TangentChapter 24: Lions free porn video

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Ensign Legios of the Sixth Mounted Rifles tried not to rubberneck like a country bumpkin seeing his first town market as he stood waiting in Captain-General Harmakros' field headquarters. The headquarters was in the common room of an inn commandeered for the purpose. Legios had seen better inns in his day.

But it wasn't the building that riveted his attention, it was the man sitting at a trestle table, listening to a logistos report. The Captain-General was waving a roasted leg of some sort of bird around like it was a pointer.

At eighteen years old, what he was this day, he'd seen very few important men. A few heartbeats before he'd seen General Alkides, the High King's artillery wizard speaking to the Captain-General. And always, there was Harmakros.

Harmakros turned his eye to Legios. "You have a message, Ensign?"

"Sir, yes. A report from Brigadier Markos."

"Report then."

Legios drew himself up. "Sir, Brigadier Markos reports that at dawn a small force of Mexicotal from their vanguard tried to force a crossing east of the village of Tepic on the Tulum River. We engaged them, but the Mexicotal thought to trick us. More than a thousand Mexicotal attacked, all armed with rifles. They tried to force a crossing of the river. The entire Sixth Mounted rose up and hit them hard. Then, sir, two Mexicotal divisions attacked from the flanks. Twenty thousand men. Brigadier Markos told me to tell you that they are also all armed with rifles. I was told to report at once and return with orders. Brigadier Markos is retreating in good order and regrets that he could not hold the crossing longer."

The Captain-General shook his head in wonder. "Only Markos would even think of trying to stop twenty thousand with one thousand. You will return to the brigadier in a moment." He beckoned to one of his sergeants who came and leaned close. Harmakros whispered a few words to him and then the man saluted and left.

Harmakros turned back to Legios. "Come here, Ensign, look at the map."

Legios approached the table and bent over the map, looking at where the Captain-General was pointing.

"Here we are, Ensign." The Captain-General traced the road Legios had galloped up earlier in the day.

Legios had never been prouder. He'd been given Brigadier Markos' baton, the insignia of the brigadier's rank. That baton had allowed Legios to change horses every few miles and only another man with a similar baton could challenge him.

He was abruptly reminded he was standing in front of a man who didn't have time for boys who weren't paying attention. "Do you know the road, Ensign?"

"Yes, sir. I've been along it twice now."

"Five miles southwest of Spintos, the road passes between some hills. A little round one on the east, to the left as you go south, about four hundred feet high. A longer one to the right, mostly parallel with the road and a little higher. A third hill, another two miles further to the west, higher still. That's to the right as you go south. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now, you ride like the wind back to Markos. Tell him I want him on the eastern hill, that'll be the one on the right as you come back. I want him there before dark tonight. He is to dig in and hold the hill until he can no longer. He is to make sure the Mexicotal don't flank him to the east, although I have no idea how any significant force could get through those brambles. Just tell him to be careful. Now, repeat my instructions."

Legios repeated what he'd been told, as he'd been taught. The Captain-General waved and Legios went outside, almost running.

He missed the Captain-General turning back to the logistos and asking, "Were we ever that young?" The Captain-General laughed as he said that.

The logistos smiled thinly. "I was, Harmakros. I don't think you were ever young. And I'm not sure that boy is all that young. It's forty miles to the river and he covered that between breakfast and before you finished lunch. He'll be back with Markos in half that time and back here before night. Today he earned his pay."

The Captain-General of the Army of Hostigos belched. "No, I was never that young. At his age I'd have stopped at a bawdy house for some sport. Then I'd have found something to eat. I'd have reported when it pleased me. I have, since, had a better teacher than when I was however young I was in those days."

Legios found the sergeant he'd seen inside waiting for him. The sergeant hailed him. "You are to go to Markos?" the sergeant asked.

"Yes, Sergeant."

The sergeant waved at the most magnificent horse Legios had ever seen. It was the color of sand and stood much taller than any horse Legios had ridden before.

"The Captain-General's compliments, Ensign. This horse will get you back to the brigadier in quick time. Do take care of him."

Legios nodded, awestruck. Still, he climbed lithely up. The sergeant grinned. "Watch yourself, Ensign! Ride like the wind!"

The sergeant whacked the horse on the rump and it was off at a run.

Legios hadn't had to deal with as much traffic when he'd come through earlier. Now the road was packed solidly with Hostigi soldiery marching south, most of whom were singing lustily about marching through Nostor.

He only had to brandish the baton a few times, though, and yell "Courier!" to be allowed to pass through units stopped alongside the road, which was the only place he could ride. He'd only gone a few miles before the soldiers turned off the main road, marching west, while Legios continued on south.

