DreamweaverChapter 73: Lights, Camera... free porn video

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"You must heal yourself, James," she said. "And you must do it quickly, for time is shorter than you know."

Beside me Walter had sunk to one knee with his head bowed, "My Lady."

"Rise and do as you have been commanded."

To say I was shocked to see her would have been an understatement but apparently this wasn't the time to go into it.


"As your Walter has pointed out to you, and you have discovered yourself, you walk in both worlds. You must take your sister into the other realm where you may heal her."

Taking Jamie into dreamspace made so much sense I wondered that I hadn't thought of it sooner, but at the same time I didn't understand how that solved the problem of the drugs coursing through my/our body. Still, one thing at a time ... closing my eyes I transitioned us both into dreamspace. The last thing I saw before we moved was the Sandman talking on his cell phone.

"You were right," he said. "He found me ... No, I have him. How is this possible and how did you know? No, you are holding something back. I don't know what kind of game you are playing, Dahrinka, but we will discuss this again."

Dahrinka! What the fuck? Then I was in the bright sunlight of the glade, kneeling next to my body. It was very odd looking down at my body and knowing that it was Jamie inside and not me. But then I realized this was no different from looking down at my body when she was using it to kick someone's ass. Beyond her I could still sort of sense the dark room, but I could only focus on one or the other. Apparently without Jamie the old limitations were back in full force, and right now I needed to focus on her.

I had expected Jamie to recover as soon as we got there so I think I was justifiably concerned when she just lay there, motionless in the same position my body had fallen in the other room. But at least the well was gone and I found that I could let go of her without worrying about her slipping away.

"What do I do now?" I asked.

"James, you must put aside this double-mindedness you cling to and believe in yourself. Time and again you have been shown that in this place there is little that is beyond you. Have you not, even recently, asked yourself if you were placing unnecessary restrictions on yourself by holding to the rules of the other world?"

"Yeah, I have, but how..." I realized whom I was speaking to and knew the answer without finishing the question. "You and Walter have both referred to this as a separate realm or world. Does that mean that it's not just something I've created in my head? Not just a fantasy space where dreams overlap?"

"No, it is far more than you have ever imagined and as much as you have done here, with all that you have accomplished, you have not begun to brush the surface of what this space truly is or the potential that it represents. But we do not have time to go into that right now. If you are ever to learn these things you must first survive. As Walter said, you walk in both realms, but it is more than that, much more. You exist in both realms and what you do in either affects both. There is no time to explain further now. Look to your sister, heal her and in doing so, heal yourself. If you survive then we will speak again."

And just like that she was gone and I was alone with Jamie. Now what?

Heal her she had said. But how? I was no doctor, and even if I was, how do you heal a tranquilizer? It was just a chemical reaction in the body, a foreign substance in the bloodstream, I didn't know how to ... I was being stupid.

"Bob!" I called and suddenly he was there.

Just as quickly I sent him back and hoped that it was fast enough to make the difference. It cost me my focus on the other room but I watched as he managed to catch himself before crashing to the floor of the tub, watched as he glared at the empty ceiling for a moment before turning to rinse the shampoo from his hair, turn off the water and sit down? Again he looked up and this time his lips moved in an unmistakable, "Well?"

"Sorry about that," I said as I brought him back in. "I should have looked first."

He looked like he was about to say something when he noticed Jamie lying on the ground. "What happened? Did she stay out too long?"

"She's unconscious. I was shot with a tranquilizer while she was in control and ... it's complicated. Bob, how do I counteract it?"

"Well generally you would use some kind of stimulant but it depends on what kind of drug you're dealing with. Without that you run the risk of a bad reaction. Jimmy, how could you be shot with a tranquilizer? The only people who would do that don't know where you are or did they find you?"

"They didn't," I answered. "Is there another way besides a stimulant?"

"Well yeah, a tranquilizer is just a foreign chemical substance introduced into the body to specifically suppress certain chemical reactions in the brain."

"Like a poison?" I asked. "A poison that only works on one specific system?"

"Not a poison exactly, because by definition poisons are lethal, but it's a good analogy. And if you have the right anti-toxin to break it down ... but you still need to know what you're dealing with."

Suddenly it came to me. "Not here I don't; thanks Bob. I have to go. I'll try and explain later."

