RetreadsChapter 9 free porn video

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I had a lot of work to do. It seems I had a barbecue to plan. My first call was to the parents. I knew my dad loved a good cookout and my mom agreed to help also.

They were eager to celebrate their newest daughter. I called Connie and Paula and had Connie invite Vicky and Paula ask her brother, Pete, Sue, and Janie also. As an afterthought I had her ask Jeff to call some guys on the team.

Tina was back before I had finished and listened in. When I hung up she said "You made the cookout story up just to get me over here didn't you?"

I said "yep, but afterward it sounded like fun so I went with it. People need to know the real you. Not who you were, even if you were almost as adorable then. I don't mean tell everyone our story, just act natural. You may surprise some people but you'll be happier. Besides, we need to introduce my sexy sister to everyone."

As we walked over to the main house to pass her cash and the instructions on what to do with it to dad I gave her the guest list and she seemed to know most of the people. She remarked that it was strange how out of everyone I had invited not one of them were people who ran her off were hateful to her though some treated her like a little kid.

When she said maybe it was just because she didn't see them much, I stopped her. "No, that's not it at all" I told her. "It's because they're not rude. I don't consider people who are rude to others to be friend material and everyone I invited is a friend."

When we got there it was time for more introductions. My dad was already taking inventory. It was our first cookout in the new house and he was dying to try out the built-in grill by the pool. While he made a list of the utensils he would need my mom had been working on one for the groceries.

I hugged them both and introduced Tina to them. I was shocked when my father didn't tease her at all. He just remarked "another pretty girl, why am I not surprised?" We helped with the list to make sure they didn't get carried away. I had to explain to my father twice that good steaks were wasted on kids our age before he relented. We would be having hamburgers, hot dogs, Italian sausage and brats from the grill.

Mom was planning some macaroni and potato salad, along with some desserts. We volunteered to help with the shopping and by the time we got home Tina, Beth, and my folks were talking like old friends. She asked where the bathroom was and received the directions.

When she heard the door close my mother remarked "everyone you've brought home seems very mature for their age. I'm glad you don't hang around with idiots but I have to bite my tongue when I talk to people from work when they call and complain about the people their kids hang out with. I called my friend Gail for a recipe I wanted for your party and you should have heard her when I told her what it was for! She thought I was crazy for even thinking about doing it and even crazier for thinking it would be fun!"

Before I could tell her why Tina seemed so mature my dad asked if my last game was tomorrow and I told him it was the last regular one before the playoffs. He hated the fact that he never got to make it so he decided to take off from work to see me play. He said was doing the same for every playoff game that wasn't on the weekend. He had always been very reluctant to take time off for any reason so this surprised me. The only time I remembered him taking a sick day was when he was physically unable to get out of bed.

He surprised me even more when I asked him about it. "Fuck 'em" he stated. "Family comes first in this house from now on. If they don't like it they can fire me. Better yet, we'll buy the company and I'll fire them!"

Tina was back by then and heard about the games. I hadn't mentioned it yet and she was eager to go as well. We made our goodbyes and went back to the garage.

Tina surprised me by asking if she could work out with me instead of fooling around as I had halfway hoped. "My body never did have much muscle" she said "I spent most of my life hunched over a desk or lab table. Things are going to have to change. I don't want to live like that again."

I was happy to oblige and started her on the weight bench. I told her what she needed to do to build up her muscle mass and still look balanced without looking like a man. I don't know how she felt but that thought didn't appeal to me at all. Firm and toned was fine. Bulky and distorted wasn't.

Beth and I did some sit-ups while she lifted and we each took a turn on the bench. I told Tina what she could do without equipment while we were showering but getting clean wasn't the only thing on her mind. She went to her knees to get junior worked up while Beth and I made out but I didn't let her stay there long. I explained that the poor fellow had been ready for an hour and had been begging for action since he saw them lying on the weight bench.

When I found out that she was as ready as I was I decided to do some weight training of my own and picked her up by her cheeks before lowering her onto my cock. We both enjoyed the workout but eventually we finished with her leaning on the wall as I pounded her from behind. I hadn't been able to get enough speed in the other position to suit her. Beth had been waiting patiently and I did my best not to disappoint her. She got the same treatment from Tina and me.

We walked Tina most of the way home but kissed her goodbye at Connie's house so her parents wouldn't see and cause her problems. It was almost four and I wanted to check something out. There were several martial arts schools in the area I wanted to look at.

