The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 25a
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Eden Main Line of Defense
September 14, 2146
1730 hours
The tanks were the first to move against the line — thousands of them rumbling forward in tight, well-formed ranks stretching across two kilometers, their main guns pointing forward, their lasers charged, their ammunition magazines full of fresh rounds from the last resupply operation. Most had full fuel and oxygen tanks but about eight hundred and fifty — the survivors of the battle with the Martian tanks behind the line — were sporting less than a third of their capacity of fuel and oxidizer. Having so many of the monstrous machines in so concentrated of an area going against an enemy tank force a tenth their size, should have been enough to force victory right there. But the MPG engineers had long since taken steps to rob a superior foe of such an easy win.
As the tanks grew closer to the line they encountered a series of steep, artificial berms they could not drive over. They encountered other areas filled with steel tank traps that would break a tread if they were struck. And they encountered lines and lines of anti-tank ditches that were flat out impassible. All of this caused the tanks to bunch of tighter, to lose some of the unit cohesion, to narrow their formations in such a manner that it would be difficult for all of the tanks to fire simultaneously. Eventually they were funneled into narrow corridors only fifteen to twenty tanks wide, reducing the wide scope of fire they'd hoped to enjoy.
It was as they started to narrow up and lose their maneuvering room that the Martian armor opened up on them from their hull-down positions between the pillboxes. Tanks began to explode with frightening regularity all up and down the advance line. Turrets flew, men were shredded, and the dead hulks served to hamper the advance forward of the other tanks, forcing some to simply push their dead companions off into the ditch in order to keep open a corridor for the tanks behind and the APCs to drive through.
The WestHem tanks returned fire from the first moment they were fired upon, blasting within their zones of responsibility as fast as their cannons could be discharged and then recharged. The entire line lit up with the flashes of laser impact. Concrete dust and smashed sections of the protective barriers flew everywhere but the Martian tanks were unaffected as of yet. It would take many shots in exactly the same place to burn through the titanium shielding beneath the concrete.
The WestHem tanks were forced to stop three hundred meters west of the pillboxes. Before them was the main anti-tank ditch. Four meters deep, six meters across, lined with concrete, and running unbroken the entire length of the main line, it was impassible to any vehicle without the assistance of a complete engineering battalion equipped with heavy-duty bridging materials — something the WestHem marines were conspicuously lacking.
The laser fire between the entrenched Martian armor and the exposed WestHem tanks reached a furious pace. With each WestHem tank that was blown up, two more would move forward to take its place. Their crews prayed to whatever deity they believed in that the ground forces would advance quickly and silence those murderous positions.
Captain Callahan watched from his commander's hatch as they advanced forward. Thousand of armored personnel carriers entered the obstacle-ridden maze the tanks had just passed through although they now had the added obstacles of dead tanks and live tanks caught in a massive traffic jam to go around and weave through. Like the tanks, the APCs began to draw heavy laser fire from the Martians as soon as they were forced to bunch close together. This fire did not come from the Martian armor, however. It came from high on the pillboxes, from the heavily fortified Martian anti-tank positions.
APCs blew up all around them. There was no warning, no way to tell which APC was targeted until it simply flashed and exploded, shredding and incinerating everyone inside. Callahan watched in horror, trying to discern some sort of pattern to the death and destruction, trying to give himself some sort of reassurance that something other than random chance was at work here. He was woefully unsuccessful in this venture. An APC blew up right next to his, taking out one of his squads, and then five more blew up somewhere else, both in front and behind, some close enough for the concussion to rock him. It was as random as anything could be. There was no skill involved in surviving here. It was simply luck.
The tanks lining the anti-tank ditch began to fire their main guns, plastering the upper sections of the pillboxes with eighty-millimeter fire. The APCs began to fire their sixty-millimeter guns at these positions as well. It looked impressive enough as explosions, smoke, and debris obscured the entire top half of the pillboxes but the frequency of the laser fire coming back at them did not ease up even a little bit. APCs continued to flash and explode all around them.
