CrosswordsChapter 7 free porn video

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Lynn looked positively radiant the next day. She was dressed in a little print dress that accentuated her narrow waist and was equally flattering for her hips. The light material followed every curve of Lynn’s body despite the looseness of the skirt. In short, the dress didn’t hide the fact that Lynn had a very nice bottom distinctly constituted from two sculptured lumps of feminine flesh which were definitely not held rigidly in place. A similar situation was evident above her waist. She was a joy to watch.

A day of family relaxation was planned around the pool but Dale was called in to an emergency surgery just as breakfast was winding up. There was a quick kiss goodbye and a “be good to your mother” to the children before a nod to me. “Think about it,” Dale said.

“Think about what?” Lynn quizzed me after Dale had gone.

“Nothing,” I said.

“It isn’t nothing. What is it?” Lynn persisted, poking me. “You know I’ll bug you until I find out,” she said.

“Yeah, spill it,” Gordon said, echoed by a louder chant from his sister and an even more boisterous plea from their mother.

I relented under the combined assault. “Your Dad asked me to stay for a while.”

The kids started chanting, “Stay, stay, stay.”

“He offered the cottage if I wanted my own space,” I added in the din.

“Stay, stay, stay.”

“Ok,” I laughed. “I’ll stay for a while.”

The kids cheered and crowded around my chair to hug me. Lynn reached out and put her hand over mine.

“Thanks, bro. You don’t know how much it means to us.”

After the kids left, I poured myself another cup of coffee. Rosita came in and started clearing away the dishes. When she left, I spoke in a low voice to Lynn.

“It won’t be easy for me to be here,” I said, looking meaningfully at my sister. “I think we both know that things have gotten a little crazy.” Lynn nodded and I appreciated that she wasn’t going to pretend that nothing was going on. “But you need to know,” I went on, “that I made a promise and I intend to keep it.”

Lynn smiled and squeezed my hand. “We should all keep our promises,” she said.

“So we understand each other, then?”

“Yes, little brother. We do.”

I was surprised that she wasn’t more curious about what promise I had made but I left it at that. I briefly wondered if Mom had said anything to her about it but quickly rejected the idea. There was no way Mom would have told Lynn what she and I had done. No way.

“Alright then. I’ll move into the cottage today.”

“Great. I’ll get Rosita to make sure it’s clean and have Manuel move your things.”

“No, you won’t. I can clean it myself and move my own stuff.”

“But... , “

“No buts. I’ll look after myself or it’s no deal.”

“But... , “

“And no visitors, unless they’re invited,” I said.

“The kids will miss you.”

“The kids can come over anytime.”

Lynn was miffed at that. “What about dinner?” she asked tartly.

“I’d love to come for dinner.” That was timed perfectly as Rosita returned. “I love Rosita’s cooking,” I expounded. Rosita grinned.

“So do we all,” Lynn said.

Rosita scooped up the rest of the dishes and left.

“And I’ll eat breakfast alone,” I said.

“Suit yourself.”

Lynn softened later and it turned out to be a very pleasant day. While she tanned, the kids and I swam in the pool. We had lunch and then all of us piled into the Camaro to find an ice cream place for dessert. Dale called to say he couldn’t make it for dinner and asked if I would take Lynn and the kids out for dinner, his treat of course. Lynn insisted we go to IL Bellagio’s, one of her favorites. When we got home, Dale was in his study. He made it home in time for dinner but let Rosita rustle up something for him to eat rather than trying to catch up to us.

After the kids went to bed, we watched some old family films that Lynn had converted to DVDs. I was shocked to see how much Lynn looked like Mom at Lynn’s age. Of course, the dress helped. Lynn smiled, pleased with herself, when I recognized the dress she was wearing. It didn’t look nearly so risqué on Mom, but then it wasn’t designed to be worn over such tiny panties and a half bra. We had started on separate couches but when Mom appeared in the same dress Lynn was wearing she moved to mine — so she could see better she said — but kept her distance.

“Didn’t she look great in this?” Lynn asked, bending her wrists and waving her hands down the front of her body while nodding at Mom on the screen.

“Yes, she certainly did,” I replied.

