RetreadsChapter 9 free porn video

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I had a lot of work to do. It seems I had a barbecue to plan. My first call was to the parents. I knew my dad loved a good cookout and my mom agreed to help also.

They were eager to celebrate their newest daughter. I called Connie and Paula and had Connie invite Vicky and Paula ask her brother, Pete, Sue, and Janie also. As an afterthought I had her ask Jeff to call some guys on the team.

Tina was back before I had finished and listened in. When I hung up she said "You made the cookout story up just to get me over here didn't you?"

I said "yep, but afterward it sounded like fun so I went with it. People need to know the real you. Not who you were, even if you were almost as adorable then. I don't mean tell everyone our story, just act natural. You may surprise some people but you'll be happier. Besides, we need to introduce my sexy sister to everyone."

As we walked over to the main house to pass her cash and the instructions on what to do with it to dad I gave her the guest list and she seemed to know most of the people. She remarked that it was strange how out of everyone I had invited not one of them were people who ran her off were hateful to her though some treated her like a little kid.

When she said maybe it was just because she didn't see them much, I stopped her. "No, that's not it at all" I told her. "It's because they're not rude. I don't consider people who are rude to others to be friend material and everyone I invited is a friend."

When we got there it was time for more introductions. My dad was already taking inventory. It was our first cookout in the new house and he was dying to try out the built-in grill by the pool. While he made a list of the utensils he would need my mom had been working on one for the groceries.

I hugged them both and introduced Tina to them. I was shocked when my father didn't tease her at all. He just remarked "another pretty girl, why am I not surprised?" We helped with the list to make sure they didn't get carried away. I had to explain to my father twice that good steaks were wasted on kids our age before he relented. We would be having hamburgers, hot dogs, Italian sausage and brats from the grill.

Mom was planning some macaroni and potato salad, along with some desserts. We volunteered to help with the shopping and by the time we got home Tina, Beth, and my folks were talking like old friends. She asked where the bathroom was and received the directions.

When she heard the door close my mother remarked "everyone you've brought home seems very mature for their age. I'm glad you don't hang around with idiots but I have to bite my tongue when I talk to people from work when they call and complain about the people their kids hang out with. I called my friend Gail for a recipe I wanted for your party and you should have heard her when I told her what it was for! She thought I was crazy for even thinking about doing it and even crazier for thinking it would be fun!"

Before I could tell her why Tina seemed so mature my dad asked if my last game was tomorrow and I told him it was the last regular one before the playoffs. He hated the fact that he never got to make it so he decided to take off from work to see me play. He said was doing the same for every playoff game that wasn't on the weekend. He had always been very reluctant to take time off for any reason so this surprised me. The only time I remembered him taking a sick day was when he was physically unable to get out of bed.

He surprised me even more when I asked him about it. "Fuck 'em" he stated. "Family comes first in this house from now on. If they don't like it they can fire me. Better yet, we'll buy the company and I'll fire them!"

Tina was back by then and heard about the games. I hadn't mentioned it yet and she was eager to go as well. We made our goodbyes and went back to the garage.

Tina surprised me by asking if she could work out with me instead of fooling around as I had halfway hoped. "My body never did have much muscle" she said "I spent most of my life hunched over a desk or lab table. Things are going to have to change. I don't want to live like that again."

I was happy to oblige and started her on the weight bench. I told her what she needed to do to build up her muscle mass and still look balanced without looking like a man. I don't know how she felt but that thought didn't appeal to me at all. Firm and toned was fine. Bulky and distorted wasn't.

Beth and I did some sit-ups while she lifted and we each took a turn on the bench. I told Tina what she could do without equipment while we were showering but getting clean wasn't the only thing on her mind. She went to her knees to get junior worked up while Beth and I made out but I didn't let her stay there long. I explained that the poor fellow had been ready for an hour and had been begging for action since he saw them lying on the weight bench.

When I found out that she was as ready as I was I decided to do some weight training of my own and picked her up by her cheeks before lowering her onto my cock. We both enjoyed the workout but eventually we finished with her leaning on the wall as I pounded her from behind. I hadn't been able to get enough speed in the other position to suit her. Beth had been waiting patiently and I did my best not to disappoint her. She got the same treatment from Tina and me.

