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MarsTrans Intercity Passenger Terminal

January 3, 2147

1123 hours

"Look at all these fucking people," said Lisa Wong as she stared at the crowd that had gathered to see Laura Whiting off. "This is a goddamn security nightmare."

"I can't believe she actually announced on MarsGroup what time she was leaving," said Horishito, who was standing next to her, posing as her husband on this particular assignment.

Both of them were wearing frumpy civilian clothes — Lisa a pair of loose fitting blue shorts that hung nearly to mid-thigh and a looser-fitting tan shirt that covered her stomach and did little to display her respectable physique. Hoary was wearing similar clothing. The effect was to make them look like God-freaks — those ultra-religious Martians who still subscribed to the ancient Earth myths. This was just the cover they were looking for on this assignment. God-freaks were a small minority in the Martian population but could be seen through all walks of life. They were hardly noticed by the live-and-let-live Martian majority, usually uncommented on if they were noticed. The frumpy clothing of their disguises served two purposes. One, it hid the bulging muscles, ultra-flat stomachs, and toned thighs that marked them as special forces members. Two, it hid the communications gear and the 3mm pistols that were strapped to their waists.

They had been pulled out of their training regiments in order to act as a secret service of sorts for Governor Whiting, who was apparently in the habit of walking around in public without her own security detail. Governor Whiting did not know they were here. She did not know the other twelve special forces members — commanded by newly promoted Lieutenant Lon Fargo — were here, some disguised as other God-freaks, some disguised as terminal janitorial staff. The numbers had seemed adequate when they'd come out, this despite the fact that Whiting, in an interview on MarsGroup after her meeting with the agricultural workers, had actually announced she would be taking the 1150 train to Proctor, staying overnight there, and then meeting with the Proctor agricultural workers as they went on shift the next day. Fargo had figured that a crowd would show up to see the Governor in person but he had not figured on the more than five thousand that had actually arrived. After all, it was a workday and most Martians these days were employed, weren't they?

"This is insane," Lisa said, trying to squirm her way forward through the crowd toward the departure platform, Hoary hanging onto her left hand. They were still over thirty meters from where Whiting now was, and aside from Lon himself, who was disguised as a MarsTrans customer service technician and had worked his way to within actual sight of her, the closest of the operatives. "None of these people have been screened for weapons, not even superficially. They just walked right in. Any one of them could be carrying anything on them."

"It's like Governor Whiting has a fuckin' death wish or something," Horishito agreed. "Is Eden PD still on their way to augment us?"

"Lon said they have some of their own undercover officers already here," Lisa said. "They've got more on the way. They at least have some experience with this sort of thing since they protect the mayor."

"They need to find some way for us to coordinate with them and let us know where their officers are and visa versa. We might end up shooting at each other if we spot weapons."

"Shit," said Lisa. "I didn't even think of that. Why don't you call Lon about that while I keep pushing us through the crowd?"

"Right," Horishito said. "I'm on the motherfucker. Maybe we can all get on the same channel."

Lisa pushed forward, using her strength to squirm between groups of Martians, to twist in and out, to propel herself toward the loading platform where Laura Whiting was being mobbed. Horishito, holding onto her hand and speaking circumspectly on his radio, followed close behind, slipping into the gaps she created. The Martians gave way reluctantly, many of them saying things like, "go read your bible, freak!" or "we don't need to be saved, Laura's already saved us". Lisa uttered a few Jesus loves you's in order to maintain their cover and kept on pushing on.

Meanwhile, less than twenty meters away, another person was pushing forward as well, just as intent — if not more — to position herself close to Laura Whiting. That person was Belinda Creek and she had watched the news broadcast of Whiting meeting with the agricultural workers earlier this morning because it had pre-empted her soap operas. She had seethed with hatred as she'd gazed upon the face of the person she blamed for all of her recent woes. Laura Whiting had started this so-called revolution, putting an end to the lifestyle she'd grown up with. Laura Whiting had seduced her husband into military service to support her revolution, changing him from the man who would give her a child and a larger apartment to a man who had divorced her, who had turned her in to the police for profiteering, who had contemptuously thrown her away like a piece of garbage. And then the booze and the cigarettes — Belinda's main focus in life — had dried up because of Laura Whiting's revolution, leaving her twisting and seizing on her bed, sending her through the hell of withdrawal, nearly killing her. And now Laura Whiting had done the most hated thing of all. She had secured a fresh booze supply for Mars, had secured high-grade tobacco, but she was denying it to Belinda just because she didn't want to get a job! That was the cruelest, most vicious thing she'd ever imagined. Belinda couldn't even get marijuana anymore, all because of that cursed welfare reform law Laura Whiting had come up with.