Lynn paused the film with Mom walking toward the camera, the still frame profiling Mom’s mid-thirties figure perfectly for a detailed comparison. I knew what Lynn was doing but despite myself, I ran a slow comparison between her and Mom. Lynn kept her eyes on the screen, either to allow me all the time I needed for an uninhibited assessment or to perform her own evaluation. She allowed her body to stretch and relax, lift slightly and relax at all the proper moments as my eyes appreciated the vibrancy beneath her skin, at once both herself and a live version of Mom. I had to confess, between the two of them, it was a tie.

With a throaty chuckle, Lynn unpaused the DVD and seemed pleased when my attention didn’t return immediately to the screen. A moment later, I found myself watching Lynn’s legs. She had crossed the one nearest me over the other and was slowly bouncing it up and down. I stared blankly for a few seconds at her feet, crested with a strange tone of red paint over her toenails which were visible since Lynn straightened her leg at the top of each swing. My eyes soon refocused, however, when I noticed the muscles along the side of her thigh, now almost completely bare because she had pulled the hem of her skirt way back. The flesh under her thigh alternately tensed and relaxed with each swing of Lynn’s leg. I don’t know how long I looked at her leg but the tightening in my shorts indicated it was for more than a few seconds. I was about to call it a night while I could still escape when Lynn suddenly blurted out.

“Look,” she cried, unfolding her leg and leaning forward, pointing at the screen. “This is my favorite part.”

I jerked my face away from Lynn’s leg in time to see Mom run over and try to pull my sister off me. Lynn had me on the ground, straddling my chest and holding my arms to the side with her knees. As Mom pulled her back my head raised up, still calling for help, but my eyes shifted down and it was apparent where I was looking. Lynn rose up on her knees but Mom kept pulling her back. She struggled but Mom won, at a cost. Both of them tumbled backward, rolling onto their backs and shoulders as I sat up, eyes still locked between my sister’s legs, but the camera soon caught their lateral movement to my mother. I was still staring, mesmerized, when the camera shifted to Mom and Lynn, shrieking and pushing their dresses down, yelling at Dad to stop filming.

“See, you always were Mom’s favorite, and she yours,” Lynn asserted, looking at me intensely as if waiting for a challenge.

I had no doubt that Lynn knew exactly where I was looking, not just at her but at Mom, too. As if to confirm my suspicion, Lynn turned her eyes down and I realized that my erection had grown substantially during the scene and was suffering further impetus under my sister’s admiring gaze.

Dale’s chair suddenly scraped back and I turned to look. He was straightening up, mug in hand, and turning toward his door. I sucked in my breath and froze for a second then turned frantically to find something to cover myself with. I reached for the cushion at my side, but it was gone. I jerked my head back. Dale had made it to the door and was searching for the light switch. Lynn was silently laughing, her eyes glinting mischievously. She was holding the cushion and as soon as I saw it, she tossed it back onto the couch behind her with an accompanying increase in apparent amusement. Her eyes dropped to my errant erection, proudly announcing its presence half way down the right leg of my shorts, unaware of the imminent peril. The light in Dale’s office went out and he walked through the doorway, turning to pull the door closed.

Lynn suddenly lurched forward and threw herself across my lap, covering my shorts, and my stiff cock. I stared at the screen, sitting stiffly as Dale approached, jaw set, desperately trying to get my feelings under control but the pressure of my sister’s breasts on top of my stiff member made that technically impossible. Fear of her husband’s discovery and the feminine warmth of Lynn’s body forced my mind to follow my eyes’ piercing attack on the screen, hoping Dale couldn’t see Lynn lying atop me and that he would simply courteously walk by and go upstairs to bed. I was gritting my teeth so hard, I thought they would shatter when Dale’s voice startled me. He was standing right behind me.

“Too much for her, was it?” he inquired.

I looked back, saw the direction of his gaze, and looked down at Lynn lying across my lap, my hands hovering awkwardly above her back.


“Was she upset?” Dale asked.

“I don’t ... uh, I...”

“She often gets that way when she watches this but likes to be on her own,” Dales voice kind of dwindled off.

I let my hand fall on Lynn’s back and gently rubbed her shoulder, more to buy into Dale’s interpretation of what was going on than to comfort Lynn. Her body trembled and I knew it was from tightly held laughter. Anger welled up within me. This wasn’t funny!

I gripped her shoulder and the situation immediately became worse. Lynn’s hand, which had being hanging listlessly over my knee, bent and, under the cover of her body, threaded its way between my knees and into the leg of my shorts. Her fingers wiggled up the inside of my thigh and tickled the underside of the tip of my cock just as her husband spoke again.