I was pretty sure I wanted the one for Karate. Judo and Tae Kwon Do just didn't seem violent enough to me. I didn't just want to put someone down; I wanted them to stay down. I explained this to Beth and she agreed. There wasn't much activity in the Dojo when we arrived, just a couple of people practicing and a small but fit looking oriental fellow at a desk.

We went over to him, introduced ourselves, and explained that we might have more people interested in learning from him. When I asked when we might begin he looked at me and said in perfect unaccented English "perhaps in a week if I accept you. First I must know why you wish to learn."

He seemed satisfied when I told him that we wanted to be sure that if we were attacked that whoever did the attacking would not be interested in attempting it again. I also added that in my case at least I wanted to improve my focus and concentration.

"That is a sufficient reason" he said "so many people come in here with the idea that the art is an offensive one. The watch silly movies that pervert the true aim of what we teach here. Karate also requires much concentration and even more dedication than many expect. Are you sure that you and your companions are up to the task?"

He smiled when I told him that I could not be sure since we had not attempted yet but I strongly suspected that every one of us was. He introduced himself as Sensei Timmons and chuckled at my raised eyebrow "my father is a U.S. marine, as am I. My mother is from Japan. You may begin Monday. Be here no later than nine."

When I explained about possible conflicts in schedule due to my (and the girl's) games he said "that is one of the two exceptions I allow. Team sports are very important and I strongly suggest all of my students participate in at least one. The other exception is for family commitments. Two sessions missed for other reasons and you will be dismissed." I agreed and didn't think it was necessary to check the other schools.

I had been satisfied with what I had learned. I swung by the main house again. Everyone was in the living room watching the news. Even Al was there with Joyce in his lap. When I mentioned the Karate class he said he'd always wanted to learn it but football would get in the way. When I explained Sensei Timmons' exception for sports his interest increased and he decided to stop in and talk to the Sensei about joining us.

I was going to hang out a while but was practically given the bums' rush by my brother and Joyce. I was a bit hurt by the treatment until I got to my place.

A delicious smell hit us in the face when I opened my door. When I got to the kitchen the sight that met me was even tastier. Paula was at the stove with her back to me, wearing an apron and nothing else. When she heard Beth say "yum!" she turned and squealed "oh shit!" as she tried to cover the parts that had popped out of the apron.

Beth cracked up and tried to soothe her by telling her "relax, Paula you're among friends. You've got a cute butt, too."

Paula recovered a bit but blushed as she said "thanks. You just scared me a bit. I hope you like dinner. I had a talk with your mother to find out what Matt liked. We're having Hasenpfeffer, Spaetzle, Cabbage seasoned with bacon, and green beans."

I was amazed "How long have you been here? I said "I know how long that takes, and it's a while. What's for desert?" She smiled "I've been working on this since you left. I was hiding out with your brother and Joyce. As for desert, I ran out of time." She dropped the apron and looked directly at Beth as she said "so I guess this will have to do. I hope you like it."

I was hoping for black forest cake but I liked her idea better. I know Beth did because she responded with "DOUBLE YUM!"

We took my time eating and even had seconds, which is unusual for me. When I finally forced myself to stop I looked up at her. She was grinning like a fool. I said "that was the best meal I've had in a long time. It was amazing, and you are too. I'm afraid desert will have to wait a while though because I'm too full to move! I managed the sofa while she put some music on and joined us.

"So" she began "tell me about Tina. Connie told me a little but I only caught a glimpse of her. She's really cute but all I know is that she's supposed to be some kind of genius as well."

I sighed "She doesn't have many friends and could use some as great as the two of you. She is also brilliant, pretty and has an amazing personality. I hope all of my friends like her too."

She looked pensive and said "I can't wait to meet her" she said "and Connie will jump for joy about the class. I planned this with her you know. I have you both to myself today. She placed the hand that wasn't toying with her bush on her breast and kissed me and then Beth before leading us to bed.

It dawned on me that I hadn't told her about the one important thing Tina, Beth, and I had in common and delayed their plans a bit I was also almost positive that someone had been giving a little less than full disclosure. I began to explain but didn't get far before one of them cracked up.

