Mayhem 4: Irish MistChapter 4 free porn video

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The next day was moving day. I've heard how being out on tour with an entertainer can seem a little like riding a tornado without a safety belt but you couldn't tell that by me. I've heard how some tours play twenty cities in twenty days but that isn't how things are done in Ireland. Time seems less important and venues aren't always open when you want them to be. We were doing 25 shows in three months and that included a two-week break in the middle to "relax." Not exactly an arduous schedule if you ask me but then I certainly wasn't going to complain. At about three days per show we had plenty of time to move, set up and settle in. Add to that Ireland isn't all that big and the way they had the tour scheduled the distances between most venues was less than 200 kilometers, a two to three hour ride even on the abominations the Irish call roads.

We'd be doing it all by coach (bus) and lorry (While I still mostly called a bus a bus, I'd been with the Brits enough that I actually started to call a truck a lorry even if it did sound weird.) Most of the sites we could have reached via Tube but there were a number of backwater burgs that weren't even connected to a Tube line. It was just as easy and probably just as economical to rent a bus and have one of the roadies drive it; we had to have a lorry for the equipment anyway.

I'd assigned Corporal Caoimh to be our liaison with Camberge's assistant, Valeria, and he/she was working on revising the accommodations to my specifications. As much time as Caoimh spent talking to her I had the feeling he was trying to work his way into more than a room for the night. You should have seen his face when I told him she was 67 years-old and weighed over a hundred kilos; well I though it was funny anyway. I think Mac and Faolain peed their britches when Magaoidh finally told him I'd never met the lady and hadn't any idea what she looked like.

"That isn't sporting, sir," Brian complained after he found out. "Officers aren't allowed to have a sense of humor."

"Did you think it was funny?" I asked him.

"Certainly not!" he replied.

"Then I guess I don't," I shrugged.

"Ya would 'ave if it been one of us," Mac pointed out to him.

"True enough," Caoimh nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose it's one of those situational humor things."

"I'll try to restrain myself for your benefit," I said dryly.

"That would be most appreciated, sir," he answered just as dryly. Then he paused and asked, "So, Sir, you'll not be knowing what Miss Valeria is actually looking like?"

"For all I know she could be the next Miss Ireland," I shrugged.

"Now that's a thought," he muttered as he left.

The roadies were dong their thing and getting the equipment loaded under Faolain's watchful eyes while Magaoidh and Caoimh retrieved our surveillance gear as Shauna and Eimile made their way down for breakfast. Not surprisingly Niamh didn't. Even with a massive dose of De-Tox I was pretty sure she wouldn't be wanting a whole lot. I remember doing that a few times myself back in my impetuous youth before realizing the nighttime buzz wasn't worth feeling like shit for half the next day. I may not be the brightest guy in the world but it didn't take too many repetitions to convince me of that.

It was noted by those breaking down the gear that breakfast for two had been delivered to Niamh's room so at least someone was going to eat. The night watch had noted in the log that Rachael and a "guest" had returned very early this morning so I had no idea when she'd be rolling out of bed. That was a bit of a pain since someone had to stay up there close to her room until Her Majesty decided to come out but nothing we couldn't handle. I suppose to be fair someone had to be up there for Leanne and Niamh but it was easier to blame Rachael. I just didn't like her and among the three, Leanne being very likable, Niamh being mostly a mystery and Rachael being a bitch I preferred to blame the bitch. It didn't change my job or alter my actions one bit but it made me happier in the privacy of my own mind. So sue me.

Later in the morning the hotel staff started complaining they needed to get into the rooms to clean and I politely told them to either stop bitching or find someone who gave a fuck. We weren't leaving until early afternoon and I figured not cleaning two rooms was something they could live with; we were buying their food and drinking their coffee while we waited so they could deal.

A little before noon Leanne and Niamh made their way down to the restaurant. Niamh looked tired and sheepish, Leanne just looked aggravated. They came over to sit by me and I waved down a server.

"Coffee, please," Niamh whispered.

