This Can't Be Love, Can It?Chapter 2 free porn video

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The next night I was sitting at home, waiting for Bo to either come by or call me if he was successful with a special assignment I had given him.

Years earlier, The General once told me he did something he was not too proud of, to protect someone he cared about. That’s how I remembered the conversation, someone he “cared” about. I could not use that other word, the “L” word.

I was doing the same. Even after all that had happened, someone I still cared about.

I had not slept at all. Every time I would try to lie down, I could still hear Carrie crying and sobbing. And still see her incredibly firm breasts and hard nipples poking through the thin shirt she was wearing. And see her long, long, well-muscled legs and tight butt.

When my doorbell rang, I assumed it was Bo and although I was a little surprised since I thought it was way too early, I really didn’t think an awful lot about it.

I opened the door.

It was not Bo.

It was Bo’s daughter.

Carrie looked at me for a minute, then did something that very few men have ever been able to do to Big Jake Lewis!

As I have said, Carrie had grown at least three inches, and probably gained 40 pounds. She was also a superbly conditioned, world-class athlete, and was the starting forward on the nationally-ranked University of Alabama women’s basketball team.

She now put every ounce of that anger-driven conditioning and 160 pounds into her right hand.

She hit me so hard with an open-handed slap that it knocked my head back and rocked me to my heels. I actually stumbled backwards before managing to catch myself. Carrie continued to walk towards me as I was stumbling back.

“Now you are going to listen to me, you miserable son-of-a-bitch, because last night I had to listen to your crap! Now you are going to sit down and hear what I have to say if I have to take a two-by-four and beat you senseless first,” she said, and was so angry she was shaking.

My first and only thought at that point was I was VERY glad to see that Carrie was NOT holding a two-by-four. I suddenly had no doubt that she meant every word of what she was saying.

“Okay, Miss James, come on in,” I said, which was kind of stupid since she was already a half-dozen feet inside the house.

We walked into the living room.

“Now sit down ... Sheriff!” she ordered, and used just as much contempt with that word “Sheriff” as I had used in my words with her last night.

I sat.

I could see Carrie visibly trying to control her temper, so I just sat and said nothing.

Finally, she seemed to compose herself some, then started talking.

“Jake, I don’t think I have ever loved anyone more than I loved Aunt June.

“There are times when I think I actually loved her more than I love my own mother ... and I love my mother a lot,” she said.

“She was more than just a second mother to me, she was also like the older sister I never had.

“I knew I could talk to Aunt June about anything – things I would never dare discuss with my own mother. And Aunt June would never judge me, but would only offer encouragement and help me to see the right thing to do.

“Did you know I was standing right outside the bedroom door, that final day, in case either one of you needed something?” she asked.

I shook my head no, and had to admit my surprise.

“Jake, how do you think it made me feel to hear Aunt June say she knew, not just that I loved you both, but I was IN LOVE WITH you? You don’t have to answer that, because I will tell you. It made me so sick at my stomach I wanted to throw up!” Carrie admitted.

“I could not believe what I was hearing, coming from a woman I loved so much and respected so much. Hearing her say ‘a woman always knows when another woman is in love with her husband,’ made me physically ill.

“I wanted so much to run in there and tell Aunt June how wrong she was! Yes, I loved you both, but I immediately started telling myself I could not ... COULD NOT be in love WITH you.

“I would be betraying my love for Aunt June, and her love for me.

“I couldn’t be in love WITH you Jake, I couldn’t.

“What kind of monster would I have to be, to have fallen in love with Aunt June’s husband, while she was lying there dying? What kind of sick, perverted person would I have to be?

“You can’t even conceive of how those words tortured me, made me question myself and everything I believed in. Made me doubt that I was even capable of human feelings.

“If I was actually, as Aunt June claimed, ‘in love with’ you, then I thought I had to have been one of the sickest, most depraved people on earth.

“The next few weeks were, for me, hell. Instead of being excited about starting college, I was mourning Aunt June, and torturing myself each night denying I could possibly be in love WITH you.

