RetreadsChapter 4 free porn video

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Beth and I spent our religions version of Easter together at the cabin alone. The feast of Ostara was celebrated on the spring equinox, when the day and night is equal in length.

Ostara was a German goddess of the sun and fertility whose symbols were the rabbit and the egg. Both of us thought it was hilarious how Christianity had "borrowed" our festivals to gain converts.

Knowing we would be parted for a while dampened our spirits but we hoped the separation would be a short one. It was going to be hard to leave my friends even knowing that I would be able to visit sometimes. I would miss Beth the most but hopefully we'd be together again soon.

As a parting shot to my uncle "the weasel" we were moving everything except a few clothes a week before we left. On the day of the move the Salvation Army was picking up our furniture and everything else we didn't want. We were calling him from our new house to tell him the old one was empty. This time he'd be the one holding the proverbial bag. The timing would be perfect too. We were letting him know several months before he had a buyer and he'd be the one who had to worry about renovations.

I made sure to give Beth something to remember me by. I think it worked. I know it would be a week before I could walk normally again!

Moving day was exciting but almost boring. The new house already had everything in it but us. I couldn't believe my new space. I had a large bedroom, living room, gym, kitchen, and best of all a huge bathroom with a whirlpool and a shower big enough for four.

I also splurged on a new TV and stereo. I got a good laugh when Al asked why I didn't get an 8-track player. He joined me when I explained my reasons. I almost wished I hadn't mentioned VHS, CD's or DVD's. It took me half an hour to explain them to him.

Dad showed up soon afterward and I gave him the tour. He made some nice comments about my taste that I appreciated but the more he saw the more worried he looked. Finally, we sat down at the kitchen table and he said "the place looks great son but it only makes what I'm going to ask you more important. I should have been more direct when I asked you this before. I know you didn't lie to me but I'm not stupid enough to think I got even close to the whole story. With the move over I have more time to worry. This time I'll only ask one question and I want a complete answer. What happened to you that added financial genius to your resume? We've always been proud of you and your brother. We feel we must have done something right because we couldn't imagine two finer sons but something has changed and it started months ago. You have both matured faster than possible but mostly it's you. I want the whole story this time".

I silently got up and as he watched I removed an unopened bottle of single barrel Woodford Reserve I had set aside for this occasion and two glasses from the cabinet. I dropped some ice in both and set one and the bottle in front of him. He raised his eyebrow and said "I don't even want to know where you got this but I assume that you think I'll need it." I just nodded at the bottle and sat down. He opened and poured but didn't sample until I hit the part about dying.

When I reached the part where I woke up in 1969 he refilled his glass as I sampled my first taste of our favorite drink. When he thought I was done he started to say something but I halted him. He poured again and settled back down.

When I told him about Beth he drained his glass. The bottle was almost gone by then but I had never seen my father look so sober. I refilled my glass for the first time and had a taste as he began.

"I really don't know what to say. What you just told me has to be the most incredible thing I have ever heard and if it were anyone but you or Al I would have you committed as insane. Since it is you and what you say doesn't surprise me in the least anyway I can't help but believe you. I hate to admit it but the most disturbing thing to me is that my youngest son is older than I am."

"Dad" I said, "I am still the son that my parents raised. All of my values came from you and mom. My biggest regret in life is that I didn't use the things you taught me. I'm glad I have the chance to use them now because I'll need both those lessons and you more than ever."

As he left he hugged me and parted saying "in case I forgot, I want to thank you for saving my life. It seems like it will be an interesting one and I'd hate to miss it. I didn't realize how much smoking affected my health, I feel better than I have in years. I need to talk to your mother about what you've told me and I'm sure we can figure something out about Beth. I'll let you know as soon as I can." I hugged him again before he left and made sure he got back to the house. I needn't have bothered. I think he was walking better than I was.

After he left I called Beth to give her an update. Things were looking good on her end too. She had laid the groundwork by telling her aunt and uncle what our plans were. Since they knew the story they had agreed to support her decision. She also gave me something to think about. "There have to be more people like us, Matt. Remember how we seemed to click as soon as we met? I think it will be like that with everybody like us. Be on the lookout and don't let a chance pass you by."

I only half-jokingly asked "what if this person or persons happen to be female?"

She just laughed "I'm not the jealous type as long as you save some for me. Besides, if things work out right I'll just be your sister. I'm sure we'll be very affectionate siblings!"

The day after we moved in I went to see my new baseball coach before my first practice. When he told me about the team I was on I was depressed. They were 0-8 whereas my old team was 9-0.

He informed me that I would have to earn my spot on the team by proving myself in practice and would probably start out as an outfielder. I admit I was a little mad but I smiled and said it wasn't a problem.

I knew my coach told him I was hitting .780 and already had 12 homers, 34 RBI's and no errors. My first impression was that he was an incompetent jerk. He put me in left field to start and showed no reaction when I demonstrated that I didn't really need to hit the cut-off man. I could hit home plate from where I stood.

When I got to the plate for batting practice I found out why they hadn't won a game. Every pitch that came close to the plate went over the fence. The pitcher was awful and like I said, I was angry! Finally, the coach decided he would throw me a few. He didn't fare any better and after the 5th or 6th one disappeared he relented.

He walked to the plate looking really mad. I thought he was going to go off on me but shocked the hell out of me by laughing.

He laughed until I thought he was going to faint while I stood there looking confused. When he recovered enough to talk he said "I'm sorry but I just couldn't help it. Frank (my old coach) and I have known each other for years. I played in the minors with him. He told me that if I really pissed you off I'd be entertained and damned if he wasn't right! The one thing I want to know though is can you pitch? I know you're a helluva first baseman but we've got a pretty good one now. Our best pitcher plays a fine second but you just gave him a severe beating."

