GreeniesChapter 8A free porn video

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Laura went directly from the media room of the capital building to the briefing room. It was but step two in a horribly busy morning for her. As she entered through the security-controlled door that was guarded by two of her MPG security force, the assembled briefers in the room stood from their chairs around the large table and applauded her. She actually flushed with embarrassment.

"Please," she said, smiling, holding up her hands. "Be seated."

They applauded for a moment more and finally sat down in their chairs once more.

Laura helped herself to a cup of coffee from the beverage computer. She took a sip as she moved towards her chair. The brew was smooth as silk, made from the best beans that the southern hemisphere of Earth had to offer. One thing that Martian agriculture did not produce very well was coffee. Soon the supply of Earth beans would run out and it was unlikely they would send any more. Oh well, she sighed, relishing the flavor. The cost of freedom.

"Good morning," she said to the assembled crowd. General Jackson was there of course. As was Matt Belting, their naval expert who had been working around the clock at Triad Naval Base, inventorying and analyzing what they had seized there. Five ranking loyal members of the planetary legislature were also present. They all mumbled variations of good morning in reply to her.

"Well, people," Laura said brightly, "we are an independent planet now. And as I said in my speech today, we need to make every effort to keep it that way. Now hopefully we'll be overwhelmed with volunteers for the military by the end of the day. I kind of suspect that we will be. General Jackson, are you prepared to deal with this?"

"Yes, Governor," Jackson said confidently. "I have directed recruitment to set up twenty-five additional induction sites, two in each city of Mars and a third in Eden. Those that sign up on the Internet will be directed to these sites in order of signing. They will be given their physicals and ASVABs there. Acceptable candidates will be processed immediately. We are already setting up three more basic training sites for induction. Based on their ASVABs, they will be sent directly to the appropriate division, skipping the usual process of tech school. All of the divisions will be up and training extensively anyway for the coming war."

Laura nodded thoughtfully. "What do you need the most of?" she asked.

"Two things, maybe three depending on other factors. We need tank crews to man those tanks onboard the marine landing ships at TNB. The tanks are going be the final, deciding factor in this thing after all. We also need special forces volunteers to attack the Earthlings at their landing sites and on their marches. I'll wait until I have preliminary numbers on the amount of volunteers I have for this job, but I plan to send as many teams as I can spare for this task. I want those bastards chipped away before they even get close to our city defenses. This planet has to be inhospitable to them if they're ever going to leave us in peace."

"I understand that tank crews are relatively easy to train," she said. "But what about these special forces troops? Will they be sufficiently prepared to both do us some good and keep themselves alive out there? I don't want kamikazes fighting for us. I want those troops' safety to be first and foremost."

"I have no intention of sending suicide squads out there," Jackson told her firmly. "Ever since the inception of the MPG I've made special forces a priority issue. I'm going to break up the current teams, promoting the members and forming new teams consisting of veterans and new recruits. I won't be sending any virgin teams out into the wastelands. Recruitment for special forces will consist mostly of already current MPG infantry and other troops. After all, you need to be in pretty good shape to join the forces and we don't have time to waste getting newbies in shape. Those that have to go through basic training can replace the infantry troops we'll lose that move to special forces and will augment the tank corps and the support services.

"My special forces teams will have orders to hit the marines only when they can retreat to safety. They will be small units tasked with ambush, armor harassment, and aircraft harassment. Their methods will be to hit fast on isolated targets and then pull back to safety before the WestHems can hit them with artillery or send a hover their way. Their biosuits in combination with prepared hiding places can keep them relatively safe. As safe as troops can be behind the lines anyway."

"And you will be able to support these troops efficiently?" Laura asked. "Re-supply them and extract the wounded?"

Jackson shrugged. "Pretty well. They will be dropped in, supported, and extracted by Hummingbirds, which, as you all know, are vertical take-off and landing craft that are able to sustain winged flight once in the air. The Hummingbirds can hug the ground virtually undetected by enemy sensors. They become very visible when they land and take-off due to the enormous heat that such maneuvers produce, but our troops and pilots both train extensively in order to keep these times to a minimum. A full team of special forces, that's ten troops, can exit a Hummingbird and get clear of it's take-off thrust in less than fifteen seconds. The Hummingbird can be back to winged flight in another twenty seconds. Extraction is even quicker. Our longest times are, unfortunately, when wounded are being taken aboard, and that is often when we encounter the worst landing zones. In any case, each special forces team will have a medic deployed with it."

"And our city defenses?" Whiting asked next. "How are they?"