“When I did get to college, I did the only thing I knew to do. I poured myself into basketball with a vengeance. My coaches said they had never seen anyone work as hard, or spend more hours in a gym than I did. I started a high-calorie diet to gain weight, so I could become an even better player.

“I also started running miles every day. I would run a couple of miles in the morning, then several more miles in the afternoon after basketball practice.

“If I wasn’t in the gym, then I was in the weight room working out.

“The coaches told me I spent more time in the weight room than most of the members of the Alabama football team.

“I became a starter my freshman year on a team already ranked in the top five in the nation.

“And all to try to forget about what Aunt June said ... and to try to forget about you.”

“But no matter how many hours I spent in the gym, how many hours I spent running, and how many hours in the weight room, no matter how completely exhausted I was, every time I closed my eyes at night, all I could see was you ... all I could see was Jake.

“And I finally had to admit Aunt June was right. God help me, Aunt June was right. I was in love with Big Jake Lewis.”

“I even thought about killing myself, Jake. That was how bad I felt.”

Carrie said that when she came home that first year for fall break, she had planned on talking to me and admitting her feelings for me, and see how I felt about her, and about what June had said.

But then Bo told her that as soon as I heard she was coming back into town and wanted to talk to me, I suddenly left for an unexpected vacation.

“That told me how you felt,” Carrie said. “And it made me feel even worse about myself.

“I told myself that you thought I must be that sick, depraved monster I sometimes felt I had to be.

“I became determined to get you out of my mind, and out of my heart.

“When I got back to college, I deliberately got myself drunk and lost my virginity, and then started sleeping with anyone who would have me.

“I tried to FUCK you out of my mind and FUCK you out of my heart, Jake,” she said, and began crying.

“But every time I closed my eyes ... every time someone was on top of me ... I still could only see you.”

For the next year-and-a-half, about the only thing Carrie did was play basketball and sleep with anyone who would have her. And a lot of men would have her. But every time she would close her eyes, she would only see me.

“I’ve never had an orgasm, Jake, because it was always you that I wanted ... always.”

Carrie said that when she found out that I had suspended her Dad, she was actually glad, because she felt now the love could turn to hate. And that is why she wanted to roll my house, to prove to herself how much she now hated me.

“It didn’t work, Jake, it didn’t work,” she said as she began crying harder.

“And do you know what the worst part is? That guy, when he told my Dad that he had slept with me? He was right. He had been another Jake substitute.

“Daddy was trying to protect his daughter’s name, but his daughter was nothing more than a slut. Just a cheap, miserable, depraved slut who would not say no to any man.”

A couple of times as she was talking I had started to say something, or reach out to her, but each time Carrie told me to just sit down, shut up and not say anything until she had finished.

In the last few months Carrie said she finally realized how futile her efforts were to “fuck me out of her heart,” so she had stopped sleeping around.

“Last night, I was about to suggest you call my father. Calling my father and knowing my mother would find out what I had done would be worse than jail, Jake.

“But that was what I was going to do, then I was going to offer to plead guilty to any charge you and Daddy wanted to make against me. But I didn’t want my mother to see her daughter in jail. It would have killed her, Jake.

“But then you told me you could probably also charge me with solicitation, and told me to go prostitute myself elsewhere.

“I have never had anything hurt me like that in my life. Never, Jake, never.”

When I started to get up and tried to interrupt Carrie, she ordered me to sit back down and shut up ... or she would hit me again.

I sat.

“All day I have thought about nothing else but what you said, about prostituting myself.

“Well, Jake, I also saw how you looked at me last night, how you were checking me out, how you were looking at my body. That is a look I have learned very well, and I could tell that you liked what you saw.

“And I also heard what you said about my ‘pretty tits and tight little ass’ and I knew you were interested.

“So maybe we can both get what we want. Isn’t that what they call a win-win scenario?

“Neither side gets exactly what they want, but both sides get some of what they want?”

Carrie walked over until she stood just a couple of feet away from me.

