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Saturday: Constellations

Brad awoke in the middle of the dark forest alone, cold and hungry. Through gaps in the trees overhead, spattered across the black canvas, the Milky Way Galaxy brightly split the night sky in half. He'd never seen a sky this dark before in his life. He was miles from civilization and the nearest light source. Darkness and solitude like this simply did not exist in the world he knew.

He checked his watch. It was still nearly an hour before dawn. He was so anxious to get going he couldn't sleep. He turned on his cell phone to check if his mom had messaged him back. He hadn't seen a signal in two days. Just as he suspected, there was no signal and no message. He turned it off to conserve the battery and shoved it in his backpack. He'd made good progress over the last three days. He wasn't due in until Sunday, but his steadfast determination had gotten him 25 kilometers further than he expected. Another grueling 30 kilometer hike would put him with his mom and her family by the end of the day, 24 hours sooner than they were expecting him.

He was pleased with his pace over the last few days. The year before he had hiked the Appalachian Trail through the entire state of North Carolina, but then he had been hindered by sore feet and a bad case of Giardia. This time around was different. He had a confidence he hadn't had before.

Brad didn't mind going it alone, but, he thought, a little companionship might have been nice. His father, Gary, had intended to join him, but that was before things changed in his family. Gary had decided that a young piece of ass was more desirable than his wife of 23 years, and had left her that spring. Brad's parents were now divorced and his father had a girlfriend, Roxy. Instead of Brad's mom dropping her two men off at the trailhead and then greeting them 100 km north at the family campsite like they had planned, his father and Roxy dropped Brad off to make the journey alone before heading back to Rochester. Brad wasn't bitter about it; he was hiking for himself anyway. He felt much worse for his mom, who had been blindsided by his dad's sudden unfaithfulness. He knew she was anxiously awaiting his arrival at the campgrounds along with her sisters and their families.

He lay on his back on the smooth, flat granite that comprised most of the ground around the Georgian Bay, and stared at the stars. Back home he couldn't see even a tenth of this many stars. The view was simply staggering, the countless brilliants nearly giving the illusion of twilight on the black sky. Draco and its great tail slithered directly overhead and surrounded the little bear, easily seen, but almost lost in the seemingly infinite number of stars that surrounded it.

At last the blackness gave way to purple, then orange. He rummaged through his backpack and found two bananas and a very thick peanut butter sandwich he'd made the night before. Scarfing down his morning nutrition, he pondered the trail he would face today. It was long, and the most rugged leg of the whole trek. He stowed his tent and gathered the remaining tools and cooking utensils that were still s**ttered about, preparing to leave.

Even in mid-August, mornings were often chilly in Northern Ontario. But he knew the sun would bring true summer temperatures by noon. He shrugged off the cold and resumed the trail with barely enough light to see his next step. He was going to make it today; he missed his family and was ready to eat some real food!

At mid-morning, he shed his cold weather gear and sat down on a large tablet of a boulder overlooking a beautiful crystal lake 200 feet below him. A forest of large Eastern White Pines perfectly framed the lake as though it were waiting for Bob Ross to paint it. The sun glinted off the shimmering waves and reminded him that if he hurried, there would still be sunlight by the time he made it to the provincial park where his family was camping. He turned on his phone again—still no service and no message from his mother. He hoped she was doing okay this weekend. It had been a difficult summer since his dad had left her. Brad felt guilty for not being there for her as much as he wished. But a rigid work and class schedule had prevented him from visiting home more often.

He had always been close to his mom, with rarely a harsh word between them, even though she was the disciplinarian in the house. His dad tended to let him have his run during his teenage years, knowing that boys will be boys—not his mom. She set curfews, asked questions and knew his girlfriends. He never resented her for caring about him, and once he was in college, sorely missed the attention she lavished on him at home.

He planned to pay back some of that attention to her this weekend. He was going to be her supportive son, because she needed him to be. He felt a little foolish even going on this long hike when he could be spending time with her, but the trail had a strong calling to him. He felt like he was one with the planet when he was living off nature.

The first sign of humanity that day came in the form of a highway that crossed over the trail. On a hunch, he dug out his phone and turned it on. A minute later, the heart-warming ding that alerted him to a new text message lifted his spirits.

"Okay, honey. Please be careful and we'll see you Sunday. I love you."

There was nothing surprising in the message; she'd actually sent it right after he had departed the trailhead, but it felt good to get something from her. Then it dinged again.

"Haven't heard from you in a while. Are you okay?" Then another, "Baby, please let me know you're not hurt."

She worried. But the messages spanned a period of three days, so he couldn't blame her too much for being concerned. He alleviated her fears. "Still alive. See you soon. Miss you." He decided not to tell her that he would be arriving today instead of tomorrow. Surprising her would be fun.

He tarried a minute longer until the phone dinged again. "I can't wait! Miss you and love you." He smiled to himself and turned the phone off.

The last sign he'd seen had said, "La Cloche 15 Km". He slung his pack over his shoulders once more, crossed under the highway, and picked up the pace in anticipation of surprising everyone.

Periodic glimpses of the vast Georgian Bay to his left caught his attention throughout the day, reminding him that he was getting close. He longed to reach the campgrounds now, as it had been several hours since he'd eaten and the exertion of covering 30 rocky kilometers in a day was beginning to take its toll on his body. It was early evening, but there was still plenty of daylight left.

The sign at the entrance to La Cloche Provincial Park was a welcome sight! Further in, he saw the first rows of campsites with their myriad campers, RVs and pup tents. He wasn't sure which site was theirs, but he figured he'd spot a familiar face or vehicle. He would only text his mom as a last resort if he couldn't find them.

He found a restroom and shower facility across from a large group of campsites and decided to go clean up a little and use the restroom before searching for his family. He dropped his backpack on the floor and washed up in a sink. The cold water felt good on his face, which was adorned with four days' stubble.

"Dude, that's her right there," said a young man in his twenties to another young man as they paused at the doorway to the restroom.

"Where? Oh shit, you're not k**ding," said the other.

"Didn't I tell you she was hot?"

Brad smiled to himself as he listened to the hormone-charged men check out an obviously sexy chick from afar.

"She's been running every evening and gets all sweaty like that."

"Damn. Look at her ass."

Brad dried himself off and collected his gear, anxious to get a look at the girl the two men were fawning over. He peered through the doorway, scanning the campsites, and immediately found the object of their lust. She was about 5 feet 5 inches tall, thin, but curvy, wearing spandex shorts and running shoes. Her light brown hair just touched the strap of her sports bra, and she wore nothing else above the waist. Her ass was absolute heart-shaped perfection inside the tight black spandex. Brad couldn't tear his eyes away from the faceless beauty on display across the road. These guys were right; she was smoking hot. And then she turned around.

Brad stood in complete shock, seeing the beautiful face that went along with the sexy body. He'd never really noticed the body before, but he'd seen the pretty face a million times. They both belonged to his mother.

The two men continued to ogle her. "I bet she's not wearing panties," said the first.

"God, I'd like to find out," said the second.

The initial shock wore off, although his heart was still beating rapidly. Brad felt a surge of anger listening to these two numbskulls disrespect his mother like that, and felt like reaching out and slamming their heads together. But he just stood there with them, watching his mother sip on her bottle of water, walking off her workout—and doing it sexily. She was 43, but had always looked a little younger. She had clearly gotten trimmer since her husband had left her. Brad always thought his mother was pretty, but standing in the doorway and watching her the way these two men were watching her felt like he was seeing a different woman, not just pretty, but desirable. Desirable?

His conscience finally gripped his thoughts, pulling him back to reality, and he pushed between the two guys to get out of the restroom. His mother's back was turned toward him again and he crept up behind her quietly. He smiled to himself because he knew the two men were about to watch him get a nice warm hug from the sexy woman.

"Anybody know where a guy can get some food around here?" he asked her.

Lori wheeled around and her eyes grew to the size of saucers at seeing her 21-year-old son. "Brad!" she screamed. She lunged at him and fell into his arms. "How did you get here so soon?"

"I hitched a ride on a bear."

She laughed and kissed him loudly on the lips. "I was afraid something like that would happen to you! I was so worried!" She looked at her son for a moment. He looked older. It was probably his newly started trail beard. She could see her little boy in his eyes, but he was a handsome man otherwise. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him again, pressing her face against his stubble. "I just can't believe you're here! I missed you so much, baby," she whispered.

"You've got me now," he reassured. "You'll be sick of me by the end of the week."

"Not a chance," she scolded. "Let's get you something to eat! We're just over here."

Brad took delight in surprising his aunts and uncles like he did his mother. It was fun to have his younger cousins worship him for spending so much time alone on the trail, and coming so far. Dinner time came soon after his arrival and he ate like it was his first meal in days, which in some respects, it was. Trail food just couldn't compare to cheesy potato casserole and hamburgers. The aunts simply couldn't believe his appetite.

After his third helping, Brad was ready to go to the shower facility and get cleaned up from the trail. He hadn't showered in days and figured he probably wouldn't be welcome in any of the campers until he got the trail stink off of him.