"Excellent, Governor," Jackson proclaimed. "But also untested. As you know we've constructed a complex array of infantry entrenchments, tank shelters, and recon posts atop every conceivable hill on every conceivable approach to our cities. We have fixed artillery guns ringing the cities. We have interlocking anti-aircraft laser sites ringing each city. All we have to do is add the soldiers and the WestHems are going to find themselves with a whole lot of trouble on their hands once they get within fifty kilometers of any city."

"I see," Whiting said, nodding expressionlessly. "And what will you require of our industry to fight this battle? List in order of importance if you would."

"Biosuits," Jackson answered immediately. "Model 459s. Like I said, I don't have preliminary numbers on how many troops I will have to fight with, but in a worst-case scenario I'm going to need at least an additional twenty thousand of them, although one hundred thousand would be optimum. If we're going to win this war, it's going to be won out in the wastelands. We have to be able to outfit our troops to fight there. If we wait to fight the WestHems in the cities themselves, we've already lost the war.

"We're also going to need at least a million 155 millimeter artillery shells for city defenses. We have two million in stockpile at the moment but we will use them at a frightening rate when the WestHems near the cities in force.

"We will need at least ten million rounds of four millimeter M-24 bullets, three million rounds of ten millimeter M-95 machine gun bullets, four hundred thousand sixty millimeter grenades, one hundred thousand eighty millimeter mortar shells, and at least sixty-thousand hand-held fragmentation grenades.

"And Laura, I know you're working on it with EastHem, but I need to stress the most vital component here. Fuel. If we don't secure a supply of liquid hydrogen to run all of this machinery, we might as well throw down our arms and surrender."

"I'll be sending a message to the EastHem ruling council later today," Laura replied. "Are you sufficient in tanks, guns, artillery pieces, and so forth?"

"We are," he said. "We have enough in stockpile and onboard the Panama's at TNB to supply our forces sufficiently for the first wave of marines. What we could use more of is atmospheric aircraft, specifically Mosquitoes. If the people at the factory can make them in time for the war, I'll divert some of the qualified recruits from the volunteers to train in them. The more aircraft we have harassing the WestHem armor, the less armor we'll have to deal with at the cities."

"Okay," Laura said, "let's take your requests one at a time." She turned to Kyle Yee, who was an upper level manager at Environmental Supplies, manufacturer of the biosuit. ES, as it was known, was one of the few Martian owned corporations on the planet. Its primary function was the manufacture of civilian biosuits for use in construction, maintenance, and other jobs that required people to go outside. They also had the military contract for model 459 biosuits, the more advanced military version.

"Kyle," Laura asked, "you are effectively in charge of ES. So what do you think? Can you give General Jackson's forces a hundred thousand 459s?"

Kyle was a perfect example of the culture clash that would be going on on Mars if the revolution were eventually successful. He was a Martian to the core, but he was used to thinking of things in a certain manner.

"Governor," he said slowly, "I'm not sure we can do that."

"Oh?" Whiting asked, raising her eyebrows. "And why not?"

"The 459 is expensive to manufacture Governor," he explained. "It's a specialty piece of equipment. In order to obtain the supplies needed for production of the 459 — the extractors, the combat computers, even the storage tanks — that will require much more money than we have available in liquid assets at the time being. And under the circumstances I'm not sure that the other corporations would even extend a line of credit to supply them. And we still have our civilian obligations to fulfill. The bulk of our business is civilian suits as you're aware. We can't simply convert our energies to the manufacture of 459s. It's economically unfeasible."

"Economically unfeasible?" Laura asked him, her eyes appearing to burn into the executive.

"Yes, Governor," he agreed.

Laura rubbed her temples for a moment, as if massaging away a headache. When she dropped her hands from her head, she picked up her coffee cup and took a quick sip. When that was swallowed she bored into him. "Mr. Yee," she asked pointedly, "did you vote for independence?"

"What?" he asked, confused.

"Forgive me for being personal. But did you vote yes yesterday?"

"Of course, Governor," he said defensively.

"I'm glad to hear that, Mr. Yee. Very glad indeed. Now, will you agree with me that this planet, which is now independent, is in a state of war?"

"Well, sure," he answered.

"Do you foresee any particular need for a large supply of civilian biosuits in the near future?"

He considered this for a second. "Well..." he said at last, "no. Actually, I don't."

She continued to stare at him pointedly. "I did not ask you if you thought that the manufacture of one hundred thousand model 459 military biosuits was economically feasible, did I?"

