TandraChapter 83 free porn video

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With the Bintuu now protected, at least somewhat, I headed for the Kadork systems. Queen Serm greeted me personally and I explained the reasons for my trip. As an incentive to her, I promised that she and the local queens would soon be able to talk to the Kadork queens closer to galactic centre and that all would be able to share data. It was the prospect of much-improved computers and a new supply of missiles that brought them enthusiastically behind my plan.

The insides of the Kadork computer were different from others I had been in, but seemed to share a common linkage similar to the Bintuu. As I did my dimension passages survey for the Kadork, I found many more of their large computers than should havewhen you consider the number of worlds they occupied.

I searched for Mom with my homing sense, pushing walls aside and even climbing through the ceiling a few times. I widened the path as I went along. Harriet gave me new substrate and crystals and I set the computer to growing. I began to lay connections from all the large Kadork installations to this new computer. This time I connected the new computers to Mom along the widened path I had made. Since I had done little rearranging, there would be only slight temporal loss. Mom insinuated herself into each of the Kadork computers, mapping where they were and confirming whether they actually served the Kadork race.

This was a tiring job, so I left the maze and slept within the Kadork base. After waking, I sought out the remaining Tandra that had been stationed here. They were happy with their improved treatment from the Kadork. I added to everyone's joy with some food synthesiser diet miracles. Tandra had crewed some of the many captured ships and were now patrolling the Kadork area with a Kadork escort. The Kadork, able to get much more speed from their ships, had a large patrol region.

Later, back in the palace, I talked to Queen Serm about the Kadork empire and its former extents. She provided some history and called in a scholar to give me more. The old male was happy to see me. His mind had been greatly cleared by the new diet and his time in the tanks. His faculties were sharper and he felt young again, cured of his long, gradual slide into senility.

He talked of old records that mentioned colony ships leaving and in many cases, word had never come back from them. A mapped projection was set up and he showed some regions that might contain more of his people. The area was huge and encompassed literally thousands of possible destinations.

Queen Serm was not the head queen in this area, so I knew it was essential to meet Queen Dess, the ranking queen, and to get her world aligned with our cause. In an almost unheard of leap of faith, Queen Serm volunteered to introduce me. A Kadork queen hardly ever left her planet after setting up a colony, unless she was forced to establish a new colony.

I pushed the ship many times faster than it had gone before. Queen Serm called to her queen and we were allowed to approach. Some communication had taken place since my first visit to the Kadork and Queen Dess knew I was a benign presence. I offered a few gifts, and we soon sat down to an official dinner. The food was bland but edible. It took a few hours of polite talk about the alliance and its value, before I broached the communications proposal.

My offer was accepted by Queen Dess and I went straight to work. I started the new computer in an enlarged area and soon connected it to the pathway that I had earlier established from the other side. I was back in the throne room less than five minutes later, instructing the computer to open communications back to Queen Serm's planet. The queen talked to her subordinates for awhile and quickly realised the benefit of my gift.

An hour later I was pushing through space on Queen Serm's ship with another sent by Queen Dess. Using two ships I could connect up another two computers without wasting time. These next two local queens immediately contacted their superior, and a three way conference ensued as we left.

While I pushed the second ship home, Mom contacted me through Harriet. "You connected fifty three more computers, and I see that ten of them are from viable colonies. Three of these are fighting last ditch battles with the Moldeg. One colony will be lost in less than a week and the other two will be destroyed in a few months."

We returned towards Queen Dess' system and I sent a message ahead, with Queen Serm listening, wherein I warned of the Kadork planets engaged in battle and in imminent danger of being overrun by the Moldeg. The Moldeg were well known to the Kadork, who recognised their threat and did not hesitate to exterminate Moldeg wherever found. Negotiations with them had been tried in earlier times, even from a vantage of Kadork power, but the ant-like creatures had always chosen to fight to the death.

I landed and with a holographic representation of the galaxy I showed Queen Dess where the most threatened colony was, and then displayed positions of other two which would fall later. The first was 1,100 light years away and the others were 1,700 light years in the opposite direction.

Queen Dess asked me, "How do you know this?"

"I have pickets out but they are few and cannot fight these battles. I am able to go, however, and I am willing to fight for the Kadork cause. Will any of you send ships with me? I can push them fast and we can arrive in this system in less than twenty minutes."

Queen Serm spoke without hesitation, "I will go now with my ship, and with two more of those now protecting my planet."

Queen Dess quickly decided: "Each of the other queens will give three ships, as will I!"

Three hours later I pushed all twelve ships to the coordinates Mom had given me. We came well within the Mardaf Limit before slowing. We found the planet besieged by a dozen Moldeg ships. The remaining defenders were struggling on the planet surface. We could see many sites where the planet was running molten from the vicious Moldeg attack.

I left the Kadork ships in place, swung mine around the orbit, and swooped in to punch through seven of the Moldeg ships with my temporal shield. The Kadork fleet hammered the remaining Moldeg attackers. Harriet had interfaced with the Kadork computers and concentrated their fire using the old missiles. Three enemy ships blew up. The Kadork ships peeled away, then one swung back to release two missiles from far out which blasted the remaining two Moldeg ships into shattered hulks. Debris and Moldeg bodies floated away in scattering clouds.

Messages were sent to the planet below. Soon the surviving Kadork were giving profound thanks that they had been saved. We stayed an hour while the queens many light years away surveyed the devastation through Harriet's sensors. Queen Dess promised assistance. Eight ships stayed for the relief effort, and I took the remaining four to the next battle.

