- 2 years ago
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The plan worked. I got off work early and watched the park office while Helen took Cindy into the nearby big town for some real shopping. I was sitting in the office reading when they got back. Cindy ran into the office squealing, carrying shopping bags. Helen followed her in.
"Dammit, Dan," she said. "I'm too old to be doin' this!"
"Yeah, thought about that after you left. Madhouse, huh?"
"Wasn't quite as bad as Wal-Mart. But bad. An' "Princess", here..." She paused. "Awwww, I can't say that. She was good. She watched the money better than I'd have expected. Had to MAKE her get stuff."
Cindy was rifling through the bags. Every ten seconds was punctuated with "LOOK!" and a squeal.
I smiled. And then she hauled out a dark green sweater. "Tell me you didn't get a dark green sweater," I said.
"Why?" she asked, her face dropping. "You don't like it?"
"No, little red-headed child. Not in the least. It's just that dark green is going to go perfectly with that head of hair of yours. It will look especially nice."
"Awwww, hon," Helen cooed, "you know he's right!"
Cindy was ecstatic as she left for her trailer.
I looked at Helen. "So how'd it go?"
Helen said, "Well, Dan, don't think you were gonna keep a secret. Little snoop there read your credit card first time I whipped it out."
"But you know," she continued, "the way it affected that child, I wish I'da thought of it myself. I could've afforded it too, you know."
"Oh, don't worry about it, Helen. I don't mind it a bit. It was worth it to see her happy for a while.
I walked to my trailer as Helen locked up the office.
The next day, well, things at the project got rather busy and I worked late. I missed my evening swim. Things leveled out the following Friday though, and I was looking forward to another swim. What I didn't know is that I would have a different swimming partner that afternoon.
While I was driving back to the trailer, and thinking about Cindy, she and Mizz Helen were talking about me, again.
"Hi Mizz Helen" Cindy chirped as she walked into the office after being dropped off by her school bus.
"Hi, hon" Mizz Helen responded.
"Don'tcha think Mr. Dan was sweet buying me all those new clothes?" She added, "An' you too, taking me there an' walking all over to get those new clothes. Neither one of ya had to do that you know."
"Don't fret about my part, it was kinda fun shopping like that, hadn't done that in years!" In a more conspirational tone Helen continued "And yes, Mister Dan was sweet to do that for you."
"So why did he do it, we spent a LOT of money and he didn't act like he cared how much we spent!"
"Well hon, if he was like most men, he would be trying to get something from you. But he don't seem that way, he just wanted to see you happy. All he wanted was to see ya smile."
"I know, that's what I think too, and a few other things too!" Cindy giggled and continued "He isn't like any other guy I ever met, Mom's boyfriends never made me feel like Mr. Dan does. I want to run away screaming from them, but I want to run TO Mr. Dan and squeeze him as hard as I can" and in a softer voice "an' maybe more".
"Don'tcha think that just maybe Mr. Dan might be wanting the same thing? Men don't always know in their brain what their heart is a tellin' them, sometimes the girl has to show them that it is OK to take a chance."
Cindy thought about that for a minute, "Mizz Helen, you think there is a chance he could be feelin the same things I'm feelin? Cause I'm a thinkin' he could be marryin' special, and I ain't ever thought that way in my whole LIFE!
"Well hon, he seems to care for you, but maybe not like you're thinkin'. Not sayin' he couldn't get to thinkin' that way, but older guys let their head control them, takes some work to get their barriers down to let their heart take over again." Helen paused, and as she started again, the door opened. She didn't notice Donna walking in as she said "He seems to be single, hasn't mentioned any woman in his life, seems to have money and has a good job too, at that new construction site."
Donna caught that last part, and her eyes lit up, single (although that had never been a prerequisite with her), money, good job and male, Helen had her attention now.
Both Cindy and Mizz Helen paused their conversation as Donna walked in and asked, "So who is this guy, single ... money ... good job, sounds like someone I WANNA know!"
Mizz Helen caught herself and said "Donna, he ain't your kinda of fella! Dan is a GOOD guy, doesn't hang out in bars and ain't lookin' for a "good time"!
"Hmmm" Donna said, "Dan. Yeah, that's the guy that came in a couple weeks ago, has that nice truck and trailer over in the corner. Construction guys make a LOT of money, and being by himself, may be lookin' for a little company to help him pass the time."
Donna wasn't looking at either Cindy or Mizz Helen as she said that, she was looking at Dan's trailer, with a slight smile on her face, and if either Cindy or Mizz Helen would have been looking at hers hands, they would have seen them flexing just slightly, just like a cat flexing their claws before they exposed them just before sinking them into their next prey.