Callahan checked his command screen as they bumped and bounced over the last two hundred meters before the dismount point. His company was now down three complete squads — one lost during the attack on the first line, one lost in the staging area, and now, one lost in the advance to the main line. Fortunately all were from different platoons and many of his platoons had been reinforced with an extra squad due to the shortage of APCs. He made sure his communications gear was set to the command channel. He keyed up and addressed his platoon leaders.
"Listen up, guys," he said, his voice strangely steady despite his terror. "Dismount is in just a few seconds. They're gonna pour every conceivable kind of fire they got on us the second we step out of these APCs. Get your men through the tanks and into that anti-tank ditch as quick as possible. Don't return fire at the pillboxes. Small arms fire ain't gonna do shit to those positions. Get everyone into the ditch where we'll at least have defilade from everything but the arty and the mortars. We'll regroup and then move in from there to the base of the pillboxes. Is everyone clear on that?"
One by one they responded that they were clear.
"Very well," he said. "Things are gonna be ugly the next hour or so. Keep the faith, keep pushing forward, and God willing we'll be standing inside Eden soon. Remember, we got the numbers on them. Let's use them wisely."
No one answered him. The APCs began to grind to a halt a few seconds later. The ramps swung down and he and his men emerged into a living hell of noise, confusion, and death. Explosions hammered into them as proximity fused one hundred and fifty millimeter shells and eighty-millimeter mortars came raining out of the sky. Men were blown to pieces, arms, legs, heads flying off, bodies ripped in half and tossed about. Bullets were streaking in from everywhere, machine gun fire, single shots, three round bursts, cutting others down like ducks in a shooting range. Blood vapor and dust filled the air, making it difficult to see. Callahan watched the sergeant and two of the men from the squad he was with shot down the moment they stepped away from the relative safety of the APC's rear end.
"Down!" he yelled on the command channel. "Get your men on the their bellies! Crawl to that fucking ditch and get inside!" With that, he followed his own advice and threw himself to the ground.
Gradually all the men in his company, in the other companies, in the two battalions tasked to take the pillboxes, did the same. This kept them safe from most of the small arms fire since the tanks were now able to block it. It did very little, however, to protect them from the artillery and the mortars. They continued to boom up and down the line, spraying lethal shrapnel onto the marines below, sending clouds of blood vapor welling upward in their wake.
The first of the troops reached the line of tanks and paused there, trying to regroup a little before pushing forward to the ditch. Callahan reached the rear of one of the tanks — as of yet unscathed in any way — and raised himself up to a kneeling position just behind the right tread of the vehicle. A quick check of his forces screen showed he'd lost thirty of the one hundred and fifty men he'd dismounted with, including one of his lieutenants.
"This will not be a clusterfuck," he told himself, knowing even as he spoke the words that he was lying. "I won't let it."
Another wave of artillery shells came arcing in, exploding up and down the line, killing or maiming more men. Callahan heard shrapnel bouncing off the tank he was hiding behind, saw two more of his men go down.
By this point the men from his company were mixed up with men from the other companies, even men from other battalions. It was not quite a panicked run yet but it was heading that way. More than two hundred men rushed from the cover provided by the tanks and moved across the open ground, heading for the ditch. More were shot down by the small arms fire. Callahan saw one man try to cross in front of a tank just as it fired its main gun. The shell did not explode but the sheer power of the muzzle blast blew the man into hundreds of pieces, scattering some of them more than thirty meters away.
"Christ," Callahan muttered, trying to pick out the path he would take for his own dash.
The first wave of men reached the edge of the ditch and threw themselves inside. Another wave followed right after them. That was when his lieutenants began to scream on the command channel, something incomprehensible. He heard the word "rebar" and "impaled" several times. The rest was gibberish. At the edge of the trench the third wave of men suddenly halted, trying desperately to avoid going in, this despite the fact that small arms fire was cutting them down as they stood there.
