Jennifer Capriati at the U S Open
- 4 years ago
- 44
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Tim was up early the following morning, having some chores to do in the yard. He worked for an hour or so then decided to have some breakfast. He assumed that Janice was still asleep.
When he walked into the kitchen, he saw her sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. She had her robe on and the paper was in front of her on the table.
"How are you feeling this morning?" he asked almost shyly. There was a nervous excitement in the pit of his stomach. He was certain that she had enjoyed yesterday but sometimes the light of a new day changes things.
Janice looked up without smiling. Then she stood up and turned to him. Suddenly her face broke into a wide grin and her arms opened to him.
Tim sighed in relief as he took his wife into his arms.
Their lips met in an emotional and passionate kiss that went on and on. When Janice pulled away, Tim gasped for breath, stunned by the intensity of the kiss.
"Does that answer your question?" Janice said with a smile.
"Wow, I guess it does," Tim chuckled. He pulled a chair out and sat down, bring Janice to his lap. "I was a little worried after you... you know, passed out."
Janice snuggled warmly into Tim, her head on his shoulder. "I'm the one that should be saying '"wow'", she said. "I've never felt like that... never knew that a climax could be so intense."
"Are you... are you sore?" Tim asked, suddenly embarrassed by the question.
"Maybe a little, but it's a good soreness."
"What's your schedule for today?" Tim asked, referring to the fact that Janice needed to go into school for the lecture.
"Well, Dan is supposed to lecture from one to three o'clock. We are supposed to go to dinner at six." Janice felt a little thrill run through her at the mention of Dan's name.
"I was planning something after you came home but I think I will change those plans. We can do that Friday night."
"Okay," Janice said hesitantly. There was something on her mind and she didn't know how to approach it. Tim knew what had happened with Dan the last time they were together but he hadn't said anything about it since she told him. "Tim... about Dan... What... uh... are you okay... uh... with me going to dinner with him," Janice stuttered.
"Oh yes, I'm fine with it. I want you go out with him and have fun. In fact, I want you to bring him back here after dinner."
"Really! You want to meet him?"
"No, I didn't say that. I want you to tell him that I'm out of town."
Janice looked at Tim like she didn't understand. Suddenly, her heart started to race. "What... what do you want me to do when I get home?" she asked, her voice almost shaking.
"Anything you want!" Tim said.
"Anything?" Janice asked, her eyes searching his.
"You know... you know what happened the last time you said that?"
"Yes," Tim said with a lustful smile.
"You also remember the... the last time Dan and I we were together," Janice said, knowing that Tim would remember.
"I remember very well what you told me."
"Dan and I together alone could be dangerous," Janice warned, her body tingling.
"I'm counting on that."
"So I can do whatever I want?"
"Are you sure about this?" Janice asked, her heart racing with excitement now.
"Absolutely sure. After the lecture, come home and I will help you get dressed for dinner."
Janice kissed Tim passionately again then pulled her head back and looked into his eyes. She was searching for something. She wasn't even sure what it was. For the thousandth time she wondered how she could have lived with this man for so many years and never really know him.
"You had better get moving. I have some chores to do so I'll see you when you get home," Tim said as he pushed Janice to her feet. "Now you get moving too."
They kissed briefly and went their separate ways.
Janice felt her heart flutter when she saw Dan walking down the hall toward her. God, he is so handsome, she thought. His biggest problem is that he is stuck on himself; his hair was always perfect, expensive suits and silk ties. Only the best for Dan Forsman, she thought. Still, that's part of his charm, she mused. She knew that she could never see herself falling for someone like him but he was irresistible nonetheless.
Dan Forsman had just turned 44 years old and was recently divorced. He was a partner in a prestigious law firm in San Francisco, as well as a professor of law. He stood 6 feet 26' 2" with black hair that had quite a bit of gray along the sides. He was often mistaken for the movie actor, Richard Gere. He always dressed immaculately and prided himself on his physical appearance. In college he had been the star quarterback and could have had a pro career if he had wanted. However, law had always been his first love.
Dan smiled when he saw Janice walking toward him. He noticed right away that she was wearing a new outfit. It was a black business suit. However, it was much more stylish than the outfits that she normally wore. In fact, the skirt was shorter than anything he had ever seen her wear and the blouse, under her blazer, was low cut and very sheer. What a sexy lady, he thought., Too bad she doesn't know it.