Before they could react to Donna's statement, the door to the office opened and in walked the subject of their conversation. Dan didn't know he was aptly named, as he was repeating the story of his namesake by walking into the lion's den.
"Afternoon ladies" Dan greeted them, not noticing the wildly different looks in each of their faces. "Mizz Helen, any mail for me today?"
"Nope, nothin' today Dan" Mizz Helen tried to get the shocked expression off her face and look as normal as she could under the circumstances.
Dan didn't pick up on her change in demeanor, and turned to Cindy and asked, "and, if your Mom doesn't have plans for you" glancing at Donna "you up for an afternoon swim today?"
Before Cindy could respond, Donna spoke up. "I was just gonna ask Cindy if she wanted to go swimmin', so your timing is perfect!"
Dan was looking at Donna when she spoke and missed the change in Cindy's face. He would have seen absolute shock if he had been looking, but what he saw was Donna, with a smile that he had seen before, and before, caused him to run in fear. Time has a way of dimming unpleasant memories, and all he had was a vague sense of unease about Donna's tone and expression, and responded "Well, I guess I'll see you two at the pool then."
As Dan walked out to his truck, his logical side kept trying to tell the other part of his brain that he was reading more into Donna's actions than he should. Nobody could be THAT blatant. He had convinced himself of that before he finished cleaning up and heading to the pool.
Not too far away, Donna and Cindy were also going through a similar process in getting ready, but their motives were radically different from what Dan perceived them to be.
Once in the trailer, Cindy had recovered from her shock of seeing her mom hit on Mister Dan. Normally, she only saw her mom with a guy after she had reeled him in, she had never seen the beginning part, the flirtation stage, even though with Donna that often lasted only minutes.
"Mom, you never went swimmin' with me before. Why all of a sudden now?"
"Cindy, it ain't about swimmin' with you, it's about swimmin' with HIM!"
"But you don't like swimmin', why now, and why with Mister Dan?"
"Cindy, you need to learn how to land a guy, and Momma knows ALL the tricks!" As Donna was saying this, she was going through a drawer looking for a swim suit she knew she had somewhere. She considered briefly using some lingerie, knowing the effect water had on it, but found a suit she hadn't worn in years and decided that it might be better. She didn't want to scare the prey before she went in for the kill.
Cindy was changing into her suit, the only one she had. She knew, at least she hoped and desperately wanted Mister Dan to not be interested in her mom, but as she saw her getting her suit on, she started having doubts. Mom wasn't fat, being on her feet at the bar kept her in shape, and the exercises she knew she did after work didn't hurt her figure either. Her tits were much bigger, and when she put her top on, she noticed she had made sure the strap was tight across the back, forcing them to push together and kinda spill out the top. Her mom came out of her end smiling, her makeup touched up, and walked to the refrigerator.
"One more trick, Cindy, and then we can go see if anything's biting out there."
Donna reached into the freezer and grabbed two ice cubes. She carefully rubbed them over her tits, and Cindy could tell they were right over her nipples. She continued this until she saw out their window that Dan was leaving his trailer for the pool.
"Come on, Cindy! Watch and learn something about landing a guy." Donna and Cindy walked out of their trailer towards the pool, and Cindy knew Mister Dan was about to get the full force of her mom and didn't know how he would handle it. She realized she didn't know how she would handle it either and the thought of her mom and Mister Dan doing what Mom's other boyfriends did scared and hurt her in a way she didn't understand.
Donna didn't walk to the pool, it was more of a parade. Dan had just settled into one of the lounge chairs and was looking her way, looking for Cindy. Donna made sure he had something to watch as she worked her way towards him. The smile on her face would have been cute except for the gleam in her eyes that said she was on the prowl. Her head kind of bobbed with each step forcing her longer hair to swirl from side to side, and fluff out. Each step was measured, and ended in a hard thump, making sure the bulges at the top of her suit rippled just a little with each step, and that her thighs rubbed together every time she made a move, and she was definitely making HER moves.
Dan saw Donna and Cindy approaching, and was briefly mesmerized by the show Donna was putting on. The bathing suit was obviously small for her, and while not indecent by any means, it was showing a lot and her effort to maximize the effect did have an effect on Dan. Part of Dan took notice and immediately reacted, wanting to give its own praise to the show being put on for his benefit.
"Hi Dan," Donna said. As soon as she got inside the pool area she purposefully walked next to Dan, then stretched across him to toss her towel on the lounge on the other side. The fact that this put her tits just inches from his face, as well as her scent almost touching his nose wasn't an accident, and she observed that this had the desired effect, he was reacting just the way she wanted, and the game was on.