I sent him back to the bathtub and immediately knelt next to Jamie. Pulling a syringe out of nowhere I jammed it into her thigh near where the dart had hit and drove the plunger down, emptying the contents into her leg. The reaction was immediate as she took a gasping breath, then sat up, flung her arms around me and wept.

"Oh God Jimmy, thank you. I thought ... thank you for not letting go."

"You're welcome, I love you too, now lay back down, we don't have time for this. We're in deep shit. Go back and play dead until we figure out what's going on here."

And just like that we were back in the dark room. Only now it was a different dark room. At first I thought he had moved Amy's bed but then I realized it was us he had moved. We were in the room with Rebecca now. I wondered what was happening with Amy and instantly I found myself back in the other room where Walter was now holding her apparently unconscious dream-body in his lap watching her slowly grow and change. Now that I had my own body as an anchor point again I was apparently free to move around again. Not far away the Sandman was quickly and methodically wiping down the room for prints. He finished quickly and left, I assumed to repeat the process on the other rooms. It looked like we were going to be leaving. The fact that he wiped down all the surfaces on Amy's bed and medical equipment I took as a sign that she wasn't coming with us. Hopefully that was a good thing.

"Walter," I said. "It appears we may be leaving. Stay with Amy, I don't want to risk losing her."

"My Lord," he responded, fist over his heart and bowing slightly.

Based on what I had just learned, I suspected anyone messing with Amy was going to be in for a real surprise. I didn't know how much he could actually do but ... one more thing to add to the 'Worry About It Later' list. I went back to break the news to Jamie and check on Rebecca. As I was entering the room, a thought crossed my mind and I wondered if I could do for her what I had just done for Jamie? I could tell just looking at her that she was still out. No time like the present to find out. I shifted us to the other side, leaving Jamie to keep an eye on things in the real world.

I plunged my magic syringe into Rebecca's thigh and just as with Jamie, the reaction was almost instantaneous. Only dream-fast reflexes saved me as Rebecca woke up swinging. Two quick blocks and I managed to move far enough out of harms way. I could have just restrained her but at the time I was operating on instinct. Live and learn. Next time leave her tied up, wake her up, then turn her loose.

"Rebecca, it's me."

She was already taking in her surroundings.

"Jimmy! God am I glad to see you. I was afraid it would be like with Angela and I might have to spend a week or two getting my ass kicked before you found me. Can you track me back to where I'm being held? Is there anything I can do to help? Is Rod standing by to come save my ass?"

"Breathe Hampton, breathe."

That caught her up short and she sort of glared at me for second before smiling. "Okay, I deserved that, but seriously, what's the situation, I don't remember anything after climbing in the bastard's van this morning. It was just this morning, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was just this morning. As for the rest; I found you because he had Amy." Tell her the whole story? No, not yet, I didn't want her distracted. "As for where we are. We're both handcuffed in a little room at what looks like a combination rec center and maintenance building in Arroyo Park. Rod is standing by waiting either for me to tell him it's safe to come in or for the tracking unit in the car to go off. Amy is in another room in the same building and, before you ask, yes, she's safe and unharmed. Now for the bad news..."

"Wait a minute," she said, interrupting me. "We're both tied up in a building at a park, with the Sandman, nobody knows where we are, and that was the good news? I don't think I want to know."

"It's a combination of more good and bad," I said. "The bad is that he appears to be getting ready to leave, I'm guessing to move us somewhere else. The good news is I don't think he's taking Amy with us. So when the tracker goes off and Rod gets here, she'll be safe again. The bad news, really bad news, is that this whole thing appears to have been a set up. He knew I was coming, Rebecca, he was hiding in a closet in Amy's room and shot me with a tranquilizer."

"So we're both unconscious. Then how are we having this conversation? I thought you couldn't work through the drugs?"

"I'm not unconscious; I kind of gave myself a shot to counteract the tranquilizer. I brought you here and did the same for you so..."

"You can do that?"

"Well, I did it, so I guess I can," I answered. "I think it's because we're together so I already know where you are."

"Oh, yeah, sorry. So when we go back we'll both be awake. Damn, this is incredible. But we're going to have to be careful. One slip and we're screwed. Wait, you said something about it being staged, what did you mean?"