These four ships carried a limited number of temporal missiles, so this next fight would be a test of these new weapons. In an hour we were on the scene, ready to begin killing Moldeg, but first we found some defending Kadork ships already engaged in battle. We identified ourselves as friends while Queen Dess sent a confirming message through Harriet. With Harriet's guidance we destroyed twenty two enemy craft with our temporal missles while the other defenders blasted another eight.

A quick council followed, then one of the defending Kadork ships joined our group and we flew the comparatively short distance of forty four light years to the third planet's battle scene. The new Kadork ship was left safely back to observe the fight; our original group ran among the enemy and hammered this even larger force of Moldeg. The battle lasted longer because all forces were spread widely apart. When the Kadork had fired all their new missiles, taking out a Moldeg ship with each, I began ramming the surviving enemy ships with my temporal shield and the Kadork fired swarms of their old missiles to destroy others.

We assisted the rescue of damaged and drifting Kadork ships with their surviving crews. All during this action, Queen Dess was consulting with the local queen on the planet. Two ships stayed on scene to assist. Harriet was able to get four dozen more temporal missiles through the conduit and I gave these to the two guard ships as sufficient resource to protect the system.

The Kadork ship we brought as observer returned to its home base, accompanied by the remaining two from our group. All were armed with another four dozen temporal of missiles. They would find their own way back without me.

The four Kadork queens were pleased that they could help. Before I left, I boarded Queen Serm's ship to connect her computer with the inter-system network.

I slept now and Harriet carried us to the Tandra monarchies we had visited a few months ago. Axxel was on the far side of this Tandra group. I had decided to help them first because of their early hatred for the Samutz. We found them well prepared for attack, for they had amassed a capable fleet to protect the planet.

This time, Queen Bessin extended a cordial invitation. After landing I was hustled off to another official dinner of bland and tasteless food. She accepted my gift of temporal missiles carried outside Harriet's hull. I told her my plans over dinner. She thought through the details and when the meal was done she agreed to the plans and asked me to join her in bed

This copulation was a serious matter, so I took my time. Queen Bessin was delirious with sensory delight after fifteen minutes. When she came back to herself, it took just ten more to get her back to euphoria. She swallowed me again and again. I pleasured her in her two lower openings but for my own pleasure I allowed her to use only her mouth. At the end of an hour and a half, she would do anything I suggested. Her mind was wrapped up in my scent and she had dropped at least five eggs, hoping to achieve something that I was determined to avoid.

With the woman sleeping soundly, I transported to the computer and worked my way back to Mom. I found the virtual distance to be analogically similar to the actual distance I had travelled. I needed thirteen more days to complete this region, covering all the major planets and many of the ships. Frieda sent crystals through Mom which I gave to the various monarchies as a token of Alliance assistance.

Tamdoc had been hard hit, so got a bit more to help its recovery. The queen was not allowed to share my bed. I remembered her scathing words during the battle and I could not bring myself to do more than be polite.

Queen Baffa of the local Kadork was happy to see me too. I enabled her to talk to the other monarchs through Harriet. Soon I hooked her and the other local Kadork into the system. This left me with almost fifty more Kadork worlds that I had not talked to yet but Mom could warn me if they were attacked. I knew the Moldeg marauders would make this a certainty.

We also used this trip to test our communications. Harriet could use the predictor crystals very well now so we flew at her maximum speed to the old Tandra empire. Meanwhile I worked on other problems and during idle time I could talk to my family.

Doris chose to stay with her husband in the Epsilon Eridani system. Moesha, Kimberly, Michelle, and Clarice remained as well. They even adopted some Donai cubs and I wondered how we would be able to keep them on the moon. Charlie and Paul flew back to Earth after dropping off more members for the garrison.

The entire crew had a chance to walk on another planet, and some used the communication facilities to talk to relatives on Earth. This alone, I figured, would get many more people to think about enlisting. We didn't need catchy songs or fancy uniforms although both were used blatantly for recruiting. Mom didn't miss many angles.

The girls were being very Human and used the communicator to excess. Their studies lagged and their work fell off a bit. But this was new, all the older females were pregnant, and we were meant to be a family unit in one place, not scattered about in many star systems.

When I could get time away from the family, I went through Harriet's computer into the dimensional maze. I assumed that just like the Kadork and Bintuu systems, all the computers in this area would be of Tandra origin. I straightened kilometres of tunnel while being careful to avoid time penalties. Mom sent more substrate to allow her to search within each computer along the way.

Both Moms and all the AIs took care not to alert any biologicals that may have been in the computers as we searched. There seemed no end to this section. The Tandra had made literally thousands of millions of major computers and many times more smaller ones. This could take a very long time.

Eventually I had to leave the maze and check my surroundings. We had arrived again at the destroyed Tandra home system. Every Tandra on our communications net was watching the information we sent back. Mom was using television to broadcast on unused channels. She even had Charlie host a TV program showing where I was in the galaxy and what I was doing.

I was actually looking for a link to my Human past. It was possible, faced with the Thonas threat to the matter transmitters, that the Tandra had safely tucked them away in a fold of space somewhere, like Maxi had been tucked away in our solar system. When the Tandra home star exploded it was also possible that one or more of the five matter transmitters might have survived. Since Maxi was so capable, by the standards of the day, then those close to the Tandra home world should be much more so and could have gathered data from all over the galaxy and even, perhaps, from a small yellow sun far out on a large arm.