“Maybe it was not the way I would want it to be between us, but if that is all I can get, I would just have to accept that.

“I would rather be your prostitute, I would rather be your whore,” Carrie said, “than any other man’s wife!”

Carrie was wearing a pair of shorts and t-shirt, but tonight I could see that she had a bra on since I could see a bra strap on her shoulder.

She pulled the t-shirt over her head and threw it at me.

“I’ll be your $100 whore, Jake. If you will have me.”

Then she slipped her shorts off and threw those at me. She was now only wearing panties and a bra.

“If that’s too much money, then I’ll be your $50 whore, Jake.”

Carrie reached behind her and undid her bra and slipped it off and threw it at me. Her breasts were beautiful. Not huge, but very firm and her nipples were already hard.

“If that’s too much money, then I’ll be your $25 whore, Jake.”

She then pushed her panties down, stepped out, bent over and picked them up and threw them at me as well.

“What is the lowest of the low, Jake? Is that a two-bit whore? Well, then I’ll be your two-bit whore, Jake. If that’s all I can be, then I’ll be your two-bit whore.”

Carrie finally fell to her knees on the living room floor and started sobbing again.

“Any way you want me, Jake, any way at all. I’ll be yours any way at all. You don’t have to give me anything else, not your name, not your love, just let me be your two-bit whore!”

By now I am crying also.

I walked over and knelt down beside Carrie and took her into my arms.

“You are no man’s whore, Carrie, and you are no slut. I was just too blind to see, too caught up in my own suffering to realize you were suffering as well,” I said.

“Oh God, Carrie, I can’t believe how much I have screwed everything up.

“I have failed you, and I have failed June.

“Carrie, do you remember the last thing June said?” I asked.

“Take care...” she answered.

“At the time, I didn’t know if she meant take care of yourselves, or take care of each other,” I explained, “but now I know she meant take care of each other.

“And I have failed you ... I have failed you so much,” I added, and by now I am really crying.

“Carrie ... my beautiful Carrie ... I have no right to ask this, but can you ever forgive me?” I asked.

To be honest, if our positions were somehow reversed I don’t think I would have the courage, nor heart, nor the compassion to do what Carrie did then.

“Just hold me, Jake ... please, just hold me!” Carrie answered, then gave me a very soft kiss on my lips.

And I did. We just sat there – together – on my living room floor for probably 30 minutes or more, just holding each other. And we were both doing a lot of crying.

When we finally stood up, I picked Carrie up in my arms and carried her to my bedroom.

By the time I finally entered her that night, she had already had at least a half-dozen orgasms from the ministrations of my mouth, tongue and fingers.

And when I finally entered her, she just gasped, “Oh God, Jake ... BIG Jake,” and exploded again.

We finally fell asleep in each other’s arms, and for the first time in two years I did not wake up a half-dozen times during the night.

I slept like a baby. And when I woke up the next morning, just like a suckling baby my lips found her breasts and nipples and soon she was awake and crying out in passion as we made love again.

We took a shower together, and were soon making love in the shower with water cascading over our joined bodies.

Soon we were lying down on my bed again. I just couldn’t get enough of looking at this beautiful young woman, with such an incredible body.

I had already lost count of the number of times I had told her that I loved her, and always wanted to be with her – for the rest of my life. And she told me the same.

“Well, what do you want to do today, Jake?” Carrie asked.

“It’s not what I WANT to do, but it is something I have to do,” I said, after thinking for a while.

“I have to call Bo and have him come over so I can talk to him – about us,” I explained. “I just hope he doesn’t kill me when he finds out you spent the night here with me.”

“I already know how protective of you he is,” I said, “and I only hope he gives me a chance to explain how much I love you.”

“Don’t worry, Jake,” Carrie said, “somehow I just know everything will be all right.”

Carrie’s confidence was encouraging, but I was really worried. Like I had told Carrie, I knew how protective Bo was when it concerned his daughter. And how terrible his temper could be when something finally crossed that threshold that ignited the hidden rage in Bo.