"What the fuck is going on?" Callahan demanded. "Somebody chill the fuck out and give me a report!"
"Beyers here, sir," said the lieutenant in charge of his fourth platoon. "The Martians have rebar sticking up from the bottom of that ditch! They've sharpened the points into spears! We couldn't see it because of all the dust that's blown in there. The men went down and... fuck, sir... I never seen nothing like this. They're impaled down there!"
"Jesus fucking Christ," Callahan said, horrified.
Men began to pile up at the edge of the ditch. Others, panicked, not knowing what was going on, slammed into them. Many fell in. The panic increased when the machine gun and rifle fire picked up in intensity, slamming into them. And then another wave of artillery fire, targeted directly over the tanks where most of the other men were piling up, started to explode above them. More men from the tank positions rushed forward, pushing more men from the front into the ditch. Fights broke out and several men on the edge began to shoot at their own troops with their M-24s, desperate to avoid being pushed over.
The force of the troops pushing from behind was much greater than the resistance of the troops trying to stand firm on the edge of the ditch. Dozens and then hundreds fell in. At this point those on the edge stopped hesitating and simply allowed themselves to be carried in. Callahan thought he had an idea why the resistance had stopped.
Another shell exploded very close behind him, close enough that the concussion pushed him forward onto the tank's tread guard. Bullets came slamming in just in front of him, ricocheting off the steel hull of the tank less than half a meter in front of his face. He pushed himself backwards, until he was standing on the ground again and then made his dash to the ditch. He stopped for a second on the edge and saw that his suspicions had been correct. Dozens of marines were down on the bottom, impaled by the sharpened rebar points. Some were dead, the points penetrating through their chests, their stomachs. Others were less fortunate. One man had slid down the concrete side and had ended up impaled right through his groin. He was squirming and twisting, probably screaming as well although Callahan couldn't hear him. Others had the spikes through their lower legs, their thighs, their hips. What this had all served to do, however, was to cushion the landing for those behind them. It was distasteful to use the corpse of another marine as a landing pad but things were down to sheer survival now. Knowing that he would be haunted by it later — assuming he lived long enough for there to be a later — Callahan slid down the eighty degree concrete slope and into the ditch, his feet landing firmly on the chest of one man and the head of another, his weight driving the lethal spikes even further into their lifeless bodies. He stepped forward, using the corpses of others to make his way over and between the spikes until he made it to the far side of the ditch. He leaned against the concrete wall, catching his breath, trying to control the fear and horror.
There was defilade from the mortars and the artillery fire here since the airburst shell fragments were coming in at an angle. Other men had figured this out as well and it was crowded on this side. Most looked like they had no intention of leaving. Others were continuing to leap into the ditch and it was soon full of men, pushing chest to chest, legs to legs. They had to go up the other side and make the final dash to the base of the pillboxes. Callahan spoke on his command channel, trying to tell his platoon leaders to start moving but no one was listening to him. He tried on the tactical channels, speaking directly to the men but all he got for his efforts was insubordinate profanity.
"Fuck that shit, sir," someone yelled back at him. "I'm staying here."
"Goddamn right," someone else added. "If you're so fucking hot to get up there and get your head blown off, be my fuckin' guest!"
"We need to move up all at once, all along the line," Callahan said. "It's the only way that any of us are going to get out of here alive!"
"I know how to get out of here alive," one of his sergeants said. "We go back up the other side and start heading back to the APCs. Remember what happened the first time? The Martians stop shooting at you when you retreat!"
"I vote for that!" someone else put in. "Let's get the fuck out of here! Let the goddamn greenies keep this fucking place if they want it that bad."
Other voices quickly echoed this sentiment. Callahan wasn't listening in on the other companies' channels but he suspected the other captains were probably getting similar dissent. He was actually starting to think that what they were suggesting was sensible when the Martians pulled their next surprise on them.