"Tea for me," Leanne nodded then when the server left she elbowed Niamh and said, "Well, get on with it, ya silly thing."

Niamh grunted and glanced up at me then looked down again. "Ah want to apologize for me actions last night and to thank ya fer taking care of me."

"You don't have to apologize to me," I assured her. "And if you should thank anyone it should be Leanne here; you're very lucky to have your cousin watching over you." She just nodded morosely.

"Rache not down yet? When we'll be leaving?" Leanne asked looking over and seeing the twins. I know, they're not really twins, not sisters at all but they look so much alike and are practically joined at the hip so I naturally thought of them as one unit, "The Twins."

"Still in her room," I shook my head. "We don't have to leave for a couple of hours yet."

"Phew on that," she scoffed. "Ah guess we best be getting up there and sorting the princess out or we'll be forever. The useless thing can't even pack 'er own wardrobe." She stood up and signaled the twins to follow her.

"Ah, Leanne," I cautioned. "She's not alone up there; she has a guest."

"Oh she does now, does she?" Leanne's eyes twinkled. "Then that'll be even more fun, now won't it. Ladies," she said snapping her fingers at the twins, "we have a dosser to toss and slapper to raise." I was about to follow them but remembered Niamh was still there and would be uncovered if I did; besides Magaoidh and Caoimh were still up there. If those two couldn't handle one grumpy house guest then the whole British army probably couldn't. I gave them a heads up and Ryan gave me an amused affirmative.

"I think I understood what she just said," I mused out loud as I sat there with Niamh. She actually chuckled very softly.

"She said, now let me say this how you Yank's might," she started. "They have a slut to get up and a useless one to get rid of. Ah hope they be gentle about it; me cousin's a bit put out at me and looking for someone to rain down on. She may be stirring up a bees nest there; me sister can be quite a git in the morning and she doesn't always bring back the cream of the nobility, if ya know what ah mean."

"Mr. Magaoidh can be very diplomatic," I assured her. "And anyone foolish enough to take a swing at a colour sergeant late of His Majesty's army will learn the error of his ways quick enough."

"These colour sergeants are fearsome creatures then, Mr. Leforge?" she asked looking up at me with just a hint of a smile. "Even more so than majors?"

"Oh much more so, Ms Niamh," I smiled back. "Colour sergeants are bred to be fearsome creatures. It's well known that with a mere disapproving glance colour sergeants can cause grown men ― trained killers who laugh in the face of death ― to soil themselves like tiny babies."

"Go on, you!" She did laugh this time. "You'll be messing with me now I know."

"Maybe just a little," I replied keeping a straight face. "But seriously, if Mr. Magaoidh supported by Mr. Caoimh can't handle one belligerent guest, or even a roomful of belligerent guests, I would be shocked beyond belief."

"That is good to know," she said still smiling. Suddenly her smile fled and she dipped her eyes again. "Ah still have me apologizes to make for me behavior last night."

"No you don't..." I tried to say.

"Yes, yes ah do," she interrupted forcibly and then continued with a grimace. "As was instructed to me this morn. A very stern tongue lashing ah got ah'll have you know. All about how having one embarrassment in the family being quite enough and other such."

"Ms Niamh, or would you rather me call you Mrs. Callahan?" That was her married name after all.

"No!" she answered sharply. "No, and Niamh will do well enough."

"Only if you call me Martin," I responded.

"Fair enough, Martin," she smiled again. "Ah'd rather be Niamh Geallaigh if is all the same to you. Ah admit that ah'm married to Tom Callahan for all me sins but if ah could forget it ah would.

"Ah'm such a sap," she sighed and looked a nothing over my shoulder. "Tom has always been a fine thing, big strapping man and smooth as a sip of Irish whiskey. 'E and I were married when ah was seventeen and ah was madly in love. What ah didn't know was that Tom was also, just not with me but with 'imself. He's off in southern Europe now, doing "research" for a book that'll never be written. Whoring and gambling is what he's doing and has now fer years. Drains the bank when ah cobble enough together to tuck a little away and calls me every month or two. A darling of the scuzzies he is. They love to plaster his vid out there with whatever two-bit tramp he's riding that day. They love it that he's off playing while ah'm here being the goodwife.