He looked at the hill on his left, the one they were supposed to occupy. It was a round mesa, with a tumbled down section from the steep climb the last fifty feet or so to the top; the tumbled down part faced west.

He saw a large group of men, perhaps a hundred, with many wagons, working at the base of the tumbledown. Cutting a road to the top, Legios thought. There were even more men working on a road on the hill to the west, and they were already appreciably higher than the men working on the eastern hill had gotten. That hill was a long ridge, probably as high as the mesa, but there was no steep rocky part. Further to the west, he could see the third hill. It was like the other one to the west, about three hundred feet high, also not very steep. However, it ran more east and west, rather than north and south.

The horse's rhythm was lulling, but Legios didn't think he could sleep, not with all of the excitement.

This morning had been something he had never imagined. He was with the brigadier and a dozen others, a mixture of young men like Legios and older sergeants and lieutenants. They were on a small rise a few hundred yards from the river, watching the Mexicotal start to cross at first light.

The firing started as a volley from the Hostigi; the number of rifles in reply had caused some talk, but it wasn't until a thousand Mexicotal rose up out of nowhere and fired, then charged with fixed bayonets that the Sixth had any idea they were in a big fight.

But the Sixth Mounted had been the brigadier's for two years and he'd trained them well. Men, who a moment before had been alert, but not too concerned, settled down and started to return fire. The river obstructed the Mexicotal. Moreover, rifles or not, they couldn't load and fire in water up to their waists. Almost at once the Mexicotal attack began to falter.

It had been scary. There was no other word to describe how he'd felt. Scared. He'd heard the reports, Legios knew that the Mexicotal had as many men as the brigadier did. But the Mexicotal were out in the open, with no cover except the water, while the men of the Sixth Mounted were shooting from cover, making no effort to fire in volleys. Instead, each man loaded at his own pace and Legios had already learned that they could fire more often than any unit that volley-fired.

Almost the instant Legios realized the attack would fail, that was when the real blow had fallen. Files of Mexicotal soldiers, twenty men at a time, rose on each flank and fired, then charged forward into the slow-moving river. Brigadier Markos had known at once what was happening, and sent messengers to tell the various companies to retreat in order.

Then he turned to Legios and ordered him to report to the Captain-General at Spintos with news of what was happening.

It had bothered Legios to turn his back on the battle, but he had his orders. The firing had continued until he was out of earshot of the battle, ten miles down the road. He could only hope that the brigadier had been careful and that the Mexicotal didn't have any more surprises.

Now as he returned, he began to hear sporadic firing ahead of him. He slowed the horse and checked his two pistols. It was something they warned him about over and over: be alert for Mexicotal scouts. Another mile further along, he saw a company of the Sixth trotting their horses, heading the way Legios had just come.

This too was something he'd been taught. He turned the horse towards them, and reported to the captain commanding the company. Legios repeated the Captain-General's message for Brigadier Markos to the captain, then drew him a map of where they were supposed to go. This way, if anything happened to Legios, the brigadier still would get his message -- and these men would go to the right place. Not only that, a picket would stay here to pass the message on to any other companies that followed, so that Legios wouldn't have to stop again.

"How did the battle go?" Legios asked the captain.

The man shrugged. "We lost about thirty men of the Sixth. There were a lot of the dirty buggers! But they didn't press the attack after crossing the river. It was just the usual skirmishers; except the bastards have rifles now, instead of crossbows. Get you on, Ensign!"

When Legios climbed up on the horse the captain laughed. "And who did you steal that magnificent beast from?"

"The Captain-General," Legios said and spurred forward, leaving the others laughing behind him.

Legios grinned to himself. He was the youngest son of a grain merchant of Xiphlon. Except his father hadn't always been a grain merchant. When Legios was six years old, they had a farm near Fitra, in old Hostigos. There, Legios had actually gotten to see the High King, even though at the time he wasn't the High King yet, just Lord Kalvan, and at six, Legios was too young to understand much of what had happened that day.

They had to leave their home in the middle of the night, when riders came to warn them that mercenaries in the employ of Gormoth of Nostor were attacking. They threw a few things in a wagon, and then they'd fled, with the horizon already ablaze as the mercenaries advanced.

By mid-morning the next day his family was part of a great stream of people, fleeing the fighting that left towering columns of smoke behind them. Legios could remember his father exclaiming with pleasure as the traffic on the road began to move faster.

But it hadn't been a good thing. The traffic was moving faster because Hostigi infantry were in the road, piling up wagons and goods to block it. Legios, his mother, brothers and sisters had been moved back several miles on foot, while his father had been set to help build the barricade.

