In the Interest of Closure
- 3 years ago
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This is a romance with a touch of loving wives in the mix. Many thanks primarily to Dinsmore and also Crazysoundguy for patience and expert help and advice with edits and writing. As per usual, the characters are invented and bear no intentional resemblance to actual persons alive or deceased. All intercourse is consensual and between individuals over the age of eighteen. This is a story about chasing inner peace after escaping a flawed relationship and lifestyle to a simpler, more compatible existence. If you’ve read my other work, you’ll see a pattern. I like the first love theme and I like the sense of seeking a simpler, more basic existence. There is sex interspersed throughout but you’ll need to read a while to get there. At the end of the day, let’s all try to end the massive consumption of non-renewable energy and seek better ways to live on our planet.
Chris Black lounged in the Adirondack chair, enjoying the late spring sun on the deck of the cottage. Away from all the crap of the past week, he was starting to relax. The loons were going through the timeless rite of spring. He closed his eyes and just listened. He had always enjoyed the haunting sounds of the loons, coming with his family year after year to the cottage on the lake. The wild, lonely cry of the loon was etched into his formative years. The long, lonely sliding wail was part of what had brought him back here, this time for good.
Chris was the sole owner of the cottage now. His parents had been tragically killed by a drunk driver on their way home from here five years ago. Neither his older brother nor younger sister had been interested in the place. They both had young families and lived too far away to have the time or freedom to use the place. They had readily agreed that Chris could have the cottage outright while they split the proceeds from the sale of their parents’ house.
For the first couple of seasons, the cottage held many raw reminders for Chris and his visits were often bitter sweet. The quiet moments had usually found him reflecting on their memory. Sometimes the memories had been fond. Sometimes the memories had been a harsh reminder of the raw senselessness of the drunken idiot who wiped them off the planet. Now, five years on, the ache of their passing had dulled and he found the cottage had re-acquired the mellow feel that helped him relax.
Probably to avoid thinking back too much, Chris had put his energy into looking ahead by making the cottage ‘green’. The remoteness of the location often resulted in long periods without electricity in heavy weather and Chris had taken decided to go ‘off the grid’ with a combination of wind, solar and hydro-electric power. He had started with a small wind turbine and a fairly large array of solar panels to charge the deep cycle batteries that powered the cottage’s electrical system.
Last year, he had added a homemade hydro-electric power plant to the system by suspending a small turbine in a small but fast moving stream that ran along the northern edge of the property. The flow of the stream was strong enough that it rarely froze over enough to stop the turbine so he had a mostly year-round system. This had proved to be a windfall. The turbine more than filled the gap left by the other two sources at night or during calm periods so he was completely self-sufficient. Rarely did he have to worry about conserving the battery life anymore. As a precaution, he had bought a portable gasoline generator but so far had only started it as part of the regular maintenance routine.
Through inverters, Chris ran regular appliances: a fridge, microwave, coffee machine, water pump, TV, satellite TV/internet receiver, stereo and his laptop. The lights were all twelve-volt DC units from a local RV dealer. A large capacity propane tank supplied fuel for the water heater, the kitchen range and an outdoor barbeque. He was working on a system for solar water heating in hopes that he could eventually get rid of the water heater too. The gas range and barbeque were his one concession to non-renewable energy, he liked to be able to cook a real meal whenever he wanted. A woodstove for cooking was too impractical for low input meals and heated the cottage too much in the summer months.
This end of the lake had never seen a phone cable, but the nearest cell tower was clearly visible at night as blinking lights on the horizon so Chris’ cell phone worked quite well for traditional communications — when he turned it on. Mostly, he only turned it on when he made calls or was expecting a call. Otherwise, he left it turned off.
He had completely insulated the cottage, replacing the single glaze windows and wooden exterior doors with modern, high efficiency units. In the winter, he heated the place with an automated corn burning furnace. A farmer out near town delivered several tons of corn to a gravity bin Chris’ had salvaged. The corn would flow out of the bottom of the bin through a tube into a small hopper beside the furnace where an electric auger would directly feed the firebox in response to the thermostat. The furnace had a small boiler option to supply hot water that Chris was planning to use in the winter when the sun probably couldn’t get the water hot enough for his shower.