Mortar shells began to fall into the trench, exploding not in the air but when they hit the bottom. Men were blown apart, splattered against the sides of the trench, ripped apart by the shrapnel, gutted by pieces of rebar that were blown loose and hurtled through the air at high speed. This happened all along the length of the ditch, the shells dropping neatly inside as if they'd been lofted from directly above.
It's a fucking trap! Callahan's mind screamed at him, panic starting to flow freely. They have this entire ditch pre-sighted and they're dropping impact-fused mortars inside of it! They've probably been practicing this for years!
"Get out!" Callahan yelled at his men. "Start helping each other up to the top! We need to get out of here or they're gonna blow all of us to pieces!"
This time the men were a little more willing to listen to him. The edge of the ditch was four meters above their heads. The men against the wall formed stirrups with their hands and other men moved forward, putting their feet in them and getting lifted up to the edge. Once they grabbed the edge the lower man would give the upper a shove, sending him up onto the ground. Many of the men hefted up came tumbling back down again, shot to pieces by the Martian small arms fire from the pillboxes.
"Faster!" Callahan yelled. "And more! We need to get everyone up at once if anyone is going to live! Come on! Move, move, move!"
His men picked up the pace. The other companies did the same although Callahan didn't know if they were simply following his example or had figured out the same thing on their own. But soon hundreds of men all along the length of the occupied portion of the ditch were shoving their comrades upward as fast as they could, trying desperately to get out of the frying pan of the mortar ridden trench and into the fire of the open ground beyond.
Jeff Creek, the rest of his platoon, and two other 17th ACR infantry platoons had been moved from the reserve staging area to Pillbox 73 when it became apparent that the marines were making a push to the center. Pillbox 73 was two kilometers west of the personnel airlocks for the MPG base, one of the primary defensive positions guarding the approach to the most important section of the city. They had been driven over to the rear of it in four of the agricultural trucks and had accessed it by means of the movement trench that led to a small opening in the rear. From there they'd climbed several sets of concrete stairs and entered the lower infantry level where a company of 2nd Infantry Division troops had already been engaged with the advancing marines who, at that point, had just dismounted from their APCs.
The interior of the pillbox was open and cavernous, with a high ceiling. The floor behind them was covered with steel crates full of ammunition, grenades, extra weapons, and other supplies. The firing ports lined the western, northern, and southern walls and consisted of open spaces about half a meter high and two meters long, each protected by an extra layer of concrete. Jeff had been assigned to a mounted 7mm heavy machine gun in the south corner of the pillbox. Drogan and the other members of his squad were in the firing ports around him, lined up with their M-24s and a SAW three to a port. The floor at their feet was littered with hundreds upon hundreds of empty shell casings.
The pillbox was as formidable of a defensive position as they'd been promised. For the past thirty minutes now the WestHem tanks and APCs had been slamming wave after wave of eighty millimeter, sixty millimeter, and twenty millimeter directly into them. The explosions were terrifying, to say the least, and much of the concrete had crumbled away under the onslaught, but so far the barrier was holding. Of the one hundred and ninety troops occupying this particular pillbox only two had been killed and six wounded — all the result of shrapnel flying into their ports at exactly the right angle and making a lucky strike.
What bothered Jeff about the pillbox, however, was not the protection it offered from the front and from the sides, but the apparent lack of protection it offered from the rear. Instead of small openings to fire through like on the other three walls, the rear had huge openings in the concrete, two of them, each one ten meters long by five meters high, going from floor to ceiling. They were, in effect, paneless windows to the outside large enough that he could see the mortar teams and some of the agricultural trucks parked out there. He could see the buildings rising beyond the MPG base, could see the sky and the ground through them. True, they would not generally experience enemy fire coming in from the rear — if they did they were in a lot of trouble — but wouldn't you think they would have enclosed it back there just for general principals? He couldn't think of any rational explanation for this somewhat glaring oversight.