The battle was a tremendous victory for the High King, but it cost Legios' family everything they owned but the clothes they stood in.

And now, here he was! Legios knew his father wasn't happy that Legios wanted to be in the army. But his father, instead of throwing up objections or simply forbidding Legios to go, had sent Legios to Brigadier Markos with a letter of introduction.

First Legios spent a moon in Xiphlon, learning to shoot. Many of the others had to learn to ride, but he already knew, so, instead, he'd been sent to a quick school to learn how to carry messages. That took a half moon, then Brigadier Markos came and asked all that were there if they wanted to march against the Mexicotal. Everyone volunteered, including Legios.

He reached the brigadier and climbed down off the magnificent horse. Getting down was much harder than Legios expected. Still, he made his report, drawing the map in the dirt alongside the road. He told the brigadier that he'd passed on the message to the first captain he'd met, and that pickets had been posted on the road to tell the units ahead of the brigadier.

The brigadier looked at the map for a few moments, then called for his staff. In short order, commands were passed, and then most of the brigadier's staff were galloping ahead of the rest of the Sixth.

Legios had been told to follow along and he did. It was something to think about; one of the things Brigadier Markos had told him was that one courier had been killed in the fighting during the morning and another wounded.

When they reached the hill they were to occupy, the brigadier stopped, sitting his horse, looking over the terrain for a few heartbeats.

"There's a road being built," Legios reminded him, "around there." He pointed towards where it was. You couldn't see it from where they were, but Legios was sure it was there. You could certainly see the road on the middle hill.

They rode up the hill, going slowly and taking care of their horses. It was getting on towards sunset, and only the fact that the ground they were riding on faced west kept the footing from being treacherous. The brigadier conferred with the engineer officer working on the road, then motioned the rest of them to come along. They reached the point on top of the mesa that was furthest south. Brigadier Markos stared out over the expanse of broken brush that spread out in front of him without a word.

After a bit, one of the captains spoke up. "This is much better ground, sir, than any other we've seen today."

The brigadier didn't take his eyes off the view when he spoke, "This is very good ground. However, much as I would like to hold this hilltop, it's a little too good. They will have a hard time getting to us, and we will have an equally hard time getting at them from on top."

He turned to his junior aide. Legios looked at the young lieutenant, not much older than he was. "Paper," the brigadier commanded and the young man handed his commander a piece. The brigadier started drawing on it, while Legios contemplated how much the brigadier's aide's hand trembled as he held out the paper. Sickness was always a risk in the field, you were better off if you stayed away from sick people.

Brigadier Markos spoke to them when he'd finished the map. He held it up so all could see it. "We will deploy along the break in the hill, with the cliff to our rear. We will have two companies here," he pointed to circles at the southern tip, next to each other. "Another company here." Here was around on the side away from the road. "Two more companies here," this time it was around towards the road, "two more here on the crest, above the road. I have put the name of the captain I want in a position in each circle."

There were murmurs of understanding. The one captain that Legios knew almost always had a good question had one now. "No reserves, Brigadier?"

"I've fought the Mexicotal several times. They are very predictable, rifles or not. Most likely tomorrow morning at dawn they will hit us with a half division: five thousand men. Maybe, if they want to make an example of us, a full division. We're going to need every man on the lines from the start.

"We need to have some sharp eyes up here," the brigadier went on. "We can't let them flank us to the east. I know the brambles make that almost impossible, but 'almost' isn't something I'm comfortable with. They are to report any trace of smoke or dust they see out there."

There were a few more minor questions, and then Brigadier Markos gestured at Legios. "Ensign, are you up to taking this map to each of my captains, telling them where they are to go?"

"Yes, sir!" Legios said with alacrity.

"Good, do so. Have each of the captains initial the map next to his name."

Legios didn't say anything, he knew better. In the past captains would do as they pleased, but the High King had introduced the idea of written orders and signed receipts. A lot of captains grumbled, but there were a lot fewer mistakes.

"Yes, sir."

"When you are finished with that, return to me here." He pointed to a rock in the middle of the flat area. "We'll base the horse corral on that rock. Take care of your horse. After that, you get some rest. I'll send someone for you when I need you again."

"Yes, sir!" Legios said, and dashed for the horse and was up and away, ignoring the pain in his arms and legs, the tired muscles in his stomach.

Denethon stood in his stirrups to stretch. Behind him the men of his company also stretched. He spent the time studying the hills ahead of them. One hill was to the east of the road, two more to the west. The westernmost hill was, he thought, pretty well out of a fight for the road as the road wound between the two eastern-most hills.