I grabbed my portable phone off the nightstand and dialed Bo’s number. I was lying on my back and Carrie had her head on my left shoulder. I had the portable phone up to my left ear, so Carrie’s head was just a few inches away because she wanted to hear anything her Dad said.

I wasn’t going to tell him over the phone Carrie and I had spent the night together – he needed to hear that from me in person – but just wanted to let him know I had something very serious I needed to discuss with him, and that it also involved his daughter.

When he answered, I began what I knew would be one of the most difficult conversations of my life.

“Hey, Bo,” I began after he answered.

“Do you think you could run by my place?” I said. “There is something I really need to discuss with you.”

“Sure, Jake,” Bo responded. “I can be there in 15 minutes.”

Then before I could say anything else, Bo added, “Hey, Jake, it is only 7:30.

“Do you want me to stop and get us all some breakfast,” he asked, “or you going to make Carrie get out of bed and cook?”

Have you ever had total sensory overload?

Something you see, or hear that simply defies logic?

Something you know can’t be happening, but it actually is happening?

Something that is so unexpected, so shocking, that your brain momentarily stops working?

Something that renders you not only incapable of speech, but even thought?

If so, then welcome to my world!

The next thing I know is that Carrie is laughing almost hysterically, and I hear Bo saying, over and over, “Jake, are you still there? Jake, are you still there?”

Carrie finally stops laughing long enough to make some remarks towards the phone, which is still pressed up against my ear.

“Oh God, Daddy, you should see his face! It is priceless,” Carrie added, then began laughing again.

“Hey, Kitten,” I heard Bo say. “Do you need eggs or bacon or anything? If you do I can stop at the store.”

“To tell you the truth, Daddy, I don’t know,” Carrie answered as she gave me what could only be described as a wicked smile, “I haven’t been to the kitchen yet. Jake won’t let me get out of bed!”

I could feel my face start to turn red.

“Oh, Daddy, I wish you could see his face now,” Carrie told her father, “He is blushing!”

“You see, Kitten, your Mom and I told you he actually loved you!” Bo said.

“I know, Daddy, but he sure had a hell of a way of showing it!” Carrie added.

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Walking through the dense forest, Finn found himself at home. The pine needles beneath his bare toes and the scent of nature sent him into a place of wild peace. As he walked he could feel the moon slowly rising like a heavy weight against his shoulders, and it was pleasant. He rejoiced in the freedom that his half-human form would feel that night. He also knew that pleasure to be a sexual one as well. As a wolf he'd find himself rampaging and raping freely, enjoying all the victims and their...

4 years ago
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3 years ago
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Canterbury Cathedral Crimes 3

Awesome sound, extremely loud, right below the bells. All town thinks the same: "A very rare, some special occasion! No Royal Babies to be expected yet, so probably the Archbishop finally got his first offspring born?"Attractive Anne drops the ropes from her grip. She collapses at my lap, almost passed out from coming so loud. She seems unaware the bells slowly silence, finally. Peace and solemnity fall back as a blanket over old...

4 years ago
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Canterbury Cathedral Chimes 2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Awesome Anne is as attractive, as effectively Anne found out that As she often serves in mass very early in the morning. She is very dutyful to serve the Lord, so she usually is first to enter, those cold mornings. Anne doesn't stop praising the tasty teen. This time, for her offering us lots of hours of free time for us three, thanks her key. So she...

2 years ago
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Canterbury Cathedral Climaxes 1

Awesome Anne is as attractive, as effectively seductive in getting and extremely curious for enjoying sex for her very first time. Be it with man or woman, she is to get both & at the same time! Anne found out that Cathy has a key to a back-door of the Cathedral. As she often serves in mass very early in the morning. She is very dutyful to serve the Lord, so she usually is first one to enter in those to be conducted for their late husband, offspring or some relative fallen ill or in...

