Mayhem 3: Double Trouble, Triple TeamedChapter 5 free porn video

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It had taken awhile to get Allison calmed down and it wasn't easy, let me tell ya. Christ, the poor girl was completely overwhelmed and totally shell-shocked. If I'd had my med-kit with me I'd of tranked her (For those of you not lucky enough to have needed the services of a field medic it means I'd slip her an shot of Don't-give-a-shit juice and tranquilize her.) but I didn't and as my daddy always said, "Wish in one hand, and shit in the other and guess which one fills up first."

"Allison," I said gently shaking her head until she stopped blubbering and looked up at me. She was sitting in my lap which I would normally consider a very good thing but I've seen less pain in the eyes of a fellow soldier who'd just had his legs blown off. I'd thought I'd become immune to that look years ago but when it came from her baby-blues I swear I felt it just as deeply. There were some differences though: Allison didn't have the history or experience to handle this type of stress and was basically freezing up on me. I, on the other hand, being the calm, collected and rational person I am, wanted to start killing: early and often.

"Allison," I said again softly. "Baby, you've got to stay with me here and pay attention. We got a lot of planning to do and not much time to do it."

"God damn-it," she sniffed and caressed my cheek. "It's just not fucking fair. I finally find a guy I want to be with and this happens. What do you think we could do? I have to go back for her!" Suddenly she sat up straight. "Maybe ... No I couldn't ask that..."

"What baby?"

"But you hardly know us," she sighed and shook her head. "I was going to ask if maybe you could find a way to keep Jeremy safe. At least then those bastards wouldn't have him. But I can't ask you that."

"You could but you don't have to," I answered, "because I already plan to keep the squirt safe. The only difference is you're going to be right there with him."

"But I can't leave Stasi..."

"We're not leaving your sister anywhere," I interrupted firmly. "I'm going to stash you two somewhere safe and then go get her. None of you will be too broken-hearted leaving Tucson, will you?"

"And go where?" she asked puzzled.

"I was hoping Tampa."

"Really?" She looked at me questioningly. "Why?"

"Well, I was thinking it would be a lot easier to get a date if you were a little bit closer to where I lived," I chuckled. "After all, it is every man's dream to date a beautiful stripper, isn't it?"

"I think you already got what most men fantasize about," she sniffed but showed me a tiny smile at her tease.

"Oh, Allison," I sighed and leaned my forehead against hers. "I want so much more than your beautiful body. Can't you tell? I'm madly, desperately and completely in love with you. You and that wretched little urchin or yours have captured my heart totally and I have no idea what to do about it."

"Good," she said tilting my head back so she could look into my eyes. "Because I feel exactly the same way." Then her lips met mine and the rescue planning was put on hold for a little while longer.

I hadn't said anything to the guys about this. Shit, it wasn't their fight and I didn't want them to get involved if they didn't have to. Hopefully, this was going to be a simple snatch-and-grab but I felt kind of funny asking my teammates to put their asses on the line for someone they didn't even know.

Originally I'd planned to stash the both of them in my apartment but thought better of that while we sat in the Tube heading towards Tampa. If something did go wrong I didn't want them to be stuck in a strange place with nobody around they knew. Of course I immediately thought of the captain and wondered if he could put them up for a night or two on his boat. With the increased security we'd pretty much forced him to take on and with Mike hovering around him the way she was they'd probably be safer there than just about anywhere else. He was scheduled to be back a few hours ahead of me so I figured we'd grab my car at the Tube station and track him down.

At least the first part of my plan seemed to have worked. Allison's sister and bosses were expecting her back that evening which of course wasn't going to happen. Allison tried to call her sister but wasn't getting an answer; it looked like Anastasia's pers-com had been turned off. Instead she called her boss and told him Jeremy had slipped debarking the plane and had broken both an arm and a leg. Nothing really serious but that type of injury would require him to be in the hospital under sedation for the fast-healing so it seemed like a good excuse. Her boss wasn't happy but he bought it which was all that mattered for the next day or two. The fucker's happiness wasn't a requirement; we just wanted to have him think this was a slight delay so he wouldn't put any pressure on Anastasia. Actually we didn't want him putting pressure on Allison by using Anastasia but you know what I mean. Besides if things went well I'd have Anastasia out of there and back with her sister by the day after next. If things went great then she'd be back with Allison and he'd be dead but I didn't tell Allison that part.