“She likes to watch this by herself,” Dale expanded on his previous statement as Lynn’s hand moved higher. “It makes her quite melancholy and she always wants to be alone afterward.”

Lynn’s finger stretched out and her nail scratched back along the underside of my cock. I cried out in surprise but managed to convert my outburst into a cough, which was repeated several times because as I leaned forward to hack away, I unintentionally thrust my hard cock along the length of Lynn’s palm which immediately squeezed it against my leg while her fingers curled around my shaft. When I leaned back Lynn’s soft hand pulled the skin over the head. I coughed again, but remained upright.

“Are you alright?” Dale asked. Lynn’s hand pushed the skin back over my shaft and her fingers stretched out to tickle the underside of my balls, before dragging the skin back over my cockhead and capping the stroke off with a gentle, loving pinch.

“Yes, I’m fine,” I gasped. Lynn’s fingers were tickling my balls again.

“Would you like some water?” Dale asked. She was on the upstroke and squeeze.

“That would be great,” I croaked.

As soon as he turned away, I thought, I could shove Lynn’s hand out of my shorts. But Dale ignored his offer. He was leaning over, looking down at his wife.

“I guess she just couldn’t watch it anymore, hey?”

I looked down at Lynn, wondering why he couldn’t tell that his wife was jacking me off right in front of him but now that I looked, knowing that her hand was slowly sliding up and down my cock, I couldn’t see any evidence of her outrageous behavior either. Lynn looked like she was peacefully napping on my lap.

“She just can’t make it through the whole thing, poor girl,” Dale said.

I looked at Lynn’s head. “Yeah, I guess so,” I said.

Lynn was facing me, her head pressing against the plushly cushioned arm of the leather couch. While her husband’s attention was on her face, sweet Lynn scratched her nail along the underside of my throbbing cock, shoved her palm aggressively down my shaft, and folded her fingers around my balls. I managed to turn my groan into a strangled gulp.

“Oh, your water,” Dale exclaimed. “I forgot.”

He turned away and I tried to push Lynn’s shoulder up so I could reach under to shove her hand off my cock but she resisted, her couch side hand grabbing my shorts and pulling them higher up my leg, exposing my cock. Or it would have, if I managed to push her off or she got up. I changed my tactic, wrapping a hand over each shoulder and pulling her down. I was surprised by how easily her body moved. It was so quick, her rump hunched up and her head slid back onto my lap. Her free hand pulled my shorts up even higher while her engaged manipulator, still holding my cock, lifted it from my leg and guided it into her mouth.

It was strange how I could be intensely aware of two situations at the same time. I heard the tap running in the kitchen and could picture Dale there, filling a large glass several times and dumping it out, waiting for the water to cool. At the same time, I was blissfully aware of how fantastic his wife’s mouth felt sliding down my organ, rendering it slick with her hot saliva. If I was so adverse, why did I let Lynn’s head advance and retreat half a dozen times before trying to push it away.

The water had stopped running. I could ‘see’ Dale returning, slowly, trying not to spill the glass he had filled too full. I needed more time to get my sister off my cock but why had my hand curled around the back of her neck, why had the other closed its grip on her hair, and why was I pulling her onto my cock and groaning out loud. I could hear Dale’s slippers shuffling over the tiles in the hallway now. My hips lunged forward and I was perversely pleased that I had caught his wife by surprise, her wet gulp like music in my ears. I held her head, denying her retreat, nudging her throat in revenge. Take that, you ballsy little bitch, holding my cock firmly against the back of my sister’s mouth and releasing her head only when I heard her husband’s feet rounding the corner.

Lynn pushed up to her former position and my only thought was to ensure that she had adequately covered my cock, not that she had let it go. In fact, I didn’t want her to release my cock and I wished Dale had taken longer so I could have enjoyed her mouth for longer.

“Here you go,” Dale announced his arrival.

I twisted around to capture the glass of cold water from his outstretched hand. Lynn’s hand was twisting tightly around the head of my cock and her other one, taking advantage of the lift of my twisting body, slipped under my ass, inside my shorts, and curled up to grasp my balls. Lynn started slowly jacking me off while the fingers of her other hand repeatedly clasped and released my balls. I held the glass up in my left hand and dropped the right onto Lynn, lightly brushing her upper back in a tender, brotherly caress. I ignored Dale and looked at the screen.

