No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 1991 93Chapter 28
- 2 years ago
- 44
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By Thanksgiving, not a lot had been done turning the duplex houses into a single townhouse compared to the immense amount that needed to be done. Tony and his helpers, Cheryl having gotten him a contractor license, had been focusing on Eddie’s basement studio and apartment as a priority during work hours. In the evenings he and Laura had worked on their own space. He had also built a huge bed, and found a mattress place that could create one custom sized and have sheets for it. It remained in Tony and Laura’s floor until Joe’s and his wives’ master bedroom was expanded. Or they might just leave it where it was. Their own orgy room. And it had been used for that once. Laura had no problem with it, knowing and pretty much loving every participant, including a very happy Essie. Shawna thought she might be a little too pregnant, but couldn’t help joining in. Only Trevor, once the men joined the ladies, felt a little left out. But he enjoyed the crazy event nevertheless, and Eddie came to him at the end.
Cheryl thanked the judge that Scott had introduced her to, and who had helped Tony get his license, by giving him a naked blow job. Only one, because though the judge had cheated on his wife a couple times, those were some of his lowest points, and both agreed just once with no one knowing needn’t be a guilty moment. Of course Cheryl didn’t let the judge know that Moe and Joe would be told about it since she told them everything, especially anything involving sex with others, just like they always told her. But that would be between them and never go beyond them. And Liang as well. The first real moment of that kind of trust with her.
Joanne and her kids joined them for the holiday. Ella took the small guest bedroom beside Essie’s. Joanne slept in the playroom, even though Essie promised she’d not join Joe’s wives while Joanne was there.
“I’d rather be alone with Joe,” Joanne told her. “And the room has its uses,” which made Essie blush.
She didn’t end up alone with Joe every night. Liang joined them twice, and Joanne loved having her there. Liang enjoyed it too.
Moe let Charlie stay in her office, since it was the largest and she didn’t need to use it. Joe made sure Charlie saw the storage space, which was on the same floor. Joe told him it would become his bedroom and studio. Both Laura and Tony were there for that, too. Charlie couldn’t have been happier. They even spent time pulling junk out. Harvey had rented a storage space for the junk in his basement, and Joe ended up renting a space at the same location. Another trip for Trevor and a U-Haul.
Trevor got an apartment within a block of the townhouse, a nice one in the brownstones that populated the area. He never spent a night with Eddie and Rachel. Eddie slept with him in his apartment a little less than half the time. Sometimes Tony joined them, too. Trevor kept his job as a limo driver, but made sure he drove Moe to and from work and Mal to and from preschool every weekday. Sometimes he drove Joe and Cheryl around for appointments, and occasionally Essie when she was running late for a class. Always driving them in Moe’s Volvo. They didn’t have any more group date nights, although he did pick up Shawna and her wife and husband from Princeton in his limo for the orgy.
And his limo picked those three up for Thanksgiving dinner.
Which became quite the production.
Joe ended up renting a table to put in the living room for the kids. Essie joined them to be with her brother and half-sister. Auntie Li also sat at the kids’ table, having been chef for the meal, along with her longtime lover who co-owned a Chinese restaurant with her brothers. Essie and Liang had helped prepare the meal, which included two Mandarin style ducks along with the huge turkey. Even the turkey had 5 spice seasoning on it. Unconventional but delicious. Joe’s other wives helped as much as they were allowed. Essie enjoyed the experience, both in observing the two chefs and getting to break out her Mandarin, of which she had made remarkable improvement.
After the meal, and before the apple, pecan and pumpkin pies which Cheryl and Joe had made the night before, and no one had room for, so it would be serve oneself when one was ready, along with a full pot of coffee, Eddie invited Charlie downstairs. And Joe joined them.
As soon as they sat, Joe with Nigella’s bass in his lap and Eddie with his twelve string, and Charlie at the keyboards mostly because it was an available seat, Charlie asked, “Are you gay, Uncle Eddie?”
“Is that a problem?” Eddie asked, genuinely concerned.
“No. It’s just that...”
“You think you might be gay too?”
“You think you might, or... ?” asked Joe.
Charlie blushed. “I’m confused, Uncle Joe.”
“What are you confused about?” Joe asked.
“Charlie,” Joe began, “I’ve tried to be a father figure to you, but I know I haven’t been around as much as a father would. Maybe in this instance that’s a good thing. Fathers can be judgmental or hopeful for a son. That they maintain the continuance of the family name or something. Or you might think that of him, and don’t wish to bring forth his ire or his shame of you. And there’s the problem every adolescent has of having thoughts or doing things that are transgressive and rebellious in relationship to their parents. Things they hide and would never confess. Ironic, isn’t it, that the two people in their lives, especially the father for a boy, would be the best people to confess to. The very one who once had those thoughts and actions, or at least similar ones, and could understand with the wisdom garnered from years of consequences. You know I’ve always been honest with you. Always listening and answering your questions as best I could. Maybe not a friend in the usual sense. A peer. But as someone who genuinely cares and loves you. Like a father, maybe, but without the judgement you or he might layer over the relationship.”