"I mean, I think we're here, there, whatever, in the park, specifically for the purpose of me finding you."

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"Right after he shot me he called someone and said 'You were right, he found me.'"

"What? How could he have known you were coming unless..."

"Right, unless whoever was after me is somehow connected to him. Yeah, I've been thinking about that in my spare time. It gets worse, I think I know who it is."


"Your partner."

"What? Henslith? You're out of your mind, she couldn't..."

"He asked whoever it was how they knew I would find him. When they didn't tell him he said, and I quote, "I don't know what kind of game you are playing, Dahrinka, but we will discuss this again."

"But that's insane, how could she be working with him? He killed two federal agents just so he could kidnap her."

"What if he didn't?" I asked. I really hadn't been giving it all that much thought — I'd actually been sort of busy, but now the pieces were arranging themselves in my head and the picture wasn't pretty. "What if she staged her own kidnapping to make it look like he did it?"

She started to answer but I held up a hand and continued, "Hear me out. You said the two agents guarding her were shot up close, that neither even had a chance to draw their weapon. Maybe they didn't think they needed it. I mean, if Henslith was walking up to them they certainly wouldn't suspect anything was wrong, right? She could walk right up and light the one guy's cigarette for him and neither would even blink. Then there is the apartment. Your guys actually found the dart he supposedly used on her. Sandman doesn't leave clues. He shot both Easy and the other girl last spring and took the darts with him — and they were both in public — but now he leaves the dart in her apartment?"

"But if he didn't take her, then why haven't you been able to find her?"

"What if she's like him?"

"I don't follow you, what do you mean like him? You mean like screws loose upstairs that keep you from reaching her?"

"Not just a screw loose," I corrected her, "but the same screw loose. When I was talking to Rene about all this he told me of his life and how he came to be like this. He talked about his training and when he started to notice things. He mentioned that he wasn't the only one being trained. There were three others, a boy named Deryk who died during a training exercise, a girl name Lucia that was killed by a cartel or something, and another girl named Dahrinka. Rebecca, what if your partner was that fourth person? It would certainly explain why I couldn't reach her."

"That's nuts, Jimmy, she works for Interpol for God's sake!"

"Yeah, she does, and until something went wrong, so did Rene. Remember last week when we were talking with Allison and we couldn't figure out why Sandman would take your partner? No matter how we tried we couldn't come up with an answer that made sense? Maybe that's because he didn't take her."

I could almost see the puzzle snapping into focus for her. "The note! Son of a bitch, the note! That's what he was talking about! It fits! She's been playing us the whole fucking time! No wonder she's the leading expert on the Sandman, she knows him! She's the one that killed Abrams ... He said in the note that it wasn't him; but that someone wanted us to think it was. She duplicated one of his old kills to point the investigation at him. But why would she being trying to catch him if he knows about her?"

"Maybe she wasn't actually trying to catch him but trying to find him," I suggested.

"What?" she asked. "Why would she be trying to find him?"

"Maybe what he's been doing has attracted attention and someone wants him stopped before we catch him and find out the truth."

"But our orders were to capture him, not kill him. They wanted him back alive, not dead."

"Well, maybe somebody wanted him back... , but that doesn't mean everybody did. Rene said someone in their own organization was pulling their strings. What if one group is after answers and the other wants to keep them from finding out the truth?"

Suddenly, Jamie's voice came to me, "Ask her about the Black Queen."

"What?" I asked.

The scene froze and she appeared, "I've been following along. If Rene's alternate was the Sandman and Henslith is like him, what's the name of her alternate? If it's her then I think I know how she found out about us. Well, you anyway, they still don't know about me."


"Palm Springs."

"Palm Springs? What do you..." the light came on, " ... Shit! She was drugged! That's why she wasn't dreaming and I couldn't find her, Henslith had her drugged and was pumping her for information. Okay, go away or hide or something."

I un-froze the scene.

"Rebecca have you ever heard of someone called The Black Queen?"

The look on her face said she had.

"Where did you hear that name?"

"Should I take that as a yes?"

"The Black Queen is the most wanted woman in Europe, possibly in the world."

"Oh gee, let me think..." I said sarcastically. "She's an assassin?"

