Episode 4 The Mark of the Dungeon Master
- 4 years ago
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I had a lot of work to do. It seems I had a barbecue to plan. My first call was to the parents. I knew my dad loved a good cookout and my mom agreed to help also.
They were eager to celebrate their newest daughter. I called Connie and Paula and had Connie invite Vicky and Paula ask her brother, Pete, Sue, and Janie also. As an afterthought I had her ask Jeff to call some guys on the team.
Tina was back before I had finished and listened in. When I hung up she said "You made the cookout story up just to get me over here didn't you?"
I said "yep, but afterward it sounded like fun so I went with it. People need to know the real you. Not who you were, even if you were almost as adorable then. I don't mean tell everyone our story, just act natural. You may surprise some people but you'll be happier. Besides, we need to introduce my sexy sister to everyone."
As we walked over to the main house to pass her cash and the instructions on what to do with it to dad I gave her the guest list and she seemed to know most of the people. She remarked that it was strange how out of everyone I had invited not one of them were people who ran her off were hateful to her though some treated her like a little kid.
When she said maybe it was just because she didn't see them much, I stopped her. "No, that's not it at all" I told her. "It's because they're not rude. I don't consider people who are rude to others to be friend material and everyone I invited is a friend."
When we got there it was time for more introductions. My dad was already taking inventory. It was our first cookout in the new house and he was dying to try out the built-in grill by the pool. While he made a list of the utensils he would need my mom had been working on one for the groceries.
I hugged them both and introduced Tina to them. I was shocked when my father didn't tease her at all. He just remarked "another pretty girl, why am I not surprised?" We helped with the list to make sure they didn't get carried away. I had to explain to my father twice that good steaks were wasted on kids our age before he relented. We would be having hamburgers, hot dogs, Italian sausage and brats from the grill.
Mom was planning some macaroni and potato salad, along with some desserts. We volunteered to help with the shopping and by the time we got home Tina, Beth, and my folks were talking like old friends. She asked where the bathroom was and received the directions.
When she heard the door close my mother remarked "everyone you've brought home seems very mature for their age. I'm glad you don't hang around with idiots but I have to bite my tongue when I talk to people from work when they call and complain about the people their kids hang out with. I called my friend Gail for a recipe I wanted for your party and you should have heard her when I told her what it was for! She thought I was crazy for even thinking about doing it and even crazier for thinking it would be fun!"
Before I could tell her why Tina seemed so mature my dad asked if my last game was tomorrow and I told him it was the last regular one before the playoffs. He hated the fact that he never got to make it so he decided to take off from work to see me play. He said was doing the same for every playoff game that wasn't on the weekend. He had always been very reluctant to take time off for any reason so this surprised me. The only time I remembered him taking a sick day was when he was physically unable to get out of bed.
He surprised me even more when I asked him about it. "Fuck 'em" he stated. "Family comes first in this house from now on. If they don't like it they can fire me. Better yet, we'll buy the company and I'll fire them!"
Tina was back by then and heard about the games. I hadn't mentioned it yet and she was eager to go as well. We made our goodbyes and went back to the garage.
Tina surprised me by asking if she could work out with me instead of fooling around as I had halfway hoped. "My body never did have much muscle" she said "I spent most of my life hunched over a desk or lab table. Things are going to have to change. I don't want to live like that again."
I was happy to oblige and started her on the weight bench. I told her what she needed to do to build up her muscle mass and still look balanced without looking like a man. I don't know how she felt but that thought didn't appeal to me at all. Firm and toned was fine. Bulky and distorted wasn't.
Beth and I did some sit-ups while she lifted and we each took a turn on the bench. I told Tina what she could do without equipment while we were showering but getting clean wasn't the only thing on her mind. She went to her knees to get junior worked up while Beth and I made out but I didn't let her stay there long. I explained that the poor fellow had been ready for an hour and had been begging for action since he saw them lying on the weight bench.