“Let me make this as open as I can for you. Teenagers masturbate. Boys and girls, although boys probably more. Adults masturbate too, Charlie. Even old men and women.”
Eddie chuckled, thinking of the orgy at the mansion. “Definitely,” he said.
“Even though it’s essentially universal,” Joe continued, “almost everyone acts like it’s a shameful thing. Hiding away when they’re doing it. Thoroughly embarrassed when they’re caught. Even adults, who maybe worry that their partner might think there’s something wrong with them that he or she needs to masturbate. But it still happens with couples.”
“You Uncle Joe?”
“Uhm, I guess I’m the exception.”
“He has three wives, Charlie,” said Eddie.
“Oh. Right,” Charlie chuckled.
“I do,” Eddie told him.
Charlie nodded.
“But the thing is,” Joe continued, “it’s a telling event, masturbating. Especially when you’re young and confused. Fantasy is a necessary part of it. That’s why pornography is always a booming business, because it depicts those fantasies. Usually boys your age aren’t exposed to those images, probably for the best, but they still have a way of finding their father’s Playboy or Penthouse. Or a friend’s father’s maybe. They tend to have to use their imaginations more than adults who can actually legally purchase porn.”
“I get where you’re going with this, Uncle Joe,” Charlie smiled. “It’s a confusing jumble of images. I’m not sure which to choose.”
“Because it worries you which one?” Eddie asked, looking at Joe.
“Not exactly. I’ve been approached,” he blushed. “By older men and women I’ve worked with.”
“Approached?” Joe muttered.
“Don’t worry, Joe,” Charlie chuckled. “You already helped me with that.”
“Krav Maga?”
“As a last resort when they didn’t get the message. A message you helped me with. Not using it. Just letting them know I can take them down with one blow.”
“Why I made you and your sister learn it. You’re both exceptionally beautiful.”
“You told me that too. But the thing is, I don’t judge them, Joe. Maybe the ones who don’t get it right away that I said no. I accept they like who they like. And I understand it now. Understand their desires. I fantasize about my scene partners, whether it’s a boy or a girl.”
“You know what they say,” Eddie chuckled. “If you don’t have to choose, you’ll always have a date on Friday.”
“I don’t think Charlie will ever have that problem,” said Joe.
“Except maybe people being shy and thinking they’re not good enough for Charlie to have any interest. Or the reverse. Arrogant assholes who think they are.”
“Yeah,” said Charlie. “I know exactly who you mean. Either shy and nervous until they get to know me. Or cocky and annoying.”
They laughed.
“I seem to have a predilection for butts,” Charlie added.
Eddie laughed. “You seem to have inherited Joe’s fetish. I guess not genetically.”
“Maybe,” said Charlie. “I have noticed Joe’s general gaze. Especially towards Mom.”
“She does have a wonderful posterior,” said Joe.
Charlie shrugged. “I tend to prefer younger ones. It’s almost anatomical. When they reach that perfect state of maturity. Like a perfectly ripe peach.”
“Now you’re sounding like the Charlie I know,” Joe chuckled. He was actually relieved. Worried that Eddie might have taken an interest in the beautiful boy sexually. But then he could see Charlie had always been Eddie’s student to whom Eddie took great pride. He could see it the way Eddie looked at Charlie at the moment. Not in the least predatory. And Joe thought of Rachel’s homophobia and realized he probably had a bit too much of that as well. Homosexuals as pederasts. Perhaps part of his worry concerned the proverbial tapes in people’s heads. Those that got abused ended up abusing. Again, he saw in Eddie a rejection of that theory.
“I hope you didn’t bring me down here to discuss my confusion,” Charlie said.
“No, clever boy,” Eddie said. “Joe?”
“Eddie and I have been working on some songs,” Joe told Charlie. “I know you’ve wanted to trek your own path...”
“You’re writing a musical for me?”
“A kind of finale for Morpheus. I think Constance really means it this time when she said she wanted to retire. I’m thinking a spectacle. Kind of like operas used to be. Throwing everything in but the kitchen sink. Maybe that too,” Joe chuckled.
“Tell me,” Charlie said.
“So you’re okay with it?”
“I think I proved I could do it on my own.”
“You have. Quite impressively.”
“Thanks,” Charlie blushed.
“Okay. You know the Little Prince?”
“Of course.”
Joe explained the plot. He had been working on the play and with Eddie on songs. Moms had been the only other thing he worked on, setting aside the new hit-woman novel, which he would end up scrapping. And he’d actually neared completion on moms, which ended up becoming really intense with the addition of abuse Eddie’s experience and permission had brought into it. It would be controversial, as would the musical. But, as with the musical, Joe kept from making things too explicit. Somewhere between explicit and just suggestion. Enough to be powerful but hopefully not off putting.
