Wandering Ch. 06 free porn video

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Once again, we join Leighton ‘Lee’ Stephenson on his journey to find his new life. This is the sixth and final episode, but don’t worry. I don’t intend to ‘kill him off.’

Wandering 6: Charlie

It felt quite natural to be on the move again. My initial flurry of sexual encounters with women had lasted but a short two weeks before I suffered a two month long ‘soft spell.’ I was in no danger of falling into depression over it, but I was wondering what had happened to the magic. Pattie Monahan had solved all that.

As I looked in the rear-view mirror of my Outback, I was imagining I could see her standing there, waving goodbye to me. Our little fling had lasted four nights, broken up over a one week period. She was a dynamic, talented and bright young woman that I could easily have stayed with much longer. It wasn’t what she wanted. She had plans.

When I stopped for lunch, I phoned Peter Dennison, my contact at Orca Investigations.

‘Hi Pete, how are you?’ I opened.

‘That you, Lee? Good to hear from you. You coming in?’ he asked for the hundredth time.

‘Naw … not quite ready yet. I’ll let you know. Don’t go holding anything open on my account. I’m in no rush.’

‘So, how are you doing? Where are you?’

‘Salmon Arm, heading for Kamloops.’

‘Lots of good looking ladies in Kamloops,’ he needled.

‘Hope so. I just had a nice break in Sicamous with one. She’s someone you should talk to, Pete,’ I said seriously.

‘Oh … how come?’

‘She’s got a degree in Business Admin and she’s taking a course on forensic accounting. I know she wants a job in that field.’

‘Is her name Pattie Monahan?’ Pete asked with a chuckle.

‘Yeah … I should have known. She didn’t waste any time, did she? I gave her your card. I think you should talk to her,’ I pressed.

‘Don’t worry, we will. We’re looking for someone in that field to start as a junior. She sounds like a good candidate. Thanks for thinking of us.’

‘Well, to tell the truth, I was thinking of me. If I end up working there … well, you get the picture,’ I said, smiling to myself.

‘Yeah, well don’t expect me to save her for you. I’m a poor, lonely bachelor too, you know,’ he laughed.

‘I’ve already warned her about you. Good luck!’ I shot back.

‘Hey Lee … seriously … when are you comin’ in?’

‘Don’t know for certain, Pete, but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be out here on my own for much longer. I think I’ve gotten over the worst of it and I’m starting to think more about the future than I did when I set out in March. Hell, it’s still only June … at least let me enjoy the summer,’ I kidded.

‘OK, OK, I get it. No more pressure. Just take care of yourself and stay in touch. Harold and I are still serious, Lee. The job’s here if you want it. We mean that,’ he said.

‘Thanks, Pete. I’ve been hanging on to that thought all along. I just need to make sure that when I do, I’ve gotten all the monkeys off my back, capiche?’

‘Yeah, I got it. Take care, Lee.’

I was glad to hear they were interested in Pattie. I was confident she had something to offer. She was more mature than most juniors and was clearly very bright. She was also tough enough to work in a male-dominated environment without being intimidated. It would be interesting to watch her progress if she was hired.

It isn’t that far from Sicamous to Kamloops, about eighty miles by road. I was in no rush since I thought I had a place to stay, The Ghost Town Lodge. It was a rustic resort ranch located in a ghost town a few miles north of Kamloops. I had a standing invitation to ‘drop in’ anytime from the owner, Lew Coulson.

I met Lewis Coulson during my work as an insurance investigator. He had contacted us when fire destroyed his dude ranch in 100 Mile House and we were the insurance carrier. Lew suspected foul play, although the local fire department found no evidence of it. Lew was a straight-up guy and said he would feel better about accepting the settlement check when his doubts were put to bed. He told me that his suspicions were originally aroused when he received several unsolicited offers to buy the property at what he thought were unusually generous numbers.

As it turned out, Lew was right. Someone had torched the building, but it had been done by a pro and it wasn’t surprising the local volunteer fire department had missed the signs. After talking to Lew and trying to figure out a motive, we discovered that there had been a previous land claim under dispute before Lew owned the property. When the original title search had turned up nothing to obstruct his purchase, I began to smell a rat.

