TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 86: Too Late! free porn video

One moment Jessie Harper was floating on the little cloud of happiness that had carried her along for the last two days then the next moment she wasn’t. Jessie had had a wonderful time on Sunday with her choir doing their first nude performance in church. That performance had been received and appreciated by the congregation to a degree not fully expected but had just made Jessie’s heart feel so wonderful. She had also had a great afternoon with her mom and some friends then an even better time with her step-father later that evening. The two had indulged in their first real bit of Family Sex and that had just made Jessie’s heart glow even more with such feelings of warmth and love.
On Monday Jessie had drifted through her whole day at school in the same dreamy glow of the day before. In that cheery mood Jessie had gone to school wearing only a skirt and panties but no top. A few of the other girls in her class were also starting to do the same ... coming to school topless - much to the delight of the boys. Jessie wasn’t registered as a Certified Nudist or a Clothing Optional Nudist but no one now seemed to care. Seeing naked and semi-naked people about was becoming just another social norm for the little town of Redsands, Georgia, USA. Thus it was that after school Jessie turned up topless at the NTFLN office next to the town library to register for the Teen Beauty Pageant ... but she was too late!
“Too late!” Jessie blurted out. “What do you mean by that? I thought there was at least another week to register!”
The young man in the NTFLN office next to the municipal library looked at Jessie and said, “Well that was how it was originally. But we’ve had such a huge swell of interest that we just had to bring the cut off date forward by nearly two weeks or we would never have coped. I think you will find that it’s been well advertised. Last Friday’s cut off date has been plastered all over the window posters and broadcast on all the local radio stations. We really have worked hard to make sure everyone knew. We had a few turn up Saturday that we, sadly, had to turn away but since then no one until just now.”
Jessie suddenly felt quite silly and rather indignant at letting this happen to her. Normally she was always just so well ahead of things like this but not this time. Her only explanation to herself for not knowing about this change was the roller coaster ride of emotion she had been on over the last two weeks. She must have been just too distracted about all that anti-nudity stuff going on and allowing it to crowd out other matters she should have been paying attention to.

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