"Governor, I'm not sure that I understand..."

"I asked you," Laura said, raising her voice a tad, "if it was possible for your factory to turn out one hundred thousand model 459 military biosuits for the coming war. I don't give a damn if it's economically feasible or not. Your factory, as of today, is Martian property dedicated to the betterment of the Martian people. Profits and economic feasibility should be the absolute last things on your mind. I do not ever want to hear you mention such things again. We are in a state of war, Mr. Yee. War! We need biosuits to outfit our soldiers so we can fight this war. What I want to know is, economics aside, is your factory capable of turning out this number of suits? Is it physically possible?"

Yee seemed quite shocked by her words, but he answered her. "If we are able to obtain the needed parts, and if we put on an extra four hundred workers or so, yes, Governor, we can have the suits available by the time the WestHems arrive."

"Good," Whiting said, her voice returning to normal. "Do whatever you need to do. Hire all of the workers you need. We have millions of unemployed on this planet you know. Get the supplies you need to get sent to you without worrying about cost. This is common sense government and cost is not an issue. Production is the issue. This is a needed supply and common sense dictates that it should be produced no matter what the cost. So do it! If any of the suppliers have a problem with sending things to you, let us know immediately and we will deal with the problem. Do you understand, Mr. Yee?"

"Yes, Governor," he answered, looking like he'd just gone a round with a heavyweight. "I do."

"Good," Laura replied. She turned to Jackson. "It looks like you can count on one hundred thousand 459s, General."

Jackson suppressed a smile. "Thank you, Governor. And you too, Mr. Yee."

"As for your other requests," Whiting went on, "I obviously do not have representatives of FlightCorp, Dow Chemical, or Shilling munitions here today. Those were Earth based corporations as you know and are probably going through a bit of a shake-up right now. I will touch bases with someone over at those corporations tomorrow and make sure they are getting back into productivity. I will discuss my needs with them and..." she glanced at Yee, who was blushing, "... and persuade them gently if needed."

"That will be fine, Governor," Jackson told her.

"Okay," she said, "next subject. Triad Naval Base. Mr. Belting, you are in charge of that particular phase of this war. What can you tell me?"

Matthew Belting was fifty-eight years old and a third generation Martian of American descent. He had served more than sixteen years in the WestHem Navy, the bulk of it aboard Owls and their predecessors. He was an expert in stealth space warfare and had achieved the highest rank of any Martian in history in the WestHem armed services; that of Lieutenant Commander. During the Jupiter War he'd served as executive officer on board an Owl that had been responsible for the destruction of two heavy battleships and four support ships. When the Owl in question was finally cornered and battered with laser fire, crippling it and killing it's captain, Belting had assumed command. With no hope of anything but destruction of the ship and its surviving forty-two crewmen, he'd surrendered the ship, subjecting himself and his crew to POW status. They'd spent the remainder of the war in a POW camp in Berlin. For this decision Belting was given treatment by WestHem similar to what General Sega was now experiencing. He'd been labeled a traitor, a coward, and worse by the media. Upon being released at the end of the war he was court-martialed in a staged, televised show trial and found guilty, spending three years in a federal prison outside of Phoenix. Upon release he'd returned to Mars, his homeland, his name forever in the history books as a cowardly traitor.

Belting had lived in the ghettos of New Pittsburgh for the next twelve years, drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, and living among the jobless as a ghetto dweller. Five years ago when a firm plan began to come together for the revolution, Jackson had contacted Belting. Jackson had felt the man up for more than six months, satisfying himself that Belting could be trusted and that he still possessed the expertise he once had. When he was certain the time was right, he'd casually asked him if he felt like planning a little 'operation' that may or may not take place in the future.

Since then Belting had been a welcome though secret part of Jackson's staff. He'd taken to his part of it with vigor, researching modern naval techniques and tactics fanatically. He was perhaps the most knowledgeable authority on space warfare in existence. Though the Earthlings had convicted him of incompetence and had cussed his name so much since the Jupiter War that they now believed their own lies, Matt Belting was quite possibly the man who might insure victory in the coming conflict.

He looked at the Governor, the woman who, despite his reputation and record, had always treated him with respect and had always sought after his advice in regards to naval strategy. He would have flown an Owl on a suicide mission for her.

"The operations on Triad are going very well, Governor," he answered, sipping out of his own coffee. "Colonel Bright's men have been of great assistance to me in securing the base and inventorying its holdings. You already have been briefed on the numbers and variety of ships we have captured there, so I will not go into that unless you wish me to."

