Mayhem 4: Irish MistChapter 10 free porn video

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Okay, think of the most embarrassing situation you've ever been in and then compare it to our coming down to breakfast the next morning. Not only were we eating with one of my wives/girlfriend's mother and father but the other's aunt and uncle. I'll admit they were pretty casual about the whole thing. Mostly Seamas stared down at his plate mumbling about this or that while Betty flittered about the kitchen giving us looks like — well, I don't know what kind of looks she was giving us; those inscrutable Chinese. At least Seamas had some kind of reaction I just couldn't figure out whether it was revulsion, anger or if he was just laughing at us.

They had to have talked it out between the two of them beforehand because what we were doing practically invited some kind of comment. Well the girls anyway. I mean Leanne was chatting like there was no stopping her, plopping down in my lap and nuzzling my neck and generally doing everything short of stripping us down and demanding I fuck her right there on the table. If anything Niamh was worse. She had to be touching me all the time. No, I don't mean she grabbed my dick or anything like that. It was more along the lines of if we were sitting down she had to have a hand on my leg or arm; if we were standing she was right next to me with an arm around my waist or playing with my hair. It was embarrassing but I'm not going to lie and say the attention didn't make me feel good.

Then there were the looks and the heavy sighs; you'd of thought they were a couple of teenaged girls going out with their first crush. Niamh had this dreamy, glazed-eyes kind of look while Leanne's was more of the feral, cat-going-crazy sort of thing. Actually by the end of breakfast I was pretty sure Seamas was laughing at me ― not at us, at me.

I will say it calmed down after that, though. The next week and a half were comparatively quiet with only a few exceptions. Most days, starting at 10:00, they had scheduled practice secessions just to keep their edge for the rest of the tour. They'd all meet in the studio about a half an hour early to warm up or do whatever it is they do. Not being a musician, I couldn't really tell you. I sat back in the control booth, usually with Mac and Faolain when they came in. Rachael usually didn't grace us with her presences until about 1130 but I guess that was pretty standard since the other girls were working on instrumental things until then anyway. Honestly I didn't even bother to listen most of the time. Most of it was working on particular parts of songs and the repetition of these small sound bits is a little disconcerting to us non-professionals who just like to listen to music.

I got caught up on a lot of reading about the political situation back home which did nothing good for my blood pressure. This had been a classic case of ignorance being bliss and for a long while I had been a relatively happy fellow. I was quickly becoming thoroughly pissed off at my own government; especially concerning the treatment of the widow(er)s and orphans. The support they had been receiving had been dwindling steadily over the past few years and now it looked like it was going to disappear altogether. Made me damn glad my pension was going directly into a fund that would help them out.

Veterans themselves were coming under pressure also but not so directly. There were little things like a bill that would tie pensions received to the number of years in actual combat, something that would have reduced a lot of pensions and not increased any that I could see. There were also growing rumblings about rescinding the blanket firearms carry exemption veterans have; that remained mostly rumblings primarily due to a four-day "Show of Solidarity" the VBS sponsored in New Washington that shut the place down completely. There were a number of calls for the NWPD to "clear the streets," mostly in the form of prerecorded messages from legislators who just happened to be back in their home districts during the demonstration. The NWPD police chief caught some real heat but I gave him high marks for intelligence when he announced he had no intention of interfering with a constitutionally protected right of protest so long as everything remained peaceful. Intelligent, I say, because it was a sure thing that almost every one of the swinging dicks and bouncing boobies involved in that demonstration were armed to the teeth and outnumbered the cops by at least ten to one.

There was no particular need for all three of us to sit in there all the time since we still had the spy-eyes set up so we had plenty of time to wander around if we wanted. Reactions to Rachael's and my somewhat less-than-traditional romantic entanglements were widely varied but generally low key. Of course Niamh, Leanne and I never made the public pronouncement that Rachael did but you'd have had to be an absolute lunatic to think everyone didn't know about Niamh spending the night by breakfast the next morning. Family opinion seemed to be split on it. The men ― and I included not only the fathers but brothers and cousins as well ― were pretty much universally confused and befuddled by the entire situation which pretty much summed up the state I was in so it was practically unanimous. The only reason I couldn't say for sure it was unanimous was because I didn't know what was going on in the Ranger brains of Mac and Faolain. They never told me and I never asked.

The women however were splintered into many different groups. There were the mothers with a contradictory disapproval/tolerance/cautious optimism response to it all. They probably thought it was just a phase we were all going through and they weren't going to interfere unless they thought it was getting out of hand. Then there were the girl cousins. I think the youngest of this generation was sixteen so they were all old enough to know what was going on. They of course thought it was sooooo romantic and pestered the shit out of all of us. There was a smattering of women who had married one of the cousins and lived there at the compound; their opinion was mostly just flat out disapproval. I never did figure out whether it was jealousy for Rachael having two guys. Rachael was never particularly well liked by them which came as no real surprise, or the unfairness of two girls having to share one guy that bothered them. Maybe it was all of it in general but truthfully I never bothered to find out. Aileen declared it all disgusting and went back to school where she could ensure her bevy of suitors would pay attention to what was really important: her.

The teasing was intense from all the above categories except of courses Aileen and the married cousins-in-law but the worst by far was Eimile and Shauna. For being perpetrators of "scandalous acts" themselves they felt no obligation not to bring my situation up in just about any social context imaginable. For the most part I was their main target; Leanne would just laugh and tell them they were jealous while Niamh would just give them a dreamy smile and look over at me.

