think about after the weekend of the rugby tournament.  Maggie had, once again, had sex with Simon. Then again, I had sex twice with Kat without a condom, something which I would never have dreamed could happen just a few weeks ago.  I hadn’t told Maggie about this yet, although I had promised Kat that I would.Maggie and I had, at last, spoken more openly about how she felt about what she had done, and she had even arranged for me to spend extra time with Kat. We had...

Wife Lovers
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Harry Potter Ron Blackmailed to fuck

What Pansy Parkinson didn’t know was how to moan and come herself. She’d had sex with Draco Malfoy for too long to be turned on by his rude and rough hands which touched her body without much grace, claiming every inch of her flesh as if it was his property. She screamed, oh yes, she screamed a lot; but never from pleasure. Sometimes, when he bit her bony hips a bit too eagerly, her eyes had filled with tears that threatened to stream down her cheeks and ruin her perfect make up. Like that...

3 years ago
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The Bridge to NowhereChapter 2

*Recommend reading chapter one before this chapter because of the extended family characters. After the visits to the government offices, I had a nice bankroll in my purse. There was more than enough to see the family through the next month and I thought there was enough to buy some clothes for the twins who were God-awful hard on their clothing. I resented the fact that Jessica had already taken her share and spent it on French undies for showing off her tits and ass to Daddy Ethan. "Why...

2 years ago
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A Hot Sensual Threesome With Close Friends

Hi readers! I am a frequent ISS reader. All stories and categories are super cool. This is my first story and please spares me for my grammatical errors. This is a real incident with my friends which happened 4 years back in Chennai in my college days. The story is bit long but I swear one will enjoy and have best pleasure. I am Natwar (Name Changed) and my friends Mats and Nats. Mats a dark complexion girl, she is 5’9 in height and little plump but extremely hot girl, looking her one can get...

1 year ago
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Episode 85 Alias Condition

A girl’s voice: “Alia” – no responseA closer, gentler voice, Brian – the black barman from The Sycamores pub: “Alia – are you alright baby? You gave us a shock”I stirred; the world slowly came back into focus – where was I? “What happened”?“You blacked out, baby. One moment you were bouncing up and down on this BBC, the next you were..sort of....gone”. It was Amy – next to us on the picnic bench in the pub garden - the girl from Primark, the blonde girl with the gorgeous tits and a motorbike. I...

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Seduced by a Stranger

As we entered the bar all eyes turned and well I might seem arrogant but I knew why, Stacey was a gorgeous petite blond with big green eyes, breasts to die for and a round tight ass and all that gratified by a flat tummy that my chocolate obsession deprived me from having . As for me I was a 5 feet 8 brunette with blue eyes double d breasts and long flexible legs that I had from practicing years of gym and yoga. We sat down at our usual booth and started celebrating the weekend shot after...

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AmericanDaydreams Angela White 22995

You’re starving for your morning cereal, and just after you’ve poured yourself a bowl of it you look in the fridge and there’s no milk! And as soon as you mention it to your wife she starts nagging you. Sound like a familiar situation? Well, Ryan’s in the same one, except he makes the best of it and daydreams that instead of his wife in the kitchen, it’s beautiful, busty Aussie Angela White, and she’s naked! Not just that, but she pours a jug of milk all over her milky jugs for you to lap up!...

2 years ago
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Saali Ki Chudayi Din Me

Hi, mera naam Prashant hai aur mai Pune se hu. Meri shadi ho chuki hai. Aaj jo kahani sunane jaa raha hu vo real hai. Mumbai me meri ek saali rehati hai (meri biwi ki mausi ki ladki) jo graduation kar rahi thi, uska naam Rohini hai. Vo pehale se muzse kafi close thi aur hamesh mere paas baithane ki mere saath ghoomane ka mauka dhoondhate rehati.Vo ek normal ladaki thi thodi si moti. Meri biwi delivery keilye uske mayake gayi huyi thi. To mai ghar me akele rehata tha. Ek din Rohini ne muze phone...

3 years ago
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Cos we like it rough

It was a cold September night, cold indoors yet roasting inside as the fire was lit heavily in the living-room. Plus the rustling of bodies swarming around the ground kept the heat contained. Everyone had a drink in their hand, music on quietly in the background and everyone trying to remove themselves from the circle in the middle of the room. There was twenty people wrapped around it, but now there was six. Everyone else had now left the room, bored. "Spin it then" Drake said aloud. Anita...

First Time
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My Brothers KeeperChapter 4

I should have had my head examined after I first decided that Kaitlyn's youngest sister, Bridget, might be a good choice for someone for me to start going out with. She was twenty four years old, less than a year older than I was, and of the four Keller sisters, was, without question, the pick of the litter. Unfortunately, being the pick of that particular litter wasn't the glowing recommendation that one might think it was. Bridget was very different than her other three sisters in many...