The aunts busied themselves with the dishes in Caroline's camper after dinner. "Wow, Lori, Brad looks fantastic! Was he always that good-looking?" Caroline said to her younger sister. She'd been itching to say something to Lori ever since she laid eyes on Brad. He was always a cute k**, but now he was just straight up hot.

Lori smiled. "I hardly recognized him! Plus he looked like a vagrant after being on the trail for four days."

"Best looking vagrant I ever saw," chimed in Julia, the oldest of the three sisters. "How is it he doesn't have a girlfriend?"

Lori shrugged. "He's had some, but nothing serious lately. He's very busy at school."

"It's a damned shame," said Caroline. "A hot guy like that going to waste!"

Julia gasped and slapped her sister on the arm. "That's our nephew you're talking about!"

Lori doubled over laughing at her two older sisters. Their yearly camping trip was never short on entertainment. Neither were holiday family gatherings. They were all very close and were not afraid to speak frankly with each other. The absence of Brad's dad was felt by everyone this year, and had yet to be addressed by Lori's sisters as a group. The fact that they weren't talking about him was more deafening to Lori than if they couldn't shut up about it. The subject still needed to be broached by Lori before they would unleash their no-doubt passionate opinions.

"Brad's father was supposed to take that hike with him."

The two older sisters looked at Lori. Julia spoke first. "Well, if that's not par for the course." Caroline nodded in agreement.

"What did Brad think?" asked Caroline.

Lori shrugged. "He tells me it doesn't matter. All that matters to him is that I'm moving on."

"He's a good boy," proclaimed Julia. "And he's right. That son of a bitch isn't worth dwelling on."

Lori had been doing her best not to think about Gary's absence, but it had been a lonely summer without her husband and her son. Brad had been serving his summer internship at the company that would be hiring him full-time after graduation. It was two hundred miles from home, and Lori had barely seen him all spring. Being with him on this camping trip meant the world to her.

Just then Brad opened the door to the camper, turning the heads of all three ladies. He looked much more comfortable in his t-shirt and shorts, and his slightly wet hair looked as good as he smelled. "Can I have my hugs now?" he asked, standing in the doorway.

Julia jumped up first with her arms wide, hugging him and pulling him the rest of the way into the camper. Giving him a kiss on the cheek, she passed him off to Caroline who lavished the same affection on him. "Oh my goodness, young man! Where have you been all my life?" exclaimed Caroline, not wanting to let go. Brad thought he might have felt Caroline's fingers dipping below his belt in back.

"Back off, he's mine," said Lori, slipping her arms around his waist and stealing him away from Caroline. She kissed him on the lips and looked at him, touching his face with both hands. "What's this?" She rubbed his stubble with her palms and gave a slightly disapproving motherly smile, but deep down she was happy he had left it.

They went outside and sat around the campfire. He had the ladies' total attention and regaled them with the high points of his four-day journey in the wilderness. Cousins and uncles filtered over gradually to welcome Brad and find out about his trip.

As Lori busied herself filleting the pike that her brother-in-law had caught that day out on the bay, she couldn't help but notice Brad stealing glances at her. It was almost imperceptible. He was smiling and talking to his cousins, but never looking away from her, and holding her gaze. She returned his looks after a while, once even gazing into his eyes for at least ten seconds. Why was he paying so much attention to her? She felt the usual maternal pleasure looking into the familiar blue eyes of her son, but she also felt something different—a physical reaction she couldn't explain. What was wrong with her? Was it possible Brad was flirting with her?

Brad sat and watched his mother work on those fish, wondering to himself why he couldn't take his eyes off her. She would look up at him occasionally to listen to what he was saying. Every time they made eye contact, he felt an exciting rush of adrenaline. As he spoke to his cousins, he found himself hoping that every word would entice her to look up at him again. He caught himself wishing for a brief moment that the beautiful woman cleaning the fish wasn't his mother—wishing that the gorgeous ass squeezed into those spandex shorts belonged to someone he might call his girlfriend.

What was going on with him? He felt himself get hard in his shorts and had to cross his legs to avoid embarrassment.

Lori felt oddly sexy standing there cutting the Y-bones out of the fish. She hadn't felt wanted in months. Well before Gary had left her, she had begun to feel like an unwanted and spent woman. His growing apathy convinced her she was a barren outcast that was hardly noticed by members of the opposite sex. But lately she had been working out and dropping extra pounds. She wasn't a fool. She knew that men noticed her, indeed lusted after her. But the idea of being with a man other than Gary still made her heart ache, and even turned her stomach.

The vibe she was getting from Brad was oddly similar to these male glances she had been noticing lately. She knew she was being looked at. But it wasn't turning her stomach; it was turning her on! A young man was checking her out, sexing her up with his eyes and it was her son! Was she imagining the electricity that was flowing between them? She must be. What on earth was going on?

On a wicked impulse, she turned away for a moment to give Brad a new view of her shapely behind, and then bent over the bucket to get the next fish. She felt like a little tease for doing that, but it gave her a secret thrill that she would keep to herself. She found herself hoping that Brad had noticed her. She was glad the crowd was noisy because her breathing had gotten so heavy it was audible.

At last she finished filleting the fish and decided to go shower up for the night. It grew late and the family one by one wandered back to their tents and campers. Brad pitched his tent next to his aunt and uncle's camper where his mother was staying. He was exhausted. The long hike today followed by the family time that lasted well into the night had finally taken its toll. He crawled into his sleeping bag and was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

Lori returned from the shower in her sweats and flip flops and saw Brad's tent set up outside her sister's camper. Everyone had gone to bed, including her son. She had been waiting to talk to him alone all day, and now she would have to wait a while longer. He'd had a long day and she wouldn't bother him.

Lori's bed in her sister's camper was the converted table seating area. The table was folded down and cushions arranged for sleeping, thanks to Caroline. Lori crawled into her sleeping bag and rested her head on a pillow, her eyes wide open in the darkness. Caroline and her husband, George could be heard breathing in their sleep from the rear of the camper. She hoped George wouldn't start snoring like he had the previous two nights. Maybe it wouldn't matter; she didn't know if she would be able to sleep anyway.

She couldn't get the thought of silently flirting with her son out of her head. Had she imagined it? Every time she pictured his beautiful eyes taking her in while he sat by the campfire she shuddered inside. She couldn't decide if it was a good shudder or a bad shudder. She missed him terribly and wished they could have gotten to be alone today. But they had the week ahead of them. She was comforted by that thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Sunday: Meteors

Lori awoke the next morning later than usual. If there had been any noises in the middle of the night, she wouldn't have heard them; she had slept deeply all night. She decided to go over to Julia's camper to find some coffee, and on her way noticed Brad's tent was open and unoccupied.

"How did you sleep?" asked Julia as Lori walked in.

"Like a rock," she said, pouring her coffee.

Did George keep you up at all?"

"Actually, no. I talked Caroline into smothering him with a pillow when he snores. I hope he's still alive."

Julia laughed. "Yes, he survived. He and Will took Brad out pike fishing this morning."

"Oh," said Lori, hiding her disappointment. "I hope they catch dinner for us tonight."

"George sounded pretty confident when they left. I hope your knife is sharpened."

Lori was the resident filleter of fish. Not that she really loved doing it, but she had a knack for removing the pesky Y-bones from the tails of northern pike. The k**s wouldn't even eat it if Aunt Lori wasn't the one who cleaned them.

The guys returned from fishing that afternoon with the best haul of the week so far. Lori saw the men talking around the back of the pickup truck and went out to meet them. Laid out in the bed of the truck were eight nice sized northern pike, including a very large one, and a couple of walleye.

"Who caught the big one?" she asked.

George clapped two hands on Brad's shoulders. "Our new pro angler here. Ten and a half pounds!"

"I scooped it in the net!" implored Brad's younger cousin, Will.

"And Will caught the two walleye," noted Brad.

"Looks like we have our dinner, don't we?" Lori declared. "I'd better get started now if they're going to be ready by dinner time."

Brad and Will hauled the fish over to the cleaning table while Lori filled a large plastic tub with water. While she worked, the three fishermen got some lunch. After eating, Brad sat down in a comfy bag chair near the ashen remains of last night's campfire and closed his eyes. Spending the day in a small boat exposed to the sun and wind of the Georgian Bay was draining.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Lori asked her son as she worked on the fish.

"I did. I was so tired. I'm sorry I didn't say goodnight." He opened his eyes and looked at her. Her hair was pulled back and she looked as beautiful as she had the night before while she labored away at the same unsexy chore.

"It's okay, honey. You had a crazy long day. But you'd better tonight!" she said brandishing her fillet knife at him. "And I expect a goodnight kiss for your mother as well."

Brad jumped up and walked over to her. He put two hands on her shoulders and gently massaged her while she slaved away. "Did anybody ever tell you you're the hottest fishmonger that ever lived?"

Lori giggled. "Well, we all have to be known for something!"

Brad leaned in from behind her and kissed her gently on the cheek. "That was for last night. I'll have another one for you tonight. Deal?"

Lori felt him press against her behind when he kissed her and thrilled at this unnecessarily intimate contact. She felt the urge to turn around and hug him, but her hands were literally covered in slimy fish guts. She smiled without looking at him. "Deal," she replied.