When I found out that she was as ready as I was I decided to do some weight training of my own and picked her up by her cheeks before lowering her onto my cock. We both enjoyed the workout but eventually we finished with her leaning on the wall as I pounded her from behind. I hadn't been able to get enough speed in the other position to suit her. Beth had been waiting patiently and I did my best not to disappoint her. She got the same treatment from Tina and me.
We walked Tina most of the way home but kissed her goodbye at Connie's house so her parents wouldn't see and cause her problems. It was almost four and I wanted to check something out. There were several martial arts schools in the area I wanted to look at.
I was pretty sure I wanted the one for Karate. Judo and Tae Kwon Do just didn't seem violent enough to me. I didn't just want to put someone down; I wanted them to stay down. I explained this to Beth and she agreed. There wasn't much activity in the Dojo when we arrived, just a couple of people practicing and a small but fit looking oriental fellow at a desk.
We went over to him, introduced ourselves, and explained that we might have more people interested in learning from him. When I asked when we might begin he looked at me and said in perfect unaccented English "perhaps in a week if I accept you. First I must know why you wish to learn."
He seemed satisfied when I told him that we wanted to be sure that if we were attacked that whoever did the attacking would not be interested in attempting it again. I also added that in my case at least I wanted to improve my focus and concentration.
"That is a sufficient reason" he said "so many people come in here with the idea that the art is an offensive one. The watch silly movies that pervert the true aim of what we teach here. Karate also requires much concentration and even more dedication than many expect. Are you sure that you and your companions are up to the task?"
He smiled when I told him that I could not be sure since we had not attempted yet but I strongly suspected that every one of us was. He introduced himself as Sensei Timmons and chuckled at my raised eyebrow "my father is a U.S. marine, as am I. My mother is from Japan. You may begin Monday. Be here no later than nine."
When I explained about possible conflicts in schedule due to my (and the girl's) games he said "that is one of the two exceptions I allow. Team sports are very important and I strongly suggest all of my students participate in at least one. The other exception is for family commitments. Two sessions missed for other reasons and you will be dismissed." I agreed and didn't think it was necessary to check the other schools.
I had been satisfied with what I had learned. I swung by the main house again. Everyone was in the living room watching the news. Even Al was there with Joyce in his lap. When I mentioned the Karate class he said he'd always wanted to learn it but football would get in the way. When I explained Sensei Timmons' exception for sports his interest increased and he decided to stop in and talk to the Sensei about joining us.
I was going to hang out a while but was practically given the bums' rush by my brother and Joyce. I was a bit hurt by the treatment until I got to my place.
A delicious smell hit us in the face when I opened my door. When I got to the kitchen the sight that met me was even tastier. Paula was at the stove with her back to me, wearing an apron and nothing else. When she heard Beth say "yum!" she turned and squealed "oh shit!" as she tried to cover the parts that had popped out of the apron.
Beth cracked up and tried to soothe her by telling her "relax, Paula you're among friends. You've got a cute butt, too."
Paula recovered a bit but blushed as she said "thanks. You just scared me a bit. I hope you like dinner. I had a talk with your mother to find out what Matt liked. We're having Hasenpfeffer, Spaetzle, Cabbage seasoned with bacon, and green beans."
I was amazed "How long have you been here? I said "I know how long that takes, and it's a while. What's for desert?" She smiled "I've been working on this since you left. I was hiding out with your brother and Joyce. As for desert, I ran out of time." She dropped the apron and looked directly at Beth as she said "so I guess this will have to do. I hope you like it."
I was hoping for black forest cake but I liked her idea better. I know Beth did because she responded with "DOUBLE YUM!"
We took my time eating and even had seconds, which is unusual for me. When I finally forced myself to stop I looked up at her. She was grinning like a fool. I said "that was the best meal I've had in a long time. It was amazing, and you are too. I'm afraid desert will have to wait a while though because I'm too full to move! I managed the sofa while she put some music on and joined us.
"So" she began "tell me about Tina. Connie told me a little but I only caught a glimpse of her. She's really cute but all I know is that she's supposed to be some kind of genius as well."