Chris was enjoying the early spring rays. He and his parents before him had stuck with a natural approach to managing the wild environment of the property. With selective pruning, he could see the wide expanse of lake out front but from a boat out on the lake people had trouble making out the shape of the cottage amongst the trees. The shape of the terrain on this point of land jutting out into the lake gave his property a long, winding stretch of shoreline. Off to one side at the shore was a garage that acted as a dry boathouse. Next to it was the spot where he would put the dock out when the water temperature was a bit nicer. He liked to fish and he had a well-equipped bass boat that was always ready at the dock when the weather was warmer.
The cottage wasn’t totally isolated but he couldn’t see another soul right now. He had neighbors on both sides. The neighbor to the north was on the other side of a rock outcropping that formed the bank of his hydro-electric stream and he could not see the buildings on that property. To the south, there was a small cottage similar to his own that he could see through the trees. As far as he knew, it had not been inhabited for at least fifteen years. When he was a kid, it had been built by a family — the Farnsworths — who had a daughter, Megan, about his age. They would spend about a month of the summer enjoying the lake. He had swum, paddled and played with Megan for a few summers before the awkwardness of teenage years had changed their interests and then her family had stopped coming. Neither family had kept in touch and he didn’t know who owned the property now.
The lack of population suited Chris very well right now. He didn’t particularly want people in his space at the moment.
Permanent residency at the cottage was not in his original plan for this week — far from it. He had been on an upwardly mobile career path with a large IT firm in the city. His six-figure salary and stock options afforded him a nice lifestyle that included a city center condo with a decent view and a live-in girlfriend of four years. Just before Christmas his whole life had begun to unravel. As he sat listening to the loons, his thoughts turned inwards and the events replayed again, almost as if they were on live TV.
It was like there had been a cosmic force pulling on that one annoying loose thread of the sweater of his life. His company, like many others, had been forced to scrutinize the timing of stock options offered to senior management.
By offering senior management stock options and then backdating the transaction to hit a low stock price, the senior managers would realize a healthy, illegal bonus. That bonus was the difference between the value of their 10,000 or 10
0,000 share option then and now. Some of the differences were as much as $2 per share so the managers in question were getting an additional $20,000 to $200,000 in illegal, untaxed bonuses.
Chris hadn’t been far enough up the corporate food chain to benefit from the back-dated options. After a couple of months, the legal wrangling and bad press took their toll on the market’s interest in the company’s shares and he had become one of the victims. His nest egg of 10,000 shares had dropped about $100,000 in value overnight and had continued to slide slowly backwards.
If that had been the only problem, then he would have been frustrated but life would have gone on. No, the thread was still being pulled and the sweater of his life continued to unravel. The company was forced to downsize to absorb the cost of the forensic audit, SEC penalties and loss of share capital.
His spot in the corporate food chain meant that he could be declared redundant and his boss would be pushed to step in to manage his team. In the blink of an eye on an equally nice spring day a few days ago, he was given a severance agreement and a box to pack his personal things. A security guard supervised, keeping him from further accessing his computer and making him surrender his security access passes, corporate credit card and parking pass. When everything was in order, he was discreetly escorted to the parking garage via the service elevator.
Now you see him. Now you don’t. Another anonymous statistic.
Of course he had a decent severance package — a whole year’s salary plus this year’s stock option performance bonus before they cashed out his stock. With that added, at least the stock package was back up to the pre-fiasco value. Chris figured they were being generous because the company couldn’t afford the bad press of any more legal battles. He hadn’t even been forced to sign a non-competition agreement to keep him from selling his knowledge to one of their competitors. Chris reflected wryly on this thought — he had already used ‘their’ instead of ‘our’ to refer to the competitors.