She pushed forward, not gaining ground as quickly as Lisa and Horishito but moving relentlessly closer all the same. Finally she got to within ten meters, was able to see that hated face in person for the first time. Her resolve solidified as the fury surged through her. Until this moment she had not really been sure she was going to carry through with her plans. Now she was sure. Laura Whiting had to die. She had to die for everything she'd done to Belinda's ordered and structured life.

She felt the cheap pistol that was in her pocket, reassuring herself it was still there. She checked to make sure the safety was off. She then pulled her hand out of her pocket so she would not arouse suspicions. She pushed on again. A line of people had formed before Whiting, their purpose to shake her hand and say a few words to her. Belinda pushed herself into the line and began to move with it. She was thirty people back, moving forward at an average of one person every fifteen seconds.

Lisa and Horishito had managed to work themselves to within sight of Laura by this point. They stood hand in hand on the forward edge of the surging crowd, their eyes tracking over everyone within ten meters of the Governor. There were just too many people for them to give any one person more than a cursory examination. Both of them looked at Belinda Creek, but neither lingered on her for more than a second. Neither had time to notice the way her eyes were flitting back and forth, the way her teeth were chewing nervously on her lower lip, the way she was wringing her hands over and over, trying to keep them from reaching into her pocket prematurely.

"This is a fuckin' joke," Horishito said. "There are too many people here. How in the hell are we supposed to do anything? What are we even looking for?"

"Her luck has held this long," Lisa said. "Hopefully it'll hold through today as well."

"Fuckin' aye," Horishito said, looking at his PC to get the time. It was 1130. "Boarding for the train has already started. She'll probably wrap this shit up in another minute or two."

Laura Whiting was, in fact, planning to wrap this shit up even as they spoke. She had shaken hundreds of hands, talked to hundreds of people, been hugged and mobbed and even kissed a few times. She was weary and knew it was time to get on the train and hopefully catch an hour or so of sleep on the trip to Proctor. She had actually opened her mouth to tell the crowd that she was sorry for not talking to all of them but she had to go. And then she spotted the woman in the handshake line. She was a dirty blonde, her hair unwashed, her eyes bloodshot, her nose with the scattering of burst capillaries that denoted a chronic alcoholic. Laura did notice the flitting of the eyes, the wringing of the hands, the nervous, determined look on her face. She also noticed the slight bulge in the woman's right pocket — a bulge that could have been a make-up case or a PC or a marijuana case. Laura suspected, however, that it was neither of these things. She suspected it was a gun. She decided to stay a bit longer, smiling at the next person in line, receiving his thanks and his gratitude graciously, just as she'd received everyone else's.

The woman moved closer, person-by-person, her eyes locked looking everywhere but at Laura's face, her posture becoming more and more tense. Finally she was the next in line. Laura talked to the person in front of her, accepted a kiss on the cheek, and then wished him a good day. She told him to vote for independence. He promised her that he would. The man stepped to the side, allowing the woman to step forward. Her eyes were now locked onto Laura's face, a mask of hatred plainly showing now. Her hand dropped into her right pocket.

Laura smiled at her. "You're doing your planet a great service," she said. "And you don't even realize it."

The woman actually paused, confusion furrowing her brow as she tried to digest these words. Laura actually feared for a second that she wasn't going to go through with it. But then the hatred came back. The woman opened her mouth. "I got your fuckin' revolution right here, you cunt!" she yelled. The hand came out of her pocket. There was a gun in it.