Sure enough, the original title records had been hidden or destroyed, and false ones had been substituted. When I matched the phony records with records from the era of the original title, I could see that there was no comparison in the forms. Then it was a matter of finding out who and why.

It took a lot of plain old-fashioned digging, but we finally found a mining claim at the root of the mystery. Apparently, the district clerk knew of the claim, and thinking that he could get the valuable property at a huge discount, prepared the phony documents and hired a ‘pro’ to torch the buildings.

Just one problem. The original claim had been filed with an error. They had specified the adjacent property location and the land noted in the title was virtually worthless. Nonetheless, my company was happy since they could claim against the district for our costs, and Lew was happy because he knew the truth and came out of it with a nice profit from a legitimate sale.

Over that six-week period, I might have been forced to live in motels weekdays, facing a weekly drive to and from Vancouver to my work. Lew, however, opened his home to me, a fully furnished forty-foot mobile, and we became good friends.

Lew had always wanted to have a ‘cowboy lodge’ as he called it, and when the now-defunct town of Burnt Creek was put up for sale, he jumped at it. Within days, the mobile home had been moved onto the property, and he began restoring the buildings to create his lodge. It took two years to finish, but people came from all over the world to experience the ‘old west’ atmosphere at the Ghost Town Lodge.

I phoned Lew from my cell and let him know I was in the vicinity and would like to stop by and visit. As expected, that turned into an invitation to stay with him at the lodge and I happily took him up on it. I arrived just after five that afternoon and was greeted by an enthusiastic Lew with a fine looking woman at his side.

After we had exchanged hearty hellos and finished with our back-slapping, Lew turned to the woman and took her hand.

‘Lee, this is my lady, Francine,’ he said with obvious pride.

‘Hi Francine, and congratulations. I was wondering if anyone would ever tie this guy down,’ I smiled.

‘Hi Lee. Lew’s done nothing but talk about you since you called. It’s wonderful to meet you,’ she said with a bright, toothy smile. ‘Let’s get out of this hot sun and go inside.’

I hadn’t been in the lodge since it was finished and I was struck by how large and wonderfully authentic it appeared. It was a timber frame construction with a huge great room and dining area and a staircase at each end leading up to several loft rooms. Lew gave me the tour and we ended up in the back of the main floor where he showed me a spare bedroom for my stay. Francine had disappeared into the kitchen to continue with the evening meal preparation.

‘We’re full, happily,’ Lew said when I asked about the business. ‘Have been almost since we opened. We renovated some of the other buildings for more capacity and I think we’re going to have to expand the kitchen and the barn. Our guests are all out on a trail ride right now, but they’ll be back soon. Why don’t you settle in and we can talk after dinner. We’ve got a lot of catching
up to do,’ he grinned.

I took the hint, brought my gear in, took a quick shower in the ensuite, and changed my clothes. I was looking forward to some time with Lew and learning about what was going on in his life, especially about Francine. She was a good looking lady and I was happy for my friend.

I had barely returned to the great room when the first of the trail riders arrived, stomping their feet in a hopeless attempt to knock the dust off. I noticed they were mostly my age, in their thirties, with the odd sprinkling of forty and fifty-somethings as well. They all acknowledged my hello with curious glances and then moved upstairs to their rooms, presumably to shower and change.

I wandered back to the kitchen to see if I could help Francine and found Lew there, working side-by-side with her. It looked like they had a system that worked for the two of them, but I thought I could at least contribute delivery to the dining table. I volunteered and my offer was accepted.

Francine explained that she had come to the lodge as a cook when it first opened. The room I was using was hers to begin with. It didn’t take long for her and Lew to fall in love and now they sleep in the master quarters at the other end of the main floor. They hadn’t gotten around to getting married yet, but I could tell it was on their minds. Lew had never married, but Francine had a failed one behind her, just as I did. I guessed she was in her mid-thirties, so she was a bit younger than Lew, who was two years older than me.

Dinner would be served at seven, and by six o’clock couples were beginning to assemble in the great room for happy hour after they had changed and showered. They were a boisterous and happy lot who got along well with each other.

I volunteered to help at the bar. Lew told me that drinks were on the house, within reason. He asked me to use my best judgement and that was all he said. Fine with me, I thought.

