Billionaire s House Staff
- 2 years ago
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Bedtime started off a bit awkward. Faith volunteered to sleep on the couch and after exchanging a look (and a wink) with Tina, Connie said she was more than welcome to sleep with us. "There's only one problem" she added "we usually sleep in the nude. If that bothers you I'm sure we can find something to wear."
Faith said "I usually sleep in the buff too, and I don't have any clothes, either. I don't even have anything to wear to school tomorrow. Half of what I had on were rags when I got here and the other half is dirty. I'm not what you could call modest and if you're really serious I wouldn't mind at all sleeping in your bed. After today, it might be nice to be close to someone, especially my hero. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if Matt wasn't there. I don't want to impose though."
Connie smiled and told her that it wouldn't be unusual at all for someone to join them us bed and Faith looked a little flustered as I left them to explain while I gathered some supplies.
I rounded up some plastic wrap for Faith's knee so she could get cleaned up. As I finished wrapping it she remarked that she wasn't sure she could manage the shower.
I could have sworn I saw them exchange a smile before Tina offered our services to assist her. The service included undressing each other as she watched before we helped each other undress her. I studied her when we finished as she blushed and told Tina that Rhonda's clothes should fit her close enough for now.
Tina agreed and added "yep, they both have great bods and Rhonda has a few outfits here. I know she won't mind if our new sister borrows one. We'll get her some things of her own tomorrow after school." Faith made no comment until we finished.
She gave a little pout afterwards and said "I thought Matt was checking me out for a minute there. I guess he's not interested. I don't blame him as ugly as I am."
Connie pointed at my midsection, which was sporting an impressive erection and chuckled "oh he's interested alright and even if it isn't as obvious, I am too!"
Bless her. Faith's self esteem had to be in the shitter. She wasn't the reason I was hard and I think she knew it. Some day though, she'd be proud of her appearance if I had my way
I provided support for Faith's upper half so while she leaned on me. Connie washed from her waist up while Tina did the honors on her lower half. Occasionally I would steal a kiss and they were getting progressively steamier and longer. Occasionally I could see Faith wince in pain.
Something finally dawned on me and I slapped my head and said "stupid! What am I doing?"
Tina looked up and I pointed at myself and then Faith's knee. She caught on immediately and began to laugh "I know you. I think you were distracted by her sexy body and completely forgot!"
Faith was confused and I gave her the hottest kiss yet as I healed her knee. Her eyes remained closed for a few seconds after our lips parted company. When they opened she said "wow! I've never had a kiss that felt like that. I'm still tingling all over! It was almost as nice as the first one!"
She looked down when Tina started removing the bandage and started to object until she saw her knee and looked at me for an explanation. After all the other surprises she took this one in stride and asked for another kiss. I obliged and when she gasped in the middle of it I knew what the other two were up to.
We stepped out of the shower and helped each other dry off before hurrying to bed. There was no doubt that we all wanted the same thing.
Tina immediately began to lap Faith's cunt again. It must be really tasty and I resolved to find out firsthand soon. Faith didn't seem to mind.
For some reason she seemed to love kissing. I didn't complain. She was really good at it. If she had lips it would have been even better. Hers were pretty thin, just like the rest of her. I still enjoyed it while Connie started nibbling her nipples. I think it was the intense orgasm that she was having that broke the spell.
Tina started working her way up as I moved lower as Connie took over for me. We met in the middle and exchanged some kisses of our own before continuing on our separate ways. I had been right about the taste. No wonder Tina had been so interested, Faith was delicious. After I brought her off again Tina tapped me on the head and motioned me upward. I got the message and moved to enter Faith's dripping pussy.
I slid in easily as I kissed her while Connie and Tina suckled her little bumps that passed for breasts. She let out a hiss and her eyes opened wide "wow!" she gasped "I think you hit bottom!" I had met no resistance, for which I was glad. She also was not extremely tight.
The fit was snug, but not overly so, all in all, it was a comfortable fit. I began to make love to her slowly. I was beginning to wonder if she was like Anya, but after fifteen minutes or so I could tell she was getting close. Her gasps and throaty moans were changing to "oh yes, faster please, oh gods, harder! fuck that feels good! Oh yes I'm gonnaaaaaaahhhhh" I felt her pussy clamp down tighter as her ass rose off the bed and her body trembled uncontrollably for a bit.
I slowed down until she was ready to go again and went to work in more ways than one. The malnourishment would cure itself but the damage done to her body from its effects needed attention.