After finishing explaining the play, Eddie and Joe played the songs they’d written. Eddie mostly sang, though Joe brought in his lower voice occasionally. Charlie seemed to be pleased and turned on the piano. They began working on the first song Eddie and Joe had created.
When they decided to call a halt to it, Charlie suggested, “You should be the Little Prince, Uncle Eddie.”
“I’m a little old, don’t you think?”
“I don’t think that matters.”
“What about the abuse issue,” Joe reminded him.
“It wouldn’t be about that,” Charlie shook his head.
“But people might think...”
“Not if it’s clear it isn’t part of their relationship. If Eddie approaches it the way he actually feels about me. About him being my mentor.”
“I’m not much of an actor,” said Eddie.
“Of course you are. I’ve seen you perform more than a few times.”
“But that’s just me being me.”
“And it would be you being you being the Little Prince. It’s the way actors should be. Investing the role with themselves. That’s the only way to make it real. Of course there’s technique involved. Projecting your voice. Learning to respond to me as if everything’s new. And your own lines as well. I can show you.”
“So you’ll be my mentor,” Eddie chuckled.
“I guess,” Charlie grinned.
“And dancing?”
“Constance can make even the most clumsy look good,” said Joe.
“I don’t know,” Eddie said.
“You won’t be alone,” Joe promised.
Eddie sighed and nodded. “I just hope you find a really good understudy.”
Joe thought about having Eddie in the musical. About how much of an attraction he’d be. “Only if you’re willing to be billed as Mayer Gold,” he offered.
Eddie cringed but understood. “It’s still going to be hard to keep it under wraps.”
“Not if you’re staying with Constance.”
“And return to small town Minnesota life,” Eddie nodded. “That might work.”
“You bale before the debut,” said Joe. “Or come on later. But no first show and then baling. Understood?”
“Don’t disappoint my fans,” Eddie understood.
“Have you ever?” Charlie asked.
“I’m sure I have.”
“You work pretty hard not to.” Then Charlie realized something. “That’s why you’re not coming out!”
“Your mom thought...”
“No! You have to Eddie! You’re about the most honest person I know! Maybe Uncle Joe, but he’s not out being honest in front of thousands! You can’t start hiding now!”
Joe and Eddie looked at each other. “I’ll talk to Rachel,” said Eddie. “It’s not like I’m going to be putting anything new out for a while. But we should wait at least until Joe’s Morpheus show ends.”
“Why?” Charlie asked. “Oh, the whole pederasty thing. I think that’s the point, don’t you? That being gay doesn’t mean craving little boys! Do you, Eddie?”
“No!” Eddie exclaimed. “Never think that!”
“I don’t!” They looked at Joe.
“Okay,” Joe confessed. “It had me worried, you going after Charlie.”
“Asshole,” Eddie muttered.
“Can you... ?” Charlie asked carefully. “Can you put that in there somehow? Some kind of lesson?”
“I don’t know. It’s not like I want to create a movie of the week. Or some kind of sit com with a message.”
“Maybe...” Eddie started.
“Maybe what?” Joe encouraged.
“I could come out after the end. After the applause ends. Just stand in front of the audience. Tell them I’m gay. And that like the Little Prince, it doesn’t mean I want Charlie or any little boy. Maybe Trevor could come out and kiss me or something.”
“That would be pretty unsettling,” Joe said.
“It’s supposed to be,” Charlie said.
“You sure you’re not latent?” Eddie asked.
“I don’t know,” said Joe. “I know I don’t want to have sex with you or any man. Even my beautiful pseudo son.”
“Nothing pseudo about it,” Charlie said. “I may not call you dad. I have an asshole I call that. But you have always been.”
“Thanks,” Joe sniffled. “It’s definitely an aversion, Eddie. Whether from fear or aesthetic disconnection, I have no idea.”
“Maybe it’s an ingrained macho thing from our life in small town small minded Minnesota. I know it’s what kept me in the closet for so many years. That and not freaking out my best friend.”
“You really fantasized about me?”
“Yeah, Joe, I did. That and my abuse kind of kept me pretty freaked out.”
“You kept it pretty well hid.”
“I think I let it out when I performed. Exorcising demons. I don’t know how I would have survived without rock and roll,” he chuckled. “Luckily I’ve made a living from it.”
“Lucky for us too, Uncle Eddie.”
“Thanks, Charlie.”
As they put away things, Charlie said, “So you finally gave my sister what she wants, Uncle Joe.”
“You figured that out too?” Joe asked.
“I’ve never seen her so happy.”
“And you’re okay with it?”
“Like I said, I’ve never seen her so happy. But you know what that means, don’t you?”