“It’s amazing how much she looked like Lynn at that age,” Dale commented.

“Yes. The other way around, actually,” I said, taking a long sip of cold water which didn’t dampen the heat I felt throughout my body the least bit.

“Of course,” Dale said.

We watched in silence as Dad filmed Mom getting up and sauntering down the sandy beach while little Lynn and I played nearby. Even in the old two-piece suits of the day, it was impossible to hide the fact that Mom had a very nice body. Lynn’s stroking hand and fingers were almost an afterthought. Dale and I both watched a very sexy looking woman slowly wade into the water until the waves covered her bottom. Only then did Dale speak, awkwardly, as if he shouldn’t have been watching.

“Well,” he paused to give a little cough. “I guess I’ll go up to bed.”

I downed the water and handed it back to him.

“Don’t let her stay down here. She won’t sleep well.”

“I won’t,” I replied thickly.

Lynn was really starting to get to me, maybe because the screen had reminded me of how Mom’s hands and mouth felt on my cock. Weird, the effect of genes. The movements of Lynn’s hands were almost identical to Mom’s.

I turned to watch Dale walk away and transferred my hand automatically to the back of Lynn’s head as it moved down onto my lap, sucking my cock into her mouth just as her husband disappeared around the corner. I didn’t try to shove it into her mouth hard. I was in no hurry and knew I had lots of time now. I relaxed into the back of the couch as Lynn’s mouth worked my stiff prick, content to let my hand move back and forth with the movements of her head, fingers gently twining in her hair. Mom was swimming lazily back and forth amongst the other swimmers. She looked good, and her daughter’s mouth felt wonderful.

Lynn began sucking more earnestly. I knew she wanted to make me come. She had been flaunting herself in front of me constantly since we’d left home despite knowing about my promise. She must have some idea of what it was about, yet she wanted to taste me, in a sense, right in front of Mom.

I no longer cared. I didn’t have the will to keep my promise to Mom, not if it meant denying the person I most loved in the world. I didn’t have the heart to say no.

I twisted underneath Lynn, resting my back against the cushion and holding her hair back so I could watch her mouth plunge up and down on my cock. She seemed so happy and I did too, not terrible like I felt I should. I turned to look at the screen just as Mom waded out of the water, rivulets running off her body as she walked, arms pushing her hair up high before letting it fall. She looked gorgeous.

I grasped Lynn’s head firmly and started thrusting into her mouth. Lynn’s eyes strained toward the screen, seeking understanding for my sudden urgency. She mumbled something, gargled really, but I couldn’t understand what she said. Come? Maybe. I shoved my hips up and made her gargle again.

Yeah, like that, Sis. Like that.

I began thrusting regularly with full strokes, pulling almost all the way out of Lynn’s mouth before shoving deep inside again. I stretched my head back and lunged, time after time, into Lynn’s sweet face.

Mom was speaking. I turned to look. “Stop it,” she giggled, waving the camera away but not moving out of its way. I strained my head forward, firmly holding Lynn’s, and thrust harder, watching Mom dance around in front of the camera.

“Unnngghhhh, unnngghhh, unnngghhhh,” I groaned, pulling Lynn’s head hard on my cock, my own bouncing up and down with the effort, hanging over the arm of the couch, eyes straining not to miss a single erotic movement of Mom’s breasts and legs, or a single flash of her eyes, or the tinkle of her playful laugh. Lynn’s face was straining sideways too, just as unwilling to miss an instant of Mom’s presence.

No, really. Stop it! Mom cried, just as I exploded down Lynn’s throat.

“Oh Mom!” I cried. “Oh Sis,” I wailed, pumping my seed, slowing, my head falling back and Lynn’s following, keeping her mouth on my cock, not to save her furniture, I knew, but loathe to break our illicit contact. My cock popped out of Lynn’s mouth with a loud sucking sound.

“We’re here,” she soothed, immediately capturing my wavering dick and folding her lips around it, sucking in the last of my seepage as I lay, gasping, back arched and head flung back.

Lynn’s mouth slid off my cock a moment later and her arms tugged on mine, urging me back onto the couch. She pulled me up and let me fall back until my head hit the arm properly, then scrambled up my chest. I thought she was going to take me then, to insert my cock within her womb while the new scene of Mom played out, now in our old backyard. That’s ok, I thought. I’ll fuck you now. But it wasn’t to be.