Beer and wine looked to be the preferred libation, although an older couple from Germany preferred vodka and lime juice. I nursed a red wine as I watched the couples interact and tried to guess what they must have paid for this two week holiday. As I chatted casually with them, having introduced myself, I learned three couples were from Ontario, two from Quebec, three from the U.S. and two from Europe.

The couple from England was the life of the party and kept everyone around them laughing. I noticed one woman, however, who appeared to be on her own. I couldn’t spot a partner and she was drifting from group to group, engaging in light conversation and then moving on. When she came to the bar for another white wine, I introduced myself.

‘Hi … I’m Lee Stephenson. I’m a friend of Lew Coulson,’ I explained.

‘Nice to meet you Lee. I’m Charlie Kennedy,’ she replied in a bright voice.

‘Charlie? That’s an unusual name. Short for … Charlotte?’ I guessed.

‘I wish. It’s short for Charline,’ she said with a look of disgust.

‘Well, Uhhhmmm … that’s a very lovely name as well,’ I stammered.

She laughed … more of a guffaw in fact. ‘Don’t drink much more of that wine, Lee. It’s affecting your judgement,’ she said with a big smile.

‘I’ll be careful,’ I grinned. ‘So … where do you hail from?’

‘The Big Smoke … Toronto. I wanted a real western experience and this looked like a good bet.’


‘It’s great. I’m back riding for the first time since I was thirteen and I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed it. And this place,’ she said, her hand waving around the lodge, ‘is fantastic. Wait ’til you sample the meals,’ she enthused.

‘Are you joining us for supper?’ she asked after a moment’s pause.

‘Yes … I’ve been invited to stay as long as I don’t embarrass myself,’ I said with fake concern.

‘Somehow, I don’t think that’s likely. Now my boy … uh … ex-boyfriend, he majored in embarrassing behavior. It’s one of the reasons I’m on my own at this shindig.’ She had just answered a very important question without my having to ask. Thank you!

She was giving me the impression of a very worldly woman, about forty years old I guessed. She was very attractive in her western garb with the tight jeans and brightly colored blouse showing her solidly built figure off to her advantage. This was no ‘Skinny Minnie,’ but a fully endowed all female woman. She also appeared to be plain-spoken and I figured the ex-boyfriend had trod on her toes somewhere along the line. It would be interesting to know.

Since we were both on our own, we sat together at the dining table and I thoroughly enjoyed both the meal and the company. The English couple was across the table from us and kept everyone laughing with their unfailing good humor. I didn’t learn a lot more from Charlie with all the table talk and clatter, but I could do that later. She was a great dinner companion and I was pleased to have the good luck to find her so quickly. I was reminded that my good fortune with women had returned.

When the meal ended and we moved to the bar for after dinner drinks, I resumed my role as bartender to allow Lew and Francine to clear the dishes and take a break. The dinner had been superb and there wasn’t a dissenting voice in the house. I was conscious that Charlie had hung by the bar as I worked to pass out the liqueurs and coffees. I was getting the impression she was a bit lonely and maybe I could provide the company.

As I dispensed the drinks, Charlie and I had a chance for more conversation. The noise and cross-talk of the dinner table was gone and the group had broken up into small clusters, their voices no longer competing with each other. The sumptuous meal had slowed everyone down to a calmer, more satisfied mood.

‘I know you’re enjoying the riding, Charlie, but are you having a good time here?’ I asked boldly.

‘Yes,’ she answered without hesitation. ‘I like the people and I love the place and it just confirmed that the asshole I was with was a bad mistake.’

‘So don’t beat around the bush, tell me how you really feel,’ I laughed.

‘God, Lee … he was such a dickhead. I have no idea why I thought I should be with him. I must be losing my grip.’ She was shaking her head in wonder at the thought.

‘Well, in a way I’m sorry to hear that … then again … in a way, I’m not,’ I grinned.

She looked at me and smiled. She got the message.

‘So what’s a good looking guy like you doing on his own?’ she asked seriously.

‘Ah … well … recently divorced and working on my rehabilitation,’ I admitted.

‘Good for you. That’s exactly the right thing to do. I speak from experience.’

