Wonder Woman s Sexual MisadventuresChapter 2 First Mission
- 2 years ago
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Based on the storyline of John T (expanded by me) at www.eroticillusions.com WW story line used with permission of artist. See the art at the above website, then art/erotic comics John T is down in the right side column.
Princess Diana, badly injured from her trip to Everrit Island, managed to fly her jet back to Paradise Island. Dawn was breaking as her plane settled down at her landing area. A nearby Amazon on guard duty saw the plane and got word to the palace to inform Queen Hippolyta that her daughter had returned. It wasn't until Diana attempted to exit the cockpit that the guard realized something wasn't right. She quickly rushed to the plane,
"My Princess! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Diana was unable to reply because of her broken jaw, but the guard looked at her swelling belly, indicating some sort of life form was growing there, the purple cum in her hair, her red and purple stained face, purple stained hands and thighs and wondered,
"What in Hera's name has happened to the Princess?" She heard noises and looked around. A group of dignitaries led by Princess Erica was approaching to welcome the First Princess of Amazons home.
"Princess Diana has been injured!" she called. "We need a stretcher to get her to the infirmary." Several warriors in the party immediately turned and ran back to the city. Princess Erica ran forward leaving the others behind.
"My sister! What has happened to you?" Diana just looked at her and failed to answer. Erica noticed the bandage running around Dian's chin and knotted on the top of her head and realized the jaw was probably broken. She had already taken in the stains on her face, hands and legs and the purple substance in her hair but she decided not to ask about that.
"GREAT HERA!!!" she exclaimed, "YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!" Diana's belly was now large enough that there could be no doubt about her pregnancy.
"What happened? Erica wondered. "Diana just left at dawn yesterday. She told me she was going to find the Orcs that had brought the Amazonium that helped heal her. Now it appears her jaw is broken, parts of her body are stained and she's pregnant. It must be she went to the wrong island of Orcs to find our trading partners. That swollen belly, so quickly, can only mean Orcs have impregnated her. She'll have that egg tomorrow unless the healing device can eliminate them. But what's that purple stuff in her hair? She has told me that an Orc's cum is green."
Erica wondered where the stretcher was, and looking toward town saw the 2 warrior's running back with the stretcher. Queen Hippolyta and 4 of her bodyguard accompanied them. The Queen must have heard her eldest daughter was injured and was coming to check for herself.
"Diana, what has happened?" she asked as she approached.
"My Queen," Princess Erica said, "it appears Diana's jaw is broken and she is defiantly pregnant. I think she was captured by Orcs, beaten and raped."
"Ok, get her on the stretcher, quickly. We have to get her to the nurse at the infirmary so she can scan her and determine the extent of her injuries. We only have 1 block of Amazonium. I hope it is enough." Diana was placed on the stretcher and the Queen motioned her bodyguards to pick it up.
"I and Princess Erica will accompany Diana. The rest of you may return to your other duties. Order a fifty per cent increase in the guards. If Diana was treated like this, we may have Orcs preparing to attack again. The royal procession proceeded to the city while one of the dignitaries expressed her concern for the Queen, First Princess and the one who was basically Second Princess were all in one spot with only a 4 warrior, even if they were of the Queen's handpicked bodyguard, to protect them if the Orcs did attack. Another assured her it would be okay, it was as the Queen ordered. And she had ordered them back to their duties. It would be to their best interest to comply. The others agreed. Queen Hippolyta was known for her anger and her punishments were swift and cruel. Erica hurried ahead of her mother and sister to get to the infirmary and notify the nurse to get the scanner and healing device warmed up. The nurse quickly started the scanner and programmed in scans to check the pregnancy, determine injuries and to determine the origin of the stains and goo on her body that Erica told her about. She had just placed the Amazons only block of Amazonium into the fueling chamber for the healing device when the Queen and entourage arrived. Diana had lost consciousness on the trip and the 4 bodyguards carefully and lovingly lifted her and placed her on the scanner. They stepped back and the nurse threw the switch to begin. The 1st scan completed. Then the 2nd, and finally the 3rd. The nurse looked at them and then the Queen. She then looked meaningfully at the bodyguard. The Queen ordered them out of the room.
"My Queen" she began, the 1st scan has determined there are 6 Orc eggs in Diana's womb. She will deliver tomorrow. The 2nd scan shows that her jaw is shattered, 3 ribs are broken as well as her left arm, both the forearm and upper arm. The 3rd reveals that the goo in her hair is semen. Her stains are also the result of semen. No Amazon has before been stained by Orc semen. The device cannot determine what sort of being produced the semen. It would identify Orc semen but that doesn't matter because we know that is green not red or purple. Yes the red and purple semen are produced by different beings. Diana has had sex with at least 3 different beings, and with 6 eggs I would have to say more than a couple Orcs. In my professional opinion she was gangbanged, I believe that's the term, by a large group of Orcs to have these results."
"I agree that never in my life have I heard of Amazons being stained by Orc semen" Queen Hippolyta agreed. "The most important question however, can she healed fully healed with 1 block of Amazonium."
"I'm sorry my Queen, the answer is no. The scanner calculates that 1 block will neutralize and destroy the eggs, or it will heal her bones. The scanner has no calculation for the semen or stains because it is of unknown origin. I calculate if we placed the Wonder Woman power belt on Diana, it will fully heal the broken bones in a month. The decision and choice are yours."
"Remove the eggs; we cannot have Orcs born of Amazon blood."
"Yes my Queen." She started programming the healing device to do that as Erica summoned the bodyguards.