"Fuck!" she swore, shaking her head and stomping away. I don't think she noticed but the sky was actually getting a little dark in reaction to her mood. "Damn! Damn! Fucking Damn!" She turned back to me. "Yes, she's an assassin. She was the number two killer in Europe until five years ago when the Sandman suddenly disappeared. Since then, apparently due to lack of competition, she's number one. But you didn't know that, so how did you find out about her?"



"Yeah. And he's dead now by the way, someone got to him in the hospital and injected something into his IV. I got him to talk, he'd never met the person who hired him, didn't know who they were, just the name — The Black Queen, and he was so afraid of crossing her that it took me days to get the information from him."

"But how could she have known about you?"

"You told her."

"What, no way! I never told her about you. She knew I had a source I wasn't telling her about, there was no way to hide that, so Rod and I told her up front that I had an anonymous source, but I never told her, would never tell her, about you."

"Not on purpose. Remember when you went to Palm Springs, and when you got back we were all worried because you had been gone, not even dreaming the whole time? I think she was drugging you and pumping you for information the whole time. The drugs kept you from dreaming and kept me from finding you."

"No, that's not ... I would have ... I mean we're trained against that kind of stuff."

"Of course you are — in a hostile situation, caught by bad guys, I'm sure you'd put up a hell of a fight, but if someone you trusted slipped you something ... maybe a mild hypnotic just to get your guard down before you ever realized something was wrong. I'm no expert but once you were under they could just tell you to forget the whole thing and even leave behind something to make it easier the next night. She had you for what, four nights? She probably knows about you and Robbie Johnson in the tree house."

Robbie Johnson had been Rebecca's first kiss. They had been hiding in the tree house in her back yard at the time but her little sister had spied on her from an upstairs window. Years later, when I needed something to convince Rebecca that I'd been talking to Amy, she had told me about it.

"Okay, okay. I'll admit this is all possible, and it even makes sense, but if that's all true then what the hell is going on now? Why would she be working with him if she was sent to kill him? Why would she try to frame him for Abrams' murder and then..." she bit her lip. "Shit! She's trying to disappear; just like he did five years ago. She was sent to kill him, but then she saw a chance to get away and she took it. She staged the whole thing to make it look like he got her, even killing two agents in cold blood to make it look like he did it. No one else has ever escaped once he had them, so no one would be surprised if she didn't either. After all, she was number two until he disappeared. Who else could kill number two but number one? But why is she after you?"

Same as Dreamweaver
Chapter 73: Lights, Camera... Videos

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The Boss and Her Camera

The first job I had after graduate school was with a graphic design company. By small, I mean there were about twenty people employed and, while it was considered up and coming, the company that hadn't yet solidified its reputation.Anyways, my decision to work there - as opposed to another more established company that had offered me a better pay/benefits package - was made after meeting the woman who ran the company.After being interviewed by the personnel director and a project manager I was...

Office Sex
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Me and My Camera

This may sound a bit warped to the male readers (and maybe some female as well), but lately I’ve discovered a new way of getting myself off. It all started by buying an inexpensive video camera and one day, while in a particularly horny mood, I decided to videotape myself. It took very little planning. I basically perused through a folder filled with naked girls, which obviously got my six-inch cock up and running. That took all of ten minutes before I decided on which one would be the lucky...

3 years ago
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Dirty Girls and a Camera

This story takes place about a year after me, my little cousin Stephanie, and my girlfriend Johanna’s first sex romp together. I wouldn’t say the three of us got together frequently over that following year, but we had our share of liaisons. The girls liked to dress up and show off their bodies. I certainly didn’t mind. Johanna and I were living together by this time, and we invited Stephanie over to our place on a Friday night for a night of drinks and fun. Johanna had cut her brown hair...

1 year ago
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First time on camera

“I am going to fuck your ass now babe. I want you back on your knees.” He moved and I fell off him as he had commanded and crawled to the side of the bed my ass open and twitching knowing what was coming. Jason tossed the camera on video record on the bed, focusing it directly on my face. He wanted to capture every moment. I grimaced as I feel his hard rod enter me. Although I was ready, open and totally willing, the start is always a task for me, but as usual once he was in oh I felt so good....