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In autumn of 1961 Maria Bellucci and I just couldn,t keep our hands off each other. My first serious sexual affair at age sixteen I loved and lusted after her tight pussy and she couldn,t seem to get enough of my cock. Having gone pheasant hunting with me she suggested we go fishing before the season finished November 1st, but basically she wanted a remote spot to fuck undisturbed and I was Up for it in All ways. Being a chilly damp day I packed my two man tent with it,s waterproof floor, an...
ONE Over the next couple of weeks, I lost track of the days. At first I would return home and breathe a deep sigh of relief. Grateful I had tolerated any torment, that I had survived all I had been subjected to. And as I relaxed and wound down, I found solace in the many happy moments my day would bring; which I then used to spurn me on. Something as simple as an understanding smile from a customer would keep me on a high for hours. It gave me something to hold on to as...
He unbuttoned her shirt just to look at her huge tits. She was just eighteen and had DDD tits and had since she was just f******n. He loved the look of the young firm globes. His wife had big saggy tits and he was so in love with this girls big round firm hooters. The best part was that she loved showing them to him. He took both hands and grabbed a handful of the firm flesh and kissed her mouth. He was giving her a deep tongue kiss as his hands massaged her tit and played with her nipples. He...
I am Shanaya and this story is about my recent sexual experience in Goa. I am in college 1st year and stay with my mom and dad. As both my mom and dad are working, it had been a long time since we all went together for a vacation. So, this time we had decided to go to Goa for a nice vacation. I was very excited to go and wear sexy two-piece bikinis there and play on the beach. By the way, I am 5’8, fair, with long shoulder length straight hair with brown streaks. My figure is 34C-30-32. I have...
IncestChapter 30 The three crossed the highway, waiting inside the tree-line — shaken and confused — out of sight of those who came to investigate before the police and paramedics arrived. Constance and Isabella wanted to leave. Alexis refused to move — resisting their efforts in making her. They could go if they wanted but she had to remain. In spite of their telling her he was dead — she couldn’t bring herself to accept it. ‘You two wait here. If I don’t come back, go to Adrian’s and Anastasia’s...
"Okay, meet you later!" Isabelle called to her friend, who was leaving the sidewalk for a shopping trip she needed to undertake. Isabelle stood there for a while, wondering what she could do with her time. She had a thin, almost see through white tank top and a pair of blue jeans, tight across her small thighs. She had black sun glasses on, brown hair that curled up at the ends and blue eyes. She sat on a park bench and sipped her Sprite. Two men, both black, sat next to her, on each side of...
Group Sex"Hi, I am new to the neighborhood and thought I would come and introduce myself," the pretty girl announced as soon as I had opened the door. "My name is Jessica and I live just next door there with my father." At the time I did not have a screen door so could clearly see this young girl as she could see me, a man in my mid-forties. "Well, hello, very nice to meet you. My name is Steve and I live here with my son. I'd call him to meet you, but he's in the shower." "That's okay,...
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Porn AggregatorsFrom the sanctuary, my Aunts led me back downstairs to our apartment where we finished cleaning up and packing our things. Cleaning was an uncomfortable experience for me as I was still rather sore, but we were done in just a few minutes. I took one last look around, remembering the events of the previous evening and sighed. I would miss this place (just the apartment mind you). Finally, when we were finished, Amber turned to us and said; "Ladies, I don't know about you, but I'm rather...
Amanda knew it was coming. She had been awake for over 10 minutes perfecting her plan. *Cough cough* "OK dad" She said with the huskiest voice she could muster. "Wait a second, are you feeling OK kiddo?" "yeah, I'm fine. *Cough* just .. Clearing my throat" "You don't sound fine." He placed his hand on her forehead "You're warm, you might have a fever" She had used an extra blanket to cover her head, hoping for exactly this outcome. "Not uh, I'm cold, not warm." she...