"And here ah sit being the pathetic little weak thing; ah watch the damn vids and drink meself sodden," she sniffed. "Ah hate meself!

"And you be wondering why ah don't just set 'es kit out the door and be done with the bad baggage, now don't you?" she demanded angrily.

"I try not to judge others on what I think I might do," I responded softly. "I can't say I've had the best luck in the romance department myself. Here I am 32, unmarried, no girlfriend and without much of a prospect of one either, if I want to be truthful. I don't have much to say in that respect."

"So you say now," she said and actually smiled almost a little evilly. "But still you wonder why ah don't dump the wanker and mark his name off in me book."

"I suppose because you love him," I replied. "Love has a tendency to make people do strange things."

"Aye it does," she nodded. "But this isn't one of them. Ah don't love the bloke, haven't fer years; ah'm just a fool too weak to do the right thing. Doing nothing has been easiest. Ah suppose you'll be contemptuous of me now."

"No," I shook my head. "I feel sad that you're not happy but I don't feel contempt for you. Everybody has to handle the troubles in their life as they can, not as someone else would. I will say that from my vast experience, though, I've found the easy way has a tendency to actually be the hardest way in the long run.

"Niamh," I continued and reached over and just touched the back of her hand with the tip of my finger, her hand flexed but she didn't pull it back, "you are a beautiful woman with a talent that awes me. You deserve much more than you have now and I believe that when you're ready you will do what you need to do to get that happiness you deserve.

"Don't let Leanne or anyone else bully you into something you're not ready for," I added. "But don't try to drink your problems away either; that I can guarantee will never work. You just feel bad in the morning and the troubles are still there."

"Aye, and ah end up being naked in front of strange men also from what ah hear," she grinned although a tear or two still rolled down her cheek.

"Yes, well, that was Leanne's fault," I protested. "She said she couldn't move you to get you undressed and then you..."

"Hurled all over the countryside," she snorted.

"Well no, then you got sick in the toilet," I corrected.

"After you dragged me there and held back me hair back," she sighed. "That must have been a picture; the big fat cow jiggling her diddies with her face in the jakes."

"Niamh Geallaigh, I will say this only once and then this conversation will be over and done with," I said picking up my finger and shaking it in her face. "After I was privileged to assist you in disrobing due to your incapacity there are many words I could use to describe what I saw but fat isn't even close to any of them. And that's all I'm going to say because the direction this conversation is turning is definitely not towards one I should be having with a married woman."

"You have a bit of the blarney in you, don't ya?" she smiled again.

"Woman," I replied shaking my finger firmly again, "you are fishing for compliments and you of all people have no reason to do so. I stand behind everything I've said but this conversation is over with, now!"

Luckily I didn't have to enforce my edict as the girls, supported by Ryan and Brian, herded a very petulant and churlish Rachael along with a very tired but happy looking young man into the hotel lobby. In no time Rachael's baggage was brought down, loaded and we were off for Clonakilty.

Clonakilty was a much smaller city than Cork, more of a town than a city. The hotel we were booked in didn't have enough rooms to give all us one even when we took one full floor. The twins volunteered to share a room as did Leanne and Niamh. I put Mac and Faolain together but with rotating duty it was unlikely they'd actually have to share all that much. Rachael got a room by herself since nobody else wanted to be with her as did the corporal, colour sergeant and myself; RHIP (rank has its privilege) after all.

The drive was scenic and without incident. We pulled in mid afternoon and were all ensconced in our rooms well before dinner time. The hotel didn't have a restaurant but there was a small pub next door. The food was decent and the staff highly excited over having real celebrities dining with them. Even Eimile hurriedly signed a few autographs although she couldn't look the requester in the eyes. It still terrified her, I could tell since she was pressing back against me the entire time she did it and I could feel her tremble. When they were done I gave her a pat on the back and whispered how proud I was for her being so brave and she gave me a shy little smile from under her bangs.