"Are you going on a run again tonight?" He was aware of her new workout habit thanks to the two oglers he ran into yesterday at the restroom.

"Do you want to come with?" she asked, partially turning around.

"Yes. Very much so."

"Oh, that makes me happy!" she said. "It's such a beautiful place to run. You'll just love it!"

"Then it's a date."

Lori felt overjoyed the rest of the day knowing she and Brad would be working out together, on their 'date' as he put it. Later on, she found Caroline's camper empty and quickly took off her clothes. She changed into a pair of powder blue spandex running shorts, removing her panties before putting on the shorts. She hated how underwear rode up on her when she ran, and besides, she was well aware she looked smoking hot in those shorts when they hugged her bare skin. She slipped on a white sports bra and tied her hair back.

Brad was tying his shoes when Lori emerged from the camper, ready to run. For several seconds he was unable to take his eyes off her. She looked just as hot as she had the day before. Her ass was perfect in those shorts! Her tummy was flat and was peeking sexily out between her waistband and her bra. How did she get that way? Lori noticed him staring at her.

"What?" she asked.

Brad shook himself out of his stupor. "I'm sorry," he said instinctively.

"For what, honey?"

Brad was embarrassed. He didn't even know what to say. "Nothing," was all he could muster.

Lori smiled. She didn't let on the vibe she was feeling and just played it off. "Okay, how far?"

Brad shrugged. "Up to you, but you might leave me behind."

"I doubt that. My favorite loop is about two miles," she said, bending and stretching.

"Lead the way."

Brad was thoroughly impressed at his 43-year-old mother's stamina. She had been working hard! He was in the best shape of his life, at least for hiking and climbing, but he knew by the first half-mile that Lori was going to need to run a slower pace to accommodate him. He did his best to maintain stride with her, but he had a motivation to lag behind a bit.

He couldn't take his eyes off her pretty ass. The thought that he was trailing his mom never left his consciousness, but it did nothing to stand in the way of his lustful thoughts. It was literally weakening his knees. It was no surprise to him that his mother was attractive; his friends always let him know that in high school. But what he was seeing now was an attraction altogether different. She was hot! There was no question. She had a jiggle inside those spandex shorts that was probably more pronounced than it was in her twenties, but it didn't diminish her sexiness. In fact, it augmented it.

"You okay back there?" she asked when she hadn't seen him for a couple of minutes.

"Just admiring the view," he said before he could catch himself. Jesus! She wasn't a coed he was jogging with on campus; it was his mother he was lusting after. He hoped that she took him to mean the beautiful conifers that lined the roadway.

"It's so pretty here," she said, ignoring his double entendre. She secretly hoped he was being cheeky with her, but she was too embarrassed to play along.

Lori slowed down to force him to run next to her so they could talk.

"Are you enjoying your summer?"

"Been very busy. It's why I haven't been to see you."

"Any other reasons you haven't been to see me?"

"Are you asking if I have a girlfriend?"

"You're going to make me ask?" she laughed.

"We broke up after the spring semester."

"Oh, I'm sorry, hon. Was it okay?"

"Well, she's from Burlington. A long distance relationship just wasn't going to work for us over the summer. I'm okay with it. There are lots of fish in the sea."

"That's what I like to hear," she said, clearly relieved that he wasn't in a serious relationship. "And plenty of time to find them."

"What about you?" he asked.

"A boyfriend?" she asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I mean, you're still a woman, even though you're my mom. I get that."

"Honey, thank you for your understanding, but men are definitely not in the cards for me."

"Why not?"

"After 23 years of marriage, it's hard to give your heart to another person just like that."

Brad suddenly felt bitter about his father leaving her. He had been very angry with his father over his indiscretions, but seeing how profoundly it had affected her left a decidedly rotten taste in his mouth. He resolved he would not defend his father in this matter.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Don't be, baby. It's not your fault."

They jogged in silence for a while. Brad was feeling a need to console his mother and her broken heart, even though she wasn't asking for pity. He tried to imagine every possible scenario that would lead his father to leave her and not a single one made sense. Who could leave such a sweet and loving woman? How could anyone be more perfect? He felt like punching his dad.

"Can we talk more later?" he asked.

Lori felt a surge of gladness at the suggestion. Close, intimate time to reconnect with her son was exactly what she needed. "I'd like that," she said simply.

"I promise I'll stay awake," he said with a grin.

"Well, that's the least you could do for your mother," she commented wryly.

Brad saw the two dudes he'd run into yesterday at about the same time in the evening. He gave them both a big wave and a smile as he and his mother passed by. He hoped they were watching her ass again today. He almost felt a kinship to those knuckleheads. The shorter one waved awkwardly before looking at his hand and shoving it in his pocket.

The fish dinner was stupendous as expected, with everyone in the family congratulating Brad on feeding the masses with his amazing angling ability. Lori didn't even mind that she hardly got a mention for spending all afternoon cleaning the fish.

The night grew late and Brad and Lori both got showers after dinner. Brad beat her back to the campsite. He was in his tent, stowing some of his gear when Lori came back from the showers wearing her sweats and flip-flops. She saw he was in his tent. "Brad?" she called quietly.

Brad peeked his head out and smiled. "Do you want to watch the Perseids?" he asked. This was the peak night for observing the annual Perseid Meteor Shower.

"Oh! It is August eleventh, isn't it?" she said. "Wait, I know just the place to do it. Let me get a blanket." She went into the camper and came out with a fluffy blanket tucked under her arm and a flashlight in the other hand. "It's about a ten-minute walk to the lake, but it's totally dark there."

Brad had watched the Perseids numerous times, but never in an environment this dark. This would be a special treat. They made their way to the banks of a good-sized lake adjoining the campground and Lori spread the thick blanket on some flat, smooth rocks. Not a hint of light could be seen on the horizon, save for a few campfires dotting the landscape. The sky was as black as Brad had seen the night before. They lay on their backs, head to head and stared up at the sky.

"Goodness, I can't believe how many stars there are," noted Lori. The cold wash of the Milky Way sprayed across the black dome of the sky and waited patiently to be disrupted by the streaking, bright flashes of light. "There's one already!" Lori exclaimed. In the extreme darkness of Northern Ontario, even the dimmest meteors could be seen on a clear night.

Brad could feel his mother's head very close to his and quietly scooted a little closer to her so the tops of their heads were touching. "There!" He pointed futilely in the darkness.

"Oh, this is going to be a good night," observed Lori. They lay in silence for a while, waiting and watching. They saw a shooting star about once every minute or so. At length, Lori broke their silence.

"So, how's your dad?"

"He's very busy. I haven't seen him much. This trip to Ontario was the most I'd talked to him in months."

"I think he offered to take you just to quell his guilty conscience," Lori noted.

"Yes," he agreed.

"And then he got to just drop you off and be done with you." Lori was bitter about how he'd treated both of them.

"Yes, I know," Brad responded

"And what do you think of Roxy?"

Brad knew this was coming. He'd met his dad's new girlfriend, but only on the trip to the trailhead. She was a pretty, blonde-haired, smoking hot piece of ass; of that there was no question. But that's all she was—not a lot of stimulation above the waistline. He decided to answer his mother truthfully. "She's hot."

Lori sighed. "Yeah; I've heard."

Brad continued. "But only because she's young. I really don't know what Dad sees in her. She's got nothing on you, Mom. When she's 43 she'll look like a tramp trying to hang onto her twenties, because that's all she has going for her. Her beauty is nothing compared to yours."

Lori felt a surge of love for her son for complimenting her so ravishingly. "You think I'm pretty?"

Brad laughed. "Do I think you're pretty? Have you looked at yourself? How could I not?"

"I don't know, maybe because you don't look at your mother that way?" She knew she was being disingenuous after the covert flirting that had been going on between them.

Brad didn't respond. They lay quietly for a while.

"Is he happy?"

Brad thought for a moment. "He seems happy. He's different, though."

"How so?" she asked.

"Well, he's just totally into her. He didn't really talk to me a whole lot."

"Son of a bitch," she growled. "He's abandoned us both emotionally."

"We'll be okay," he said reassuringly. "We have each other, and that's all I care about."

Lori reached back and felt his face, caressing and scratching him lightly with her fingernails. "I love you, baby."

Brad took her hand and kissed her palm. He held it while he put his other hand up, hoping to find hers. Lori grabbed his other hand and they held each other by the hands for a while, still staring up at the brilliant sky.

"I think your aunts have the hots for you," she said, caressing his hands with her thumbs.

Brad gave an embarrassed laugh. "Especially Caroline. Did you see her grab my ass?"

Lori gasped. "She laid a hand on my sweet boy's ass? She's lucky I don't kill her in a jealous rage!"

Brad laughed. "They're sweet, but they're not my type. They're not beautiful and refined like you."

"Aw, that's sweet! Do you think I'm your type?" Lori immediately wished she could take the question back. What kind of thing was that to say to her son?

"You're my perfect type. You're beautiful, smart, loving, and sexy. What more could a guy want?"

"Your dad apparently wanted more."