I told him I hadn't ever tried to pitch but I'd try. He handed me the ball and pointed to the mound. "Can you give me a minute?" I asked. He looked puzzled when he said sure, but smiled when I went over to the catcher. I introduced myself and asked him what the signs were. Turns out the only signs were fastball and change-up. He looked skeptical but said he'd use the new ones I gave him too.

I knew the coach would send the best guy against me first so I shook several signs off until the catcher gave up and used one that I had given him. I didn't really know if it would work. I knew how in theory, but had never actually tried it and reading is a lot different than real life.

I must have read correctly because the first pitch was a curveball strike that the hitter just watched go by. The second pitch was a slider low and away that he waved at. The third pitch was a fastball that I threw almost as hard as I could. He never moved the bat.

The catcher jumped up yelling "Damn!" and pulled his glove off to rub his hand. I went over and apologized. "Sorry, I guess I got carried away."

He cracked up, saying "I'm the one who should be sorry. I was pretty rude to you. I didn't even give you my name. I'm Jeff" as he extended his hand to shake. "I'll have to get a new glove but it'll be worth it. We might even win some games now. We've been losing by scores like 12-11, 15-14, and crap like that."

Now it was my turn to smile. I pulled it back in when I noticed the pitcher I tore up next to me. I apologized to him too but he told me not to worry about it. The coach had warned him but he still tried as hard as he could. He asked me if I could show him and the other pitchers how to throw something besides fastballs and I promised to try.

The guy I struck out was happy too. He shook my hand. "I'm Pete Nobles and I'm glad you're on our team instead of one of the others!" The coach called everyone together for introductions. It seems everybody but me had been in on the joke and thought it was hilarious.

I had to admit that they got me good. My first game with them was tomorrow and our joker of a coach had another one up his sleeve. I would start on the bench and come in as a pinch-hitter when needed. I suppose it could be entertaining. I was pretty entertained myself when we met up with the audience.

I hadn't noticed the girls in my anger. Jeff and Pete's sisters were there and I had known them (once upon a time). I couldn't resist saying "hey guys, aren't you going to introduce me to the beautiful baseball groupies? I know I'm new but we're teammates aren't we?"

I got a couple of really pretty blushes out of the ladies and Pete cracked up. "These are our sisters. This is my pesky little sister Sue" he said, referring to a cute young blonde who stuck her tongue out at him "and this is Jeff's twin sister Paula" pointing at a truly stunning redhead.

I said "these two are your sisters? No wonder you guys are so homely, they got all the looks! If you aren't pulling my leg I know Paula's very lucky she's not an identical twin!" The guys looked a little put out but the girls loved it. Paula was blushing so much her freckles were disappearing. "I'm kidding guys but you have to admit that these two are gorgeous! Can they talk or do they just walk around and look pretty? I haven't heard them say anything yet.

Pete and Jeff had caught on by now and Jeff said "actually, for sisters they're o.k. They play soccer and practice before us. We walk back and forth together. The girls had recovered somewhat by now so I introduced myself. I had been afraid to talk to Paula before. I knew she was really nice and also very bright. She was so pretty that she had intimidated me back then.

I had also been either needed at home or fat. I was glad I didn't have those problems anymore because I was somehow even more attracted to her this time. While musing about the differences I had an idea. "I just moved here yesterday and don't know anybody" I said "Do you think you could come over to my house on Saturday and hang out a while?"

Jeff was all for it but Pete said he promised his dad he'd go fishing with him this weekend so he wouldn't be able to make it. The girls were quiet so I turned to them "how about it? We've got a pool. Maybe we could go swimming or something." I had ulterior motives, having fond memories of Paula in a two piece. I had about worn my adolescent hand (and pecker) off thinking about her in it the first time around.

They brightened up and Paula said "I didn't realize you meant us too. I'd love to!" Sue was all for it too.

I looked at Paula and tried not to drool as I said in a serious tone "I'm really glad." I love the look of a red haired girl blushing.

Jeff interrupted with "AHEM! We're over here!"

I tore my eyes away and sheepishly said "OOPS! Sorry I forgot where I was for a minute" That got a laugh out of everyone but Paula, who was still blushing, but looking like she didn't mind the attention. I told them where I lived and they were shocked.

Pete said "that big place by the river? Are you rich or something?" I told them "or something. It's not all fun and games. Guess who gets to do the yard work and all the other stuff. It's not going to be easy to take care of with my mom being laid up for a while." They asked what happened and I explained the situation. I was surprised that they were impressed with me taking care of her. I told them to think about it. If it was one of their parents they'd do the same. I noticed Jeff and Paula exchanging a look before agreeing with my reasoning and wondered what was up.

The game went according to coach's script. He brought me in to pinch-hit in the bottom of the eighth inning. The bases were loaded and the score was 14-11 with us on the wrong end. The other team didn't know me so I got a nice fat fastball for the first pitch that I sent over the center field fence. They were even more confused when I stayed in to pitch the ninth. I threw 12 pitches and struck out the side. Two foul balls straight back were the only time they made contact.

The team was overjoyed after the game. You'd think they had won the World Series or something the way they acted instead of their first game. I was happy for them but I took the coach aside and explained my problem "Coach, I'm glad I can help the team but could you try to help me make it not so obvious?"

At his confused look I continued "I don't want a big rep. I know it sounds a little weird but it's a team sport and don't want to stand out that much. There are some good players on this team and I don't want any resentment. I also don't want to have the other team pitch around me. I can't help like that."

He looked surprised "Frank told me you were a team player. I knew he'd be right as usual. I feel a little bad about today, it was selfish of me. See, I don't get along with that teams' coach. He's always enjoyed running up the score and has no problems with his kids being nasty about it. I thought he needed a lesson."