He by the way was Anton Malenkov, oldest of the three Malenkov brothers, Iosif and Pyotr being the younger two scumbags. As she told it, they were the last in the line of the Malenkovs who had originally immigrated to the U.S. in the late 1900s after the fall of the first Soviet Union and set up shop with what was called at that time the Russian Mafia. They thought of themselves as the natural heirs of the original Sicilian Mafia and even called themselves "The Family." No doubt they were nasty customers but competition in the crime industry back then was pretty fierce. The Ivans thought they were pretty bad shit: mean, nasty and sadistic as hell but their major competition — the South and Central American drug gangs — were all that in addition to being totally bug-nuts fucking crazy. It's tough to win a war against an enemy that doesn't give a fuck how many of their solders you kill and can afford to trade you ten for one without blinking; the slums around Mexico City probably produced enough cannon-fodder alone to overwhelm the Ruskies.

So even by the time of the war the Russians were little more than third-rate thugs living on the scraps the drug gangs didn't want to bother with, like running strip joints and pimping whores. All of which goes to show you just how stupid these assholes were. Why the hell would they put their dicks on the table trying to force the Benson sisters into prostitution when they could have had thousands of willing girls from south of the border more than eager to spend a little time on their backs for some good ol' Yankee cash? I suppose they couldn't be blamed for not having a contingency in their business plan for some old, broken-down war vet falling in love with one of their intended cash cows. It wouldn't be fair if I faulted them but that didn't stop me; I have a feeling my definition of fair probably wasn't the same as the one found in their dictionary, anyway. My definition of fair is pretty simple: If I'm still alive after someone fucks with me then whatever happened was fair. The definition has now broadened slightly to include fucking with Allison (not me by the way; I fully intended to keep fucking with her as much as she let me) and Jeremy.

Allison was a nervous wreck for most of the trip and not happy that I wouldn't tell her about my plans once I got to Tucson. I didn't want her to get even more nervous and besides I didn't really have much of a plan. Sure she'd given me the general layout of the club and the kind of muscle they usually had in place, all of which didn't give me much of a warm fuzzy feeling, but it's not like she'd ever studied the place with a view to breaking someone out of it. I was going to have to play it by ear which from my experience was only slightly worse than having no plan at all. In most operations the key to success is flexibility and I've had enough practice being flexible I think I'm now flexible enough to bend over and kiss my own ass goodbye.

Anyway it wasn't long before we pulled into the Tampa Tube station and were in my car heading over to the captain's marina. She had another little shit-fit when I told her where I was hoping to stash her and the kid and an even bigger one when I told her why.

"You can't do this!" she practically screamed. "It's too dangerous!"

"Cool your jets, baby," I answered calmly. "I'm not planning to take any chances if I can help it but I need to think about the possibility of something going wrong. Lady Luck can be a bitch sometimes and what would happen to you if the shit hit the fan at just the wrong time? Besides, if your sister looks anything like you then my heart may stop from the overload and then where would we be?"

"Stop it!" she groused smacking me on the arm. "This is serious; I can't ask you to do this knowing there's a chance you could get hurt."

"Can't be helped," I shrugged then continued before she could start arguing again. "The fact is you can't stop me. Now before you start spouting bullshit about going back before I can do this I have to tell you it won't do any good. It'd just mean I'd have to worry about pulling three of you out of there instead of just one and that would be a whole lot more dangerous."