“That you’re the pederast!”
“Asshole,” said Joe. And they laughed. “Let’s go back to the zoo upstairs.”
Upstairs, Joe and Charlie watched Eddie collect people to go back downstairs. All the men but Joe went, as did Cheryl, Heather and Rachel. Moe smoked, but only when handed to her. Sometimes even when handed to her, Liang shook it off. She told Joe she got paranoid sometimes.
“You can join them, Uncle Joe,” Charlie said.
“I know, but I don’t want to reek of smoke when I’m bonding with Ella. Have you tried it?”
“A couple times, but don’t tell Mom.”
“I won’t. Peer pressure?”
“Maybe. But I decided I’d wait for a few years. My memory and balance tend to suffer. My voice doesn’t appreciate it either. But you know it’s like with my mom and wine. I’ve actually been drinking since I was pretty young, always at dinner, and it’s never been a big deal. I’ve seen Eddie stoned for just as long.”
“You’re not going down?” Moe asked Joe after a quick kiss.
“We just had that discussion. Mind entertaining Charlie?”
“Never,” Moe grinned. “So what happened downstairs?” Moe asked Charlie while Joe went to Ella. And saw the excitement when he told her.
Joe spent most of the rest of the evening with Ella. Catching up. People came by, like guests in the conversation. Liang brought them their deserts, a small slice of each pie, and sat with them the longest. Like her auntie she was good with kids. She was good with pretty much everyone.
Essie joined them as well a bit later, and ended up taking Liang away so they could continue their close friendship.
Nearly an hour later, Essie came back excited. “We’re all going for a walk,” she said.
“Sounds good,” Joe grinned. He knew it was more than that.
She and Liang took Joe’s hands as they walked slowly behind the rest. The kids, especially Mal, kept the pace slow. Auntie Li and Cheryl kept watch over them, maybe herding them.
“So what’s actually happening, Little Vixen?” Joe asked.
“Orgy!” she whispered loudly.
“Unh-hunh,” Joe responded skeptically.
“Auntie Li and Mai are going to watch the kids,” said Liang. “They’ll sleep in the fold out bed in the living room.”
“And everyone else is in?” Joe asked.
Both young ladies nodded, Essie more enthusiastically. “Except Mom. We haven’t talked to her.”
“And you want me to.”
“Yes please.”
“You and her in the same bed.”
“Yes Joe.”
“You’re sure?”
“I am.”
“You know I can be very persuasive regarding her.”
“I know.”
“I won’t be if she objects.”
“Maybe if she only objects a little?”
“Why?” Joe asked her.
“Because I want to see her with you. And with Li.”
“You told her, Yanhuo?” Joe asked. Her nickname made Liang smile. It meant he didn’t object.
“Essie kind of coaxed it out of me,” she admitted.
“Were toys involved?”
“A couple,” she blushed.
“I’m sure I’m not like Mom,” said Essie. “But I kind of got the thrill.”
“You played me?” Joe asked Liang.
“About as well as I could being a lot smaller than you. Playing you is a tall order,” she punned.
With the abundance of people and the equipment, Rachel hired a jet to fly them to Paris. Only Trevor didn’t join them, pointing out he didn’t have a European driver’s license. Eddie protested, and Trevor would miss him, but Trevor pointed out the drummer they hired turned out to be bisexual. Even better for Rachel and Eddie. The drummer being distracted by Rachel and Eddie was a blessing for Joe. He couldn’t help noticing the man’s interest in the others. The worst being Charlie. But the...
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It became a hectic winter for Joe. Even the rural calm of the mansion wasn’t all that calming, being the center of so much work. Getting the play together. Getting the script together. Finishing up moms. Rehearsing the band. Sexually as well for Joe. Constance and Caroline. Cheryl, Cynthia and Joanne. Always a threesome or foursome for them. Joanne being the fourth. Visits from Essie. From Victoria and Liang. From Moe and Chandi. Also threesomes and foursomes. And another night with Freddy...
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When Joe returned to his bed after months away, he almost wished he didn’t have to be away from it soon enough. At least he’d have a couple weeks before heading off for his book/rock tour. hers was being released at the end of the week, and like No Contest, he’d be at the original Barnes and Noble for a lengthy reading and signing that evening. Meanwhile MIRE featuring Rhonda would play clubs in and around the city. Despite being with them just a couple nights before, Sunday, after the wrap...
More sad goodbyes happened almost exactly a week later in New York. Joe and Cheryl to their wives and kids and Essie, who was sort of both. Joe and Cheryl had business to take care of before they headed to Minnesota. For Joe, one thing had to do with school, completing the grading and conferring with students who either challenged his grades or wanted to know what would make the grades better in future classes. He also needed to deal with his publisher, discussing plans for moms and for any...