Back in John's office, John had turned on the television and had a comfortable chair brought in for Paul to sit in. They sat watching the game for a while, eating Wilma's cookies. Paul became lost in his own thoughts. He wondered who he should get to train Lilly. He was pretty sure she would join up. She was an adrenaline junky just like Paul was. He decided he had better broach the subject with John so they could start making plans. "John, I know I said Lilly had to make up her mind, but...
Indian Sex Stories dot net is one of the best sites so far for posting stories as well as reading them, not to mention the occasional meet ups from like-minded people. So the story is about a bus ride like the ones we always read on and wish that it happened to us. I guess wishes do come true! It might be a bit long but I promise it is worth the read. This happened when I was doing my undergrad. I love traveling and as a result, opted to do my undergrad from Bangalore. Me being from Kerala, it...
Gay MaleCopyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. Knowing we were going to be together for an evening, was crowding every other thought my mind. I was so aroused, yet it I was not. This arousal went much deeper. The experience of her was linked deeper than body and mind can comprehend. Each of us...
After Those Six days ?This is not a fantasy or a story of fiction. It’s a true story that happened to me a few months ago. I am from India, where sex is still considered taboo. Here, Slave, Mistress, BDSM are words people would not have even heard of. Your comments are invited on [email protected] ?Those days, I was working in a private firm in a good position. I got this job after a lot of painstaking efforts and hence this job was extremely precious to me. ?My immediate boss was a South...
Death happens! First, my dad, then my grandpa and grandma ... and this past year my mom died. Suddenly, I was alone. Alone in this big house ... All by myself! Actually, I had an older sister who lives in the same town, only 35 minutes away. Alone in the four-bedroom home I sometimes find myself rattling around the place. I'm 19, and my name is Robert. My sister lives on the other side of town ... her name is Sarah. She's not married or anything. She just lives right by the college...
Peter Griffin had his usual late night shower and had gone to his bed totally naked as he did every night with his wife. He waited for the light to come on in the room opposite his in the next door neighbor’s house. The shades were up giving him a clear view of his next door neighbor’s daughter’s entire room. Joe Swanson his friend and next door neighbor’s daughter Susie was in the room like every other night standing in front of her bedroom mirror brushing her long blond hair which went all...
(This chapter is from the viewpoint of Lisa Cohan, a schoolmate of Becky’s who joined in her SATs tutoring her High School Math teacher was giving her.) OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr. Font drop me off than my hag of a Vietnamese mother began yelling at me in her inside voice: Broken English Banshee Wail. “WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE!” “Studying for my SATs,” I tried to calmly respond, but she didn’t care if I was dead and rotting in a dumpster, she just...
Amy's "fuck toy", part 1 i struggled furiously to grab for anything to steady myself, but the bondage mittens secured to my wrists wouldn't allow it. Even being securely bound to the bench I thought I'd fall off after every thrust. Tears and drool were pooling up on my cheeks where the straps from my gag held it deep on my wide-open mouth. My jaw ached, as did my feet in the 7" heels amy put me in, but not nearly as bad as my virgin ass. He pounded me furiously as she watched from a...
A few days later, I was in my office, trying to concentrate on my next sermon. I had been eaten up with guilt ever since the day Ashley walked in the door. I couldn’t get my mind off of her, she was barely 18, my daughter’s age, but I was becoming obsessed with her. Judy and I were having sex more often, ever since we had that great fuckfest about a week ago, she and I were both more horny than usual. She said that she had noticed something ‘different’ about me in bed, I was more aggressive,...
503 IAN THE HOLIDAY Part 7Their attention turned to the video, May, selecting a few which she put in order playing the first marked February 2015 May explained that it was a friend, a big black, and that this first one was with a hand held camera and she nodded at Ian, “he wanked and got it into a shake” The scene opened with the door opening and Lenny entering. He turned to May, pointed at her then to the bed, which she quickly got on flat on her back, her legs wide open, he nodded, then he...