"Dad's a fucking moron."

Lori laughed, squeezing her son's hands when she caught a bright flash out of the corner of her eye. "Oh! Look at that!" They both immediately sat up. To her right and Brad's left a bright meteor shot from the horizon and glided smoothly overhead, traversing the entire sky in a long, bright streak. Its reflection could be seen bouncing off the mirrored surface of the lake and revealing its rocky banks. For a moment, the brightness softly illuminated the smooth, flat rocks and blanket upon which they sat, briefly revealing each other's face, until it finally disappeared on the opposite horizon, leaving them once again in total darkness.

Brad took her hand again and turned himself towards her, knowing her face was close by. He'd just admitted to his mother that he found her attractive. It wasn't something he ever thought he'd say to her, but telling her made him feel like a man.

"Thank you for trying to make me feel better," she said softly.

"I'm not trying to make you feel better. I meant what I said."

Lori turned to face him and held both his hands in hers. "But you do. I don't know what I would do without you. I missed you so much this summer."

"I missed you too. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you."

"Baby, that's not what I mean. You're starting your career and your life; I wouldn't have you doing anything different."

Brad truly felt sorry for his mother. His heart was broken for her. She was tough. She didn't complain. She was as far from needy as a woman could get, maintaining her stoic demeanor even after a humiliating desertion by her husband for no obvious reason. But he knew she was hurting. "I still wish I could have been with you more this summer."

"Me too," she said, squeezing his hands.

"Will you forgive me?"

Lori gave a silent nasal laugh. "There's nothing to forgive, honey."

An overwhelming impulse to kiss her sweet son settled over her. She leaned in very tentatively and touched her nose to his. Brad felt her breath and the touch of her nose and instinctively leaned closer. She kissed her son quickly, gently and motherly and then pulled away. A gentle charge of electricity pulsed through her body from her mouth, down her spine to her feet. What a perfect kiss that was!

She squeezed his hands again. "Did you just call your mother sexy?" Lori felt a guilty wave of pleasure wash over her body at asking him such a seductive question.

"I did," he answered. "It's true! No man with a heartbeat could look at you and not think you're attractive." That got a giggle out of Lori. "Does it make you uncomfortable to hear that from me?" he asked.

"A little. But it makes me feel—" she trailed off. Her motherly instinct stepped in and slammed her mouth shut before she said something regretful.

Brad waited a moment, then jiggled her hands. "Makes you feel what?"

"Oh, god," she sighed. Lori gave an embarrassed laugh to fill the void. She had trapped herself.

"C'mon!" Brad implored. "You have to tell me now." His heart was pounding. His mother was about to admit something that might affirm what he was feeling. But she had to be the one to say it. If he could see her, he would have implored her with his eyes, but he could do nothing but hold her hands, feeling them tremble.

"How does it make you feel?" he whispered. He caressed her hands lovingly, comforting her.

Lori took a deep breath and spoke quietly. "To hear you say that," she began nervously. "It makes me feel...desirable. Is that weird?"

Brad smiled into the darkness. "No. And you are. Desirable, I mean." He immediately began to lean in again. He wasn't sure about what he was doing, but he hoped to find her lips again. He tilted his head a little. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to kiss his sexy mother. He could think of nothing else.

Lori felt his head tilt and almost drew back. Something was happening that she felt was beyond her control. But she stayed where she was, the excitement of touching his lips again outweighing the fear of making a mistake. She leaned in ever so slowly until their lips gently touched again, affirming that this was going beyond their familiar love.

He slightly opened his mouth, silently inviting her to do the same. Lori put her trembling hands on his face, not knowing whether she was going to push him away or pull him into her. She could feel the wetness of his mouth. She hesitantly opened her mouth to him, their lips lightly touching, testing their new kind of kiss. She told herself what they were doing was okay. They loved each other. It felt so good to show him her love this way!

She felt him taste her lips with his tongue and whimpered almost inaudibly. She breathed into his mouth in an involuntary sigh and fought the urge to uncurl her own tongue. But motherly instinct was rapidly dissolving in the solution of her liquescent female desire.

Slowly opening and closing her mouth with her son, Lori allowed herself a slight taste—just the tip. She whimpered again as the overwhelming desire took over. It was just a little taste, but suddenly she knew a little taste was not going to be enough. Lori pulled Brad's face tight against her and slipped her tongue deep into his mouth, caressing him, tasting him with tender lust that she wasn't even aware she had. It was her son she was kissing, and he tasted better than her sweetest lover.

His head tightly in her grasp, Brad eagerly accepted his mother's tongue, feeling it with his own, caressing and tasting her lips and chin. He felt the blood shift in his groin and his cock begin to grow erect. He had an impulse to hide it with his hands, even in total darkness. He was getting hard for his mother! His conflicted mind both reveled and abhorred the growing arousal. But ultimately he had to just let it happen. Kissing like this gave him no choice. He let go of his inhibitions and secretly grew to full size in his pants.

Realizing the kissing had turned sharply sexual, Lori's conscience caught up with her in a hurry. "Oh, oh Brad," she said into his mouth mid-kiss. She desperately wanted to see him, to look into his eyes and know what he thought of her now. But the darkness prevented it. "What are we doing?"

Brad felt her begin to pull away and instinctively touched the back of her head, gently touching his nose to hers. He could feel her hands trembling on his face.

"It's okay," he whispered, trying to allay her guilty conscience, as well as his own. "Stay with me." He had a feeling she would suddenly feel a need to end it—and he wasn't ready for it to end.

"Brad," she whispered.

"I know. This is weird, isn't it? Are you freaked out?"

"I don't know what to do!"

"Don't move," he gently commanded. "Just stay with me." Neither of them wanted to pull away. They sat for a moment, holding each other.

At length, he kissed her softly. "It's okay. Tell me you love me."

"You know I do."

"We're okay; I promise," he said reassuringly.

The scuffing sound of footsteps on the rocks fifty feet away and brief glints of a flashlight hopping around the rocks and surrounding trees alerted the two they were not alone. A pair of soft voices became audible. Lori guiltily took her hands off her son's face as they both looked toward the dancing flashlight beam.

"There they are," said Julia.

"Did you see anything?" asked Jayden, Julia's youngest son.

"Good ones!" Brad called back. The reality of family interaction felt very strange as they sat there, still facing each other.

"Keep your light off, Jayden, so you don't blind anybody," advised Julia.

Lori spread the blanket out to make room for everybody. "The best thing is to lie on your back and look in the direction of the lake," she told her nephew while attempting to calm her voice.

Lori and her sister chit chatted about activities for tomorrow while they casually kept an eye on the sky. While she talked with her sister, she couldn't stop thinking about the feel of her son's tongue in her mouth and on her neck. The wetness in her spandex shorts had continued to increase, even after they'd been forced to stop. She was both thankful and resentful that her sister showed up when she did, abruptly putting an end to their passion, which had been rapidly growing out of control.

After having their fill of the meteor shower for one night, the four of them eventually walked back to the campsite together to turn in for the night. Brad and Lori walked over to his tent and into the light spilling out from the camper. They hadn't spoken a word to each other. They exchanged glances, preparing to say goodnight. The mood was heart-achingly awkward. Lori tried to force herself to say something, but nothing would come out. She gave him a peck on the cheek and disappeared into the camper.

Monday: Venus

The following day found Brad and his mom separated for most of it. They exchanged a quick, awkward hello around the breakfast campfire before Lori headed out for a day of shopping in Sudbury with her sisters, and Brad took his excited nephews on a long hike. Lori felt some relief at not having to face Brad all day, though she wanted to talk to him. Brad thought of nothing but her on his hike, running the night over and over again in his mind, confused and wondering how she felt.

They both knew they needed to talk, but just like the first night, family obligations intruded.

Being alone—at least in the way they needed—was impossible, but Brad made sure she sat near him that night as the family talked around the campfire. He pulled her towards him and deposited her at his feet, leaning her head and shoulders against his calves. The Venusian light of the evening star shone through gaps in the trees like a temptress, beckoning him to follow her into the woods. He casually put a hand on the back of the goddess's head, caressing her scalp with his fingernails, gently tickling her neck, or rubbing her shoulders, silently communicating his secret feelings while they both listened to the family laughter.

Lori felt electric tingles race up and down her spine every time Brad touched her. She had no idea what to think of their moment last night, or what was going through his mind now as he caressed her. Perhaps it was just a passing phase and would go away? She knew that would be for the best, but deep down, where she could barely admit it, she hoped that wasn't true.

The aunts and k**s gradually meandered to bed, giving Brad hope that he would get some alone time with his mom, but his uncles were not tired, and sat by the fire sipping beer and chatting until Brad thought he would scream. They were showing no signs of turning in. At last he gave up on talking to her. It would have been awkward for both of them anyway. Maybe it was time to just let it go—chalk it up to a hormone-charged mistake. "I'm tired," he grumbled. "I'm going to bed."

He leaned over to her, expecting to kiss her on the cheek. To his surprise, Lori turned her head and got a kiss on the lips just at the last moment. "Good night," he said after a pause.