Her development had been stunted and she had some other internal problems. I put those on a path to wellness and gave her the same treatment Angie had recieved. I also started her teeth and nose on the way to being straight. While I was in the vacinity, her lips got a boost for good measure.
The other things would have to be corrected through love and care. She'd have to live with the feet. I didn't seem to be able to shrink things. I hadn't tried until now so maybe I just needed to work on it.
She was on the verge again when I finished and I hurried to catch up. She still made it first but I was right behind her.
As I unleashed a torrent into her tight box she purred as her body relaxed. She hugged all of us she could reach so tight that we couldn't breathe.
As soon as Beth could she dove in for a treat while I continued to make out with Faith until the attention my lovely sister-wife was giving her sent her over again.
Afterwards, we sandwiched Faith as she told us through misty eyes that she had never had an orgasm of any kind until today. She thought that maybe it was because she had never had sex when she wasn't high before but wasn't sure.
Beth kissed her tenderly and said it was more likely the company. As soon as she had recovered we proceeded to give Tina the same treatment. We finally dozed off after Connie's turn with Faith snugly ensconced amidst us.
When I woke up I could hardly breathe. Faith was hugging me as if her life would end if she let go and was quietly crying with her face buried in my shoulder.
I lifted her head and kissed her tenderly as she explained "I'm sorry, it's just that it felt so nice to wake up with all of you."
When Tina opened her eyes Faith was rocking gently on my morning erection. She faked a pout at her loss and commented "I guess the early bird really does get the worm" before waking the others with a kiss.
I lasted through two of Faith's tremblers but when I heard the girls beside us start to moan in ecstasy I launched a morning load, setting Faith off again. We still had plenty of time for a shower and quick breakfast before heading for school.
Kathy, Lin, Rhonda, Paula, Nina, Gene, George, and Adam all were waiting in the driveway. Introductions were exchanged before we got to explain what happened yesterday and Kathy informed us that under no circumstances were any of us to be alone at any time.
She didn't believe anyone except Faith and I would be in danger but wasn't taking chances because it was well known who my closest friends were. In addition to that she told us that we were to stay close to, but not in, crowds.
I appreciated the fact that she took her job so seriously. I couldn't think of anything Kathy had overlooked and told her so with a kiss and thank you. It turned out to not be necessary today.
No one actually knew what happened to them but they had been seen following Faith yesterday. Since she was obviously part of our group today there were suspicions enough that Faith and I were summoned to the office during study hall.
Sometimes I wish that I could lie. I could bring myself to do it before but not since I came back. I believe the principal was shocked when I gave him a complete account of what had happened. I was a bit disturbed when he wanted a police report filled out until he said it was more for the attack on Faith than my defense of her.
Something made me ask him to request either Jack Young or Judy Welch. If they weren't available I suggested (yes, that way) he mention I was involved.
Barely ten minutes had passed before Jack and Judy walked into the office. I shook their hands and thanked them for coming before making introductions.
They took the report and I noticed both were fighting to keep a serious expression plastered on their faces. Finally Jack just couldn't do it any more and a broad grin broke out on his face. "We should deputize this guy Judy" he said to his partner "I like the way he operates."
She agreed and added "that's two he's helped now. I wonder if he'll adopt this one?"
She looked at Faith and said "you're lucky Matt was passing by young lady. We know those two creeps and suspect you wouldn't have been their first victim. On a brighter note, we can add attempted rape and assault to the possession charge that was filed when we found the drugs on them at the ER. That already violated their probation so they're looking at twenty years. They'll be tried as adults since they're both eighteen."
Jack added that we should have called to report the incident as soon as we got home. He made me promise that in the future I would.
We found out that the two thugs were in the hospital. One had a concussion and a broken jaw that was wired shut. The other had three broken ribs, a broken nose, a blowout fracture of his left orbital bone, and a few missing teeth.
Jack and Judy were impressed at my thoroughness. Faith asked to speak with Judy and Gail with no one else present and they were shown to the counselor's office.
I didn't know what was up but under the tears she had a very determined look on her face. We waited for them while killing time talking about the advanced classes and sports.
Principal Anders surprised me by asking how many people were in both officers' families before pulling athletic passes from his desk for all of them.
When Judy returned the two officers stayed only long enough for her to thank Mr. Anders for the passes and remark that her two sons would probably want to see every game.
Faith and I got passes to head back to class but before we parted ways she confided "I ratted my own parents out Matt. Somehow I don't feel bad about it. I keep thinking of not only how they screwed my life up but how many kids they sold that crap to. I hope your folks were serious about letting me stay at your house because I don't have one anymore."