We walked Tina most of the way home but kissed her goodbye at Connie's house so her parents wouldn't see and cause her problems. It was almost four and I wanted to check something out. There were several martial arts schools in the area I wanted to look at.

I was pretty sure I wanted the one for Karate. Judo and Tae Kwon Do just didn't seem violent enough to me. I didn't just want to put someone down; I wanted them to stay down. I explained this to Beth and she agreed. There wasn't much activity in the Dojo when we arrived, just a couple of people practicing and a small but fit looking oriental fellow at a desk.

We went over to him, introduced ourselves, and explained that we might have more people interested in learning from him. When I asked when we might begin he looked at me and said in perfect unaccented English "perhaps in a week if I accept you. First I must know why you wish to learn."

He seemed satisfied when I told him that we wanted to be sure that if we were attacked that whoever did the attacking would not be interested in attempting it again. I also added that in my case at least I wanted to improve my focus and concentration.

"That is a sufficient reason" he said "so many people come in here with the idea that the art is an offensive one. The watch silly movies that pervert the true aim of what we teach here. Karate also requires much concentration and even more dedication than many expect. Are you sure that you and your companions are up to the task?"

He smiled when I told him that I could not be sure since we had not attempted yet but I strongly suspected that every one of us was. He introduced himself as Sensei Timmons and chuckled at my raised eyebrow "my father is a U.S. marine, as am I. My mother is from Japan. You may begin Monday. Be here no later than nine."

When I explained about possible conflicts in schedule due to my (and the girl's) games he said "that is one of the two exceptions I allow. Team sports are very important and I strongly suggest all of my students participate in at least one. The other exception is for family commitments. Two sessions missed for other reasons and you will be dismissed." I agreed and didn't think it was necessary to check the other schools.

I had been satisfied with what I had learned. I swung by the main house again. Everyone was in the living room watching the news. Even Al was there with Joyce in his lap. When I mentioned the Karate class he said he'd always wanted to learn it but football would get in the way. When I explained Sensei Timmons' exception for sports his interest increased and he decided to stop in and talk to the Sensei about joining us.

I was going to hang out a while but was practically given the bums' rush by my brother and Joyce. I was a bit hurt by the treatment until I got to my place.

A delicious smell hit us in the face when I opened my door. When I got to the kitchen the sight that met me was even tastier. Paula was at the stove with her back to me, wearing an apron and nothing else. When she heard Beth say "yum!" she turned and squealed "oh shit!" as she tried to cover the parts that had popped out of the apron.

Beth cracked up and tried to soothe her by telling her "relax, Paula you're among friends. You've got a cute butt, too."

Paula recovered a bit but blushed as she said "thanks. You just scared me a bit. I hope you like dinner. I had a talk with your mother to find out what Matt liked. We're having Hasenpfeffer, Spaetzle, Cabbage seasoned with bacon, and green beans."

I was amazed "How long have you been here? I said "I know how long that takes, and it's a while. What's for desert?" She smiled "I've been working on this since you left. I was hiding out with your brother and Joyce. As for desert, I ran out of time." She dropped the apron and looked directly at Beth as she said "so I guess this will have to do. I hope you like it."

I was hoping for black forest cake but I liked her idea better. I know Beth did because she responded with "DOUBLE YUM!"

We took my time eating and even had seconds, which is unusual for me. When I finally forced myself to stop I looked up at her. She was grinning like a fool. I said "that was the best meal I've had in a long time. It was amazing, and you are too. I'm afraid desert will have to wait a while though because I'm too full to move! I managed the sofa while she put some music on and joined us.

"So" she began "tell me about Tina. Connie told me a little but I only caught a glimpse of her. She's really cute but all I know is that she's supposed to be some kind of genius as well."

I sighed "She doesn't have many friends and could use some as great as the two of you. She is also brilliant, pretty and has an amazing personality. I hope all of my friends like her too."

She looked pensive and said "I can't wait to meet her" she said "and Connie will jump for joy about the class. I planned this with her you know. I have you both to myself today. She placed the hand that wasn't toying with her bush on her breast and kissed me and then Beth before leading us to bed.