Paula said she hadn't even thought to go into detail since she assumed I didn't want to talk about it. "Look stud, I had you figured out from day one. I didn't know you before but that wasn't my fault. You hardly even recognized my existence. It took me about five seconds to realize you weren't the same guy as I knew. that guy would never have flirted with me the way you did. I guess it was bad of me but I wanted to see how long it took you to say anything. When you worked your magic on mom and I found out about it I thought for sure you knew and weren't ready to say anything. Plus, when I mentioned Eir you seemed to take it for granted that I was like you and left it at that."

I think I shocked her when I confessed to her that she scared me before. "When I saw you back then I was a fat shy kid who couldn't talk to a girl as pretty as you even if I thought she was in my league. I was more self-assured when I met Tina. I never met Beth the last time, though I'm glad I have now."

Paula smiled at that "Beth had to be the same way because I've never even seen her before and she's like us, meaning that her mental age is way older than what it should be. Tina, on the other hand, is news. We never really talked much before but I'm really glad there are more like us. It's too bad there aren't some more guys though. No offense but you're way outnumbered sport, and I fear for your health if this keeps up."

We all shared our stories and found out that Paula had actually been an Oncologist. She was also deeply into cancer research and had worked in that capacity at Johns-Hopkins when the end came. Eir, the Goddes of healing and her request was to return to help her mother cope with her cancer.

That led to theories about why we had been singled out to be sent back and Paula found out for the first time what the outline was. "Why me?" she asked what does a cancer specialist have to do with anything?"

I had a suspicion and voiced it. "Perhaps this saving the world gig goes farther than we thought. While we're doing it maybe we can make it a better place at the same time. Perhaps this time you'll be successful in finding a cure and Tina will make us self-sufficient in energy She mentioned to me that was her goal. Maybe Beth and I can advance computer technology at a faster pace. Whatever the case, I have serious doubts that the Gods would go through the effort of sending someone back in time on a whim."

"Well", Beth added, "as fast as people seem to be popping up perhaps we'll be able to figure out a plan soon. I know there's a reason they want Matt to get filthy rich as well as famous. You damn sure have to be loaded to be able to afford a campaign. If he's a household name his chances are improved exponentially. Just think how popular he'd be if he was associated with the cure for cancer or solving the energy problem. He'd pose a serious threat to anybody he ran against. Now, enough of that! Times a-wastin' and I'm hornier than a three pronged billygoat!"

I was still walking funny when I got to the park the next day. The "usual suspects" joined me shortly after I arrived. We were all shocked when we heard "mind if we join you?" and Tina and Connie sat down with us.

I thought I detected a grimace when Tina sat down but when I asked if she was alright she shrugged and said "I'm fine, just business as usual." I let it pass for now but resolved to find out more as soon as possible.

It wasn't long before they blended in like they had always been there. The "Aardvarks" kicked butt as usual, winning 6-1. Tina remarked on the way to the diamond that she always wanted to get involved in sports but her parents wouldn't let her.

Connie did too but said the money just wasn't there to pay for it. I was glad I was pitching today. I looked in the crowd and saw my parents in the front row with Beth but was surprised to see Al and Joyce with them. I was glad to see them and even happier to see they had saved a lot of room for our friends.

The team we were playing was the same one we had the first game with my team. We huddled up before we took the field and I said "guys, you know how the coach feels about these pricks. I don't think any of us like them much either. How's about we kick their ass all over the field?"

I think they liked the sound of it from all the noise they made. This team was in first place and had lost only once and that was to us. From the looks and comments we were getting from them the poor slobs thought they were going to avenge themselves.

I'd like to say I felt sorry for them but that would be lying. I was pumped and so was Jeff but after I struck the first guy out on the three straight fastballs he had called and was up 0-2 on the second guy, he yelled "TIME!" and trotted out to me. "Dude" he said "those are sweet but I won't be able to swing a bat if I keep calling them. I think it's time to mix it up a little." He handed me the ball and trotted back. I think he just wanted a break.

I choked back a laugh when he put the sign down the next time. I nodded and threw the knuckleball. The poor batter thought he had a shot at this one. He swung with all of his might at that floater at waist level. The problem was that it ended up inside at his ankles when it crossed the plate.

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Didi Ko Chudwaya

Main wb me raheta hun. Aj mera didi ki kuch bat share karta hum. Main apne paribar main mami dad r didi k sath radeta hum. Mera didi mujhse do sal bara hain. Mera aj age hai 27 our yea 12 sal peheka bat hain. Main school main parta tha. Mere didi vi school mai parta tha. O dikhne me sundar tha. Ak bangali ladki ki tarha. Uski boobs mediam size ka tha. Uski rang gora tha our oh 5’3″ ka thi. Main our oh ak hi room me ak sath raheta tha. Ma our dad alag room me raheta tha. Chota umar se jab mai...