Dan was in for a big surprise.
"God, it's good to see you Janice," Dan said as he hugged Janice to his strong chest.
"It's been a long time," Janice answered, holding him a little tighter and longer than was necessary.
"You look great," Dan exclaimed holding Janice away from him, his eyes running up and down her body. His eyes didn't miss the opportunity to glance down her blouse. He was shocked that he couldn't see any indication of a bra. Still, it might just be one of those low cut things some women wear, he thought.
"Thank you! You look pretty good yourself," Janice smiled back. "We have about twenty minutes before the class starts. Would you like a cup of coffee?"
"That would be great," Dan said and followed Janice to the cafeteria.
The two of them sat and talked, catching up on a few things since they last met. Before they knew it, it was time for class.
Before they knew it, it was time for class.
Janice watched as Dan did his thing. He was very impressive. The students listened, hanging on every word. Dan was quite an entertainer, telling them stories of legal cases that combined his academic background with the real world.
When the lecture was over, Janice couldn't get near Dan as the students, especially the girls, gathered around him thirsting for more. Finally, he told them he had to go. The students moaned but eventually left the room, leaving Janice and Dan alone.
"Still quite the entertainer," Janice smiled.
"Just my animal magnetism, I guess," he responded, his white teeth shining with his smile. "Now, for the real reason I came all this way. When do we go to dinner?"
"Well, its four- thirty now. How about you pick me up at my house at six?"
"Uh... at your house?" Dan asked.
"Yes, my husband's out of town," Janice answered with a twinkle in her eye. She felt a twinge of excitement when Dan's face brightened.
"Oh, no curfew then?" Dan said and moved closer to Janice.
"No curfew."
Suddenly, Dan was pulling Janice into his arms.
"Dan," she protested weakly.
"There's something different about you. I can't put my finger on it, though," Dan said, looking into her eyes.
"Maybe it's just your imagination," Janice responded, letting him hold her, as her excitement grew. Then she saw his lips move toward hers. She knew this was very dangerous in the open classroom but was powerless to stop him from kissing her. A moan came from her throat as his tongue entered her mouth. She felt his strong hands slide down her back and caress her buttocks, pulling her tighter to him. Within seconds, she could feel his erection growing between their bodies.
As the kiss continued, Dan took a chance and slid his hand inside her jacket and over her breast. He had to know if she was wearing a bra. Now it was his turn to moan as he felt her warm flesh in the palm of his hand. She wasn't wearing a bra - that was certainly different. He couldn't imagine prim and proper Janice going out of the house without a bra. His fingers tweaked her hard nipple through the thin blouse, bringing a shiver from her. Quickly, and with an expertise, he unbuttoned two buttons on her blouse and his hand slid inside to grasp a soft breast.
"Oh Jesus," Janice whispered as his strong hand palmed her entire breasts. With great difficulty, Janice pushed him away, gasping for breath. She could feel the excitement between her legs and knew that without panties she would be dripping juice in a second. "Later," she said with a lustful smile. She wrote her address on the back of his business card and handed it to him. "See you at six." Then she went up on her toes and gave him another quick kiss before she rushed out of the room.
By the time Janice got home, she was even more excited than when she left Dan. Her mind was racing with all the possibilities. Still, she wasn't certain how far Tim wanted her to go. In fact, she wasn't certain how far she wanted Dan to go. She needed to talk to Tim again.
When she walked into the bedroom, she saw that Tim had laid out clothes for her to wear. He was in the bathroom running a bath for her.
"Hi, sweetie," Tim said as he saw Janice walk into the bathroom.
"Hi lover," Janice replied and walked over and gave him a big kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her groin to his.
"I guess the meeting with Dan went well?" Tim said when he saw that a button on her blouse was still open.
"Yes," Janice said, her face flushing a bit at the memory of their boldness in the classroom. Then she blushed again when she realized that her blouse was still open.
"So what's the arrangements for tonight?" he asked, letting her off the hook.
"Dan is going to pick me up here at six," she answered, relieved to change the subject.
"Great, then we have to hurry," Tim said as he began to take Janice's clothes off.
"Tim..." Janice said and hesitated.
"Are... are you still okay with this?"