Me they would climb all over like a jungle-gym in a kindergarten class. They would rub all over me, tickle, ask if certain parts were still operational after heavy use and tell me I looked soooo very tired. They were scolded more than once or twice by the mothers for inappropriate behavior to no avail and I had to swat their bottoms a few times myself with about the same results except it did make me feel better for a short while. Funny, the few times I did that I received approving glances from the mothers in the area.

Leanne reacted with mostly bemused tolerance; sort of like the alpha she-wolf watching a pair of pack puppies worrying her mate; every once in a while she'd snap at them and they'd scurry away for a few minutes but that was about as far as it would go. Niamh never said anything and for the most part ignored them. However if she decided she needed my attention she'd get it. Once while we were watching a movie ― yes, we still did that a lot at night ― one of the twins was sitting in my lap trying to annoy me by nibbling on my neck ― Eimile I think ― Niamh marched over and unceremoniously dumped her onto the floor and plopped herself down. The dumpee squawked for a second but climbed right back up next to me and continued watching the movie as if nothing had happened.

Of course if any of the other unmarried girl cousins tried to even get close you'd think they were trying to steal the last bone from a pack of starving Rottweilers. I think Shauna actually growled once. It was all very weird.

Other than that everything went pretty smoothly. We didn't stay out at the homestead all the time. We did go into the village twice, mostly for the afternoons as a group including Rachael. She enjoyed meeting people and loved being fawned over as a local celebrity. Since there were only three of us, Caoimh didn't join us until the second week when his tour of the remaining venues with the lovely Valeria was completed, I wanted the girls together as much as possible when we were out in public.

I'm not from a small town but I've heard gossip is the life's blood of a close-knit community. Certainly everyone we ran into knew everything there was to know about Niamh and Tom Callahan and some of it was even true. Somehow they even knew about Niamh, Leanne and myself. The consensus among the men seemed to be: sure, Tom was a lying, cheating, douche-bag, asshole-eating, wife-beating, scum-tongued bastard. But was that any reason to divorce him? As for me I was that "interfering Yank," but that opinion was kept to themselves for the most part while I was around; around their women folk also come to think about it. Somehow one of the recordings from the whole fiasco had been leaked onto the net and I guess they'd been simply appalled that such a little feller had taken one of their local boys apart so easily. That leaked recording caused a few other problems but I'll get to that later.

The women were evenly divided: half thought I should have castrated Tom and "fed 'im 'es plums fer a pudding," while the other half thought I should have skinned him alive and made a lampshade out of his hide. They were split again over Niamh; half thought she was perfectly righteous in divorcing the cad although striking up with another fella before the split was final was a little soon. The other half wondered if maybe Tom had learned his lesson and shouldn't be given another chance. Note that even this half was entirely comprised of those in the first two categories: the skinning or de-plumming groups. Yeah, I didn't get it either.

The obvious fact that Leanne, Niamh and I were in some way a threesome was a delightful scandal for everybody! How would they know, you ask? Gee, I don't know; maybe it was the way both of them hung on my arms pretty much all the time. Or it could have been the kisses they demanded frequently regardless of the company or place we happened to be at the time. It could have been anything; maybe they just guessed. I will say in this particular instance Rachael was actually much more circumspect than my two ladies and that tells you just how demonstrative they could be in public.

Naturally the newies, scuzzies and every scandal site on the net went absolutely nuts. In most parts of the world, especially where I was from, two guys and a girl or two girls and one guy hardly rate any airtime unless it's a really big-name celebrity or some other juicy dirt was associated with it. I'm not saying it's common but it isn't uncommon either if you know what I mean; it's not a big deal. But in Ireland right then ... Well, with these girls it was a big deal. Ireland was just coming out of one of its more conservative cycles and to discover that two of their precious band members had taken up with the same man ... Shocking! Simply shocking!

I found out when Caoimh came back that Camberge almost piddled his pants, he was so happy. They'd negotiated a number of larger venues after the aborted kidnapping incident and now with a sex scandal they were selling out almost faster than they could print tickets. Of course it didn't hurt that idiot groups like Mother's for Decency or Dad's against Debauchery or some such nonsense were threatening to protest outside the concerts ... Well, I've heard that even after the sellouts the resale price of tickets doubled and sometimes tripled. I wondered if Camberge was secretly funding these fringe groups...

I haven't talked much about the newies or the scuzzies for that matter. They've always been there, taking pictures, making recordings, shouting questions. The girls had been getting to be better known even before the tour so we had our own little contingent following us around. For the most part we ignored them and let them do whatever they wanted outside our perimeter. The first couple of times they tried to get too close convinced them we weren't fucking around and unless they wanted damaged equipment or bodies, they had to play by our rules. The rules were pretty simple and I explained it to them one night over a beer. Rule one: Don't touch the girls. Rule two: Don't get between the girls and their security. Rule three: Stay out of their hotels, dressing rooms or vehicles. Follow these rules and it will be up to the girls how much they want to talk to you or don't talk to you. Break the rules and I'll break anything and anybody I can get my hands on. Rule four: If I find spy-eyes, listening devices or trackers on any of the girls or anything that's associated with them I was going to buy a distorter that would fry every piece of electrical equipment they owned unless it was military grade which was illegal for civilians.

I laid it out for them and said I didn't care how many pictures they took or how many questions they shouted. I was the girl's protection and not their handler; they decided who they talked to and what they said. These guys and gals were doing their job just like I was. I thought it was a pretty crummy job but so is shoveling shit on a chicken farm; everybody's got to eat.

For the most part they toed the line. The got their pictures, outrageous comments from Rachael and everything was fine and dandy. After all, the girls were minor celebs at best and, other than being pretty and talented, not particularly interesting as far as scandal-mongers go. I'm not sure if they all decided to take a vacation while the girls were on break or not but as soon as the recording of the Tom Callahan incident hit the net that was all pretty much history.