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When Cheryl and Joe got home to their Upper Westside townhouse, he knew where he needed to go immediately. Top floor. The floor for their offices. To Moe. Who stewed in her anger. Probably had been for a while. “He’s fucking here, Joe,” she said. He opened his arms. She filled them. “What’s he doing here?” she asked. “I don’t know. I’ll find out.” “He wants another chance to fuck all your women.” “I hope not. But I don’t think so.” “Then why?” “Maybe he needs a friend.” “But he hates...
Two days later, and Cheryl and Joe sat around in Joanne’s living room, the house otherwise deserted. Both Ella and Charlie were in school. Joanne was at work, still supporting local artists. The couple were doing what they had done ten years before. Both working on their writing. Cheryl somehow responding to Joe’s questions while finishing a memorial article honoring Nigella for Rolling Stone. Still staff, but with an ideal contract and better pay. Complete rights of refusal. When an editor...
Joe and Liana entered a large room on the main floor, a huge bed at the back where his wives waved to him, still naked. “Hi Leo,” Cheryl said. “Do you mind if our man gives us a morning hug?” “Uhm, no,” Liana blushed. Joe took off his clothes and joined them. “Liana wants to meet with us this morning, Cheryl. And Moira,” he said as he lay on his back, his wives all around him, with Liang on top. “And we’ll need to get Rachel.” “I think she just wanted some time with Eddie this morning,”...
Pynchon proved a bear to speed read. ““Glean what you can,” Joe advised. “We’re just a third of the way through.” “I figured,” said Liang. “You missed a week.” “Yeah. I’ll probably have to just have one week for Vineland.” “Or you could start the class a half hour earlier. And have the other class last a half hour longer.” “First, we’re talking about college students.” “With you, I bet they don’t mind.” “I’ll ask. And the afternoon class actually tends to go on longer.” “I’m not...
It became a noisy place early near the garage entrance to the Cube. First thing in the morning the equipment for filming the tour/ad/orgy arrived. Two 35mm film cameras, one with steadycam to be held. Two top notch video cameras. A large wide format video tape recorder which would also be used for sound for the film. Lights. Cables. Mics. Experts for each of those things, though most would leave when Jonny demonstrated his knowledge of the cameras and lights and Eddie showed that he could...
The five lovers awoke remarkably comfortable with their adjacency and their nakedness. Quick kisses avoiding morning breath, only the two males and brother and sister not kissing, and they dressed in yesterday’s clothing before gathering in the gathering cabin where Anna provided eggs, sausage, toast, juice and coffee. Victoria and Charlie headed back to duty on the ship, raising the anchor and heading home, while Essie, Joe and Liang sat together on the couch, watching the others join them,...
Joe got up late for him. 10 am. Whatever he did prior to awakening, or in its act, farting, shifting, making some vocal noise or other, awoke Cheryl. They smiled at each other and she snuggled against him, her head resting between shoulder and chest, her fingers exploring his sparse chest hair. “Eddie wants me in the band again,” he told her. “How is that going to work?” “I think his regrouping is regressing.” “Which means?” “We didn’t go out in the world for months. Just rehearsed. A...
With his last spark of energy, Eddie brought Rhonda’s tape to the Record Plant Tuesday morning, where they’d print the vinyl and the CD. Packaging would have to wait, hopefully for not too long. Belle dropped off Eddie at Joanne’s, where he collapsed into the bed, only briefly waking up Rachel. “Done?” she asked. “Yep.” He quickly joined her in sleep. His didn’t last long. In fact only Rachel got much sleep, since everyone else had gotten up early. Joe wanted to see Joanne before she went...
Gayle wasn’t with Joe much in Seattle. Once she got the copies, she spent her time studying them. Also Joe welcomed Moe, Chandi and Liang back. But playwright and director managed to chat from time to time. Mostly in transit to the shows or to the reading. Or after dinner. Shows. It was the first stop where shows were added. Two more. Joe postponed his poetry reading to the following night. By then, Sunday, the three visitors had flown back home. And Joanne and Gayle had another night of...
During the flight, Eddie changed seats with Cheryl to sit with Joe, putting her beside Rachel. Though things had thawed greatly compared to their cold and fractious relationship before, the two women still hadn’t got all that close. And when Rachel joined her in the large bed, they no longer made love directly. Even so, both intelligent women, they managed to enjoy their travelling together, often amusing each other with an anecdote or a memory. “What’s up?” Joe asked Eddie. “You’re still...
Eddie and Joe tied one on at the wake. Joe’s wives too, and almost everyone else there. Joanne stopped for an hour, but by the time they closed the bar, she was wasted too. But Eddie would have the dubious honor of being the most shit faced. And Joe did notice him going off a couple times, usually with members of other local bands who somehow found out about the wake. And his sniffing and hopping and more extreme lunacy suggested cocaine rather than cannabis. He seemed to making up time for...