I sighed "She doesn't have many friends and could use some as great as the two of you. She is also brilliant, pretty and has an amazing personality. I hope all of my friends like her too."
She looked pensive and said "I can't wait to meet her" she said "and Connie will jump for joy about the class. I planned this with her you know. I have you both to myself today. She placed the hand that wasn't toying with her bush on her breast and kissed me and then Beth before leading us to bed.
It dawned on me that I hadn't told her about the one important thing Tina, Beth, and I had in common and delayed their plans a bit I was also almost positive that someone had been giving a little less than full disclosure. I began to explain but didn't get far before one of them cracked up.
Paula said she hadn't even thought to go into detail since she assumed I didn't want to talk about it. "Look stud, I had you figured out from day one. I didn't know you before but that wasn't my fault. You hardly even recognized my existence. It took me about five seconds to realize you weren't the same guy as I knew. that guy would never have flirted with me the way you did. I guess it was bad of me but I wanted to see how long it took you to say anything. When you worked your magic on mom and I found out about it I thought for sure you knew and weren't ready to say anything. Plus, when I mentioned Eir you seemed to take it for granted that I was like you and left it at that."
I think I shocked her when I confessed to her that she scared me before. "When I saw you back then I was a fat shy kid who couldn't talk to a girl as pretty as you even if I thought she was in my league. I was more self-assured when I met Tina. I never met Beth the last time, though I'm glad I have now."
Paula smiled at that "Beth had to be the same way because I've never even seen her before and she's like us, meaning that her mental age is way older than what it should be. Tina, on the other hand, is news. We never really talked much before but I'm really glad there are more like us. It's too bad there aren't some more guys though. No offense but you're way outnumbered sport, and I fear for your health if this keeps up."
We all shared our stories and found out that Paula had actually been an Oncologist. She was also deeply into cancer research and had worked in that capacity at Johns-Hopkins when the end came. Eir, the Goddes of healing and her request was to return to help her mother cope with her cancer.
That led to theories about why we had been singled out to be sent back and Paula found out for the first time what the outline was. "Why me?" she asked what does a cancer specialist have to do with anything?"
I had a suspicion and voiced it. "Perhaps this saving the world gig goes farther than we thought. While we're doing it maybe we can make it a better place at the same time. Perhaps this time you'll be successful in finding a cure and Tina will make us self-sufficient in energy She mentioned to me that was her goal. Maybe Beth and I can advance computer technology at a faster pace. Whatever the case, I have serious doubts that the Gods would go through the effort of sending someone back in time on a whim."
"Well", Beth added, "as fast as people seem to be popping up perhaps we'll be able to figure out a plan soon. I know there's a reason they want Matt to get filthy rich as well as famous. You damn sure have to be loaded to be able to afford a campaign. If he's a household name his chances are improved exponentially. Just think how popular he'd be if he was associated with the cure for cancer or solving the energy problem. He'd pose a serious threat to anybody he ran against. Now, enough of that! Times a-wastin' and I'm hornier than a three pronged billygoat!"
I was still walking funny when I got to the park the next day. The "usual suspects" joined me shortly after I arrived. We were all shocked when we heard "mind if we join you?" and Tina and Connie sat down with us.
I thought I detected a grimace when Tina sat down but when I asked if she was alright she shrugged and said "I'm fine, just business as usual." I let it pass for now but resolved to find out more as soon as possible.
It wasn't long before they blended in like they had always been there. The "Aardvarks" kicked butt as usual, winning 6-1. Tina remarked on the way to the diamond that she always wanted to get involved in sports but her parents wouldn't let her.
Connie did too but said the money just wasn't there to pay for it. I was glad I was pitching today. I looked in the crowd and saw my parents in the front row with Beth but was surprised to see Al and Joyce with them. I was glad to see them and even happier to see they had saved a lot of room for our friends.
The team we were playing was the same one we had the first game with my team. We huddled up before we took the field and I said "guys, you know how the coach feels about these pricks. I don't think any of us like them much either. How's about we kick their ass all over the field?"