I never did find out exactly how it got there. It could have been from the copy the cops took or it could have been one of the Geallaigh kids sending a copy to one of his or her friends. I tend to think it was the cops, although one of the kids could have done it innocently enough. Why not the Geallaighs? Simple: Not a single word ever got out about the Sean/Eimile incident or about Eimile and Shauna's relationship. Why? Because that was family business and Geallaigh don't talk about family business to anyone but family. The mommas wouldn't allow it and I'm sorry to burst your big he-man, macho, hairy-chested bubbles out there fellas, but what the mommas say goes and what the papas say goes right out the window. I don't know about the rest of Irish society but in the Geallaigh clan the boys have the name but the girls have the power.

All it took was one dickhead hitting his wife and her bodyguard doing his job and all hell breaks loose. Well, the kiss Niamh gave me didn't help; neither did Leanne jumping into my arms afterwards. Suddenly we were big celeb news everywhere. Well, probably not everywhere; I doubt we'd even be much more than filler material in the States and who the fuck knows or cares what's going on in Europe but in Ireland ... Jesus T. Christ, don't these people have anything better to do? Apparently not because it seemed like the three of us had our mugs permanently plastered all over every scandal/gossip site that catered to Irish nosiness ... It was a fucking nightmare! Well it was to me anyway.

Not so it would appear to the other two principals in this demented drama. Leanne thought it was hilarious and made copies of every ridiculous bit of nonsense those talking sewers made up and spewed over the net. "IRISH MIST LASSES SEDUCE BODYGUARD!" "DRUMMER DUMPS HUBBY AND MOVES IN ON LEANNE'S MAN!" "IRISH MIST KEYBORDEST PREGNANT WITH TRIPLETS WHILE COUSIN THREATENS SUICIDE!" (Okay, maybe the first two were kind of accurate, taken out of context but the third ... Naturally Leanne didn't help matters when she borrowed one of her aunts old maternity dresses and walked around the place stuffed with about four or five pillows. She looked like a beach ball with arms and legs. The only one not laughing at her was Niamh but I'll get to that later since it didn't happen until we were about to resume the tour. Other than that little crisis Niamh didn't pay any attention to it at all.) The twins pouted and complained that they weren't included in my burgeoning harem and vowed to do something about that inequity. That riled the mommas up and the discussions held behind closed doors about that are best left there; mostly because I and every other male with more than half a brain ran away from it as fast as we could. I found out being big doesn't necessarily mean you're slow and I had to push myself to keep from getting trampled by the running of the bulls.

It was mortifying and whatever professional credibility I had left was flushed right down the toilet. It was a good thing my two ladies had steady employment because I was expecting to get canned any day. Security was supposed to protect their principals, not become part of their story! Turns out I needn't have worried; Camberge thought it was the best thing since sliced bread and couldn't have been happier. This business is really bizarre.

I could talk about the fun the Geallaigh men had dissuading more than a few of the more aggressive scuzzies who were under the impression they were exempt from the "No Trespass" rule but I won't. Let's leave it that the Geallaigh boys concept of "fun" and that of the bottom-feeding muckrakers were probably not the same. I will mention that Mac, Faolain and I had a wonderful time using the floaters someone tried to sneak into the Geallaigh homestead for target practice. If you don't know a floater is a civilian version of the mini-reconnaissance drones we used to use back in the war. Theirs only had video and audio, I think, and were much less capable than the ones we had. They also aren't hardened against 5mm projectiles as half a rubbish bin of them attested. Turns out with only slight reprogramming our surveillance gear could pick up their controller emissions and we could pinpoint them as they tried to sneak up on us. I guess we scrapped about half a million New Dollars worth of the pesky things before they stopped sending them. Funny, we never heard any complaints about that but then they're illegal as hell in Ireland especially on private property.

They are good for impressing the womenfolk, though, and beat the hell out of a static range for tuning up your marksmanship. Those little buggers are a challenge to hit on the fly with just a pistol even if they don't move all that fast. It was the most fun I'd had with my clothes on in a long time ― well worth the inevitable squabbles over who actually got this one or that one.

What I will talk about is the interesting meeting I had with Brigadier Clemson.

My meeting with the brigadier was set for about halfway through the break period; unfortunately after the nonsense with the scandal sites began. I was sure we, the Geallaigh homes and the girls in particular, were under constant surveillance by the scuzzies which was actually good and bad. It was without a doubt a pain in the ass and embarrassing as hell but it also had to make our unknown assailants out there think twice before they try a snatch and grab with half the world watching.

But then I wasn't overly happy about the thought of them following me to my meeting with Monty. We I should say. In no uncertain terms I was informed I was not going alone. Leanne was going and of course so was Niamh, the twins invited themselves and when it looked like I was going to have to bring Faolain to help Caoimh (he was back by then) and I cover the four of them, Rachael also invited herself which meant Mac was going ... I was counting on Clemson not being able or willing to handle that many guests but good old Morty shot the crap out of that forlorn hope; he was of course delighted to have all the ladies and their escorts as guests. Out of spite I called Magaoidh and invited him and his wife to join us since they were only a few klicks away.

We loaded up the bus with however many of the Geallaighs wanted to take a ride on a real live tour bus (I suppose if you've never had to ride one day after day it could be exciting) and sent them out as a decoy about half an hour before us. We left in two of the Geallaigh's cars and it must have worked because I never saw anybody following us and nothing about the meeting was publicized.