"Place her on the healing device." She ordered. They were doing that when a messenger from the palace arrived to inform the Queen that the Orc trader had returned and wanted to meet with the Amazons negotiator.
"Princess Diana is indisposed again. I'll have to apologize that every time he comes that is the case No wait! Bring the trader here. Diana had to have been stained on that Orc Island. Maybe he can tell us what caused the stains." The Queen again dismissed her bodyguards to the outside. She knew they would not attempt to eavesdrop; she had handpicked them for the detail. She looked at the nurse and Erica.
"No one must know that the stains are caused by semen. The fact she is stained is know by many and can't be changed. Just the cause can be kept secret."
Both Princess Erica and the nurse replied "yes my Queen" together. The Queen knew it was safe, Erica would never reveal the reason for the big sister she idolized was stained. The nurse never talked about her work except when in private audience with the Queen. The healing device ran out of Amazonium and shut down. Princess Diana's belly was again flat. One of the bodyguards called in to say the trader approached. She ordered Diana covered to the waist so the Orc couldn't see her sex, but then stopped the nurse from doing it. He had to see all the stains so he could possibly identify them. The stain on her sex and thighs was a much deeper purple than that on her hands and the actual semen in her hair, so might be from another origin. The 3 Amazons situated themselves to block Diana's body. The trader entered the room and as usual his hard stiff cock preceded him.
"Your messenger brought me here your Majesty" he said, staring at the nurse and Erica's bare breasts. The Queen had covered hers. No male, of any species, saw the Queen's breasts.
"Yes we have a problem here that I thought you might help us with."
"I'll do my best to assist you, as long as it doesn't affect my tribe" he said as he bowed.
"No, it won't affect your tribe. Princess Diana, out trade negotiator, has again been injured. We believe Orcs captured her and beat her. She has broken bones and goo in her hair and stains on her body that we cannot identify. The locations of the stains indicate they are the result of sex, so the Orcs apparently raped her. However, as I'm sure you're aware; your semen is green and does not stain us. These are purple and red." The Orc immediately knew where they came from, but remained silent. "Will you look at her and see if you can determine their origin? As payment for this assistance I have broken Amazon law. Our sex is to be shown to no one. I have left her sex uncovered for you to see as payment." The Orc was stunned. He could see an Amazon pussy. Never had he heard of this happening unless you captured 1 in battle. Then you saw it as you raped it.
"I believe that the payment is sufficient to receive my help, so, yes, I'll assist you" The Amazons spread out to Diana's head and feet to allow the Orc to step up to the healing device.
"By the Gods!! This is the most amazing Amazon I have ever seen, despite cum of Wargs and female Orcs staining her!" he thought. He couldn't decide to stare at the largest breasts he had ever seen or the Amazon pussy. He had never seen Amazon pussy before; even though his tribe was allied with the Amazons. Now how to tell the Queen. Female Orc she'd accept, but Warg?
"Your Highness, I have your answers. I think we should discuss them in private." The Queen considered; should she be alone with an Orc?
"Princess Erica is Princess Diana's sister and would never divulge whatever information you have." She then asked the nurse for and was granted the use of her office. The Orc motioned them ahead of him, it was only his second time here and he didn't trust them, and followed into the office, where Erica closed the door.
"Your Highness, the red stain on her face is from female Orcs, their cum is red. The purple on her face, hands, vagina, legs and the goo in her hair is Warg cum. From the size and deep colorization on her legs and pussy, I'd say more than 1, at least 3-4." The Queen was so upset with this news that she didn't admonish the Orc for his vulgarity, using cum and pussy instead of semen and vagina or sex. Princess Erica turned a bright red from the wordage and stood there with her mouth open. The Orc noticed the open mouth and thought how he'd like to shove his cock in it. He didn't know why, but when he was here with the Amazons, he had a perpetually hard cock.
"You said several Wargs" the Queen said. I'm unfamiliar with this term. What is it?"
"A Warg is our beast of burden. It pulls wagons and plows, and can be ridden. It is like your horse, I think that's the term, in his use but is a different animal than the horse."
"Did you say an animal?" the Queen asked in shock. Princess Erica's mouth dropped open again. "Diana had sex with an animal?" she thought. The punishment for that was life time banishment from the Amazons and Paradise Island.
"Yes your Highness, an animal. Now, may I ask you a question?" The trader responded.
"Of course."
"Can your machine heal Princess Diana so that we can meet and begin negotiations?"
"I'm afraid not" the Queen answered. "As you've probably guessed she was also raped and impregnated by male Orcs and we only had 1 block of Amazonium. We had to choose what to use it for."
"I would guess you used that to destroy the egg and leave the broken bones and I would agree with that. An Orc born of Amazon blood would be dominant on the battlefield in case of another war." He thought for a minute. "I have a block of Amazonium with me. I will loan that to you to heal Princess Diana. I will await this process through so I can negotiate with her what the Amazons owe for this." The Queen was cautious of the deal.
"Why would an Orc agree to delayed payment from the Amazons?"
"Both times I have come to trade; Princess Diana is injured and cannot meet with me. A block of Amazonium is all that is traded. I'm willing to await your negotiators return to health for payment so we can enter into negotiations for more than just that."
"Princess Diana received these injuries when she went to find you and enter into negotiations. I don't want to accept your Amazonium without payment because I don't want to put Princess Diana in the position of having to pay for something we've already received and used. Will you trade your Amazonium to us if Princess Erica here, were to kneel in front of you and you could relieve those urges you have there?" she asked pointing to his hard cock.
