ReconnectingChapter 18 free porn video

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But Erika and I WEREN’T the only two people in the whole wide world ... or even the immediate vicinity, for that matter! Standing right next to us, completely nude, were my parents, Bob and Mable Evans, beaming with pride and satisfaction at the possibilities held by their daughter-in-law’s womb ... a womb now brimming with a fresh load of my warm, fertile(?) sperm.

“Guess we’ll have to wait a few months to see if something comes of this,” Mom commented, drawing a chuckle from Dad. “No pun intended of course!” she added, punching his shoulder.

“Hey! I’m still waiting for something to cum of THIS,” he retorted, shaking his plump, but somewhat deflated package at anyone who was willing to look.

“Aww poor baby,” Mom teased, palming his smooth, heavy sack. “Are these big blue balls anxious to make a baby, too?”

“Hell yeah!!” he exclaimed, pulling his lovely bride toward him and planting a passionate kiss. They caressed each other gently, letting their hands roam and their tongues tango once again.

After a minute or two, their kiss broke, and Mom’s mouth worked its way slowly down to Dad’s chest, where it found, and captured, one of his small, brown nipples. With one arm wrapped around his waist, she used her left hand to tug on his fallen cock, all the while nursing hungrily on his man-tit.

Lying side-by-side on the large patio cushion, Erika and I could look up and clearly watch the whole scene unfold ... We saw Mom eventually work her free hand up to the back of Dad’s head and grab a handful of his thinning grey hair. We watched her pull back slowly, forcing his face to tilt skyward with his mouth agape. “Turnabout is fair play, isn’t it, darling?” she said slyly to Erika, before returning to flick his hardened nipple with her tongue.

“What did I get myself into, Charlie,” Dad chuckled as Mom held him stationary by his locks. His chuckle evolved into a satisfied moan as she began to slowly stroke his fully revived cock from tip to tail ... using a twisting motion as she did. Now SHE was the one in complete control ... and savoring every minute of it.

From our vantage point, Erika and I could see Dad’s pendulous balls bouncing excitedly with each of Mom’s firm strokes. We also noticed that her upward strokes eventually began coaxing droplets of warm precum from his prepuce. She expertly used it to slicken his swollen phallus even further.

Releasing Dad’s well-nibbled nipple, she whispered undecipherable sexy talk directly in his ear, causing his cockhead to flare noticeably. She then released his tool, but retained her grip on his hair. Even without her support, he was still at full mast ... a full 45-degree angle from his body ... ticking and pulsing with each beat of his heart.

“Not bad for an old guy, eh Erika?” Mom teased, presenting Dad’s erection with genuine pride.

“He’s definitely looking ... juicy,” Erika retorted, still balled in a fetal position to retain my sperm.

“That ALWAYS seems to be the case with him, darling,” she chuckled. “Well, since I saw you admiring his little soldier a little while ago, I thought you might be interested in teasing him a little more before I have him all to myself.” Without waiting for a reply, she walked Dad over until he was standing right above Erika, and then forced him down to his knees right next to her head.

My wife and I both had a clear view of Dad’s girthy, seven-plus-inch cock pulsing excitedly just in front of her face. His smooth ballsack carried the weight of his two swollen testes unevenly, with the right slightly lower than the left.

Erika looked at me with raised eyebrows, seeking guidance about what to do.

“What the hell ... go for it!” I replied with a pair of raised eyebrows of my own. “Show him yours skills.”

She smiled, appreciating the fact that I was allowing her an opportunity to play with his impressive tool, and wasted no time wrapping one of her delicate hands around his meaty shaft. That simple action brought a deep sigh from Dad. Again, I marveled how his cock filled her palm in a way that mine never could. She looked up at Mom for a kind of final approval, and received a nod and a smile. My mother seemed to know what Erika (and Dad) craved.

Surprisingly, the first thing she did with her newfound toy was to hold it aloft, against his belly, while burying her face behind his hanging balls to sample the soft, sensitive flesh there. The muted sounds of licking and slurping worked in concert with the throaty moans escaping his upturned mouth. Lying next to her, I had a wonderful view of my father’s large ballsack draped across her face ... its contents undulating on her cheeks and finally rising upward to meet his root.

“How’s your daughter-in-law doing, baby?” Mom teased. “Looks like she’s got your cock crying pretty good, if I do say so myself.”