The brigadier's hunting lodge looked a lot more like a small mansion to me but I guess it's all what you're used to. Monty had enough staff to run a regiment and if every single one of them weren't ex- or even active duty army I'd have eaten my other boot. In addition to the five SAS hovering around, there must have been a dozen or so more flittering around doing what looked remarkably like HQ staff work. My boys and the SAS guys started right away giving each other the hairy eyeball and I had to pull back on their choke chains before the whole mess of them got into it. My rangers are hard men and I'm proud to have them at my back but those SAS guys are nasty, tough motherfuckers and I didn't want my boys getting hurt trying to see whose dick was the biggest.

Monty was the epitome of the gracious host and put on quite a spread for dinner. He regaled the ladies with old war stories embarrassing the crap out of me recounting the entire attack on his HQ. I'll admit what he told them was all true and for the most part unembellished but I never considered what I did heroic; most of it was necessary and the parts that weren't were mostly stupidity and the exuberance of youth. He did it to embarrass me and it worked; he has a nasty sense of humor.

He also seemed to find certain reactions from my ladies extremely funny. A full half of his staff was female and quite good looking at that. Now them having been, or still being, military and my having worked under the brigadier just as they were doing it's natural that one or two of them might want to talk to me about old times or this and that. Every time one of them came close to me those four girls would close in like they were Secret Service and I was the president under sniper fire. Oh yeah they'd let them inside the circle all right but there were no private discussions allowed; that's for sure. Not that I cared a whole lot, I had nothing to hide but it was painfully obvious what was happening and embarrassing as hell. He'd never admit it, but I know that after the first time Clemson pointed a couple of his more attractive staff my way just to see the girls' reaction. I told you he has a mean and nasty sense of humor.

After the meal and ensuing fun and games it was time for business and I was quietly asked to join the brigadier in his study along with Magaoidh. There was a minor rebellion when I tried to slip away; Leanne was having none of it and Niamh only wanted to stay by my side; I think the twins just wanted to see what kind of trouble I could get into and help it along anyway they could. Naturally I put my foot down firmly and let them know this was how it was going to be.

Like hell I did! What planet are you from? I'm betting you must have just started reading this halfway through thinking you'd skip the boring parts. If you've been following along so far you realize probably as much as I do that unless there is somebody shooting at us I have absolutely no control over these women whatsoever. Leanne just narrows her eyes until there are no whites visible, just two coal black orbs staring at me, I call this her demon-eyes and Niamh scrunches in tighter to my side until I doubt a vibro-blade could separate us. Eimile and Shauna start yipping and nagging in stereo about who died and made me God and how there'll be a snowball fight in Hades before I'll tell them where they can and can't go ... You get the picture right? If not I'll send you a copy of the vid; I'll keep the t-shirt.

I had two saviors, one likely and the other surprising. The expected one was Brigadier Clemson who arrived on his white horse armed with a smirk that I would have loved to wipe off his smug general staff face, SAS bodyguards be damned. Apart from thoroughly enjoying my inability to control four young civilian females I'll give him credit for being willing to enter the fray against a highly volatile, fanatical foe for whom the words surrender and compromise are just entries in the dictionary.

"Ladies," he interjected suavely, "would it be possible for me to borrow Major Leforge for a few moments?"

"No, not without us," Leanne answered stubbornly. "We'll not be having him getting himself in trouble without proper guidance." Niamh just squirmed in tighter until I'm sure we could have worn the same shirt.

"I assure you it won't be anything illegal," he chuckled. "We won't be talking treason tonight. But I suppose since all of you are members of the VBS it wouldn't hurt to have you sit in." Leanne's face knotted up in a frown.

"The Veteran's Benevolent Society," I added helpfully as she turned that frown on me. "They're the ones who asked me to introduce us to the General and his colleagues."

"Ah remember very well and ya know very well we're not members of yer group," she snapped. Then she brought out the nuclear weapons. She looked up at me and her eyes got as big as saucers; I could see the glistening of tears and her lip quivered. "Ya don't trust us do ya, Martin?" she sniffed. I knew she was playing me and still my insides crumbled.

"Leanne, of course I trust..." I started before I was interrupted by my surprising benefactor.

"What's all this now?" It was Holly Magaoidh, Colour Sergeant Magaoidh's wife. "Yer doing it all wrong, dearie," she scoffed and hooked one arm in Leanne's and Niamh's in the other. Holly Magaoidh was a small woman, a little taller than Leanne but not by much. She was a few years older than I was which still meant she had been pretty young when she married Ryan. I had met her that night for the first time and liked her immediately.

"Ya need to save the tears and quivering lip fer when it really matters. Haven't yer mothers taught ya the facts of life yet?" A slight tug and as if by magic Niamh separated from my side and she turned away from us leading two women and herding two more before her. "Ya can't use that on a man too often or they become inoculated to it. Ya have to save that fer the important things and Luv, this isn't one of them. They're going to be talking about boring regimental things and, God forbid, politics. It's not a place fer a sane person at all. Now the four of ya can overwhelm the poor thing but ya have to remember they're very fragile..." I didn't catch the rest as they moved off but it seemed the girls were about to receive a lecture on the care and feeding of their pet man. I shook my head and muttered as I turned back to Clemson.

"Rather determined set of ladies you have there, Major," Clemson said with a smile as he watched their retreating backs.

"That's one way to put it," I sighed. "If you also have a tendency to say the Arabian Peninsula gets a tad warm in the summer. I apologize General..."

"No need," he waved it off. "They are young and just feeling their place and powers. Like a boot lieutenant, what?"

"Still," I sigh. "Does every man feel as whipped as I do?"