I guess this means I’m not too broken up about it, thought Chris. Still, as the automatic lock had clicked behind him, Chris had wondered if anything else could go wrong.
He extricated his car from the parking garage using the temporary pass the security guard had given him to activate the gate. Fortunately, the parking attendant had been replaced by an automated barrier system so he didn’t have to endure the embarrassed but knowing look from the cashier as he left the parking structure for the last time. Now instead of a wry smile, it was just a jerky salute from an impersonal mechanical arm covered with yellow safety tape. Traffic was lighter at midday and he was home before he knew it.
As he parked his car in the condo’s parking garage beside Claire’s car he wondered ‘what is she doing home on a workday?’
Absorbed in his own issues and wondering how to break to the news to her, he wasn’t paying attention as he walked from the elevator to the condo and unlocked the door. He put his box of personal stuff down, took off his jacket and tie and put his keys in the dish by the door as usual. As he wandered into the kitchen for a beer, wondering where his girlfriend was, he noticed muted cries coming from down the hall.
‘What the hell?’ thought Chris as he headed down the hall. The bedroom door was open a crack and he stopped dead at the sight within the room. This was the last unraveling tug on the thread of his life. Claire was on her back with her feet up on the shoulders of her boss. He was drilling her very wet and newly shaved pussy, grunting each time his balls slapped her ass. When had she shaved? She’d never done that for him. They had probably been at it for a while because they were both sweating and his girlfriend was panting and crying out as her orgasm approached. He noticed all of this in about ten seconds peering through the crack of the door. Before Chris could react, both of them started grunting, moaning and incoherently thrashing about as they tipped over the edge of their mutual orgasms. With all her writhing around, his dick slipped from her sloppy cunt. He grabbed his cock, using his hand to pump the last couple of jets of cum onto her flat stomach and small tits.
That was the final affront that galvanized Chris into action. He kicked open the door and yelled, ‘BOTH OF YOU, GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF HERE.’ The startled couple jerked and stared at Chris.
His now ex-girlfriend recovered her senses first. ‘WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HOME?’ she yelled.
In a moment of clarity Chris noted she had no sense of remorse or even alarm at being caught. Instead, she was clearly pissed at him for showing up and messing up her fun.
‘I got fired. Where else would I go?’ said Chris in a flat, dead voice. ‘Now get the fuck out of my condo and take this sorry sack of shit with you.’
Chris headed back to the kitchen and opened the beer he had left sitting on the counter. As the lovers went past him, Chris had one more thought, thanks to the security guard at his office.
‘Give me your condo keys and garage pass card. You can drive your car out of the garage now and you won’t get back in. Have your friend Ann call to arrange a time for you to pick up your things. Don’t even bother to try to call me yourself.’
‘Fine. Have it your way. Here asshole.’ She handed him the keys and pass. ‘Come on Frank, we’re going.’ Her boss meekly followed her out the front door, casting one last furtive glance at Chris to see if he was following them.
As the adrenalin surge drained from his system, Chris was left with an empty feeling. He slowly deflated. Settling heavily on the couch, he wondered how long trysts like that had been going on. His girlfriend worked at an insurance company and Chris had a vague sense that she had been going on more out of town skills development courses in the last couple of years than in the first two years of their relationship. She even ‘had to go’ on one or two of those courses when they had planned to go to the cottage. On those occasions, he had gone solo to the cottage. Maybe she didn’t care for the cottage and found that a convenient way to have the condo to herself for her trysts while he was at the lake?
Could it have been going on that long? Does it really matter?
He realized he wasn’t particularly sad or lonely. He just felt empty. Unemployed and single again, all in the same day. Shit, that was fast. What now? Supper — that’s it. Food conquers all. He pre-heated the oven and cooked a frozen pizza. A couple more beers to wash it down and he went off to clean up the place and throw out all of the soiled bedding. Screw her if it was her favorite quilt and sheet set.