"Good night," she replied, even though she really didn't want to part company with him. But she couldn't think of anything to say that would keep him there, and instead watched him trudge off to his tent. She followed suit a moment later, heading to the camper, even though she wasn't very tired.

She lay down on her makeshift bed and stared into the darkness. She was finally alone for the first time today, and her thoughts were squarely on her son. The sweet touch of his hands on her tonight had left her incredibly aroused and tingling. She closed her eyes and tried to push the thought of it out of her mind. Her insides were nervously flittering about in a warm tremor. This feeling was not doing her any good. She needed to be strong.

Still awake a while later, she heard Caroline's husband, George creep in quietly and head to the bedroom in the back. Lori continued to lie restlessly and waited with a heavy heart for sleep to overtake her. At last, her mind began to let go of the lascivious feelings that were owning her. But just as she began to drift off, her brother-in-law shifted in his bed and began to snore.

Lori's eyes opened. "Not again," she quietly whispered to herself. Another night of this was going to be unbearable! She buried herself within the sleeping bag and squeezed the pillow down over her head. It was uncomfortable. It was hot. And it wasn't drowning out the snoring. "Oh please stop!" she thought to herself.

She had nowhere to go. Every camper was filled to capacity and she was just a hanger-on for this trip. She was lucky enough that Caroline and her husband had room for an extra person in their camper. There wasn't even room for Brad. Brad! She sat up on the makeshift bed, surprised that it took her so long to think of him. Would it be too awkward? Awkward or not, she was immediately comforted by the thought of being with him. She would be no good to anybody tomorrow if she was up all night because of the snoring. There, she talked herself into it.

Brad lay in his sleeping bag, frustrated and lonely, tired but unable to sleep. He knew he had to get the crazy thoughts of kissing his mother out of his head, but it felt so much like unfinished business that he was unable to put it to rest. He tossed and turned on the cold ground. It was the first time he'd had trouble sleeping the entire trip, despite the 10 kilometer hike he'd led today.

Suddenly he heard the aluminum door of the camper open and close softly and saw the shadow of a figure fall on the tent as the person outside passed in front of the camper's door light. Who was up at this late hour?

"Brad," he heard his mother whisper. "Brad, are you awake?"

He dove for the tent flap and unzipped it, peeking his head out. "Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded. "George is a terrible snorer."

Brad whispered a laugh. He well-knew George's reputation for snoring. He looked up at his mother and smiled. He wasn't even going to let her ask, unzipping the flap the rest of the way and holding it open for her.

Lori gave her son a bashful grin and crawled past him into the tent with her sleeping bag and pillow. "I'm sorry. I know this isn't a big tent."

"Perfect for two," he said, closing the flap back up. He moved his backpack out of the way and helped her spread out her sleeping bag next to his. They both sat on top of the soft insulated fabric. "I'm glad you're here," Brad said.

Lori smiled, relieved. She could see his beautiful face in the soft glow permeating the tent from the camper light outside. "Brad?" she asked.

"Mm hmm?"

"Do you want to talk?"

Brad nodded, although he didn't know what he would say.

"Baby, I'm not sure what happened last night. I feel foolish."

"Are you embarrassed that we kissed like that?"

Lori lunged at him and put her hand over his mouth. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "These thin walls have ears."

Brad looked around at the sleeping bags and pillows. If they were going to have to hunker down to talk, they might as well be comfortable. He made a decision about the sleeping arrangement and hoped his mom wouldn't mind. Unzipping his sleeping bag, he spread it out open so it took up the entire floor of the tent. He threw their two pillows on top of it and pointed. "Lie down," he quietly commanded.

Lori complied and put her head on her pillow. Brad unzipped the other sleeping bag and d****d it over is mother like a blanket, then crawled in next to her, laying his head on his own pillow. He pulled the cover up over their heads, so they were snuggled inside the makeshift bed and somewhat insulated from sounds outside.

He got close to his mother to whisper to her. "Talk to me," he said.

"I don't...know what to say," she said, haltingly.

"You were saying I was the best kisser in the world?"

Lori covered her mouth to stifle her laugh. She nodded through the giggles. "Yes, baby!"

"That was the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me," he said.

"Me too!" she exclaimed. She hoped he didn't mean weird in a bad way. She looked at him pensively. "Are you okay?"

Brad nodded emphatically. "Are you?" he asked with a cringe.

Lori breathed in deeply through her nose and let it out. "I think so." The truth was, she was feeling better than she'd felt in months, but her conscience was blocking her from enjoying the feeling. "I don't know what to think. I feel like a terrible mother."

"You're the best mother there is," he said earnestly.

"No, a good mother would never kiss her son like that."

"Then I don't want a good mother. I want you."

"Oh, thanks!" she said sarcastically.

"You know what I meant," Brad said.

"I just don't know what came over me. It felt like we were in a dream."

"It was a really good dream," he countered, touching her hand under the covers.

"What are we supposed to do now?"

"How do you feel about kissing me again?" he asked.

Guilty surprise cascaded down her face. There was no way she could answer that question honestly.

"Brad, I—"

Brad met her lips with his and immediately began kissing her where they'd left off at the lake. The surprise Lori felt was almost immediately overtaken by the same lustful emotion that had driven her to slip her tongue into his mouth the first time. She pulled him into her with her hand behind his head and kissed him deeply. It felt so perfect and untainted Lori wondered why on earth she had wasted a whole day worrying about it! Brad was thinking the same thing. This is the real reason they'd wanted to be alone and had avoided being alone; there was no use denying it.

They lay quietly together and kissed for several minutes, no longer speaking. Lori felt like she was telling her son how much she loved him with every caress of their tongues, as though their kissing transcended any loving motherly gesture she had ever given him up to now. It felt good. It felt natural. She found herself hoping Brad would try to put a move on her, like a k** on a date. He was her son, but the idea began to consume her guilty mind.

As if on cue, Brad nudged her onto her back while kissing her neck, and half crawled onto her. He took a risk and gave into his lustful urge. He worked up to her ear and nibbled her earlobe gently before lightly whispering to her. "Can I go further?"

Lori felt the blood drain from her face. They were really doing this. But wasn't this the true reason why she'd "had" to sneak into his tent? Things would never be the same. Losing the relationship she had with her son was unthinkable, but the desire in her heart at that moment was overshadowing every other need.

"Brad," she whispered. "I love you."

He continued to caress her ear with his tongue and whispered softly to her, "I love you too, Mom. Let me show you."

Lori stifled a moan. The very sound of her son's voice speaking seductively to her was enough to cause a tremor in her womb. Ignoring it the best she could, she took a wheezy breath and tried to reply. "I'm afraid."

"Are you afraid I won't love you the same?"

"I'm afraid I won't love you the same," she corrected gently.

"We'll love each other more."

"Oh my god, baby," she cried, pulling his face back to her lips. Why did he keep saying the right things? She couldn't reason with him if he would melt her heart with every response. But her conscience demanded that she put her foot down. "We can't go very far with this, Brad," she asserted weakly. She knew it wasn't exactly putting her foot down. "Do you understand? I mean, kissing is one thing— "

"When was the last time you were with Dad?" he interrupted. Brad suddenly felt very aroused at forcing such a direct question about her sex life.

The shock of the question rippled through her body like a heavy rock tossed into a calm pond. She'd not been with Gary, or any other man for a shamefully long time. She had downplayed her loneliness and protected her heart by not dwelling on her relationship with her husband, pushing the thought of having sex and even being romantically loved out of her mind. She had been completely chaste during their estrangement and while divorce proceedings were finalized. Even after the divorce was final, she still hadn't totally emerged from her protective shell. She had been steadfastly faithful to her husband until now.

Brad's direct question forced her to admit her loneliness. She put her palm on her forehead and gave an embarrassed chuckle to mask her self-consciousness. "Oh god. It's been a long time. Months and months." In fact, it had been well over a year.

"And in all that time you've never wanted to be with another man?" he asked her.

Lori shook her head. "It would be like cheating on him."

"You're not cheating on him! He cheated on you!" Brad implored.

Lori's lips curled into a grimace and she bit her lip to keep from crying. She'd been so in love with Gary that even after he'd slighted her she couldn't find other men attractive. She'd kept inside her shell in the u*********s hope that maybe he'd come back. She knew it would never happen, but her heart would not let go of hope.

"I'm sorry," Brad said softly. The last thing he wanted to do was make her upset.

She looked at her attractive son. He didn't look like his dad. In fact, he took after her. His slender physique and cute nose were clearly inherited from her side of the family. He didn't look like any man she'd ever known. He was much more beautiful. He was much easier to love. She knew it was because he was her son, but something about him forced her to accept the affection that she would reject from any other man.

"Don't you think it's time you felt loved again?" he whispered quietly to her. He was being very forward and he knew it. Talking to his mother like this was giving Brad the most cherished heart-pounding euphoria. He could lie there and whisper sweet things in her ear all night.

Lori listened to his words echo in her head. She already felt loved by him. It was just a matter of accepting it. God, he was right! It was right there in front of her. He was offering a kind of love that she was afraid to take from anybody else. Her son was offering to satisfy her needs as a woman.