“Mmmmmmmm,” Dad hummed, as his pulpy tip unleashed a clear stream that almost reached Erika’s fingers. “It feels SO damn good!”

Erika worked her way up a bit to the sensitive area where his sack met his thigh. I just love when she licks me there, and Dad looked completely satisfied by it, too. From there, she moved to giving his walnut-sized balls long, thoughtful licks with her talented tongue ... worshiping them properly. She looked up at Mom as she did.

“That’s it, darling ... get those hot rocks ready for me,”Mom hissed.

Heeding her request, Erika slowly opened her mouth wide and sucked one in.

“Awwww FUCK, Mable!! ... She’s got it in her mouth!” he gasped, unable to see what Erika was doing.

“She sure does, doesn’t she...” Mom replied in a somewhat flat, mocking tone. “Thatta girl ... nurse on those hard nuts awhile.” My wife obediently obliged, delicately suckling on both of balls to her heart’s content. Meanwhile, Mom let her free hand roam Dad’s chest, teasing his tiny nipples, pulling and pinching them intermittently. She finally bent down and planted a passionate kiss on his moaning, upturned mouth.

The scene was tremendously erotic.

Eventually, Erika noticed that my father’s precum stream had reached her fingers. She released his nut with a slight pop and instinctively brought the wet finger to her lips and licked. Mom intently watched her daughter-in-law’s reaction.

“Well?” I asked with my heart thumping in my chest.

“Salty ... like yours,” she said with a big smile. I leaned in and kissed her.

“You hear that, Bob?” commented Mom, “Like father, like son.” She smiled at me and then took a lingering look at my reinvigorated tool rubbing Erika’s side.

“How about trying some from the tap, darling? I’m sure Bob here would appreciate sampling the skills you use on his son’s fine manhood,” she said, winking at me. Erika smiled wickedly at both Mom and me, like she had just been given the keys to the candy store.

She wasted no time grabbing Dad’s throbbing shaft, and bending it slowly downward to her curious mouth. Dad grunted into Mom’s mouth in response, as his cock was being bent in a direction it wasn’t desiring to go. His discomfort was soon assuaged by his daughter-in-law’s tentative licks at his extended, meaty foreskin which was virtually dribbling with more of his syrupy fluid.

“Interesting, isn’t it?” Mom remarked, commenting on Dad’s sheath.

“Very!” she replied, flailing his pulpy tip with her tongue as Mom had done earlier. Then, feeling brave, she griped his shaft tightly below the head, and pushed the loose skin back as far as it would go until it formed a tiny window revealing his pee slit. Happy with the treasure she had discovered, she began probing the sensitive flesh earnestly with her tongue.

Dad sucked in a rush of air through gritted teeth as Erika swirled in and around his weeping hole.

“Feels great, don’t it?” I chimed in, knowing full well my wife’s predilection for targeting that part of the male anatomy ... usually up to and beyond the limits of pleasure.

“Shit, she’s good, Charlie!” he groaned.

I beamed with pride at my bride’s oral skills.

Once she had sufficiently tongue-fucked the source of his copious flow, she looked up at Mom with her big almond eyes and asked, most seductively, “Mind if he explores my mouth?”

She smiled at her daughter-in-law’s sexy sensitivity. “I’d actually be curious to see how you handle him, darling. I might learn a thing or two.”

Erika returned the smile, and then swirled her tongue inside his foreskin one last time. Next, with great care, she began using the very tip of that talented tongue to gently trace some of the large veins running along Dad’s shaft from head to tail, mapping the bloodflow of his meaty member. Finally completing her lesson in penile cartography, she opening wide and hungrily engulfing his flared cockhead.

“Ooohhhh yesss, baby!!” Dad hissed, his eyes still focused skyward.

“Looks like you hooked a pretty little lady with that pole of yours, Bobby” Mom observed locking eyes with my wife. “I wonder if she’ll be able to take all your bait.”

No doubt, my wife took that as a challenge. Having captured her prey, she released her hand from his staff, and instead, used it to collect his turgid balls, fondling them as she started to slowly rock her head back and forth.

“That’s it, baby. Nurse on it good,” Mom encouraged as she returned her lips to Dad’s for a passionate kiss.