"You needn't bother, Mr. Belting," Laura said.

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YouTubers Gone Wild

Reddit YouTubers Gone Wild, aka r/YouTubersGoneWild! Everyone knows that Reddit NSFW communities are some of the best places to find the most obscure niches that nobody would ever think of when creating a regular porn site. Today we’re looking at one such community which goes by the name of /r/YouTubersGoneWild. As you can tell from the title, this place has to do with some really hot YouTube celebrities going wild. Of course, seeing as how YouTubers have a reputation to keep up, it’s not so...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Lost in thoughts

I was idly gazing out of the bus window. People were rushing along this busy street. Rush hour, one of the worst times to be on the bus and I was looking forward to get home. Shower, food, start the new book I found at the charity shop and maybe call David. It was weird how he had changed me, my life. Just two days ago I had been at his place, spent a whole weekend with him in fact, and I already missed him. Just as I was thinking of him the bus pulled up at a stop. People were getting off,...

2 years ago
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The Mean Uncle COMPLETE written for me by a fan personal friend

As always she would receive her punishment when needed but for certain misgivings I would up the ante by adding levels to her punishment. It would no longer be just her receiving the usual 20 hand smacks on each of her ass cheeks, giving them a beautiful stinging red glow. This would still be included but from now on I wasn't just going to let her go to her room and cry herself to sleep. No... From now on she would be sent back into the corner to wait again. Wait for her ass to cool somewhat...

1 year ago
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Soul SearchChapter 10 Seduction

Elisabeth Campbell was both excited and nervous over having been asked to help the Reverend. Excited because of all the people he could have chosen, he had asked her, and nervous because she wasn't at all certain she was worthy of the honor. At just before seven, the following day, she parked her car in the large dirt lot in front of the massive tent and walked toward the entrance. She was just about to enter when one of the large flaps was drawn aside by Earnest Bishop. He greeted her then...

2 years ago
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Transition By Holly Forward My good readers, the story you are about to read is a combination of fantasy and reality. You can decide which is which, but I hope that your thoughts will be filled with the possibilities and hopes. Enjoy knowing that the only person depicted that is real is myself, no others are real other than as a combination of people that have helped me in my quest. Transition I had lost track of time, was it a week, two, I didn't know any more and I wasn't...

3 years ago
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The Weaver And The WindChapter 2 Kings in Their Castles

Saturday arrived with alacrity. Alacrity might have described my arrival at the Stratton Student Center as well. I arrived as close to exactly 3pm as I could get Riordan to manage. Nicco was riding shotgun, because today we did not arrive in the slightly used Obsidian Oracle that was my usual on-campus ride. We arrived in a shiny black Obsidian Alliance, the height of Obsidian's luxury air car line. This one had been stretched and fitted out as a luxury limousine as well. Riordan was in...

2 years ago
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Encounter in the Lab Part three

"Come on!" she murmured. "Ring, dammit!" She restlessly resumed her tapping on the table top, glancing at her replacement, Jill Owens, working on a specimen at the far end of the room. Jill was the Supervisory Lab Tech for the "three to eleven-thirty shift," replacing Carol as supervisor. There was always a thirty-minute overlap between the shifts, allowing hospital supervisors and workers to update their replacements on department activities and on-going actions. Just then the...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Ember Snow Dirty Maid Loves Anal

So I needed a cleaning service around the house and was sent the hottest Latina. She is a student who is trying to make extra cash. I offered her some extra cash to clean in the nude. She was bit hesitant at first, being that there was cameras everywhere. Luckily, she agrees to the proposition and in no time she was cleaning around the house completely naked. Shortly, I waste no time and start eating her ass as she is cleaning the table. From there she goes to suck my dick and and get fucked in...

3 years ago
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Sissies in Space

SISSIES IN SPACE PROLOGUE: This is work of fiction, with apologies to NASA. 2052 CE A conglomerate of several large American Corporation's met in January on St. Kitts Island in the Caribbean for a discussion concerning the exploration of the asteroid belt between the planet's of Mars and Jupiter. This meeting was the direct result of the apparent temerity of NASA for the past twelve years following the disastrous manned Mars mission that resulted in the perishing of the six man...

2 years ago
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Your Wish Come True Chapter 8 Professional Help

Many thanks for the positive feedback so far. I really appreciate the effort of those who have made comments. This chapter contains a rather detailed description of a luxury maisonette apartment in Belgravia, which some people may find boring. Sorry if this is the case. The apartment actually exists and I really like it, and it's my fantasy after all, so here it is. The electronic gadgets described are also real, but they are taken from a...