Sitting on the deck replaying those events, he recalled that the decision to sell the condo and high tail it out of the city had come pretty easily and naturally. He and his girlfriend had maintained separate financial affairs, sharing payment of expenses rather than using a joint bank account. Thanks to his parents’ estate and his decent salary, Chris solely owned the condo. They hadn’t been together long enough to have any legal implications so their split was complete immediately.
Ann had called him the next day and arranged to come over with ‘the ex’ to remove her stuff. When that was done, Chris listed the condo for sale with the remaining furniture. He had packed his clothes, entertainment system, music collection and a few other things into his car and driven straight to the cottage. Within the space of a week he went from middle manager cosmopolitan city condo dweller to unemployed cottage country resident.
He had settled quickly in to the cottage, slipping on the pleasant surroundings like an old, faded and very comfortable sweater, one without any loose threads to pull apart.
The condo sold fairly quickly and with that money plus his severance package he made some investments that wou
ld support him modestly if he didn’t go crazy. He also went into the local town and traded his year old luxury sports sedan for even money on a new four by four pickup that was much better suited to winter driving out here.
To bring in extra money, he had some business assets from his previous life that he could use as well. He had been burned badly by a computer virus a few years ago. After that, he had been fastidious at work about backing up vital stuff from his computer, not just with the services provided by the internal IT support group but by using a series of DVD-Rs that he took home. As a result of that paranoia, he had a copy of all of his business contacts, documents and e-mails.
Another happenstance had unexpectedly given him another, even better asset. A year ago, he had reason to suspect one of the other middle managers was thieving his ideas. To protect his work, he had started keeping his product ideas and development notes in folders outside the realm of his regular documents and off the IT central backup list. In a burst of intuition, he had managed to delete those key folders from his laptop as he pretended to concentrate for a second while the security guard was knocking on his door. He was pretty sure no one would have looked for those extra folders when the rest of his documents, spreadsheets, product forecasts, correspondence and so on were still intact on the computer.
Chris bought a new laptop and loaded all his stuff onto it. With his contact list, he went trolling for interest among the former competitors. His plan was to do enough tele-consulting to establish a reasonable income. As the e-mails filtered in, one of his counterparts at the main competitor was obviously interested. They agreed to meet at a halfway point in a nearby town and discuss the potential. It was a huge success. He sketched out one or two ideas as bait and his new associate bit on them. They quickly struck a deal to put Chris on a retainer for six months to test the arrangement. Driving back from that meeting, Chris was very pleased with how well it had gone. He almost never encountered traffic on the last mile or so of his road, especially in the off season so he swerved in surprise when he came upon a blond woman jogging towards him in the road. Chris was busy avoiding the ditch as she waved and continued without breaking her stride.
She was already out of sight around the corner when Chris scanned the mirrors. Where had she come from, he wondered? He hadn’t seen any human activity along the road yet this spring. He concluded she must have been doing an exploratory loop from one of the other properties further around the lake. He made a mental note to be a little more alert in future.
He had a comfortable routine of solo existence. He liked the routine. Up at a reasonable hour, breakfast, coffee on the deck, scan the news on the net, make the rounds to check on his energy systems and do a bit of consulting until lunch. After lunch, another coffee on the deck or down by the lake and back for a couple more hours of consulting before supper. After supper, at least while the nights were cool and the biting insects were in full swarm, he surfed the web and watched TV. He would scan his favorite channels or surf the web for stories and pictures to fuel his imagination and his right hand.
A couple of days after his encounter with the mystery woman on the road, he noticed a light in the window of the cottage to the south.
That’s interesting, he thought. Maybe someone has finally renewed an interest in the old place.
He decided he would keep an eye out to see if they were out and around so he could introduce himself and see if he could get a sense of their right to be in the place. He felt he should be a little protective just in case someone was taking advantage of the remote location to use the cottage without permission.