When Liang asked her auntie about any recommendations for a rather large contingent for dining, Auntie Li thought she and her ladies of her exclusive women’s society could throw something together. The meeting place had a kitchen where the ladies could exchange recipes. It was highly unusual to have men present in the space, but since it wasn’t an official meeting of the ladies, and the members were fond of Liang, and the dinner would include her new lovers and new friends, curiosity as much...
When Joe exited the padded room in the morning and passed the studio, Rachel called to him from there. “Is she up?” she asked him. “In a hurry?” Joe chuckled. “I’ve wanted this for a while.” “She’s up. How about we have breakfast and then we’ll meet in Cheryl’s office. I’ll get Joanne and then get Cheryl.” “For the contracts.” “Yes.” “I’ll go make coffee.” “Thanks. See you in a minute.” He sighed he when returned to the padded room and sat on the bed. “Rachel’s ready to meet,” he told...
The house wouldn’t look odd at all in the suburb of an American city. In a suburb of Paris, it did. As would the others around it. Three story clapboard with a garage part of its structure. Joe rented a Citroen, and had the limo driver, who had been approved by those that had given them the information about the place, drive them to the location. A limousine would be far too obvious in the neighborhood. The house’s owners didn’t need that. They had waited for the car’s arrival and opened the...
The party proved a huge success for several people. Joe put on some quiet jazz. Mostly Coltrane and Miles. But that was changed to Eddie quietly playing his twelve string. Joe joined him in the living room, playing Nigella’s old acoustic/electric bass. Then Charlie tinkled the ivories with them. A girl joined him at the piano bench. Another nervous and shy genius. The youngest of Essie’s precocious genius classmates. A pretty little brunette, especially when she relaxed, which she did after...
It rained the next day. Off and on. Making it cooler than usual, but being near the equator, that was relative. A balmy seventies. But it kept people indoors, mostly. It also revealed a missing aspect of the Cube. It wasn’t exactly designed for kids. So Anna and the Barbadian family matriarch brought out some cards and a couple cribbage boards and taught the kids how to play. Victoria, Essie and Liang decided to brave the weather and spent the day tooling around the island on the motorbikes....
The Cube, as Eddie’s working vacation home had been appropriately dubbed, was designed by a mad genius with a sense of humor. A Barbadian, as were all who worked on it, whose design process had included smoking excessive amounts of ganja with Eddie. An impressively large cube had been the result, made of concrete, glass and steel. But it had a façade that pretended to be an English Colonial mansion. Being that Barbados had been an English colony, and had gained its independence as a part of...
After Joe and his wives finally got up, enjoyed the large shower together and got dressed, Joe opened the blinds to the studio and saw Cynthia sitting with Rachel with Eddie playing his guitar between them. Joe fetched Cynthia and discovered how stoned she was. “Uhm, you okay working on the script?” he asked her. “Uh-hunh,” she giggled. He shook his head and chuckled. He went to the kitchen where his wives sat and the matron was making waffles. Maria, as she often was, was there as well....
As Joe promised, he spent the day with Victoria. They woke early and went to the naughty room to collect his wives and Essie. After showering and Victoria reporting to them her soreness but otherwise having a wonderful deflowering, they dressed and headed to the kitchen for a Continental breakfast of pastries and coffee. The Barbadian matron arrived midway through and offered something more substantial, but they passed. “Any place for exercising? A workout room?” Joe asked the older...
Everyone, including Julian and Liv, returned to the Cube. Those two only stayed through dinner, deliciously created by Maria. Surprisingly, Anna went with them back to their ship. She said she needed to do some cleaning. But Joe noticed Liv flirting with her. He thought that a good thing. Anna and Julian loved each other. But sex seemed to have petered out between them. He hoped adding Liv might restore their sex lives. He decided to wait to talk to Victoria and Charlie until after dinner,...
Very early the next morning, Rachel woke up Joe and his wives. “Where is he, Joe?” she growled. “Where is that little cocksucker?” He couldn’t help laughing. Appropriate word choice. But then he got serious. “Be quiet, Rachel. Let’s go downstairs.” “I don’t want to be quiet.” “Shut the fuck up, bitch,” said Moe. “You better not wake the kids.” “Fuck you. What are you going to do?” “Beat the bitch out of you?” Moe growled, getting out of bed, dressed like Cheryl and Joe, in t shirt and...
“Nice,” said Liang about the townhouse. It had been built originally in the late eighteen hundreds, but refurbished and changed in the 20s, including the art noveau entrance. The open, shaped metal slat elevator also reflected that soft, decadent style. Definitely attractants. “We like it,” said Joe, unlocking the door. Joe and Cheryl greeted their kids with kisses on cheeks, and their wife with kisses on mouth and a hug. “This is Liang,” Joe introduced her to his family. “Hi,” the kids...