I've never been with a guy.I'm a regular college student with a healthy sexual relationship with females. I was invited out by my best friend (Aaron), his girlfriend (Sarah), and her girlfriends on a Saturday night which is nothing out of the norm. We all out went out to popular spot in the city and got pretty wasted. Aaron was pretty drunk but wanted to make sure that Sarah got home safely. Sarah asked me if they could stay at my place as they had done on previous occasions. Sarah and Aaron...
It is Tuesday afternoon, when I walk into the kitchen, just home from work. My mother, Anita, is standing at the sink, washing vegetables. She is wearing a pair of blue gym shorts and a white tank top t-shirt. I walk up behind her, and encircle her with my arms, sliding my hands under her t-shirt and holding her tummy. I kissed her softly on the back of her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume. “Butch!”” she murmured, “Your home early! I didn’t expect you for hours! ” I kissed her neck...
IncestFor Cindy397Cindy had organised a sailing lesson for a few days, I was assigned to the job, as there was going to be only 2 people on board I was given the smallest yacht to take.When I met Cindy at the boat, I was glad to see a very attractive lady, smartly dressed for the occasion, but I kept my thoughts to myself and tried to remain professional. I introduced myself as Tom, went through the itinerary, and we were soon on our way.After several hours we arrived at our overnight stop, a very...
Hi out there. This is a little story I thought of and I hope you guys like it. Please use your imagination to finish it. * Dr. Shawnee Davis ran from the ladies dressing room and towards the emergency room as fast as she could go, hoping Dr. Weller hadn’t already assigned the incoming trauma to someone. She hadn’t been the lead on a trauma in over a week and Shawnee was starting to get pissed off. Two weeks ago, Shawnee and another intern got in a heated argument over a patient not being...
As she walked toward me I was lost, forever and ever. I would NEVER be able to look at another woman without comparing her to Ellen Caretaker. She wasn't what is sometimes referred to as a BBW, but she sure as hell wasn't skinny either. At 5' 8", she looked to be about 170 pounds but with her bone structure and bone density she was actually closer to 220 pounds, and those beautiful lavender eyes, just like Chris had. She almost seemed to bounce as she walked toward me. Then I remembered...
It was my first year at Havershem University, and I was so excited. After finishing high school, I couldn't wait to be on my own. I never had a problem getting guys, since my body was a total knockout. I am 5'5", with 36c tits, and a perfect round ass. My hair is a deep red and sits just my below my tits. I was head cheerleader at high school, so I was in great shape. When I arrived on campus, I quickly unpacked my things and waited to meet my new roommate. After about an hour, she finally came...
LesbianThat Friday night, I was feeling a bit down and hence decided to take off of Saturday. I told my wife so. She, however, insisted that I should go to work, since I would be requiring some holiday the next month. I had mentally decided to take off and that night, since my son was out of town, I enjoyed the usual sex with my wife and slept peacefully. Next day morning, when I got up, I found my wife besides me, staring at me. I smiled and started fondling with my member. I asked her to suck me,...
IncestRaven-haired Alex Coal is a slender, lingerie-clad seductress with pert, natural boobs. She masturbates using a clear dildo, probing her creamy cunt and squirting girl cum in ecstasy! Dominant, bearded stud Tommy Pistol takes over, slapping and spitting on Alex as she submits to a face fuck. She makes it a deepthroat blowjob. Alex obediently rims and fingers Tommy’s hairy bunghole, and his hard cock pounds her pussy. He likes foot fetish, so Alex strokes his meat with her bare feet! Tommy...
xmoviesforyouFinally, Lenore's birthday arrived. Mom told me I was going to baptize her. This very idea gave me a raging hard-on. It was very electrifying just to think about ravishing such a fresh, innocent beauty. Lenore was 5'6" in height and had black hair. She was the only one with green eyes, mine were brown. Although she always dressed conservatively, I estimated her figure to be 34D-24-34. She had a pretty face that exuded innocence. Nevertheless, her face looked very sexy. Since my eighteenth...