With a sinking feeling he realized what Oaxhan would plan, the instant he saw this ground.

As if hearing his thoughts, the Captain-General and his coterie of officers and other hangers-on came cantering up. Denethon kept his face blank. Xitki Quillan had a tenth as many in his entourage and they were all staff officers and senior sergeants. There were few staff officers in the army of the God-King and few of those were allowed to travel into the field.

Oaxhan pulled up next to Denethon. "Look at this lovely ground, General Denethon! Isn't this grand!"

"Yes, Captain-General," he said, trying to keep his voice level. He could win this battle. Xitki Quillan could win this battle and the war. Oaxhan was going to lose it here.

He stopped thinking along those lines abruptly. Xitki Quillan had been defeated and was withdrawing as he, Denethon, sat his horse on this hill, so far away. He wanted to weep. It had been a gamble, yes. But he and Alros loved each other, and this had been their only chance. And now she was the center of a storm greater than even the most experienced sailor could deal with. And she was just sixteen! Freidal was a good man, none better! But he was hundreds of miles from home and it would be to the God-King's enormous advantage if something happened to him.

And if something happened to Freidal, Alros would be queen and he would have nothing, because there was no way, promises or not, that he could marry her.

Denethon settled himself carefully down on his horse, denying his mind a chance to dwell on the dangers to his own personal ambition, focusing instead on the dangers that faced the young woman he loved.

"Bring the army up tonight," Denethon said evenly. "Get them formed up at first light. Mid-morning, send them down the road."

"Only two divisions will be here early tomorrow," Oaxhan told him. "I want the others well rested. They will be here later tomorrow. This," Oaxhan waved at the terrain ahead of them, "is simply wonderful ground! What a chance to make a fool of Harmakros!"

Denethon controlled his temper. "I do not know the mind of the God-King," Denethon told Oaxhan. "I do know the mind of my king. If I were to tell him we had defeated Harmakros, he'd be content. Humiliating enough for the High King, just to have his best soldier retreat.

"Captain-General, you should send runners to your men, have the main body come up as quickly as possible. Give them a few palm-widths of rest in the morning, if you must. Then throw them right up the road."

"What we will do," Oaxhan said, speaking to all, ignoring Denethon, "is launch a half division attack tomorrow on that hill to the east and kick them off it. Harmakros will have to spend many men to counter-attack."

One of the scouts who'd been a little ways off from Denethon spoke loudly. "General! The Hostigi who fought us at the ford this morning are there on that hill! There are barely a thousand of them! You will crush them tomorrow before High Sun!"

Oaxhan turned to the speaker. "What of the other Hostigi dispositions?"

The man shrugged. "Captain-General, I don't know. Scouts to the east report the brambles are impassable. We have watched carefully here. Strong Hostigi forces are preparing to take up positions on the central hill. There are gun emplacements being built on it. Most to range the road and the rest to engage forces attacking from the south."

"And to the west?" Denethon asked, without much hope of good news.

"None of my scouts have returned from that direction yet. It is much further off. Tomorrow, early, I'm sure I'll know more."

Oaxhan nodded as if this was satisfactory. "What we will do day after tomorrow, is launch another half division attack, this time at the center hill. As soon as their artillery starts to fire, the attack will reorient and attack the eastern-most hill. Another set of divisions will come up, as if to support the attack.

"As that attack goes home, ten divisions will sweep over the western hill and turn the Hostigi flank. The rest of the army will attack the center as the Hostigi start to crumble."

Denethon blinked, amazed at the stupidity of it.

"General Oaxhan, Harmakros is between you and Spintos. Every step to the west you take, will take you further from the town and Harmakros. Harmakros can pull back on the town and we will be no better off than we were yesterday or today."

"The God-King's men don't need roads! Our soldiers will run, General Denethon! They will sweep around to the west and catch Harmakros coming once again to kick our troops off the eastern hill, as he will have had to do tomorrow. We will get behind him and cut him off. He will have to submit to me! What a fine thing that will be!"

Denethon closed his eyes. The worst kind of a general was the general who counted the plaudits for his victory before the battle commenced.

"Suppose, General Oaxhan, that Harmakros is on that western hill? Your scouts haven't told you anything about his whereabouts."

Oaxhan slapped his fist into his palm. "Better yet! The God-King's finest soldiers, double his numbers, will roll over Harmakros and his men! I will speak to the men before the battle and tell them they are not to give quarter to their enemies! We will destroy every single one of them! Not only a great victory, but even more pleasing!"