While they were occupied, Erika worked her mouth down Dad’s thick shaft, slowly devouring it inch by inch, with Dad audibly humming his pleasure inside of Mom’s mouth. As she worshiped his cock, she let her legs fall open and her hand drop between them. Two slender fingers dipped into the pool of my cooling spunk, and used it to lubricate her labia and hooded clit. Hums of her own filled the air and surely traveled across Dad’s cock, adding to his pleasure. I couldn’t resist the heat of the scene any longer, so I dropped my lips to her nearest nipple and began to suckle ... all the while watching her experienced fingers explore the outer folds of her spunk-soaked quim.

Mom looked down at us and released Dad’s hair from her grip so that he too could enjoy the erotic scene playing out beneath him ... His daughter-in-law servicing his cock ... her stretched mouth obviously hungry for more ... Her hands busy on both his heavy sack and her own pussy while his son enjoyed a pert nipple.

I heard Mom whisper, “That’s one hungry little girl, Bobby. Why don’t you give her the rest of that tool and see how she handles it? ... But, don’t you DARE cum! Do you hear me, Bob Evans?” she warned, pulling his hair back to plant a final kiss. He nodded his agreement, knowing that it would be a difficult promise to keep.

Released from Mom’s grip, he looked down at Erika and gathered her head intimately in his right hand.

He looked over at me and exclaimed Texas style, “Oooooh eeeee! ... Now I know why you’re so happy all the time, boy. She’s a hot one!”

He returned his gaze to Erika. “You ready to take all of it, little lady?” he said, insisting more than asking. She nodded, her mouth stretched around the first half of his cock, but obviously anxious to take the second half as well.

“Good girl,” he cooed, pulling her closer ... slowly helping her to devour more of his straining cock. She eagerly obliged ... allowing him to ultimately bury his thick manhood in her willing throat balls-deep. Her distended neck attested to the fact that she had indeed swallowed him whole.

He gasped loudly and marveled at her sword-swallowing talents. “SHIT ... I’m in her throat, baby ... So deep in her throat,” he moaned to Mom.

Then, without a hint of a gag, Erika slowly backed off, until his head was fully dislodged from her mouth. She drew a deep breath once her airway was clear, and licked away a string of cum-spit that connected her to Dad.

“That was REALLY nice,” she finally said huskily, with her doe eyes planted on Dad’s.

“Oh darling!” he began, still cradling her head, “You have NO idea.”

“Wow, baby, that was INCREDIBLE!” I said, taking a break from suckling her nipple to praise her accomplishment.

She took the opportunity to turn and plant a big kiss on me. Our tongues swirled and a salty, alkali flavoring was clearly detectable. Having sampled my own spunk on a few occasions, I knew exactly what I was tasting.

“Mind if I play with your father a little more?” Erika asked coyly.

“Not if he doesn’t,” I replied, a bit surprised by the directness of her request.

“Are you kidding? ... My old dog doesn’t get this kind of treatment everyday. So if you’re willing ... And if Momma Mable is willing...” he said, cautiously looking at Mom, hoping that her answer would be in the affirmative.

“Just two things,” she began with a stern look on her face. “First, I want to get some attention while she’s attending to you.” With that, she swung her leg over his cradling arm and faced him directly with her large tits dangling right in front of his face. “These girls wanna enjoy the party, too,” she continued, teasing her own nipples. “Second,” she said looking back at me, “I want you to plow that pretty little Japanese snatch one more time for good measure since you definitely seem to be up for it (wink) ... So, can we all agree to that?”

A wave of enthusiastic approval arose in the group.

“OH, one more thing ... Bobby, you’d better not let Erika’s talents get the best of you. I’m looking forward to getting ALL of the spunk in that sack of yours ... Do you hear me?!”

“Yes, ma’am!!” he replied with an emphatic salute, and wasted no time burying his face in her abundant cleavage. He released his hand from Erika’s head and brought both up to Mom’s full ass, spreading it wide as he feasted on her breasts. From our vantage point below, Erika and I had a clear view up at Mom’s exposed sex ... its moist petals open, longing for attention. Dad obliged by bringing two thick fingers to its mouth and slowly working them in. Lusty moans escaped her throat as both digits eventually disappeared inside her. A jump in Dad’s cock signaled Erika that it was anxious for some attention, too. She smiled at me before bringing her lips back to his waiting member, wasting no time hungrily devouring it ... milking it slowly and seductively with her mouth.