‘Oh … sorry to hear that,’ I said without looking at her.

‘Don’t be. I made a mistake and I fixed it. Simple as that. Trouble is, I’m making the same mistake over again more often than not,’ she said in an even voice.

‘You just need a change in luck. You’re a lovely woman and smart, and you’ll find the right guy one of these days,’ I assured her.

‘Thanks. I needed that,’ she laughed. ‘Want to apply for the job?’

I was taken aback by her comment, but recovered. ‘What makes you think I’d be any different?’

‘Oh, I don’t know. Just a hunch, I guess. You don’t act like some of the ‘Desperate Desmonds’ that I’ve been dating. I get the feeling that you are a lot more in control than most guys.’ Her raised eyebrow and crooked smile left me little doubt she was challenging me.

‘Looks can be deceiving,’ I suggested with a sideways glance.

‘Yeah … I found that out … for sure. Somehow, I don’t think I’m wrong, though.’ She had turned toward me and I could clearly see a more confident Charlie.

The activity at the bar had tapered off and Lew had turned on some music. It was soft, easy on the ears and a reasonably slow tempo. The lively English couple, the German pair and two or three others began to dance and that gave me my opportunity.

‘Would you care to dance?’ I asked.

‘Love to,’ she answered quietly.

Usually when I dance I have two left feet, but Charlie was so easy to lead and felt so comfortable in my arms that we were soon alone in our own world.

‘How long are you here for?’ I asked as we danced.

‘I just got here Saturday, so today’s day three. I’m booked for two weeks. How about you?’ she asked.

‘Not sure. I don’t want to overstay my welcome and I can’t offer Lew much help in this business, so it probably won’t be too long.’

‘Well, just remember … I have booked and paid for a double … so … if you’re interested, I could find some room for you.’ Again, her eyes had that mischievous twinkle, challenging me with just a look.

‘Hmmm … very tempting. Let’s just see how we get along before we make any big decisions. You’ve already had one disappointment. You don’t need another.’ I was serious, but also very interested. We seemed to hit it off and a few days with another delightful woman would be quite pleasant.

‘You’re being cautious … but I agree. We should know pretty soon if we want to team up,’ she smiled.

We continued to dance and she was moving right into me, insinuating her body on mine. She had a lot to insinuate with and it felt great. I always did like full-figured women and Charlie was definitely my type. The thought crossed my mind that she might want to take a ‘test drive’ at some point. Ever the optimist, I wondered if tonight might be the night.

‘You never did tell me what you did … I mean … your career,’ I said as we moved slowly together.

‘You’ll laugh,’ she chuckled. ‘I own a body shop.’

‘How do you spell that?’ I was feeling pretty confident now.

‘Careful, Lee. I might take offense,’ she warned.

‘So … what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like that,’ I tried.

‘I inherited it from my father. He got sick and couldn’t run it any more, so I took it over. I’ve been pretty successful, as a matter of fact.’

It sounded to me like it was a point of pride, so I ran with it. ‘Why am I not surprised? You look like a no-nonsense kind of woman, so you wouldn’t be intimidated by the all-male atmosphere,’ I ventured.

She smiled at me but didn’t reply. I had made my point and she had no need to confirm it. She wanted to maintain some sense of femininity, I thought. It was completely unnecessary. She was genuinely all-woman. I was very attracted to her and I was certain she knew that.

The trail ride and the various other activities had caught up with many of the guests and gradually they all began to disappear. Charlie and I were sitting on the sofa and exchanging small talk about ourselves when Lew and Francine appeared from the back.

‘All done for the day?’ I asked Francine.

‘Yes … all ready for tomorrow,’ she smiled.

‘What time do you get up?’ I asked.

‘Six … breakfast at seven-thirty to eight-thirty. Don’t be late,’ Lew laughed.

‘He’s right, Lee. The breakfasts are amazing,’ Charlie chimed in.

‘I see you two have met and got acquainted already,’ Francine grinned.

Charlie turned and looked at me. ‘I’ve traded up, as you can see,’ she smirked.

I don’t usually blush, but I’m sure I did then.

‘Well, we certainly aren’t going to miss your original partner,’ Lew said seriously.