Cindy was having to struggle with her own fire storm of emotions as she watched the spectacle her mother was making of herself. "I mean, why didn't she just whip the suit off and sit on his face!!!!" Cindy thought.
Then Cindy saw her mom almost shoving her cleavage in his face. How could she be so blatant about what she wanted. Didn't she have any shame left? Wouldn't it have been easier to just say "Wanna fuck?"
Before she could get her breath to say anything, she also noticed where Donna had been looking, and knew that Dan wasn't immune to her mother's charms. She didn't know if he ever reacted that way towards her. It had never occurred to her to look before, but he was reacting now and Cindy didn't like that one little bit.
Dan knew from previous experiences with predatory females what Donna was doing, and while his baser male instincts liked what she was doing, his common sense said he had to find a way out of this predicament.
In his head, Dan was doing a tattoo inventory. Donna had one on her left breast, showing above the bikini cup, and the tramp stamp on her back was indeed turning blue. It was some kind of tribal design. Her left shoulder was some gaudy floral thing.
"Time to disengage," Dan thought. He said, "Hey, Donna, ready to go swimming?" A little cold water was exactly what he wanted right now, and he doubted that she'd let her hairdo suffer the dunking.
"No, I think I will just stretch out here, I get enough exercise at night, at the bar, ya know?" And she giggled as she said that.
Dan didn't think as he responded back, "Well, swimming is about the only exercise I get anymore, gotta get the heart goin' at least once in a while." He didn't want her in the water. He couldn't imagine what must be going on in Cindy's mind. Wait! Maybe he could. Cindy's face was stone.
"Darlin', I can think of LOTS of ways to do that for ya!" Donna responded with that gleam in her eye. She knew she had him ready, now it was just figurin how to dump Cindy and get him back into his trailer, just the two of 'em. She hadn't needed to try and land a guy in years, show a little interest and they ALWAYS took over from there.
"Donna, as much as I can only imagine how enjoyable that might be" (yeah, he had been in this position before) "my momma raised me to believe love comes first." "Like," he thought, "you should be raising Cindy."
"Oh hon, you'll be in love, at least you'll love what I can do to you" Donna didn't just say the words, she said it in that breathy, throaty way that promised Nirvana with a definite incentive of pushing those breasts together just a little more, and the rubbing of thighs that showed something should be between them to keep them from getting chafed.
If it wouldn't have been for Cindy, Dan would have just gotten up and walked away with as much dignity as he could muster. He knew she was being exposed to something she shouldn't be at her young age, or any age for that matter. Donna had all the subtlety of a vulture at a carcass, and from his past experiences, just about as much appeal.
"Sorry, just not the way I was raised. My Momma would haunt me if I didn't respect what she taught me." And what little respect Dan had for Donna was totally gone by this point. He knew what Mizz Helen had said, but now he realized she hadn't conveyed how derailed Donna really was.
Donna was in shock. She had never, ever, had a guy say no to HER. Of course, it didn't occur to her that the only guys she normally met were at the bar, and at the kind of bar she worked at, the only difference in any of them was their names.
It was supposed to be a mad night out. A stag do in Skegness that was supposed to get wild. It was for a guy from work that I didn’t know that well but who turns down an excuse to party? At 31 years old you look for any excuse to have a bit of fun. I had got my nice shirt on and I was knocking a pint back in the Marine Boathouse pub, waiting for the others to turn up. It was then that I got a text from my mate Steve, “the stag is off, Dave’s future Mrs has thrown a fit because we booked a...
‘Do you want to look at some porn,’ I asked James, my friend from uni who was visiting for a few days. ‘Yeah, ok,’ he replied, ‘What have you got?’ ‘Loads of stuff, come down and have a look.’ So we went downstairs to the computer and began browsing through my folders. After about ten minutes I needed the loo, so I left James to browse on his own. But when I came back he had a big smile on his Afro-Caribbean face. ‘Are you bi, then?’ he asked me. He had obviously found my small collection of...
it was something i had never given a thought about. probably all the mr. wrongs in my life in the past. then i met a guy who did it for the first time. he loved creampies, making them, watching them, filming them, playing with them, worshiping them. And then he would do a wonderful, slow, dreamy clean up. WOW. i was SOOO turned on and continue to be turned on, it is all i every think about now. i was never with the guy again (damn) but am constantly fantasizing about being with, not 1, but 2...
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Here I m abhi, back again with another story after fucked my teenage love. Thank you all for showing your support and I will work on the other aspects also to improve. Suggestions are welcome at So this story is about one of my encounters with a roommate. It happened when I was doing an internship in a gurgaon firm. Commuting to gurgaon from home was the hell of a task as most of my time was spent in traveling. So I decided to take a flat in gurgaon. I did all the formalities with the owner...