I told him I understood and could even agree with that. Some people did need a reality check now and then. He gave me another strange look "reality check?" Oops, I'd have to remember my slang.

I tried to play it off "You know, like a wake-up call? Welcome back to reality?" He gave a chuckle "I'll have to remember that one" He shook his head and walked away.

As soon as I got home mom caught me before I went to my place and asked me to come into the kitchen. Dad was there and they had news for me. Mom did the honors "here's the deal" she explained "we've talked to Beth's guardians and it's all set." I guess I looked too happy because she added "but" I thought I was in trouble until she finished with "you'll need to lose the gym. There should be two bedrooms over there even if you only use one. The other thing is I expect the two of you to show up here on a regular basis. We both think Beth is a wonderful girl and hope she's happy here. She'll be moving in next weekend." I thanked them both profusely and promised to move my equipment to a room in the garage and set the bed back up before then.

I spent the next couple of days working around the house. I got the yard and pool in shape and finished the final touches on my decorating job. I thought it turned out really well even if it was done cheaply. I hoped Beth would like it. It wasn't a typical kids' room to be sure. Looking at it when I was done I was surprised to realize that if I hadn't been married in my twenties my place could well have resembled this. The first thing I had done was place my shrine in the corner of the living room.

Saturday morning I was nervous but everything was planned meticulously. My parents were away for the weekend for some time alone before my moms' surgery and Al was hanging out with some friends from his old school so I had the place to myself. I had a cooler by the pool stocked with drinks and even had some sandwiches and snacks ready at my place. I was reminded why I missed the 70's when my guests showed up.

Paula and Sue were both wearing halters and short cut-offs. I could see the bikinis under their tops and was glad they preferred two piece suits (I know I did!). I had to re-evaluate my opinion of Sue. She may have been a year younger than Paula, but she had a fine body. From the size of her breasts I could tell she was going to be a 38D by the time she was a sophomore.

Paula on the other hand was smaller version of Beth. She had a really cute face (freckles and all), light red hair and a narrow waist with a flat stomach. I couldn't tell how large her breasts were. I could tell they were there but probably weren't quite a handful yet. I could however, tell that she had a nice tight muscular ass that I hoped I could use for leverage someday soon.

I gave them the nickel tour of the house and they seemed impressed which embarrassed me somewhat. In my first pass through this life they had been much better off than we had. I knew they lived in a subdivision right next to the trailer park I had lived in. I had an inferiority complex about that then and didn't make many friends that didn't live in tin boxes. I was going to make it a point to have the most of the same friends I had before included in my circle.

I kept one secret in my tour. Jeff asked "where's your room, has it been declared a disaster area and quarantined or something?" I told them I had been banished to the garage and I'd show them my jail later. I got some strange looks but nobody bit yet.

I saved the pool for last. I think they were expecting the standard above ground five-foot deep setup, but when they saw the Olympic sized in-ground 12 ft deep pool and hot tub their chins hit the ground.

Jeff said "I knew this place was big, but wow! I didn't know this was here!

Sue piped in with "you guys must be rich!"

I tried to put that thought to rest for good by explaining that my dad worked a 40 hour job and before she found out about needing surgery my mom worked in a factory. I told them that they just made some really good investments that paid off enough to buy the place. I don't think they believed me but they were too polite to argue about it. I showed them where they could change. The cabana was new and well worth the space it consumed.

It had separate dressing rooms and a common lounge area. Both sides had benches, towel cabinets and a shower. The girls came out first and dove in before I got a good look at their bodies but the skin I saw made me glad that my trunks had extra support to hold junior down. I jumped in right after they did hoping the cold water would help my discomfort but even though the heater was off the sun had already warmed it to a comfortable temperature.

It was quite some time before we were all worn out enough for a break but finally we had had enough and decided to use the loungers for a while. I got my first good look at the ladies then.

Sue got out as I was drying off and looked just as I had pictured her. She could pass for fifteen already. I didn't look long though because Paula got out next and she was exquisite. When I looked at her it was lust at first sight. She didn't notice me staring slack-jawed at her because she was drying her hair and had her eyes closed.

As she was drying the rest of her amazing body she said "I have to make sure I keep you as a friend. I want to go out for the swim team when I get to junior high and this is a lot a better than trying to practice in a crowded public pool."

I told her that as long as she wore that suit she was welcome to use the pool anytime she wanted. The only condition was that I had to be here to supervise. I told her I was a qualified lifeguard (not that it was ten years from now though) and wanted to be sure I was there if she needed rescuing.

She turned a brighter shade of red than her hair and since it was in the eighties I don't think those erect nipples were due to being cold.

Jeff made it worse by asking if my training included "mouth to mouth" and I couldn't resist saying that I scored really well on that.

She did have some spunk though. She looked at me and asked "who's going to rescue me from YOU?" I defended myself by telling her in a serious voice that I would only render assistance if needed unless she asked politely. Everybody laughed but I thought she was getting the message that I was definitely interested.

I got the impression that she might be too when she asked me to put some sunscreen on her back so she wouldn't burn. Sue asked Jeff to do the same for her. We were both more than happy to do the honors.

I had learned to give a pretty good massage, and used the opportunity to demonstrate as much as I could. From the responses I was getting from her I hadn't lost my touch. She was tense at first but by the time I was done with her shoulders she had relaxed quite a bit. I worked on her back a long time and though I did rub lotion under her bikini strap I was careful to stay away from the sides of her breasts.

I could tell from her breathing and the occasional muffled gasp that she was enjoying the proceedings as much as I was. I was worried about what Jeff would think about how thorough I was being with his sister and glanced over at him. It looked like he was watching us while he copied everything I was up to. When he noticed me looking he winked and grinned so I guess he didn't have a problem with it.