It dawned on me that I hadn't told her about the one important thing Tina, Beth, and I had in common and delayed their plans a bit I was also almost positive that someone had been giving a little less than full disclosure. I began to explain but didn't get far before one of them cracked up.

Paula said she hadn't even thought to go into detail since she assumed I didn't want to talk about it. "Look stud, I had you figured out from day one. I didn't know you before but that wasn't my fault. You hardly even recognized my existence. It took me about five seconds to realize you weren't the same guy as I knew. that guy would never have flirted with me the way you did. I guess it was bad of me but I wanted to see how long it took you to say anything. When you worked your magic on mom and I found out about it I thought for sure you knew and weren't ready to say anything. Plus, when I mentioned Eir you seemed to take it for granted that I was like you and left it at that."

I think I shocked her when I confessed to her that she scared me before. "When I saw you back then I was a fat shy kid who couldn't talk to a girl as pretty as you even if I thought she was in my league. I was more self-assured when I met Tina. I never met Beth the last time, though I'm glad I have now."

Paula smiled at that "Beth had to be the same way because I've never even seen her before and she's like us, meaning that her mental age is way older than what it should be. Tina, on the other hand, is news. We never really talked much before but I'm really glad there are more like us. It's too bad there aren't some more guys though. No offense but you're way outnumbered sport, and I fear for your health if this keeps up."

We all shared our stories and found out that Paula had actually been an Oncologist. She was also deeply into cancer research and had worked in that capacity at Johns-Hopkins when the end came. Eir, the Goddes of healing and her request was to return to help her mother cope with her cancer.

That led to theories about why we had been singled out to be sent back and Paula found out for the first time what the outline was. "Why me?" she asked what does a cancer specialist have to do with anything?"

I had a suspicion and voiced it. "Perhaps this saving the world gig goes farther than we thought. While we're doing it maybe we can make it a better place at the same time. Perhaps this time you'll be successful in finding a cure and Tina will make us self-sufficient in energy She mentioned to me that was her goal. Maybe Beth and I can advance computer technology at a faster pace. Whatever the case, I have serious doubts that the Gods would go through the effort of sending someone back in time on a whim."

"Well", Beth added, "as fast as people seem to be popping up perhaps we'll be able to figure out a plan soon. I know there's a reason they want Matt to get filthy rich as well as famous. You damn sure have to be loaded to be able to afford a campaign. If he's a household name his chances are improved exponentially. Just think how popular he'd be if he was associated with the cure for cancer or solving the energy problem. He'd pose a serious threat to anybody he ran against. Now, enough of that! Times a-wastin' and I'm hornier than a three pronged billygoat!"

I was still walking funny when I got to the park the next day. The "usual suspects" joined me shortly after I arrived. We were all shocked when we heard "mind if we join you?" and Tina and Connie sat down with us.

I thought I detected a grimace when Tina sat down but when I asked if she was alright she shrugged and said "I'm fine, just business as usual." I let it pass for now but resolved to find out more as soon as possible.

It wasn't long before they blended in like they had always been there. The "Aardvarks" kicked butt as usual, winning 6-1. Tina remarked on the way to the diamond that she always wanted to get involved in sports but her parents wouldn't let her.

Connie did too but said the money just wasn't there to pay for it. I was glad I was pitching today. I looked in the crowd and saw my parents in the front row with Beth but was surprised to see Al and Joyce with them. I was glad to see them and even happier to see they had saved a lot of room for our friends.

The team we were playing was the same one we had the first game with my team. We huddled up before we took the field and I said "guys, you know how the coach feels about these pricks. I don't think any of us like them much either. How's about we kick their ass all over the field?"

I think they liked the sound of it from all the noise they made. This team was in first place and had lost only once and that was to us. From the looks and comments we were getting from them the poor slobs thought they were going to avenge themselves.

I'd like to say I felt sorry for them but that would be lying. I was pumped and so was Jeff but after I struck the first guy out on the three straight fastballs he had called and was up 0-2 on the second guy, he yelled "TIME!" and trotted out to me. "Dude" he said "those are sweet but I won't be able to swing a bat if I keep calling them. I think it's time to mix it up a little." He handed me the ball and trotted back. I think he just wanted a break.