"I just want to be sure. The truth is, I have a hard time resisting Dan. However, I'm still not sure... uh... how far that you want this to go. I'm not even sure how far I want it to go."
"Listen, why don't you just relax and see where it goes. If you feel you don't want it to go any further, just tell him."
"Will that be like I used the safe word if I tell him to stop?"
Tim thought for a minute. After all the cajoling and pushing, the truth was, he really didn't want to force her into do doing this. He wanted her to want to do it. "No," he said firmly, deciding to take his chances.
Janice sighed with relief. At least she wouldn't have to use up a safe word if she felt uncomfortable. "Where are you going to be when I get home?"
"I'll be around somewhere," Tim smiled.
Janice looked at him with concern on her face.
"Don't worry., You won't know I'm here. Now let's get you undressed or you'll be late."
Tim helped Janice with her bath. Then he shaved her and applied cream to her pubic mound, making it smooth and soft. When he was satisfied with his work, Tim left Janice to put on her dress and make-up.
After Janice was dressed, she came out of the bathroom and saw Tim waiting for her. She had on a red cocktail dress that was form fitting and short on her thighs. It was tight enough that if she wore panties the lines would definitely show. The top was low cut, giving a substantial view of her cleavage. In fact, the top was so low cut that if she moved too quickly, she could have one or both of her breasts pop out. Her hair was done up on her head with two little curls hanging down her cheeks. As always, she wore a pair of very high heels and thigh- high nylons. Around her neck, she wore a heart shaped locket with a picture of Tim and her on their wedding day inside. Somehow, that made her feel better about what she was about to do.
"Well, how do I look?" Janice asked, feeling excitement in her stomach as if she was seventeen again and going out with a boy for the first time.
"You look gorgeous," Tim said as he took her in his arms and kissed her briefly. He was careful not to mess up her bright red lipstick. "I think you're going to have to fight this guy off."
Suddenly, both of them jumped as they heard the doorbell.
Janice could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she walked down the stairs. When she opened the door, she saw Dan standing there in his expensive suit and tie, looking like a movie star. He had a dozen red roses in his arms. "Oh, thank you so much," she said sincerely. "Let me get these in water, and then we can go."
"No hurry, we have plenty of time," Dan said, pulling Janice back to him, his eyes wandering up and down her body. "You look incredible."
"Thank you again," Janice said going up on her tiptoes to kiss his lips quickly. Then she turned and walked toward the kitchen carrying the roses.
Dan followed behind, his eyes watching the sexy sway of her butt. God, she is something else, he thought. No panty line. He felt a little tingle in his groin.
In the kitchen, Janice reached up to get a vase out of a cabinet over the sink. When she did, her dress pulled up, revealing the lacy thigh high nylons and a small section of bare flesh.
Dan stepped over to her and placed his hands on her hips, kissing her neck.
"Behave," Janice said as she felt goose bumps on her neck from his kiss.
"You're driving me crazy," he whispered. He turned Janice around and kissed her passionately, his tongue searching for hers.
Janice was breathing heavily when she pulled away. "Let me finish or we'll be late."
Dan moaned in frustration and let Janice go, reluctantly.
Tim was watching out the upstairs window as Dan opened the door his car for Janice to slide in. He probably just did that so he could look up her dress, Tim thought - that's what I would have done. As Tim watched the car disappear down the street he thought, what the hell am I doing? I must be crazy letting my wife go on a date, especially with a handsome guy like Dan. Suddenly, he felt a twinge of jealousy and fear. The fear and jealousy combined to create an excitement in his the pit of his stomach. It was the same feeling that he had when he watched her at the nightclub and with Steve, just multiplied a hundred times. That feeling was overriding everything else. Then he told himself that all of this was necessary to keep their marriage together. Still, he knew that there were other ways to keep their marriage going. It was all so confusing, he thought as he turned from the window, a bulge in his pants.
Tim went downstairs to get a strong drink and wait. It was going to be a long evening for him.
Dan took Janice to an expensive French restaurant on the 30th floor of a downtown office building. They sat at a special table in the corner, reserved for dignitaries, with a view of the city on both sides. The lights of the city were gorgeous and romantic, twinkling like a million fireflies.