2 years ago
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Masseur Extraordinaire 4 Canterbury Cathedral

After her game ended early in an easy win, I offer awesome attractive Anne an arm and stroll her down the slope from Canterbury Campus to the Cathedral. We pick a table at Cathedral square's corner. During lunch we try to figure out how English religion works. While I understand the Protestant bits, Anne knows they also have (arch)bishops like in Catholicism. Actually Canterbury Cathedral hosts an Archbishop, even the highest one in ranking. The guy who conducts Royal Weddings - like in St....

1 year ago
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Masseur Extraordinaire 2 Canterbury Tales

Freshly found friend & elder b*o Phil invites me along to London next European Go Congress in Canterbury. After our luch meeting at a terrace in Namur in the francophone eastern part of Belgium, where only choice in beers is from strong till very strong indeed, just like the iinteresting impact of his hot short sexy spicy stories on submission of great gals to the whims of his whips & heaving hips. As we learnt with lovely looking Louisa from his arousing exposé about his curious...

3 years ago
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My StoryVacation in Alicante

Hey guys and girls! For you who don't know me - I'm Caitlin... But everybody call me Kate! I'm a Danish girl living in Sweden. My friends call me "Nymph" because of my always present desire for sex... They're honest about it, and so am I.Now I've wanted to share some of my experiences for awhile - so here's my most recent story from my vacation in Alicante, Spain!With my two best friends, Laura and Martin. We decided to go on a one week vacation in the sunny Alicante. We arrived at our Hotel...

3 years ago
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Hot GM Of A Firm Met Me Through Locanto

Hello everyone. Myself Krish, 22 years old and pursuing my graduation from one of the top 10 institutes of India. This was a real story happened when I was doing my internship last summer in Chennai. I had been working in an MNC for about 3 months. I stayed in a 1bhk flat nearby Shollingnallur. Staying alone for 3 months in an unknown place is a bit difficult and I felt very bored. I started surfing when I came across the gigolo world. I thought to give my service to ladies and planned to join...

4 years ago
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Locanto Made Me Lucky

Hey guys, this is Mr. X, a 29-year-old handsome and single guy from Bhopal. This story is about Vanisha (name changed), a 34-year-old married lady from Indore. So, without wasting much time, let’s come to the story. This all happened in November, last year. I was really feeling very horny at that time. I had a profile on Tinder, but getting a match for casual sex is not very easy in Bhopal. But it was not the case in Delhi where I was for 2 years and have been with 5 girls (not bad for a guy I...

2 years ago
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Locanto To Sleeper Bus To Flat

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers am Varun from Bangalore born and bought up in Chennai. Am new an old reader on this site, if you readers come across any mistakes please do mail me, your valuable feedback needs in my mail inbox. I came here to study a course, as you know Bangalore is lil expensive a compared to other cities. So I was planning to go for a part-time job when I was surfing through the Locanto app, I came across these escort job. So to try my luck I posted a free add saying...

1 year ago
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A Stanger On Locanto

This is my first ever story that I’m publishing online, I have been following Indian Sex Stories and HD wed sites since 7 years, I know they have been quiet long years. Let’s consider my pen name is “lakki” as we all need privacy and securities. Let me give a brief introduction about myself, I am a student, 26 year old, I have been in the sexy activities since I’m 18. So I’m not at all virgin at this age and I well play on bed to make my companion as queen. So let’s coming to the story, this...

3 years ago
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Got Lucky By Locanto Ad

My name is Ravi, 26 years, 5.5 height, and slim body. I am going to share my experience with u all guys. I started reading ISS from past six years, which helped me a lot while having my first sex. As you all know most of the guys from teenage to mid-30’s will be searching for a girl, aunt with whom they can have fun and will try to do all sort of things such as using fb, posting ads on websites and much more. I tried a lot to get a single girl or aunt so that I can lose my virginity to them....