"There are Amazon laws you must agree to abide by first, though. 1st is that on Paradise Island, no man shall spill his seed inside us and 2nd is no man's cock may touch our body. Therefore you must spill your seed by yourself. Princess Erica will kneel before you as you do this so you may enjoy the view of her body and use her breasts as the target for your seed. If you agree she will wait here while you get your Amazonium and on your return and delivery of it, you may reenter here and commence working on getting your seed to spill on her."
The Orc trader agreed to the terms and left for his ship to get his block of Amazonium. As he hurried along he thought of the situation, trying to see how to take advantage of it. This Princess Diana, the most beautiful Amazon he had ever seen, had been fucked by male and female Orcs and by Wargs. On Paradise Island she said. Well then I need to get Princess Diana to my island for negotiations. There are no laws there against my cock touching or even entering her body. My cum can enter her body. She had an Orc egg inside her; maybe I can put mine inside her for some Amazonium. What he had no intention of ever telling any Amazon, not even Princess Diana, was the size of his Amazonium stockpile.
Back in the infirmary Queen Hippolyta was apologizing to Princess Erica. "I'm sorry to ask this of you, my dear. If Diana were available I would have her take her hand and relieve his urges. She should be punished for always putting us in the position of needing Amazonium right away. Relieving his urge would be a fitting punishment."
"Don't worry my Queen. I will gladly do this to help Diana. Remember that last time she needed it for injuries received as Wonder Woman, our Ambassador to man's world. This time she was trying to replace our supply of Amazonium when she was injured. Letting my breasts be covered by this Orc's semen is much easier and much less painful than what she does for us."
Queen Hippolyta left the office as the Orc entered the infirmary. He handed her the Amazonium and she placed the restriction that he must never tell anyone of this trade. After he agrees she gestures that he may enter the office. The nurse accepts the Amazonium and puts it in the fuel pod and starts the healing device. She thinks of Princess Erica and the Orc in her office and can imagine how the Amazonium is being paid for. Then she remembers that no man's cock may enter or even touch an Amazon on Paradise Island. But, does the Goddess Hera's spell extend to Orcs. She didn't know but does know better than to ask. Both the nurse and Queen anxiously watched Diana for any sign of the healing device working on her.
On the other side of the office door, Erica had fallen to her knees in front of the Orc.
"Remember, your penis may not touch me and your semen must fall on my breasts."
"I remember" he replied as his hand started stroking his cock. He was inches away from the Amazon and stared unabashedly at her pert tits. Although Erica was very pretty with shoulder length blonde hair and 36C tits she wasn't the woman Diana was, and that's who he thought of. That long wavy dark hair and 40DD tits. He was lost in thoughts of Diana and missed the boiling in his balls and then suddenly, his thick green cum erupted. The first blast landed on her face, covering her lips and chin. He realized that had happened and hurriedly pointed his cock lower and started covering both tits in his sperm as he waved his cock back and forth.
"I am extremely sorry Princess!" he exclaimed as his last bit of cum dripped off his cock and splashed on her tit. Erica had kept her lips clenched just in case this happened, nothing had entered her mouth or gotten in her eyes. She nodded her acceptance of his apology, rose and went into the bath. She had extreme difficulty getting the thick mess off of her. Then her curiosity got the better of her and she wiped some cum up with her finger. She stuck her tongue out and touched the tip to it. She couldn't tell anything so she stuck the finger in her mouth and sucked it clean. She started gagging and retching. The taste was horrible. She spit it out and tried to rinse the taste out of her mouth.
"How does Diana stand it?" she thought. The scanner had also indicated a large deposit of Orc sperm in Diana's belly.
"She had to have swallowed many loads to get all that in there. Thank Hera I don't have her duties." Her sister soared higher in her esteem. "I'll be happy with my duties here on Paradise Island forever. When Diana becomes Queen I'll be too old to enter the competition to determine the next Wonder Woman. In all the sex I have had here with other Amazons, I have never tasted a vagina or even an anal orifice that tasted as foul as that semen."
She finished cleaning up, stepped back into the office, and then they both stepped into the infirmary. Princess Diana had been moved onto a bed and a covering was over her lower body. No more sex on display, but the Queen had left those magnificent 40DD breasts on display for the Orc. It was true that if she was up and around they'd be on display, but normally breasts were covered in the infirmary. The Queen had considered leaving her sex on display also. After all, even though the Orc had received goods and now services for his Amazonium, without his help during these episodes, her daughter could be dead. If he had decided after the war to ally himself with the other Orcs and desert the Amazons her daughter could be dead. With that thought she pulled her daughters covering down to her knees as the nurse looked on in shock and Erica and the Orc entered the ward.
Erica looked at her mother in surprise. The Queen looked at the 2 Amazons and Orc and informed them that her sex was on display because of the stains, she would not tell them it was to reward the Orc and to embarrass and punish Diana. The last scan had indicated all the broken bones were healed, the sperm from her hair and belly was removed, and the 6 eggs gone. All the stains remained. The nurse could not determine if the Amazonium had been depleted before the stains were removed or if the healing device just couldn't do it.
"Princess Diana is still stained." The Orc stated as his eye moved between tits and pussy. The Queen was watching him ogle her daughter and regretted pulling the sheet down. Even though she knew he had relieved himself on Erica minutes ago, his cock was again rock hard and on display from looking at Diana.
"Yes. We don't know if the healing device depleted the Amazonium before it got to the stains or if it can't remove the stains. All her other injuries are gone."