We had old data listing the transmitter locations but gravity was a factor in their stability. With the star mostly gone, the location of any of the matter transmitters was problematical. We scanned with our mine locating device but this was limited in range and would mean years of searching. I reasoned that the analogy of our location versus Earth might give an answer. I entered the dimension maze, took a large piece of substrate, and began to make a simple-purpose computer with a very large crystal relative to its size. The crystal pulsated like a rescue beacon.

I carried this computer beacon with a strong shield and a power supply out to Harriet who expelled it into space. I focussed on the pulses and reentered the maze. My mind quested every which way, seeking the beacon. It was not that powerful and could be very far from my location in the maze. After twelve hours of searching I seemed to be close. Another six hours brought me much closer and I felt certain that it was very near. Twenty minutes later I made a small opening and peeked into the beacon.

I returned to Harriet as a prudent move to absorb the time penalty, rather than let it accumulate to my detriment. I was gone nine hours, against nineteen by my own reckoning.

The situation was becoming drawn out. I left my suit, ate some synthetic food and drank some water, and minutes later was suited up and back in the dimension maze to retrace my footsteps. The area close to the computer's location was darker gray, and puckered. I tried to move the material but it seemed solid, unlike anything I'd found before. I concentrated fiercely, trying to manipulate the dimensions, but they resisted me.

The Tandra home world had five matter transmitters and the neighbouring star systems just as many. A few centimetres one way or another could represent many light years distance from my computer placeholder.

I pushed beside the dark mass. My hands went in with difficulty and they seemed to stretch for kilometres. I pulled back and tried to open the wall, like many times before, but I needed more than just my weight. I used PK to assist but even here my progress wasn't much. The area beside this unyielding mass was simply too soft to give any purchase.

I pulled out, rested, and tried the other side. It was just as intractable. The only other approach I could imagine was to back out and do my finding in reverse. I hurried back to Harriet, made two more beacons, and went back to the trouble spot. I pushed one beacon through the wall as close beside the solid dark mass as I could get it on the right, and pushed the other through on the left.

I ran back to Harriet. She had already found one of the beacons, and we went looking for the other. Using a spiralling search pattern we found it almost four light years from the first. We searched the area between the two very carefully. Four hours later I retuned the mine-locating device and searched again. We found no trace of our quarry. We stopped searching and I had a bite to eat and got some sleep.

I slept almost four and a half hours but my mind had been constantly on the problem, and I put all of it to work now. I had no solution. Then Harriet said, "Henry, there is something ahead." Her sensors showed a very weak response. She worked slowly, tracing its boundaries, until we could work closer to the centre of the slight disturbance.

The matter transmitters in this Tandra home system were supposed to be huge, and the arrays surrounding these machines should enlarge them further.

We backed off a to safe distance and I used energy from the higher order universe to assist me in pushing our way through the layered dimensions. My usual twisting technique brought nothing to view. I made a continuous twisting motion, and used my mind and Harriet's sensors to look for changes. I twisted as hard as I could, then released the pressure while searching for any clue. I released to almost nothing and I found a vague dark patch.

I could not get a clearer image. At the centre of the dark area Harriet nudged forward and we both tried to push through, increasing our power, but still we could not get through this resisting mass. Remembering the giant hatch I had entered into the construct in Sol, I added a different twist to the first. We thrust forward again with no success.

Five hours later I was exhausted, but I tried one more stratagem. I had twisted four ways at once and now I tried a fifth. For a split second we could see a massive landscape but I was too exhausted to continue. Harriet took us back to a safe area to rest.

Mom had been monitoring us, with the family. "What am I doing wrong, Mom?" I asked.

"I do not know, Henry. The construct had been ten light years from where you were originally searching. Your present position is now two hundred light years away further away. I believe that all five dimensions have been used to form a lock. Each one must be brought into alignment before you can enter. Also, I think the power you were using was much too high for the task."

"It has been tiring. I will have a rest and try again."

I did rest, and again consulted the family about my problem. Everybody offered their point of view, even Sofia and Moth. Children sometimes offer insight to solve problems that stump an adult.

I tried again to gain entrance. The grey at each step varied a little, and these results allowed me to tune into the centre region of each. It was hard to juggle five dimensions at the same time and keep Harriet with me. After fine tuning each of the twisting actions, the landscape of the station came into sight again. It was vague, even ghostly. Harriet went forward and little energy was needed. I continued my twisting motions lest we be trapped in this place.

Harriet circled the structure and found a large hatch on the outer circumference. We more or less fell through this obstruction. I could see details of its honeycomb construction and large projectors, all used to strengthen the doorway.

Now inside I felt our way along until I sensed a field generator before me. Like the matter transmitter in the Sol system, I fed power while continuing with my twisting action. This one took much more power, and the surroundings began to crystallise out of the mist. I continued at a high level for a much longer time, then eased off. When the surroundings looked normal, I backed off on the twisting as well.

With both the structure and Harriet's hull in three dimensional space, Harriet issued the imperial override. No response came.

"Computer, Report!" we ordered.

"Computer Tandra 000ABV6984328A01 reporting." Well, at least it was functional.

"Why did you not respond to the imperial command?" we queried, while Harriet told me privately, "I cannot gain access yet."

"I am presently under imperial command," the computer replied.