"I still don't like it," she sniffed softly as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I ain't at all happy that it has to be done either," I assured her. "But these dumbshits ain't leaving us any choice, so whining about it ain't going to do any good. Let's just get it over with and we'll figure out the rest when your sister is safe."

"You really are my hero," she sniffed again.

"Yeah? A hero, huh?" I chuckled. "Well then I'll be expecting a real hero's welcome when I get back."

"You just want me for my tits," she smiled weakly and smacked me lightly on the chest.

"Actually I hadn't got up that far yet," I whispered into her hair. Jeremy was in the back seat and I have to admit I was just a little bit uncomfortable talking about having sex with his mother where he could hear me.

"You're terrible," she giggled. It was nice to hear that again. I don't think she'd smiled or laughed since she'd heard from her sister and it was sweet music to my ears. "But I think something could be arranged."

I'm on the visitors list so we were waved through the marina security after they'd checked my ID and a couple of seconds later I was parking next to where the Katherine was berthed. The Cap was standing on the after-deck with Mike, both of them looking at us rather curiously.

"Hey there, Cap," I called out. "This is my friend Allison Benson and her son, Jeremy. They have a little problem and I need to go out to Tucson for a few days to fix it."

"Nice to meet you Allison; you too Jeremy, now tell me about it," was all he said and pointed to a couple of deck chairs. It didn't take long between the two of us even with Allison breaking down every now and then.

"You need backup," he announced flatly. Nothing else, just that. No second guessing, no trying to talk me out of it, just that. He'd heard the situation and knew it was the righteous thing to do so he immediately shifted into operational mode.

I tried to say I didn't want anyone else getting his ass stuck out for something that was entirely my doing but that didn't fly very far. He even tried to wiggle his way into coming but Mike shut that down even quicker. Now I've seen Mike badger and bully the Captain for more years than I can count but I'd never seen her be this forceful before.

"Boss," she hissed, "if I have to break an arm and a leg or two to keep you here then I'm going to do it. You keep your dumbass here so I don't have to worry about you. Besides you need to keep an eye on little-dick's girlfriend and the kid. If you go then I'll have to go anyway. This way I'll know you're safe back here."

"Yeah, but I won't know you guys are safe out there," he protested.

"You're sweet! Now shut up," she said patting his cheek. "You heard him. Allison and the kid need a place to hide for a few days. Think you can do that without fucking it up too badly?"

"You're a pain in the ass. You know that?"

"You're just now figuring that out? Not too bright, are you?" she smirked. That pretty much ended what little discussion about the matter there was.

Turns out Top wasn't available but Weird was. He said it sounded like fun; well he is weird, and was heading right over with his kit. The next Tube leaving with the right connections wasn't leaving for a few hours so when Weird arrived we huddled up with Allison and she told them pretty much everything she'd already told me.

"How long have they been doing this?" Mike asked. "Forcing girls into going pro, I mean."

"Never that I know of," Allison answered sounding flustered. "Yeah, there were a number of the girls who did it but it was never forced that I knew of. There're some rooms in the back where they can take their clients for a private dance, if you know what I mean. I'm sure Anton got a cut of what they made but that's all that I knew about."

"Must be something new they're trying to get into," the captain mused. "Doesn't make any sense to me but then a lot of what these types get into doesn't make any sense to me."

"Yeah, why force them?" Mike asked. "Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. Hey boss, maybe I should have turned pro. Been a hell of a lot easier and more fun than what we'd been doing for the last eighteen years."

Okay, okay; yes I should have kept my mouth shut but with a straight line like that could you have resisted? I couldn't.

"It'd ever work, Mike," I said shaking my head.

"What are you saying, needle-dick?" she asked sweetly looking at me dangerously. Normally when Mike starts the sweet talk and the look it's time for most prudent men to cross their legs and start shuffling backwards but seeing how she'd have to go over Weird and the captain to get at me I felt a little safer. "Are you inferring that nobody would pay for a chance to have a go at this lush body of mine?"