Dan was a gentleman all evening. He entertained Janice with humorous stories and jokes. He also made sure she had plenty of wine. While he didn't want her drunk, he did want her relaxed.
When dinner was over, they walked arm and arm to the elevators. As soon as the doors closed, Dan pulled her to him and kissed her. His hands went to her buttocks and squeezed them, pulling her tight to his groin.
"Let's save it until we get home," Janice said excitedly and pushed him away, fearing that the doors would open and someone she knew would be standing there.
Dan moaned a complaint but he liked the part about "until we get home."
Janice stumbled slightly as she opened the door of her house and walked into the foyer. She giggled as she tried to balance herself to take her shoes off. All the wine had made her just a bit tipsy. She let Dan steady her by holding her hips. When she had her shoes off she sighed and said, "Oh that feels so good."
"Feet sore?" Dan asked.
"Yea, these are new shoes and I think they are a little too narrow. The guys in the shoe story were too busy looking up my dress to get the correct measurements."
"I'm sure they got a very pretty view," Dan said lecherously. "You know I am an excellent foot massager."
Janice felt a thrill go through her as she thought of the boys in the store and the last massage she had in this living room just days ago.
"Would you like a glass of wine?" Janice asked, throwing her shoes in the corner carelessly.
"Yes, thanks."
"Have a seat in the living room., I'll be right back," Janice said, directing Dan to the living room and then going into the kitchen. She was surprised when she found a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket of ice. A smile crossed her face when she realized that Tim had left it for her. She took the bottle and two glasses into the living room.
Dan was sitting on the sofa with his jacket off and his tie loosened. The lights in the room had been dimmed. Dan smiled when he saw Janice coming in with the wine. "Ah, that was fast. You must have had this all planned. Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs. Harwick?" Dan said facetiously.
"I'll never tell," Janice answered as she sat on the sofa a comfortable distance from him.
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Summer in Austin is supposed to wonderful, almost magical even, but already there was scorching heat and we remained in an extreme drought condition. There had been a little bit of rain in the spring, enough to briefly bring the bluebonnets and other wild flowers out in bloom, but it hadn't lasted. Already the grass was starting to die as water rationing prohibited regular or lengthy lawn watering. Ranger Meadow Village and the HOA posted a joint lawn watering ban notice the day after our...
I awoke. My body was covered in sweat. I was incredibly excited because of that dream. I immediately masturbated until I came… four times. Uncontrollable lust finally left my body allowing me to come to my senses. The dreams. They were so real. No. They were beyond doubt real. I not only saw it, I felt it! My body still feels it. I gasped as I checked the clock. It showed that it was still 5 months before the events of my dreams. 5 months before La Noche de Walpurgis.
BDSM"Get your asses out of bed. Something is happening and I have no idea what," I said. "I need you to help get Bart and his wife through the compound and to the meadow behind the greenhouses. Get a move on and bring something to make sure nothing happens to them while they are on the Catfish Farm." I said that from the doorway of the travel trailer. Shit this thing is going to need airing out before Andrew can ever use it again, I thought. I had no idea what the smell was, but it was much...
An unending universe. An unending possibility of stories. We live in a world where there are so many stories to tell, with as many emotions, feelings, yurning, fantasies and pleasures. So many people, so many tastes. Nowadays we can tell these stories to a much greater amount of people. One of these places you can visit for this kind of stories is the tavern of Chyoa. Some come here to listen, some come here to tell. What do you come here for? Are you after fantasy stories about knights saving...
Edited by Over_Red ******* For the past hour, Jack Watts had been sitting on the floor of the motel room with just his upper back propped up against the side of the bed. He had been all but broken by Jacobs taking away his powers and invading Mia’s mind. He had eaten most of the pot cookies he had brought with him until the cartoon dog showed up out of the blue. It was sitting on the bed right now, staring at him with an expression that bordered on amused. Jack sat up straight as he pulled...
She knocked on my hotel door and I let her in. She was even more stunning that I remembered. ‘So, how about a movie then dinner on Calle Ocho?’ ‘How about we stay here and get room service?’ I didn’t have to get hit over the head. I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her. We kissed in a way that would have scared me a few years earlier. My hand drifted down to her lower back and she reached around and moved it to her zipper. I opened her pants and they dropped to the floor. Sliding into...
