TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 76: Go, Mom, Go! free porn video

Jessie Harper felt very nervous sitting in her church’s board room as she waited for the elders of the Redsands First Congregational Church to come in. She was sitting there with her boyfriend, Bjorn Erikson and the church’s choirmaster, Sonika Jharm. All three were waiting for the elders of the church, the Head Deacon, the Area Elder and Jessie’s step-father, the Reverend Bryce Unsworth, and her mother, Glenda Unsworth, to file in so they could discuss the events of last Saturday night. Those events involved four people coming into the church with Sonika Jharm to have a look around the function hall where Bryce and Glenda’s wedding reception had been held on the previous Saturday night.
What was of concern here was the fact that one of those four people had been totally naked - a direct violation of a current total nudity ban put in place by the church’s hierarchy in Springfield and in direct response to what had transpired after that wedding reception in the week just gone. Those four people had been Jessie Harper, Kate Terrence, Bjorn Erikson and Jamahl Sable. Jamahl had been on a ‘detective mission’ to try and work out how the place had been all trashed up so badly after the wedding reception. That trashing had been blamed on the wedding guests and the rising tide of Lifestyle Nudism sweeping into the church - a tide that was now being steadfastly resisted by a very strong and vocal anti-nudity group. However, right now, the elders of this church were only concerned with the fact that one person in that group invited in by Sonika Jharm had been a Nudist of some description. Video surveillance footage had seen his naked body repeatedly walk past a glass door along with the others as they moved about the room.
As for the trashing ... Jessie Harper and everyone else at that event had strenuously denied leaving the place the way the cleaners had found it the next morning ... littered with used condoms, empty drink bottles, bits of discarded clothing and puddles of urine on the floor and a hole punched into one of the walls. Unfortunately, all the facts seemed to point at the wedding guests and the great little party they had had once Bryce and Glenda Unsworth had left. The anti-nudity brigade had lost no time in informing the church’s head office of this disgusting mess. This resulted in the sudden banning of all public nudity and its associated activities in relation to anything to do with the church.
That nudity ban was why the church’s elder-ship board wanted to know why Sonika Jharm had allowed a Nudist into the building accompanied by Jessie Harper and Bjorn Erikson. What they weren’t interested in at this stage is what the naked Jamahl Sable had discovered as a result of his keen, prying eyes. The main reason for their disinterest was based on the fact that they just knew nothing about it. Bryce, Glenda, Jessie, Bjorn and Sonika had held this ‘little secret’ very closely to their chests. Bryce and Glenda themselves had also discovered something else of real interest just the other day about one of the church’s longest serving deacons. This discovery had the potential to have a real impact on how these proceedings panned out ... and they were holding that discovery very close to their chests as well.
When the others all finally came into the room Jessie got a surprise to see another person come in with them. That other person was Don Weasley, the guy that had MC’d the wedding reception and the guy that had also been on lock up duty when everyone had gone home. When Jessie saw the man come into the room she shot a questioning look at her step-father. Bryce just gave a little ‘beats me’ kind of a shrug back. Obviously this addition to the Inquiry Team was a surprise to him as well.
When everyone was seated and comfortable the Area Elder opened the meeting with a formal explanation that Don Weasley had been invited along to act as Head Deacon in place of the current Head Deacon who was ‘suddenly’ unable to attend. Don Weasley then freely admitted to everyone that it was him who had ‘accidently’ come across the video surveillance footage in his attempt to more fully understand how the new system worked. He then added, rather unconvincingly, that he would have preferred to have taken the footage straight to Reverend Unsworth if not for another deacon being in the room at the time. This other deacon thought this action might compromise the Reverend’s impartiality and so the two had opted to go right over Bryce’s head and go straight to the Area Elder. The Area Elder thanked Don Weasley for his swift action while giving Bryce Unsworth a cold sideways glance. Clearly he was not a fan of the church’s latest reverend.
The Area Elder then read out a formal statement about the nature of these proceedings only being a hearing to ascertain the truth and gather the relevant facts from all parties present. The matter would then be taken back to Springfield for further deliberation and any ensuing decisions. Jessie Harper sat quietly through all this and just swallowed quietly a lot at the heaviness that seemed to pervade the room. Somehow she just couldn’t see how things could possibly go well for her step-father or for her choirmaster. With these sobering thoughts in her mind the young girl just sat quietly in her seat and listened and watched as things unfolded.
The Area Elder first asked each of the other elders of the church for their own opinion on this whole Lifestyle Nudism business that was spreading into the community and now the church. To Bryce’s great surprise each one of them said that they were each totally opposed to the concept and had been so all along even when they were sending the Youth Choir off to that den of iniquity called Camp Starkers. This was all news to Bryce. He had canvassed each one of these elders personally on the issue at the time and they had each given their total, but only verbal, support. Nothing was in writing so, of course, now he had no proof of that what-so-ever. All Bryce Unsworth could do was gently shake his head in disbelief at what he was hearing ... a real knife in the back if there ever was one.
When Don Weasley was asked for his input he just said how he only went along with all this nudity stuff to keep everyone happy. He said he thought that by appearing to support it at the wedding and things of that nature that it might all just blow over like a lot of other so called ‘modern fads’ had done in the past. Beehive hair does, mini-skirts, long hair, disco music and ripped jeans were some of the things he listed as examples. Again Bryce Unsworth was just shaking his head at all this stuff he had only now heard for the first time.
Eventually the Area Elder asked Sonika why she had let a Nudist into the building when she knew the Head Office in Springfield had expressly forbidden any such thing only just days before. Before Sonika had even taken a breath to speak Jessie Harper was attempting to answer for her.

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