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April 4, 1997, Dallas, Texas “Ms. Waxman, we need to reschedule this deposition,” Deborah said immediately. “And we also need to delay the depositions of Manny Nuñez and Brad Giesma in light of what was just revealed.” “For what reason?” “Could we recess and have everyone else leave so we can talk?” “I object,” Lee Silverberg said. “I think we need to know what’s going on.” “Counselor,” I replied, “I promise full disclosure once we have time to discuss this situation in private with Ms....
Cindy: They played phone tag for a week. Sean: Wednesday morning was a trial and a penance. Somewhat on a whim, I had taken an appointment to, as it turned out, bondage and domination dungeon. Being the cocky SOB that I am, I tried to turn the invitation back on my hostess. Unfortunately, she called my bluff. For almost 20 minutes she had put herself completely in my hands, and now I could not get her out of my head. That morning, I had cut myself shaving, which is a bit of an...
Chapter 1 It was a nice enough little house, in a decent if not particularly prosperous neighborhood; I would probably have little trouble marketing it. The place still looked fairly well kept up. There was a Ford F-150 in the driveway that had that slightly skinned up look that says 'work truck, ' rather than 'toy.' I sauntered up the walk and rapped on the door. The woman who answered looked about forty, brunette, thin, and worn out. "Yes?" "Ms. Harkness? My name is Roger Smithson....
It took nearly a week of trying before Trafalgar allowed the saddle to be fitted without any fuss. This was despite Sir Oswald having been informed that their purchase had been broken in.For Jack, mounting the animal proved equally difficult but Becky’s relationship with the horse proved most valuable, for, as she stroked Trafalgar’s muzzle, Jack was able to get himself into the saddle. It took several days of this before Trafalgar allowed him to mount at any time.Occasionally, while she...
HistoricalIt was the first Saturday in August, and the weather in London was warm. Effie and I had known each other for only a few months. We were visiting her brother Stephen, and we had gone out for a walk in the park near his flat. We were lying on our backs on the grass, my head on her lap, enjoying the sunshine and each other's company, relaxing. After we had been chatting desultorily about pretty much everything, the conversation had inevitably turned to the things that we enjoyed. We were talking...
IncestIt was the first Saturday in August, and the weather in London was warm. Effie and I had known each other for only a few months. We were visiting her brother Stephen, and we had gone out for a walk in the park near his flat. We were lying on our backs on the grass, my head in her lap, enjoying the sunshine and each other's company, relaxing. After we had been chatting desultorily about pretty much everything, the conversation had inevitably turned to the things that we enjoyed. We were talking...
IncestNovember 8, 1983 So, there I was, gazing downward at my guitar, absent-mindedly tuning it. We were there in the basement of the Andrade house, getting ready for practice. And all signs pointed toward this being a routine, uneventful Tuesday evening practice. All of a sudden, I felt someone tugging on the guitar. I looked up, and beheld a smiling Evie. "Gimme that," she said insistently. I shrugged, while shooting glances at my other bandmates, who were looking on with curiosity. I...
"I saw it. A darkness. It dims her spirit, clouds it, weighs it down and she is lost in grief and sadness. I've never seen anything like it before." Graydon sat in the warmth of the small fire outside Mike's cabin; they shared the flickering firelight. Fleeting shadows outlined worried frowns on their faces. "I've seen it before. Not often, but often enough. It weighs so heavily on a person's soul they can become lost, lost to themselves and everyone around them. This is a terrible...
This’ a long story to narrate the unique and unforgettable experience I had when I visited India for first time in my life. Being a divorced man, I had decided to enjoy this trip to India to the fullest ‘cause I had heard that majority of Indian ladies have long dark hair on their head which is wavy or straight and that they love and maintain them very much. Yes! I am a hair lover cherishing a lot of hair fantasies inside. Even the thought of long dark hair raises my penis to 9 inches, which is...