First Time
4 years ago
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My New Lover A Camera

"Bollocks," I heard myself saying, as the A4 sized folder slipped from my under my arm hand and fell to the floor in the middle of the Starbucks in Greenwich. As I bent down, I quickly looked around, hoping no one had heard me, maybe I had said it under my breath, I rather ambitiously thought.I heard a nice, male voice say."Hey, let me help."I didn't look at the owner of the voice. "No, no it's ok," I said panicking a bit as I knelt down and tried picking everything up as quickly as I...

1 year ago
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Caught on camera

TJ carefully adjusted the video camera so as it would not be seen by anyone using the storage room. By placing it inside of an old envelope carton and piling several other boxes on top of it, it would be unlikely that it would be discovered. A small hole in the end of the box was all that was needed to have the hidden lens to cover about 80% of the area in the whole room. Why all this deception? Last Thursday evening TJ had been working late trying to get some quarterly reports done for...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The Camera

"John!"your busty MILF of a stepmom Meredith calls from downstairs. "You little pervert! Did you take my bra again?!" "No, Meredith!"you call back. Ugh. She was so annoying! It was bad enough having to put up with her and your bratty twin stepsisters Riley and Miley when your dad was alive, but now that he was dead, they made sure to make your life a living hell. Although you did take Meredith's bra a couple times... But even so! The only reason Meredith ever married your old man was because of...

Mind Control
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 24 Smile for the Camera

With our trip through the cave behind us things calmed down around Camelot. With no unusual surprises or disasters in the making, I found I had some spare time to pursue my hobby: photography. Kim and Cathy's photography teacher expressing her appreciation for the albums the girls had brought to Show and Tell, got my interest re-invigorated so I got busy in my studio setting up for some special pictures I wanted to shoot. With the cooler weather of fall upon us I decided to do most of my...

3 years ago
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C is for Camerawoman

"I didn't watch that particular video. I am pretty sure it was yours, though.""There are many available on the internet, Honey. Different days, different camera angles."As the tintinnabulation of coin jingles and slot machine jangles harmonized around us, I observed the woman eating lunch with me at our table in the sandwich market. She was clearly abashed about her online activities."Barb, I think it's cool."She blinked at me, her wavy, red tresses framing her beige cheeks. "You...

2 years ago
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TJ carefully adjusted the video camera so as it would not be seen by anyone using the storageroom. By placing it inside of an old envelope carton and piling several other boxes on top of it, itwould be unlikely that it would be discovered. A small hole in the end of the box was all that wasneeded to have the hidden lens to cover about 80% of the area in the whole room. Why all thisdeception? Last Thursday evening TJ had been working late trying to get some quarterly reportsdone for Friday's...

2 years ago
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Hot Indian Couple Has Sweaty Sex On Camera

Last week, my friend invited me over to his house. He had also invited a girl over. The girl was gorgeous, and as I stared at the sexy pics in his phone, he told me he had invited her over, and that she was a super freak. When she finally came over, they started making out on the couch. After a while, I felt a tap on my arm. I looked over and her hand was touching me as she stopped kissing my friend. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. She then got off my friend’s lap and sat in mine,...

3 years ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 8 Getting it On On Camera

When we resumed the picture taking, I noticed that Don's erection had subsided. I had an evil thought that I was going to try to bring it back again. I supposed that Tad had gotten a boner, too, although fully dressed, his was quite a bit easier to hide from public view. Again Louise, still nude herself, was fully engaged, helping to pose me on their big bed. "I'm wet," I told her. "I'm going to get your bedspread all gooey with my lubrication!" Louise laughed. "It'll all come out...

3 years ago
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Candid Camera

Lindsay fastened the new lacy polka-dot bra at her back, straightened her stockings and observed herself in the three way mirror. “Very nice,” she said to herself and left her dressing room. Cade would be home any minute and she wanted to make sure all her preparations were in place. She walked down the long hall to the study, glancing at herself in the mirrors that hung along the walls. She smiled to herself, imagining the surprise and pleasure she would she on Cade’s face. She opened the...

4 years ago
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Cousins Caught on Camera

My life changed drastically and permanently two weeks ago, even though nothing significant happened. I was having a casual discussion with a friend, and I recalled the embarrassing time when my ex-girlfriend walked in on me jacking off in the bathroom. It was a bit unnerving at the time, of course, but barely anything to fret about. I recalled the time I accidentally saw my mom's naked breasts for a brief moment, and he told me about a time his dad walked in on him masturbating. We laughed at...