When I worked my way lower I resisted the urge to rub lotion on Paula's luscious ass and reluctantly skipped over it. I moved to her feet next, and slowly worked my way up her long, gorgeous legs. I paid extra attention to her thighs and debated how far between them I should go but when she spread her legs a little to give me better access I got the hint.

Her skin felt wonderful and I was getting as excited as she was. I took a chance and "accidentally" brushed the back of my hand against her pussy. She let out a gasp and moaned. Before I knew what happened she had flipped completely over and pulled me down for a kiss. I was even more shocked when I felt her tongue rub against my lips. I was happy to let it in and found out that Paula was a really good French kisser. When she pulled away her face was flushed and she had a wild look in her eyes. She quickly looked away and said "I'm sorry. I kind of got carried away. It's just that what you were doing felt so nice."

I quickly said "no, I think I'm the one that should apologize for getting carried away. I couldn't help myself. You're so beautiful and you felt so wonderful that I didn't want to stop.

She gave me a confused look and said "me, beautiful? You need glasses! I have no figure, freckles everywhere, and stringy red hair. How can that be beautiful?"

I put a hand on each side of her face, looked her in the eyes and told her "you are the one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen and there is not a thing wrong with the way you look. You are absolutely gorgeous." OK, it was corny, but I actually saw tears in her eyes when I gave into temptation and kissed her. It was even better than the first one. We finally remembered where we were and that we had company.

We needn't have worried. When we looked over at Jeff and Sue they were in the middle of a colossal liplock. When they came up for air they both looked amazed. I found out later that they had a crush on each other for years but both had been too scared to act on it because of what Pete would say. They explained that when they saw us kiss they just couldn't help themselves. Personally, I think the massage helped them too.

After an hour or so I asked if anyone was hungry and they all were. "Follow me to my dungeon and we'll see what the jailer left" I said (hiding my smile). I took Paula's hand and noticed Jeff did the same to Sue. When we walked into my apartment the conversation stopped. I showed them around and then grabbed the sandwiches and chips.

After I put them down Paula said "I can't believe this place!" When I asked why she said "don't act dumb, this place is huge! And it doesn't look like a guy lives here alone much less one as young as you." When I asked what she meant she told me. "1. The kitchen is spotless 2. Instead of posters of half naked girls and rock bands you have Einstein, Mark Twain, landscapes, and what looks like ancient buildings. 3. There are no clothes thrown around or even dirty. 4. There are book shelves filled with books and they're not exactly comic books either. I saw History, Geography, Biographies, and Mythology on them. The only thing that makes sense is the exercise stuff. So tell us the truth this time. What's the deal?"

I was shocked. I hadn't expected her to get mad at me. I told them to sit down and I would explain. When they had, I began. "I wanted to surprise you with my decorating job. I picked everything out myself and worked all week on it. I guess I have weird tastes for somebody my age. This is all stuff I like. It's who I am. I didn't lie to you. I don't ever intentionally lie because I don't believe in lying. As for being rich, we hope to be before long but we're not there yet. We've done pretty well with some stocks and stuff but most of this was paid for by luck. We gambled and we won some large bets and that's all."

Paula's expression was unreadable. When she got up I was afraid she was leaving but instead she walked around the table, sat in my lap, and kissed me again before saying "I'm sorry but you have to admit that this place doesn't fit most 12 year old guys. Personally I love it but I have one more question." She pointed at the corner and said "what's that?" I was hoping no one would notice or wouldn't think to ask about it if they did but I refused to hide it after what the Gods had granted me.

I was afraid they would be upset about it but had to be truthful. "That's another part of who I am. It's a shrine to the God Loki." I got a reaction, but not the one I had feared.

I thought I heard Paula gasp and everyone looked confused until Sue said "who's Loki?"

I should have realized that they might not have ever heard of the trickster so I explained to the best of my ability. I even included the main reason Loki was the one I picked to follow. I felt that change is necessary for the world to survive and Loki was the God of changes. They were still confused but at least had the background. I was glad to find out their families weren't religious nuts or something. They basically took it in stride and didn't seem to think I was some sort of religious nut myself.

We sat around in the living room until it was time for them to leave. The TV was on but no one was watching it. The time was spent getting better acquainted. Paula and I alternated between talking and necking. Sue and Jeff stayed with necking. I guess they already knew each other well enough that they didn't need the conversation.

Paula held me back a bit as I was walking them out. "Do you think I could come over tomorrow?" She asked. I explained that I would love for her to come back but made sure she realized that we would be completely alone. I also told her that I didn't know if I could behave myself if I was alone with someone as smart, witty, and sexy as she was, especially someone who could drive me insane with one kiss.

She hugged me tight and drove for a bit before telling me she'd be early and that if I behaved myself she'd be very angry with me. I went to bed very happy but extremely horny that night.

I woke up with a feeling that I was not alone and looked at the alarm to find it was only 3 AM. I noticed someone sitting on the end of the bed looking at me. I felt strangely calm at the discovery and turned the lamp on.

Lea Thompson was sitting on my bed naked. After giving it some thought I said "hello Loki. I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

He looked a little put out by my lack of reaction. "I go through all this trouble and you don't even pop a woody!"

I laughed "I might have if the body you used as a model didn't belong to a woman who is 10 years old and living in Minnesota at the moment."

"Must be all that brain you're using these days. Maybe I'll try Ann-Margaret next time" He replied.

I told him I wouldn't complain and then became concerned and had to ask "so what brings you here in such a lovely outfit? I hope you haven't had second thoughts about my gift and decided to put me back in a car doing a full-gainer into the forest. I would be more than a little disappointed."