I think they liked the sound of it from all the noise they made. This team was in first place and had lost only once and that was to us. From the looks and comments we were getting from them the poor slobs thought they were going to avenge themselves.
I'd like to say I felt sorry for them but that would be lying. I was pumped and so was Jeff but after I struck the first guy out on the three straight fastballs he had called and was up 0-2 on the second guy, he yelled "TIME!" and trotted out to me. "Dude" he said "those are sweet but I won't be able to swing a bat if I keep calling them. I think it's time to mix it up a little." He handed me the ball and trotted back. I think he just wanted a break.
I choked back a laugh when he put the sign down the next time. I nodded and threw the knuckleball. The poor batter thought he had a shot at this one. He swung with all of his might at that floater at waist level. The problem was that it ended up inside at his ankles when it crossed the plate.
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FantasyTori is an absolutely stunning 18 year old young woman. I’ve watched her grow up and mature as my next door neighbor. She is nicely tanned with short black hair and piercing, almond shaped eyes. She puts me somewhat in mind of a Caucasian Halle Berry . I’ve always been taken with her natural beauty but now she is just plain gorgeous. She’s not a big girl…..about 5’3” tall with a body that would make any man’s blood boil. Tori is totally fit. She stays in shape by playing field...
A big ‘thank you’ goes out to my editors and friends, LadyCibelle and Techsan. They always make my stories a much better read. I made quite a few changes after editing. Any errors are mine. There isn’t a lot of sex in this story. * As we get older I think we all look back and wonder ‘What if’ I did things differently? Even small things like taking the spouse out for dinner a couple of extra times, or playing catch with the kids instead of just watching them. Then there’s the bigger things,...
WARNING: This story is strictly for adults! If you are a minor or offended by BDSM, torture, talking about or inflicting serious pain, don’t read any further. Please keep in mind that this story is a pure work of FICTION. Nothing more.This is Kapitel Drei, A Girl Named Jessica, of Somalia, One Way Only: Was bisher geschah?Kapitel Eins / Somalia, One Way Only: http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=8093Kapitel Zwei / A Girl Deluxe:...
INTRODUCTION This story is pure fantasy. The spelling uses English Oxford Spelling in most cases and is not spelling mistakes. Although I have in some cases used American spellings by courtesy of my spell check. Chapter 1 By Sirdar Tony Nash stood looking disconsolately out of the office window from the first floor office of the investment bank, where he worked in the City of London. It was just a few moments before trading started, and the markets opened for business. He gazed down into the...
Erotic FictionYe meri life ka jo first sexperience tha wo aaj aap sab ISS readers se pehli baar share kar raha hu. Ek ek word khud likha hai maine, kahi se copy nahi kiya isliye pls mere is exprnce ko dil se padna aur dil se mujhe response bhejna. Meri id hai – Hi Tough Guys. Hi all beautiful Girls & sexy ladies (I think married girls/ladies are sexier than unmarried girls but at the same time I feel unmarried girls are very very hot indeed! Ha ha ha. Me Clever na? dono ko pata raha hu!) Mera naam RAJ...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My Sister-in-Law, Tina, short for Albertina, now 41, had always maintained her figure. Her breasts were never as large as her other two sisters but they are perky and well rounded. She is slightly taller than me at 5’ 10”, probably a 34C, a very slim waist, with a real nice ass. When she would come over I would admire her assets because she would wear the most skin tight clothing I had ever seen. Her blouse would either be very low cut or at least two...
IncestThe rapist was dead. My last kick had broken his neck, not his jaw. I removed the two fingers I'd placed at the side of his neck and said, "He's dead." I was still on the phone with the 911 operator. After I'd told her that the rapist might be dead, she'd asked me to check. Sue was still dazed. I suspected a serious concussion and prayed silently that the rapist's violent blow had not caused brain damage. "My friend needs me," I said to the operator and hung up. I went to Sue, but...