I choked back a laugh when he put the sign down the next time. I nodded and threw the knuckleball. The poor batter thought he had a shot at this one. He swung with all of his might at that floater at waist level. The problem was that it ended up inside at his ankles when it crossed the plate.

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Head Games Blowjobs Tricks

We all know when a man is fully erect; his penis head is all puffed up like an umbrella, helmet, or mushroom. A man's cock head is made up of many nerve endings and if you work it over properly, you will have him ejaculating in no time. Having said that, there is only so much you can do with a penis head. We have all performed the standard foreplay mouthing of that mushroom by sucking it and popping our mouth off very quickly, or taking our tongue and licking the head along with the rim...

3 years ago
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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 38

Junior waltzed into the salon. She was wearing an interesting swimsuit. "Where on earth?..." Andrea wanted to know. "Perth." Ah, the definitive. Perth ... white sand beaches, one design sailboats, tall women, nude beaches. "Girls wear that?" "Yeah ... and this at least covers ... What some of them wear?" Junior blushed. "Well ... that'll turn heads." Andrea thought, 'Mens And women's.' "Good ... I hope so." "I see you've grown into your mother's estate," Andrea was...

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Mac rubbed Kelly's thigh as they drove along. They had been out for lunch and were just riding around in the country. Kelly was rubbing his thigh as well. Mac could feel his cock begging to harden as the drove along. He glanced over at Kelly and smiled. Her nipples were beginning to harden, poking through the fabric of her sun dress.Mac knew the area they were in. Having been a delivery driver years ago he knew this part of the county all well as anyone. He knew that they were coming up on a...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 30

I felt growing anticipation as the day grew on and we came closer to this evening’s event. It took two days to get everything prepared for what would occur tonight. After administering the cure to every one of the nobles present, as well as the acting Dran, we moved forward with our plan. The Dran planned to hold a great feast to announce Vishant’s great victory over the Voguel. The previous Dran would hold these feasts regularly during the campaign against them and everyone within the city...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 4

Eli trudged up the hill, grimly examining his paycheck. It wasn't big enough. It was bigger than he expected thanks to the hazard pay he got for handling the monster attack "well" but not big enough. With the arcade closed the next month for repairs, he needed to make this paycheck stretch out for about six weeks until the next paycheck came in. He sighed and scratched his head. How was he going to make this work? At least he had room and board paid up to start the semester so food...

2 years ago
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Mnage Trois Chelles View

This is my point of view to a story in Mara’s blog. Ménage à Trois: Chelle’s View So, I’ve been living with Mara for about two weeks now. Its been great! Don’t get me wrong! but she has yet to break my hymen. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to beg her to do it when she mentioned Ramiro. ‘He’s damn good looking!’, I said with a laugh. Mara’s smile gave away the fact that she was stirring up something. That’s when she proceeded to tell me about how she couldn’t bring herself...

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Facebook Sey Kamastura Book Tak Part1

Hello everyone, this is prem again. Thank you for your comments & compliments to my previous stories which have been published. Sorry guys dont ask me any details of my queens, I am secretive in their personal details. So don’t ever ask their details. Any girls, ladies & aunties who are interested in me can contact on my email & hangouts id 100% privacy guaranteed. I’ll narrate this story in telugu for many of my previous story readers asked me to narrate in telugu, so for those I am going to...

2 years ago
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The Gift Giver

I.Christmas Eve.Nonchalantly, after just arriving home from the grocery store, Nikki came downstairs and gave me the news. I’d been dusting while she was out, making the house clean for her family visiting the next day and her guests visiting that night. She didn’t waste any time getting into it.        ?Hey,? she started, looking me up and down with a familiar disgusted look, ?look at yourself.?        My image had been in the bar mirror all afternoon. I was wearing a pair of Nikki’s old...

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Mosi ko choda

Heello sab aunty ko mera salam mere naam sahil hai me gujrat ka hu meri ye pehli kahani hai is liye agar likhne me koi galti ho to mujhe maaf kare agr koi aunty ko mujse sex karna ho mujhe mail kare or apna contact no de mera mail id hai. to chalo ab kahani par chalte hai baat aaj se 1 sal pehle ki jab ham sab log darshan kar ke vapas aa rahethe ham sab log ek truck me the nicche gadde bichaye hue the rat ho chuki thi barsat ka mosam hone ki vajah se truck pura dhak diya tha me sab se picche...