This surprised me. I questioned if this installation was valuable enough to warrant my effort to take it over. But, I had come for information and maybe I could get it without too much contest. "I have some questions for you. Allow my ship to gather data."

I could feel that Harriet was working fast and that data was being relayed back to Mom. Harriet warned, "There are many things closed off to me. The archives are not what we are looking for, but I have found much that is of interest. For one, there are a great many Tandra refugees here from the home planet."

"Harriet, see if you can determine their composition. We desperately need more military personnel." I wondered if they were going to be defeated and traumatised like the other slaves and refugees I had been picking up over the last few months.

"That data is not available."

Now there seemed good reason to take this station. "See if you can get a layout of this matter transmitter. I intend to force the computer to do what I need."

Harriet settled to the deck and I got out. There was nobody around and I wondered if the survivors were all in stasis. I proceeded with extreme care. If the resident AI got a hint of my objective, I could find myself dead.

I didn't need a controller now. Concentrating on my body, I twisted it and with my PK pushed myself forward. Faced with nearly fifty kilometres to go, I twisted dimensions again to reduce the trip to a few steps. Harriet warned that she had come under attack when I stepped between dimensions. She raised her temporal shield and hovered while I stepped into the computer. I assumed that this computer was alarmed and trying to protect itself.

This computer was different than any other I had encountered. Apparently the Tandra lavished every advance on their transmission stations. Tractors clutched at me, seizing my hands, on the way to the processor unit. I used my temporal field to destroy them, then searched for other defensive devices. One misstep now would get me killed. My precarious situation made me rethink my usual judgement, so I simply altered the dimensions until I was back in the maze. I sought Mom back along the many kilometres I had prepared. Substrate had grown in this direction but was still far short.

"Henry, what are you doing? There is no need to attack that computer!"

"Survivors need help to get off that station. I believe many of them are military and could help us fight our enemies. To them the Thonas are a present and persistent threat."

Mom ran the ideas through her mind. "That is still no reason to risk a fight."

"Their computer will not give us the data. I am not taking on the Tandra empire, but one AI. Once she sees that we mean no harm to her or to the people, she will give us what we need."

I wondered if Mom was being obstinate because this was a computer already under imperial command from some legitimate authority.

I rolled out long coils of substrate ribbon like sod, each coil covering over a hundred metres, and extended the substrate. I connected Mom to the transmitter station computer. She began her own attack when her attempts to negotiate were rebuffed.

Tandra troops entered the computer room to protect the unit. I must now use a subtle attack or the troops would destroy the computer to prevent its capture. I moved into the dimensions and for a split second changed to the temporal shield to slice through their weapons and suit controls. Soon a dozen nearly blind troops groped about.

I pulled the big processor crystal and each of eight sub-processors. This overcame our main threat. I laid the crystals aside in the maze and attacked the basic programming. Harriet helped, but reprogramming was just too huge. We elected to erase the core program, install a copy like Harriet's over this section, and stitch it to the basic system-wide controls. The job was not perfect but was good enough.

I carried the crystals back to Mom. She dumped their information into her system, needing just seconds to overcome their opposition. The basic personalities were left intact but their allegiance was altered. If this was the only machine in this area of the galaxy it was especially important to us. I refined the crystals and Mom reinstalled their personalities and data. They glowed more brightly than before.

More troops bent on protecting the system had entered the matter transmitter computer. I disarmed them, leaving them groping about like the others, and returned the crystals to their sockets. I entered my command override. This time when I interfaced with the computer I had full compliance. When I tried to leave by the personnel hatch many troops were in the aisle with weapons ready. I commanded the computer to use its tractors and matter transmitters to move the troops away without hurting them.

With the hallway cleared, I openly sought out the female troops I had left groping about inside the computer. When the first was found I gathered them together and said, "Hello. My name is Henry Buchanan," I told each. "A very long time has passed since you first came into this station. I am the current Emperor. You may not believe me, but I do want to assist you in getting safely out of here. You have no weapons. Will you call a truce?" I obliged those who wanted to fight. They went into the hallway in a heap to recover. The others came willingly.

Twenty-five troops lay or stood in the hallway. Some tried to contact their superiors but communication was blocked. A few still had some fight in them. To prevent further trouble, I explained, "I can accelerate my body to physically fight all of you and more. I can energise my internal shield to protect me. I have the ability to form a temporal shield that will eat through any matter or body part. And I have the ability to manipulate the five dimensions. This is what I did to walk into the computer." I confronted them seriously now, and pushed out my aura. "You are good troops or you would not have been sent against me but now we must call a truce. Please escort me to your leaders." The last was said with a smile.

They came to the sensible decision and we walked toward the next matter transmitter station. Arriving at a large, ornate door caused me to have a bad feeling. The door itself bore the imperial seal, for a start. Many defensive weapons were, thankfully, under my control now through the main computer. The computer showed me a partial view of the area behind the door. Inside, other weapons waited for me under independent control.

I turned to the twenty-five women and got a shock. I had not asked for specific information about the refugee population but they were now throwing it at me. The Empress of the old Tandra empire was instated within these quarters. My old words came back to me about surrendering to a more advanced group of Tandra, to carry on the recovery efforts, but this was not an advanced group. It was only... I stopped to get the information... two and three quarters of a million Tandra and part of the old imperial dynasty!

My mind quested within the chambers and found perhaps eighty people. Some were servants, some were old and trusted advisors, and half were imperial bodyguards which I assumed could not be reasoned with. The Empress was here with four of her children, three sisters, a brother and three male toys. They were all very nervous and wore shields. Hand weapons were my major concern. I could get to the interior weapons computer and render it harmless, but troops firing at me might puncture many suits in the rooms.