"The Orcs have a solution to remove them. After all, we deal with the stains all the time, we had to find a way to remove them. I have a container with enough solution to remove all her stains on my ship. What will you offer for it?" Personally he'd love to do to Princess Dianna, what he had just done to Princess Erica. He would then have nailed both Princesses. The Queen considered how he was staring at Diana.
"If you bring it, and it works, Princess Diana will be up tomorrow and she will negotiate your payment. Will you accept that?" The Orc agreed and again headed for his ship. The Queen turned to Erica,
"I do not want the Orc to touch Diana."
"I agree my Queen" Erica answered. "We do not know what this solution is or how it works but if he'll give me directions for its use he can go to whatever quarters you have in mind for him, and I will clean Diana." That decided they waited for the Orc to return. The Queen considered pulling the covering up to Diana's waist, but since she had left her sex on display, if she covered it now she might make him angry and no trading would be done.
As the Orc walked he considered his position. He knew he'd be dismissed from the infirmary as soon as he gave them the solution. They would then offer him quarters for the night, since the meeting was to be tomorrow. No, I'll stay on my ship and move out into the harbor instead of being next to the shore. Then he looked at his small trade cog sitting in the harbor filled with hundreds of Amazon war ships. It didn't matter. He'd stay where he was. Neither option was any better than the other. He had no chance against that navy. Moored where he was, there was his assistant and himself. Princess Erica had taken him on a tour of the city his first time here. He had said the Queen's royal bodyguard was 250, handpicked by the Queen herself and fiercely loyal to her, Amazon warriors. What could the 2 of them do against that if the Queen decided to attack. No more than the fleet. And then there's the regular Amazon army. Princess Erica hadn't given a number, she just said that all Amazons were warriors, no matter their daily duties, even the Queen who led them in battle along with Princess Diana. He had heard guesses that there were 25,000 Amazons. That put their army at 25,000 members. And even though his assistant has remained on ship, he was confident the Amazons knew he was there. He arrived at his ship, informed his assistant to fix a meal, grabbed the solution and returned to the infirmary.
He informed Princess Erica that it was like soap, you just washed with it. Just like soap removed dirt, this removed the stains. He refused Queen Hippolyta's offer of quarters, said he'd sleep on his ship, and return to the throne room in the morning to meet with Princess Diana. The Queen conceded the point of quarters and instructed that 6 of her personal bodyguard be assigned to the ship for guard duty. The Orc returned to his ship where he was met by his assistant.
"How much can I be told of what's going on?" He informed him of the day's happenings, carefully leaving out Diana's pussy on display, the stains, and how he had been paid for the Amazonium. With all the Amazonium they had, when Princess Diana came to their island, his assistant would get serviced also. And he also informed him, that as far as he could tell, the Amazons hadn't learned any more about them than what he had told them last time. They then retired to the bunks.
Princess Erica had washed Diana's face, scalp and hands and was amazed at how quickly the stains were removed. No scrubbing needed, just wash like you would washing your hands. Finally she got to her pubic area.
"Look at that" she thought. "Her sex is a dark purple and the stain extends all the way down the inside of both thighs to her knees. The Orc said several Wargs. I wonder how many she did have sex with. Mother didn't seem too upset, mostly shocked that Diana had sex with animals. That was probably due to fear over her injuries. I feel sorry for Diana tomorrow, although I don't, and can't see how mother would, think Diana willingly has sex with them. She was raped and so won't receive life banishment.
Around 11 that night Diana awoke, instantly alert. Her mind hammered with the thought of the Amazonium on Everrit Island. She needed that so she could return to man's world and her role as Wonder Woman. She missed the admiration of men. She adored the way men worshiped and lusted after her body. Deep down inside she loved having men fuck her, especially Dr. Jones. She could easily become a slut if she wouldn't lose her powers and her standing among the Amazon. She carefully made her way to her plane, avoiding all the guards on duty easily. She had set all guard positions up in her duties before returning to man's world. Once she reached her plane, she climbed aboard. They would see her leaving, but this was the only plane, that was nothing to worry about. She lifted off and headed for Everrit Island. She was still in view when the Queen learned of it.
As she flew she realized that she owed more Amazonium because she had been healed. Hopefully no more than 2 blocks. She would then owe 14. She would return with 15. Debt paid. Tomorrow evening she could be back in man's world as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince. She could have Dr. Jones's cock in her. The Director's control was still in effect, even here. All the visits to the zoo had been visits to Room 2. All those animal cocks had been Dr. Jones.
Diana 's mind returned to Everrit Island and the Amazonium there. As an Amazon she couldn't steal, so no matter how many blocks were there. 15 blocks was all she could take. It was what they had gotten selling her body. Those she earned. Those were hers. Arriving at Everrit Island she landed and carefully made her way to the village. No daydreaming this time. There weren't the traders. No matter how much she loved the feel of being stuffed with cocks, she didn't want this place to be where it happened. Arriving in the village she carefully looked around. She saw the hut she had been held in, the Council hut she had been sentenced in but no hut with a guard to indicate it housed the Amazonium. Diana carefully approached a hut that she had heard voices in. She needed to get close enough to understand what was being said.
"Again no sex!! All the males are out searching, trying to recapture that Amazon. We get left here alone." Diana recognized the voice of last night's leader. Then she heard Dua's voice,
"What are we going to do about guarding the Council hut? All the Amazonium was moved there and we told to guard it. If the males return and find no guard, we'll be replacing the Amazon as town whore." Another voice spoke up,
"Except I'll bet other tribes won't have to pay for us, what they paid for the Amazon." Dua jumped back in
"Yes. It will probably be 1 block of Amazonium for all the males of a village to fuck all of us, instead of 1 block for 5 males like they got for the Amazon."
