TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 75: Pressing Issues free porn video

When Mrs Unsworth saw poor Carrie Pearson lying naked on that hospital bed with all those wires and tubes hanging about her she forgot caution completely and just rushed over and flung her arms around the girl’s neck and hugged her tight. There were tears falling from Jessie’s mother’s face as the woman mumbled into Carrie’s neck, “Oh, you poor child. You poor, dear child. I am just so sorry to hear what happened to you after the wedding.”
Glenda Unsworth didn’t withdraw from her embrace to allow for any sort of a response from her captive prey. The woman wasn’t looking for any response. She just wanted Carrie to know that she cared very deeply about her and on this count Carrie had no doubts what-so-ever. In fact there were tears in Carrie’s eyes too as she felt the overwhelming flow of love and affection pouring out of this woman’s heart. Even the Reverend Bryce Unsworth and Jessie Harper were dabbing at their own eyes in response to their own feelings of affection toward this young girl and her current medical predicament.
Mrs Glenda Unsworth was soon forced to dis-entangle herself from the naked body of Carrie Pearson as Carrie’s own mother came into the room. When Glenda saw Carrie’s mother she swung over and gave her a solid embrace too, saying, “Oh, Barbara, I am just so sorry. If there is anything I can do for you just let me know. If you need anyone to cook some meals or help with the chores around the house I am volunteering without reservation and I know I will be able to get help from many others in the church as well. You just make sure you let me know! OK!”
The tears in Barbara Pearson’s eyes would only allow her to nod at Glenda Unsworth in the affirmative ... between a few teary sniffs and nose blows into her handkerchief.
When it looked like things might have finally settled down Bryce came over to Barbara Pearson and asked if he could get her some coffee before she filled them all in on the current state of affairs in regard to Carrie’s health. Barbara replied that that would be lovely. So as soon as Bryce returned with coffee for Barbara and the others she sat down and began to explain to them all that had been going on and how they needed to proceed as a family from here.
As it was it turned out that Carrie Pearson had a very, very rare form of cancer that existed just below the outer layer of skin that covered her body. At this stage of the cancer’s development it was producing no visual disfigurement at all in the girl’s body. They thought they had gotten on top of the condition with the treatment and help they got on their last trip to Germany. In Germany there existed the only clinic in the world that had produced any sort of a successful track record in dealing with this very rare skin disorder. One of the ways they had discovered to be successful in holding the cancer at bay was for the patient to be totally naked. Fresh air on the skin as well as some good doses of vitamin D from good old fashioned sunshine proved to be an amazing antidote for this form of cancer. It didn’t cure the condition but it most certainly slowed its advance down to a crawl if not a complete standstill.
Unfortunately, in the last two weeks, the cancer had suddenly taken on a slightly more aggressive stance. The effects of this sudden change is what had caused Carrie to pass out at the end of the wedding reception only ten days ago now. Since then the oncologists in Redsands had been in contact with their counterparts in Germany with the outcome being that Carrie Pearson needed to get back to the German clinic within the next four to five weeks at the latest. The German oncologists also stated that it would now be imperative for Miss Carrie Pearson to remain totally naked at all times to give her skin maximum exposure to all the fresh air and sunshine it could possibly absorb. In short ... Carrie had to become a Lifestyle Nudist whether she liked it or not.
It was obvious that Carrie had no objection to being a Nudist at all as was true of her mother and father and brother. They had all become Clothing Optional Nudists for Carrie’s sake before they went to Germany and didn’t mind in the least. Right now Mrs Pearson still had all her clothes on but Bryce Unsworth assured her that they would have no objections to her being naked like her daughter if she wanted to be. Barbara Pearson thanked the Reverend very much for that and after finishing her coffee proceeded to take all her clothes off so her daughter wouldn’t feel so out of place lying naked on the bed.
Once Mrs Barbara Pearson was naked before the others they all quickly observed how much like her own daughter she was. Both women had the same cute body shapes with the same shaped breasts that were lovely and round with quite large areola sections and both had the same looking folds of flesh that made up the inner and outer pussy lips of their vaginal regions. Carrie’s vagina was, of course, all shaved but her mother’s pubic region had a lovely little growth of dark pubic hair that seemed very delicate and innocent as it disappeared down into the vaginal cleft. Mrs Pearson found herself giving her pubic bush a little nervous rub as she stood naked for the first time before the reverend of her church. In response to that obvious little nervous rub Bryce quickly put one arm around the woman’s bare shoulders and assured her that despite the church’s current stance on the nudity issue he would support Barbara and her family in whatever they needed to do to help Carrie.

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