They knew I was here outside their door, in the midst of their troops. I pushed the troops back with the tractors, bunching them up a hundred metres away from the door. "Sorry for the rough treatment, but they are prepared to kill all of you to get at me. You might agree with them, but I don't."

I studied the problem and found an old solution. The secret was the Thonas ability to breach a shield with a galvanized weapon. The Tandra had developed ship shields to prevent this, but no personal shields. I called Harriet, who relayed a call through Mom to Jamal. He sent a hundred small galvanized-coated probes made to attack Samutz shields and deliver virus agents. These new probes carried a harmless sedative. As I waited for their delivery I talked to the captive audience and tried to act friendly. They didn't believe that all the time I described had passed or that the empire had fallen into ruin.

Same as Tandra
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Being the oldest of the guys in our neighborhood often meant I often was recruited to watch over the younger boys while thier folks were gone. Such was the case on one summer afternoon. A number of the boys had gathered at my house, playing in the back yard. Thier ages ranged from 12 to 15. I went outside to check on them making sure they didn't get into mischief. I glanced up at the sky noting some clouds had begun to move in and was beginning to look like a storm might be brewing. I went back...

1 year ago
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A First Time for Everything

My flight back home to Turkey landed thirty minutes early, my suitcase was one of the first on the carousel, and I was outside in the humidity of Dalaman airport before six pm.But my Gary was already there waiting for me in shorts and a t-shirt, and a broad smile on his face. He was relieved to see me, and I smiled back at him to reassure him before we spoke.I had been hours without a cigarette, so we made small talk while I satisfied my nicotine craving. I had told Gary on the phone about...

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DannyChapter 11

I woke up in the dark. I tried to move, and immediately bumped into someone. I tried to sit up and found that I hit my head on some wood. I was in a box. And had an immediate panic attack. I started screaming, and flailing around. Someone pounded on the box. "Shut up in there." I started hyperventilating, and before long had passed out. When I finally woke up, I found myself laying on the sand. Danny was sprawled out not far away. I tried to move, but could barely bring myself...

1 year ago
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My Sister

Dear Readers of erotic stories . I would like share a story with you all. We are a family consisting of a mom, me and my father’s sister. My name is Rohit now 22 year old budding boy living with my mom and my fathers Sister, Pooja was elder to me by 8 years, as our age diff is less I used to call her as Akka (elder sister) instead of calling her as Athai. She was married to a software engineer in Bangalore. It was the month of may, I was having my school vacation. Pooja Athai called one day...

1 year ago
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Fuck Biscuit

It didn’t feel like Monday morning but that was what Linda Woodhead’s bedside clock was telling her. Linda hated Monday mornings. It always seemed so rude to be dragged out of bed by her alarm after two days of blissful lie-ins. But this Monday morning was different, which was the cause of Linda’s confusion. She was awake and felt energised. Even though her alarm wasn’t scheduled to go off for another 23 minutes, she simply couldn’t stay in bed. She needed to get up. The room was cold. The...

3 years ago
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Glorias Older WomanChapter 3

I took her to the store at lunchtime, dropping her off for work. Once I was back at the office, I tried to keep my mind off my personal life by drawing up and double checking up some financials for a bid Daddy was submitting on a huge DoD project. It would really help our bottom line. We were in good shape, but there is nothing wrong with more gravy. Ever. That was something Grampa used to say as he beat me at horseshoes. Soundly, every time. He passed away before I got good at it. Damn it. I...

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College As Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 For good reason Megan didn’t get any sleep that night. She tossed and turned in bed thinking about her interview the next day. Every thought that went through her head was about the interview. What would they ask, what would they make her do, what should she wear? When her alarm went off the next morning, she had butterflies in her stomach like never before. She rolled out of bed and had three hours before her interview. Megan and her new roommate Erin talked for a few minutes but...

3 years ago
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I Watch As He Seduces My Wife

My head was spinning as I tried to take in what Jim had just said. While I am at his house fucking his wife, he’s going to be pounding his giant black cock in and out of my wife? What in the hell is he talking about? What if she doesn’t want him, is he going to just take her anyway? So that is the precise question I posed to him. “No Mark, I’m not going to force myself on her. It’ll be completely up to her. If she doesn’t accept my offer, she doesn’t. But if she does, I’m going to bang the fuck...

3 years ago
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A day in the office

It was a dreary dark day in October and the rain was beating hard against the windows. In the offices of PC Enterprises sat the head of the business Peter Clayton. His office was extremely plush for greeting visitors with everything a Managing Director could wish for. Outside of his office it was a very different matter. The office workers worked hard, fully aware of Peter’s reputation as a strict disciplinarian who would tolerate no nonsense. Just outside Peter's office sat his Personal...

2 years ago
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Twice LuckyChapter 30

Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, Jake slept in. Melissa woke him up before she left for a visit to Orlando with her staff. One of the locations her team was showing her was the new Turner Furniture site. She did not know when she would be home but it would probably be late. She gave him a smoldering good-bye kiss and told him to be good and stay out of trouble until she got home. Awake and perky now, Jake did his morning routine before heading to the kitchen. He was the last one up. The...