Diana had heard enough. She turned and exited village, then circled around to the Council hut. Fortunately the gate there was also open. She carefully entered the hut and saw the pile of Amazonium, sparkling in the moonlight. A quick count showed the leader was holding out on the females. There were 50 blocks of Amazonium not 25. No matter, she was only owed 15. She pulled her sack out and carefully bagged up 15 blocks. She then left the hut and then the village behind her. She arrived at her plane and stowed the Amazonium. She then took off for Paradise Island.
Arriving home she set down and looked at 4 members of the Queen's bodyguard waiting for her.
"Princess Diana, by the Queen's orders I place you under arrest," the sergeant said. " I am to escort you to your quarters where you will remain, under guard to ensure no more escapades, until the Queen summons you later."
Diana looked into the sergeant's face and saw her regret. She was unhappy with her orders having her do this, but like the Amazon she was, she was following her orders. The Amazons looked up to Princess Diana. Her command of forces in the war had been brilliant, her bravery was unmatched, even among Amazons. She was First Princess, next to sit on the throne as Queen and she was the Amazon Ambassador to man's world, the world famous super heroine, Wonder Woman. Even on Paradise Island the adventures of Wonder Woman were followed closely. But, like man's world all the got were the triumphant endings, of Wonder Woman triumphant over the evil doers of the world. They knew nothing of her defeats before she emerged victorious. Nothing of all the gangbangs, all of the cum injected into her ass and pussy, or all the cum she had swallowed. That never got out anywhere. And no one knew of the live fuck doll of the IADC. The woman who had been fucked by everybody from the Director down.
Diana grabbed her bag of Amazonium, let the guards surround her, and went to her quarters. Arriving, she went to bed, trying not to think of her meeting with the Queen.
Hippolyta awakened early, ate and headed for the throne room. She wanted to announce punishment on Diana and fill her in on the Orc trader being here and that she had to negotiate what the Amazons owed for the solution. Arriving in the throne room she ordered that Princess Diana appear before her. Diana had also risen early and was waiting for the summons. She grabbed her bag and hurried to the throne room. Upon arrival she went to one knee in front of her Queen and bowed her head.
The Queen gazed at her daughter before her. She was proud of her daughter and all she had accomplished. She too followed Wonder Woman but she also did not know what a whore her daughter was or how many times her hymen had repaired itself after her rapes. The scanner did show that, it showed her virginity.
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Disclaimer: This is a work of erotic fantasy and does not represent any real people or events. The characters in thisstory may indulge in sexual activity that is immoral or even i*****l. The author does not endorse such actions in reallife. These stories are only meant to be read as entertainment by consenting adults in countries where it is legal to doso. This story was first posted by the author (i.e. by me) at ASSTR.Avanti had not done her homework. There was nothing so extraordinary about...
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An einem herrlichen Tag inmitten des Sommers , wachte ich auf.Streckte und reckte mich sitzend auf meiner Spielwiese.Auf der ich immer alleine einschlief , seitdem mich Maria verlassen hatte.Eine viel zu Eifersüchtige Frau , die sogar im hohen Alter ihre unsicherheiten nicht im Griff hatte.Ehrlich gesagt , fand ich ihren Körper wirklich extrem sexy für ihr Alter.Es machte mir nichts aus , das Sie ein paar Kilos zuviel hatte.Es war alles gut verteilt , wenn ihr wisst was ich meine (LOL).Deswegen...
Diana enjoyed her 48 hrs of rest and was ready and raring to go to the zoo when she met the Director that evening. However the Director had her come to her office rather than the meet in the front lobby. She entered the office and immediately fell under the control exercised there by the Director. She was under her control anywhere in the IADC complex but only in the office did she look like a zombie. "I called you up here because I have a mission for you tomorrow night. Someone that the...
The Fairlane came to a stop and a tall, dark haired man wearing a black suit got out. An older, stockier man was there to meet him, flanked by two more thugs. He was the Mafia crime boss Salvatori Dolmio, who owned the warehouse, and used it as a base of operations for many of his criminal enterprises. “What the fuck happened out there Baroudi? We didn’t do all that planning for a fuckin’ blood bath.” “I’ll tell you what fuckin’ happened!” came the agitated voice of another man...
Woman's Work by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) I'd always heard that a person could not be hypnotized to do something against their will. I suppose that's true but what if there was a way to change your will? Hypnotizing you to do something would then be far easier right? Sure, I know it sounds like bad Science Fiction but believe me it's true! I know it's true because it was done to me! I grew up like any other boy, I played sports, climbed trees, and did the things boys...
Corvino's Defense of Homosexuality By Cal Y. Pygia Note: While it is true that not all transvestites are gay, many profess to be. In any case, this essay is likely to be of interest to many, regardless of their sexual orientation, and to members of the wider gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, many of whom have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender friends themselves. In his essay, "Why Shouldn't Tommy and Jim Have Sex?," which appears in Contemporary Moral...
Based on the story line idea (expanded by me) of John T at www.eroticillusions.com. Used with artist permission. To see his art, go to the above website and click on art/erotic stories. John T will be down in the right hand column. Princess Diana had finally been restored to health by the healing device on Paradise Island. However, her restoration had depleted the Amazons supply of Amazonium. Queen Hippolyta had promised that, if all the Amazonium was used to heal her, Princess Diana would...