He laughed before replying "no it's nothing like that. We do have things to discuss though and they are very important so listen closely. Remember you may speak when I tell you and not until then. I have been somewhat entertained by your actions so far but only somewhat. I had expected more but I suppose that will happen in time. We were happy that you have discovered your first companion but there will be others. Also, I don't believe we made the extent of your gift clear to you. Some things were too obvious to overlook (glancing at my cock and smiling) but others were not so obvious. I know you have been experimenting with thought reading to some extent, such as when dealing with Real estate agents, brokers and other boring people. Why only these people? (Holding his hand up to stop my reply) I said when I tell you. You may not realize that you can project as well as receive thoughts. They are no more than electrical impulses. The stronger the impulse sent the more likely it will be to override the thoughts of the individual. I also know you have experimented with controlling your biological functions. You will need to explore this more in the future. I have seen that you are aware that your body is stronger, faster, and more agile than normal, and have used this knowledge. You must continue this as well. You may speak now."

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BoGo Crossdresser's wife tells the story of her efforts to buy clothing for her herself and her husband entirely through "buy one, get one" promotions. Husband does not cooperate, and suffers severe consequences. My husband told me about his crossdressing early on in our relationship. I was confused at first, but I eventually came to terms with it. His desire simply was a part of him, and I loved him, "quirk" or not. He only liked dressing up as a part of lovemaking, so no one...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 90

Flashback – Ben – Back at the formerly captured hospital Colonel Maggie called George back and ordered, “George, make sure you do whatever it takes to keep that prisoner alive.” George relayed the command to me and I said, “Fine with me.” And I promptly tied the fucker to one of the support columns in the hospital. Then I explained, “Now he can’t jump out a window.” George asked, “Do you think we should remove the tazer probes?” I shocked the fuck out of our prisoner and he passed out...

2 years ago
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I showed her how pt2

So there we were,both of us, looking into each others eyes. Me; still in aw, her; licking her lips! She leaned in to my ear and whispered;- How was that love?- was great I mumbled.- You like it when "mommy" takes control baby?- Yes, I said, more firmly this time.- Well, let's continue!She took a step back, undressed herself and for the first time I saw her naked. And what a sight! Her breast perky and perfectly sized, her stomach tight and firm leading you down to her well shaped and...

3 years ago
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Summer CrushPart 2

It’s one thing to be naked and fucking in front of horny, cheering people. It’s another when you are standing in front of a well-dressed authority figure old enough to be your father. This Detective Chang guy was checking us out and I was finding the experience very tantalizing. He walked in a circle around us, slowly and methodically like a predator stalking its prey. I could feel the sexual tension in the room and my own vulnerability exposed both figuratively and literally. “So, tell me what...

3 years ago
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Speechless with Teeth Ch 04

The horror soon faded. James and I stayed together peacefully, but I was changed after that day. My entire outlook had changed. I knew what I had gotten myself into, yet I wasn’t about to leave it. The more I got of James, the more I wanted. And he gave me just that, more. But my addiction wasn’t satisfied. My hunger was so sick and twisted that I did anything just to get James into me. We began having sex everywhere — in the kitchen, in the car, in public bathrooms, and even just right in...

1 year ago
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My trip to the shops had been successful, now with my cordless drill I fitted the five ring bolts into the head and tail boards of my big kingsize bed. Out of the cupboard came last week's purchases, four leather cuffs, and four lengths of chain. "What's all this?" she murmured as I lead her upstairs to the bedroom. "Get you top off," was my reply. "What, no," she gasped. "Off now or I'll rip it off," I said trying to sound masterful. She didn't reply but just giggled while she...

2 years ago
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A Simple AffairPart II

Vic's mind was swirling. Cheryl had just blurted out that she was falling in love with him and he didn't know how to react. He enjoyed her company, that much was certain, but was his fascination with her based on who she was and what she meant to him, or was it simply the thrill of doing something illicit, cheating behind his wife's back? All of these thoughts flooded his brain in a split second. He knew he had to respond, and do so without hesitation, for a lengthy pause would come off as a...

3 years ago
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Boys Will Be Boys

During my schooldays, I used to knock about with a friend quite often who had not been one of our local gang when we were all growing up. He always seemed a bit of a loner to me. I had knocked about with him for about two years or so off and on. He was within two weeks of my age, but we had gone our separate ways when we had finally left school, and I didn’t see much of him for a couple of years.It was normal for us back then to meet up either at his house or mine where we would do standard...

4 years ago
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Dessert In Our Room

Hand in hand we make our way from the restaurant to the cab. No words are spoken – we just smile at each other as the memory of the evening remains fresh in our minds. You look wonderful in your Ronni Nichole dress and I am dying to get out of my suit jacket! The tropical sky is dark with bulging rainclouds and the humidity is heavy in the air – a perfect night for two lovers celebrating an incredible first date to return indoors. My arm is around you and your shoulder is buried into my...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Femdom Poker Party

The Spanking Couples:  Femdom Spanking Poker PartyAfter their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion.  After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex.  For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties.  Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy ? even when forced to ?Clean-Up? partners of both sexes.  Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming...

2 years ago
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Dear DiaryChapter 3

I awoke the next morning feeling pretty good. I took care of my morning business, checked my sugar and took my medication. I then asked if Joy would like to share some of the bird that I had left. "My people don't eat much meat, but I will share with you. I have prepared some food that you might like also," Joy invited. Joy had fixed some food that was like cream of wheat or grits. It tasted fine and we had a pleasant breakfast. We walked outside and talked about small things around the...

4 years ago
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Sex on the Beach

We lay under the open sky, our thoughts circulating with ourselves. The sun setting behind the horizon, the sea sweeping across the earth as far as the eye can see. A beauty that leaves desire overwhelming our bodies. I turn to you, ignoring everything else around me, because all that matters is that you and I are here, together, no one would come between us, and nothing could stop us from doing anything we wanted. Peace and tranquility, it is how you make me feel and yet at the same time wild...