4 years ago
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A Buzzcut and a Strapon

A Buzzcut and a Strapon - by Bald-Ed ---------------------------------------------------- This is a true story about my new adventures with my wife Linda. The lesson is that sometimes dreams come true, but there is a price to pay for them ... I have a strong hair fetish, I must admit. I am fascinated by women with very short hair. A buzzcut on a woman is a major turn on for me. Luckily, I am married to a very open minded woman, who has a hair fetish of her own: she likes bald men ! since we are...

3 years ago
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For J, on your birthday. You’ve made reality better than fiction. * * * * * Jim was lying in bed at home, staring at the ceiling as the light was fading. Although he was physically drained, he could not bring himself to close his eyes and relax. His mind was filled with images of the weekend just past. He had spent two days and nights in a hotel room with a woman he had never seen before, but knew as intimately as anyone on earth. It had been truly the most memorable, powerful 48 hours of his...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kiara Lord Lady Demands Her Pussy Licked

Lady Kiara Lord demands that her horny pussy be licked by her butler Erik Everhard in today’s Hands on Hardcore premium porn masterpiece. The Hungarian lady boss has her manservant at her beck and call, bringing her a towel while she sunbathes in a bikini outdoors, and at her side as she plays with herself while taking a bubble bath. He’s always erect and ready to service the redhead beauty, whether it’s to fulfill her deepthroat desires or to give her trimmed pussy a proper...

1 year ago
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Mutual Affection with College Student

I taught Chris when she was age 18. being a student councillor, I had a great deal of opportunity to mentor her. I had been her favourite teacher for several years. after 5 years, we met again when she applied for an internship with a youth organisation which I was appointed executive director. I was very happy to see her. she has grown more beautiful and now has nice body. she was dressed professionally with good view of her breast and short skirts. as I interviewed her, I was dreaming of...

2 years ago
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Madhu My Love

It was a usual summer day and there was not much to do in the office, I was not thinking about the assignment i had, my mind was set on the vacation i was going to have,i was tired of sitting in the office all day, what the hell! It was summer, it was hot and i definitely needed a vacation, i thought about going to the hill station, i wanted to take a break from work and spend days lazily , i just wanted to relax, bathe, drink beer and look at the sexy ladies. Most of my colleagues took their...

3 years ago
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Weddings and Reunions Part 4

Chapter 19 Pete and Bryan had spent all day out of contact with the ladies as per their request so were unaware of what was happening to them or what their plans were. Sean, Patrick, and David were appointed to watch over them as they met up with the platoon at the paintball facility. The group looked over the three and made crude comments about civilians to which Pete and Bryan held their tongues, the three were not playing with their platoon and the guys now had a target on their...

2 years ago
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A Hot Wife In The Making

Anne Tower and her husband, Jacob, had just said their I dos.  They kissed each other and their friends and families clapped and cheered while they walked down the aisle.They had taken pictures with family and friends.  They kissed each other and were having the time of their lives.  In private moments, Jacob would whisper in his bride’s ear how he could not wait to make love to his wife.The whole time they dated, they never did anything but kiss.  Anne was excited and nervous to finally lose...

1 year ago
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DR QUINN Colleen Gets EducatedChapter 4 The Cavalry arrives

The U.S. Cavalry had a Company of Indian fighters composed exclusively of Blacks. The American Indians called them 'Buffalo Soldiers'. They knew of them as fierce fighters that never backed down, never gave up. One such unit was scouting these woods for them as they continued with Colleen's inverted gangbang. A scout of the company rode ahead, looking for signs of the renegade band, when he heard the moans that were unmistakably female. He tied his horse to a branch and crept forward to...

4 years ago
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Gray Jedi Ch 1

Gray Jedi Ch. 1 “He seriously did that?!” “Saw it with my own eyes, Malik! I swear!” “Serra, come on. I know Yoda always says ‘do or do not, there is no try,’ but this seems to be firmly in the ‘do not’ category.” “Hey, check the security holograms if you don’t believe me. It’s all there.” “Wow… Anakin Skywalker actually landed the Invisible Hand and saved Chancellor Palpatine in the process. I always knew he was a great pilot, but that’s beyond anything I’ve ever heard of!...

3 years ago
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Getting To Fuck Lyra Again

"Okay, I'm here," he said, coming into my room. "So, what was so important?""Brendan shut the door," I ordered him, walking towards him.He shut it and turned to me. "What is it?"I took a deep breath and clenched my fists. "First-""No, fuck first, Ralph, just spit it out. I don't know what it is, but I want to hear it now because you're about to make me scream if you don't tell me now."I took another deep breath and vibrated nonstop. "I fucked my step-mom," I muttered."What?"...

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A story for Venice Day 2

The picture above taken just before Venice was subject to her terrible ordeal.I sat and watched a bit of tele. Dee called and I told her that I had a guest. She was curious and asked me who it was, I told her a girl called Venice, we’d been friends on Xhamster. I asked her what she had been up to and she told me that at that precise time two guys from the office were in bed with her, she had been sucking one before she called, but he had cum too quickly. But the other guy was happily sucking...

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InterracialBlowbang Leya Falcon 07122018

Leya Falcon is perhaps one of the biggest sluts for the black man, ever. It’s a big statement, we know…but if you know Leya, you know we’re pretty much spot on! Just look at her infamous Dogfart sign — asking for a 30-man blow bang! Well, we tried, but we still managed to gather up almost a dozen black dicks to feed Leya’s unquenchable thirst for BBC. Just look at her, too…this is supposed to be a blow bang, but wouldn’t you know it? Fifteen minutes in,...