New years Day was the first day withour rain for a week. It was a beatiful cold Winters day so we decided to go for a drive in the van.We headed for a nature reserve about 15 miles away. We go there often as there are plenty of secluded lanes in the woodland area to park up and have sex.Mrs V wore a black "wrap" dress, black hold ups, no pants and a pair of stilletos. The dress is Mrs V's favourite flashing dress as she can open the wrap to reveal a stocking top and bare thigh. As we drove...
It all started out innocently enough. It was one of those long weekend Sundays where all our friends got together for an afternoon barbecue. The hosts were Julie and Dave Robson. They had a beautiful sheltered back yard with a huge pool, surrounded by an equally large patio. June and I were not all that close, to be honest with you, I really didn’t like the way she was constantly trying to sink her hooks into my husband Jim. Jim pretended not to notice, but I know he was lapping up the...
It had been a year since Isabella had ripped my anal virginity from me (see my rough treatment story) and life had gone on as usual. I was still in a relationship with the same girl and had continued my usual routine of of work and weekend benders with my noisy mates. I may have outwardly appeared butch and masculine to my peers but my session with isabella had changed me and i found myself masturbating regularly over the memory of my domination at the hands of my transexual tormentor. I wasn't...
BackroomCastingCouch! The casting couch is a mainstay of the adult entertainment industry. I mean, think about it … the directors and producers of all your favorite porn studios have to find and audition new porn stars somehow. And the only way to audition a new porn star, to know that she has what it takes to star in porn, is to fuck her! Before a girl ever gets cast in a proper scene, she gets fucked on the casting couch. You gotta test drive a car before you buy it, right? Well, the same is...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesI had to laugh at myself. I was standing in the Hilo Airport staring at the Zen garden that was supposed to bring peace and tranquility. Instead, I was dancing from foot to foot in impatience. I should have stayed in the restaurant another hour, but my computer had run out of juice. I’d been sitting there since three in the afternoon and it was eight now. I went into the bar—the only ‘service’ available at the Hilo airport—and ordered a soda. Once she got here, I still had to drive us safely...
A Female Sexual Story You Must Read The title does not allow you the pleasure to describe the loss of your virginity, nor does age allow you the scope or breadth of descriptive prose to fully say what it is like to feel a man's cock enter you, the parting of that thin line that forms your girlish pussy, from which you pee, as you squat to do so. When that thin line parts it displays another set of pinkish sensitivity, a small clitoris that makes you touch yourself discretely, or the more...
The title does not allow you the pleasure to describe the loss of your virginity, nor does age allow you the scope or breadth of descriptive prose to fully say what it is like to feel a man's cock enter you, the parting of that thin line that forms your girlish pussy, from which you pee, as you squat to do so. When that thin line parts it displays another set of pinkish sensitivity, a small clitoris that makes you touch yourself discretely, or the more dangerous opening, the one that requires...
I stayed in Florida a month too long. It was great fun to sit on the beach and watch the butts of cute college girls all through March and it was great when Maddie came down to join me for beach time. Of course, the second week of spring break was nothing like the first. The entire population changed over. No one knew me and they weren’t interested in the old guy who sat in the shade. The real problem was writing. By the end of the first week of April, I’d simply trashed the entire first...
I lay on my bed spooned against a pillow wondering if it was possible for me to be any more of an asshole. It wasn’t just Ella. It was Alice. And Angie. And all the other women I’d met on this ‘big adventure’ of mine. Did I even have room in my life for a ‘real’ relationship? The pillow wasn’t answering. I couldn’t have heard it through my sobs even if it had. I’d been two years on the road. I was thinking I needed to take it easy for a while. Maybe even hide. I got myself online and...
For a very long time now, the thought of having sex with another woman, has always been a turn on. There is something about the way that a woman touched me that excites me. Not that I don’t like men, because I love the feeling of a nice, hard, hot, cock in my mouth, pussy and ass, that totally satisfies me sexually. My favorite thing to do is have a FMF, where the women don’t only have sex, but in turn they drive the man crazy, as they both work on his hardened member. Let me start at the...
I was getting anxious, shifting from foot to foot like a four-year-old in need of a bathroom. Criminy! I’d just seen her four months ago. You’d think this would be easy. But here I was, waiting at the exit from the concourse, afraid that she’d... Fuck! What was I afraid of? Since Alice sent me her flight details two weeks ago, I don’t think I’d slept through an entire night. I’d sat in front of my computer with stories in progress and had written nothing. I had an idea for a Valentine...
We slept soundly our first night and woke up spooned together. I had my hand on her tummy rather than her breast. I don’t know why that made a difference except that we were both completely naked and my morning hard cock was definitely being squeezed between two very nice buns. Ella’s tummy muscles were clenching rhythmically. She was awake before me. I’m not sure if she was intentionally trying to milk my cock with her ass or if that was just a side-effect of her manipulating her clit with...
The day had come and I could no longer avoid it. I’d spent most of September around Seattle getting my necessary checkups, spending time with Maddie and even with Treasure, meeting with friends. And writing. I kept looking at my outline for Becoming the Storm, which I had originally titled Sins of the Father. I knew what was going to happen and I hated it. I kept putting it off. It wouldn’t be this chapter. But then I saw the writing on the wall, as it were. It was about to happen. I left...