‘Was it that bad?’ I asked.

‘I was ten seconds away from calling the Mounties when he finally got the message that he wasn’t welcome,’ Lew admitted.

‘Wow … what did he do to cause that?’

It was Charlie who answered my question.

‘He almost immediately got drunk, made a pass at a couple of married women including Francine and generally made an unpleasant scene. When Lew asked him quietly to behave, he got belligerent and threatened to beat Lew up. I was mortified and I guess I was yelling at him to stop and … I don’t know. I just lost it I guess.’

Lew picked up the story from there.

‘I eventually got him calmed down enough and finally he stomped off to their room. I had Charline stay in the room you’re in just to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid, and on Sunday morning he was missing. His kit and car were gone. Good riddance, we all agreed,’ he concluded.

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She was about 30(she looked much younger), tall, slim with not even the slightest of flab. She had those nice perky tits that stood out due to her Wonder bra. And her face…..ohhh,I can’t tell you.She had the most beautiful face I had seen and her jet black hair that reached her shoulders. She had the perfect body. Her eyes behind those stylish specks of hers told me that there was another crazy side of her that I’d like to see. Well, studying in an Indian school, I had never seen a teacher...

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Captains Choice Ch 0708

This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. Captain’s Choice Chapter 7 A Decision to be Made I’d pretty much put the matter of the boat being destroyed out of my conscious mind while Ardele and I used the Internet to search out potential replacements. We had made a mutual list of the things that were must-have, should-have, and would like-to-have on our next craft. The more things we listed, the...

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Kiss Juice

The day started like any other summer's day. I looked out of my kitchen window, clear blue skies, a warm sunny day ahead and my eyes were drawn to my garden, and, 'oh,' I thought, 'my dear, overgrown shrubs, flower beds are a disgrace and the lawn… Oh dear. I needed to get someone in.' I hated gardening, I did have someone to tend to this, but he had left a while ago.A little about myself, I married very young, and what I thought was love and a lifetime partnership, turned out to be a...

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I Talk to My Breasts

Do you talk to your breasts? I bet you do. I really have some of my best conversations with my breasts. They are always right there for me to talk to. That makes it so convenient for me and for them. It is so nice to talk to your breasts. They don't judge you. They actually care about how you are feeling. They have to, they are hanging right there on you. They demand very little from you. maybe a little nipple flicking now and then or an occasional new bra and a nice massage wouldnt...

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Mr Greens Farm Part 2

Mr. Green’s Farm, Part 2This fictional story is about the spanking of an eighteen-year-old female. After my first spanking from Mr. Green, my poor bottom was very sore for three days. But I kept my agreement with Mr. Green and I helped him with his chores every morning starting at 6 AM. Although he is twice my age, I have become very close to Mr. Green, working along side of him. He is actually a very kind and compassionate man who cares about his farm and his farm animals. I have tried...

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The Birth Of Gwen Roberts

Mike and I had been best friends for about five years. Physic ally, we couldn't have been more different. He was six foot three and 250 pounds of hard muscle, tan skin, lots of dark hair, and good looks. I am five foot seven, fair skinned. blonde and I weigh about 118 soaking wet. We met at work and were friendly enough but nothing more than "work friends" for about a year, then one day my little sports car wouldn't start after work and Mike spotted me staring at the engine helplessly...

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Our Familys Camp

“Hurry up, Mark, we’re ready to go,” my mom yelled upstairs.“I’m coming,” I replied as I finished putting the last of my photographic equipment into the backpack camera bag.Our family was heading up-north to our cabin.  My grandfather purchased the two hundred fifty acres of land several years ago.  About ten years ago, my dad had a cabin built on the property.  Our entire family loved the outdoors and used the land for hunting.  There was a lake not too far from us, so we could go fishing.It...

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Billi Jos big brother

"Bye…” he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didn’t care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her “boondock” family. “don’t mind her.” Billi Jo said as Derek’s hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him thinking she was fat. She was fat, as far as she was concerned and nothing like her stick of a roommate. “Mmmm… I love your big ass.” Derek said as he...