“It’s our turn now,” Lynn husked, her knee pressing between the couch and my head as the other leg stretched over the arm. She pulled her dress up with one hand while the other pulled my face toward her outstretched leg and bare pussy. I couldn’t see the screen but I could see that Lynn was watching it as she lowered her cunt onto my mouth. “Lick us,” she said.

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I was 16 years old the first time I fucked my step dad, and yes, in case you were wondering, I fucked him, he didn't fuck me. I had wanted him for awhile, and when the opportunity came up, I jumped on it, or should I say I jumped on him! I was at the mall one day with my friends and had been doing a lot of flirting. It had gotten me very turned on. I guess I am a bit of a tease! Any way, when I got home my step dad was home alone. My mom was out of town at for the weekend and I knew my brother...

3 years ago
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Sharing my girlfriend with an old man

Sarah and I had been dating for five years at the time. We were 23, and she was about 5’3′, had beautiful, natural, perky DD breasts with tiny pink nipples and a plump ass that bubbles out. She has beautiful long black hair with bright blue eyes and is a bit pale but she looks good. She’s a curvy girl but by no means fat. And a well-kept bush that is thick and gorgeous. She’s very submissive in the bedroom and likes being ordered around which was all knew for me but I love it. Sarah and I had...

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Slut E at the swingers clubpart 2

As she stared into the woman's eyes she was suddenly grabbed by the arm and led to the dance floor by her master. Her skirt was still pulled up around her waist which exposed her glistening, wet pussy lips to everyone.Her master put her in the middle of the dance floor and when he motioned to the other dancers, they all left. They were alone now, with everyone in the room watching them.He forcefully spun around so she had her back to him and he started slowly rubbing his crotch against her ass....

1 year ago
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Train of Thought 5

“Shopping, what for and what do you mean by, playing in public?”“Do you have any sex toys?” she asked, moving very close to me so our noses almost touched.“Well no, I don’t.”“Ha, that doesn’t surprise me. You ought to have some, what do you masturbate with?”“My fingers,” I answered awkwardly.We remained nose to nose, her eyes staring into mine. She moved her hand up under my dress and started lightly scratching my clit through my knickers, giving me instantaneous tingles and renewed wetness in...

4 years ago
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My first CDTV experience

HI my name is Lilith, i am a crossdresser/transvestite. Well really i have no idea what i am considered but all my life i had grown up as a man. Secretly i used to fantasize about sucking cock as a k**, i dreamed of the day that i could. that day came when i was around 13 with a friend down the street, he was a year older than me. It started with wrestling, moved to dry humping and then soon i has rubbing his cock. We were so incredibly nervous the first time when i said " that looks...

4 years ago
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Bringing Back the Fire Part 2

Mixed feelings ran through me as our hotel room closed behind her. Although I had just received a truly great and satisfying blow job (from which I was still recovering), there was still a lingering bitterness. Cheryl had just walked out the door for the sole purpose of giving away what she had so long denied me, her husband whom she repeatedly professed to love so much, yet refused to have sex with. On the other hand, I understood the power of lust and the animal attraction that can grip us so...

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The Grinder

I'm Teddy, a career grinder. For those of you unsure of what a grinder is, I play cards for a living. You won't see me on ESPN playing at the World Series of Poker, but on the back alley streets of clubs you won't find in the yelow pages everyone knows me. The game in question is no limit texas hold em, the cadilac of poker, and the last true card game left. I've spent the last six years of my life grinding it out, never sinking myself, and making enough money to live in a pretty good upscale...

2 years ago
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Ice StormChapter 1

Reid sat in his dorm room poring over his laptop. His was a single, connecting to another single through a shared bathroom. He flipped between windows, typing in one and scrolling through another. Outside the wind blew sleet against his window. He heard his suitemate's door open and voices -- a man's and a woman's. He recognized Brad's. "Knock - knock," Brad said as he stuck his head through the door to the adjoining bathroom. "Reid -- I have someone you should meet." Reid stood...

4 years ago
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Party Girl Chapter 2

Bailee and Tom were heavy into making out, when suddenly Bailee got up. "I'll be right back," she said, and headed off to the bathroom. While she was gone, Tom got his cell phone out of his pocket and texted one of his buddies downstairs: "I'm upstairs with this really hot drunk chick. Find another ride home! Score!" Tom had just sent the text out when Bailee came back. They resumed their make-out session, with Tom using his hands to play with Bailee's breasts as he kissed her. Bailee, in...