"And is there word of the High King?" Denethon cautioned.

"No, none," the scout commander reported. The look he gave Denethon told Denethon all he really needed to know. The scouts had no idea where any of the forces opposing Oaxhan were except for a paltry thousand men squatting on one stupid, pointless hill. This was a prescription for disaster!

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Chapter 1 After college I meet up with Debbie, and we started to date again. Within a year we got married. She had a degree in finance, and mine was in accounting and computer programing. We both got good jobs with the same major bank in Detroit. We had two children a boy and a girl, and things seemed to be going very well for us. Debbie and I both worked for the same bank, but in different departments. She ended up getting a rather large promotion, and a job transfer to Orlando Florida. They...

1 year ago
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My Sister Kelly Pt2

Note : This story is completely fictional!!! It was the next day after the sex-fest I had with my sister Kelly; or should I say my sister had with me. For those of you just joining my diary of my sexual encounters with my sister Kelly allow me to re-cap her. She is 5’3”, 95 lbs., brown eyes, brownish-red hair and beautiful, natural 34D tits with a 21 and half inch waist and hips of 31 and a half-inch’s. She quietly walked into my bedroom and glided up behind me as I was rearranging some clothes...

2 years ago
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Showing Off SusanChapter 9

Joe wasn't sure just how far he had expected the three men to go when he had turned Susan over to them. He had certainly urged them on. He watched as the clerk started unfastening his pants and he knew that they would all take her now. He was almost as excited watching them as he would have been if he were about to fuck her. But he was a patient man. He knew that he would get his turn. His biggest regret was that the innocent young wife's foolish husband was not in the room and being forced...

2 years ago
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The rough stuff Blindfold

I want to strip all the clothes of your sweet firm body, my hands searching over your skin, finding all your sweet little places, the spots that make you sigh, bite your lip, moan. Exploring your little pussy with my fingers as you press your warm naked flesh against me, feeling you get nice and wet. I put my fingers in your mouth and have you taste yourself. Then I push you down on the bed and order you to spread yourself so I could get a look at that sweet little hole. I run my tongue down...

4 years ago
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Lady at Dawn

They watched the virile youth fuck like rabbits in front of them while they rubbed each other. She nestled her index finger between his balls and massaged, while he tweaked her nipple with random playfulness. The looked on as the two 19 year olds met their crotches and pumped furiously. The nubile body took the thrusting cock. He pounded her and winced as this was the 8th orgasm in the last 12 hours. As he came inside her, he felt his balls pinch. As he gasped in exhaustion and pain, she...

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My InheritanceChapter 26 Finishing the Assignment

On the morning of the twenty-sixth, I leant my Suburban to Mom and Dad, loaded them and my sisters in it and waved goodbye to them. They were going to spend a few days at my Aspen house. Mary and Andy knew I had eight more women to fuck in Vail to complete my assignment from Uncle Bert. Only nonkittens counted. As we discussed strategy, I wondered if Uncle Bert’s assignment of finding and fucking women was some sort of test, part of my training or simply just his own wild, sexual nature at...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Bukkake

Emma had just stepped out of the shower. She was getting ready for a date with a new man. Well, not completely new. She went out with him a week ago and had ended up giving him a hand job! He was a pig though, because he didn’t help her to get off! This would be his second and last chance to make a good impression. He better perform well tonight!She was impressed with his average seven-inch-long and quite thick cock! Even better was the amount of semen he sprayed on her face! He completely...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Hearts LongingChapter 6 Bounty Hunter Surprise

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Lady Delilah – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds The ladder creaked while the wind whipped at my long, red hair. It danced about my naked shoulders. Energy burned through my body from the alchemical drink Fredagest gave me. The gnome bounty hunter climbed above me, her small body navigating the ladder with ease. The sun rose, painting the basalt cliff of Mount Peritito in highlights of orange. Fredagest was confident in her alchemical...

4 years ago
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Mckenzie Finds Brotherly Love

McKenzie had just turned eighteen when her family was forced to moved into a different home because her parents lost their previous one in an economic slowdown. She had always had her own room and enjoyed her privacy which enabled her to enjoy masturbating without fear of discovery. She was very lacking in sexual experience being extremely shy. She had only recently learned the joys of masturbation. She had two older brothers, Austin 19 and Ryan 21. Ryan worked two jobs and was struggling in...