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Hell-O-Ween By Cheryl Lynn This is a short outtake from my very first story Paulette. All disclaimers apply and may be downloaded for personal use only. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader and comments may be sent to [email protected]. Hell-O-Ween Jerimiah Johnson, unlike the famed mountain man who shared the same name, was anything but. He was five foot six, weighed one hundred forty pounds and had brown hair touching his shoulders. He has been living with...

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June 8 Bow chicka wow wow Em mouths as I make my way to the dining table out group has taken over. It’s 7:30 in the morning and I’m beyond exhausted. Every muscle hurts, I can barely keep my eyes open, and the five minute shower I took did nothing for my bed head. Look up the definition of ridden hard and put away wet and you will see my picture. ‘So not funny,’ I say as I set my tray down and all but inhale my breakfast. Joanna, one of the program directors, interrupts the morning...

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Headlocked in Thailand

"Headlocked in Thailand" by MFXslave [interracial, Fdom, femdom, snuff, rimjob, cunnilingus, anulingus, killing, handjob, headlock, BDSM, bondage, assassin]David Argyle shook hands with his Thai business partners in the downtown Bangkok Head office after all the necessary papers had been signed. He had closed the deal in less than four hours. His superiors had expected several days, if not weeks, of stalling and various unreasonable demands.He called his New York office, quickly briefed them...

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Beach Day

Wearing my sexy panties to the gay beach always gets the men turned on for me. Being the only girlyboy there, I get hit on by lots of big studs. The attention they give me is flattering and leads to lots of sexual pleasure. Being topless, I get to show off my nice titties and the sexy panties I’m wearing let the men know I want some dick like a woman gets. It was a beautiful day for the beach and I had off from work. Just a few miles from my house is the gay beach where lots of men go to meet...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 6 of 7 The Wedding Night

Author's Note: This story is hard to categorize. Loving wife, group, threesome with a touch of bi. There's not a lot of bisexuality, but there is some, so if this offends you please don't read. On the other hand, if you'd like to see the illustrated version, drop me a line at _____________"How exactly did you end up in bed with Jeff on our wedding night?""Not just Jeff..." She flashed a mischievous smile in response to the incredulous look on my face.The idea of Carol sleeping with my college...

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Busted by sister part 1

Busted by sister part 1. My name is Alice, I'm 18, and have a 21 year old brother named Andrew who works at a grocery store. I'm home for summer break. We live with our dad, and step mom named Angie One night I stayed at a girlfriends house, and came back first thing in the morning. While brushing my teeth the door opened and there was my older brother with a pair of my pink panties in his hand... "OMG!! Why do you have those???" I asked him. He just looked at me and took off...

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I wanna be popular

John Parker was an unremarkable boy. 5 foot 4, 116 pounds, long, straight blonde hair and a complexion that most girls would kill to have. A straight A student, John was never good at sports. When most guys chose to go to the gym during their free period, John preferred study hall. This fact meant that John was the only guy there. The rest of the class was entirely girls, who would use the period to gossip and perfect their makeup. The teacher, Miss Johnson, didn’t care what the students did,...

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Cuckold Life Part 1

we met a few of local friends and we have been hanging out. All of them are married and since i love playing golf. we end up hanging alot together. we had alot of gatherings like bbq and some nights out with our spouse and it has been good. However i have this secret in me that i would like a white guy to fuck my wife. it was not an easy thing to express to my wife as we are a asian couple. swinging or sharing is not common at all in our culture. there is a guy in the group called Mark and...

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Be Reasonable Do It My Way Ch 0102

Chapter 1 A man is never so satisfied as when he has a pair of 40D tits wrapped around his dick. Harry Brinkton was, at that moment, a very satisfied man. He couldn’t even remember the chick’s name. He didn’t care. All he cared about was that he’d just picked her up in a bar, they were in her car, and she was giving him the titfuck of a lifetime. As she slid her jugs up and down his bone she would lick or kiss the head of his cock each time that it emerged from her cleavage. The sensation...

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Buddys Sister

This story takes place about a year before my wife and I met. I had graduated college, and was hanging out back at home with a buddy of mine named Carl. I had met him at college, and he had flunked out. The last semester of my college year, Carl and I had spent pretty much every night out drinking, and that is precisely what we were doing at home as well. The only difference was that now, I had a good job, and could afford all the alcohol that we wanted. This is something that I am not real...