"Oh, that's not the problem," I said waving it off. "There will always be enough of the right kind of guys around: really desperate, with some pocket change. Naw, the problem is if you went pro then you'd have to let them call the shots and stop when they wanted to and not when you wanted to. You couldn't keep them going just because you weren't ready to quit."

"Hmm, there is that," she grumbled, her eyes were still narrowed to slits. "I see your point but I'm still not happy about that 'desperate' and 'pocket change' crack. You'd better watch yourself, dick-head, or your girlfriend is going to be even more disappointed in your love life than I'm sure she already is." Allison was sitting next to me and I felt her start to bristle at Mike's not-so-veiled threats.

"It's okay, baby," I grinned and patted her knee. "We're just tossing crap back and forth. It doesn't mean anything."

"But Brian, you're wonderful in bed!" she exclaimed.

"You see, Michelle? I'm wonderful," I smirked.

"How did you find such an inexperienced virgin with a kid, dick-head?" Mike grinned back at me. "Did you get her so drunk she passed out so you could tell her how good you'd been?"

"I prefer love and romance," I said lifting Allison's fingers to my lips to give them a kiss. "Unlike some people who seem to have to use intoxicants to lure their unsuspecting prey into their parlor."

"Are you saying I have to get men drunk before they'll go to bed with me?" the eyes narrowed again.

"Well I wouldn't go so far as to say have to," I shrugged casually. "But I'm sure it helps deaden the pain somewhat."

"Oh, Brian, I am so going to get you for that," Mike chuckled. Fuck! She called me Brian. That was never a good sign.

"Behave, children," the captain admonished. "We have planning to do."

My initial thought was to do it the easy way. Wait until Anastasia returned home after her shift and take her away from there: quick and easy. Even if the dumb-fuck brothers had sent someone or some ones to watch her I couldn't imagine it would be too difficult to distract them for the time it took us to get the hell out of town. Worst case (best case) they could spend the time searching for the 5mm bullet I could hide somewhere in their brainpan. I figured that should keep the nosey bastards occupied for a while anyway.

Unfortunately Allison called a couple of their neighbors she was friendly with and they told her they hadn't seen Anastasia for the past couple of days. You didn't need Weird's brainpower to figure out they were keeping her somewhere "safe" until they could get their hands on Jeremy and have leverage on both the sisters. So much for quick and easy.

Plan B was for me to go into the club during Anastasia's shift and see if I could contact her. If she wasn't there during working hours then we move on to Plan C; we start grabbing people and start asking them questions. I was pretty confident that between my motivation, Weird's complete indifference to anything except results and Mike's surly attitude towards anybody that pisses off the captain (Captain Mayhem was a bit peeved about the Malenkov brothers recruiting techniques), answers to our simple little questions would be readily forthcoming.

So with enough cash to buy half of Tucson and enough ordinance to level the other half, the Three Mouseketeers (Yes, I watched that stupid show when I was a kid! Can you believe it's almost a hundred years old and still going strong on the Unidiz vid-channel?) boarded the Tube and set off to rescue the damsel in distress.

Given our KISS plan (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) there wasn't much to rehash on the trip out to Tucson. For the most part I was going to walk into the club during what should be Anastasia's shift — 2200 to 0200 — and recon the layout. If I could find her, then I'd try to make contact. If she wasn't there then I'd look for likely candidates for a little heart-to-heart talk. Mike and Weird would stay outside listening in over our net in case things got furry. We pulled into Tucson around 1400 and had a little time to kill so after renting a car we got a cheap room near the club to either get some sleep or at least to get out of the heat. Of course Cap and the rest of the team knew we'd made it but I called Allison anyway just to let her know we were there.

We'd decided I should start my recon at about 2300 so we had a little time to kill. Weird was screwing with some equipment he'd brought along and I was sacked out on one of the beds trying to get a little shut-eye. Something must have wound up Mike because for some reason she just wouldn't shut up.

"So how you going to know this bimbo?" she asked.