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Dannys Cleavage Part 1 of 6

Danny's Cleavage - part 1 of 6 In which Danny fantasizes about breasts, observes the changes in his classmates as the girls begin to develop more mature figures, he accidentally see his Mother's naked, masturbates for the first time, begins to enjoy a collection of girlie magazines at a friend's house, and tries on one of his Mother's bras. As far back as I can remember, I've always been interested in breasts - well, like, what guy isn't. Maybe it had something to do with my...

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The Rich Brat PART I

He laughed when he was told where he was to be sent, Mummy and Daddy would get him out of this,but what Chase did not know was that his parents had met with the Abbot at The Monastery of Repentance,and in their despair had begged the Abbot to take their son and chastise him.Chase had been out of control for a few years now,but each time he had done something wrong his parents were there to sort everything out ,but now that was going to change,Chase was finally going to get what he...

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At Home with Melody Part Five

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter Seventeen Much had happened in Melody’s life since her lead in the school play. She had seen her bestfriend’s relationship blossom into something quite special; had watched the so-called cool kids in her class become nothings almost overnight; and more importantly, had taken herself to Hollywood only to encounter a terrible reality, rather than the dream she had held on to for so long. After five auditions for B-grade movies, and five...

2 years ago
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Learning AssistanceChapter 26

Three years have passed. Karen is finishing her doctorate and my job at Dad’s new plant has been a success. Our college has offered Karen an instructor’s position which she is considering. Dad is wanting me to move up in the company. We are discussing what to do. We love our town and our home but realize that moving on may be a necessity for either of us to progress. Our situation just became a bit different. Dad really wants me and Karen has been offered an assistant professorship at the...

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The OutsiderChapter 14

Over the next few months once again my life revolved around work. I found that I was driving less and doing more and more office work. Tim Marsh had been delighted with my input and had slowly added more. The company planned a major reshuffle of all its routes and Tim asked my to liaise with the other drivers for their thoughts. He made it clear that this was an official thing and I would need to produce a report on my findings. I suggested that the opinions of the others would be more...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Camila Cano Camila Loves Cumming On That Cock

Sexy babe Camila Cano is looking hot in her tight blue lingerie slip and loves to be a tease with her legs encased in black stockings. She is joined by Alex Jett and can’t wait to get that cock out of his pants so she can ride it hard! Alex loves how her lips feel as she sucks him down getting a little sloppy with her blow job skills. He slides his hard cock in her slowly so she feels every inch before railing into her hard! Camila cries out loving that cock so much and is filled with joy...

3 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 2

Monday morning came too soon. I couldn't get to sleep in a new place until I was real tired so I only got a few hours sleep. I grabbed a glass of diet coke and hurriedly cleaned up and got dressed. I walked down to the registration office and met with the councillor. We went through the scholarship details and got me signed up for the appropriate classes and set me up with a voucher to get my textbooks. I went to the campus bookstore and got them and lugged them back to my apartment. I...

4 years ago
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Walter NatalieChapter 3 A Different Life

Our next session was fascinating. As requested, I went into Doctor DeVire's office first while Natalie waited in the reception area. "You mentioned that things were much improved between your wife and you. Can you tell me about it?" "Yes. I came home the other night in a good mood and I suggested to her that I would like to make love to her. I told her I wasn't angry and wanted her to know that I loved her." "How did she respond?" "I don't think she quite believed it at first,...

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At my high school, sophomore year is when all the students had to take a mandatory health class. It was a lot of boring work, but the part everyone looked forward to was sex ed. I happened to have the good luck to be seated next to one of my big crushes, Colleen. She was the perfect girl for me, not insanely hot, but definitaly cute. She was probably 5' 8'' with long shoulder length brown hair. She had the most magnificent blue eyes that sparkled. Of course, I was more interested in...

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Thanksgiving at Dick and Janes House a Randy Reader

Dick and Jane At Thanksgiving - A Randy Reader by Lubrican See Dick? See Dick smiling? Smile, Dick, smile! Dick is smiling because it's almost Thanksgiving, and every year at Thanksgiving he gets to see his Uncle Bob and Aunt Jill. Dick loves to see his aunt and uncle. Why does Dick love to see them? Because Dick loves to stare at Aunt Jill's breasts. Aunt Jill has big, firm breasts, and Dick is a horny teenager. And sometimes Aunt Jill wears filmy, little babydoll pajamas to bed....

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Wifes Pool Compo with No Panties

My wife for 25 years has a lovely voluptuous body and a pair of big boobs. The guys love them and she likes to put them out there. One night we decide to take a break and go to a local pub where they have a few pool tables and normally a lot of men playing so things are rather hectic, but we were prepared to take the risk. On arriving we see the place is rocking and the men crowding the place, looks like a darts compo on or something. We go and find ourselves a couple of bar stools. We need to...

2 years ago
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The First SuetoniusChapter 12

The Missouri Sioux rode steadily in three columns. In the centre were the wagons with the old people, women and children. On each flank rode the young men, the warriors, in a position to protect that which they called, 'the treasure of the tribe.' Some twenty or so clicks from West Floral, they came upon the warriors of the Arks. For a man to gain respect he must sit atop a horse. The Ark lads were accomplished horsemen, the Sioux chief noted, and wore the neck-scarf of their warrior...

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