2 years ago
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Maries Familie

Ich war 19, kam gerade frisch nach dem Abitur in eine fremde Stadt, wo ich mit ein wenig Glück einen Studienplatz gefunden hatte. Meine Eltern wohnten in München und da ich in Hamburg studierte, war ich von meiner gewohnten Umwelt und meinen Freunden völlig abgeschnitten. Mit meinem Freund hatte ich auch Schluss gemacht, nachdem ich erfahren hatte, dass ich dort oben studieren wollte. Auf eine Fernbeziehung hatte ich keine Lust. So war ich natürlich umso glücklicher, als ich direkt am ersten...

1 year ago
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Rebeccas Ring

It was Sunday morning, and I was just getting ready to go to the gym to workout, looking forward to my date with Shelly that evening. Actually, it looked like her time was running out; the great sex was getting to be only good, and she was starting to get clingy. I thought I'd be able to get laid a couple more times before it was time to let her go. So I was surprised when the doorbell rang and it was Rebecca. Rebecca was another girl I'd dated about a year ago. She was as hot as they...

3 years ago
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4 My Sisters KeeperChapter 2

Officer McConnell's "accident" finding made it possible for me to collect the money from Mom's life insurance policy. I used it to bury her and pay off the mortgage and credit cards. That left the monthly bills, stuff like property taxes, insurance, utilities, clothes, food... I forged Mom's signature and deposited the checks that came from our bastard dad by mail, then wrote checks or withdrew money from the joint account in my own name to pay the bills. It paid nearly all of them. We...

2 years ago
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Slut Miem at Work

I woke to slut miem moving. I wondered how because I had tied her tight after I finished using her last night. I went to get coffee and check sluts chores for the day. I came back to see my sluts beautiful face looking at me, she was so cute. At times she could melt my heart. If I let her. "You have a lot of work today slut."She looks up this big eyes trying to get out of work. I untie her and tell my slut to shower and shave! Them meet me in the kitchen. 10 minute later slut miem crawled in...

1 year ago
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A good night out Part 1

It is a Saturday night in the city and Ellie is bouncing to down the few steps that led to the booming night club behind her. She tries to peer between the crowds around her, flickering her mascara heavy eyes searching for a familiar face. She sighs when she finds none. The search is only made more difficult by the fact her head only reaches the shoulders of most. In the light of the red neon lights, her a light tan complexion is painted a rosy pink, her wide eyes as sprayed with colour as...

3 years ago
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Shirley and Daughters Become Escorts

Chapter 1 - I Got A Job My name is Shirley. I am 34 years old and have been married to John for 16 years. I have a 15-year-old daughter Betty, who has a best friend Susan who stays with us often. Susan is also 15. We are basically a happy family, but debit is beginning to wear us down. About a year ago we bought a rather large mobile home and put it in an expensive mobile home community. We also bought an extra car for me since my husband worked long hours. I was looking for work, but since I...

4 years ago
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Me And My Angel Aunt

I and my aunt had sex in her bedroom. With great love with her pleasure Hai friends my name Suri my aunt name Sailaja she is very beauty. She slim i love her very much am coming to the story directly. Me and my aunt get together because of one day she want to go out of town from my village we have bus only time to time in that day the bus is gone that’s why my aunt asked to help her. On that day i helped her to do their shopping after that day onwards we both are friends before that we not...

3 years ago
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I Think Theres Something Funny Going On Here

“I think there’s something funny going on here!” Mila whispered.   We were just getting back to our room from an afternoon down at the beach. It had gotten dark, and we were going to take a dip in the hot tub in the common room of the rustic bed and breakfast where we were staying.   “What do you mean?” I asked.   “Listen!” She said, her ear to the door.   I put my ear to the door, and could hear noises of people moving about.   “So we don’t have the carriage house all to ourselves any...

2 years ago
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The Adult Cinema another fantasy that I would l

The Adult CinemaThis is another fantasy that I would like my wife to take part in. When I lived in London I sometimes went to the adult cinemas. Often it was just full of men wanking openly, other times women would turn up, either with a partner who they played with and let others watch, but some also allowed others to join in. In the sunset Cinema in Soho there was a lady called Lisa who regularly attended (always on a Wednesday) and if you contacted her via email she would often agree to fuck...

1 year ago
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PervMom Natasha Starr The Boner Bouncing MILF

Tatted MILF Natasha Starr wants to make sure that her loving stepson is not too torn up about his girlfriend breaking up with him. To console the guy, she sucks his dick at the breakfast table and then spreads her legs for him to penetrate her MILF pussy. Later, Natasha shows off her beach ready body, getting her stepson rock hard in the process. She bounces on his cock for another orgasmic bone session! A couple days later, Natasha jiggles her big titties and lays on her back while her stepson...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Sally D8217Angelo Two Young Cocks For Sally

Businesswoman Sally D’Angelo landed a big deal and wants to celebrate. Her husband is out of town, but he left her something to celebrate with. Actually, two somethings: young studs Levi and Rocky. “Most ladies would like to have a massage or a hot bath,” Sally says, “but not me. I’d rather have a couple of hot, juicy cocks.” The two young dudes take turns fucking this big-titted granny’s tight cunt and dick-hungry mouth until they spray her face with...