"Absolutely not," he answered gruffly but there was a twinkle in his eye. "I for one am firmly in control of my own household and I have my wife's permission to say so." I smiled wanly as he led me to the study door. Magaoidh and a couple of the general's people were waiting there.

"If I don't get a chance, please make sure your wife knows how much I appreciate her saving me out there," I whispered to Magaoidh.

"Best you be holding yer thanks until you find out what she's been telling them, sir," he chuckled back to me as we walked into the study together. "Holly's got her own mind on how she thinks the world ought to be run and it doesn't involve women kowtowing to their men, I think you'll find." I grunted thinking Holly couldn't possibly make matters worse and just maybe she might teach them a little subtlety. It's a nice theory anyway.

Clemson walked over to a desk as one of his bodyguards pulled the doors shut from the outside leaving the general, two of his aides, Magaoidh and me inside. Clemson perched on the edge of the desk and waved for the rest of us to have a seat.

"Martin, Ryan," he nodded to us. "This is Bruce Holladay and Rebecca Brighton. Bruce was with the 255th Highlanders and is still in contact with their regimental staff. Becky was part of my logistics staff through most of our part of the war I'm sure you remember her." I hadn't at first but I recognized her now. A little older and some of the sand had shifted in her hourglass figure but I recognized her. I didn't have a lot to do with logistics when I was attached to Clemson's command other than to steal — I mean informally requisition ― what supplies I needed when I could. I nodded to her and she gave me a restrained smile in return.

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4 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 65 Party All the Time

“Damn, man,” Frank Robinson fumed as he slammed his right hand and forearm on the roof of the Ford Explorer. “Why the fuck did you do that, man?” Tim was about to slide into the passenger seat but stopped himself and stood back up to look at the driver and captain of the defensive side of the school’s varsity football team. “What are you talking about? I got a map to the real party right here,” Tim answered, a bit confused by his friends’ change in attitude. “Dude, never. Never. Never....

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 30 Friday Night Lights on a Saturday

The congratulatory pats on the back and raucous shaking from the freshman football team still in the locker room were easily heard outside the locker room where many parents and fans were waiting for the player-of-the-game to come out. Tim finished transferring his stuff from the freshman locker area into the JV locker room. Johnnie and the rest of Tim’s friends were sitting around waiting for him so they could make an appearance at the Sombrero Rosa’s across the street where many of the...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 6

-Brad & Patricia- "Well there you are," Pat said happily when she opened the door. "We were wondering when you'd show up. You're a day late and we started worrying." "Sorry," Brad said looking embarrassed. "One of my other families was having a little problem and it took me longer than I expected. Hopefully you haven't run out of anything because of my screw-up." "It wasn't a screw-up if you were helping someone," Pat admonished. "We have plenty; we just worried about...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 59 Catch 22

“So, you didn’t see anyone when you got out of the restroom?” Raymond asked his son while the two were in the front yard doing a final rinse of all the paint splashed on the family car. “No, sir. I opened the door and looked both ways, but no one was there, and a few minutes later, when I left the locker room, I also didn’t see anyone,” Tim answered but paused before continuing. “Now that I think about it, Dad. I didn’t even see the guys leave the restroom. I didn’t hear any rumors about...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 62 Finally A Challenge

The coin flip at the start of the game was interesting. The Churchill Chargers sent their entire offensive line to the fifty-yard line to meet the captains for the Roosevelt Rough Riders. The five young men were not precisely marching, but it looked as if they walked in perfect step with each other. It wasn’t with the same timing as a military march, but the center would take action, then the guards on either side would step, followed by the tackles on the outside. It was almost...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 7

We had two more concerts before the break, one in Donegal and the last in Londonderry. I had thought the girls would be nervous and a bit out of sorts but they really weren't. However the same could not be said for their security team. Wired and hot were how we looked and felt. I won't say we may have been a little bit trigger happy but our patience and restraint with assholes and obnoxious fans were nonexistent. When we were outside, Magaoidh and Caoimh walked with their hands under their...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 8

Niamh got her business done the next morning. They were only gone an hour or so; if she had been meeting a paramour it must have been a real quickie. She did look a lot more relaxed but it seemed to me to be more of a relieved relaxed than a got-your-tubes-cleaned kind of relaxed. I nodded to Faolain and he just gave me a small shrug in return. Leanne made a beeline for her cousin right after they got out of the car and I just barely caught her in time. I threatened her with a bare assed...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 11

"Wow? Is that all ya can say is 'Wow?'" Leanne demanded. "Mmm, great?" I answered. "Depending on what Niamh thinks about it, of course. Personally I'm feeling a little dizzy." I stood up and hugged Niamh to me. "I'm sorry if this hurts you or ruins your life, darling. But I can never be sorry you are the mother of my child." At first she clung to me like I was the only life preserver in the middle of the ocean still sobbing but suddenly her arms were around my neck and she was...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 12

I think I once described the twins as being sweet and pretty but you wouldn't swallow your tongue if you passed them in the street. I'm not exactly sure when that changed. Maybe they did or maybe it was just my perception of them but I can tell you right now they are a hell of a lot more than just "pretty". If they want to they can ooze sex appeal enough to make a dead man pant and sport wood. Maybe it changed when Eimile confronted her rapist and defeated him in her own mind (along with...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 16 Who Doesnt Like Mondays

There was something different in the locker room the following Monday morning before practice. Tim could almost feel it in the air as he entered. The normal early birds were already getting ready for first-period practice and, as usual, Tim was the first freshman to arrive. He was not alone for long, though. Others would begin arriving in a few minutes. After gathering his locker basket and changing into his workout shirt and shorts, Tim heard the main door to the locker room slam against...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 10