The gunshots were shockingly loud on the crowded platform. Belinda had time to fire three times before the shocked bystanders surrounding her tackled her to the ground and stomped on her wrist, forcing the gun from her hand. All three of the hyper-velocity, hollow-point bullets struck Laura Whiting in her unprotected torso. They tore through her flesh, one ripping a hole in her ascending aorta, one destroying her left lung, the last exploding her liver and her hepatic artery. She staggered two steps backward and collapsed, the smile still on her face.

"Motherfucker!" Lisa Wong screamed, her own gun instantly in her hand. She rushed forward, pushing members of the crowd aside until she was kneeling next to the fallen governor.

Laura Whiting's eyes were still open. She was still aware. She looked at those around her and then, loudly and plainly, she said: "Keep Mars free, people. Keep Mars free."

She took a few more ragged breaths and then she faded. By the time the first dip-hoes got there four minutes later, she was dead.

No less than a dozen people heard her final words. Every one of these people reported these words to the MarsGroup reporters who wanted to know every last detail from every last witness. These words were broadcast across the shocked and mourning planet in every possible medium. They appeared on MarsGroup news sites, were told by weeping anchors during news shows, were repeated person to person.

"'Keep Mars free, people, '" General Jackson quoted as he cried for his friend during a press conference just twelve hours after her death. "'Keep Mars free.' With her very last breath in this life, she spoke those words plainly and for all to hear. That was her dying wish, her dying decree to the people of this planet. I don't think I have to tell anyone what she meant by that."

But Jack Strough thought that he needed to tell everyone what she meant. "It seems obvious to me," he opined — with a straight face no less — "that our revered governor, a woman we all respected deeply and loved passionately, in her dying moment, realized that a negotiated peace is the only way we can truly keep Mars free. That is the only explanation for why she uttered those dying words. One seriously doubts that a woman dying of multiple internal hemorrhages would have wasted the last of her energy telling us to 'Free Mars, people... ' if it did not indicate a sudden and perhaps divinely inspired reversal of her previously stated position on the matter — a position that she was, in fact, out campaigning for at the time of her death."

Jackson, sitting alone in his office, full of grief, in the preliminary stages of trying to plan a state funeral for the fallen governor, went into a near-murderous rage when he heard Strough's words broadcast over MarsGroup. Of all the sleazy, slimy, self-interested things Strough had pulled in the past, this was undoubtedly the sleaziest, the slimiest, the most horribly self-interested. He was actually trying to pervert Laura's dying words — that profound and heartfelt declaration — and make it seem she meant the exact opposite of what anyone with common sense would know she really meant.

Would the working class Martians believe Strough? Probably not, at least not in their hearts. But would they pretend to believe him? Would a sizable portion perhaps convince themselves in their own minds, out of a subconscious self-interest of their own, that Strough was right? Jackson thought that just might be the case. He needed to counter Strough in some way, to let the population know, in no uncertain terms, that Laura Whiting had died in stern, immovable disapproval of Strough's reconciliation goals. He needed to give a speech. He had only two days before her funeral but he needed to come up with something moving, something inspirational, something that would keep public opinion and the upcoming vote clearly on the side of righteousness. He needed to convince the Martians that Laura Whiting wanted them, needed them to be free and that to do anything less would stain her memory and lay waste to all she had accomplished for the planet.

He spent more than two hours trying to compose such a speech. He kept starting and then ultimately rejecting his efforts. He was either coming across too strong or too weak, either overstating his case or understating it. He could not seem to find the proper middle ground to occupy.

"Damn," he said, as hour number three rolled around. This was frustrating. He was a decent enough speechwriter — he generally wrote all of his own speeches — but for something of this magnitude, when the course of an entire people lay in the balance, he needed someone a little better at carving with words. He needed someone like... well... someone like Laura Whiting. Unfortunately, Laura really had no equal.

He computer terminal suddenly chimed, indicating an email had just arrived. As a public figure and the commanding general of an entire planet's armed forces, Jackson received hundreds, sometimes thousands of emails every day. He had two staff members who did little else besides sorting through this influx. Very few people, however, had his private email address, the one that delivered directly to his computer terminal in his office or to his PC. He called up the email program, mostly to give his mind something else to think about for a few minutes. He figured the email was probably from Zoloft or one of his other generals inquiring about the funeral plans he was supposed to be working on.