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Author’s note: This story is based on real life events that occurred to me. The names have all been changed to protect the innocent, and not so innocent. Some dramatization has been added to match the themes of this site, but otherwise I have tried to remain true to the original experience. This story does not have a lot of sex for its length, but considering it is based on reality. . . Well, you’ll see why as you read it. For those coming to this story from my dear friend’s,...
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Introduction: Dominiqua details what she caught her friend doing. Dearest Diary, I have never wanted to get home to you more than I did this morning. I have a whopper of a story I want to tell and I cant tell anyone but you, at least right now. I am still in shock and disbelief as to what I saw, and it was the most stimulating and intense experience I have ever seen. As you know Tracy has been my friend since kindergarten and we are the best of friends. We got even closer back in the...
A few weeks later on a Saturday evening, James and Julia prepared to join Diane and Megan for the evening. They had decided to take taxis each way so that they could enjoy the wine that James had selected from their cellar. The hostesses had suggested that they dress comfortably, so James wore silk boxers, Dockers and a long-sleeved Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt. Julia wore a sweater and black pants, with dark green lingerie underneath. Shortly after arriving at the townhouse and ringing the bell,...
Care taking my sister's house, I agree to go out every night to feed her dogs while she is out of town for a few days. Tonight the full moon shines bright above and I decide I might just take a dip in her hot tub while I'm out there. My sister lives 3 miles out a country road on the old homestead. Sitting out in the country surrounded my trees and hillsides, with mountains all around. The long road leading up to the house only warns you when someone is coming. Her hot tub sits out in her...
EroticThere was a time a while back when I needed a place to stay. Luckily, one of my long-time play friends was nice enough to let me stay with her for a while. She was divorced, with a daughter still living at home, and she wanted to have a man around the house. She worked as a caretaker at a senior facility. Her problem was that after work there was nobody at home to take care of her.She was a huge woman...immense. Olive-black skin. Dark fat rolls all along her waist. Chubby cheeks, thick calves,...
Irina had just set the piano bench to the right height when Richard came into the studio. Three minutes early, she was pleased to note. "Good morning," he said. "Good morning. How is your first week?" Irina asked him as she settled into her chair near the piano, while Richard unpacked his books. "Busy, but so far so good." "Good, good." "What do you want me to start with?" "Play the Liszt." Richard sat and reached for the bench knobs out of habit, but found he didn't need...
Summary – Cindy and Stacy get into a little trouble at school. Previous Chapter Summary – Cindy and Stacy had fun with their new friend Kevin. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with...
Jazlyn works as an elite escort, only giving her time to the people who can afford her. Tommy finds her profile online and applies to hire her for some dirty BDSM ass fucking. The process didn’t take long to approve him, especially with the amount of money he has to offer. Jazlyn shows up and they negotiate how the day is going to look for her. she knew he wanted some BDSM, but she had no idea how intense it would get. Tommy eases her into the whole process until he gets her bound. There’s no...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Holly, and I'm twenty-eight. I'm a blonde, and I happen to be a lesbian. I have been with a couple guys before, but that's it. Anyway, one night, I was at a club securing the perimeter. Looking for some cute ladies, that maybe I'd take home. I saw a lot of worthy candidates, and a couple with D-cup racks. I wasn't a slut or anything like that, but I definitely played the field. I looked around the entire club a few times, and caught a few eyes. I saw a few ladies casually stirring...
TransCharacter physical descriptionColt: a twenty-one-year-old who looks like Ashton Kutcher from that seventies show. He is 6’3, 178 pounds, dark shaggy hair that curls in the back. Caroline: a fifty-two-year-old woman who favors Marisa Tomei. Beautiful legs with a gorgeous face. Sporting brunette hair, icy blue eyes and a captivating smile.Colt: It was the summer I turned twenty-one. I was tired of college and decided I was done with stressful deadlines and studying. The only reason I was in...
MILFWhen her third child was born, she realized how much of a turn on the actual act of lactation was. Shameful to admit, that the physical act of feeding a demanding newborn was physically pleasurable. Many an afternoon, after a feed as the baby slumbered she would allow her fingers to wander down between her thick creamy thighs to investigate the pooling wetness of her center. She always felt guilty when she came, baby just a few feet away,asleep and blissfully unaware of his wanton...
This is the second chapter of my story. I hope you stay and read the first part and all the other ones which I will post one a week. If you lie them, let me know, if you have any ideas you want writing about, let me know. Above all, enjoy.The next day went without Julie or myself even acknowledging what had happened the night before.Julie went out to meet her dad in the afternoon.Carrie said we should make use of the empty house.I sat on the sofa like I had the day before. Carrie came and sat...