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greedy girls night shirley confesses all

After a light meal we all watched TV then about 8.30 Shirl said she was going up to bed to catch up on her sleep if we were all off to the beach tomorrow but to wake her when i went up. anxious to know what she had to tell me i kissed our friends nite nite & went up to bed.I pulled back the sheet to gaze at my wifes tanned sexy marked body , as she roused feeling me beside her she pulled me down onto me, squeezing my hardening cock & kissing me hard & long.then telling to just lie...

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My husband, James, was in the Army stationed in Texas. We had been there about a year and made close friends with Chris and Veronica. My husband and Chris went through basic and AIT together before we all ended up at the base in Texas. Veronica and I hit it off right away; we were the same age and had a lot of the same interests. We were instant best friends and, with our husbands so close, we had a lot of great times together. All that changed when Chris was transferred to Korea. Korea was a...

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NoStringsSex Teen StreetGang Mayhem

Late Shopping, meet a guy So It was the weekend and I took my mini-skirted bare-ass off for a walk downtown to look around the shops. I had sneaked out the back door, ha ha! And I had dressed myself up to look like a tart or a hooker. It was wild and fun and horny, (but fuck if I was going to bother frigging my wet cunt). So...Hello Freedom! A New Arrival - me! Not even a girlfriend linked on the arm! I was all by myself, a young and hot late-teen. I was a sexually experienced...

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RunChapter 41 Donrsquot Disturb the Monkey

“There you are ... Easy, Gene...” Holly’s voice was distant, as if through water, but Gene recognized it immediately. His head felt disconnected from his body, something like coming down from an acid trip. Gene’s eyes refused to open, but with something of an opiate sensation rushing into his system, it didn’t really bother him much at first. “Easy, Gene,” Holly repeated, “give it a minute to really kick in...” What felt disconnected was suddenly squashed together, violent motion of a...

2 years ago
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Picnickers MChapter 3 Experimenter

Saturday, Andy filled an old pop bottle with water to wash himself off so Marilyn wouldn’t have to handle his stickiness. When he picked her up, she brought new information; she had learned more about dreams in Psych class. She teased him about his earlier statement that he dreamed of her at night. So, dreams were constructs you made up after you woke. It didn’t change that she filled his thoughts. “That’s not fair. I do dream of you, same as anyone else dreams. It’s just that it happens at...

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My Hitch Hiking Adventure

The fantasy that gets me off the most lately is about hitch hiking. It’s late at night. My car breaks down on a lonely road way out in the middle of nowhere. And wouldn’t you know it, there is no cell phone service. Nothing to do now but try to get a ride.I stand by the car wearing my best helpless look. There isn’t very much traffic at this hour. I don’t feel very optimistic about my chances. Then along comes a car, way out here in the middle of the night.Guess what? It stops! I gratefully hop...

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Do se bhale char

I am Malini, 46 years old. Though I am this old, nobody can realize my true age. I look like may be in my thirties. That is because I have maintained my physique very well. I got married when I was 21and lost my husband when I was 23. Though I was very sexy even before marriage and always thinking about sex, I did not have sex with anybody before marriage because I am from a conservative family. I have a daughter who is married and well settled. I am extremely good looking and very sexy even at...

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Heidi and Her GrandfatherChapter 6

Heidi was stretching in languid laziness on the soft down filled pillows. She could see Hans doing his exercises in front of the window. His back was turned to her and she saw the lean hard muscles rippling across his back and the deliciously firm tightness of his beautiful buttocks. Heidi remembered how lovely they looked as he plunged his slender body deep between her enveloping legs. His long arms were reaching all the way down to the floor and she was able to see his male equipment...

1 year ago
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The coves

This past weekend started out like every other. Things happened over this past weekend that has forever changed us. Like most summer weekends Karen wanted to spend the day on the boat. Karen likes to bring her best friend along. Having them on the boat is great because I can stare at them in their thong bikinis. The girls are twenty-one while I am twenty-two. We all met while our freshman year in college. Every weekend it’s usually the three of us together. Looking back at things, it was just a...