1 year ago
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Impregnating my mother

Ever since I was a little boy I was afraid of thunderstorms, andwhenever there was a particularly violent one at night, I would run tomy parents bedroom and climb into their big king size bed, where mymother would hold me until the storm abated. I literally shook withfear, and only the warmth of her body holding me close, and hersoothing voice could calm me down. One such occasion when I was twelvetook a different twist, we were experiencing the worst storm I had everwitnessed, the thunderclaps...

3 years ago
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Small Town Girls

Two girls, Christa and Sara, decided to spent Christmas at Holiday’s Inn in small mountain town of Brucksberry. They have other school friends to meet there. Both just recently turned eighteen and parents reluctantly allowed them to drive there along in Christa’s new red convertible. “But beware of snow and ice on a roads, it can be nasty in the mountains, told them Sara’s father. Stay on the main road and make sure you have shovel and good pair of warm coats and boots with you. ” “Don’t worry,...

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Rachel Story 1

On this night it’s a Sunday night I just got home from a long long long day at the bar all is done I’m clears and I’m on my time off for now. I’m about 5’2 about 140 or so built most see me in shape what can say my many different jobs keep me in shape. I come to my 2bedroom apartment, a big living room with a leather couch on the center, my small but portable desk table and laptop set up to the right kind of a small office type in my room I do freelance writing every here and there. A big green...

3 years ago
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BBQ toilet fuck

So my friend decided to take advantage of the good weather and have a bbq and a few drinks yesterday.So we all had our food and wer drinkin away and it was about 2am and i was fairly drunk.My girlfriend was there and she was pissed of with me cause she thought i was flirting with another girl(which i was ha)so she got up and stormed into the house.I continued to talk out the back garden for a few mins and my friend came out and suggested i go in to talk to her that she was upset.When i went...

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Hot Gigolo Service Part 2

Hi, friends welcome back. I was totally delighted with the responses I have got from you people and happy to know that you liked the first part of the story. Our kiss lasted a long time. It was very juicy, hungry, passionate, and hot. There was so much in a single kiss. When we stopped, we both gasped for air loudly and I could see the lust and hunger in her eyes. Then she stood up to have some water and to wash the mess. When she was walking by looking at her voluptuous ass made me horny...

1 year ago
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Peter was new on campus; he’d been forced to go to school outside of the big city because of scholarships he’d won as an athlete. He’d grown up in urban America, and this was his first experience living in a rural area. It was hard enough being a gay jock in the city; he wasn’t sure how it’d go over here, so he kept a low profile. Pre-season soccer practices were double sessions, taking up four to five hours of his day, but it kept his mind off of his problems, so he went through every session...

2 years ago
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Accidental Burn

I wrote this when I was buzzed. ‘What? You don’t wanna touch me?’ ‘My dear, I’d rather kill you slowly.’ Everyone laughed at that. Crais was a funny guy. Even with a gun to his head. Though, the laughter stopped when Crais barreled forward, slamming headfirst into a wall. The girl was strong. ‘YOU DON’T WANT TO TOUCH ME!?’ She screamed. Crais rolled over, arching a brow at her, the white blood that flowed from the back of his head that reminded Eddie of hair conditioner didn’t seem to...

2 years ago
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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 11

There comes a moment in everyone’s life where action or inaction fall into a focus so clear and precise that there is no gray space between them. For some it is a once in a lifetime occurrence, an instant frozen in time that they look back on as years put distance and wisdom between themselves and the moment and still, there were only two options, no gray. For others, the calling of their lives dictates that there be very little gray at all, that many times over the days, weeks, months and...

3 years ago
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Caught and Punished

You finally got your chance, your friend and his girlfriend had to leave at short notice while you were visiting and left you alone in the house. The temptation was too much and you headed to their room.At first you went to her underwear drawer and inspected all her most private clothes, from plain panties, to lacey bras and even some sexy stockings, and made sure to rub you cock and precum over them thoroughly. But even this isn't enough to satisfy you and you head to the laundry basket.She...