3 years ago
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Sadists Fire Intro and Canto One Denied and Used

Devi “You ready, Dev?” I laughed on the medical table, my eyes closed against the rising terror in my throat. I’d had 15 piercings by that point and, amazingly, the terror of needles somehow never got easier. I kept expecting myself to get desensitized or to get used to this, but I never did. I had a phobia that made panic rise in my throat every time, made my heart race and made my palms tingle with sweat. And this was the worst piercing yet, or so I’d heard. “No! Okay, yeah. Yeah, I’m...

2 years ago
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Sadists Fire Canto Two and Three Sadists Fucktoy

Ezra The way our thing started has never sat well with me when I try to tell the story, to myself or to others. How would I say it? At first, I was irritated because there had been obvious possession in Morgan’s touch when he introduced her to me and I knew he and Trish were looking to bring another into their relationship. They were two married Doms who wanted a submissive third to have together and the little dark haired girl, with a barcode and the word N9ne tattooed on her back, was...

1 year ago
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Met Divorced Rich Lady On Locanto

Hi, everyone, this is Jeeva back with another story after a long time. For those who don’t know about me, I am Jeeva aged 27 years. I have a height of 6 feet and an athletic body. Now lets us come to the main point, the story will be in parts as it is long. It was the time when I was looking for a woman to have fun with and with no strings attached. I was unable to enjoy myself with my colleague which I was doing earlier as she was pregnant now. I was thinking of how to get women to my bed. I...

3 years ago
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Mansin encantada

casa silenciosa, se elevaba gloriosa sobre la colina en la que había sido edificada, cualquier persona que entrara en el poblado podía verla alzarse majestuosamente ya siendo un habitante más del pueblo. Se solía observar como una tenue luz se colaba desde una ventana, aún había luz eléctrica en la vieja casona. También se podía escuchar las fuentes con su cause, habia acaso aún servicio de agua en la esa extraña edificación. Su interior lleno de alfombras costosas, cientos de puertas,...

4 years ago
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The moment I stepped off the plane the crushing humidity hit me. No matter how many trips I make to Puerto Rico, the moist heat is always a bit of a shock. No matter; as I made my way up the jetway I quickly acclimated, and my response transformed to pleasure at another break from the Philadelphia winter. My partner Tom and I had been shuttling back and forth for nearly six months now, trying to impress our most important client – Tom's father-in-law – with our energy and talents. As the...

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On the Propagation of True Lycanthropy

Anyone attending this lecture, or subsequently reading this monograph has likely already experienced the process of becoming an lycanthrope. It’s no secret that the process begins with a simple, or in some cases, not so simple, bite from another lycanthrope. What most of you do not know, is why a bite could cause such a transformation, and what exactly happened at and below the cellular level during your transformation. Although legend holds that lycanthropy was spiritual or mystical in...

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Aliens and CowboysCantara

In the morning, Mark went to his office to go through his daily reports. The only item that caught his attention was that there were hundreds of unknown ships approaching Cantara, which was on the far side of the sensor network. Mark asked, “Is that the Rifters?“ “I think so, I do recognize a few of the ships from when they were around Trayak.” “How far is Cantara from here?“ “A long way! Cantara was one of the most remote planets the Federation ever found, even with our upgraded FTL...

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 55 Major Cavalcanti

Both the count and Baptistin had told the truth when they announced to Morcerf the proposed visit of the major, which had served Monte Cristo as a pretext for declining Albert's invitation. Seven o'clock had just struck, and M. Bertuccio, according to the command which had been given him, had two hours before left for Auteuil, when a cab stopped at the door, and after depositing its occupant at the gate, immediately hurried away, as if ashamed of its employment. The visitor was about...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 56 Andrea Cavalcanti

The Count of Monte Cristo entered the adjoining room, which Baptistin had designated as the drawing-room, and found there a young man, of graceful demeanor and elegant appearance, who had arrived in a cab about half an hour previously. Baptistin had not found any difficulty in recognizing the person who presented himself at the door for admittance. He was certainly the tall young man with light hair, red beard, black eyes, and brilliant complexion, whom his master had so particularly...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 76 Progress of Cavalcanti the Younger

Meanwhile M. Cavalcanti the elder had returned to his service, not in the army of his majesty the Emperor of Austria, but at the gaming-table of the baths of Lucca, of which he was one of the most assiduous courtiers. He had spent every farthing that had been allowed for his journey as a reward for the majestic and solemn manner in which he had maintained his assumed character of father. M. Andrea at his departure inherited all the papers which proved that he had indeed the honor of being the...

