TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 16: The Birth Of Something New free porn video

Twenty minutes after leaving her best friends house Jessie harper found herself lying alone on top of her own bed in her own bedroom. The door was closed and she was still completely naked. She was staring up at the ceiling and feeling just so amazed at how she had gotten away with making it all the way home and up into her room without being seen by any one other than Kate and Paul Terrence. Those two - also completely naked - had accompanied her all the way home before returning back to their own home just a few blocks away.
The naked trio had edged along hugging the fence lines, hedges and shrubbery to avoid being spied but never saw a car or a pedestrian the whole time. Kate had a coat in her hands at the ready to throw over Jessie’s naked shoulders should the need arise - but it never did. When Kate and Paul had disappeared back the way they came Jessie crept inside her home only to find her mother fast asleep on the sofa with a magazine in one hand and a cold cup of tea perched on her stomach in the other. Jessie gave her mother a soft kiss on the cheek as she removed the cup to a more secure location. Her mother never stirred for a moment and the naked Jessie Harper was able to get her wet clothes into the dryer in the garage before stealing quietly upstairs to her bedroom without having to answer any awkward questions what-so-ever!
Once inside the safety of her own bedroom Jessie Harper let out one huge sigh of relief before flopping face up onto her bed. Her heart was still pounding quite firmly under her tight little breasts from all the nervous tension she was now feeling released from.
BUT ... despite all the tension and the mixed emotions and the confused thoughts running around inside the young, naked girl’s mind - Jessie Harper just could not deny the fact that she had totally and absolutely enjoyed the whole thing! Taking up Kate’s dare had proved to be just so exhilarating and enjoyable in a way that Jessie had not expected in the slightest. Walking home in the nude with her two nude companions was just so much fun.
Feeling that night air caress her naked skin had produced just such a sensuous feeling in her nipples and her vaginal region that Jessie found herself not wanting to put any clothes back on for quite some time. She had not expected anything like this at all to happen but was enjoying the new sensations all the same!
As Jessie Harper stared up at the ceiling of her bedroom her mind also started replaying all the incredible events of this most extraordinary afternoon. As those events played out in her mind the young fourteen year old girl’s right hand found its way in between her legs as her fingers began to gently run around her inner pussy lips with such gentle care. Her left hand began to quietly pluck at her soft pubic hair before moving farther up to pluck at her tingling nipples.
As those hands massaged her erogenous zones Jessie’s mind was back at her best friend’s house with Bradley Terrence down between her legs once again and sucking on her sweet little clitoris through her panties. Then she was seeing his erect penis again spurt load after load of semen all over her body. That was followed by visions of Paul’s huge cock filling the bathroom with gallons of his own white semen then both her and Kate’s hands washing his naked body all over with way too much soap. Jessie’s mind also brought back visions of her friend Tammy lifting up her skirt down at the mall and showing the world her naked butt and her little triangle of pubic hair. Jessie was also replaying the sight of Tammy’s brother swinging his dick around in front of everyone as it poked out the front of his trousers.

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