Mac had Rachael duty that night and she tore off to see what trouble she could cause. It didn't last long and even she was back and in her room alone by 2100 hours. I guess Clonakilty just didn't have the nightlife that lived up to her expectations. Everyone else had settled in early and I spent some time answering my mail and looking up some of my old British contacts. I didn't call any yet since I hadn't heard from Mayhem but at least knew where I thought I could find them.

After taking a tour around the hotel and checking all our surveillance eyes I turned in myself. I'd been in bed about half an hour when my door suddenly opened and then closed again.

"Lights," I said out loud. Nothing happened which wasn't surprising; I'd forgotten this hotel was so old the lights weren't voice activated; you had to hit the plate next to the door. I was reaching for my gun when somebody flung back the sheets and crawled into bed with me. Probing the other side of the bed with my hand I discovered a very slight, very soft form and after about two seconds of running my hand over it I knew exactly who it was.

"Reading me tattoos with yer fingers, Martin?" Leanne asked in an amused voice.

"Leanne, what the hell are you doing here?" Sure, stupid question but not as inane as my next statement. "Ah, I didn't know you had any tattoos."

"Ah don't," she purred. "But ah'll help ya look anyway."

"You can't be here, Leanne," I said.

"Ah can't?" she asked. "But it would appear ah am therefore ah would have to say yer wrong, Martin."

"I don't mean you can't be here," I babbled. "I mean you shouldn't be here."

"Well now that be a matter of opinion, now wouldn't you say, Martin?" she cooed moving up against me and rubbing her body on mine like a cat marking her territory. "And my opinion is such that ah very much should be here. Again ah would have to say yer wrong."

"But ... but ... I'm your bodyguard!" I insisted.

"And a poor job you be doing of it so far if ah must say," she giggled and pulled my arm around her as she flung her leg over mine.

"But it's not professional..." I whimpered.

"No," she agreed as she nibbled on my chin and her hand fluttered down around my shorts. "But it's what ah've wanted since the first day you strode through our door, my man, and when you fought to protect Eimile..." She shivered and bit my neck; it wasn't just a nip either. "Then ah knew ah would be having you and not just wanting to."

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 67 A Funny Thing Happened

Monday morning. Tim could feel something in the air was ‘off’ as soon as he walked into the locker room. It was deathly quiet. Tim expected the spirits of his fellow football players to be high after the last weekend of Roosevelt football success. The JV and Freshman teams easily won their games against MacArthur, and the elation of the varsity win was still riding high if the number of requests for interviews in his email were to serve as a barometer. Tim quickly learned, though, that the...

3 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 72 Attention Hound

“I can’t believe it. Still, no luck.” Alicia Martinez, a young reporter with KSAT-TV in San Antonio, got an early jump on the story of the year: an apparent riot broke out at a high-end, popular downtown restaurant. According to her sources, the riot was not a simple fight getting out of hand but also involved international star singer/songwriter/model/actress Olivia King and her boyfriend, YungBalla69. He was an Internet billionaire and notorious “traveling sideshow” of bad boy behavior. To...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 73 New Record Why Not

“Murphy!” yelled Big John Fontana. The Theodore Roosevelt High School’s head coach and athletic director had just blown the final whistle for Monday morning practice. “Give me a second, son.” Tim Murphy finished his conversation with his friends before turning back toward the coaches. He and the other players were returning to the locker room for showers before beginning their regular school day. “Yeah, Coach?” Tim replied with his helmet under one arm. “I got a call from my old friend...

2 years ago
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Kiss Me Im Irish

Kiss Me I'm Irish Belladonna Vin reconciled the numbers on the ledger in front of him before he closed the book. The day in and day out grind of managing the Pub was taking its toll on him as he rubbed his forehead. The beaten down look on Vin's face was not lost on any of his employees that crossed his path, least all of his girlfriend Monica. She had dated him since before he bought the bar from her father and began to update its image to meet the ever changing neighborhood...