I can't believe what I have been thinking. After all she is my best friend's sister. I have been staying with him during the first part of our summer after graduation. I lie here every night and watch her do the most amazing things, sort of a ritual, before she goes to bed. But I am getting a bit ahead of myself. As I said, I am staying for part of the summer with the family of my best friend from college. His name is Dave, mine is Sebastian, Sebastian Robin, call me Bash. Having just...
First Time“Mark, wake up!” The voice echoes at him from the fog. He is standing in the middle of nowhere and he can see nothing but darkness and fog. Then the voice speaks again and again, becoming louder with each iteration. “Who are you?” he shouts. “Mark!” the voice thunders. “Wake your ass up!” This time, like a forceful gust of wind, he is thrown back onto the ground. When he opens his eyes, he is staring at the ceiling in his room. A few seconds later, the face of his sister Sarah comes into...
Driving with Uber – An Unexpected Benefit, Chapter 5Khrystiana and I had not really discussed what had happened after she got the spanking for her phone usage while driving, but then there was really nothing to talk about. Khrys had taken the spanking and had accepted the idea that it was deserved. We had also learned a lot about each other that night. I was very much looking forward to her birthday. I had not spanked a woman for ‘no reason’ in a very long time. Based on a lot of the...
SpankingThis story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams to help salvage their marriage. Ted Harrington and his wife Katie had been married 18 years. They live in a small city in Kansas and Ted owns the local Volvo Dealership. Ted is 38 and Katie 36. They are your average mid-western couple. He’s 5’11” 180 lbs with light brown hair and Katie’s 5’2” 108 lbs....
Note : This story is completely fictional! Jacqueline was sitting in the middle of her pink- carpeted floor, reading the chapters of her textbook that were assigned for homework, when her brother came in. Affectionately called Jackie by her family and friends, she was a smart and with long, rich, curly brown hair, and fathomless chocolate- brown eyes. She had just celebrated her sixteenth birthday a few weeks before, and looked very much like a full- grown woman. She had always been very...
IncestIt was as long a night as I knew it would be. The worst part was calling my dad because I knew he’d have a fat-attack. He’d not wanted me to be a cop. Until I was ten, we had lived in Brisbane. I was a late child, and my parents were both surprised when mum found out she was pregnant. She was thirty-six and dad forty when I was born. They had some sort of epidemic back in thirty-two to thirty-six. It had caused a lot of changes in the world. We lost two percent of the population worldwide....
Gemeinsamer Besitz I. Schon vor der Hochzeit gab es die Erkenntnis, dass sich hinter der strahlenden Fassade seiner Verlobten eine Frau mit starkem Willen verbarg, die auch entschlossen war, ihren Willen durchzusetzen. Johannes wollte Katy dennoch heiraten, denn er liebte sie abg?ttisch. Au?erdem musste er sich eingestehen, dass es so das Beste sein w?rde, wenn sie in der Ehe die Hosen anhatte und sie sich damit die endlosen Diskussionen ersparten, die er von fr?heren Beziehungen ...
It was almost as cold in Washinton as it was in Moscow as Air Force Two landed at Andrews. Gabrielle requested no press on the tarmac. She was pushed into a waiting limo by Secret Service agents armed with automatic weapons. The car was filled these agents and a leader from each party. With the incapacacitation of the President, they were taking no chances that this was some plot by cutting off the head of the government. "Thompson had a stroke along with his heart attack," Ted Morton said...
It was a Wednesday evening and I was walking back home from school. I had only started the school about a month ago and so far things have been going quite well. I had made some new friends, and of course some enemies as well, but one thing in particular was on my mind. It was a girl in my class called Jessica. Every school has them, the kind of girl that all the guys want to screw, and even most of the teachers. She was popular, and it was obvious why, she was an absolute knockout. She had a...
This is the first part of an encounter my Fuck Buddy (with MASSIVE tits)sent me. I had some vids on my phone, but lost the SD card. Doh! The first time I met him he came to meet me at the station, he was bigger than I thought. 6'3" and heavy in a rugby player sort of way and young, under 40. As it wasn't a secret why we were meeting I wore a skirt and top, stocking and black high heels. I noticed him taking it in. It was a bit daunting, I was very nervous but we made idle conversation about...