3 years ago
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The Conquest of Alison the Cruise Director

The Captain addressed the passengers yesterday to explain the risk transiting the Gulf of Aden. The Seabourn Pride was on a five-day cruise sailing from Muscat, Oman to Safaga, Egypt. The large map projection in the ship’s main theater displayed Yemen to the north and to the south, Somalia. He used a laser pointer to show a high-risk area, but he reassured all aboard that the high-risk area did not constitute a major risk. Not to make light of the situation, he concluded that cargo ships had...

2 years ago
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Gay first time with best friend

"I need a shag!" moaned Kenny as we watched the young girl next door leave her house dressed in what amounted to a belt and a bra."Jailbait mate, leave it alone." I said, unlocking the door and walking up the stairs to our flat."Surely she's over 16?" Kenny asked following me up the stairs, "Her Mother wouldn't let her out dressed like that if she wasn't would she?""Now you sound like my Dad!" I laughed.We'd gone out that afternoon to have a pub lunch and a quick pint but had bumped into an...

Gay Male
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Emma licked up Aaliyah’s body, her tongue swirling around her belly button. Aaliyah let out small whimpers as Emma made her way past her taut belly, and up to her large breasts. Taking one rosy nipple into her mouth, Emma sucked gently, relishing the feel of the pebbled nipple against her tongue. Her other hand squeezed the luscious mound of her other breast, not wanting it to feel neglected. Emma smiled up at Aaliyah, highly enjoying the little whimpers that escaped her mouth. Her love’s...

3 years ago
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Making Out With Boyfriend

Hello ISS readers.. today I’ll tell you all about my true story with my bf which happened few months back ..let me 1st introduce myself… I am Sonia from Chandigarh.. AM a fair tall [5.5′] girl with the following stats 34-27-34… which is fairly good and my bf loves my figure… now my bf Rajiv he lives in Australia and so as it indicates we are into a long distance relationship… he comes to India only once in a year… so we have no physical relationship… this time when he came.. we were very...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Maid Champa 8211 How I Fucked Her

Today I am narrating my love story with my maid Champa and how I convinced to fuck her. Champa, working as a maid in our home for the last 6 months, aged approximately 28 years, height about 5’4”, thin but very attractive, with vital statistics 32, 24, 34. Her figure is properly toned with sufficient mass at vital parts of her body (boobs and bums), without attending any gym, may be because of the extra burden of work, she has to perform daily to maintain her family. Her husband Babloo is a...

2 years ago
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Ugly Sister

I walked into the lounge to watch some TV and stretched out on the sofa was my sister Jan. "Hi yah kid," she said. I quickly glanced at her and settled into the big easy chair opposite. Jan was not exactly ugly just plain. What she did have in spades was a cracking body and she was not afraid of showing it off. Tonight for example she was only dressed in her knickers under a thin dressing gown but as usually it wasn't tied up and most of her fine thrusting tits were exposed. "What you...

4 years ago
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Sister Ko Model Banae Ke Bhane Se Choda

By : Poojaji ye story aaj se 6 month phale ki hai main us time apane padhi puri kar ke ghar aaya tha aur mare sister ne us time 12 ka exam diya tha. is baar jab main ghar paucha to maine apane sister me kafi badlao dekhe wo ab kafi morden ho gai the main to use dekta hi reh gaya aur fir mummy papa a gay aur fir hum bate karne lage fir papa ne batya ki unhe aur mummy ko 10 din ke liye ghar se bhar jana hai…..aur raat hote hi mummy aur papa ghar se chale gai . aur fir main aur mare chote bhan...

3 years ago
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Cum Drinker Fantasies Mind Controlled Moms 1

“Alan, honey! It’s time for dinner!” “Sure thing, mom! Just give me a sec!” I was preparing tonight’s evening meal. My special spaghetti recipe that he always loved. I had thought that it was a fairly good idea to reward him for his hard work. Sooner or later, he would be out looking for work after he graduates. I was happy. On Cloud 9. There was not a lot on my mind that would distract me from having a lovely night with my son. No less that a few minutes later, he appeared, dressed...

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Family Ties

Richard Smith bought the acreage when his company promoted him to Vice President. It was in an absolutely unbeatable location on top of a hill. When one looked towards the city at night, set against the backdrop of the mountains, the view was spectacular. The area itself was, surprisingly, sparsely populated and had only seen real development in the last year or two. The land Richard purchased had an antiquated villa constructed centuries ago, and apparently abandoned not long after its...