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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 7 Family and Sibling Disclosures

Doug came over a short time later by way of the widening gap in the hedge between our back lots. Jillian had just explained how she got started in doing porn videos. He surveyed our poolside. Ginger, Jillian and Tina were all naked side by side on different chaises basking in the sun and aglow with lotion. I sat in the shade reading. I waved at him, but he went over to Ginger. “Hi Babe.” Ginger’s eyes opened and she smiled up at her lover. A few seconds later, her naked body was plastered...

3 years ago
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Rebeccas Moment

Rebecca stared blankly at her showerhead as the blisteringly hot spray loosened the blood from her supple skin and carried it down her hourglass form and swirling into the drain. She stood there for a long time, mouth slightly agape, eyes defocused as the water scalded her, punishing her for her sins, even as it comforted her, held tight and purified her. Took away the blood. She didn’t try hard to understand what she had done only minutes before, instead simply embracing the heat wrapping...

1 year ago
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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 14 Escape Pod

I awoke strapped to a gurney of some kind, my whole body hurt, I tried to move my head but I couldn't, I could see that I was in a small ship of some kind, there was a port right above my head that I could see stars, there was debris everywhere, I tried to talk but couldn't, I made a groaning noise. "your awake?" Corals voice said. I Felt her grab my hand. "Mmmh mmmhh shhd?" I tried to speak. "Don't speak, your jaw is broken, you also have a fracture in your skull." She said, I...

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Florida State Won and They Didnt Even Play

When I married my wife, my sister-in-law, Tammy, was a gangly college teenager. She favored my wife in many ways, except Liz was slightly less-developed and six years older than her sister. After Liz and I married, we moved to another State, about twelve hours from where her family lived, which was something Liz preferred.We’d visit Liz's family at Christmas and in the summer, but that was about the extinct of our face-to-face contacts. Liz stayed in contact with her family through social media...

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It was very lonely in my room, but it had been lonely in allof the rooms I had lived in. My Mother and Father had been killedin a car, bus accident during my first semester at college, SinceI had no other relatives and no money of my own I had sold theirhouse and with the life insurance money and the settlement fromthe bus company, I was relatively well off. I had decided tocontinue at college and was able to live well and pay all of mytuition. But now having graduated with a major in...

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The Sorority HouseChapter 5 Beach Party

What have I done? Friday morning and I awoke to a strange room. The walls and ceiling were all painted a matte black, with hundreds of little plastic glow-in-the-dark stars and moons hanging everywhere. The only light came in from a solitary window where the shade had been pulled up. Sitting on a loveseat with her feet pulled up and under her, Quyen was bathed in the glow of the morning light. Her long, dark hair hung loosely over her shoulder and cascaded down her back as her deep eyes...

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The Masked Bandit Strikes

The Masked Bandit StrikesGuess what? Scarlett Secret has a fan. But not just any Fan, we are talking about a lunatic fanatic with boundary issues. While relaxing in the house without a care in the world, Scarlett goes into the bathroom to shake the dew off of her lily and hears a curious sound. Scarlett does't know that there is a Masked Man in her house waiting in the shadows ready to pounce on that ass and Fuck the out of her.. She thinks its a game and quickly finds out it is not. At least...

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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 22

After the revelation in the shower they were feeling emotionally drained, so they headed for bed. She had him lay on his stomach, and she continued working on the injuries to his back, taking her time to be sure each was fully closed and mostly faded before working on the next. When she was satisfied with her endeavors, she had him roll over. She gave his throat the same treatment, not stopping until all sign of harm was gone. She eased herself up over him, stretching herself out atop...

1 year ago
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Sister and I take a break

*** 100% Fiction Last summer holiday my sister and I decided to go and visit the countryside as we were getting bored at home with not much to do. We both packed our bags and decided to head south, taking the train from the city centre. After heavy delays, we reached the south and decided to check into a motel as we were both in need of a shower. The hot summer’s day and the walking around from one station to another had taken its toll on both of us. The receptionist took my name down and...

3 years ago
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I LIKE BLACK BOYS 10 Lizzie Tucker scene recap

I LIKE BLACK BOYS #10 - Lizzie Tucker scene: really fun setup with her on the phone and talking to herself while she gives in to her urge for bbc; Lizzie then sucked the big guy off and then took a break to remove all her clothes (which made me rewind to see it a second time) and then climbed on top of him for a ride on the stallion; it’s going to be a bumpy ride, it looks like; one thing I don’t understand is how is he getting balls deep inside that girl? It just doesn’t seem to make sense;...

2 years ago
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Falling in love with Uncle josh

Professor Letterman was droning on and on in her I’m-important-voice, but like at least ninety percent of the students around me, I was not paying attention to more than two sentences at a time before my thoughts drifted away on their own little cloud of happiness. It was the last day before spring break and like most of my friends my bags were packed and loaded into the trunk of my car. It would be my last spring break at this college and I had opted not to go to one of the overcrowded...

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Confederate Rebel

The world of Stonewall was part of the Confederation systems. My father had spent over twenty years in the army before retiring. My mother had died in an accident shortly after I was born so dad raised me alone. The system and the Confederation slowly began to change and not in good way. My father lost his retirement pension when he criticized the president publicly. From there we lost everything but my father was resourceful. To one side of the space port was a wide channel. When large...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 2 Futas MindControlled Family Fun

Chapter Two: Futa's Mind-Controlled Family Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean I stared at the woman who entered the Quick household like she belonged. She took two steps before she saw the debauchery before her. The debauchery my new abilities had unleashed. A shiver ran through me as I stared at the shock rippling across the woman's face. The features were so similar to Dianne Quick, the married mother cooing on the couch as...