I smiled and suggested that if she had any doubts she should ask Beth, Tina or Kathy how serious they were.
I had a crowd watching me at practice that day after school. Evidently Kathy's suggestion had been taken seriously.
I had drafted some of the guys on the team to keep an eye on Faith for us since she wasn't in any of the classes we were. I had more volunteers than I needed for the job and felt confident in her safety.
As soon as we got home we discovered that there was a message from Judy for us to call her. Faith made the call and found out her parents had been busted by an undercover cop making a buy.
During the search they found marijuana, cocaine, acid, and various other narcotics. She suggested that we meet her and Jack there at five so Faith could get whatever she needed while she could.
Faith seemed numb but my parents soon had her feeling a bit better. Afterwards, we showed her the apartment she would be staying in thinking it would help even more. We were wrong.
When she realized it was hers alone she burst into tears. "I knew it!" She sobbed. "You don't really want me around!"
That took a while but eventually she was convinced that we would rather have her stay in our room but thought she might like her own place. We did an about-face and got her settled in with us.
She seemed embarrassed at first when we got to her old house to get her things because it was so dirty and shabby. Tina worked wonders as she explained how much it resembled her previous home and how wonderful the difference in her new place was.
Our two friends on the force were off duty and helped us move everything. After the one trip it took my parents decided that the acquisition of yet another daughter required a shopping trip and party. They invited everyone over for a barbeque and swim on Saturday.
Both officers assured me they would be at the game Friday with their families and some friends. My usual fan base promised them good seats.
Several would get to the game before the gates opened and staked out an entire section for the others. Mom pulled the girls and I aside to tell us that the shopping trip for Faith was planned for the following day. She hadn't mentioned it but Faith's wardrobe left a lot to be desired.
The load they showed up with was huge. A second trip was made to the grocery to get supplies for the party. The rest of the evening was spent helping to organize her new things.
She was having trouble dealing with all the changes in her life. We fell asleep with her cuddled between us and a contented smile on her face. Evidently she had problems sleeping because I awakened to the smell of fresh coffee and sizzling bacon.
The sight of the beautiful nude bodies still in bed was tempting but I didn't want to be rude so we headed for the kitchen.
We asked Faith if she had slept well and she assured us that she had. She was an early riser like me and usually didn't get much sleep anyway at her house. She had also done all the cooking if there was food in her house and it showed. Breakfast was really good. Almost as good as the shower before we got dressed.
We seemed to be picking up some groupies at school. I noticed several kids always seemed to be wherever we were. After asking some questions we found out that they were staying close for protection. This was the group that just naturally attracted bullies and assholes.
On the male side most were nerds or just skinny (or fat) kids who looked like easy marks. The girls were a varied lot but it also boiled down to appearance or intelligence. Some were those who had developed early and were tired of being groped or hit on and others were in the fat or skinny and plain group like the guys.
A couple of them were like Faith. They made the mistake of falling in with the wrong crowd and wanted to escape. They figured the only way to do that was through us. We didn't mind, and invited them to join us both at the game and at our place Saturday.
The first football game of the season was a blast. I got a bit carried away during the half that I played. The coach had warned us that this team was tough but it sure didn't show. We not only scored every time we had the ball, we took it away from them when they had it.
I played one half and had four touchdowns. One of them was on defense. I also had five sacks and a fumble recovery.
Jeff was a great quarterback and seemed to like throwing to the tight end (me). The second string played the entire second half. When they took the field after halftime the score was 41-0. When the game ended it was 63-0. Aleksandr was complaining because all he ever had to do was kick extra points. Danil had caught two touchdown passes.
The party was great and I was pleased to see that the extra people we had invited weren't ignored. I believe every one of them left with three times as many friends as they arrived with.
We had invited Sensei Timmons and his family and looked like his classes would be more than full this year. Many of our new friends signed up as soon as they found out he had taught us.
I was pleased when he expressed his pleasure at how we had used what we had learned to defend others. His wife spent most of the evening with the Japanese exchange students. It must have been nice to speak her native language with people who could relate.
I was left alone Sunday afternoon and decided to take advantage of the situation. I loved to escape now and then and walk through the woods down by the river. It seemed to both relax me and help me come up with new ideas. Maybe I was just daydreaming but more than likely I was just stupid.
Those thoughts and more went through my mind when I felt a sensation like something huge had kicked me in the chest followed by the unmistakable sound of a large caliber rifle report.