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Who Me a Wizard III

The Queen In a gilded cage hanging from the ceiling of a large somewhat cavernous dungeon and suspended over a black abyss. Was a very dejected and angry lady... The Queen. Along side her cage was three more containing Tobar(Elf) the Red, Stommp ( dwarf ) the Yellow, and Anil (Human ) the Blue. The Queen's alter ego was a majestic Eagle. To avert her escape in this form a silver mesh covered the cage. The mesh could be seen through but was so tightly woven a needle would not...

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My Wife second time

My wife met James at a local swingers club a while back and has really turned into a sex machine!! I have never had so much sex since we have been married. My wife is now wearing the tightest jeans that I have ever seen and her camel toe is huge!! I think that is due to her new found friend. My wife asked me if it was o.k. for her to keep seeing James. I told her to do whatever she wanted as long as I got to watch and hear all of the details!! I love it that my wife has James to fuck her...

3 years ago
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Naughty Neighbors

Rita and her daughter, Joanie, were hot-to-trot and I was their target.Rita and her cute daughter, Joanie, moved into the house next door two days ago and I was at work and wasn’t able to go over and say “Hi”, so tonight I did. And boy was I surprised when a gorgeous blue-eyed brunette answered the door!“Hi. I’m your neighbor, Bill Wilson,” I managed to say without my tongue hanging out."Hey! I'm Rita Simmons and over there is my daughter, Joanie," she said and pointed to a cute teenager...

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the librarian

LibrarianThat was this summer. I had very long relationship and last year i got ridden of it. So I sex occasionally wit various girls till then. One night this September I was very very tired of everything. Job went finally better and some private investing also, but I had being working for 14 hours a day at time. It was About 1 am in the morning and was just went of from long shower and about to lay down on my bad.The voice from the other side of cell phone was very pleasant, some kind of baby...

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For The Love of The Moon

“Good morning my name is Miss Siena and I am here to talk to you about the moon,” Siena said calmly as she floated in the zero gravity. “I am currently orbiting around the moon as this broadcast is being recorded. I have been on the Collins orbiter for the last three years and before that I was on the lunar surface at the Tranquility Research Base. What I am here to teach you about today is the selenology of the moon,” she allowed a pause for any teachers to pause for questions. As she read her...

2 years ago
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Stories From My Youth Chapter 1 Harry and George

Harry was a force to be reckoned with. Harry wasn’t big by any stretch of the imagination but everyone who knew him saw Harry as 'ruff and gruff'. His appearance was that of a man who had spent many hours working hard in the Queensland sunshine. He was brown all over. Even his hair and eyes were brown.Harry’s loud voice dominated every conversation that he was involved in, while his more than confident manner caused most people to shrink away from him if there was ever a disagreement. Although...

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Week 2 Class 1 Pt 02

Week 2, Class 1 Part 2: Sexual Stimuli: The Five Senses Jill couldn’t understand how she could be last two classes in a row. Luck of the draw she supposed. Last time she appreciated the delay, but this time she couldn’t wait. After her experience at the nude beach, coupled with the prospect of stripping, and being stripped by a hot guy, she was eager to get at it this time. Now it was finally her turn. Again she found herself looking out at classroom full of naked people. This was really...

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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 13

A couple of days later I’m sleeping in bed with Katia. It’s a hot night. The aircon is blasting in our bedroom. Suddenly I’m hearing a knock on the bedroom door and it opens. “Mom?” It’s Nadine. “Mo-om?” Katia switches on the light on the bedside table. “Yeah, what is it Nadine?” “The aircon in my bedroom isn’t working properly. I can’t sleep. It’s too hot!” “Frank, can you go over to Nadine’s room and have a look?” Katia asks as she’s shaking me a little to make sure I’m awake. I’m propping...

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SheWillCheat Riley Star Slutty young housewife Riley Star cheats on her cuckold husband

Riley Star is at home doing laundry while she waits for her lover to come over. Her husband is gone, but what she doesn’t know is he’s just installed security cameras in the house! Luckily her husband has to go to a meeting right before her big cock lover shows up. She fucks him like crazy in ways that her husband isn’t even capable of. She takes his fat cock like a pro and after he blows his hot load all over her cute tits, he leaves and she takes a nap. But did her cuck hubby see anything?!...

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SurvivalChapter 4 Almost there

I rode beside Momma and Griffin, when the transport landed I stood and coaxed her out. She seemed happy to leave and followed Griffin and Hunter without complaint. We unloaded and Dr James left in his small flyer with the lion eggs. Mom was staring at Momma as she sat at the edge of our landing platform. Griffin, Hunter, Gloria and Drake sat with her. After we were done I walked to mom and pulled her out to Momma. I pulled a blood fruit out of a pouch and gave it to her. Mom looked at the...

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Hot Session With Maid Namita

By : Suhail10 Hi readers, I am here to share my latest experience with my new House maid Namita, Let me Describe her first she is around 26 she is married and has two children, she is slim with 36D breast size nice well shaped Arse, wheatish complexion and a pretty face, and she has studied till 10th, She had been eyeing me since the day my wife hired her, sensing her curiosity I also started to give her a green signal and moved towards slight smiles whenever she glanced at me while doing...

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Sexual Exploits

Welcome. My plan is to make this a collection of short gay sex stories with no fixed themes or motifs. The idea is to just have a repository of interesting stories that could be not fully fleshed out or will quickly run its course over just a few chapters. Please enjoy. I welcome all writers who might enjoy this kind of structure to write their own chapters and sections as they see fit. Thanks.