He looked down at the name on the sender line and his breath caught in his throat. A chill ran down his spine.

The email, sent just seconds ago, had come from Laura Whiting.

Jackson licked his lips a few times and tried to think of an explanation for this. His confusion was quite valid. Unlike in the twenty-first century, when email first became a primary method of communication, it was almost impossible in the twenty-second century for a person to use another person's email account to send a message. Every outgoing email required a voiceprint and a fingerprint verification from the sender in whose name it was being sent. Virtually the only way he could have an email from Laura Whiting was if Laura Whiting had sent it. But Laura Whiting was dead. She had been positively identified by the Eden office of the coroner using DNA matching. An autopsy had been performed on her. Currently her body was in the baggage section of a MarsTrans train somewhere between Eden and New Pittsburgh. Jackson knew that because he had made the return arrangements himself.

With a finger that trembled slightly he reached forward and touched the email icon on the screen, opening it. It was a text file with a video file attached to it. He looked at the date and saw the message had been composed on September 3, 2146, exactly three months ago. His eyes dropped to the text itself.

Dearest Kevin,

If you are reading this message then I am dead, undoubtedly taken down by an assassin's bullet. I'm writing this note now, as WestHem marines are planning to make another landing and with the ultimate outcome of the coming battle still in question, at least among most of our people, including those of you in the MPG. I, however, know that we will be ultimately victorious in this struggle. I know we will prevail on the battlefield. I am as certain about this as I am that the sun will come up in the morning, as I am that there will be dust storms in the winter. We will beat the WestHem marines without losing any of our cities and we will send them back to Earth in humiliated defeat.

I also know that a new struggle will begin after the marines are defeated, probably within days. There will be those who will attempt to destroy the unity of our planet for their own means. What is worse is that there will be a segment of our own people — weary of war and shortages — who will be willing to listen to these people. This cannot be allowed to follow its natural course. We must keep Mars free and committed to the ideals that launched this revolution in the first place.

Sadly, and with fear, I foresee my own death as well. I will not live to see the fruits of my labors. This too is as inevitable as those yearly dust storms I mentioned. I refuse to spend my life hiding behind a dense layer of MPG security forces who follow me to every errand I run, who plan out my every move in advance. I refuse this security for my own freedom even though I am a woman who has made many enemies on a planet where nearly every man, woman, and child owns a handgun. My death is coming and I accept this.

Attached to this email is a video file I made just an hour ago. It contains my final words to the Planet Mars and I want you to play it at my funeral, to let me have one last say before I'm committed to the ashes of the crematorium. I will program the computer to scan MarsGroup news files on a continuing basis. When it begins to detect news stories announcing my death then, and only then, will this email be sent to you.

Goodbye, my friend and don't grieve for me too long. I can guarantee you I died happy if I died on a free Mars.

Jackson had tears in his eyes as he read and then re-read the email. Of all the things Laura had done in the past to amaze him, this was perhaps the most amazing. She had spoken to him from beyond death. And now she wanted to speak to the planet from there as well.

He brought his finger down and touched the video file icon. The video player program automatically opened it up and began to play it. Jackson watched it all the way through, his mouth hanging open most of the time.

"My God," he whispered and then broke into a grin. "Laura... you're brilliant. Absolutely brilliant."

He quickly saved the email and then the video file. He made several copies of the video and distributed them to different portions of the Internet where he could easily retrieve them. He then told his computer to contact Diane Nguyen, CEO of MarsGroup.

Diane appeared on the screen almost immediately. "Hi, Kevin," she said, her own eyes a little swollen and reddened. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing better all of a sudden," he said. "I just got an email from Laura."

"Excuse me?" she said.

He explained it to her and even sent her a copy of the text portion. "You can print that up whenever you want. The video will remain in my possession until her funeral."

"Can you give me at least a summery of what's in it?" she asked hungrily, itching for more of the story.

"No," he said. "I won't breathe a word of it until her funeral. Then the whole fucking planet can watch it."

"Can I quote you on that?" she asked.

"Fuckin' aye," he told her.