Michael and Emma are rich, young and beautiful. Willing to do whatever it takes to spice up their sex life, the couple meet the voluptuous Anaïs, who runs a very private club. Successively, they will pass all the tests, bringing them closer and closer to the precious ticket. Convinced by the couple’s expectations, Anaïs decides to make them pass one last test by introducing them to club regulars. Michael and Emma don’t know it yet but this ultimate test will allow them to push back their limits...
xmoviesforyouFiction.. If you are disturbed about older plumper mom and mature son sex this story is not for you. Mom called me again a couple of days later, wondering if I had time to go around to her house. She needed some reassurance while she had a bath, some one able to help in case she had a fall, all due to her dodgy hip and being crippled with arthritis in her hands.“Mom, dad, I’m hear” I shouted when I let myself in“Up hear” mom shoutedI went up stairs where I could hear mom running her...
Kenzie Reeves is in her bedroom reading a book on her bed. When she hears noise coming from upstairs, she shakes her head. When it doesn’t stop, it really starts to get to her. Darcie Dolce is fucking her ex-girlfriend upstairs and is making a lot of noise. When Darcie comes downstairs, she knocks on Kenzie’s door and asks if she can come in. She sits on the bed and asks her if she would mind if they shared a bed for a while. Kenzie’s confused and Darcie explains that her...
xmoviesforyouOn 15th of March 08 a strange experience happened in my life. I was traveling from Hyderabad to Kazipet. Though I enjoyed the journey, now feel sorry for it. I don’t know why man becomes so mean, and how day by day, our social customs are coming down. Still I feel sorry for that young girl of ten years, whose life is being spoiled by her parents only. It happened like this…………………….. On 15th of this month I was traveling from Hyderabad to Kazipet in Kazipet passenger. I was in first class....
IncestThis is my imagining of a future with my partner and my pet...I have never been more ready for the weekend as I stumble through the door absolutely exhausted. Work this week was incredibly strenuous and I cannot wait to relax. I hear the jingle of your tags against your collar as you bound across the house to greet me. “Welcome home, Missy,” you smile up at me. I can see the excitement in your eyes and the furious wagging of your tail and know that you would like nothing more than to jump up...
Buffy let Jennifer deal with her inner thoughts as she stood up and turned to face Melinda, who was looking thoughtfully at Jennifer. "Do you want to talk about Boomer?" asked Buffy. Melinda jerked her eyes from the same thing Jennifer was watching. "You have no right." she said, crossing her arms. "Charles has a place in my father's business. He'll be important back in Missouri. It's a good business. We'll have a good life." Buffy nodded. "Yes, I'm sure that's all fine. But...
This clearly blew me away, seeing actual proof that she was into other guys. But it also was fascinating to me, that she could be planning this while acting totally normal towards me. From what I saw, she was hooking up with this guy, including previous times in our own apartment. I was completely hard reading this, and enticed. I heard the shower turn off, so quickly scanned what I could, seeing that Nathan was arriving at 8. The rest of the day was normal, with Amy acting completely...
Bhaag-1 tar mitrano, mi tumhala magchya veli mazya eka mitrachi suresh chi goshta tyachya shabdat sangitli hoti. aata mi tumhala tyane sangitleli tyachya aaichi ajun ek goshta tyachyach shabdat sangnar aahe. hi goshta aahe 2000salchi. tyaveli aamhi doghe dahavit hoto. Exams zalyavar mi punyatch hoto to aai barobar baher kuthetari gela hota. tyache pappa army madhe nokrila hote. Goshta suru karnyapurvi suresh chya aaichi punha ekda olakh karun dena yogya tharel. navin vachakansathi. tyachya...
God, I want him. I want him so badly my nipples were hard even before I even left my apartment. Up the elevator to his office in one of the glass towers downtown. Short skirt, spiky heels, garter belt – the outfit was his call. ***** We had met on one of those dating websites another lifetime ago. I was new in town, young and starry-eyed. He was more established, older, ambitious and an idealist. I was hopelessly hooked. Weeks of heated e-mails were exchanged without a photograph on either...