3 years ago
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Marital Mistake Mended

Marnie had made a serious mistake which she discovered on her wedding night. She had respected Martin’s wish to save sex for that special occasion. None of the dozen boys and men she fucked before her wedding showed any restraint when offered access to her body. It wasn’t too difficult for her to be celibate with him during the six-month engagement. A boyfriend, Phil, had been screwing her quite well a couple times a week for the past year and he continued to service her hornies during her...

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SurpriseChapter 5

We had gotten to the kitchen, and were making breakfast when Mom and Dad showed up. “Hey guys,” our mother said. “I never knew working out could be so scintillating before.” “I taught her some ... new moves,” Dad said, breaking out into a big grin. “Sit down, we’re making breakfast,” Lynn said. “Are scrambled eggs OK?” The look between our mother and father was fascinating, as they kissed each other. “Are we going to have a baby brother or sister anytime soon?” I asked. “I am not only...

5 years ago
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The Neighbour

The Neighbour part 1 I was sixteen and as horny as a teenager should be. The woman next door was hot. I used to see her and she would always smile and give me a warming eye and smile. I used to fantasise about having sex with her and jerk myself off. One day while playing ball the ball bounced over the fence and landed in her yard. I went around and entered through the back gate and knocked on her door. She opened it and I stood there looking at her - my fantasy woman....

2 years ago
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The Seduction

01.01 Mary, Lilly, John, The conspiracy: 01.02 Mary, Lilly, John, The preparation: 01.03 Lilly, John, Seduction, Handjob: 01.04 Lilly, John, Seduction, Deep Throat: 01.05 John, Lilly, Seduction, Mating: 01.01 Mary, Lilly, John: Mary, 30, a widower, and her daughter Lilly, live next door to John, a 32 year old who is still recovering from a three year old failed marriage. Their relationship is close but not intimate. Lilly is a precocious 16 year and has come to look at John as both a...

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A Dark Man Pt 02

Chapter 6 -- LynnLynn climbs into bed with me, Fey has gone to her room tonight. She wants to sleep.Lynn is curious tonight, "Do you really think mom and dad set me up?"I answer honestly, "Yes."She hesitates, "Did they intend for me to die?"I again answer honestly, "No, I think they really did want me to save you. Our parents needed you to connect with me, then they knew I'd have you order clothes online. Then they'd find me."Lynn comments, "That is some real planning and effort, just to get...

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Loosing my cherry

So, I don't even know how I hard about the party in the first place. This was before Facebook or even Myspace, it might have been before the internet. I know I used to go to the Fantasy on Sandy Blvd where they had these photo copied "magazines", they were black and white, and were mostly personal ads for trans, gay, whatever. I had never been out as Lori before. Well, I mean I used to dress in panties, pantyhose, maybe a bra and sneak out of my grandmas house. There was an alley...

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My Black Friend Jessie

Squeezing my lips together to keep from losing any of the fluids in my mouth I slowly pulled my mouth off of the now softening head of the big brown cock I was holding in my hands.I leaned back and smiled at the black man I had just serviced… Did I know him? It wasn’t Jesse. I wasn’t sure if I knew him.I decided it didn’t matter and swallowed loudly feeling the thick slimy wad of black cum slowly slide down my throat.I was drunk again. I always ended up on my knees when I drank too much and...

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Hentai Rules! What a nice name, don’t you think? It basically gets straight down to the point, and you already know what to expect. Now, as a fellow hentai lover, I can truly appreciate this shit. But how good is HentaiRules? Is it really worth the visit? Well, I surely think so, and we all know that if I think that it must be the truth.Well, to all my hentai lovers, I am sure that you will be happy to know that has some great suggestions. But, another thing that is probably...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Sexual Incidents With My Aunt 8211 Pt 3 Birthday Sex

Hi, this is Vatsal back again from Gujarat. Thank you for such a lovely response. Without any further delay, let’s move ahead. Please do read the previous part. My aunt Neelam left the room giving me the hard-on of my life. I shagged my dick a lot after that incident. It was revolving around my mind the whole night. Well, I never had such an experience or never even imagined something like that. I was just lost in the thoughts of that scene, “Fingering of my aunt in front of me!” I did not...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 770

This one is compliments of Carl THE LIZARD... A monkey is sitting in a tree, smoking a joint, when a lizard walks past. The lizard looks up and says to the monkey “Hey! what are you doing?” The monkey says “Smoking a joint, come up and join me, my cold-blooded friend.” So the lizard climbs up and sits next to the monkey and they have another joint. After a while the lizard says his mouth is ‘dry’, and that he’s going to get a drink from the river. At the riverbank, the lizard is so...