Jack Strough did not know what was in the video Laura Whiting had made three months ago, the video that was to be played at her funeral, but he knew he didn't want anyone to see it. He tried to use his influence on the legislature members who were now in charge of the planet in Laura Whiting's absence. Well over half of them had been converted to his way of thinking about things (as he liked to term it). He asked them to declare the video an unfair influence on the upcoming election and to order it suppressed, hopefully forever but at least until after the special election.

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My good old days

During our PT period we played Football. On this eventful day our drill sir was in the opposite team. The selections were coming up and I wanted to perform well. I was on guard as the ball began to take its flight; I did not want to be frightened in front of our drill sir. Therefore, I did a bold try to defend it by jumping high. My calculations went wrong. I jumped higher than I expected. The ball hit my groin. For a second I stood still then I fell down as I felt pain & giddiness. I remember...

1 year ago
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Lupe The Colombian Guesthouse MILF

I want to tell the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse, on the Pacific coast of Colombia, in South America. But I must give you some background first.I had graduated from university here in London and had then taken a year out travelling around the world. On my travels across Europe and Asia, I had pursued my passion for photographing the natural world. I had set up a website and posted updates almost every...

2 years ago
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A Mother Knows Her Child

Tonight was Halloween night, and it would mark a year since Linda Ewing changed her boyfriend Michael Caliguiri, into Michelle Caliguiri. Linda gave the boy, who was expecting a treat, this trick because the former football player cheated on her with her best friend, Sophie Lawrence. The scorned high school sophomore held no ill will towards Sophie. According to Linda's BFF, that scoundrel lied to the drunken girl about those two being broken up over Fred Foxx. Linda did kiss Fred, but...

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Schoolboy Love

It was 1992 and I was for teen and on a school trip to Germany. I was at the time a keen amateur boxer, tall, lean and well muscled. During the trip I was given the task of looking after the new boy, Stuart. Stuart had recently arrived from Australia he was small for his age about 5ft 3 tanned and a little chubby with really dark eyes and quite long chestnut coloured hair. He was getting bullied, k**s had started to call him fat ass because he had what is called these days a "bubble but". I was...

4 years ago
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Company TripChapter 7 Jim Continues

Kim, Bill and I left the restaurant where we had enjoyed a meal after picking her up from the airport. We arrived shortly at the hotel. I suggested that we go for an evening swim and Kim loved the idea. I told Bill we would meet him at the pool in fifteen minutes and we split up. I could tell that Kim was already having a great time. She was in great spirits. She didn't hesitate to tell me how much she liked Bill and was really looking forward to spending more time with him. The plan was...

2 years ago
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My First Real ValentineChapter 6

She put her heels back on to go up the walk to her front door. The shawl was firmly wrapped around her, covering her front. It was cold and she tried to hurry. The heels clacked loudly on the cement. I went with her, of course. I wasn’t about to miss the chance of another kiss before the coach turned back into a pumpkin, and Cinderella turned back into my best pal, who might only want to climb trees together again. I actually thought about taking one of her shoes with me when I went home....

1 year ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 31

His erection was proudly pointing directly at Rockie. JR had never seen a woman lost fully in lust before. His experiences had been milder in the past. She wasn’t looking at him, she was studying what was between his legs. She bent down, grasped his erection tenderly and kissed the leaky crown. JR tried to rise, his thoughts leading to the master bedroom in her condo. Rockie wasn’t in the mood to move. She pushed him back into the futon and straddled him. JR smiled at her aggressiveness. It...

2 years ago
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Random Sex With My Lover

You call me up on the telephone and tell me you are in my area. You ask me if it is okay if you drop by and see me. That you really want to."Sure." I say a smile appearing across my face."Great. See you in a few sexy." you say.We then hang up the telephone at the same time. The thought of getting to see you again at such a random moment has my pussy already soaking wet. I let my hands travel down my body and touch my pussy through my shorts. I moan as the thought of you touching me runs through...

2 years ago
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Nikis New LifeChapter 11 Dazed and Confused

Standing erect, fully on view, she had no secrets left, even the students in the farthest corners would be able to see her ass, her tits, everything. She was a nude model. A. Nude. Model. She was completely nude in front of her schoolmates, and she was doing it on her own. Dressing again at the end of her modeling session, Niki felt strangely on edge, as if the last hour exposed had fired all the nerves in her body. It was almost a jingly jangly feeling. Stepping out of the small enclosure,...