He kissed her cheek and touched his lips to her ear. "I'm here for you," he said gently.

"Brad," she whimpered. "I love you so much. You're perfect!" she whispered earnestly. "But we can't, baby." If only her son really knew what she wanted him to do to her!

"We won't," he reassured. "But, don't you think you need some attention? I have some to give you." He gave her the most tender, gentlest kiss yet, barely touching lips. Lori's resolve began to wane.

"Let me take care of you," he said, kissing her face. "Nobody has to know. This is between you and me. You know I love you," he whispered again in her ear. "It's me."

"Ohhh," she whimpered in a long, high-pitched note. He kissed down her neck and allowed his right hand to wander onto her tummy. He could feel her quivering with each breath. She was so fragile! He moved his hand very slowly on her, still tentative about touching his mother like this, but he wanted, needed to feel her body. He kissed her neck and caressed the soft skin with his nose while his hand steadily marched toward her supple breasts. Lori bit her lip in anticipation. He was moving so slowly it hurt!

At last his hand found her breasts. Lori stiffened up at his lascivious touch, her hard nipples feeling every crease of his fingers and palm over her t-shirt. "Brad," she said breathlessly.

He squeezed her lightly, eliciting an involuntary quiet moan from her. He massaged and rubbed one breast over the shirt while he kissed her gently, then slid his hand over to the other one. He hoped she would not stop him. His eyes gently caressed hers. "Is this okay?" he asked.

Lori didn't respond. Her son was feeling her tits. Of course it wasn't okay.

He kissed her again and squeezed them more firmly, rubbing the nipple through her shirt with his index finger. "Do you want me to stop?" he whispered.

Lori paused a moment. She didn't know the answer. She couldn't think. But her head involuntarily answered for her. She pleaded with his eyes as she shook her head, "No."

He slipped his hand under her shirt, moving steadily back up her bare skin to her breast. This time he felt her erect nipple with his fingers before cupping his mother's sweet fleshy mound in his palm. He slid his other hand under her shirt and discovered the other nipple was equally hard. He caressed them while he watched the expression on her face change from apprehension to bliss.

She wanted to tell him to stop, to push his arms out of her shirt. She needed to tell him his hands didn't belong there. She opened her mouth to protest. "Your hands feel so good," was what came out.

Brad could feel her heart beating as he worked her shirt up over her tits and left it there on her chest. He admired his mom's hard nubs, erect from the massage, her chest heaving slightly. Her tits were wonderfully round, if not a little smallish, but maintained their beautiful shape, even when lying on her back, even on her 43-year-old frame. Brad leaned down and did what comes naturally to a son with his mother.

The wet warmth of his mouth enveloped her left nipple. Lori watched him. She gazed at her son sucking on her breast with the attention a mother doe would to her fawn. It had been so long since he'd suckled Mommy's milk, but to Lori the sensation felt like it was just yesterday, giving herself to her little boy again. She caressed his hair as she watched him lustfully lap up her tender flesh. He moved to the other one, more eagerly. Lori closed her eyes and tossed her head back. Her body was reacting—just like it had so many years ago, when she didn't know what to do about the strange desire boiling up inside her, her swollen vagina glistening inside her panties while her son suckled her tender nipple.

She gave in. It felt too good. Just this one time, she thought. On an impulse, she took her shirt the rest of the way off and tossed it aside. Brad kissed up her neck to her chin and circled it with his tongue. She met his lips and kissed him deeply once again. She was feeling like a girl that was going too far on a first date. But her date was too irresistible to be stopped.

Brad's hands wandered down her naked torso and found the waistband of her sweat pants. He didn't tug on them, but rubbed her hips over the fabric, afraid to do anything more. Lori again began to formulate in her head how she would get out of this situation. She was so afraid of her desire for Brad to touch her pussy! The amalgam of carnal bliss and terror that the idea evoked was raising her heart rate once again.

Brad rubbed her stomach and let his fingers slip just under her waistband before bringing his hand back out. It was just a test to see how she would react. She tried not to react. He did it again, slipping his fingers in a little further. And he felt it. He felt her curly hair under the fabric and allowed his fingers to wander through it.

Lori's back arched at suddenly feeling a hand down there that wasn't her own. She wanted to be touched! She wanted him to immediately plunge two fingers into her drenched pussy and feel how wet she was for him. She involuntarily let a small moan dribble from her lips.

He pressed lightly on the top of her slit with his middle finger, gently nudging her firm clitoris nestled below. He wanted to say something sensual to her while his fingers began their loving journey into her, but all he could say was, "I'm nervous."

Lori gave a gasp at feeling the first clitoral stimulation from her son and put both arms around his neck. "Me too. I'm shaking."

"I know; I can feel you."

"We'll just be nervous together," she gasped. "Brad? What will you think of me?"

"You know I love you," he said. "Nothing we do is ever going to change that. You need me. Stop blocking."

His words smoothed over her conscience for the moment. She picked her knees up off the ground slightly, spreading her legs and giving him the access he desired.

Brad felt her shift to let his fingers venture further down. He allowed them to slip between the folds of her labia, liberating the warm honey that was waiting just within. His mother was wet for him! He wasted no time in curling his finger down and letting it slip easily inside her—inside his mother's pussy.

Lori pulled him to her and kissed him while letting out a quivering "Mmm" at the feeling of being explored by his finger. She nodded while she kissed him, wanting to tell him how she felt, wanting to say something naughty to him while his finger was inside her pussy. "Do you feel how wet I am?" was the naughtiest thing she could muster.

Brad smiled at her between kisses. "Tell me what you like," he said, trying to get her to say it.

"I like you touching me." She was embarrassed to put it so verbosely.

"You like me touching you where?" he asked still smiling and kissing. "Tell me," he whispered. "Say it to me. It will feel good to say it."

Lori breathed deep and crossed over to the other side with her boy. "I like you touching my pussy." That felt good to say. "I like your finger inside me—inside my pussy." Better.

God, he'd never heard something so dirty come out of his mom's mouth! "Do you want more?" he asked.

Lori nodded through a smile, her eyes closed.

"Tell me what you want."

"Two fingers," she purred.

Brad obeyed and slipped his ring finger in alongside his middle, feeling her drenched depths all the w

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Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

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SRU The Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

2 years ago
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The business trip 2 guys 1 fleshlight

It started on one of my business trips. My colleague, Dave and I had to attend a conference in Geneva. We are both straight, in our early thirties, and still in the phase of being horny almost all the time. We’ve travelled together a few times before, and we always end up talking a lot about hot chicks and stuff. He is happily married though. On my longer trips I usually bring my fleshlight. When I get back to my hotel room I take a quick shower, and have a good bate session using the...

2 years ago
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Looking for male sex toys? Do you own a Flesh Light aka the best male masturbator yet? For many years now Fleshlights have been the most popular masturbation sex toy for men in the market. The ridiculously shaped Fleshlight is basically a flashlight with a fake pussy aka artificial vagina attached to the end, making it easy to hold as you fuck the shit out of it.While the original model consisted of a pussy-flashlight toy, Flesh light has since expanded to many other products such as blowjob...

Online Sex Toys Shops
4 years ago
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Sharing my Fleshlight

Last year, I visited a friends house, we usually communicate via social media, whilst gaming or on the phone but once in a while we meet up to hang out in person. He offered to let me sleep over one weekend and told me I could use the guest bedroom as I see fit (I.e. if I need to nut I could when I wanted - which I did). That weekend I happened to have taken my Fleshlight with me as I was single, just bought it and masturbation wasn't working for me at time. The morning of the 2nd day at his...

3 years ago
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The Hippy Girl In The Lighthouse

He became tempted by an old Light house on the south west coast of England which was going up for sale by auction. Being the only person at the auction who was willing to commit to the responsibility of renovating and maintaining the historic structure meant that he won the bidding straight away without competition. Using money borrowed from his parents and the bank, it was to be his heart filled project converting it into a home for him to live, whilst abiding by the rules of keeping the...

2 years ago
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Top of the Lighthouse

THE LIGHTHOUSE   TOP OF THE LIGHTHOUSE By Wolff ?2006 Wolfwerks   She was obsessed with the old lighthouse. She did not know if it was its blatant phallic form or the white light on the top ? now extinguished ? or something else, but it held a siren call for her. When she mentioned it would be nice to watch fireworks from it, he said with exasperation, ?You want a lighthouse? I?ll GIVE you a lighthouse AND fireworks. Oh yes!? Oh the Fourth of July, at dusk, he made her drive them to the...

4 years ago
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Northern Line Adventure

Cara stepped onto the packed subway carriage and was immediately enveloped in the cram of bodies pressing into her from every angle. She reached down and readjusted her skirt, a tiny purple number which hinted at the bottom of her perky ass cheek. Underneath she was wearing a white thong, already damp in anticipation. She scanned the carriage discretely and looked for her companion. She had no idea what he looked like, with only vague descriptions to go by. She’d wanted it that way, wanted the...