Group Sex
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My wife gets cum filled

Last year my wife Andrea and I were invited to a Christmas party given by one of the guys that has sex with her on a regular basis. His name is Martin and he is an extremely well hung man. Andrea estimates his cock is a full nine inches and thick enough that her fingers don't touch when she holds it. I was actually surprised that I was invited, I've never been allowed to watch Andrea with him so I was extremely excited about watching my small wife take his thick cock in her married pussy. She...

1 year ago
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Indian horny slut 2

Then in evening he called me to the café I went and knew that my friend went out of station for 10 days. And he told me that he wants to have sex for more days till his wife is not there I said ok and he used to come daily to my house and have with me. Once he told me that his birthday is coming after two days. So I got happy and asked what gift he wanted so he said surprisingly which I could not think that was to be his sex slave for the whole day. I thought for some time and no one...

2 years ago
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Canadian Wild Girl Poolie

It was a boring Saturday night, and Sam had nothing to do. She felt like going out, but wasn't a fan of dressing like a slut. However, she still wanted to be ready for action, just in case. Putting on a little pink g-string and black bra, Sam wore her modest red dress that was full sleeved and up to her neck and a pair of knee-high black boots. Feeling like she accomplished both of her goals, she set out for her nearby bar, The Globe.When she got there, there was a camera crew for Canadian Wild...

3 years ago
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The SparkChapter 21

What a cluster-fuck! For the third time in less than a week, the DEA along with the Sheriff had come out to the ranch. The first time they were after and arrested one of the men Brodie had given a job too the year before. What neither of us knew at the time, but we have found out since was that he was a drug user who, from time to time, acted as a mule bringing in drugs from Arizona. He told us he went down to visit his family, when he didn't have any family down there. They had searched his...

1 year ago
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Mummy Ki Padosfod Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hello all. Main hu Rahul. Mummy ki chudai ki kahani leke aapke samne haazir hu. Bohut dino ke baad, aplogo ke samne mummy ki chudai ki ek new kahani le ke aaya hu. Aaplog meri purani kahaniyon ko yahan padh sakte the. Mummy ki bohut sari kahaniyan hai, jo dhire dhire aplog ko main sunata rahunga. Story pdhne ke baad, mujhe apna feedback zarur bhejiye, meri email id – par. Jo bhi apko review dena ho, achi ya buri, aap jarur mail ya hangouots pe contact kijiyega. Ab kahani pe aate hai. Is...

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Wakey Wakey

It must have been early and I was in that half somnolent state, neither asleep nor awake. I wriggled my body a little, savouring the way the quilt seemed to envelope me in its soothing embrace. I turned onto my side, drew up my knees, pulled the cover even more tightly around me and began to drift off again. I became vaguely aware of the weight of his hand resting on my ribs and I smiled as I dozed, feeling his fingers home in until they cupped my breast and his thumb began to press and rub the...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 07

I wish to give my thanks to my editor, SoCalOvid for his fine work on this series. If you haven’t, I highly recommend you read the previous chapters first to fully understand the unique characters, and their unusual but compelling story! With an open mind, and unlocked heart, Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 7 *** * *** Major heard the faint click, and came out from the shadows. He stared at the door and cocked his head at the noises emanating from the room. He didn’t understand the sounds, but...

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Amisha Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hello frnds I’m Ammy. ye meri first story hai so pls spelling mistake ko avoid karna aur koi bhi widow, aunty ya koi girl muje mail kre at mai apne aap ko introduce karta hu. Mai 23 years ka hu, 5 foot 6 inch lamba hu, fair colour and mai Delhi mei rehta hu and mera Lund 6 inch lamba aur 4 inch mota hai.Now let me introduce my cousin Amisha bhabhi(name badla hua). Unki shadi ko 10 years ho gye hai aur wo mujse 8 years badi thi but unka koi bacha nhi hai kyki shayad bhaiya mei kuch problem hai....

4 years ago
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My Experience With The Autoguy And His Friend

Hey. Thank you for your responses. I’ll write about what happened after my experience with the old man and the auto guy. I was returning home the next day and i got a call from the auto guy telling me that he’ll pick me up from the bus stop. I waited for him and he reached there in about 5mins. I got into the auto and he said we’re going to that same house again and that he forgot the keys, so we’ll do it outside on the shed. I nodded to it. We reached there in about 20 mins. I got out of the...