1 year ago
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Construction Site Gangbang

“Hey, sweety, how ya doin’?”Kayla’s heart beat a little faster. Ooo, God, go away, you sweaty a****ls, she thought, clutching the blueprints to her full, pert tits and trying to ignore them. The construction workers didn’t stop.“Hey, baby, ain’t you fucking gorgeous! What’s a little girl like you doing out here?”Kayla walked faster, as fast as she could on the wooden catwalk on her high heels. It made matters worse that she didn’t quite know where she was going; it was a huge construction site,...

4 years ago
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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 9 Rewritten

I know I posted the chapter not long ago but in all honestly I felt bad about how I ended it, it was wrong of me to do what I did to Sue, so here is a rewritten ending, that I hope will satisfy not only my readers but my myself. Enjoy NightFall Sue got dressed quickly and quietly, it didn’t take long for her to feel a wet puddle forming in her panties as some of his cum seeped through her lips. She returned to her bed lying on her side, her back to Bruce and pulled the sheet...

3 years ago
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Insatiable Wife

It was just one of those lazy weekend days. A nice drive in the country with the top down, a picnic in the park complete with a fine bottle of wine and then over to the mall for a little window shopping. Carla was dressed in an old pair of baggy faded sweats, sneakers and a baseball cap with her brown hair pony- tailed through the back of the hat. This 28-year-old looked more like a college freshman ready for softball practice than a well-educated, mostly proper, but some- times...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kristina Rose Lex Is Up Kristina8217s Ass

Spirited, tasty L.A. Latina Kristina Rose teases and twerks in a net bikini and heels. Excited for an interracial reunion with heavily hung legend Lexington Steele, she kneels to give a slobber-soaked blow job. When he takes her furry pussy, his 11-inch monster looks almost as big as Kristina! The sexy doll masturbates and bellows as she’s fucked. ‘I wanna feel you put this big, ol’ fucking dick in my butt,’ simpers the slut; an anal ride and doggie-style sodomy make her...

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STORY ISNT ABOUT ME...A Loving GrandmotherI was 18 when my Grandfather on my Mothers side passed away. They were not well off by any means, neither was my family. My dad went to help out after the funeral making arrangements to sell her trailer and car, Gramma wouldn't need them since she was now going to move in with us. We lived in a 3-bedroom house, Mom and Dad's room on the far side from my bedroom and my 2 sisters' in the middle. Well, I was concerned about the sleeping arrangements now,...

2 years ago
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That is so cool

The other evening I was watching a travel programme on TV featuring a short item on the joys of a narrow boat holiday on the UK canal system and it brought back vivid memories of a sunny July afternoon walking along the canal towpath near to my home. It was only a few weeks after my eighteenth birthday and, having left school with very few qualifications, I was looking forward to starting as a trainee hairdresser at my Aunt’s salon next month. The brightly painted canal boats coming and...

4 years ago
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Eiskalte Engel

"Sebastien , Sebastien ....bitte versuche dich zu konzentrieren." "Was soll ich denn dazu sagen? Ich bin nunmal ein Idiot. Ich kann mir einfach nicht Leid tun nur weil ich das Kind reicher Eltern bin." "Du kannst doch nichts dafür. Nichts ist schwieriger als Erwachsen zu werden. Und ohne elterliche Fürsorge kann so vieles schiefgehen. Du musst die Fehler deiner Eltern einfach überwinden. Hier das wird dir sicher helfen können..." Dr. Regina Greenbaum übergibt Sebastien ihr aktuelles Buch über...

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Eve and the garden A Fantasy

Eve loved her walks through the garden. Not that Eve of Adam and Eve or that garden, the garden of eden. But, where Eve walked was a beautiful place almost magical. It was more a forest than a garden, but, she called it her garden. one part of it anyway the open space by the stream where the birds sang and the a****ls gathered to drink.Eve was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair that went all the way down her back, deep blue eyes like pools of water, long legs and a striking figure. Small...