2 years ago
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Northern Europes tallest building

when i started my new jobb at Stockholms highest office/hotel building i had a slight claustrophobic feel in the elevators with the 34 floor high building i was still grateful my office was at the lower office floors Victoria Towers is in y eyes an ugly building but then i dont see it from the outside much My first day i wanted to be off early, since i dont trust the metro to be in time i came in early, signed in to get my id, that id taken pic to week before and my card key off to the...

3 years ago
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Northern College girls caught shoplifting brought

The big bellied southern sheriff walked into the store where we'd been caught shoplifting, Well well, whata we have here Pauline? These girls tried to walk outa here with these items, they said they just forgot to pay. You got any ID's? 19 and 21, not minors, I'll take it from here. He cuffed us and roughly put us in the back of the car. He laughed as I asked what was going to happen to us? He stopped at a gas station, and told a guy to go get Judge Cobb. He took us into the jail, and put us in...

3 years ago
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The Magic Fleshlight

You walk into the new sex toy shop, thinking of purchasing a new toy since your sex life with your wife has hit a bit of a dry spell. Behind the counter is a beautiful older woman standing at about 5 foot 7 inches, perky C cup breasts, an unforgettable ass and wearing skintight dark clothing with a pentagram choker on. "Hello, you say. I am looking for a reallistic Fleshlight, something that looks and feels exactly like a vagina and price is no object" The beautiful woman behind the counter...

3 years ago
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Fucked by a hot girl with a Fleshlight

I met Camille at a music awards after party. Our eyes had met at the bar where both of us were trying to get the attention from one of the overworked bar staff who were trying get as many poorly assembled and much too expensive drinks into the hands of the waving and shouting customers in front of them. Poor and expensive drinks, and seemingly never spotted by a free bar keep. It’s as good a conversation starter as any. She chuckled when i pointed this out. Finally, we were able to get a young...

2 years ago
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The Lighthouse

A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal.  * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!!  The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I'd often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore. Now,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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With a Twist of Starlight

With a Twist of Starlight By Morpheus Spiral was a moderate to large sized town that was located in Northern California where the residents enjoyed decent weather that tended to be neither too hot nor too cold. On the surface, it appeared to be a normal town like many others, though the truth was that Spiral was unique. Once Spiral had been a smaller town with a different name, but then the local area had been hit hard with the Antarctic Flu. Many of the locals died from this...

2 years ago
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GuerillaChapter 2 Ill Met by Torchlight

Rear Admiral Bob Blake welcomed his guest, "Dr. Singh, thank you for taking the time to visit us here. How was your trip from Azahar?" "It is my great pleasure to be here, Admiral, though I must confess that the trip was somewhat tedious. At least it allowed my team to get caught up on documenting our recent experiments. I am only too happy to present our suggestions for your fascinating problems in person." "I'm all ears, Doctor." "You gave us two problems, sir. Firstly the...

3 years ago
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Just a Blue Nightlight

I just stepped out of the shower, it was my second of the day. I threw on my jeans and a baggy shirt. It was one of those stay home and just relax kind of days. You had been at work and swung by the store on the way home picking up some light bulbs and a nightlight for the bathroom. You always hated having to turn on the bright light when you had to sneak away to the bathroom. We replace the decorative bulb in the hallway and install your nightlight. You clap and twirl at the blue glow...

2 years ago
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I sat on the big chaise lounge by the fire pit. There was a slight chill in the air, summer had began to give away to fall. These were the days I enjoyed most of the year and yet like spring they also seemed the most fleeting. I could not help thinking that we lived mostly in the extremes: hot and cold, light and dark. There seemed little time to hold onto the twilights, the dawns, the subtler moments of being, the connecting moments. Knotted pine popped in the fire pit, sending an arc of...

4 years ago
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Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rory and I’m eighteen. My brother is Derek and he’s seventeen. Actually, I’m almost two years older because he just turned seventeen a couple of months ago, and I’ll be nineteen in less than two months. I was nine and Derek eight when our father was killed in a car crash. They said he was drunk, and I can believe it. He was drunk a lot of times. He didn’t have any insurance, and we’d never had much money anyway, so we were in kind of a tight place. In...

3 years ago
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See No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply stop now. Legalese: All actors and actresses are over the age of consent. Proof of age is on file. Any similarity of any character, event or place to any actual person, event or place, is purely coincidental. This is all fantasy, and the actors are all professionals — do not try any of this at home. Archiving: You are welcome to discreetly repost or...

4 years ago
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The Old Lamplighter

There he was, just as always, working his way down the street. It was shortly before dusk and the shadows were already beginning to grow deep. Darkness would soon descend upon the town and its streets, but the gloom would be partly dispelled by the gas lamps. Mrs Lucy Gilyott, who used to be Miss Lucy Ormerod, was standing at the window of her drawing-room looking down the street. There he was, the old lamplighter who came day in, day out, to attend to the gas lamps. Old? How old? Sixty,...

3 years ago
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I slumber. Timeless, unbound by the constraints of the world, shifting on ethereal currents. Fragments of memory flicker across what consciousness is left to me, life, death, blood, pain. Always I come back to the end. Bound, sealed, shut in a crypt, a circle of light traced with runes. The flow of power, of essence, across my skin. The chanting of the robed figures that surrounded me, struggling against my shackles, screaming against my gag. How long? Can eternity be measured in hours? No...

2 years ago
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A Steampunk Erotic Romance I always think of her when the sun sets. We’d been on the beach all day, I’d been watching her play and enjoying the heat of the summer as the tide slowly crept towards us. Eighteen years old and still making sandcastles like a child, it was just one of the endearing things about Olivia. Behind me the beach huts crawled slowly back up the sand towards the pier, backing away from the encroaching waves that could damage their delicate mechanisms. I’d only turned away to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Spring afternoon dlight

It was a beautiful spring afternoon. I had just finished a project, and thought I would leave work early to begin the weekend. I arrived home shortly afternoon and let myself into the townhouse I shared with my wife. We had been married for a couple of years and we were doing well. I walked through the downstairs and there were no signs of my wife. Suddenly I heard her voice and started up the stairs. Walking slowly I heard her again this time a low moan. I paused and listened. ...

4 years ago
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Bikini Beach Moonlighting

BB: Moonlighting Synopsis: A man struggling to pay child support goes to BB. After the change, he ends up in an amateur strip contest, and makes finds a way to make a good second income. [email protected] ********************************************************************** BB: Moonlighting "Hey, Hal?" Hal Wilson glanced up from his keyboard at the sound of his name. Even before he saw Tina's face, he knew it was her from the sound of her voice. ...

2 years ago
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Moonlighting By G.K.S "Down With The Sickness" (song) -Disturbed (band) Can you feel that? Ah, shit Drowning deep in my sea of loathing Broken your servant I kneel (Will you give in to me?) It seems what's left of my human side Is slowly changing in me (Will you give in to me?) Looking at my own reflection When suddenly it changes Violently it changes (oh no) There is no turning back now You've woken up the demon in me [Chorus:] Get up, come on get down with the...

2 years ago
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Overflight by Trainmaster In my former profession, I did a lot of international business travel. Now I'm afraid to. Consider me "hodophobic" -- having an intense fear of traveling -- and call me retired. No, revise that. I'm okay with flying for days at a time, even across burning deserts and oceans. Just don't ask me to take the SleepShuttle ever again. I did it before -- but I did it once too often -- and now it freaks me out. Because of it, I've taken up another profession...

3 years ago
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Moonlighting By: Lyrissa Selena Keysmith jogged up the last few of the stone steps leading to the door into her private laboratory. She panted from the exertion as she opened the door and entered, trying to remember if her time scaling the stairwell was improving at all. As she strode through the shelves packed with arcane tomes and the tables laden with magical equipment the beautiful female human mage quickly forgot about her self-imposed training schedule. She ran one hand through...

2 years ago
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The Fursecution of Sammy Lightyear

The four of them stood staring in open-mouthed shock at the huge crowd of people surrounding them. Finally Syrie turned to his sister and said, "Sis, I love ... well, no, actually right now I hate you, but in either case sometimes you are an idiot." "But I was so sure," was all Aerie could say in reply as she continued to stare at the scene around her. For her own part Sammy was babbling as she stared at the mobs of people around her. "I must be dreaming. Someone pinch me and wake me up,...

2 years ago
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Meanwhile Back at the Lamplighter

It is no secret that a lot of people really, really like living in Colorado. Karen Carrigan, who met Doug Yanevich while attending the University of Colorado, Denver, certainly was happy that Doug was able to get a job in Denver, shortly before she married him. They are somewhat of an odd couple. She is a tiny five foot, one inch, and weights one hundred and five pounds. He, who was a second string lineman on the football team, is six foot five, and weights in at two hundred, fifty-five...

4 years ago
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Sister Ddelight

I would imagine that in every school you will find that one girl who is known for her big boobs. In my high school, that girl just happened to be my sister. She was eighteen months older than me but because academics weren't her thing, we ended up in the same grade. I never thought about how big they were or when they developed. After all, it was my goofy sister, and she was built like our mom so I guess women with big boobs were the norm at our house. But around seventh grade, my best buddy...