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Love and Loss 2

"Nahh, there's not much point, everywhere we need to go is within walking distance" I told him. We sat on the couch for a little while longer batting around ideas', but nothing was worth the money, "You know what I've always wanted to do?" He asked, snickering. "No, what's that babe?" I asked, intrigued. "I've always wanted to go stay in one of those huge castle's, on the shores of France, where we could just lay down on the balcony looking up at a full moon, drinking...

3 years ago
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Hero BoyChapter 4A

It was the last Friday in June and the kids where getting out of school today. I was thinking what I would do with them this summer. I was going to have them for three weeks and wasn't sure what I would do. I had figured that now I could include Jean in the plans as the kids knew and liked her. I just hoped Sara was all right with it, after all, we were not married. The phone rang and it was Jerry and he wanted to meet for lunch. Damn! I wondered what he wanted. With him it was always...

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The No Strings ChallengePart 13 Gifted and Talented

I woke up in the middle of the afternoon. Charley was already awake and looking at me tenderly. He has a gift for making a woman feel beautiful, a quality no female ever tires of. "How long have you been staring like that?" I kissed him sweetly. "Maybe ten minutes. I didn't want to wake you up." "Charley, I'm still supposed to be your whore." "I still want to fuck, but can we just be Charley and Tabby?" "Is that what you want?" I glanced down and noticed a ready to go cock....

1 year ago
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My gay pimp and the dean

Very soon Robbi and I were called to the dean’s home. This experience is the next one from “my gay pimp” in this site. Robbi was a smooth plump guy. The dean was slim and around 40. On the way to his house Robbi briefed me. If we get him happy, our grades are going to be tops. I’ll tell you what to do the dean is a horny guy but even when he is horny his penis is half hard so he is unable to penetrate but he loves getting sucked and fucked. It was evening, the dean opened the door he was slim...

Gay Male
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With Love from Sylvia Part 2 of 3

Following Jenny’s revelation about her friend Sylvia and her gift to us, the next few weeks were full of sexual tension. Not that it went unrelieved, as Jenny and I continued to enjoy the enhanced pleasure of fucking with a fat butt plug up her anal passage, and silently (or not so silently in Jenny’s case) blessed her friend for providing something new for us. Often, late into the night, when we were lying in bed, exhausted and happily satisfied, we would go over what Sylvia had said to Jenny....

2 years ago
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Go For It

As I was going thru puberty my older brother told me to always go for it! If a girl gives you an opportunity to have sex I should go for it. I had many girlfriends but never had sex. I came close a time or two but for some reason never closed the deal. I had the biggest crush on one of my teachers all thru high school. Her name was Mrs. Sue Foster. She was not really hot per say, but there was something about her that made me want to fuck her. I could tell that she had a fairly smoking body,...

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Maa Ko Randi Bana Hi Dala

Mera naam raman hai mai delhi ka rehene wala hun ye kahani mere aur mere maa sushma ki hai (mere story pe commet jarooe karna mera mail address hai —( ) mere age 22 saal hai aur mere maa ki age 49 hai ( mai aapko bata du ki wo puri actress mausmi-chterji ke jasi lagte hai) koi bhi usko dekhta hai to apna lund pant me set karne lagta hai log uske boobs ko bhooke aakho se ghurte hain.wo ek shrif aurat hai par bohot mast hai wo ab mai kahani suru karne jaa raha hun . Hum log ghar mee teen log hain...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Aarin BGB Threeway

This is the update you’ve been waiting for – one of ExCoGi’s most popular ladies returns to get fucked by TWO guys at once. Superwhore Aarin (and she’d love this word) enjoys getting her ass and pussy fucked every which way the boys want. She sucks them one after another like her life depends on it. This isn’t a threeway, this is a orgy with 2 men with large cocks and one sex addicted fuck-goddess who can’t get enough. She’ll get inseminated and her...

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Devoted Mother

Copyright © Never in my wildest dreams had I ever had any thoughts of having sex with my mother. It had never entered my head. She had always been there when we needed her, my younger brother and sister. I was 25 years old and had been married for two years, and I must admit the marriage hadn't started well and just seemed to deteriorate weekly. My wife was more interested in parties, visits to pub's and getting drunk. Thereby making a fool of herself and drawing lewd remarks and gestures,...