1 year ago
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Seduced By Aunty

Yeh meri first story hain, so I would like to get your feedback. So yeh baat 2 months purani hain. Mere neighbour main ek sexy mature aunty rehate hain . Woh hamesha koi bahaney sey hamarey ghar ati thi. Unko mainey kafi bar gaon main dekha tha. Aur mere khayal se woh bra bhi nahi pehenti thi. Isliye main unkey nipples directly dekh sakta tha uppar se. Unko dekh kar mera hamesha boxers main khada ho jata tha. Ek din main ghar par akela tha aur woh chinni key bahaney sey ghar par aai thi. Mainey...

3 years ago
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My First Lesbian Experience

It was when I was 17 when I realised that after I broke up with my latest boyfriend (Jamie-read My First Sexual Experience, link below) that men just didn’t have the same appeal anymore. That was when I started to watch lesbian porn. I really liked the naughty feeling I got from watching it. I felt strange, it made me really horny much more horny than when I watch straight porn. Then I had an epiphany, I was lesbian… or bi, I wasn’t so sure but I knew I wasn’t straight. One night I was...

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Plain Jane Nerd Jim Grow Up

Two years passed since Jim and Jane had last spoken. He ended their final long distance telephone conversation, tears sliding out of both their eyes, with a shaky ‘Goodbye.’ They had resolved that distance was making their relationship expensive. Two hour conversations over thousands of miles. And it impeded their freedom. They were young and needed to be bold and go out into the world and take some chances. It wasn’t real for them to be together anymore. They weren’t together anymore. Their...

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The Bus Ride

I just had another fight with my boyfriend, and decided to hop on a bus to see where it would take me. I got on the first bus that came my way. The driver appeared to be middle aged, and very stern looking. He told me to hurry up and find a seat, and sit my ass down. I could tell this was going to be a fun ride. I still can’t believe my boyfriend cheated on me, again. This time, I’m going to get even with that creep . I looked in the back of the bus, and saw two guys, that appeared to be...

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Black Tan BluesChapter 4

I sat on the edge of the hospital bed holding my newborn son. I gazed in wonder at the dark hair, the scrunched up face and the tiny fists he held up next to his tightly closed eyes. I looked down in awe at my exhausted wife holding an identical bundle. Even as tired as she was she looked back at me with pride and love. Samantha sat as close as she could get on the other side of her smiling ear to ear. Smiling so hard I thought her face was going to crack. "Well Sam, have you ever see...

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Office WorkloadChapter 5

Characters in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Cleaner: A cleaner lady who cleans the office during break times Miss Jenna:The General manager of human resources in the company. Setting for the current chapter: Office: This is the workplace of the author and characters stated above. Office restroom:A restroom/toilet near the authors cube Authors home: A 3 bedroom apartment where the author lives alone ---- I...

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A Horny Party

It was another Friday night get together, just eight friends who liked a good time and knew how to have one. This party was at Paul and Jenny's place and as usual the booze was flowing like water, I was with Jimmy my boyfriend, Lisa and Karen were together in a big old chair and Sheila was sitting with her boyfriend Michael on the floor, Paul is my brother, older my three minutes so as you would imagine, we're close. He was quite drunk as always at these parties and Jenny wasn't far...

2 years ago
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Cell Phone Slave Pt 6

Dreams were cruel sometimes. Amaya dreamed of fucking in a movie theater. Sometimes she was screwing Chris, gripping his short blonde hair as he thrust inside her and other times it was a mysterious masked man that she knew was Wesley. Both fucked her hard, both made her do nasty things but neither of them would let her cum.Amaya awoke to the sound of her own moaning. It was Sunday morning, and she was hornier than she was when she went to bed. Across from her, Rick slept with the blankets...

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True story

She was no good for him, he used to think. Destroyed his motivation for life, kind of scary, Now none of that seemed to matter any more. She was the only woman he knew who could get into it as much as him. Hey.Hey.I’m coming over. When?Now. I’m in the car. I’ll be there in five.Wait.I’m coming. Be naked, Butt plug in your ass. Clips on your nipples. Tight enough that it hurts a little. Oh. Oh. I was studying. I was…Be on your bed. I want to hear a vibrator on your clit when I walk in the...