This morning, somebody sent me a link and told me it was a good place to find Brazilian transsexuals. I guess my head was still a little bit fuzzy from last night’s binge on Viagra and hookers, so I immediately wanted to know, “How many is a Brazilian?” I understood my mistake as soon as I loaded up the front page of the aptly named Brazilian-Transsexuals. Oh, right! A Brazilian!So, how many is a Brazilian? Well, the digits at the top of the landing page at Brazilian-Transsexuals.com puts the...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesVacation Sex Is The Best My life in New York City is stressful, so I was happy when my planned solo vacation to Cancun, Mexico finally arrived. Before I left, I took a moment to look in the mirror. I’m a 32-year-old, single woman who’s never been married and has no kids. I’m a brunette, 5-foot-5, and 105 pounds. I had a boob job a few years ago, and now I have nice C cups with perky nipples, that my friends always compliment me on. Since I love exercising outdoors, I’ve got a nice tan,...
The rain fell with abandon onto the streets and windows of the club. Splattering and making it’s mark where it wanted. The wind sometimes tossing it up against the glass, like a woman throwing up her hands and hitting the wall behind her as her lover forces her up against it. Giving in, submitting to it, and trailing downwards in wetness. The impending darkness of the dusk was creeping in, curling around everything like slinky tendrils of fog, and encompassing everything in it’s path. It did so...
I have enjoyed reading the stories written by men to get a better understanding of what it is like to crossdress. As a woman, I find that I really enjoy and am very aroused with a feminized man. I guess I have always been a bit of a tomboy and enjoy doing athletic things, so being with a man that is the opposite seems natural to me. I used to play gender swap cross dress role play with my ex boyfriend. It started one afternoon when he came back from playing basketball. I had just finished...
My name is Lynn Radunz I have been happly married 18 years. What stories your going to read have been ajusted to protect friends and family. During my forth pregancy my life seemed to change. My figrue was still great according to everyone Im 5-2 130 pound shoulder brown hair. My breast were 36DD and athletic leggs. Problem was my belly. I had been wanting to get my tan back but look funny in my bathing suit. My best friend sujested i use her house while she was over seas visiting her husband....
First TimeIf you think that all the sex adventures would start as soon as we camped in a nudist area, you really don’t understand naturism. The one thing above all about nudist resorts and naturists is that it isn’t about sex. That’s especially true about an encampment like Quartzite’s Magic Circle. When you think about who can take off for the winter, or even a couple of weeks, to camp out and enjoy the mild weather of western Arizona, you have to come to the immediate conclusion of retirees....
I was at a bit of a loss. Did this start out as the best year of all time or the worst? Of course, celebrating the New Year with Alice was an incredible blast. We might have no real future together, but there was no question that we both loved each other. Two weeks later, she was gone. There was no chance that we’d see each other until summer. We were both agreed that she needed to focus on school and that required her to be in Montana. I wandered around some, sort of following wherever Andy...
Cheerleaders & Linebackers By Sabrina G. Langton Part 2 It was toward the end of December and we were having coffee on the couch. "Since you are off work the rest of the year Ava has a surprise for you. I'm a little skeptical, well I'm alot skeptical, but she says it will be good for you," Lydia warned me on Sunday morning. "She wants you dressed and ready to go by three PM. I will meet you at Ross’s apartment later." I really didn't like being with Ava, and I had never been...
Mainly because he had a girlfriend and also because she didn't think he was interested. Then one day she went to his house, for nothing more than to visit with one of his roomates that she had been fucking for awhile. Well when she got there, all of the guys where there. His girlfriend unbeknownst to her had started working and wasn't there. They sat talking and laughing and watching tv. She was snuggled up to her guyfriend. Well then their boss came to get them to go to work again. And she...
Yes, the hunk who lived next to me was away on business or something else, and I had to wait until his return to carry on my “Journal to a Woman’s Sexual Bliss.” I checked each day for his return. Finally, on the evening of the third day, he was home. Well, at least there was a light on in his living room. As you might have expected, I was there in a flash. I was so excited. I could feel the moisture building between my thighs now that Harvey was home. I quickly ran down the walkway and up...
A Young Woman’s Perspective! By Wolf Spirit Jill entered the library through the main entrance of the university library dressed in a black mini, tight white t-shirt and six- inch red spiked heels. Her outfit had the desired effect on the young men. She saw heads turn and mouths drop as she glided across the floor to her workstation. Jill bent over at the waist exposing her rounded ass for the young men who now clamored over their workstations to get a view up her skirt. One particularly...
I had come here for comfort, for consoling, to talk. In the past year, I had lost three people who were very close to me, the last one, just recently. I had withdrawn, rarely leaving my home. I recognized the symptoms of depression. No motivation, no appetite. I knew I needed to talk, reconnect with people, but was not ready to do that in person. I went online and found somewhere to chat. I had always considered myself straight and loved the feel of a man inside me, but found myself drawn to...
As I got my small bag out of the back seat, Joshua unlocked the door. Then we two women entered and he got the stuff from their truck and followed. The room was spacious but only had one big bed, which surprised her. Before she could say anything Samantha spoke up, “Why the surprised look honey, you’re not having second thoughts are you?” I blushed, and replied, “Hell no, just wondering why there is only one large bed.” It was then Joshua spoke up, “Doll it’s the only room that had, and besides...
All your life you've been a huge fan of Pro-Wrestling and it has always been your dream to work for the biggest company in the industry, The WWE. You've watched as they have dominated the wrestling world, buying out companies left, right and center and their latest acquisitions have seen them in a position where they can offer a whole new women's division with the finest female wrestlers their substantial money can buy. A brand new program is set to dominate Wednesday night, focused entirely...
A Woman's Wishesby One Wounded Dragon©Sex is a mind game. Regardless of appearances, the romantic settings or the sexy lingerie, ninety percent of sex is in the brain. It's the messages your lover gives you, the willingness to please and be pleased, meeting mutual needs and being loved and wanted. Men tend to be visual, enjoying their lovers expressions, their movements, the way they respond. While women tend to be sensual, closing their eyes to concentrate on a feeling, focusing on a deep,...