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LoveHerFeet Barbie Brill Learning French

The decision to marry someone, especially if the other one already has grown-up children, is difficult. However, such a decision comes easily to Vincent. He wants to marry Barbie Brill’s mom. To celebrate their engagement, he plans to take the whole family to Paris. Barbie can’t help but feel excited as the thought of being in France fills her mind. Before Barbie can enjoy her out-of-the-country vacation, she should learn how to speak French. Luckily, Vincent is willing to spare...

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A Sons FetishChapter 3

A few minutes later, Karen and her son Danny, still naked, were in their living room. Danny sat in a chair while his mother sat on his lap. Danny was sucking on one of his mother’s titty nipples and Karen was enjoying it. She was moaning with joy as her own son sucked on her nipple. “You’re doing so good, Danny,” Karen complimented smiling. “You’re sucking mother’s titty real good. Yes, really good.” Danny continued sucking on his mother’s boob. Danny was enjoying the sensation of having...

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Damsels In Distress Inc Team Spirit

Damsels In Distress Inc. : Team Spirit Angel stopped and turned at the sound of the horn, nervously pressing her pleated skirt against her thighs. She felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as a pickup truck slowed down alongside her, the passenger checking her out. She felt suddenly silly trying to pass herself off as a cheerleader. Not that she didn’t look the part, dressed in a revealing green and gold outfit. Despite having graduated last summer, she knew she could easily pass as a...

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Cocoa Delight

It is a hot summer day in August and I am relaxing at home, enjoying the air conditioning. I am feeling very horny and decide to cruise an adult dating site. I open the instant messenger list and notice a local lady listed close to my location. Her screen name is “cocoalicious” and her profile photo reveals her lovely breasts with very erect nipples. I acted on impulse, since it is rare that anyone ever responds to a page. I sent her a page saying “gorgeous chest”. To my surprise, she enters...

First Time
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 27

I stared at the stern of the boat. There, in gold lettering, in a very nice cursive script, were painted the words ‘Lady Calista’. “Dad,” I whispered, “I can’t buy that.” “Why not?” he asked. “The name,” I said pointing. He laughed. “Well, if you like the boat and buy it, you can just change the name,” he said. “I can?” I asked, “but what message would that send to Cal?” “What message do you want to send to Cal, son?” he asked. “I don’t really know,” I answered, “why does it have to...

2 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 28

SATURDAY, May 21, 2016 Rachael work up early, and discovered that her period had, in fact, started. She felt no cramps or nausea though, but had experienced a healthy flow the night before. She changed the pad, and decided to use a tampon for the visit to the farm. Luckily, old Rachael memories helped her with inserting it. Robert and Peter arrived at 8:30 and Bobby got to sit in the front, to his delight, as Robert and Rachael took the back seat. Rachael had a paper bag containing...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Six

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - A Turn For The Worse And so the Wrens and Leading Recruits settled into a routine. They knew that if they just spent their days jollying, drinking, having sex, and carousing that HMS Chelmsford would soon deteriorate into a shitfight, so they agreed to apply some discipline and stick to strict routines. The Royal Navy has run on routines from time immemorial; the day is divided into watches separated by the sounding of the...

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My Hot Fuck Session With Rathi

hi ISS readers…, this is devil.., this is a real incident that happened in my life before a five yrs in my office with a cute girl with gr8 structure…. well, I am 28yrs fair and average body about 5.9″ht and working in a private company. i used to see many blue films and read sex stories even in my office time.., the girl is about 22yrs of age and she is from a middle class family., in my off there are only 6staffs and 2girls and 4 boys., our office is located in the center of the city and it...

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