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My husband made me do it 8211 Part 2

Hi all, thank you for all your valuable for I’m very gratified knowing that you all enjoyed it and even more so for taking your time and sending appreciation emails. I hope you will further support and enjoy the subsequent parts of the story. Check out part-1 here before continuing to read further. “You are MY SLUT,” he said while he spanked my ass. After these recent incidents, I realized how much I love this man. I am willing to do anything to make him happy. I also came to a new...

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Wife uses me for lunch

Her: Are you home now? Me: Yes Her: Are you going to be home for lunch? Me: Yes Her: Ok And then the texts stopped. I did not think too much of it and just laid the phone down on the couch. I was entering the last season of my favorite show when I heard the door handle jiggle. I just turned around on the couch and looked at the door and saw my wife walk in and close it behind me. God, she looked good! My wife was about 5 foot 3 with short blond hair and a soft hourglass figure that just...

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One experience with two blak men

Hello again this is EvA…I am a 40 year old tranny. I do not consider myself a cross dresser anymore, because I am doing that for so long that I have been transformed to a very sexy and feminine lady boy. I have been taking also hormones for 4 years, on and off and I already saw many changes…my boobies are growing, becoming poutier and have sensitive nipples. My skin is sooo soft and my hips are getting bigger giving me a pear figure… I also see changes in my feelings, being more sensitive and...

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Hot Neighbour Next Door

I am Akshat from Ahmedabad. I am 19 years old. Rather than describing about myself now, I will do that as much as we need in the context of the story at necessary parts. I have in a luxurious apartment in the city, but I am out of the city most of the times because of my studies and some work that I do in my free time. Across the hall, lives a girl with her parents, and our family-to-family relationship is good with them. About the girl, her name is Radhika and she is 18 years old, which means...

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We did it Well she did it Great Cuckold Experie

My wife went out to a club in Charlotte a few weekends ago and we were hoping to connect with a guy that might want to seduce her. Well, it didn't happen. I was very bummed, but my wife Mary was kind of relieved. She's just kind of shy.Well, last night (literally 10 hours ago, we went to a nightclub downtown. We danced on the floor to some great 80s music and before long, we were dancing in a group of guys and girls, mainly in their late 20s and early 30s.There was one guy in the group that was...

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Castaway ExplorerChapter 24

Dr. Cina kneeled in the drained blood of her daughter, next to Nonie was Wendy. Wendy had her throat slashed open. Nonie’s arms were full of protective cuts, having faithfully defended herself. A dead raider and a dead armored crew woman still gripped boarding swords in their hands on the other side of the room. The two sword fighters had given each other death-strokes at the same time. The dead woman had been one of the eager fighters from my original team. I noticed Dr. Cina had her own...

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Andy Nailed His Cousin Geetha

Hi to all the ISS fans here after reading thousands of stories in ISS, I decided to post my story. I’m Andy name changed 23 years of age from Raichur, a district in Karnataka. I’m an engineer by profession now working in Bangalore. This story I’m submitting now happened 3 and a half years ago when my cousin sister was here to our place district that is to our home for 10-15 days her name was Geeta name changed. She was 3 years and a few months elder to me. She was married now and it was...

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The House that Jo Built Bonus Chapter Two Charlie and the Fudge Factory

"What's Christy want?" Dan asked. "How do you know it's her?" Charlie checked his phone. "Because it's always her, man. Ever since you started dating her it's been, like, nonstop. For real. What's it say?" "It says she has good news and bad news and which do I want first." "Always take the bad news first," Dan took a bite of his square pizza while Charlie texted back, any further rumination on Tony Soprano's fate paused until the disjointed exchange could conclude. "I...

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Futa Naked in School 06 Futas Taboo Naked PerformanceChapter 3 Julietrsquos Futa Taboo Passion

Xochitl Estevez’s Week, Tuesday I was so confused. What was wrong with me? Why did that look in my futa-sister’s eyes scare me? It was so intense. I felt like if I let her kiss me, if I let her make love to me before the rest of the cast and crew for the play, I would be lost. Lost in what? I shook my head. It was so much easier when I just hated my older futa-sister. When I fumed at her for ripping off my style of tight jeans and belly shirts. When I moaned in annoyance as she fucked...

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