TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 33: Polly’s Naked Body free porn video

The moment Polly Legett stepped down off that big Greyhound bus and saw the Camp Starkers entrance sign she knew she wanted to be a Lifestyle Nudist of some sort - whether as a Certified Nudist or a Clothing Optional Nudist she did not know. The young girl didn’t even know how she knew this - she just knew that she did. So far, back in Redsands, she had only come across one Certified Nudist and just two Clothing Optional Nudists. That had only been in just the last few months with the gradual spread of the Nudist Lifestyle reaching out right across the length and breadth of the United States of America - firstly into all the main cities but now into hundreds of smaller regional centres like Redsands, Georgia. This young fifteen year old girl seemed to accept the idea of open, public nudity without a moment’s hesitation and could not understand why any one would really want to stand against it. It all just seemed so ‘normal’ to her.
The concept of becoming a Lifestyle Nudist herself was also one that had gained quite an acceptable foothold in her own developing mind and one that quite suddenly sprang to life as a fully fledged personal desire and goal when she got off that bus. Polly Legett had also been rather disappointed in the way Carrie and Troy Pearson had been dealt with over the whole Clothing Optional Nudist thing but she was now more than happy that they had been re-instated again as members of the Redsands First Congregational Church Youth Choir. She was looking forward to singing with them again but she was also looking forward to asking Carrie and Troy about what being a Clothing Optional Nudist was like and had they gone naked, or partially naked, anywhere in public yet.
Polly Legett also wanted to sit down and have a good talk to the new choirmaster - Sonika Jharm - and ask her what her views on all this public nudity stuff was. Polly was so used to being involved in a church that was so totally against such things - and she thought she was broad minded enough to understand why. But having a new choirmaster and a new reverend that would openly allow all the teenagers from the youth choir to have a Music Retreat at a NUDIST Camp was a real shock and just a bit confusing. Even though she was very comfortable with the public nudity concept herself, having her church leaders begin to embrace it was another thing all together.
All these thoughts had been jostling around for attention in Polly’s mind as the bus pulled into the Camp Starkers car park. However, once she got down onto the ground and was looking up at that sign she just knew that regardless off anything else she was going to become a Lifestyle Nudist and, hopefully, in the not too distant future.
“Maybe I will become one here!” she thought to herself. “But if not then very, very soon and irrespective of what anyone else thinks!”
At one stage Polly Legett found herself alone with all these thoughts in the Female Shower block having a shower. She had been the last girl to get up and out of bed on the Tuesday morning and all the other girls where already dressed and queuing up in the mess hall waiting for breakfast. Polly was quietly washing and rinsing her long red hair when she looked up and caught sight of her naked body in a large mirror down the end of the shower room. She finished rinsing all the soap out of her hair then stood up straight and looked at her naked form in that mirror.

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