"Like Allison said, she looks like her," I answered without opening my eyes. "How tough can that be? If I can't eyeball her I'll just ask."

"God-damn! A man asking for directions? What the fuck's the world coming to?" she gasped. Weird snickered.

"Working four hours a night for what did she say? Four nights a week?" she continued. "Sweet deal. Maybe I should take up stripping instead of hooking."

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 73 New Record Why Not

“Murphy!” yelled Big John Fontana. The Theodore Roosevelt High School’s head coach and athletic director had just blown the final whistle for Monday morning practice. “Give me a second, son.” Tim Murphy finished his conversation with his friends before turning back toward the coaches. He and the other players were returning to the locker room for showers before beginning their regular school day. “Yeah, Coach?” Tim replied with his helmet under one arm. “I got a call from my old friend...

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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 3 TripleP

Daniel Berusov dropped on his bed with a groan. The games played here at Triple-P – Peter Parker Preparatory – were alien to him. Who the hell would play Lacrosse? Soccer was more to his liking, but being tall and slender he was not ideally built for that sport. Basketball was not bad, but the way Danny had learned the game — in a neighborhood court ruled by the bros — was not like Mr. Jeremies, the gym teacher, thought it should be played. The only good thing was that once he’d become a...

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Triple Helix

TRIPLE HELIX BY JENNIFER N. RICHARDS Sitting by the side of my bed, I begin to write this, which is the story of my life that came to be a year and a half ago. My journey has been long and hard, but in the end, I lie here amazed at what life has given me. It is my intention with these writings not only to let you know, my readers, what has become of me, but to remind myself of who I used to be and how better my life is today. Who was I? I was a happy (or so I thought)...

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The Triple Orgasm

I’m here to tell you that the triple orgasm is more than just the stuff of myth and legend. My husband and I have experienced a dozen of them over our nearly three years together. And I feel confident that many more triple orgasms are in our future.For those who don’t know, a triple orgasm is when the woman’s clit and her G-spot, and the man’s cock, are all in a state of orgasm at the exact same moment. It is very rare, very precious, and not easy to achieve. But we are living proof that it can...

Straight Sex
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Triple Bitch Dare

The Thriller B's Triple Bitch Dare ( a sort of triple-dog dare ) Elizabeth Owen, Bette to her friends, had been the youngest of three Triple Dog Dare Daredevils at her high school. She was 15 years old when the trio started pulling dares and pranks. The other two, Beverley Evers and Barbara Lane, were a year or so older. Barb lived in the house just behind Bette's and Bev lived just a few blocks away. Ever since tenth grade, the three girls had become best buds and for years they giggled at...

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A Month Of Triple Penetration

A Month Of Triple Penetration Mom sat us both down and said, “Okay, here’s the deal. Your sister is almost fourteen and still a virgin. So I what I need from you is to fuck her silly for a month and don’t play favorites, she has three holes, use them all. Is that clear?” I looked up at her in total shock, then I looked at my little sister who was also in total shock. Mom said, “It’s for your own good and for your sister’s too.” She then told us to stand up and undress. I...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 17 Now It Counts

Tim’s father Raymond considered the chance to go with his son to his first football game something of a bonding opportunity. Going to the first varsity football game with his son and his son’s new best friends was like chocolate sprinkles on the desert. So Raymond and Tim with Johnnie Boynes, Mark Mazzurana, Jeff Green and Tony Parker were cruising toward Northside Stadium, home field for the Warren Warriors. Everyone was excited because they were all going to get a small taste of their first...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 20 Kick Off

Juanita didn’t exactly know what to do to get Tim ready for his first game. Her initial feelings were to make a good solid breakfast, for him to have enough energy for the game. Raymond came in for his cup of coffee and was able to confirm what she was thinking, but she was making too much food. “Honey, what are you doing? Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, cinnamon rolls. Good God, dear, we’ll never be able to finish all this off,” Raymond was rubbing her shoulders from...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 29 Unexpected Opportunities

His smile was wide as he made his way down the hall to his room. He heard his mother showering and going through her processes for bed. His dad just gave a halfhearted hello as he walked past their bedroom door. His dad was busy watching TV. Tim turned on the overhead light as he entered his room and immediately closed and locked the door. He quickly blew a kiss to Cindy on the wall, sat down at the desk, and was taking off his shoes when his mom knocked. Tim unlocked the door. “Hey, I...