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Not all witches come from OZ

Tamera was sixteen, when she first knew she was different. She had a way about her the teachers and students knew it too. She would simply think of something and it would appear. She started off simple. She wanted a glass of water in class. Tamera would concentrate on the water, and it would appear on her desk in class. Soon, Tamera was changing her grades and getting the boys to fall for her only. It was fun for awhile but she always wondered why she was so different. Ten years have passed...

2 years ago
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All is fair in drugs and war

It wasn’t so much the thought of the crippling debt that scared me as much as the techniques they’d use to get it all back. It started of with a gram here and there, the odd party or rave but it was soon out of control and now I’m getting threats. YOU PAY OR SHE DOES! 12HRS. That’s the letter they posted through my door yesterday morning whilst I’d gone jogging. Plain and simple. They didn’t have to specify, I knew they meant my daughter. She’d already warned me that she’d seen them,...

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LaredoChapter 2

The two dejected Rangers slumped as they walked to their horses. "Now, what?" asked Sean. "I don't know. Let's cross the river an' head back to the marshal's office in Eagle Pass. Maybe we kin think of sumpthin' on the way," answered Ezra. They were less than a mile south of Eagle Pass when they heard gunfire. "What the hell? Let's check it out," exclaimed Sean as he urged his horse toward the noise. They rounded a bend in the road and came upon a young woman standing beside a...

1 year ago
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Sav In The Lav

I stuttered a hello and asked her what was going on. She told me that she was not the good innocent little girl that everyone thought she was. She was in fact a horny teen submissive and had wanted to fuck me ever since I arrived at school. She told me about how her little brother had found her masturbating to my picture and start blackmailing her. She told me how he told her to give me up skirts and wear those tiny little panties and eventually to wear none. He then moved on to using butt...

4 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 13

The next morning after making sure Ezra was set up; I went to town to deposit the cash from yesterday. I kept out about fifteen hundred and deposited nearly six thousand. Who would believe that walnut and black oak would be worth that much? With all of the receipts in hand, I called Maude to make sure it was okay to come by her house. She told me the side door was for her office and for me to just come in. When I walked in the door, I was a little shocked. Maude was dressed in some tight...

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A Cruel Commonwealth

Nora and Nate were a loving couple who had settled down in the quaint town of Sanctuary Hills on the outskirts of Boston. Life was going well, Nate had returned home from the war and the two had welcomed a beautiful son Shaun into their peaceful lives. In a perfect world, this is exactly how things would have remained until their dying days, but unfortunately for the pair, life was rarely quite so ideal. On one fateful day, October the 23rd 2077, tragedy struck. News spread within seconds that...

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Encounter with mother and sis Chp2

Chapter 2 My plans to deflower my sister is already finalised. All that was left was to wait for her birthday to arrived. The week passed quicky, it was already the eve of my sis's birthday. She was going to be out till late with her friends. Mum and me took the chance to get together and have sex. We were at it till late in the evening, before we finally stopped in order to make preparations for our plan. Everything was in order, all was left was for my sis to get back. She got back...

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The Kitten Club Part Four

(Note: This probably has to be read from Part One; but at the end of Part Three, Frank had asked for a job as kitten, and had been put in a naughty schoolgirl outfit, complete with stockings and suspenders. She wants to be called Francesca, and has just walked out on to the floor of the club for the first time as a kitten.) Rod just stood there with his eyes sticking out. I imagined that wasn't the only thing sticking out. He took it all in. What had been barely visible only the...

1 year ago
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I was 19 and in college, and had been interested in other boys for quite some time. I fantasized constantly about it, but had kept it to myself for fear of what people might think. That was all to change however, when my mother remarried, to a very nice man with an 18 year old son named Daniel. David was a real fox! He had light brown hair, beautiful green eyes, the most perfect "bubble-butt" I have ever seen and a 4" cock when soft. It was hard to get a look at his cock because he didn’t ever...

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NubileFilms Gina Valentina Late Night Love

Damon Dice has prepared an evening of romance for Gina Valentina. He’s ready to round it out with a Champaign toast on the rooftop, but Gina is too enticing to ignore. Soon Damon finds his lips locked with Gina’s and his hands on her small breasts. The Latina babe starts peeling off her own clothes while Damon watches until her shirt has been lifted up and her skirt is on the floor. Sliding down Damon’s body, Gina finds herself on her knees in front of him. She pulls his...