1 year ago
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My Irish Bonus

I stared at an empty computer screen. It was hard to get back to work after a wild weekend like that. That was the wildest time I'd had since my ultra horny college days.Back then they had just super charged my balls. My doctor discovered my scrotum needed to be untwisted. After that it was like having a second puberty. I thought I had a big erection before then. Plus I would soon discover an extra bonus. My first girl friend in college didn't have much going for her in the face...

2 years ago
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My Irish Bonus

I stared at an empty computer screen. It was hard to get back to work after a wild weekend like that. That was the wildest time I’d had since my ultra horny college days. Back then they had just super charged my balls. My doctor discovered my scrotum needed to be untwisted. After that it was like having a second puberty. I thought I had a big erection before then. Plus I would soon discover an extra bonus. My first girl friend in college didn’t have much going for her in the face department....

3 years ago
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The Luck of the Irish

Before we get to the story, I just want to thank everyone for the warm welcome I've recieved as I post my backlog. I'm glad everyone has been enjoying the stories. As for this one, clearly it's not quite seasonally appropriate, but I didn't feel like waiting a whole year to post it at the appropriate time. "Come on, can't we go double or nothing on the next game?" Aaron pleaded. "A bet's a bet, buddy, and the agreement was that whoever lost would have to work the St. Paddy's...

2 years ago
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An Irish Girl

She stood in front of me, hitching up her flowered skirt. A pair of lavender panties slid to the floor and she stepped out of them. Her dark eyes challenged me. ‘You are trying to trade those for something again.’ ‘Maybe, but mostly I want you.’ ‘I heard you found a new guy. Someone who didn’t give you such a hard time.’ ‘I did, but he was a dud. I’m back.’ I gestured to my lap and she obediently lay down. One of my demands when we were going together was that she return to the running...

1 year ago
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An Irish Girl

She stood in front of me, hitching up her flowered skirt. A pair of lavender panties slid to the floor and she stepped out of them. Her dark eyes challenged me."You are trying to trade those for something again.""Maybe, but mostly I want you.""I heard you found a new guy. Someone who didn't give you such a hard time.""I did, but he was a dud. I'm back."I gestured to my lap and she obediently lay down. One of my demands when we were going together was that she return to the running form she had...

3 years ago
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My Irish Virgin Part 1

It was the first day of my summer exercise regime—three miles of early morning running in the sand and then two miles of walking it out. I had my starting point that morning and ran one and a half miles up the beach, and then completed the round trip. I was just starting my one mile walk the other way, and then would return again to the starting point. I was second string on my college soccer team, but since it came with a full scholarship, I had to pay the price to stay in shape. The rest...

2 years ago
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My Irish Virgin Part 1

Introduction: Sorry to take so long,Here is my new story I staggered down the beach. I was wearing shorts, no shirt and was sweating profusely, for a moment it was touch and go whether I would see last nights dinner for the second time. It was the first day of my summer exercise regimethree miles of early morning running in the sand and then two miles of walking it out. I had my starting point that morning and ran one and a half miles up the beach, and then completed the round trip. I was just...

2 years ago
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Irish Encounter

In 2008 I was leading an exciting double life. On the one hand I was a mild-mannered professional with a good job, house and fantastic circle of friends but on the other hand I was this sex enthused guy whose sole desire was to fuck as many sexy girls as possible. I was single, happy and did not care to get into any sort of relationship, partly because I had not found anyone serious in 4 years and I had been through some tough times in the last year. In addition, I had been unlucky in love and...

1 year ago
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Irish Bloom

Note : This story is completely fictional. It was a day like any other day and Mom had had to leave town on a business trip and of course trustingly, left me in the care of my Father. I was 12 and as daddy was not ashamed to admit and often did in front of my brother and sister, his favorite. He would call me his raven haired blue eyed beauty, with a big smile on his red flushed, Irish Catholic face; much to the rescentment of my brother Jack and my sister Pam and I often sensed, my Mother...