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MayhemChapter 4

I didn't stay long at the party ― it was their party, not mine ― and hiked back up to the flying bridge. I sat there for a while and burned one while thoughts flew through my head. What had I gotten myself in for? Was it more than a little flirting? (Okay, I knew it was more than just flirting, but how much more?) The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn't want it to stop no matter where it led. The weather guessers were right about the front coming in, for once. By 0100 it was...

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MayhemChapter 8

Top came back a little over an hour later grinning like a mad fiend at the same time Weird surfaced from his daze. "The East Bay warehouses," Top announced triumphantly. "That checks," Weird nodded. "The first tracker on her limo stopped transmitting about midnight, just about the time she was supposed to have left the party. The second one didn't stop until they got right here." He placed his finger on a map of the Bay area. It was an area just west of East Bay. At one time there...

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MayhemChapter 9

We couldn't tell how closely they had been watching Tink's house or even if they were so we didn't head straight there. I'm sure it would have been safe enough but I didn't want to take even the small chance of getting into a firefight. Besides I had no desire to see Cynthia right then and Tink didn't want to go back home just yet. Tink did call her to briefly say she was okay and would be home soon. Luckily I had to only hear half of that conversation. "I'm fine, Mom," Tink said...

4 years ago
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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 4

- Daniel- Okay, I knew the Xanadu was big but until you look down at it from a few thousand meters you can't really know just how fucking big it really is! Sure I know the specs and you can look them up yourself if you want to: 1,450 meters in length, 524 meters wide, displaces about 180,000 tonnes and carries up to 20,000 passengers with a crew of almost 3,000. That's not a ship, it's a small floating island! We got a good look at it as we flew out to meet it on the shuttle. Of course...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 5

-Sumalee- I was happier than I probably should have been when Daniel walked into my lounge again the next day and sat down at the bar. I could not tell you exactly why I was happy he had returned but I was. I mean ... looking at him through unbiased eyes he is not particularly handsome, other than in an everyman, rugged sort of way. But he was nice and listened, laughed at my silly jokes and seemed to be enjoying talking to me for a reason other than just a ploy to separate me from my...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 7

-Sumalee- It was still dark when I woke up that first night although I could see a little in the dimness from the small amount of moonlight shining in through the window. I rubbed my cheek on the warm surface I was sprawled on and smiled when I was rewarded by the scratchy roughness of Daniel's chest hairs. I hadn't moved a centimeter from where I had fallen asleep and neither had he. I was still face down on his chest as he lay on his back. He was not snoring but I could hear and feel the...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 8

-Mr. Black- "Do you have the vest made up?" Black asked as Green frowned at him. "Yeah, sort of," Green replied. Before Black could ask the obvious question he continued. "The gel is setting up and will be ready at the same time everything else is. It'll go off; no problem. No, the problem is the detonator; actually the remote activator for the detonator. This wasn't exactly in the mission plans so we didn't bring that kind of equipment with us. I was able to adapt an old raghead...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 15

-Sumalee- To say it had been an interesting evening would be an understatement. The relationship Daniel has with his team would make for a lifetime study by any clinical psychologist. We met two more of them that night: the brothers Stanley and Samuel. Their reaction to Lidia and myself was fascinating. It was almost like they had known us as long as Michelle, Brian and Nathan; almost like they had shared memories. As I said, fascinating, exciting and just a little intimidating. Not that...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 33 A Man of Wealth and Taste