3 years ago
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In The House of Forgotten Cameras

"Could you help me with my camera?" she asked. I was trying to pull the fog-shrouded pylons of the Golden Gate Bridge into focus on the ground glass of my old view-camera. As if by magic, Jillian's lithe silhouette emerged from the swirling fog. Even in the inverted image on the camera’s focusing screen, she was most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. "Umm… I guess. Sure." I stammered, climbing out from under the camera’s dark cloth. Back then, I was a quintessential San Francisco kid. Skinny,...

3 years ago
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Me and My Camera

This may sound a bit warped to the male readers (and maybe some female as well), but lately I’ve discovered a new way of getting myself off. It all started by buying an inexpensive video camera and one day, while in a particularly horny mood, I decided to videotape myself. It took very little planning. I basically perused through a folder filled with naked girls, which obviously got my six-inch cock up and running. That took all of ten minutes before I decided on which one would be the lucky...

4 years ago
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Married With cdren The Camera

Peg Bundy was sitting on the couch, eating bon-bons and watching Oprah on television when the doorbell rang. It was her next-door neighbor Marcy D'arcy."Hi Peg," said Marcy flopping down next to her on the couch, "I just needed somebody to talk to. I'm so lonely without Jefferson."Marcy's husband Jefferson, along with Peg's husband Al, had supposed gone off on a week long "fishing" trip at a remote lake in Wisconsin. Peggy suspected that they were spending most of their time at a nudie bar near...

2 years ago
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Wrong Side of the Camera

WRONG SIDE OF THE CAMERA I am Steve, a 22 year old television presenter, determined to get to the top as quickly as possible and don't care what I have to do to get there. I have a growing reputation for doing those things no-one would dare do, or want to do, even though it has meant over-coming a few of my own phobias, not to mention the odd black eye or broken nose. It seemed all my efforts and sacrifices were beginning to pay off when I was asked by one of the smaller satellite...

2 years ago
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Celebrity Camera

My name is Johnathan Edward Doe. I live in Hollywood, and am the agent of a very sexy female celebrity. It's a well-paying job, obviously, but there is a slight...problem. She is such a bitch! She has no respect for me, calling me a creep and saying I picked 'bad publicity' for her to do, although I was suggesting she do various charity and non-profit events for her to visit. Was it my fault she had so much damn money she didn't know what to do with it?! No! It was her own fault for being so...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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First time on camera

The last week of the term was finally over.. No more study, no more exams, I felt so relieved it was over i slung my bag in the corner of my room, sat on the couch and kicked off my shoes. Fucks me what the holidays have in store, but I don’t even care, relaxation would be enough.. My family can’t afford to go away on holidays, my foster Mum works constantly and rarely has a day off, so it would be up to me to make my own fun.. I have lived with Janet, my 38 yr old surrogate mother for going...

3 years ago
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New Camera

"Show me dad," his daughter asked. Carefully he unpacked his new purchase and handed it to his only daughter. "Oh it's quite heavy," she gasped as she held it in her hands. "Yeah, it's four million pixels wherever that means," he laughed. "It means there are four million tiny specs of colour making up the picture," she said. "Yeah, what ever," he said, "all I know it's expensive and takes good pictures. "Are you going to take any of me," she asked. "Yes I expect so...

1 year ago
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Candid Camera

Mariko and I met for lunch at Crown Center – a large indoor mall in downtown Kansas City. We were both reporters at two KC newspapers and had begun an affair at another midwestern paper before meeting again. She had full lips, haughty cheekbones, ink-black hair, large, liquid, deep brown eyes and a body and mind to die for. I was married, soon to be divorced and she helped me out of that jam before we eventually went our separate ways about a year later. Because of our work schedules and my...

4 years ago
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Fucked in Camera

I’am a beautiful young lady of 24. I’am married to a older guy of 48, who was a film producer. I was very much interested in movies and wanted to be a actress. After my consistent effort I signed a movie which was being produced by my husband. He did not reveal to his closest friend that I was the heroine of his new movie. He declared tbat he was signing a new sexy girl for the project. I prepared myself for the movie and looked very pretty and sexy too. One of the popular hero Ravi Kumar was...