All my stories are true but have happened over a 30 year period me and my wife have been together.We were expecting a parcel of some new sex toys, the email said they'd been despatched and would arrive on this particular day. Around 11:30am there was a knock on the door, there stood a man around 35 years old clutching quite a large parcel, 'fucking hell' I thought, we didn't order that much. Anyway Donna answered and needed to sign, she said to the guy "Step inside while I find a pen".As he...
Allie hugged her brother even tighter. They were no strangers to physically showing their affection towards each other with hugs and an arm around the shoulder or the occasional kiss on the cheek or forehead. However, hormones were starting to work their magic on the twins and a hug from the other became somewhat erotic for both of them. After they broke their hug, Allie said, “Well, I can’t go to bed in these panties cause they are soaked.” Allie took off her pajama bottoms, pulled down...
Shannon's Paybacks Ch. 01Shannon smiled to herself. Not just any smile, but a truly devious and lust filled smile that only she knew the true origins. She thought back on the way Josh had this uncanny knack of teasing her. His stories and their conversations made her horny and extremely wet. Not that she didn't mind, but damn, it seems those thoughts were coursing through her mind more and more often, and all too often at the most inopportune moments.She thought back to a recent conversation...
She was able to see all the intertwining buildings that made up her beloved St Saviour’s and the long tree-lined drive that was now showing signs of wear due to the increased number of visitors. “Today, we are going to have so much fun!” she told herself. The newly built dungeon will at last come alive with the sound of children’s screams, as they struggle to entertain the lusting audience. Alice had to pinch herself to be reminded that this wasn’t a dream. The very thought of...
Lying in a warm featherbed is King Rhaegar Targaryen, your father. He smiles at you and takes a deep breath. “Jaehaerys. My son. I have something to tell you” He croaks wearily. “What is it, father?” You ask, stepping closer to his bed. “I want to give you some advice for when I pass away.” Rhaegar has a serious look on his face, and you know this advice will he important. “When you were born, you were second in line for the throne. Your half brother, Aegon, would have been King instead....
Note to Reader/Summary: This is my first attempt at writing an erotic/romantic story (at least I hope it’s erotic and romantic). It’s the story of mutual lust between a sexy reentry student in her late twenties and a studly middle aged professor both of which are engaged to other people. If you’re looking for something romantic which inspires (I hope) lust and longing, this is probably the story for you (no worries it still has plenty of sex — just of the romantic and passionate variety). If...
One day, I came home from school and just had to jack myself. Now I should tell you that my cock is a very good size. Even at that age. I was about nine inches and I learned how to keep myself totaly shaved. And when i jerk, I produce huge gobs of precum. I can fill a shot glass in no time. And I can edge for hours before I shoot. And when I do, Huge strings of rope cum all over. So I just shot a huge load and I ended up falling asleep. I woke to my moms voice saying "Joey ,are you home?" I...
ever since i was 12 yrs old i been having orgasems i would masterbate several times a day my wild thoughts about men and there cocks didnt help . i rember when i first felt wetness between my legs i was young, i use to rub my pussy and clit got it always felt exstremly hot down there swoolen and wet i would have a orgasem i would shake and put my face in the pillow after i climaxed my i would be drenched between my legs and soaked the sheets , i was 14 almost 15 when i lost my virginaty...
Carl’s turn: There’s a goddess in the bed beside me in the dim light of the hotel room. The black hair splayed around her head is a stark contrast to the white bedlinens, eyes closed, serene expression on pink lips. Totally nude. Sorry. Gotta touch. Might be a dream. Warm, soft skin I barely touch with my fingers. Shoulder, down across the pad of a small but perfect breast, I run into the edge of the sheet. My eyes are acclimated to the darkness now. There’s a slightest dip at her pelvis....
sorri i take so long to get back. i got involve,remember i was telling my hubby that i have been going to work seminars. well, i find some college guys mail me on aff. i was not sure to go with that. but they live close. they make offer to me. about visit them at thier apartments, where alot of men stay. they ask if i am willing to visit them even they are young then me. they live in separate apartment. jus three of them. and promise to keep it private. i dont belive it, but they offer me...