With everyone occupied, I took the opportunity to fulfill the promised made to Mom, and positioned my own throbbing cock back at the entrance to Erika’s holy temple. As she continued to stroke her own glistening labia and clit, I planted myself deep. A loud, rich moan resonated in her throat, but was muffled by the presence of Dad’s cock. Hearing her, both he and Mom turned to see what had caused it. They were greeting with the sight of me slowly stroking my wife’s extremely slick pussy, while she continued to masturbate herself.

“Look at her buck those hips ... That hot cunt is gonna be getting another creamy shower pretty soon,” Dad observed, stroking Mom’s pliant box well.

“That better be the ONLY place that she gets a creamy shower, Mr. Evans,” she panted, pistoning slowly on his invading fingers.

As they bantered, Erika writhed on my cock and hungrily worked my father’s tool back into the warm recesses of her throat. I could see her transfixed by the sight of my Mom’s thick-lipped cunny being split and manipulated by Dad’s talented fingers. I, too, watched in amazement as my 70-year-old father busied himself satisfying two women ... happily sucking on Mom’s succulent tits ... finger-fucking her insatiable pussy ... all the while stuffing my wife’s mouth with his meaty cock. What a show!

“FUCK!” he exclaimed, as Erika buried her nose where his pubes should have been. “She sure knows how to own a cock, baby.” I could see Dad’s face contorting as he clenched to stave off the flood that was building.

“Shut up, and concentrate on my pussy, Bobby ... That’s it ... Stroke her right there ... Right there ... Show that little girl down there how you play with my bitch,” she hissed in his ear. Dad didn’t disappoint.

I watched the interplay of the other three intently as my own cock swam through my previous load, eager to add more seed to Erika’s womb. Mini-spasms began building in her slick hole as she flailed her own pussy with ferocious strokes. After a few moments, her face took on the distressed look of impending ecstasy and she began whimpering incessantly. Impaling her throat completely on Dad’s shaft and grinding her wet fingers into her engorged clit, I suddenly felt full contractions wrack her body and couldn’t resist the opportunity to enjoy a simultaneous cum with her.

Quickly sliding my father’s tool from her throat, she unleashed a frightful gurgling squeal. At the same instant, my second load of the day bathed her spasming hole.

“Take it! Take it! Take another hot load, baby!!!” I begged, slamming deeply into her again and again.

I looked up and saw messy strings of cum-spit connecting her to Dad’s still-rigid tool ... her head shaking from side to side, still in the throes of the powerful orgasm.

Mom and Dad had stopped their activities when they became aware of our mutual impending release, and took on the role of spellbound spectators.

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Andy's exam week turned out to be an effort in monotony. He had expected his Senior Finals to be far more exacting than the midterms he had taken in January. He had been wrong. Almost all of his teachers took the path of least resistance, providing an examination that even the worst student could have passed with a little bit of effort. Even his Advanced Placement classes - for which he received college credit - had offered no challenge. Both he and Elizabeth had finished their Calculus...

2 years ago
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The Training of Jody Part 7 Rules

I picked out an appropriate outfit for Jody's first day of his new life. I chose to wear the same outfit that Tony at first suggested. It was a black and red leather corset that laced up in the back. It was so supple that it wasn't the least bit uncomfortable to wear. I put on black stockings that attached to the built-in garter. With it I put on 4 inch black stiletto heals that I already owned. To top it off, I donned a black leather cloak that you'd see bad-guys wear in the movies. Tony...

2 years ago
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Back on the Border

Just got into El Paso for a visit and some shopping across the border. I know this will be worth whole there are hot ladies everywhere showing off in short shorts just waiting to be tried. I had to go by the old truck stop to see if any of the old crowd was still there. New bunch for the most part except for one thing the old limo was still out back as in the past. I just wondered if it was still being used for a sex stop all night long so I thought I'd have to check it out tonight and went...

1 year ago
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Aus Marc wird Marcy 2

Marc konnte nicht schlafen. Er ruckte an den Stricken, vergeblich. Pl?tzlich h?rte er drau?en Motorenger?usche. Eine Autot?r schlug leise, dann betrat jemand das Haus. Marc lauschte angestrengt, konnte aber kaum etwas h?ren. Wer war das? Wenn das nun jemand war, der ihn kannte und jetzt so sehen w?rde! Marc verhielt sich jetzt mucksm?uschenstill. Er hatte jedes Zeitgef?hl verloren, langsam wurde es auch ungem?tlich kalt. Insgeheim war er deshalb ?ber seine zwar sehr damenhaften, aber doc...