2 years ago
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Flash of a Camera

I am a total nut when it comes t photography. A picture can tell a thousand stories, there's always more to what meets a picture. My name's John Doe, 25 year old photography major living with his mom... life's good... well it got better when my scientist uncle sent me a glowing rock saying it's a unique power source and that people are looking for it so i have to keep it safe. I'm sat on my bed looking at this tiny thing and realise it's the perfect size to fit into my camera battery slot. A...

Mind Control
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I Bared Myself for Daddys Camera

There has always been a sexual thing going on with my father, whether my mother knew or not, I can only speculate.It was he who bathed me, and would do so nude himself, and now that I know more about sex, I can remember him being erect and my touching him intimately, until he came.My initiation was to have my lips and mouth smeared with semen, and later with other bath night sessions, was to sweeten the experience using a lollipop, scooping his ejaculate with the sweet, and suck it.When my...

2 years ago
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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 6 Sinning for the Cameras

Chapter Six: Sinning for the Cameras By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Discovering my preacher father was a hypocrite had awakened me to the sexual desires I had suppressed. As I watched him through the window of his church office at Thousand Oaks Methodist fucking the redheaded Donna Paxtor, married to Deacon Bill Paxtor, I realized how the adults in my life had lied to me. They told me sex outside of marriage, and in it strictly for procreation, was sinful. It was a chore to create new...

3 years ago
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Northern Lights

Northern LightsAuthor: MorlockEdited 061712---------------PrologI'm not sure who I am writing this for, but up here, the nights are long and the entertainment is strictly whatever a person can come up with.  Like most Sourdoughs, reading is popular to fill up the hours so I am not completely uneducated, although I have to say that my attention span in school was not the best in the class.  Of course, the preferred entertainment to fill up leisure hours is to lay on top of the opposite sex,...

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Caught On Camera

Probably the most erotic, sexually exciting thing I have ever seen in my life is my wife fucking another man. I found this out one day, quite by accident, and it has changed my life. I work for a security company and as a result of employee discounts I have a state of the art security system in my own house. In addition to all of the door and window alarms, motion sensors and the like, I have remote cameras all over the place, inside and out. The cameras are wired so that any unauthorized...

4 years ago
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The Cable Slave Chapter 3 Camera Lights Action

I sat naked on a chair in the middle of the room and listened to the instructions on the phone. I didn’t even think about whether I should obey or not. Being blackmailed was a good excuse if I needed it, but for me it was entertainment. I felt safe. All this was happening in my own house when I would have been bored and alone. Deep down I knew this was way more fun than watching porn on my computer or doing the laundry in the nude. 'We need a cover story for you so that your husband doesn’t...

2 years ago
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Christmas Lights

Marion sat upright on the bus seat, knees together, shoulder bag on her lap. She watched the dark streets pass by through her reflection in the window. Christmas lights shot their electric streams of coloured energy through the blackness, creating islands of cheer in the gloom. Some streets the bus passed through were more affluent, with lots of competing displays, making a cheerful vista to walk arm in arm through. She and Jack would have to do that some night. Other streets, poorer and...

3 years ago
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The Camera

The Camera By Margaret Jeanette Jason Truax was unpacking his fishing equipment. He was just returning from a weeklong Canadian fishing trip. It had been a very successful trip. He would have a lot of good memories from it. He unpacked and put away his clothes with some going into the laundry and the clean ones getting put away. He was in a hurry to get back to work. He went in and booted up his computer. He was writing a novel. It was a suspense novel and he was ready to go....

2 years ago
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Blue Lights Pulsing

Blue Lights, Pulsing I don't need to hear the siren. It's the blue lights, pulsing against a darkening sky, that start the trembling. It's always been that way. I wasn't going all that fast. I never do, not down here. I like to linger on the long, low bridge over the river, to see how the wide water catches the light today, to sniff the faintest tang of salt, to watch the black cormorants wheel and dive. It was when I went away from that I got lost. Sometimes I...

2 years ago
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City Lights Country Nights

Author’s Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I’ve picked ‘City Lights,’ DG Hear, ‘For the Good Times,’ and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), ‘That’s All That Matters.’ I will also be doing ‘A Girl in the Night.’ We hope you enjoy the stories – Jake Rivers ‘City Lights’ has always been one of my favorite songs by Ray: A bright array of city lights as far as I can see.The...

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