-Daniel- Waking up in a hospital isn't exactly new to me unfortunately but waking up in one with a dark-haired angel curled up by my side sure was. If you have to wake up in a place like that I heartily recommend it. I was flat on my stomach with Sumalee snuggled in next to me. They must have given me some pain meds because I didn't feel anything but if they'd laid me face down there was probably a reason so I wasn't about to roll over. However the fact that they let someone in here with...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 57 Glitter Gets Everywhere

Monday morning, the change in the emotions of the student body was palpable. While the student body usually disregarded the results of the football team’s accomplishments, school pride was evident this day. Not only was their happiness of the win over Judson wafting strongly through the halls, but the following weekend was also Homecoming. This year, the Roosevelt Rough Riders were facing the Robert E. Lee Volunteers. The student body was already making plans for celebrating the next win over...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 3

Interlude: Pat and Brad The doorbell chimed its warning and Patricia slowly made her way to the front of the house to answer it. Fucking debt collectors, she thought tiredly. Haven't they figured out you can't get blood from a stone? We already live in government housing. What the hell else do they think they can take away from us? One more month, Harold, just one more God-damned month! Patricia's husband had died almost eight years before in the last month of the war leaving behind his...

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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 2

-Tampa- "Whatever are you fretting about, Bradley?" Grace Duev asked from under her big pink floppy hat. She had pulled her sunshades down and was peering at him over the rims with her gray eyes. "Nothing, Grace," he responded while moving again in his lounger putting the lie to his answer. "Bullshit," Patricia added and Brad's eyes swerved to look at her. "You're squirming like a slug on a hot rock. What put a burr up your shorts?" "Maybe it's too hot for him," Samantha...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 9

-The VBS Widows Auxiliary, Chapter 1, First Meeting- Patricia's heels clicked on the floor as she hurried into the café. She was a little bit late but it took longer to settle her youngest, Patty, down than she had expected. There were a few tables occupied but most were singles and just a few couples. Then she spotted a table with two women and one man all of them looking at her expectedly. She moved purposefully towards them until she stood behind one of the two empty chairs. "Grace?"...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 14

-Daniel- "God-damn it good to see you, you old fart!" Antigua sighed when we finally came up for air. Or at least she did; I'm not so sure I had any say in the matter whatsoever. "It's good to see you again too, squirt," I chuckled. "I guess you want me to give him back now, don't you?" she asked somebody over my shoulder. "Sooner or later," I heard Alee laugh. "Down girl! Behave yourself," I said smacking her bottom lightly. "Well, that isn't going to do it," she...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 46 Drama with the Flow

“Hey, Hunk! How’s your day going so far?” Cindy Diefendorf, the buxom blonde ‘Queen of the School,’ asked while Tim switched books for his next classes. Because of Tim’s popularity, the many different websites devoted to Tim were continually looking for new information about their subject. Therefore, Cindy knew that, after his math class and before his English class, Tim went to his locker to exchange his math book for the bulkier English textbook. Cindy Diefendorf was leaning against the...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 53 Judson vs Roosevelt Electric Boogaloo

The mood in the locker room was euphoric. A true party atmosphere. The coaches usually spent a few minutes outside of the locker room during halftime of a game, to give the team leaders time to go over the play of their teammates. Then the coaches would come in and tell them what they saw during the first half, and then together, they would try to correct problems and plan for what to do in the second half. These were all severe concentration and serious work times for the game, even if the...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 67 A Funny Thing Happened

Monday morning. Tim could feel something in the air was ‘off’ as soon as he walked into the locker room. It was deathly quiet. Tim expected the spirits of his fellow football players to be high after the last weekend of Roosevelt football success. The JV and Freshman teams easily won their games against MacArthur, and the elation of the varsity win was still riding high if the number of requests for interviews in his email were to serve as a barometer. Tim quickly learned, though, that the...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 72 Attention Hound

“I can’t believe it. Still, no luck.” Alicia Martinez, a young reporter with KSAT-TV in San Antonio, got an early jump on the story of the year: an apparent riot broke out at a high-end, popular downtown restaurant. According to her sources, the riot was not a simple fight getting out of hand but also involved international star singer/songwriter/model/actress Olivia King and her boyfriend, YungBalla69. He was an Internet billionaire and notorious “traveling sideshow” of bad boy behavior. To...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 73 New Record Why Not

“Murphy!” yelled Big John Fontana. The Theodore Roosevelt High School’s head coach and athletic director had just blown the final whistle for Monday morning practice. “Give me a second, son.” Tim Murphy finished his conversation with his friends before turning back toward the coaches. He and the other players were returning to the locker room for showers before beginning their regular school day. “Yeah, Coach?” Tim replied with his helmet under one arm. “I got a call from my old friend...

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Kiss Me Im Irish

Kiss Me I'm Irish Belladonna Vin reconciled the numbers on the ledger in front of him before he closed the book. The day in and day out grind of managing the Pub was taking its toll on him as he rubbed his forehead. The beaten down look on Vin's face was not lost on any of his employees that crossed his path, least all of his girlfriend Monica. She had dated him since before he bought the bar from her father and began to update its image to meet the ever changing neighborhood...

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My Irish Bonus

I stared at an empty computer screen. It was hard to get back to work after a wild weekend like that. That was the wildest time I'd had since my ultra horny college days.Back then they had just super charged my balls. My doctor discovered my scrotum needed to be untwisted. After that it was like having a second puberty. I thought I had a big erection before then. Plus I would soon discover an extra bonus. My first girl friend in college didn't have much going for her in the face...