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Godmothers Lust pt 2

Jenny was asleep in another room and the thought of her asleep in that very thin pajamas that I saw her put on after her shower was making my cock even harder and excited so then and there I decided ill go pay her a little visit. I didn’t go with anything in mind really but just wanted to see her body as she slept, we had a very full day before and very eventful night so I figured she would be asleep soundly and as I approached the doorway I could hear light snoring so I knew that she was....

1 year ago
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Hotel Amsterdam 8211 Part 1

Business tycoon Gold Singh was very shocked to get a call from his contact in the anti corruption bureau. One can never be too sure with the amount of gold he smuggles. Inspector Rajesh voice came out from the speaker: Goldji. The cops are onto you. One of your boats were captured and one of your boys was caught with your cargo. One of the cops identified him to be with your son when he was last arrested in that pimp case. I spoke to your lawyer and his opinion is to keep him out of the country...

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The Desires of a Dijin

What’s going on in life today, you ask? ‘Same old same old’ you thought to yourself as you were walking home from your job. You normally drive but figured it wouldn’t hurt to get some air for awhile on the way back home. Except, you were suddenly grabbed by your collared shirt behind you and forcibly turned around to face some old man wearing raggedy clothes looking crazed and panicked. “PLEASE, I beg you young man. Take this cursed item FAR AWAY from here!” And before you knew it, the old guy...

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Best Shift Ever

I had just started my new job in the police service and was trying to settle in and get to know all my new colleagues. After a few days, I was paired with a guy called Fitz, who I took an instant like to. He was tall with an athletic build, short dark hair, and a beard.There was just something about him: He was funny, cheeky, confident, and really good looking. I couldn't help but let my mind wander throughout our shift, thinking about us meeting up outside work and doing things that I, as a...

1 year ago
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My Doctor My Maid

Chapter 1: Office Visit "Excuse me ... I..." I stumbled over my words, as I got a look at the woman sitting in front of me. "I was looking for ... Dr. Rodriguez." "You found her," she said with a grin that was almost a smirk. "I'm Carmen Rodriguez. Perhaps you were expecting a man, no? But as you can see, I am a woman." That I could see. Indeed! A large and very well built woman, 'stacked like a brick shit house' I would have said in college days. A large expanse of Dr....

4 years ago
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Mel to Melissa Part 14

The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] Susan and I greeted each other at the door to the condo with a hug and a kiss. We both were beaming, but neither of us mentioned it. We sat at the table with our salads and iced tea, until finally I spoke. "You look great. Have you lost some weight?" Susan was tanned from her vacation with Bill and was clearly slimmer than when I had seen her last. It seemed as though she was making more of an effort than she did while we...

2 years ago
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I Like Sucking Cock Gay

I'm not quite sure where this all began, although I suppose I can hazard a guess. I watched (and still do watch) a fair amount of porn, and at some indeterminate point, I began noticing the guys' cocks. At first, I noticed the differences between cut and uncut ones, and then began to compare them for their length and girth. I began watching videos strictly with girls sucking dick, and began masturbating while staring at the cocks disappearing between wet pairs of lips, rather than the girls the...

3 years ago
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My Sster Eva Started It All 1 by loyalsock

Chapter One:Ever since I was just learning to speak I have called my sister Evie, pronounced like the letters E V. At first I guess she thought it was cute, but as she grew older she lost her fondness for the moniker. Any how, I still called her that and she started acting like I was a royal pain in her ass. Maybe it had a lot to do with the two year (well, 1 ½ years actually but two grades) difference in our ages. When she was a senior in high school I was just a sophomore. I hated to admit it...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 6 Revenge is a Dish best served cold

Harry went from his room and into the Library "Hermione What should we do to the ones who Betrayed us?" Harry asks as he enters. Hermione Looks up from the Huge book in front of her. "Well we can get a Piece out in the paper. We can name all names. And we should contact the twins." She says. Harry Replies," Well I already sent Fumbledore a nice tainted box of Lemon Drops. I surpose we can use this Rita Skeeter for our Mud raking." "Harry what do you mean tainted Lemon Drops?" She...

3 years ago
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Hot Horny Family

For, once again, the young, teenage blonde had had a sexy wet dream about Wayne, her sexy, older brother. She sighed heavily, wondering how much longer she would have to just dream about her big brother popping her cherry. She would give anything if he actually would ram his big cock right up her virgin pussy! She reached down and felt the warm juices oozing from her cuntlips onto the sheet below. God, how she would love to be fucked by her brother. They had always been so close anyway, and...