I was down and obviously hit hard. I figured out pretty quick that I had been shot and almost as quickly that I was in serious trouble. No one knew I was here and I was far enough into the woods that I knew the shot probably hadn't been heard.
I started to check the damage when another sound registered. Someone was running up the trail towards me. I turned my head and saw a girl I vaguely recognized start to kneel next to me before collapsing across my body. I heard another shot and realized that whoever was out to get me didn't care how many people he had to kill to make sure I was dead.
I couldn't let the person who tried to help me die for being a Good Samaritan. I thought I'd be ok for a bit so I checked her out before seeing what I could do about myself. I was very glad I had made that decision when I discovered that the shot had nicked her heart.
As I began to work I could have sworn I heard a blood-curdling scream but managed to keep my concentration. A few minutes later I heard a loud whistle immediately followed by running footsteps. I looked up and saw Kathy kneeling towards us just before everything went dark.
I had no idea how long I was out. I remembered a voice that seemed to be giving me instructions. They were quite insistent and very threatening so I figured "what the hell?" and did what she said.
Eventually I opened my eyes and tried to look around. I seemed to have a lot of tubes and stuff attached to me. Some were in my arm and another was down my throat. Other than the discomfort of the attachments I didn't feel too bad.
A lot of noise started as soon as I had opened my eyes and I looked around to see what all the excitement was about. I noticed my parents, Beth, Connie, and Tina first but there were others.
Someone was yelling for a doctor. It came back to me then and I desperately wanted to talk. Unfortunately with the stupid tube in my throat I couldn't.
I raised my left hand and pointed at the damn thing, hoping the message would get through. A new arrival in a white lab coat noticed and I heard him asking somebody questions. It was a while before I realized that he was talking to me. After wondering for a bit just how the hell he thought I was going to answer him his words registered.
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Welcome to Fallow and Roe, the best institution for mammalian learning. World renowned for our excellent methods of teaching, we ensure only the best for our students. Throughout your time at F&R you will be able to explore academia and yourself with hands on experience, so please, get stuck in! The Student's Guide to Free Use at F&R: The Tiers of Privileges: At F&R Seniority is important and as one progresses through the years they have more privileges extended to them. Freshers: Freshers...
FetishShadowy Rescue By: Lyrissa "Who goes there?" Gruna shouted, hefting her vicious-looking axe towards the direction of the noise. Her voice betrayed no fear, only steely determination and a threat to anyone or anything hiding in the shadows to step out and face her. The orc grunt stepped closer to the guard tower and her eyes roamed across the coarse stonework which made up its base before she raised her head to stare up into the evening sky. The last rays of daylight were still...
It was late April in Joanne Wilson’s second year at University and her thoughts were on two things. Firstly, her upcoming end of year exams and secondly, finding a job to bring in some money over the long summer holidays. Both Peter her boyfriend and herself had decided to stay in the city over the summer rather than returning home for the twelve-week break. The fact that their two housemates, Lisa and Helen, were going home for the whole holiday had made their decision to stay a very easy one....
SpankingI stepped inside and turned a few corners in the maintenance area until I found her. Keri was naked and on her knees. She looked momentarily annoyed until she saw me arriving and flashed a nice smile, which didn’t look as practiced as I’d have thought despite the spurts she had been catching all over her face. Thick white goo was also running down her breasts and between them, bouncy droplets of it were hanging off her pointy nipples. Some of it had dribbled down her belly into her pubic hair...
Continued from here: gasped suddenly as my fingers worked there way down her shorts, slowly I worked my fingers over the top of her panties.They felt like lace or maybe satin, but my fingers felt the undeniable heat beneath them more than anything else. Her body wriggled against my hand, pushing herself against me as teaser her slowly through the soft material. All the time her neck and head extended upwards so that I could plant soft kisses there...
Victor Banks quivered in a mixture of fear and masochistic anticipation, constantly reminded of his fate by the goading women at Hortense’s plush residence, who slapped his face and flicked his flesh with their canes, just for the sheer pleasure of it. They’d seen Hortense snuff males before, but there was something extra arousing about having one who had been made formally aware that this was to be his fate. Their pleasure at the situation grew more intense as the day of the hanging dawned,...
Tuesday Evening I looked at my clothes distastefully. The thought of smothering my body in them was repulsive. Besides, she'd asked for it, hadn't she? I opened my door and stepped out into the hall, feeling every stray current of air that brushed my bare skin. I looked toward her room, thinking maybe Sis was already in there, doing her homework, but her door was wide open, which meant she was probably still down stairs. Taking a deep breath, tingling all over, I started down, my hardon...