The Thursday evening date went surprisingly well. Joe managed to get a table at a new French bistro, romantically dark. The heavy food, magnificently prepared, chased down the palate by a delicious rosé got danced away later. But while eating it, the five enjoyed a lively conversation, completely inclusive. Rachel even encouraged Trevor’s inclusion. It was clear at the beginning that he treaded carefully around her, used to her angry glares. Except for the first one when Eddie climbed into...
No Anesthetic For Love At the Krokodil Klub Part2 Silkie tells this story from Paris, while at a nightclub, twenty years later....She is with her friend Denis and her sister, Rachel. It is her birthday. Silkie is so happy and excited to be performing with her sister...........Rachel was a well-known jazz pianist in the U.S and Europe, she had recorded ten LP's and now several CDs, some solo, some with other artists most recently, Stan Getz, Duke Jordan and another session that she had enjoyed...
Silkie tells this story from Paris, while at a nightclub, twenty years later....She was with her friend Denis and her sister, Rachel. It was her birthday. Silkie was so happy and excited to be performing with her sister...Rachel had finally had her Asberger's diagnosed, not that it changed anything about how she lived her life................. "It's nice to have a name for being as weird as I am." Rachel was a piano phenomenon from the age of three, composing her own pieces at age four and...
Farty Jimbo answered the phone. “Hello” said Farty Jimbo “Hello, this is Tuesday” said the voice on the phone “No,” said Farty Jimbo “This is Sunday. I know for a fact.” “No, I mean this is Tuesday Wells. I don’t know what day it is there. It may very well be Sunday.” “Well it is Sunday, and I don’t know any Tuesday Wells.” Said Farty Jimbo “Well I guess we haven’t met yet, but we will. It was hard getting a hold of you.” Said Tuesday Wells. “I know this all must sound...
It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...
Twenty years go by. Silkie Greene had to give up her dream of singing opera roles on stage and has been singing jazz for many years. She is headlining at Club Crocodil in Paris. Her sister Rachel, an internationally famous pianist, is on stage with her. Her friend and lover Denis DeRuhe is at the club to see both of them. All three of them have been lovers for and wth each other, for may years:Two months before this evening,Silkie had learned that her friend and lover, Denis, was HIV positive....
It was the Fourth of July, 1991, and I was washing Holly's car when Sandy came out her front door, obviously dressed for a party. "Do you have someplace to go today, Sammy?" she asked when she reached her car. "Yes, I'm going to a cookout." Her smile was one of relief, probably because she wouldn't feel obligated to ask me to tag along with her. "I hope you have a good time." "Thanks, Sandy. Are you ready for your trip?" "I've packed everything, but I'll probably have to...
I got a call from Marty on Monday afternoon, late. “I need to have my head examined, but I’m in. If you still want me, let me know. I haven’t given any notice yet.” “What about your law firm, Dewey Cheatem and Howe? Is this going to screw up any partnership bids? How does that work, anyway?” Marty snorted. “That’s part of it. I have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. I nosed around some this morning, and there won’t be a partnership offer made to me. At least, not under current...
We flew out from RAF Brize Norton on the 14th November in some huge Yank aircraft, a Galaxy I think, they all look alike to me. As I sat in my relatively comfortable seat I thought of the last time I had gone to war; in a luxurious cruise liner no less, the QE II. Of course we had travelled squaddie class and didn't have white coated stewards waiting on us hand foot and finger. It took nearly 5 weeks to get down to the Islands, and I made some good mates amongst 3 Para, my travelling...
The battalion arrived back in Aldershot around the middle of March and were given a week's leave. Pippa was overjoyed to see me home safe and sound, and during my first two days back home we hardly stirred out of her bed. That sounds as if we had a frenzy of a sex- fest, but nothing could have been further from the truth. I couldn't get it up. I couldn't do the business. I was impotent- I was mortified! She was sympathetic and loving, and gave me blow jobs and hand jobs, but it wasn't...
It was a very quiet night as I walked the sidewalk of downtown Mohinta. The laser sign still blaring brightly, "open" made me stop. I never could pass up the opportunity to go into an adult store when I saw one, so this one was no different. I always just wanted to look around. Sometimes I saw things I should not see. Other times, I saw the same things. But it never failed for there to be at least one guy standing with his hard cock sticking out of his pants getting ready to cum on the floor. I...
Straight SexForeword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given...
Chapter 1 Contest Winner, and Then Some Ok, so at 46 I really had no business trying to win Justin Bieber tickets. Save for the fact I wanted into the after concert party, and OK a chance to meet Justin and maybe some of his dancers. It was really the after concert party I wanted into, his road crew and his backup talent is just as hot as he is and who knows I might just get lucky with one of them. As the title suggests I did win, my sister and most of my friends we pissed, to say the least,...