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Mums The WordChapter 2

I know that, to you who are reading this, many years later, it seems I was an incredibly stupid young man, or at least dense. To have my mother first masturbate me and then put my penis in her mouth as it spurted seems clear and simple to you as an indicator of where things might be headed. But remember, I was fourteen, in a small town that was pretty conservative, and where talk of sex was restricted to the playground, or the infrequent sleepovers we had in those days. Sex education was just...

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Filthy fucking day out

The weather had been beautiful when I awoke that autumn morning and I had no work to turn up to for a few days, which made things even better! I decided the best way to spend the day would be to jump in the car and see where I ended up. It was coming up to 6 o’clock and I had travelled miles, stopping occasionally to take in the beautiful scenery on route, but now was time to head for home. Daylight was starting to fade when things began to go wrong- my engine began to misfire and splutter as I...

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A Tale of Two Clitties

A Tale of Two ClittiesOne day I was checking out the bulletin board in a local adult bookstore. My eyes danced across the listings. Dungeon masters, couples looking for a third, but then I stopped, there it was, "Lonely virgin crossdresser seeks same". My heart jumped in my chest, and my cock twitched in anticipation. I tore off a tab with her number and promised my feminine side I'd call.A few days later I finally worked up the nerve to call her. I had battled all the familiar fears; would I...

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Claire Chapter 5

Mom phoned me a week before my wedding to Lyn asking about the hen night to be honest I hadn’t given it any though Lyn and I had dropped out of the club scene a couple of years ago I knew I would have to stay in a hotel as tradition states I mustn’t see the bride before the wedding as Lyn was leaving from the vicarage it meant I would spend the night in an hotel room. Mom casually asked if I remembered the hotel room where Mom and I became lesbian lovers.We stayed two nights at the hotel on the...

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Executive Perks I

I took up a new job as a corporate manager in a large healthcare organization and never imagined in my wildest of dreams just how rewarding the job would become. The salary was fantastic, as was the corner office overlooking a golf course. My administrative assistant was drop-dead gorgeous and I really liked the laid-back atmosphere in the office.About a week into my new role, April stepped into my office to remind me of a meeting I had with an insurance company executive for a game of golf. I...

Office Sex
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Seeing Is Believing

Jason put his arm around her waist and began to walk her out of the bedroom door towards his room. “Well it’s just you and me Kate,” he said quietly. “I understand there is something you’ve been dying to taste…” I sat down on the bed and thought about what was about to take place. My wife of nearly 20 years was walking away from my bed and into the bed of another man. After all these years she has never so much as kissed anyone else. And I am the one who made all of this happen, or so it...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 47

Joe and I met Jenny at the State Police barracks where they picked up the samples and the laptop that had the copied DVD's on it, as well as their camera equipment. I thanked Joe for all of his assistance as I returned his Tyvek suit. He said "If you ever need me to help like that again, please let me know - it was a blast!" I had kept the digital camera that Joe had used; I wanted to look at the evidence myself. I would love to have gotten a copy of all the DVDs as well. I would talk...

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NubilesUnscripted Piper Perri Haley Reed Spring Break Lake Powell

It’s time for Spring Break at Lake Powell with a host of your favorite Nubiles hotties! This houseboat adventure features Piper Perri, Haley Reed, Gina Valentina, and Kenzie Reeves as they party hard with Bambino and Damon Dice! From thong bathing suits and bikinis to pole dancing and naked sunbathing, this is wet and wild adventure that has it all! These hot and horny girls are sex crazed to the max, so it’s no surprise when Piper finds herself with Damon between her thighs and...

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the wifes sister

I was a happily married man, me and Tina got married when she got pregnant at the age of sixteen, we got a two bedroom house and would have lived happy ever after if her younger sister Tracey had not been such a prick teaser, her flirting had me hard and wanting her for a few years but nothing happened till my fifth wedding anniversary when Tina got pissed up on black Russians and me and Tracey had to take her home and put her to bed, after we had settled Tina me and Tracey sat on the sofa...

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Peaches the Limo Slut

Chapter 1 Sitting in the back of a stretch limo Steve Richmond was on the phone to his wife. "..I know" He apologised "But I'm only in Vegas for one more night and I'll be on the next flight home" He looked down at the pretty busty blonde as his wife spoke. "...I've already called Jane and had her reschedule!" The blonde had his hard cock in her hand. Staring up at him she seductively licked her full red lips and slowly continued jerking him off. He interupt his wife's chatter "We're...

Group Sex
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The ProfessorChapter 13 Dating Finding Lisa

Wednesday afternoon after we got back from Robotix the girls were bundles of nervous energy about the impending arrival of their dates. I asked whether specific pairing had taken place, but was informed that it was the two of them dating the two teens. Ash said, “I guess we’ll pair up after they arrive in some way, for instance, who rides next to whom in the car, or ... well, maybe who gives who a blowjob first.” I shot an evil stare at her and she burst out laughing. “Hey, if we don’t get...

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Wifes fed up

"I'm sorry baby. I don't know why this keeps happening." you say to your wife, who is lying almost naked in front of you. Her silk camisole is pulled up around her waist, her glistening pussy awaiting your cock, which at the moment is hanging limp between your legs. When she sees she's not going to get any action from that, she begins to rub her clit in small circles, almost unconsciously. "It's ok honey. I know work must be super stressful since the acquisition." You nod your head, but feel...

4 years ago
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Tumblr SisterChapter 11

When I was in Mr. Killeshan's English class, we read a lot of stuff. I don't remember any of it except the poem by Robert Burns titled, "To a mouse". There's more in the title than that, but I can't remember it, except it has "plow" in it. It's pretty long, but I remember this one line really well. It was: "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley." It's English, though there are a bunch of words like "agley" that none of us could understand. Mr. Killeshan...