3 years ago
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My Irish Bonus

I stared at an empty computer screen. It was hard to get back to work after a wild weekend like that. That was the wildest time I’d had since my ultra horny college days. Back then they had just super charged my balls. My doctor discovered my scrotum needed to be untwisted. After that it was like having a second puberty. I thought I had a big erection before then. Plus I would soon discover an extra bonus. My first girl friend in college didn’t have much going for her in the face department....

4 years ago
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The Luck of the Irish

Before we get to the story, I just want to thank everyone for the warm welcome I've recieved as I post my backlog. I'm glad everyone has been enjoying the stories. As for this one, clearly it's not quite seasonally appropriate, but I didn't feel like waiting a whole year to post it at the appropriate time. "Come on, can't we go double or nothing on the next game?" Aaron pleaded. "A bet's a bet, buddy, and the agreement was that whoever lost would have to work the St. Paddy's...

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An Irish Girl

She stood in front of me, hitching up her flowered skirt. A pair of lavender panties slid to the floor and she stepped out of them. Her dark eyes challenged me. ‘You are trying to trade those for something again.’ ‘Maybe, but mostly I want you.’ ‘I heard you found a new guy. Someone who didn’t give you such a hard time.’ ‘I did, but he was a dud. I’m back.’ I gestured to my lap and she obediently lay down. One of my demands when we were going together was that she return to the running...

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An Irish Girl

She stood in front of me, hitching up her flowered skirt. A pair of lavender panties slid to the floor and she stepped out of them. Her dark eyes challenged me."You are trying to trade those for something again.""Maybe, but mostly I want you.""I heard you found a new guy. Someone who didn't give you such a hard time.""I did, but he was a dud. I'm back."I gestured to my lap and she obediently lay down. One of my demands when we were going together was that she return to the running form she had...

3 years ago
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My Irish Virgin Part 1

It was the first day of my summer exercise regime—three miles of early morning running in the sand and then two miles of walking it out. I had my starting point that morning and ran one and a half miles up the beach, and then completed the round trip. I was just starting my one mile walk the other way, and then would return again to the starting point. I was second string on my college soccer team, but since it came with a full scholarship, I had to pay the price to stay in shape. The rest...

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My Irish Virgin Part 1

Introduction: Sorry to take so long,Here is my new story I staggered down the beach. I was wearing shorts, no shirt and was sweating profusely, for a moment it was touch and go whether I would see last nights dinner for the second time. It was the first day of my summer exercise regimethree miles of early morning running in the sand and then two miles of walking it out. I had my starting point that morning and ran one and a half miles up the beach, and then completed the round trip. I was just...

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Irish Encounter

In 2008 I was leading an exciting double life. On the one hand I was a mild-mannered professional with a good job, house and fantastic circle of friends but on the other hand I was this sex enthused guy whose sole desire was to fuck as many sexy girls as possible. I was single, happy and did not care to get into any sort of relationship, partly because I had not found anyone serious in 4 years and I had been through some tough times in the last year. In addition, I had been unlucky in love and...

1 year ago
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Irish Bloom

Note : This story is completely fictional. It was a day like any other day and Mom had had to leave town on a business trip and of course trustingly, left me in the care of my Father. I was 12 and as daddy was not ashamed to admit and often did in front of my brother and sister, his favorite. He would call me his raven haired blue eyed beauty, with a big smile on his red flushed, Irish Catholic face; much to the rescentment of my brother Jack and my sister Pam and I often sensed, my Mother...

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Mr Irish

The day was busy as always as Shannon stood behind the reception of the Movie Heights Grand Hotel. It was getting late in the afternoon as a taxi pulled up in front of the reception and a man climbed out of it. Nothing special but the receptionist found herself unable to look away for long. He had red hair and a red beard and when he stepped into the hotel foyer, she noticed him wearing a perfectly tailored deep-green suit. “How can I help you, Sir?” she asked and smiled as he stepped up to the...

Mind Control
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Black Irish

Tiernan was black Irish, rough black Irish. When he was growing up his family had a mobile home and they were forced to move from time to time when their presence was deemed unsavoury in an area. Naturally, the kids he encountered, especially the boys, were tough and fist fights were a regular occurrence. The fights were often encouraged by the fathers who enjoyed betting on the outcomes. In this environment, the rod was never spared and kids regularly had their backsides whipped. Kiernan and...

Gay Male
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Irish Exchange Student No Longer A Virgin

My wife is from Ireland and she and I visit there every two years or so. Last time we went she befriended Kathleen a very young college freshman at Trinity College, Dublin. My wife Kim and Kathleen spent a lot of time together that summer taking pictures of old Irish cottages. About six months later. Kim told me that Kathleen called her and wanted to spend a semester in America but needed a sponsor. We had a big four bedroom house and our k**s were gone, so I said “go for it”.Two months later I...

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Luck of the Irish

OK, my girlfriend dumped me and I wasn't going to sit home another weekend with no fun. It's a long time since I've gone to a bar by myself but I coulnd't find anyone wanted to go out so I decided to take a chance. I heard of a lesbian bar not too far away and decided to go. I don't really have any party type clothes but I figured a denim skirt and a short sleeved black silk top would be appropriate.When I got to the bar it was a lot busier than I thought it would be, pretty noisey with...

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Tutoring a Girl in Irish

This story involves Domination, BDSM, face sitting, lesbians, group, etc enjoy!This little story is about me meeting a girl named Madison; she’s 19 years old. She moved to Ireland with her mother and step sister Brittany, they were from America and came here since their mother had some love problems and needed work. Madison is bisexual and single, Brittany was also bisexual but is in a lesbian relationship with her best friend Abby, and they practically lived together.She moved into my town and...