A Man of Wealth and Taste Raymond Murphy had trouble keeping the smile off his face. His son Tim was going on and on about how cool it was being on the sidelines for the varsity football win against the Clark Cougars. The first half of football featured an unsure Roosevelt team going up against a Clark team who, though good, was not up to their usual standards and was going to have a down year. Roosevelt was not expected to make the playoffs. “I’m telling you, Dad, Frank Robinson looked...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 39 Control Alt Delete

Leonard Huffnagle was having a lot of trouble looking for dirt on Tim Murphy from San Antonio Roosevelt High School. The only tangible thing he was able to confirm was that Tim had gifted the Trojan iPad, given by Coach Andrew Thomas of IMG Academy, to his little sister, Carmen. IMG was known for recruiting the best high school football players from across the country and giving them highly specialized coaching to better prepare them for college football. Kids graduating from IMG often...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 45 Proper Motivation

Rodney Valentine’s throat was sore from his screaming. His knuckles were scratched and bruised from pounding on that poor, unsuspecting asshole who didn’t know any better. Rodney was especially pissed because no one could figure out why he was so pissed off in the first place. Valentine and his posse of teammates arrived at the house party a little bit later than everyone else, as usual. It was an unwritten rule that the host of the party would have the game highlights from that weekend’s...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 49 Onyx

Tim, Troy, Rob, Frank, and Jeff were quiet most of the way on the drive to the address included with their multi-colored cards found in their lockers after the beating the Rough Riders had given to the Johnson Jaguars. The five young men crammed into Jeff’s GTO were mostly quiet, daydreaming about the story Troy had told them. “I think I know what this is. You guys feel like having an experience?” Troy asked with a strange, tilted smile. “My dad told me a story that he said I could never...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 51 A Messy Situation

A Messy Situation Once Tim Murphy closed his bedroom door and turned on the bedroom lamp, he blew a quick kiss to his one-and-only Cindy, taped up on the wall, and collapsed on the bed with the biggest smile of his life. Tim was quietly reliving what had happened to him after the game. When he laughed to himself, he realized he didn’t even think about the game when the great time he had that night ran through his mind. The quiet knock on the bedroom door alerted him to the here and now. The...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 63 Is It Better To Be Lucky or Good

Tim Murphy and the nanites in his body had already written the two reports – one for his English class and the other for his US History class. It was just a matter of typing and formatting the report in the proper sets. All in all, the two assignments only took a few minutes to type, save, and email to their respective teachers. When he sent his English paper, he had a flash of remembrance of his short relationship with his English teacher, Julianne Holmes, considered one of the hot teachers...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 64 Itrsquos Just a Party What Could Happen

The week of practice started with a few announcements from Big John on Monday morning. Big John had canceled morning practice with a sign written on the giant dry erase board along the long wall in the locker room. He didn’t cancel all practice, but it would be just no helmets or pads. That meant a full hour of lifting weights rather than working out on the practice fields in full pads – a day off for sure. Before practice would have typically begun, the Roosevelt football teams met in the...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 69 Sounds Good to Me

Going into downtown San Antonio for evening dinner was rare for the Murphy family. Of course, they went out to dinner occasionally but not very far from their neighborhood. Raymond had ordered the women in his life to a day of indulgence at their favorite beauty spa to get pampered and eventually have their makeup done. While the womenfolk were enjoying their day of pampering, the men folk went to fill a glaring hole in the younger Murphy man’s life: the lack of a nice suit. Tim had never...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 70 Dinner and a Show

As they did so often, the Murphy family sang along with the music on the radio. The Murphy parents both enjoyed all genres and encouraged their children to listen to all types of music. Juanita had her favorites and listened to them with the specialized music channels through the cable provider. She preferred the popular hits from the 1980s and 1990s, while Raymond also preferred that and rock music from the 1970s. The patriarch of the family steered into a parking lot nearby the...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 4