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 2 Maa Ka Naya Roop

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Umeed karta hoon aap sabhi ko kaafi utsaah hoga season 2 ke shuru hone ke bad. Aap sabhi ka mere se itna lagaw hi mujhe aur aage likhne ko hosla deta hai. Sabko mera bohut bohut thanks. Zyada baate na karte hue chaliye agli episode padte hai aaj ka episode Rahul aur uski maa Saritha ke bare mein hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar padh rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle. Jiske episode 4 mein apko Rahul aur Saritha ke...

1 year ago
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Indian Couple in Loving Threesome with a Husbands Close friend Part 2

At that stage, I pushed harder. Because of my heavy push from behind, she was further compressed between me and Anil. As there was no space, she was unable to withdraw her hand off Anil’s cock. Partially out of ecstasy and sympathy and partly keeping in mind our earlier talk; her hand moved to feel the length of his cock. I was able to see all this and was thoroughly enjoying the show. I kissed my dear wife on her cheeks with fierce intensity. I controlled myself and pushed one of my arms...

Group Sex
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Wash Away the Pain

He was looking forward to feeling the hot water rush down over his body to relax some of his tense muscles. They hurt. All of them. From the tip of his toes up through his body to his aching head, everything hurt and as the rainshower head began pouring a steaming hot downpour it felt like it might wash away. He leaned back against the glass wall, cold and hard, and despite the hot streams he shivered for a second. He put his head back too and water rushed into his gaping mouth and ran out and...

2 years ago
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Into It repostChapter 10

We showered and I shaved while Karen fixed her hair. Marianne came with us as we left for my truck. Karen said, "You are about to learn something about your brother." I opened the door of the truck. Karen got in and slid as far to the left as she could. She patted the seat next to her. "Get in, Marianne." Marianne entered the truck slowly, her eyes wide as she realized that the interior didn't match the exterior. I went around and got in the driver's seat. I cranked the motor and the...

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TV Gingers First Time

My friend's father, Mr Webster, had turned out to be anything but the pillar of the community he pretended to be. Despite his regular Sunday church attendance with Mrs Webster, it transpired he also enjoyed the company of other men. He was certainly enjoying me, and within a few weeks I had fallen into the role of his sissy girlfriend and was acting accordingly. Discretion was obviously important to him so when I was visiting my school friend, Mr Webster would slip me a little note with a place...

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My New Life

This is another story I had in my head which I felt needed to get out. Nothing better than writing it to expel and idea and make room for more. I post it on my favorite story site, Fictionmania, and do not give any permission for anyone to post it elsewhere. If you like it, or hate it even, let me know what you think with a review. Enjoy! My New Life By Byron It was 10am and I was driving home from work. Ha, not...

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Creating my own cumslut0

We met, we married, we shagged - but even though she admitted to one threesome when she was a drunk teen - it was always just me and her - but she has just such a hot body I was determined to see her bouncing on at least one more cock. I did manage to get her to dress like a slut once or twice when we went out to a club or late night movie - short skirts that show a little ass are always a great way to get guys to double-take - and their wives to tut and pull their men away. I’m sure some...

4 years ago
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Demented Detention

That weekend’s detention was the usual slow dragging mass of a day. Unfortunately I was out of luck as Ms. Evans the Biology teacher was not invigilating the class. Strangely enough I appeared to be the only one who arrived for detention. I look at Ms. Parker who sat directly ahead of me as she earlier on had f***ed me to sit there. I glance at her petite figure. Her breasts were large and fantasies flooded my brains dry field of thought. Her cleavage was exposed thus being a bit too much...

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I don’t usually do anything special for my birthdays, not even a cake. But this year, I decided Iwas going to get gang banged - no reciprocation, just used by cock . A muscle daddy I knewfrom Scruff told me about this adult bookstore called PeepLand. For a couple bucks and pornrental, you can go into a stall and have as much sex as you want. The guy messaged me thathe wanted my ass fucked by as many guys as possible. My dick got instantly hard thinkingabout all those men using me as a cum dump....

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Avatar Me

Avatar Me! Internet journalism was the perfect job for Nat. He had built up several different online blogs, each with their own area of interest and all with enough followers that the advertising space on the pages paid enough to live on. Okay, he was single and he lived in a flat on his own, but he could pay the rent and he owned his battered old car outright. A few of his columns were tragically simple, consisting of a computer program that pulled media releases from selected...

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Mothers love

This is a pure work of fiction and for entertainment purposes only. I would like your comments and feedback please. Thanks.There is something about a mother's love. I had always thought of my mother as a beautiful intelligent woman. She always looked at me as though she was going to burst with emotion. I had never known my father and was basically unconcerned about the matter. My mother had told me That he had died in a car accident before I was born. My mother was a MILF in the eyes of all of...

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Secret Affair Of A Lonely Housewife

About Myself My name is Manju ( name changed). I am 34 years old, 5 ft 5 inches and body proportions of 36-26-38. My flat tummy and round protruding ass are my favourite assets. I have decent mango shaped breasts. I am very fair. About my married life I am married to Saurabh (35 years old) for the last 8 years. He is an Engineer with a Multinational Company presently posted in Dubai. Our sex life has been none-too-happy with Saurabh not very interested in sex. Moreover, with his 4 inch cock he...

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