Tara saw what I was doing and she had her own ideas of fun with the redhead. She had been kneeling over the girl just high enough that Verarea could lick her pussy. But seeing the way I was playing with my slut, she wanted in. Tara suddenly sat down on Verarea's face, smothering her with her pussy! Verarea reacted violently, as anyone would, but Tara kept on her, making it nearly impossible for her to breath. I continued my work on her pussy, clit, and tits while I watched Tara deal with her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI am running late for a client meeting. A very, very important client meeting this could make or break my small design firm. From what I had heard Edward Kline was a stickler for punctually, and did not like dealings with women. It was said that he was really tough and could make a grown man cry with his criticisms. Now straight out the gate I had two strikes against me. Practically running, the hem of my long skirt swishing around my black riding boots I rush into the shiny chrome and glass...
I can still remember the first time I asked her if I could do it. I had always had a fascination for tasting my own semen, you see. My wife Megan had indulged me certain levels of satisfaction in this matter but refused to let me give her oral after sex.She said it was "gross".I had licked it off her tits and she occasionally would kiss me after a blowjob, but that was the extent of it.But then I had an idea. What if I fucked her with a condom on and then ate her immediately afterward. It might...
Seduced by my Boss.When I was 18, my boss and I were called to work in the States. I had never really traveled and never been to America so it was quite exciting. When we arrived in Ft Lauderdale we checked in and went to our room, not long after our contact invited us out to go clubbing, but I was so tired and I stayed in as the jetlag completely killed me. David went out and I had a shower to cool down as I had never experienced such humidity. I lay on the bed with my towel around my waist...
The Story of Eve and Adam, a Fable by dkb The first human that God created was spherical, with four arms and four legs, and two faces, facing either way. Male and female created He them. And He saw that they were good. They were one completely perfect being. Having all living perfection within them they wanted for nothing and understood everything. The first human lived in contemplative bliss for an unknown period. But then they realised that there was one thing they did not...
“Up... up!”The slim thong of leather in Zelda’s hand flailed across Maria’s flank. It woke the girl from a fretful sleep and a shriek of pain rang through the cell. That shriek penetrated to Heidi, in the neighbouring cell, jerking her up into the stark horror of a new day. So it was not a nightmare after all... There was the agony of the weals, now even greater, it seemed. Still throbbing and burning incessantly. Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Oh... oh... oh... if only it had been a nightmare! If...
Suzee was in bed, hoping to get a good fuck from her 'friend'. He was a friend that she was bedding for the first time. Hopefully it was the first of many times they would be together in this most intimate way. Suzee had lost her long time Master to a heart attack. She had lost her Master while she was on her belly, enjoying an afternoon ass fucking that both of them loved.Suzee knelt between her friend's spread legs, her soft, wrinkled hands stroking his soft cock, fondling his gray-haired...
Mark and I both lived in a dorm at college; I had fantasies of seeing mark in the shower. Today was my lucky day, as I walked into the bathroom I saw steam in the shower and Mark's dripping wet body turned me into a rampant sex machine with a rock hard boner. I walked over and picked up his CK's and held them to my nose, the smell was divine. Suddenly he open the door and caught me sniffing his pants, he was turned on by this and stood over me and offered me his cock which I took quite eagerly...
GayThis story was inspired by, and also makes reference to events from a wonderful story by an excellent writer, Marriane's Revenge by Cissy Gaye. It's a shame nothing new has come our way from her recently I only hope she is just in a writing slump and nothing more serious. Thank you for helping this story be. Oh Donna by Ray Kitten Donna Marie closed the door behind her, calling out, "Daddy, I'm home," before she remembered that her father was away on his bi-montly...
TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE Traditional is the adjective Jane always uses to explain our marriage. Contemporary, or perhaps even more aptly, futuristic would be a better description. It is true as she emphasizes, that one spouse is the breadwinner while the other stays at home to keep house, make the meals, and in general care for the physical needs of the working partner. It is also true that the head of the household is an exceptionally caring and loving individual, albeit strict in...
So here I am watching my favorite show on tv Entourage. I love it because it is basically my life. The only difference is I have not fucked Sasha Gray. I would like to one day though. Maybe teach the bitch a lesson and do stuff to her she would never dream of doing in porn.“RING!! RING!!” the door bell ringsI sigh and pause the television. I go to the door and open to see the bitch Ariana Grande staring daggers at me.Last time we met she was being bitchy to me and I was fed up with it so I...