3 years ago
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Mr Irish

The day was busy as always as Shannon stood behind the reception of the Movie Heights Grand Hotel. It was getting late in the afternoon as a taxi pulled up in front of the reception and a man climbed out of it. Nothing special but the receptionist found herself unable to look away for long. He had red hair and a red beard and when he stepped into the hotel foyer, she noticed him wearing a perfectly tailored deep-green suit. “How can I help you, Sir?” she asked and smiled as he stepped up to the...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Black Irish

Tiernan was black Irish, rough black Irish. When he was growing up his family had a mobile home and they were forced to move from time to time when their presence was deemed unsavoury in an area. Naturally, the kids he encountered, especially the boys, were tough and fist fights were a regular occurrence. The fights were often encouraged by the fathers who enjoyed betting on the outcomes. In this environment, the rod was never spared and kids regularly had their backsides whipped. Kiernan and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Irish Exchange Student No Longer A Virgin

My wife is from Ireland and she and I visit there every two years or so. Last time we went she befriended Kathleen a very young college freshman at Trinity College, Dublin. My wife Kim and Kathleen spent a lot of time together that summer taking pictures of old Irish cottages. About six months later. Kim told me that Kathleen called her and wanted to spend a semester in America but needed a sponsor. We had a big four bedroom house and our k**s were gone, so I said “go for it”.Two months later I...

3 years ago
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Luck of the Irish

OK, my girlfriend dumped me and I wasn't going to sit home another weekend with no fun. It's a long time since I've gone to a bar by myself but I coulnd't find anyone wanted to go out so I decided to take a chance. I heard of a lesbian bar not too far away and decided to go. I don't really have any party type clothes but I figured a denim skirt and a short sleeved black silk top would be appropriate.When I got to the bar it was a lot busier than I thought it would be, pretty noisey with...

2 years ago
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Tutoring a Girl in Irish

This story involves Domination, BDSM, face sitting, lesbians, group, etc enjoy!This little story is about me meeting a girl named Madison; she’s 19 years old. She moved to Ireland with her mother and step sister Brittany, they were from America and came here since their mother had some love problems and needed work. Madison is bisexual and single, Brittany was also bisexual but is in a lesbian relationship with her best friend Abby, and they practically lived together.She moved into my town and...

4 years ago
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The Irish Curse

The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part One A half dozen teenage girls were buzzing around the locker room after showering, drying their hair and hurrying to get dressed after track practice. They were stuffing backpacks, jumping into their school uniforms, and collecting everything they needed for the weekend. "Ok, girls," yelled Holly clapping her hands. "Now that everyone's dressed, don't forget anything and we'll see you on the bus at eleven." "OMG, they...

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A Little Irish Rose

It was a bit chilly this morning. Last night was still quite warm when we went to bed, so the window was wide open. I imagine it got its coldest around 4 AM, but now, at 6:30, I had to pee and that's what woke me up enough to be aware of it. I still had my personal body warmer, Susie, but my comforter had gone back into the Robinson's box and was sitting in its summer home in the attic somewhere. Thanks to global warming, I'd been able to get by for most of the week since Congress decided...

4 years ago
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My Wild Irish Rose

My name is Roman Anthony McMasters. Yeah, Mom went a little over the top when she named me, but my brothers and sister all got it too. My oldest brother is Achilles, my younger brother is Octavius and my sister was actually given the name Cleopatra, but she goes by Cleo, wouldn't you? Born with a name like that either makes you stronger, or gets you beat up as a kid. I grew out of the resentment, and I decided to focus on my studies. I'd often say, "You can call me Tony" right after...