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The Irish Curse

The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part One A half dozen teenage girls were buzzing around the locker room after showering, drying their hair and hurrying to get dressed after track practice. They were stuffing backpacks, jumping into their school uniforms, and collecting everything they needed for the weekend. "Ok, girls," yelled Holly clapping her hands. "Now that everyone's dressed, don't forget anything and we'll see you on the bus at eleven." "OMG, they...

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A Little Irish Rose

It was a bit chilly this morning. Last night was still quite warm when we went to bed, so the window was wide open. I imagine it got its coldest around 4 AM, but now, at 6:30, I had to pee and that's what woke me up enough to be aware of it. I still had my personal body warmer, Susie, but my comforter had gone back into the Robinson's box and was sitting in its summer home in the attic somewhere. Thanks to global warming, I'd been able to get by for most of the week since Congress decided...

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My Wild Irish Rose

My name is Roman Anthony McMasters. Yeah, Mom went a little over the top when she named me, but my brothers and sister all got it too. My oldest brother is Achilles, my younger brother is Octavius and my sister was actually given the name Cleopatra, but she goes by Cleo, wouldn't you? Born with a name like that either makes you stronger, or gets you beat up as a kid. I grew out of the resentment, and I decided to focus on my studies. I'd often say, "You can call me Tony" right after...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 17 Now It Counts

Tim’s father Raymond considered the chance to go with his son to his first football game something of a bonding opportunity. Going to the first varsity football game with his son and his son’s new best friends was like chocolate sprinkles on the desert. So Raymond and Tim with Johnnie Boynes, Mark Mazzurana, Jeff Green and Tony Parker were cruising toward Northside Stadium, home field for the Warren Warriors. Everyone was excited because they were all going to get a small taste of their first...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 20 Kick Off

Juanita didn’t exactly know what to do to get Tim ready for his first game. Her initial feelings were to make a good solid breakfast, for him to have enough energy for the game. Raymond came in for his cup of coffee and was able to confirm what she was thinking, but she was making too much food. “Honey, what are you doing? Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, cinnamon rolls. Good God, dear, we’ll never be able to finish all this off,” Raymond was rubbing her shoulders from...

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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 5

-Brian- It had taken awhile to get Allison calmed down and it wasn't easy, let me tell ya. Christ, the poor girl was completely overwhelmed and totally shell-shocked. If I'd had my med-kit with me I'd of tranked her (For those of you not lucky enough to have needed the services of a field medic it means I'd slip her an shot of Don't-give-a-shit juice and tranquilize her.) but I didn't and as my daddy always said, "Wish in one hand, and shit in the other and guess which one fills up...

2 years ago
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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 6

-Tampa- Brad glided into the parking area outside Grace's apartment complex and thumbed off the power. As much as he loved his bike it wasn't the first time he regretted not having one of the older IC-powered two-wheelers. His baby was a blast to ride but the almost silent hydrogen-fueled power cell just wasn't the same as one of the older piston-banging throbbers. He'd heard rumors that someone was going to introduce a replica of the old Harley-Davidson line using a...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 29 Unexpected Opportunities

His smile was wide as he made his way down the hall to his room. He heard his mother showering and going through her processes for bed. His dad just gave a halfhearted hello as he walked past their bedroom door. His dad was busy watching TV. Tim turned on the overhead light as he entered his room and immediately closed and locked the door. He quickly blew a kiss to Cindy on the wall, sat down at the desk, and was taking off his shoes when his mom knocked. Tim unlocked the door. “Hey, I...

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MayhemChapter 4

I didn't stay long at the party ― it was their party, not mine ― and hiked back up to the flying bridge. I sat there for a while and burned one while thoughts flew through my head. What had I gotten myself in for? Was it more than a little flirting? (Okay, I knew it was more than just flirting, but how much more?) The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn't want it to stop no matter where it led. The weather guessers were right about the front coming in, for once. By 0100 it was...

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MayhemChapter 8

Top came back a little over an hour later grinning like a mad fiend at the same time Weird surfaced from his daze. "The East Bay warehouses," Top announced triumphantly. "That checks," Weird nodded. "The first tracker on her limo stopped transmitting about midnight, just about the time she was supposed to have left the party. The second one didn't stop until they got right here." He placed his finger on a map of the Bay area. It was an area just west of East Bay. At one time there...

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MayhemChapter 9

We couldn't tell how closely they had been watching Tink's house or even if they were so we didn't head straight there. I'm sure it would have been safe enough but I didn't want to take even the small chance of getting into a firefight. Besides I had no desire to see Cynthia right then and Tink didn't want to go back home just yet. Tink did call her to briefly say she was okay and would be home soon. Luckily I had to only hear half of that conversation. "I'm fine, Mom," Tink said...

4 years ago
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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 4

- Daniel- Okay, I knew the Xanadu was big but until you look down at it from a few thousand meters you can't really know just how fucking big it really is! Sure I know the specs and you can look them up yourself if you want to: 1,450 meters in length, 524 meters wide, displaces about 180,000 tonnes and carries up to 20,000 passengers with a crew of almost 3,000. That's not a ship, it's a small floating island! We got a good look at it as we flew out to meet it on the shuttle. Of course...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 5

-Sumalee- I was happier than I probably should have been when Daniel walked into my lounge again the next day and sat down at the bar. I could not tell you exactly why I was happy he had returned but I was. I mean ... looking at him through unbiased eyes he is not particularly handsome, other than in an everyman, rugged sort of way. But he was nice and listened, laughed at my silly jokes and seemed to be enjoying talking to me for a reason other than just a ploy to separate me from my...

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