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AftermathChapter 11

I was at the office a bit before nine. Mona had come in already and greeted me with: "A star is born!" "Not quite," I responded. "But I'm expecting an important call today." I took a mug of coffee and was throwing away reminders when the phone rang and Mona buzzed me. "It's a Mr. Glen Kelly, CEO of the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council," she said. I pushed the button. "Mr. Kelly, Gordy Hollister." "Hey! I saw you being interviewed by Sue on...

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ReconnectingChapter 18

But Erika and I WEREN’T the only two people in the whole wide world ... or even the immediate vicinity, for that matter! Standing right next to us, completely nude, were my parents, Bob and Mable Evans, beaming with pride and satisfaction at the possibilities held by their daughter-in-law’s womb ... a womb now brimming with a fresh load of my warm, fertile(?) sperm. “Guess we’ll have to wait a few months to see if something comes of this,” Mom commented, drawing a chuckle from Dad. “No pun...

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NubileFilms Emma Sirus Coffee And Then His Cream

Emma Sirus is dressed in a cute little sheer lingerie getup as she makes herself cozy in Robby Echo’s kitchen. She craves both coffee and sex, and she can take care of one of those needs right away. While Emma is getting some milk for a bowl of cereal, Robby wanders into the kitchen and makes it clear he’s primed to take care of Emma’s other desire. Palming Emma’s twat through her thong, Robby makes sure that he and his girl are on the same page. When Emma melts into his...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 118

Jess took my hand and slid off my wedding ring. “No rings tonight.” Even though we were very open sexually, we normally only removed our rings in a case where we were worried of them being damaged or lost (either outside somewhere or INSIDE someONE), and my surprise must have been evident. “Two married people in a strip club are never going to get their lists completed,” she explained. Hard to argue with that. A knock came at the door. “I’ll get it!” Jess announced. Opening the front door...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 30 Kimmy Bradford

February 4, 1989, Chicago, Illinois All through breakfast and karate, I thought about my conversation with Jorge. It seemed that he had identified the core issue underlying the problems Jessica and I were having. I thought through the events from the time I received that fateful call about Bethany’s accident, to August, when I’d proposed. I’d need to talk to Kara before I talked to Jessica, but I had all day Sunday to do that. I was going to see Kimmy later in the day. Kimmy, who had...

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I smiled at Maddie, who was so beautiful laying naked on the bed. “We need to finish the treatment baby. Then, we’ll see . . .” I said as casually as possible considering I was talking about Maddie going down on a woman for the first time―me.“OK, make me feel better Laura,” Maddie said seductively as she laid back on the bed. It was all I could do, and then some, to stay focused on Maddie’s therapy. But 25 minutes later, we finished. Maddie endured the painful stretches and ice pack without...

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Sex with Virgin School Girl

Hi friends this is Rahul here again I hope you would have like my previous story which encourage me to tell the real incident which happened to me few months back. as I said the previous time that I work in a company in Bangalore as a wealth management advisor so I used to travel a lot once I got a call from a teacher of reputated school in the city for he had to do his investment I went to school to meet him and as I entered the school my veins started pumping hard as it was only girls school...

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Old Money

I'm lucky enough to come from a family that was rich with old money. My father still works in the city but my mother just works for charitable causes. Just after my seventeenth birthday my favourite great Aunt died. I was very sad, for I can remember spending many a hot sunny day at her beach cottage. "Letter for you," my mum said, handing over the envelope. It was from my Aunt's solicitors, inviting me to the reading of the will. "Looks like she left you something," my dad said when I...

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Ana gets aroused with our nice Samson

So I was sitting there, jerking myself and just about to cum as I watched my beautiful wife’s face twist with lust under our large dog, as Samson hammered into her pussy with primal abandon. Our nice huge dog had Ana from behind and his massive weight pinned her body down to the bed in front of me. Her knees were widely spread to better handle that huge thick cock being pounded deep into her and the swelling knot that would soon tie her. Samson rammed her so hard that her nice firm boobs were...

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The Ark Part 1Chapter 4 My First Bond Mates

I was ready early the next morning for the caterers were due to arrive at 8:00 AM to setup drinks, pastries, and a fruit bowl. One of them would remain on site to care for my guests during the presentation. When the caterers arrived and began setting up the food, I was happy to learn that Clara, the daughter of the owner of the catering business, would be the person to remain on site. Clara's last name seemed familiar to me, so before my guests started arriving, I went into the house to...

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