I've been fantasizing about doing stuff with my brother's for a long time. Since we went on vacation, he's been on my mind a lot. he's a little bit older than me and i would love to do many things with him. This story is based on a dream i had, it also takes place when we were both younger. so please enjoy. Chris would come home to see mom and dad almost every day, just to say hi and we always wrestled, beat each other up, chased each other around the house, and were acting like...
Hi friends I’m back again after a long time. My name is anjaan and I wrote the most loved story “ sex with manisha chachi”. You can give me your suggestions or reviews about the story on Now without wasting your time let’s come back to the story. Us raat sex hone ke kuch dino baad chachi apne ghar chali gayi or humari phone pe baatein hone lagi. Voh aksar mujhe bulati thi ki fir se un moments ko jeena chahti hai. Mera bhi boht mann kr rha tha. Maine ghar pe chachi ke yahan jaane ka bola or...
Trent sleeps straight through his alarm. The day before after the incident with Thane, he took off the costume and stuffed it in his bag pack. He didn’t touch it the rest of the day, though Arlyne called for him over and over. Her voice was a constant nagging that never seemed to cease. When he got home he shoved it under his bed and tried to block out her voice. The problem was, she was in his head. Eventually he fell asleep. Whether he was able to because she finally quit or he somehow...
Reaching up knocking on the door .A soft voice from within answers ..Come in ..Opening the door I walk in to the office careering my clip board ..Mam I have a work order to fix a drawer in your desk ..If you could just show me which one I’ll get right to it …A slender women wearing a black skirt cut rather short for the office and a white blouse pushes her chair back from the desk .pointing with her delicate little finger she says It’s the middle one there ..smiling I move over to the desk...
Ivy, a 20 year old girl lives with her military father, and 2 b*****rs. Ivy is retarded, her IQ is 16, she act and thinks like a c***d. Her mothers were a prostitute, and, left her and her b*****rs with their sex offended father. Ivy developed fast as a young girl, she weighs 180 pounds, and she has a large big ass and, size 30 in bra. Her b*****rs Tommy 29, a r****t whom had been in juvenile most of his c***dhood. Rock the younger b*****r is 18, admire his father and b*****r as a role model....
I met Rafael again and three of his friends in another motel room. He had invited me over, but this time I would be his slave. I accepted and drove to the motel, nude as I was instructed. My cock and balls were in a cock ring, very swollen as i had not been allowed to cum in last 4 days by my master William.I was covered in welts from the last three days of servitude to William and his group. Many scratches, marks, whip marks all over my chest, stomach, cock fur, thighs and ass.I was not...
Just as I was able to spend a few more days at home each week Cindi decided to start working again. She needed the daily ruoutine and human interaction. It has been great for me. I've been able tp catch up on reading and exercise. I'm probably in the best shape of my life. It also also allowed me to spend some time at the neighborhood poolMy second time at the pool turned out to be very rewarding. When I entered the grounds I noticed many attractive soccer moms around the pool. Most of them...
Allan groaned as his radio sprang to life. "Gooooood morning Seattle. This is XYZ radio and it is just past seven," the male radio host practically screamed in enthusiasm. "In this cold weather hot news are flashing through," the female co-host pitched in. "That is right. Naomi! The name of the new named flu. It is an African- American strain with a gorgeous face and a well developed body. If you get my meaning." "I think we all get it," the co-host said dripping with fake...
Penny and I were sitting with our gang of friends at lunch on Tuesday when Zack Hayes plopped down beside Penny and me. "I'm having a party on Saturday night. Kyle and Penny, I'd like to invite you." I asked, "Who's coming?" "Some of my friends. A lot of guys from the team, the girls. Our usual group." "Cool. What do you think, honey? Do you want to go?" I asked after giving her a peck on the cheek. "Um, I guess." my lover answered. "Is there a special occasion for the...
The Fuck Shack The gang of us were gathered at the lakeside cottage of the parents of one of our members, we often use the place for weekends of card playing, fooling around, and when someone brought a girl, for some real fun (whether she wanted it or not). We called the place "The Fuck Shack" and we figured any slit coming out there knew what she was getting into and was probably looking to have her holes stuffed anyway. Tonight, one of the guys had promised us some real nice fuck meat and...