Krish had advised me, before we buried the the young Chasseur of the Guard officer, that if I intended disinterring him at a later date then certain actions needed to be carried out to prevent a rapid decomposing of the corpse. The first was to wrap the body in a tightly tied blanket, or ground sheet, keeping the material close to the corpse. The depth of the burial should be at least six feet, which would save the corpse from being disturbed by ploughing, or being dug up by animals. The...
Dear Authors, We hope you’re doing well. ISS would like to invite you to participate in a competition in the ‘Poetry/Jokes category.’ The contest: 1)The contest will run from 05 February 2023 to 19 February 2023. 2)The content can have any number of jokes or poetry, but it should be adult/xxx jokes/poetry. 3) It should be a minimum of 1000 words of content. 4) There shouldn’t be any sort of plagiarism. The entire work should be original and not be published anywhere on the internet...
A warm beam of sunlight played on my face, and under its benign caress I swam slowly up from a deep sleep. For a moment I could not recall where I was, but then realised I was lying in the four-poster bed in Annette’s boudoir. It was the most comfortable bed I could ever recall being in. The thick luxurious mattress, stuffed with eider down, was both supportive to my body and yet comforting. I sat up. The pillow next to mine was rumpled, and on pulling back the sheet saw the unmistakable...
This wasn’t the first New Year’s Eve party we’d attended at our friend’s house but it was the most memorable one. When we got there the party was in full swing, probably about 60 people mostly couples but there were quite a few single people. I was chatting up a divorced woman, Lucy, she was 47 and had been ‘single’ for seven years. Donna had had a few lagers and was on the whisky, we met up in the kitchen when she said “Anyone here you fancy?” “Yes her over there” pointing at Lucy, “You” I...
(author's note): Silkie, now thirty-eight, is telling her lover Denis, about things that happened in her life before she was eighteen. I don't know if her anecdote violates guidelines for this site or not. Can fictional adults in a piece of fiction talk about events in their past? Silkie might even be making some of this up for Denis' pleasure, which adds yet another layer of fiction to the story, I don't know the answer, so I'll just put it out there and see what happens. Thanks!...
Denis went to his hotel.Silkie had to run a few errands. She went to his room two hours later. Denis had already finished most of a bottle of wine."You know I'm the kind of man who has a hard time getting hard after I've been drinking, Silkie...""Denis, I love you hard or soft, lover. I 'm going to take off my clothes for you. No, I don't have a body like I did when I was you like to see it? Do you?""The sight of you nude haunts me, Silkie. Your neck, your back...
"Julian, we would like some more wine and that hashish you and I had the other night............yes, that night, any of that left?.............but before you go............ "Rachel what do you prefer, men or women?" "Silkie, you are messing with me..........I like............ummmmm...what shall I say?.............I like to have my face between a woman's thighs while I feel a man do me from behind..........oh..I like that a lot.....Julian, I packed Sylvia's ass with...
This wasn’t the first New Year’s Eve party we’d attended at our friend’s house but it was the most memorable one. When we got there the party was in full swing, probably about 60 people mostly couples but there were quite a few single people. I was chatting up a divorced woman, Lucy, she was 47 and had been ‘single’ for seven years.Donna had had a few lagers and was on the whisky, we met up in the kitchen when she said “Anyone here you fancy?” “Yes her over there” pointing at Lucy, “You” I...
Thinking it over - Home and Hearth "You were great last night, you sexy devil!" His-fresh shaved face nuzzled my ear and I smiled without opening my eyes. "I gave them their cereal, so you can sleep in for half an hour." David lingered and fondled my bare breasts while he nuzzled my neck. "Thanks. I'm almost awake," I said. "You're a brute. Just look at the state you left me in." He laughed with self-congratulating pleasure. "I gotta go, see you tonight!" I sat up and then...
Work on Monday got off to a horrendous start when Neill rejected a load of concrete. The driver became enraged and for a minute I thought he and Neill were going to come to blows. I overheard Neill speaking to the concrete company on the phone, telling them the consistency was not up to spec and what they could do with the load. Sending the driver away with a truckload of concrete threw the schedule into turmoil and the mood of everyone at the construction site into the dumpster. Tradesmen...
The ringing telephone disturbed my sleep and before I even picked it up a thought entered my clouded mind; I'd slept like a baby. The dream was gone. Cassie, realizing that she had awakened me, apologized before delivering the good news. She and her family would accept my invitation to use Holly's pool. "What time should we come?" she wanted to know and I told her any time would be fine. She must have handed the phone to Doris, who said they would leave their house about four P.M. It...
We stopped at a market and while Patti was shopping, saying she preferred to shop alone because my tagging along would distract her, I killed time at the drugstore next door. I found what I was looking for, Dining out in Atlanta, the magazine Smyth had boasted his articles appeared in. I picked up the July and August issues of the magazine and on my way to the cash register I spotted the condom display, my favorite section in the store. How could I not stop and admire the colorful packages?...