© 2002 "I'll keep you safe." "Never again, Kenny. She stood up and pulled me to her. I pulled her to me. Together, we cried. "And that concludes Part Eleven of the BCC radio dramatization of "Beggars Can't Be..." by Kenny N Gamera. And now Radio Four will explode..." which the radio proceedes to do with a bang much louder than the actual flash and smoke would suggest. Mrs. I-Can't-Recall-Now-But-It'll-Come-To-Me-In-A-Moment turns to her friend and sometimes lover, but not...
Chapter 23. Sara’s penanceAugust 15th 1831.‘It doesn’t seem like over eight months since my arrival.Sara didn’t turn up for lunch last Sunday. I wasn’t unduly worried as she was often a little late if the Priest in Charge gave her a penance to do for some perceived sin. I knew she had her arse spanked and had his cock in her afterwards. Sara and the twins were the only ones of the Roman Catholic faith but for some reason Father O'Mally never bothered the twins. This may have in part been...
Hello, friends. This is Sandeep. I am really thankful for your nice comments for my sex story “Made my chachi to have sex”. Now coming to another story. I was in college. At that time I was 20 yrs old. Our practical exams were near. My friend raj came to my room. He said, “Yaar practical me answer sheets dikha dena. Is baar meri taiyari ho nahi payi”. I said, “But wo teacher kafi strict hai. Kaise ho payga?”. Raj said, “Risk to hai par agar mere practicals acche nahi gye to meri mom mujhe bahut...
There was something in my youth that I will always remember. We had a barn that before winter we would load up with alfalfa for the animals. The day the load arrived was always fun with all the strong-looking masculine guys unloading the alfalfa bales and stacking them up inside our barn. I’d admire their muscled bodies heaving and sweating in unloading and then piling up the bales. And they looked at petite and pretty me in my housedress all innocent, the breeze blowing the soft fabric to...
By : Arousingboy Hi this is bob again, I guess it has been a long time that I had posted my story. I got good replies regarding the story “Kareena Kapoor and Bob. Now wasting no time would like to tell you guys about one more story. Again it is not truth but my imaginations. First would like to tell the truth is. My name is Bob, I’m 5’10, athletic, with a manhood of 9 inches long. Since my childhood I have been a shy guy which actually didn’t took my anywhere regarding fulfilling my sexual...
IncestShe took them off then tossed them at the hamper. Bruno entered the bathroom as she sat on the toilet. He took a quick sniff of her panties before wagging his tail. She smiled at him then scratched his neck and ears. He licked her hand in return. She brought her other hand up and rubbed his neck vigorously. She couldn’t blame him for yesterday, she was the one that used the collar on him. He leaned forward and licked her face several times. Her stomach tingled again as she closed her...
– 33 years old cosmetologist – Recently finished beauty school – She is an EX dancer but has never done anything like this – She found out about us from her boy toy who is a fan of Mompov – They have been together for 4 years and are swingers – She finds girls to bring home for them to fuck 3way – Is a secret video game nerd that loves playing when she can – Is very bisexual and enjoys pussy just as much as cock – She loves 69 and would do it all day if she could – Loves to dress up for cosplay...
xmoviesforyou“Kaori?” It was Friday, but I was not thrilled. My only plans were for a six pack of dark ale and a chick flick. Not one of those sappy romances, but an action film full of shirtless men. “Yeah? Going out again?” “You know me too well.” He smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder from behind. Its strength kneaded my stress into a longed for, but elusive, calm. “Where to?” Not that I cared, it was more small talk to give myself time to enjoy the attention he was giving me. “A new...
Bobby and Sammy were in the garage at her house enjoying their Memorial Day off from school. Earlier, Barbara had dragged Raul off to some of the Memorial Day sales to, as she put it, spruce up his wardrobe. Bobby and Sammy had stayed home to once again work on the VW bug that had most recently been Sandy's loaner car. They were rebuilding the front brakes this time. This was the latest task that was part of a meticulous restoration of the little car they had begun together over a year ago....
The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Rakesh. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel INN, Rakesh, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 33 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs...
Linda and Jill were ready for a great night out, they wandered into the party, music blaring and people everywhere, some dancing, some just draped over the furniture or seated on cushions on the floor. All drinking and trying to talk over the heavy beat of the music that seemed to shake the house.After greeting a few people they knew and talking with some mutual friends, Linda went to freshen up and Jill followed. While brushing their hair and touching up their makeup they giggled about the few...