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From Your Mouth

Miles watched her from afar often, but tonight was different. Tonight he was going to have her. He hadn’t intended on it happening this way, it just came to be. Every night he would look out his bedroom window and see her next door, always ready for bed with some absurdly skimpy outfit. Tonight she was wearing a tight fitting pink tanktop that hugged her perfect torso well and a small black skirt that accented her ample rear. She was walked over to her computer and sat in the chair in front of...

2 years ago
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The Bar 4

“You do know if you get caught it will be shut down.” She turned to look at you. “I've been fucking you for years and haven't gotten caught!” Damn. She was right. Being the CEO of a very lucrative company you have no need to fuck your employees let alone buy them a bar. You chuckled at her matter-of-fact humor. “How did she know my name Emily?” She brought you over a plate with your favorite Grilled lemon rosemary chicken and broccoli. You stared at her in amazement. You knew she could make...

3 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 12

When we arrived in Collinsville, I drove straight to Foster Chevrolet-Olds. I slowed down when we passed the ‘57 Chevy convertible that I had looked at a few days ago. I couldn’t believe it was still here. “That’s the one I want, Granny! I hope it’s still for sale.” “My grandson will have the best looking car in the county when you buy that baby. That sporty convertible will be known as Josey’s Pussy-Wagon, the very first day you own it! Let’s go in there and make our deals. I’ve known old...

1 year ago
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ImNotYourMommy Lexi Luna Can You Handle Me

Lexi Luna is a mature woman who knows exactly what she wants. She’s sick of fucking immature guys who can’t do it for her. Her latest deadbeat boyfriend is really pissing her off, so she decides to try something a little bit different. Robby Echo, the repair guy, is in her house clearly checking Lexi out. Lexi initially tells him to cut it out and do his job, but once she has gotten into it with her now-ex boyfriend, she encourages it. She tells Robby to help her out by untying her...

2 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 34

Bailey smiled and looked at the floor for a minute before her eyes met mine. As soon as she did, all thoughts of Sophie Montoya flew from my mind. "I hope you believe me when I tell you I'm not the least disappointed to hear that again," she said. Sophie looked back and forth. "Uh, I guess you two already know each other," she said and then recognition dawned. "Oh, Lord, I saw that video so many times when I was still in juniors. I get it now. I get the whole thing with Amelie, too....

1 year ago
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The Slavering Chapter 01

The slavering, chapter 01 cheri checked the time on her celeb glasses. *5:02 a.M.* The sun rose early here. She stretched, yawned, and pulled at her bra. The underwire was hurting her. She looked around the bus. More passengers had taken seats since she had fallen asleep. Where was she? She checked her glasses. *112.6 km to fairview. Next stop, yazoo.* She eyed the crowd. Most of the passengers were still sleeping. Cheri got up and walked three seats back to the toilet. The...

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BONDAGE FOR THE QUARTERBACK   by Long Tall MaryMy name is Jeff, I am 18 years old, and was the highest rated high school quarterback in all of Central New York. Jeff isn’t my real name and I’m not going to identify either the high school or college, where I was accepted at. Suffice to say it is outside of New York, and is one of the top ten NCAA football teams. I plan to major in physical education, and probably in my freshman year will be a back up quarterback, then as a sophomore I’ll be the...

3 years ago
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Her Breasts Are the Beginning Ch 02

He turned her and moved them so they were standing at the edge of the bed. With his lips still on hers, he leaned gently forward, laying her slowly on the bed. She moved her body up to rest her head on a pillow as he crawled up beside her. His head rested beside hers and they lay and looked into each others eyes. With one hand, he stroked the side of her face and brushed her hair out of her eyes. Occasionally, he would lean forward and softly kiss her lips. Their bodies told them that they...

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MistyChapter 2 Misty loses it

That night after taking Susan back to her house I briefly talked with Misty and told her that we should talk some time. "Yea what ever" she said. This was not going to be easy and I thought about my plan all night. The next day being Friday I put my plan in motion. First I called a good friend of mine in Memphis. Milton is a black man that I taken a lot of girls to. He loves to break in white girls, the younger the better, and from what I gather from the girls after, he is the best. Milton...