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The Champions Companion 23

While Kaarthen was treated for the most part as another woman of the tower since she resided there with them, Janis seemed to be the grand matron for the tower’s attention seeking women. When Marcos came into the women’s room, he noticed the different shades of yellow the woman all wore. Coming upstairs to the roof, Marcos was astounded to see Janis teaching magic to several women as they sat around mimicking her closely. Dinner was especially strained when the Priestess was visiting but...

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The Three Panties Of My Mom 8211 Souvenirs Of The Conquered Territories

Part 1 :Story of the first panty : It was a cold winter night and my mom and I were returning from her native place. We were having RAC tickets and despite my effort, I could not get it confirmed. My mom and I were left with single berth in a sleeper coach for the whole night. At around 10:30 pm my mom slept on the side lower berth. I was also sitting on the same berth but with my legs stretched and we both were oriented in opposite direction. Since it was very cold and we had only one blanket...

1 year ago
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### LCS-60007 ###Waylaid Wifeby Marvin CoxCHAPTER ONEAmy Miller sat smoking a cigarette in the semi-darkness of the bedroom, trying not to look at her husband's naked body. Every time she did, her pussy itched even more. She spread her legs, trying to relieve some of the pressure, but it was useless. The constant throb wouldn't stop."Cock," she whispered. "I need a big, hard cock in here." She thrust her middle finger deeply inside her burning hole and felt the sucking muscles pull hungrily....

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1939 The New AgencyChapter 10

Steven leaned back at his desk and pondered some of the recent developments. Peter Hertz had just been hired to play opposite Cornelia. Not confirmed by anyone yet, a rumor had his daughter and Ken split but she had been spotted with Peter. Ron Pratt had been rehired. His mother had talked the producer into it. The previous understudy, Penelope had married. Her new husband was Patrick O'Flaherty, the patrolman at the scene of the fire and then the murder. Another rumor was she was pregnant...

2 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsEpilogue

After his proposal and her gleeful acceptance, Dave and Jennifer spent an hour of very animated talking with her parents before they drove to QAI. During the two hour drive to QAI, they talked in detail about their upcoming long-distance relationship. They agreed that during his third and final year at Wake Forest, Dave would spend one week on the PGA Tour, then spend one week in classes before he flew to New Dominion to spend every second weekend with Jennifer in an apartment they would...

1 year ago
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Mature Maid8217s Juicy Ass Hole

Hello guy.. This is Stranger and I a 25 year old horny guy.. about me I am an average looking guy.. with a medium size cock.. but im very romantic on bed.. to know more about me youll can ping me on my ID , I would love to chat with youll.. any aunties who are alone and having a boring life can also buzz me to keep urself occupied ;).. I Usually visit this site very often, and I red most of the stories on this site, I can say some are very exciting and some a just useless…. So I just thought of...

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CD Exposed

I have always liked the way womans clothes felt against my skin.It had been years since I had the urge.Until recently.I am happily mariied to a sexy,wonderful woman for 10 years now,but our sex life has seem to slow down to almost nill.I work from home, the wife is gone on her job all day,and sometimes she is off on buisness trips for a week or two at a time.It happened about 3 months ago,while she was gone for a week, I got the urge again.I would wake up in the morning,get some work done, then...

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A sudden noise awoke me, startling me out of my sleep as I lay on the grubby mattress in the room where I was kept imprisoned with my legs and hands tied. It was the door being unbolted causing a beam of light to burst into the room. Lighting the room and making my eyes blink until they adjusted to the light. When my eyes did adjust I could see it was Eddy. I struggled to get to my knees. I could see he was wearing an old pair of jeans nothing else. He raised his hands to his head running his...

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Life After DadChapter 2

I'd almost forgotten how good it felt to be held tightly by a man, Sarah kissed and caressed me and then went up for a bath, leaving me and my brother alone. He undressed me slowly and lovingly telling me how sexy I looked in just stockings and then slid his erection easily into the sopping wetness between my legs, I enjoyed a mini orgasm at that moment and clung to him whilst the pleasure waves receded, then I told him, "I've just had a little one Jimmy" I said as I nibbled his ear,...

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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 9

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 9 Jeri's eyes were dry as she sat in the back of Tim's cab. It seemed to her that this was a scene they had repeated. "At least this time I'm not crying," she thought, as she wondered what Tim must think of her. She could see that he kept glancing into his rearview mirror ? checking to make sure she was okay. "Jeri, maybe it's not my place to say," he said finally, thus breaking the uncomfortable silence. "It seems what you're doing is...

2 years ago
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Defying My family Part 5

Introduction: The gang come up with plan to get more information and Brad learns a terrible truth Defying My family Part 5: SympathyDuring the next few weeks we continued our attack on the skinheads. Following the way Clive Owen’s character from The Inside Man robbed the bank we acted like that. Sometimes we would make sure I got attacked at times. Tara returned home to prevent any suspicions; likewise we made sure she was attacked as well, all though neither Tara nor I were attacked as bad...

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Ralph At 50 part 2

My name is Ralph. I am a light skin Black man. I am 50 years old. I am 6-4 in height and weigh 210 pounds. I am a recently retired computer technician. I have met his 19 year old Indian girl. Her name is Anika. I will continue the story where I left off in part 1. So Anika and I feel asleep after a furious night of me digging deep into the canyons of Anika’s tight pussy hole. It’s now Sunday morning and Anika is still sleeping. She is so damn pretty even in her sleep. A young girl in a grown...

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Sexy coworker

I started working with this woman about a year ago. She was a very nice lady, average looking. We were part of a team of folks working at the corporate offices of a fairly large company. Our boss was big on the concept of getting “out to the field,” out to meet the cusAshokers. So, my co-workers and I traveled quite a bit. We did our best to team up and save expenses. One particular trip, six of us traveled together. Myself, Kamal, Madhu, Prachi, Dimple and Poonam. Prachi and Dimple were very...

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