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Sam James As The Lockdown Collapses

The post-orgasm calm flowed through my body. My cock started to soften and the pool of fresh cum on my stomach started to rapidly cool. Beside me, on my iPhone speaker, I could hear Sam approach her climax as she undoubtedly rammed her dildo into her pussy. I heard Sam grunt and then gasp.“God I needed that, but I really need the real thing, I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.”We both lay on our beds, separated only by a few streets, but our once adventurous and satisfying sex life seemed...

2 years ago
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A Bone Rattling Experience

(They thought that the skeleton was just one of those plastic ones, brought along by one of the party guests ... who knew that he'd invited himself to the party!) "Penny! My darling ... good to see you again!" Greg declared extravagantly, as she opened the door to him. "Hello Greg – I'm so glad that you could make it!" She smiled up sweetly at him, as she braced herself for his bone crushing hug, and he didn't even notice her lack of sincerity. "Am I the last one to arrive?" he...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 15

Dan woke up to a slender arm tucked under his and across his chest. He lightly smoothed the warm skin, recognizing it was Allison’s naked body. He curled his arm behind him to caress her tit only to find Claudia’s hand already loving it. She stirred a little as his hand moved down her side to feel her small ass cheek. He sat on the side of the bed and quietly smiled at how last night ended. A moment later, Claudia woke up and joined him, her long legs around his waist. He could feel her cool...

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I Just Never Expected It

Finally, finally, I was out of high school. I had yearned for this for so many years. Now it was college and on to real life. A career, a steady, serious girlfriend, marriage, children, the whole thing. No more being a kid. For a month before starting college I visited my sister, Lily, and her husband, Luke, staying with them at their house in Madison. Lily is my older sister, I'm eighteen, she's twenty-one, her husband is twenty-four. He works the second shift, so Lily and I have our evenings...

3 years ago
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Twilight Voyeur Part 5

For two weeks, Ellen had texted me as I requested.I just sucked him off in the shower.I let him fuck me on the couch with the front drapes open.We fucked in the kitchen again - did you see us?I fingered myself in the car today when I went shopping - LOL. I feel so dirty, so naughty.Each time, I had replied in an excited and supportive manner, reinforcing her new behaviour with praise and reminders of what was to come. I would prod her for details and each time she became more descriptive and...

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Getting fucked when my asshole is already sore

As bottom men, often when we get fucked really good, we get a sore asshole. If the dick is big, long, rock hard and deep and the fucking goes from gentle to rough it's the price our assholes pay. If a well endowed man has a large head, it splits the asshole sphincters and opens up the rectum nice and wide which causes pain at first but immense pleasure inside the hole and against the prostate that often leads to incredible anal orgasms.If the dick isn't that big but the top has powerful...

1 year ago
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Love Thy NeighborChapter 3

I was in Heaven, of course, taking Jessica’s ass while Rick impaled her pussy with his cock. Her bottom felt so damn good to me, once more, a little looser than earlier for obvious reasons, but that was no issue to us. The sight of those tanned, oily buns, damn if those weren’t the most beautiful things in the world! The way that she reacted to being sandwiched between her husband and her new lover, her neighbor, that was very intense ... she clearly exulted in it. “Fuck ... this is the...

2 years ago
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My BBW Wife And My Friend

Most stories about wife sharing/cuckolding seem to start out with how classically sexy the woman involved is. Slender, great figure, nice tits and so on. Let me tell you up front that isn't a description of my wife. My wife, Kay, is a wonderful woman; she has always been a good wife and mother. She has also always been a bbw. To be honest that was one of the big attractions to me, those full hips and well rounded bottom. It didn't matter to me that her breasts were on the saggy side. Those...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 56

Dal Hopkins had been half asleep, half-awake as he worried about his town. He heard a man whisper something behind him in the cell. Was he dreaming? Could it really be? HE KNEW THAT VOICE... He’d know that voice in the middle of a windstorm on the plains or in a howling snowstorm on top of a mountain. No matter where on earth he was, he would know that voice... Eli was here. He knew it was him! How – he didn’t know, but that was Eli Crow behind him, he’d bet his life on it. “Marshal,...

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Another Week with Auntie Beryl Part 2

I lay on my bed, as instructed by Auntie just after she told Kate that I would be punished again after dinner. My cock responded, as I remembered my punishment in front of three of Auntie’s attractive friends that afternoon. This was strange but I realised that although it hurt I was aroused by the whole experience. She wasn’t even my real Auntie, just a family friend we called Auntie and she was very attractive. 6 o’clock and I was called down for dinner. Kate was smirking as I arrived but...

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