It was late Monday afternoon and Cindy Adams had just come home from another day at her job as a receptionist for a large bank. Amanda Clark, her best friend and roomate, was already home when Cindy arrived. Amanda and Cindy had known each other from their college days, sharing a dorm room there as well. They had gotten to be good friends, and it seemed only natural that after college they continue their friendship. Although neither girl considered herself a lesbian, they had shared more than a...
Office SexAfter lunch, I returned to my chair and pulled Alice onto my cock pushing up into her ass. Monanue knelt in front and was licking her cunt and my balls. I saw Spokes and said, "Spokes, fuck that one's ass." I pointed at Monanue. He knelt behind her and pushed his cock into her ass hole making her grunt as his balls slapped against her cunt. He was not huge but wasn't gentle. He fucked her ass to get his rocks off and did depositing a good load in her butt. When he stood, I told Alice to...
You could hear it a voice speaking, "Finally after 18 years you are ready..." It said, you understood. You had a mind and it instantly asked a single question. 'Who is that?' then another came 'Who am I?' it was so simple... yet so vexing. The voice spoke again, "Brainwaves are normal... activity picking up." it said. 'Who am I? Where am I? Why do I feel so cold... what...' one after another question bombarded you till eventually, 'STOP! Who am I? And who is... that? I must... open my eyes!'...
FantasyMy first lady.At 18 years of age I had accumulated savings of £1,850.00p a sum that in my youth was a lot. For the most part it had been earned by me lying flat on my back with my legs spread or with a cock in my mouth. Sex paid and I was keen for it to continue to do so. By now I knew that men found me sexually attractive but what came as a complete surprise was that some women were also drawn to me sexually and as it turned out, me to them. I first became aware of it at a Christmas party at a...
Spencer and Sam make it to headquarters pretty quickly, even with her shower. Traffic at three in the morning is fairly light if not nonexistent. They are met by their boss and director of TDF or the Terrestrial Defense Force, Roger Cornelius. “It’s about time you two got your asses in here.” “Sorry, boss,” Sam says. “I needed a shower.” “Yeah, I was young and in love once,” the large man says, grinning. Roger is tall and well-built and looks as mean as a person can get, but he is really...
It was the first time that I went to sleep with Sam and woke up next to her. It was something that I was looking forward to in the future. Sam was lying towards me, still sleeping. So, I grabbed a lock of her hair and tickled her nose. Sam's brushed her nose first, with the back of her hand, then she opened her eyes. She looked straight at me and started screaming. Her voice was so loud, that I jumped out of bed without thinking. The screaming stopped as fast as it started, and I was...
I felt the limo slow and I glanced out the window, almost there. The driver curved around a garden bed and parked. I had arrived at the front steps of the community hall in a long, sleek limo. I stepped out, my polished shoes crunching on the gravel beneath. I stooped my head to avoid bumping it and making myself look like an idiot, then straightened my jacket and adjusted my tie. Picture perfect and flawless. I was eighteen years old and ready to have the night of my life: The Debutante...
Driving in Mr. Nevin’s LeSabre 11:47pm, Friday, March 9, 1979 Paul, Bradley and Jennifer all turned north on Highway 4 from the Labatt’s estate, while I followed Toxic and Ian’s family vehicle, heading south to take Lynette and Andrea to their homes in Killworth and Komoka. Lynette had already snuggled up under my arm as I drove the short distance to Fanshawe Park Road. She was relatively quiet as Andrea and I talked a little bit about the basketball game. “I was kinda surprised Coach...
Hello readers. My name is manish (name changed). This is a true Incidence which happened to me when i was 23 yr old and doing by graduation In an institute in bangalore. I am a 6.0″ with nicely build, good Looking guy. At the end of our course we were suppose to do an project, which is part of our course. I had started Looking for an assignments in the last month of my course. In The pursuit of getting a project i had contacted my mama Also, who is a senior level employee in indian oil and...
IncestThis is my first time writing a story. I enjoyed reading a lot of stories here on Lush that I decided to share one of my own. This is a true story that happened a long time ago. I was dating Tia for about three months now. She’s a very hot and sexy woman. She was 1/2 Filipina and 1/2 German. She was 5’7′ tall, long black hair, brown eyes, light brown skin and a body to die for. Her measurements were 36C, 24 and 34. She also had a identical twin sister. Her name is Mia. The only way to...