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Finishing School For Young Ladies Chapter Eight

Finishing School For Young Ladies By Michele Nylons Chapter Eight - Passport To Eternity "So are you seriously thinking about getting tits?" Sally dropped her newspaper and snuggled up to Valerie. "But I thought the whole tranny deal was only for two or three years? Just until Tony stopped looking for you?" Sally said inquisitively. "Well it was. But now I don't want to live any other way. I can't tell you everything right now but becoming a transvestite has answered a...

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My Boss And I Part 5

Ifeoma lay on the bed staring up at me seductively. She propped herself up on her elbows, and opened her legs widely, revealing her gorgeous sex to me. She was naked except for her silky black stockings and garter belt, and I could see glistening wetness shining between her legs. It was time for me to pleasure her, to pay her the same level of devotion she'd just shown me.I unfastened the top button of my shirt. It was all I still had on; I'd removed my pants long ago when she had sucked my...

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Getting out of the Rut Chapter 5

What now? "What now?" Carol said again. The hug and the beginning of an explanation meant a lot; it meant the difference between divorce and rebuilding. Mao once said a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Had we just taken that first step? I felt euphoric and fragile at the same time."We take it easy,” I said, “we enjoy your days off and we talk; talk a lot I think." I kissed her again. “Is that okay with you? We can take as long as it takes but don't answer your...

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the mistake

chapter one the story is about a man in the midage called jameson and his family (wife and young daughter),this family was very normal family with normal life but one day jameson had fight with his wife jenna and left the house and drive the car and try to go to place clam down when he drove he said to him self "why i want this woman we alaway have probelms and fight"and then he siad to him self "even if there alooot of problem but he dont destroy the home and make kitty (daughter 19 years old)...

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A Strangeness Returns

A Strangeness Returns By Bill Hart It was a cloudy and moonless night - at least it would have been moonless except for the extremely thick layer of clouds - outside the Iota Delta Phi sorority house. Bolts of lightning flashed brightly between the clouds. And the accompanying thunder rumbled through a few scant moments later. Not far from the sorority house, a group of a dozen boys, as well as a pair of girls, had surrounded one lone male. "Well, wussy boy," said one of...

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Georgia on My MindChapter 1

"Jamie it's for you. Some lawyer named Waters." "Who the hell could that be? Hello" "Mr. Lauderdale? Jameson Edward Lauderdale?" "Yes, that's me." "Mr. Lauderdale, I am Horace A. Waters your aunt, Ellie Hutchinson's lawyer. I have the sad task to inform you of her death." After an inordinately long pause Horace A. Waters said, "Are you still there Mr. Lauderdale?" "Yes, Mr. Waters. It's just that I never thought that she would ever die. When did it happen?" "Yes, we...

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Learning from a New Family Chapter 3 Caught and Punished

Introduction: This is the third and final part in a series. You can read the other works on my profile, but this should hold up on its own merits. William is a foster child who is currently living with Emily and her adopted daughter Sarah. After Sarah slept in Williams bed several times to escape from the nightmares that sometimes haunt her, a surprise call from Emilys work left them free to take things further. Unfortunately, their pursuit of pleasure has made them reckless, to the point where...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 85

TUESDAY — SEPTEMBER 24 Later as Sheriff Tate merged onto the interstate headed for Denver, he resisted the urge to push the accelerator the rest of the way down, keeping his speed down near one hundred, instead. Dammit. Why does this son-of-a-bitch have to do this now? If we only had another month, we would be in better shape. We have enough information, but I would be more confident in a month or so. Damn. Damn. Damn! When he entered the Attorney General's headquarters, he was met by a...

1 year ago
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Love Never Dies Chapter 7

Traffic was light that Friday evening and I made good time. It was 7:01 when I parked the car in the garage and switched off the engine. I removed the phone from my pocket, preparing to text Gaynor, when it beep-beeped. The words on the screen told me: 1 message from Gaynor. I opened it and read: Just to let you know I’ve sent an email xx I hit the reply button and sent:  Got here this minute. No problems. Will read mail and reply ASAP. Love R xx In my office, I put on spectacles as the...

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