The Astro Van’s engine screams like a wounded animal as it drifts in a wide arc under the bright metallic rain of tracer rounds. Most of them miss, except the ones that don’t. They blast down through the passenger seat with the trailing scent of brimstone. My asshole clenches, waiting for the end. It doesn’t arrive. What does is a thunderous crack, followed by two loud, concussive explosions. The road in front of me disappears in a haze of vaporized concrete dust. I pull hard on the wheel and...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis story starts on a normal saturday morning I woke up had a wash and got dressed, I decided to go have a quick work out at the local gym I grabbed my iPod and gym bag and left the house. The gym was about a ten minuet walk away I put my music on and went off to the gym.I spent about an hour at the gym, I went in to the locker room and had a shower and got back dressed, I left the gym checked my phone I had two missed calls and three text messages I read the messages first all asking me to go...
“Barnim. You called for me?” “Oh, sorry Kiskan. I guess I was daydreaming while waiting for you.” She looked just as beautiful as yesterday, though her hair was now put up in a ponytail. It showed her lack of ears but did nothing to distract from the beauty radiating from her. She had on another pair of scrubs, though these were yellow. They did seem to be a size smaller though and I sure as hell couldn’t help but notice. I could feel the heat radiating from her as she sat down next to me...
‘Brothers and sisters, Hell is growing. Hell is growing by leaps and bounds…’ the preacher’s voice droned on. Paul sat as far back as he could, wishing the asshole would shut up so he could get the bowl of soup that he had come there for and he could join his buddies drinking wine in the park a few blocks away. ‘I wish I didn’t need to eat so I wouldn’t have to listen to this fucking ear-banging,’ he groused to himself. He knew he had to eat, though, so he tried to shut the voice out as well...
The family had moved in about a year before anything in the story happened. I was a horny thirteen year old 8th grader who lived alone with his widowed mother. We got along fairly well with our next door neighbors but never spent a lot of time with them. There was Jimmy and his wife Kelly who were in their early forties plus their 3 boys Jon, Chris and Alex. Ages sixteen, eleven and seven respectively. All in this modest 3 bedroom home. The boys never really spent much time outside, but they...
I first saw her across the room at the gym she was taking a class and in her kit she looked mighty fit! a great arse and fuck me tits! Her nipples must of been on stalks as they were visible through 2 tops she had on!!! Well, when I say I, I mean my wife who saw her as they were in the same class, when she got home she told me about this Milf that we really must have cum round and have some fun! The following week she went back and took the same class all stretch and spread so, we hatched a...
I saw an add online for “Exhibitionist Waiter for Private Party”. It was coming up to Xmas and I really needed the money. I was feeling pretty happy about my 20yo body these days - was training for some long distance swimming and spending a lot of time in the pool. With all that training I was starting to tan up nice and I had lost about 10kgs. Let me quickly explain a bit about myself - I’m 20yo and mid way through my college degree, I’m 6”1’, dark hair with some blonde through it and...
Hello everyone, This is Diganth, and I am 24 years old, 5ft 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently working in one of the reputed companies. And about my structure currently, a medium-built guy with a 6″ size dick. I am here to tell you about how we explored threesome sex with cousin Ashu. I’ll also narrate how we trapped our distant relative Nayana for threesome sex. She was also 24 years old. Her stats were (34b-30-34). Her body structure could drive any man crazy and masturbate...
IncestI used to cross Lena’s path during the morning, since she was a dog walker for an elderly couple down our street. She was a beauty Croatian young babe in her early twenties, with a nice slender body and swaying hips that were quite a hit amongst many guys in the neighborhood.I loved specially her broken accent and the soft tone of her sexy voice. I had ever fantasized several times with having this nice babe in my bed; but every time we crossed our paths on the street while she was walking the...