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Copyright © 2002 They Got Us Hi, Robert. Yeah, it's me. Your self. If you're reading this, it means that they got to you. To us. To me. Wow, this is weird, talking to myself. Or writing to myself, as the case may be -- to a now-ignorant version of me... I knew they would be after us when they found out -- after all of us. Something like this is just too big to not squash when it begins to leak. When I realized this, I took several of our journal entries and included them with...

3 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 6 Moonlighting

I awoke to a blazing light, expecting to find the room lit by the dawn. Instead, the moon hung high in the night sky outside; the storm had passed, and the full moon's light was enough to see clearly by. I watched my mother sleeping beside me, our bodies wound together sinuously after our passionate bout of lovemaking. Marvelling at her alabaster skin in the moon's pale radiance, I leaned back and pulled the covers away so that I could drink in the sight of my mother's breasts, rising and...

3 years ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 20 ILL MET BY GASLIGHT

After a morning spent reading the instructions for the Military Advisor to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany I went out for a stroll, and in fact dropped into Boodles. I needed some company and coffee, and thought I might later walk past Madame Whipcrack’s establishment in St James’s Square, just round the corner from Boodles. I had no intention of taking General Fitzwarren’s advice, but as I was in the neighbourhood a saunter past the house was warranted. As it happened I fell in with some old...

4 years ago
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The Dream Inside the Candlelight

Based on a photo prompt from OwenAnderson.* “Well, how long will you be?” Meg asked. The phone hissed slightly “… t two hours… love,” her husband’s voice crackled. “Fine. I’ll wait.” She sighed and hung up. She slumped forward on the picnic table with her head resting on her folded arms and turned to watch the sun descending to meet the sea on the horizon. Taxi or wait? She looked down at the deserted beach from the terrace outside the café where she worked. Go for a walk, maybe? Well, it was...

Straight Sex
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twilight noun 1 the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun’s rays from the atmosphere. • the period of the evening when twilight takes place, between daylight and darkness: a pleasant walk in the woods at twilight. 2 [ in sing. ] a period or state of obscurity, ambiguity, or gradual decline: he was in the twilight of his career | [ as modifier ] : a twilight world of secrecy. With a sigh George slammed the old...

3 years ago
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Thunder And Lightening

Thunder And Lightening When you are camping in the woods for two weeks in just a tent, thunder and lightening take on a whole new meaning. My wife Julia and I had a pretty big tent with two rooms, each room was eight by twelve feet so there was plenty of room to spread out. At the last minute my wife invited her mother and her sister to come along with us. That meant that I had to pack more sleeping bags and take more food along. It also meant that my sex life had just taken a...

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A Better Love Story than Twilight

Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I’d love to hear some feedback as per usual. Please feel free to leave me a comment in the COMMENT Box at the end of the page. You see those big empty stars too? Maybe bump those up to five full ones? We wouldn’t want them to be empty now would we? All alone like that? You’re not a monster are you? Also, please don’t post this on any other site without my explicit...

4 years ago
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The Lighthouse

A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal.  * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!!  The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I’d often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore....

4 years ago
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Losing my virginity at the lighthouse

This is my first story of hopefully many, depending how well I do I guess. This story is about the night I lost my virginity. I was 16 and a sophomore in high school. My on again off again boyfriend was 18 and about to go to college in New York City in the fall. We had been dating for about 6 months with some gaps in between. This night was about a week after we got back together after breaking up before his prom which I did not get to attend. We had never had sex together but we had fooled...

First Time
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Overnight on the Coast Starlight

Natives of the west coast usually have a right to be smug about their weather. The climate is mild with snow usually falling only in the mountains, the unbearable heat confined to the deserts, an ocean breeze caressing the coast, and little change among the seasons.But Mother Nature can be capricious. Santa Ana winds can spread devasting wildfires, cold fronts can swoop down from Canada, and Pacific storms can bring rains that extend for days on end. The rains come in the winter and clouds can...

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Overnight on the Coast Starlight

Natives of the west coast usually have a right to be smug about their weather. The climate is mild with snow usually falling only in the mountains, the unbearable heat confined to the deserts, an ocean breeze caressing the coast, and little change among the seasons.But Mother Nature can be capricious. Santa Ana winds can spread devasting wildfires, cold fronts can swoop down from Canada, and Pacific storms can bring rains that extend for days on end. The rains come in the winter and clouds can...

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Debbys Plight

Debby's Plightby SirJeff?SirJeff (2002)- inspired by photos of Michelle's plight on also use on SirJeff's Ponygirls website.- do not use story without the author's permission.I awoke, startled by the cawing of a crow. There were birds chirping and I could feel the itching tickle of coarse grass. The sun felt warm on me, yet it was pitch dark. Where was I? Then I remembered. My Master, M, had said, "debby, insert your opaque contact lenses now and drink this." Where was I?...

2 years ago
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Colleen by Candlelight

Lying there on soft sheets, her beautiful body slowly writhes in pleasure as her delicate hands glide sensually over smooth curves. The light of many candles flickers nearby, dancing over her sexy body like a lover’s careful touch, as if this light exists for her alone. She is absorbed in the rapture of her fantasy and the ecstasy of her hands, unaware of my presence and my hungry, lustful gaze. I know it’s wrong, I’m violating her; but I cannot turn my eyes away from this goddess of light...

2 years ago
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Under the Moonlight

Under the Moonlight By Wolverine James' large pickup truck plowed through the old woman crossing the rural highway they were heading down. James' and Turner's screams awakened Preston, who was in the back seat of the truck. Preston joined their scream symphony as the truck swerved to the side of the road. James parked the truck, and shut it down. The three young men sat their, panicked and panting in the silent darkness. A loud moan came from the old woman's direction and James bit...

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Cassandras Last Spotlight

‘I have a son. He’s going to come and get me someday. Maybe you’ll be here when he does.’ The head of a man in a wheelchair nearby snapped up. In his day he’d written many a gangster movie script, and the phrase ‘get me someday’ that the old movie star, Cassandra, had spoken to her visitor hit him a bit differently than perhaps it was meant. Suddenly he was all ears, which meant he needed to move a bit closer, because all ears in his case required the help of hearing aids. Cassandra looked up...

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In The Spotlight

The spotlight came on. Heat gathered around her. Jade breathed in quick, shallow gasps as footsteps sounded loud on the stage. He did not speak to her or to the crowd but Jade could feel their attention heightening, their eyes focusing. Fingers trailed up her bare thigh and grazed her ass. Jade looked blindly into the light and squeezed her muscles against the line of heat he left over her skin. The hand returned, palming her hip and shifting her in her restraints. Two hands now, running over...

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Under the Spotlight

"Hello Siân," smiled Fíona as she answered her door, soaking wet with a bath towel loosely covering her. "Are you alright?" "Hi, Fíona. Yeah. Sorry to show up without calling first." "It's no problem, Love. C'mon in." Fíona closed the door, still holding her towel in front of her. "I just stepped out of the shower." "Yeah. I see that," Siân said, reaching for the door. "Maybe I should come back some other time." "Siân, Love, don't be silly. You're here now. It's not like you've never seen me...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 6 Futas MindControlling Delights

Chapter Six: Futa's Mind-Controlling Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure watched the events unfolding through the mist rising from the waterfall. Through the fog, the transition between air and water, it could see the game it had set into events. Sasha Ford stole out of the house with the purloined boy shorts. Chloe Quick reveled in the foursome she'd engineered at the Lyons. Mildred Dean drove with her stolen lover to...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Chapter 7 Surrenders Sweet Delights

Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Seven: Surrender's Sweet Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Sophia – The Mirage Garden Fear stiffened my spine despite the fact a beautiful, dusky-sinned Jinn kissed me hard, her tongue probing my lips. I had never been so scared while a woman kissed me, her naked, lush body pressed against mine. She was so warm and sensual. Her hands stroked me as the steam from the water around my feet rose about us. Strange, heady scents filled the air....

2 years ago
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Flashes of Lightning

On the surface everything seemed perfect. The four men were wearing black robes and chanting. There was a virgin tied down to the center of the circle. Her ankles were tied down to a hook in the cement floor, and her wrists were tied each to another hook in the floor. It was a nice effect. Her belly shirt, naval tattoos and skirt framed the clear glass saucer nicely. In the candle light her largish breasts and thin face were quite pleasing to the eye. Even the symbols on the floor and the...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 10 Oral Delights

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Ten: Oral Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. James Davies I was so glad that Ruri wanted to lose her virginity. I had been patient with her. She was a prickly girl, embarrassed by her emotions and desires, prone to lash out with attacks to protect her emotions. The Japanese called it tsundere. However, her cute, innocence made my heart beat so fast. My creation was ready to be taken...

4 years ago
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The Food Store Females Only Oral Delights

The Food (Female Only Oral Delights) StoreMarty was surprised to find his girlfriend, Susan, so excited when he came to her apartment for lunch. She told him she would have a big surprise lunch for his birthday. Marty was hoping it would be between her gorgeous legs, because she knew how much he loved to go down on her.She jumped up and down clapping her hands like a little girl. “You’re gonna LOVE this; I could hardly wait to give it to you!”She handed him a small blue gift card for $50 to The...

Oral Sex

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