2 years ago
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My Wife Gets It Good And Hard From an 18 Year Old

I would describe my wife as a strong-willed person who likes to take control. She has a good career in management and at times she can be stubborn in her ways. I wouldn’t say that she is particularly conservative as she can surprise you at times, but she loves to be in control at all times. I had brought up the idea of sharing her several times in the past with other men, but all I got was a lot of flak about it. She didn’t know why I wanted to see her so badly with another man, but as time...

2 years ago
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Teacher Ko Choda

Hi Friends, Zariy here so main fir wapas aagaya apke liye lekin apka koi reply nahi aya yr story kaisi lagi mera naam zariy he meri height 5’11 he aur mere land ka size 6 inch he ye baat aaj se aik hafte pehle ki he jab maine englishspeaking class leni shuru ki to humari coaching main aik nayi mam ayin jinka naam rekha he aur woh dekhne main itni sexy ki apko kya batao agar koi budha bhi unko dekhle to uska land bhi khada ho jaye main to jawan hoon khair unho ne hum sabse apna introduction kara...

4 years ago
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GF caught Me Looking at Women in Strapons

I was engaging in a little selfish perversion on the computer, so I was oblivious as she crept up silently behind me. She must have been standing behind me for some time quietly watching me surf the net. Thinking she wouldn’t be home for hours I had begun my ritual of masturbating to images of woman in strapons. Just as I was increasing the tempo teetering on the verge of release she cleared her throat.I stammered some nonsense and I quickly pulled up my pants. She had a slightly amused...

2 years ago
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Power Play Part 4

“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” ― Oscar Wilde Ted felt a surreal calm settle over him as he made the short walk to the deli. The shock of Becca's appearance and the torrid sex they had just shared in the garage left him feeling as if he were having an out of body experience. Now, even the simple act of making his way to get his breakfast seemed to be strangely incongruous. He ordered his daily bagel and coffee, and, feeling the need to compose himself,...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Her first time

It was a cool summer evening in Miami, Jane went out with her friends to a few bars and arcades to have fun. Jane was a tall beautiful brunette with a nice rack and a nice ass. She had gone to the beach with her friend, dateless, shockingly. Her friend Eriana, a seemingly short brunette, brought along her main squeeze for the weekend, Ryan. Their whole vacation Eriana had been getting hit on by all the guys on vacation, even some girls! Jane on the other hand, was trying purposely to avoid the...

First Time
1 year ago
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Good Hunting Sarah

Sarah preened in the reflection of a closed bar shop window. She studied her brilliant blue hair- well, not so brilliant anymore. The color had gradually bled from her locks, betraying the streaky dark blonde she tried to hide. Her smudged eyeshadow looked like two bruises on either side of her nose in the faint light. Johnston Street was poorly lit so late in the evening; the bars and their caterwauling clientele were another three blocks over. The only building of any note on the street was...

1 year ago
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MomSwapped Katie Morgan Shay Sights The Power Of Pussy Compels You

Katie Morgan and Shay Sights are both active in their church. Today they’re going through their sons’ old clothes to donate to the church yard sale. Everything is going swimmingly until Katie finds a dirty magazine under her son, Joshua Lewis’s bed. The girls decide their songs are in moral danger and that they’ll have to confront them. Calling Joshua and Shay’s son Juan Loco together, the moms confront their kids. Joshua and Juan try to pin the blame on each...

2 years ago
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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 10

A/N: Sorry for this update taking so long guys, don’t be surprised if this chapter sucks. The writer’s block has been chewing on my brain for quite awhile. I’m trying to get Leanna to start showing some spirit, she’s been lacking it since she got caught up in Fahmeer. * The next morning Leanna woke feeling a bit better, she was to be discharged from the hospital today, with orders to stay in bed for one week to allow her back to heal. Ever since she had found out that she was pregnant...

1 year ago
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Breakfast in Paris

"This is so cool," I said with a giggle. "First class and everything!" "Hey!" Robert grinned at me. "I told you, my parents are taking care of us, baby." "Let's see..." A smiling flight attendant looked at my boarding pass. "You're in 3A, that's on the left. We'll be serving a champagne breakfast in the lounge shortly after take-off." "Great!" I couldn't stop smiling as I looked around the cabin. This was the day after the best day of my life. "We're on our...