3 years ago
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The Mansion Part 1

It was your stereotypical stormy night and Nathan just happened to be driving down a long stretch of road that was originally blocked off from the public but his GPS said it was a shortcut to where ever his destination. Eventually his car decided it had enough and broke down near the front of what looked to be an abandoned mansion but it was hard to tell due to the weather. There was a little bit of light coming from a few windows but the rain was doing a really good job at drowning...

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On the ReboundChapter 4

Wow! What a family. Eddie Howell, balding overweight salesman, Mrs. Howell, small mousey submissive wife, Robin Howell, petite blond cheerleader doted on by daddy, and Rachel Howell, tall attractive café au lait girl. By the size of her, Rachel's dad was a big, big man. Rachel was still talking as she approached me where I was standing by the Falcon. "So this is the junk heap I am supposed to drive, huh?" She looked into the car, "well, maybe one of the guys from school can work on it...

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Gates of hell at work true story

Gates of Hell at Work: I wore my gates of hell cock rings to work the other day. This is true story of what happened. I changed the name of my secretary for privacy reasons. I was in my office and just doing some work. I was rock hard at the time with my gates of hell rings on. It felt great. I have a pretty private office. So no one is going to see anything or really hear anything unless they would walk in. I was just doing some work, as I said before, but also I started to play with...

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The TGI Chronicles Part 2 Daves StoryChapter 4

On the Friday, I took Helen to lunch as Tim had asked. I got Davinia to arrange it, just so that she would know it was not me trying to two time her. It was interesting discussion, and I went to see Tim afterwards. He watched me stroll into his office and sit down, I looked a t him across his desk. "How was lunch?" he asked. "Interesting." "Interesting how?" he waited, patiently. "Well, she does want to come to us. Apparently you and I have a reputation of being the magic pair. As...

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My Moms Fuzzy HeartChapter 2

I know I'm just a fourteen-year-old kid but I'm a big fourteen-year-old kid. My size was from my biological father and he was a big man. He'd played college ball at the University of Miami and he'd started all four years at tight end. He was six five and weighed two sixty and none of it was fat at that time. I wasn't there yet but I was big boned, five eleven and weighed one seventy already. I played junior varsity football and I was a wrestler too, I wasn't a stranger to the weight...

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A husband8217s fantasy of tying his wife to the table ends with her becoming a gangbang slut

One evening my husband Tom asked if he could tie me naked to the kitchen table and fuck me. It seemed a bit silly but if that would make him happy, I didn’t mind. He stripped me naked, blindfolded me and put a gag around my mouth. Bent me forward across the table, spread my legs wide and tied each ankle to a table leg. I was laying across the table with my arms either side of my head and my hands clutching the far edge of the table (It was a narrow table.). He then put rope around my...

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Roger Tells It: Raising a kid alone has got to be one of the toughest, most demanding situations any responsible human could ever face. And I was pretty well-off, financially; I can't begin to imagine how someone making less than I do could manage it. I, at least, could always afford to have someone stay with Bill during the day until he started school. And I could afford to have someone be there for him when he came home or when business took me out of town. For the first six years after...

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Nina8217s fucking Good Morning

Six months back Vishal joined our AD agency, very good sketch artist. Other days as a photographer, I accompanied him for a photo shoot. First we went to his house, he introduced me to his wife Nina and two year old daughter Deepa, both had a very attractive smiling face. Vishal asked for nice coffee and something to eat, but Nina opened her eyes big, bitten her lips and slapping on her own right chic said ” again you forgot? ” My experienced eyes saw one more side of Nina, she had very...

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Unsatiable ass

It finally happened! I finally had a thick hard cock buried up to the balls in my willing open ass!I've had an anal fixation for years, but my bf was afraid of hurting me, anytime we'd tried it just was too painful for me, and so we stopped trying. But I was determined and I knew that others did it and enjoyed it we must have been doing something wrong. I started reading as much as I could about ass fucking and watching as many movies as I could get my hands on. But the movies weren't really...

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Thads Service

Life became a whirl from Gwendolyn Markham. Not only was she caught up in the normal social whirl of any girl, but she was active in a secret side of society — the side that believes carnal pleasures are a normal part of everyday life. It consisted of people who believed that cocks and cunts were instruments for pleasure and should be shared whenever possible. She learned about activities that brother Thad had been involved in since he graduated from Gracely House. It was customary for young...

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