Quickie SexThe below is a true story so naturally names and places changed but the rest of it remains to be one of my memorable moments!!What seems like many years ago now when I finished university my then girlfriend Lexy and I went down to Cornwall to stay in her parents holiday home for the summer while we worked out what to do. To be honest at this point we both know that we aren’t “the one” for each other but I think we both had the same thought, see what happens over the summer and then make...
Chapter 1 Susie Brock had just graduated from Harvard, at the relatively young age of 20, and she decided to celebrate her academic success by visiting Europe during the summer. She had been thinking about what country to see, having already seen the usual spots- France, Italy, etc. The question ended in her head when she heard that Led Zeppelin song "Immigrant's Song" again, which definitely applied to her, she thought, and noticed the following words, "I come from the land of the...
Juli’s Jean Shorts Paddle Spanking, Enema & Anal Punishment RevengeArt and two of his friends were sitting on the terrace that over looked the tennis courts. Tim and Jay were clowning around as usual making suggestive comments to all the girls who passed within earshot of the table, but Art had all his attention focused on the on one person Juli. They had all turned twenty-one and enjoyed each other’s company.Art had fallen in love with her from the first moment he had laid eyes on her. Juli...
Introduction: this is my first story about my first time I lay naked in my bed with the most beautiful girl I had laid eyes on. Her beautiful slender back and perfectly round ass pressed against my bare chest as my dick softened. Cum dripped out of her tight, pink pussy as post-cum slowly came out of my softening dick. Slowly, she turned around as I kept her in my arms. Do you love me? she asked. Without hesitation I replied, always. It is cheesy I know, but when youre with the most...
Allan groaned as his radio sprang to life. "Gooooood morning Seattle. This is XYZ radio and it is just past seven," the male radio host practically screamed in enthusiasm. "In this cold weather hot news are flashing through," the female co-host pitched in. "That is right. Naomi! The name of the new named flu. It is an African- American strain with a gorgeous face and a well developed body. If you get my meaning." "I think we all get it," the co-host said dripping with fake...
Once back on land Penelope had no idea where to go next. At the suggestion of Hazel she began asking anyone and everyone if they knew of a high wizard in the land. Eventually she lands herself in the local tavern where she was told if anyone knew anything it would be there. “Can I help you with something?” the barmaid asks her when the young witch looks way out of her element. “I’m trying to find someone that knows where I can find a high wizard,” Penelope says, her eyes flittering back and...
Paula Read, was a school teacher, she was a five foot six in tall human dynamo. I mean this in a sincere way, because her passion was teaching and nothing but teaching. I her five years of teaching at Firth Park Grammer School, England gave her great satisfaction in as much as she delighted in helping struggling students get better qualifications. Because she mainly dealt with those struggling pupils, she frequently meets them either in the headmaster’s study or in the detentions they may have...
Hi everyone im Brandin. My mom name is Kisha and my other moms name is Latosha. Yes I have 2 black moms.Oh yea they are lesbos by the way. I dont even know my real parents are. any way ill let you read the story now.It was sunday after noon when my mom latosha walked in with the londry wearing a black spandex dress shirt and black spandex pants.she had huge watermelon tits and a big round nice hipo ass real thin abbs thick legs and strong arms when she bent I stared.I dont know why tho she my...
Never had the sun shone so bright and warming north of The Teeth before spring had even come. The breeze was chilling and sharp as it rolled off the mountains and swirled along the rise and fall of the open hilly country, but next to a lifetime of winters in the North, the breeze here was but a refreshingly cool caress. The wind touched everything. It combed through the flat plains to the south, teasing patterns from the high, dense grasses. Ripples and waves, and the constant, minute...
I had told Betty that it was ok to tell people about us, so I wasn’t really surprised that Mary Ann had spread the news throughout the entire school that I signed up her sister, and niece, as my companion and dependent. Rumors started flying that I had a “thing” for fat chicks, which ultimately led to me having to turn away a few girls who, although seemed nice enough, just weren’t what I was looking for in a companion. I did manage to sign up two other females: one a short little brunette...
This chapter is for SimonSays1 with my thanks for his patient encouragement… * Although I had gone to bed feeling happy and relaxed after kissing Carlos good-bye, the nightmare came back that night. What is supposed to be a happy occasion for every girl, the wedding night, had indeed been an ordeal for me and it often came back to haunt my sleep. The dreams were always so realistic, such exact replicas of the real thing, that I regularly woke up bathed in sweat with tears of pain and...