Part 1 - prologueZoe always dreamed of black cocks, not just any black cock but long African Zulu cock, she could think of nothing better than letting one of those smelly cocks slide down her throat as far as it could go and hold it there until her eyes started to water, and then doing it again and again. She would go to her local supermarket and find the biggest cucumber in the shop, pay for it quickly and run back to the car, first she would put a black condom on it, then ram it in her mouth,...
Captain Morgan looked at his computer screen and read the email from the Welsh Assembly Government with a growing smile ?Captain Morgan looked at his computer screen and read the email from the Welsh Assembly Government with a growing smile. At last the thought to himself as he opened the attachment that detailed the provision of European Directive 2005/1002.For the best part of four years and after many fact finding missions, research documents political commissions the well paid...
I am an adrenaline junkie, but not in the way you would imagine one to be. My high comes when I go to places I shouldn't and do nasty things with a guy or a girl: bathroom stalls, public places, you name it and I get wet instantly. It’s the thrill of getting caught that heightens my excitement. The very first instance of my adrenaline rush came when I first began college at State. I had attended a basketball game my freshman year when a guy sat next to me and ran his hand up my leg. Lucky for...
College SexI wish to sincerely thank Jim P. for his assistance in editing my story. His insights and suggestions helped me to make 'The Homestead' one of the most favorite stories I've ever written. I also appreciate the time he took to not only go over this story once, but three times! Thank you! The Homestead by: Anon Allsop I rested comfortably, my boots propped lazily upon the split railing that ran along the sidewalk, and my hat pushed down low over my eyes to block out the afternoon...
Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) Everything was good with the world, until Carol suddenly sat up with an anguished cry of, "Oh, NO!" She burst into tears, sobbing repeated, "Oh nos." I'd only ever seen one other girl orgasm before, but I was pretty sure this wasn't normal. Fortunately I was currently soft, so I was able to twist around. The leg she had pinned was well lubricated, so easily rotated. I sat up and put my arms around her, and wished my underwear had a pocket with a...
I have always been a sexual person. I have always been turned on by sex. When I was 16, I got my first “serious” girlfriend, meaning the first girl I ever tongue kissed, made out with and felt up. My dad sensed that I was a in the beginning stages of a hormone drenched relationship with a girl who was a bit more experienced than I and a year older. He had the “Sex Talk” with me where he discussed STD’s, pregnancy, and condoms. But he also instilled a bit of wisdom in me about sex. He told me...
BisexualWe sat on the sofa as we talked about the day. Liz told us about the troublesome customers she had at the store. Linds told us about events around the house. Then I told them about the training and the events after. I described Crystal and our sexual activities in the motel. By the time I finished both Liz and Linds were obviously excited. They had their hands on me as I kissed each of them in turn. Liz rubbed my nipples through my shirt as Linds opened my pants and fished out my...
Introduction: Alice is all grown up but no less madder… The crowded room was hot, and filled with the scent of alcohol and smoke. Alice didnt usually attend these kinds of parties, but made exception for this one. This was the last party of her senior year in high school, and she decided that one last blowout wouldnt hurt. Alice quickly found herself caught up in the pounding rhythm of the music that flowed throughout the house, and the punch that was being served was definitely spiked with...
6 months... 6 horrible months have almost dragged their sorry asses by since I moved to this hole of a location that's called western Australia. The capital of the worst stereotypes of Aussies you could possible imagine. Of course, however, they're not all bad. After all, I do have a few friends here, thankfully. I moved here from Melbourne because my Mum's work transferred her temporarily, I would've been able to stay but my Dad is in the army and was off on some mission of some...
Wonder Woman: After the InvasionAuthor’s Note:This was a story that I had wanted to do since 2004 but never did. As much as I am a fan of DC Comics, I never did like what direction DC took when they did the Final Crisis storyline in 2008, but will never complain for their choice of doing so, and always pondered about the future of DC Comics beyond 2013, when Warner Bros loses the rights to the greatest comic book superhero known to man – Superman.My story is about...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. Wonder Woman - Dr. Psycho's Mind Games by Steve Zink This story was inspired by and done in tribute to a number of pictures done by...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman - Who's Who In The...
HumorTitle: Wonder Woman takes one for the team Author: slaveboyusa Date: 12/11/2009 Please send comments to: [email protected] Synopsis: Wonder Woman’s car breaks down in the middle of the suburbs. Wonder Woman becomes the prisoner of two boys. They have something nasty in store for her. Wonder Woman was driving through a residential part of town one Saturday afternoon. The weather was warm, so she let down the top of her convertible. The wind was playing with her long...
Story: It was a quiet and peaceful day. In fact it has been very peaceful for the last two months. Wonder Woman had been flying on the air, inside her invisible jet. The only other things up on the sky with her were the birds. Right now she was flying across the airspace of America. America was a big country, full of cities and towns. Some towns were big, but others were small, and in the middle of nowhere. Right now she flew over the skies of the small town of Desolate, a town that was...
One weekend late in my junior year, my favorite hard rock band was coming to play at an arena in nearby Columbus, OH. As it turned out, my boyfriend was tied up that weekend and couldn’t go to the concert with me. I decided to go anyway, and then had a crazy idea pop into my head…..I wanted to try to get backstage and party with the band. I had never done this before, but I kind of knew how it worked….you dress like a slut, try to catch the eye of the security guys or manager-types who are...