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Naked at Work

Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF FF NC Spanking Rom If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-storynow. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc. Copyright 2004

2 years ago
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Me My Little Sister Virginity

Hi, guys n gals m Ravi Pamar 4m Mumbai direct to story which doesn’t has end-Ma Parents n we both siblings (me24yrs n ma sis Anju now 19yrs[32.26.30]) it was the 31.12.005 n next day was new year me as a friend ask ma sis do you’ve BF she said yes , is he loving truly she said yes. n next day early morning she was going to go with him to temple so she said m going to sleep. I said u go then when I came in bed room I saw she was in deep sleep n ma parents too at moment I thought y should I leave...

4 years ago
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Love at First Sight

Their eyes met across the bar. She was having a glass of wine after a long day of work at the bank, sitting alone sipping slowly, her long fingers playing with the glass stem. He was there having a beer with his mates — a cheerful company of working guys, all loud and good spirited. After a few drinks all she wanted was some peace and quiet but that wasn’t going to happen. Each time a different guy approached, trying to chat her up. She wasn’t surprised, she knew her curvaceous body and tight...

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Staying After Class

This story took place twenty ago when I went away with a female colleague of mine, to a business conference. During the conference, we were both required to give a speech to the large group, about a project our company had just completed. Normally, I had given these speeches alone and was a bit annoyed that I was told that I was to do it with a junior member of our staff. However, my boss thought that we would have good chemistry together.Prior to the trip, Margaret and I had worked long hours...

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The Promotion Part 1

“Faith!” someone called from behind where she knelt stacking shelves. She turned to see Mel approaching, looking a little concerned. “Martin wants you in his office, I’ll finish that.”“Any idea what he wants?” Faith asked. She ran a hand through her long dark hair, some of which had escaped from her bobble.“Besides trying to get a look down your blouse you mean?” Mel replied, a wry look on her pretty face. “Nah, he didn’t say. He just told me to take over from you and send you to his...

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1000CCPlus Reddit, aka r/1000CCPlus! Where are all my titty lovers at? Do you enjoy looking at pretty women with incredibly large tits? Some would describe them as basketballs… which is exactly what r/1000ccplus/ is all about. This subreddit is dedicated to all the gorgeous chicks who decided to go a bit overboard with their implants and thus ended up with tits the size of basketballs or even bigger.I think that pretty much sums up what the fuck you can expect here, but with that said, I do...

Reddit NSFW List
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Lifes a BitchChapter 6

She'd been staring at the wound Janet had chewed and sucked on my neck when it dawned on her that I'd called her by name. She seemed almost dazed as she came in and I shut the door behind her. I happened to be looking at the hall when Janet tried to peep around the corner and I saw the surprise on her face. "Kathy," she screamed, taking Kathy, who was still gaping at my giant hickey, by complete surprise. "Janet, what are you doing here? Where have you been? Where are we?" Kathy...

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HandsOnHardcore Susy Gala Sexy Maid Fucked Doggy Style

Get a look into the life of wealthy Spaniard Nick Moreno today and you’re going to want to move to Spain pronto after you see the kind of personal service he gets from his sexy maid Susy Gala in today’s 4K Hands on Hardcore premium porn scene. As her job duty requires, the glamour pornstar is dressed in a barely there maid uniform with garter belt and thigh high stockings that reveals her curvy ass every time she bends over to dust the livingroom furniture. The brunette babe has...

2 years ago
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RachmaninovChapter 2

Boston, Massachusetts / Torrington, Connecticut Georg Kuznetsov was waiting for Clara in her dressing room after the concert. She had played three encores, all Franz Liszt pieces of the most popular type: the famous Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, the technically difficult La Campanella etude, and finished off the Sunday afternoon event with Liebestraum. The audience loved the show-off pieces and the finale sent them away with a happy memory of Liszt’s “Love Dream.” Unfortunately, Clara’s love...

4 years ago
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What We Do for LoveChapter 4 Evelyn and Kathy Get Acquainted

After school, I stopped in to see if Kathy was home. Kathy Griffin is the real name of Lotta Rain. When I rang the doorbell and said who I was, Kathy buzzed me right in. She answered her door wearing an all-latex outfit, which made me do a double-take. Her boobs, while tightly encased in the shiny black outfit, were pushed up as far as they could go without nipple popping out. The skirt only just covered her groin and included really big pleats, like a window covering would have. Being latex,...

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