1 year ago
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Indian escorts from Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi,... Looking to get laid in India, eh? It’s hard, huh? Yeah, not to be a dick or anything, but Indian culture is pretty reserved when it comes to freaky sex. They’re not shaking titties in your face like the sluts in the West. That’s why I was pretty surprised to find out Locanto has an extensive selection of escorts, strippers, and erotic massages in India.Locanto, for those unaware, is a classified site for buying and selling...

Escort Sites
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Gone are the days when people would rumble on and on about how sex is not a basic necessity. Well, everyone is doing it now, and it’s no fucking secret. The society has also at best adapted to this with the development of websites and apps to assist individuals to get some local dig in. Fuck morality! Even I want to have a good time every now and then.There are tons of Escorts basically skilled with the art of pleasing any man. They are hot and sexy with one heck of yummy Iwonnabite bodies you...

Escort Sites
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Reddit CantHold, aka r/CantHold! Reddit is a wonderful place for file sharing, get information on stuff that interests you, getting into civil (and completely savage) dialogues with people about a variety of topics like politics, religion, and sex. Of course, Reddit truly wouldn’t be what it is without the thousands of fanmade porn sharing subreddit pages which have not only the same great professional promo photos and trailers that we love, but loads of amateur content.And in a world wide web...

Reddit NSFW List
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Eleanors Descant 07

It was a couple of weeks after the party, when Eleanor got the kinky urge again. She conveyed this to me by using her activation word of ‘pornoslut’ so I knew I had to come with a new scenario for the next time we met. It just so happened that a friend at work had been talking about a place in Camden Town, London, called ‘CHARLIE BROWNS’ which was an adults only movie house. Their membership Gimmick was that couples joined for £5, Males joined for £15 and single women joined for free. I suppose...

3 years ago
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Becoming Gym Bunny Candie Rounds 13

Hi there! Name's Gym Bunny Candie. Of course, you can just call me Candie, but that's up to you. I'm quite the enthusiast when it comes to fitness (the name sort of gives it away:)). Most any day you can find me in the gym, working out, stretching, training clients, teaching classes, or just hanging out. I love most things "fitness" (you should check out my new tumblr page. It's kind of like me--a sassy work in progress). I just adore waking up in the morning, sliding into a sports...

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From Candace to CandyPrologue

Jim Jones is an 18 year old senior in high school. His step-sister Candace, is a 14 year old freshman. Their parents are very wealthy and also very rarely at home. To compensate for their long distance love the parents have given their children unlimited credit cards and run of the house. Jim and Candace have shouldered the responsibility and have never betrayed their parents trust. The two siblings are not blood related; Jims' mother did not give birth to Candace. His father died when he...

2 years ago
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Candices trailer park visit

She was thinking about Max and the crazy sex they had last week nonstop since it had happened. Her pussy or "Cunt" as she was now calling it because Max had called it that and it now pleased her to call her betraying vagina a cunt. Her cunt was back to normal. For a few days after 'having coffee' with Max it was sore and stretched. Very tender and leaking his cum. She smelled and tasted it for days. On the third day she could still get small traces but she really had to force her fingers...

1 year ago
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My Moroccan lover

My Morrocan lover. PART ONE: making acquaintance. I was 25 and moved from the Dutch countryside to the city of Utrecht for a study as a male nurse for elderly people. I was already Aware that my sexual interest was orientated on men. I struggled a long time with this feeling and Tried to ignore it. But I knew it wouldn’t work in any way. Going to Utrecht was intact an escape and a search to my inner self. I was shy, had so.e gay encounters, but no real sex.even being gay in Holland was never a...

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