3 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 17 Now It Counts

Tim’s father Raymond considered the chance to go with his son to his first football game something of a bonding opportunity. Going to the first varsity football game with his son and his son’s new best friends was like chocolate sprinkles on the desert. So Raymond and Tim with Johnnie Boynes, Mark Mazzurana, Jeff Green and Tony Parker were cruising toward Northside Stadium, home field for the Warren Warriors. Everyone was excited because they were all going to get a small taste of their first...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 20 Kick Off

Juanita didn’t exactly know what to do to get Tim ready for his first game. Her initial feelings were to make a good solid breakfast, for him to have enough energy for the game. Raymond came in for his cup of coffee and was able to confirm what she was thinking, but she was making too much food. “Honey, what are you doing? Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, cinnamon rolls. Good God, dear, we’ll never be able to finish all this off,” Raymond was rubbing her shoulders from...

4 years ago
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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 5

-Brian- It had taken awhile to get Allison calmed down and it wasn't easy, let me tell ya. Christ, the poor girl was completely overwhelmed and totally shell-shocked. If I'd had my med-kit with me I'd of tranked her (For those of you not lucky enough to have needed the services of a field medic it means I'd slip her an shot of Don't-give-a-shit juice and tranquilize her.) but I didn't and as my daddy always said, "Wish in one hand, and shit in the other and guess which one fills up...

1 year ago
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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 6

-Tampa- Brad glided into the parking area outside Grace's apartment complex and thumbed off the power. As much as he loved his bike it wasn't the first time he regretted not having one of the older IC-powered two-wheelers. His baby was a blast to ride but the almost silent hydrogen-fueled power cell just wasn't the same as one of the older piston-banging throbbers. He'd heard rumors that someone was going to introduce a replica of the old Harley-Davidson line using a...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 29 Unexpected Opportunities

His smile was wide as he made his way down the hall to his room. He heard his mother showering and going through her processes for bed. His dad just gave a halfhearted hello as he walked past their bedroom door. His dad was busy watching TV. Tim turned on the overhead light as he entered his room and immediately closed and locked the door. He quickly blew a kiss to Cindy on the wall, sat down at the desk, and was taking off his shoes when his mom knocked. Tim unlocked the door. “Hey, I...

2 years ago
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MayhemChapter 4

I didn't stay long at the party ― it was their party, not mine ― and hiked back up to the flying bridge. I sat there for a while and burned one while thoughts flew through my head. What had I gotten myself in for? Was it more than a little flirting? (Okay, I knew it was more than just flirting, but how much more?) The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn't want it to stop no matter where it led. The weather guessers were right about the front coming in, for once. By 0100 it was...

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MayhemChapter 8

Top came back a little over an hour later grinning like a mad fiend at the same time Weird surfaced from his daze. "The East Bay warehouses," Top announced triumphantly. "That checks," Weird nodded. "The first tracker on her limo stopped transmitting about midnight, just about the time she was supposed to have left the party. The second one didn't stop until they got right here." He placed his finger on a map of the Bay area. It was an area just west of East Bay. At one time there...

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MayhemChapter 9

We couldn't tell how closely they had been watching Tink's house or even if they were so we didn't head straight there. I'm sure it would have been safe enough but I didn't want to take even the small chance of getting into a firefight. Besides I had no desire to see Cynthia right then and Tink didn't want to go back home just yet. Tink did call her to briefly say she was okay and would be home soon. Luckily I had to only hear half of that conversation. "I'm fine, Mom," Tink said...

4 years ago
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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 4

- Daniel- Okay, I knew the Xanadu was big but until you look down at it from a few thousand meters you can't really know just how fucking big it really is! Sure I know the specs and you can look them up yourself if you want to: 1,450 meters in length, 524 meters wide, displaces about 180,000 tonnes and carries up to 20,000 passengers with a crew of almost 3,000. That's not a ship, it's a small floating island! We got a good look at it as we flew out to meet it on the shuttle. Of course...

2 years ago
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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 5

-Sumalee- I was happier than I probably should have been when Daniel walked into my lounge again the next day and sat down at the bar. I could not tell you exactly why I was happy he had returned but I was. I mean ... looking at him through unbiased eyes he is not particularly handsome, other than in an everyman, rugged sort of way. But he was nice and listened, laughed at my silly jokes and seemed to be enjoying talking to me for a reason other than just a ploy to separate me from my...

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