4 years ago
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Heavy gray clouds covered the sky and rain kept threatening to fall. It’d been a long flight and Alex had one too many cheap drinks, but the nervousness in meeting her finally settled when he got off the airplane and stepped into the frigidness of Michigan’s Tri City International. Gasoline and pepper scents hung on the breeze between the plane and boarding ramp mixed with the various perfumes and colognes many of the business travelers wore. Upon exiting the ramp, Alex slung his laptop over...

4 years ago
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My Demon Prince Chapter 4

>Elisa >As she ran home she thought about Elisa and wondered if she'd be able to leave the demon for one night, but then she remembered the bonding spell he had cast on her. So now he could see all that she did, hear all and feel all that she did. She thought about what would happen if he saw them together but couldn't think of what he'd say. >She thought about the feel of Elisa's hands on her body and frown. She missed her hands touching and exploring her... >She could almost feel...

3 years ago
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The Private Game Chapter 6

Mike, Lynn, and her now-lover freshen up for sleep. Mike is the last to return to their marital bed. His wife and Chuck are snuggled together. She looks radiant after her sexual releases.She looks her husband in the eye and asks, “Don’t you like watching your friend and wife in bed?”Mike just nods.Lynn continues, “It’s much better with Chuck in bed with us. He can feel me whenever he wants.” She turns to Chuck and after giving him a light kiss says, “Why don’t you feel me in front of my...

2 years ago
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Tommys Tongue

Nancy was horny as hell and getting no action, so she logged on the internet and found a message from Tommy, “wanna fuck tonight?” He was straight to the point, she’d give him that. And she liked that in a man. He was new and she normally was safe and careful. Held first meetings in public, no sex, but damn if she wasn’t dying for action and her regulars were all busy. This “Tommy” was online and mobile so she could send him a message…if nothing else she could get off by IM or phone. So she...

3 years ago
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Breakup in Spain

My girfriend of eight months, Sarah, and I had gone on holiday to Spain. We'd hired an isolated villa that was about forty minutes drive from the nearest beach. The isolation of the villa meant that we got it pretty cheaply compared to those closer to the beach and popular tourist destinations. We were looking forward to ten days away. The beach was not a popular one and most of the time it was empty. We found a pleasant alcove where we would lay and sunbathe. Three days into our...

1 year ago
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My path from Bisexual middle To being a complete

I've always been what you could call gay. I've lost my virginity to a guy. Most of my sexually partners have been guys. Most of my relationships have been with guys. There's been a few women here and there over the years, but easily 90% have been male. And of those guys most of the time I've been a bottom. Not a bottom in the sissy girly way (I really am happy I was born a boy) More I'm just more comfortable and able to be the bottom. Of course, there's been...

2 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 9

"Girls, we'd better start on your last test of the day," the drillmaster said, surprisingly in a normal tone of voice this time. It seemed that even he was taken in by those four sexy naked beauties and had mellowed down somewhat. He then said, "Follow me, girls." And started to walk away. The girls and the other soldiers started to follow him towards a building that stood apart from the main building. When they walked inside, the girls were happy to be out of that burning sun, and it...

2 years ago
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Mary was upset. She had been ever since she first discovered her boyfriend had some kinks she just couldn’t understand. Mind control, what kind of freaky shit was that? Imagining guys controlling a girl’s mind and warping their actions into compliant little fuck bunnies. It was perverted and just plain sick. Having been raised a good Catholic girl, Mary knew of temptation. She knew the allure of giving in to primal urges and she admitted she wasn’t exactly the best example of innocence herself....

Mind Control
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Exposing Cindy The butterfly vibrator part one

Volume three: Exposing Cindy – The butterfly vibrator   Chapter one – a night on the town Jim and I had been married several years, and we had a reasonable assortment of various experiences in the first years of our marriage. So I was not shocked when he showed up on a Friday evening with a gift for me, a ‘butterfly vibrator’ which had its own harness to hold it in place, however a pair of latex panties had me confused. ‘OK, what’s with the girdle?’ I asked. I knew at 5 ft 4 in. and 105 pounds...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Eliana Rose Precious Little Eliana

Age: 20; Born: January 22; Ht: 5’4″; Wt: 105 pounds; Bras: 34B; Panties: Sometimes thongs; Anal: Yes; BJs: Swallow; Masturbate: I’ve got lots of toys; Lives: Kalamazoo, Michigan. Take a look at precious little Eliana. How cute! But what is an innocent-looking piece of ass like her doing on a site like this? “I’m a yoga instructor and one of the guys I teach is a photographer. He told me to call you guys. I thought it would be fun!” Fun’s a word that...


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