The next day was moving day. I've heard how being out on tour with an entertainer can seem a little like riding a tornado without a safety belt but you couldn't tell that by me. I've heard how some tours play twenty cities in twenty days but that isn't how things are done in Ireland. Time seems less important and venues aren't always open when you want them to be. We were doing 25 shows in three months and that included a two-week break in the middle to "relax." Not exactly an arduous...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 5

The next few weeks were just plain work. It probably seems like touring with a popular band would be great fun and endless adventure but mostly it was a lot like combat: endless hours of boredom interrupted by moments of shear terror. Well, terror is probably a bit of an overstatement, maybe agitation and concern would be more appropriate. Anytime the girls were heading into a large crowd there was a concern; happily we hadn't had anything like the clusterfuck we'd seen in Clonakilty but...

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Sex with the Triple A man

Couldn't get my car started this morning so I gave Triple A a call. They said they'd have someone out here in about an hour. I figured I'd go in side and kill some time. Hoped on here and started playing with my cock. I figured since I had an hour I could edge a few times and have some fun with it. Sure enough the first time I'm about to cum, I hold back, and right as I'm ready to start again I get a call saying that my guy was outside. Since it's starting to get hot out, I was only wearing gym...

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Triple Trouble

Looking back at it now, I can clearly see that all the basic signs were there. I hadn't recognized them for what they were. It was only when the miracles started to occur that I knew something was up. The first 'event' happened just after our third anniversary. I totally missed it at the time, but later on when I had reason to revisit it with the crystal clear clarity of 20/20 hindsight. It came around and smacked me in the head hard. What caused all of this? What single event led to my...

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Double Trouble

DOUBLE TROUBLEOur protagonists:Lori Devalle (her lover, and loving tormenter, was Josh Allen) a month shy of her 22nd birthday, was 5’7? tall and weighed about 130 pounds.  With flashing green eyes and high cheekbones, she had long, lustrous coal black hair, and a figure many women would kill for:1) a beautiful set of boobs, very upright and erect, measuring 36? with a C/D cup – 2) thanks to many hours in restrictive corsets and waist training, she measured just over 24? around her middle – 3)...

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TRIPLE-SWITCH by "c.c." From the files of Roderick Masters, Ph. D. Psychic Investigator It was a comfortable office in a clean, sharp-looking building. But no amount of soft light and furniture could take away the antiseptic aura of an expensive Mental Hospital. Which this place was. The only really relaxing thing, in fact, was the fine-looking young woman seated behind the desk: Dr. Janet Silver. Her long, well-styled dark hair framed a lovely face with strong chin and cheek...

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Double Trouble V

DOUBLE TROUBLE VThe reader is strongly recommended to read the previous chapters in the DOUBLE TROUBLE series for background to the following narrative.CHAPTER IJosh and Tito had gone to a ballgame that Saturday afternoon; Lori didn’t know where Alexis was.  Lori hadn’t exercised her love of self-bondage in quite some time; Josh usually ‘helped her out’.  With a full afternoon ahead of her, Lori decided that now would be a great time to tie herself up and tease herself.She didn’t bother with...

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Double Trouble II

DOUBLE TROUBLE IICHAPTER ILori Lavalle was a luscious package; barely 22 years old; she had a 36 C/D bosom, her breasts firm and round, with 37? hips, a terrific bubble ass and, thanks to her penchant for wearing tight corsets, a waist that barely measured 24? around.  At 5’ 7? and 130 pounds, long lustrous black hair, with startling green eyes and high cheekbones, she was as innocent-sexy as could be.  Especially when she wore the long, snugged-up-to-pussy sheer lycra stockings, almost always...

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Double Trouble III

DOUBLE TROUBLE IIIThe reader is strongly recommended to read the DOUBLE TROUBLE series for background to the following narrative.CHAPTER IThe front door chimes dragged Josh away from his washing of the morning dishes.  Lori had left for an appointment just a few minutes earlier to get her hair done, and wouldn’t be back until the afternoon.  Drying his hands and picking up his coffee, Josh went to the front door to see who was calling at 8:30 in the morning.  He was somewhat surprised to see...

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